
Defines functions read_mash_tri adapt_tsne iter_plots iterative_dist_remove min_dist_to_targets cum_dist_to_targets topGO_wrapper

Documented in adapt_tsne cum_dist_to_targets iterative_dist_remove iter_plots min_dist_to_targets read_mash_tri topGO_wrapper

#' Wrapper for TopGO - GO term enrichment analysis
#' @param myInterestingGenes A vector of genes of interest
#' @param mapping_file a two column file, first column is the gene_ID,
#'  second column is a comma delimited list of GO terms associated with that gene
#' @param ont Which GO ontology to use? options are: 'BP', 'MF', 'CC'
#' @param algor What algorithm to use? default is 'elim'
#' @param statistic what test statistic to use? default is 'Fisher'
#' @param nodeSize used to filter rare GO terms, default is 5.
#'  Rare GO terms will often show up as significant as an artifact of the test methodology
#' @param return_GOdata logical, if TRUE, the function returns a list of 2.
#'  the first is the normal results data frame, the second in the GOdata objects
#' @return Returns a dataframe tests for all GO terms in your data.
#' You need to filter based on a reasonable pvalue
#' @export
#' @examples #none yet

topGO_wrapper <- function(myInterestingGenes, #vector
                          mapping_file,       # two column file
                          algor = 'elim',

  # browser()
  geneID2GO <- readMappings(mapping_file)
  geneNames <- names(geneID2GO)

  # Get the list of genes of interest
  geneList <- factor(as.integer(geneNames %in% myInterestingGenes))
  names(geneList) <- geneNames

  #initialize topGOdata object
  GOdata <- new("topGOdata", ontology = ont, allGenes = geneList,
                annot = annFUN.gene2GO, gene2GO = geneID2GO,

  # contstruct a tibble that maps interesting genes to GO terms
  # this can add a decent amount of time to the function call...
  interesting_genes_in_GOs <-
    genesInTerm(GOdata) %>%
            value='genes_in_GO') %>%
    mutate(involved_genes=map(.x=genes_in_GO, ~ .x[.x %in% myInterestingGenes]),
           involved_genes=map_chr(.x=involved_genes, ~paste(.x, collapse = '_'))) %>%
    dplyr::select(GO.ID, involved_genes)

  # Run topGO test
  resultTopGO.elim <- runTest(GOdata, algorithm = algor, statistic = statistic )
  allRes <- GenTable(GOdata, pval = resultTopGO.elim,
                     orderBy = "pval",
                     topNodes = length(GOdata@graph@nodes), #include all nodes

  # clean up results and add in extra info
  allRes <- allRes %>%
    mutate(ont=ifelse(ont=='BP', 'Biological Process',
                      ifelse(ont=='MF', 'Molecular Function', "Cellular Component"))) %>%
    mutate(GO_aspect = ont,
           algorithm = algor,
           statistic = statistic) %>%
    dplyr::select(-ont) %>%

  if (return_GOdata == TRUE){
    return(list(allRes, GOdata))
  } else {


#' Cumulative distance to targets in a distance matrix
#' @param tmat MATRIX representation of distance matrix
#' @param pattern that defines your targets, passed to grep
#' @return returns a named vector of cumulative distance to your specified targets (for every entry)
#' @export
#' @examples #Soon
cum_dist_to_targets <- function(tmat, pattern){
  # browser()
  pat_matches <- grep(pattern, rownames(tmat))
  if (length(pat_matches) == 0){
    stop('Your pattern was not found')
  if (length(pat_matches) == 1){
    warning('Only one item matched your pattern')
    dists_to_targs <- tmat[pat_matches,]
  } else {
    dists_to_targs <- tmat[pat_matches,]
    dist_to_targets <- colSums(dists_to_targs)


#' Minimum distance to targets for each other entry in a distance matrix
#' @param tmat MATRIX representation of distance matrix
#' @param pattern that defines your targets, passed to grep
#' @return returns a named vector of minimum distance to your specified targets (for every entry)
#' @export
#' @examples #soon
min_dist_to_targets <- function(tmat, pattern){
  pat_matches <- grep(pattern, rownames(tmat))
  if (length(pat_matches) == 0){
    stop('Your pattern was not found')
  if (length(pat_matches) == 1){
    warning('Only one item matched your pattern')
    dists_to_targs <- tmat[pat_matches,]
  } else {
    dists_to_targs <- tmat[pat_matches, rownames(tmat),]
    min_dists <- apply(dists_to_targs,2,min)



#' iteratively remove objects from a distance matrix and plot at each iteration
#' @param in_dist input distance matrix, must be type dist
#' @param trymax passed to metaMDS function
#' @param iterations number of removal iterations to try
#' @param maxit passed to metaMDS function
#' @param exclusion_prob passed to quantile(), all observations with cumulative distances to targets (or total) above this quantile will be removed each iteration
#' @param parallel passed to metaMDS function
#' @param targ_pat passed to grep, defines the targets you are interested in (ones you dont want to remove).  Only used
#' for rem_type = 'cum_targ' and 'min'
#' @param rem_type one of 'total', 'cum_targ', and 'min'.  Specifies how to calculate distances for removal. total will pass cumulative distances to quantile, meaning the
#' objects with the greatest cumulative distance from all other objects will be removed first. 'cum_targ' considers cumulative distances to objects selected by your
#' targ_pat parameter, objects with greatest cumulative distances to your targets will be removed first. min considers the minimum distance to your targets, that is, the distance
#' from each object to the closest target. probably a good choice if your targets are similar to each other and you want to keep all objects that are very similar to any of your targets.
#' @param run_nmds should nmds be run?
#' @return returns a big ol list
#' @export
#' @examples #soon
iterative_dist_remove <- function(in_dist, trymax=50,
                     iterations = 20,
                     exclusion_prob = 0.95,
                     targ_pat = 'SX',
                     rem_type = 'total',
  final_results <- list()
  for (iter in 1:iterations){

    # finds outliers based on pwdists
    if (iter ==1){
      DIST <- in_dist
    } else {
      print(paste('using clean_mat from iter: ', iter -1))
      DIST <- final_results[[(iter-1)]][[3]]

    mainmat <- as.matrix(DIST)
    if (rem_type == 'min'){
      dists_to_mine <- min_dist_to_targets(tmat = mainmat, pattern=targ_pat)

    if (rem_type == 'total'){
      dists_to_mine <- rowSums(mainmat)

    if (rem_type == 'cum_targ'){
      dists_to_mine <- cum_dist_to_targets(tmat = mainmat, pattern = targ_pat)


    badones <- dists_to_mine > quantile(dists_to_mine, probs = exclusion_prob)
    remove_me <- names(badones)[badones]
    rem_cols <- which(colnames(mainmat) %in% remove_me)
    rem_rows <- which(rownames(mainmat) %in% remove_me )
    mainmat <- mainmat[-rem_rows, -rem_cols]
    clean_dist <- as.dist(mainmat)

    if (nrow(mainmat) ==0){
      print(paste('None/All your data was removed at iteration, but maybe something else is happening', iter))
      return(list(dists_to_mine, badones))
    } else{
      iter_results <- list()
      print(paste('number of genomes:', length(mainmat[1,])))

      ### tsne calc ###

      rtsne_test <- adapt_tsne(dist = DIST)

      # rtsne_test <- Rtsne(dist, is_distance = TRUE, perplexity = 30, max_iter = 2000)
      tsne_points <- as.data.frame(rtsne_test$Y)
      tsne_points$genome <- attributes(DIST)$Labels

      if (run_nmds == TRUE){
        ### NMDS calc
        NMDS <- metaMDS(DIST, trymax = trymax, autotransform = FALSE, k=2, parallel = parallel, maxit=maxit)
        nmds <- as.data.frame(NMDS$points)
        nmds$genome <- rownames(nmds)
        all_points <- merge(nmds, tsne_points, by = 'genome')
        bads <- nmds[nmds$genome %in% remove_me,]
        mine <- nmds[grep(targ_pat, nmds$genome),]

        p1 <- ggplot(nmds, aes(x=MDS1, y=MDS2)) +
          geom_point() +
          geom_point(data=bads, aes(x=MDS1, y=MDS2), color='purple') +
          geom_point(data=mine, aes(x-MDS1, y=MDS2), color='red', size=3)
          ggtitle('NMDS: purple points will be removed...') +
          theme(legend.position = 'none')

        iter_results[[2]] <- p1
      } else{
        all_points <-tsne_points

      bads <- all_points[all_points$genome %in% remove_me,]

      p2 <- all_points %>% ggplot(aes(x=V1, y=V2)) +
        geom_point() + theme(legend.position = 'none') + geom_point(data=bads, aes(x=V1, y=V2), color='purple') +
        ggtitle('TSNE: purple points will be removed...')

      # bads <- nmds[nmds$genome %in% remove_me,]
      # ggplot(nmds, aes(x=MDS1, y=MDS2, label=genome, color=serovar)) + geom_point()
      # p1 <- ggplot(nmds, aes(x=MDS1, y=MDS2)) + geom_point(data=bads, aes(x=MDS1, y=MDS2), color='purple') +
      # geom_point() + ggtitle('NMDS: purple points will be removed...') + theme(legend.position = 'none')

      #iter_results[[1]] <- nmds
      iter_results[[1]] <- all_points
      # iter_results[[2]] <- p1
      iter_results[[3]] <- clean_dist
      iter_results[[4]] <- p2
      # print(p1)

      final_results[[iter]] <- iter_results


#' plots the output of iterative_NMDS
#' @param iter_res the full list output by iterative_NMDS
#' @param iter the iteration you want to plot, should be an integer
#' @param pattern the pattern that will identify objects you are interested in, passed to grep
#' @param labels should we label things in the plots?
#' @param mysize what size do you want the points you are interested in to have?
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples #soon
iter_plots <- function(iter_res, iter, pattern, labels = TRUE, mysize = 1){

  res <- iter_res[[iter]][[1]]
  mine <- res[grep(pattern = pattern, res$genome),]
  num_match <- length(mine$genome)
  tot <- length(res$genome)

  if (labels == TRUE){
    if ('MDS1' %in% colnames(res)){
      p.nmds <- res %>% ggplot(aes(x=MDS1, y=MDS2)) + geom_point(alpha=.7) +
        geom_point(data=mine, aes(x=MDS1, y=MDS2), fill='red', size = mysize, shape=21) +
        geom_text(data=mine, aes(x=MDS1, y=MDS2, label=genome)) +
        ggtitle("NMDS", subtitle = paste('total genomes:', tot, '\ngenomes matching pattern:', num_match, sep = ' '))
    } else {p.nmds <- NULL}
    p.tsne <- res %>% ggplot(aes(x=V1, y=V2)) + geom_point(alpha=.7) +
      geom_point(data=mine, aes(x=V1, y=V2), fill='red', size = mysize, shape=21) +
      geom_text(data=mine, aes(x=V1, y=V2, label=genome), alpha=.75) +
      ggtitle("TSNE", subtitle = paste('total genomes:', tot, '\ngenomes matching pattern:', num_match, sep = ' '))

  } else {
    if ('MDS1' %in% colnames(res)){
      p.nmds <- res %>% ggplot(aes(x=MDS1, y=MDS2)) + geom_point(alpha=.7) +
        geom_point(data=mine, aes(x=MDS1, y=MDS2), fill='red', size = mysize, shape=21) +
        ggtitle("NMDS", subtitle = paste('total genomes:', tot, '\ngenomes matching pattern:', num_match, sep = ' '))
    }else {p.nmds <- NULL}

    p.tsne <- res %>% ggplot(aes(x=V1, y=V2)) + geom_point(alpha=.7) +
      geom_point(data=mine, aes(x=V1, y=V2), fill='red', size = mysize, shape=21) +
      ggtitle("TSNE", subtitle = paste('total genomes:', tot, '\ngenomes matching pattern:', num_match, sep = ' '))


  return(list(p.nmds, p.tsne))


#' wrapper for rtsne function that will set perplexity to 1 if an error occurs
#' @param dist input distance matrix, must be type dist
#' @return rtsne result
#' @export
#' @examples #soon
adapt_tsne <- function(dist) {
  out <- tryCatch(

      message("running Rtsne function...")
      Rtsne(dist, is_distance = TRUE, perplexity = 30, max_iter = 2000)

    error=function(cond) {
      message('error trying to run Rtsne...')
      message("Here's the original error message:\n")
      message('setting perplexity to 1')
      # Choose a return value in case of error
      Rtsne(dist, is_distance = TRUE, perplexity = 1, max_iter = 2000)
      # return(NA)
    warning=function(cond) {
      message('warning trying to run Rtsne...')
      message("Here's the original warning message:\n")
      message('setting perplexity to 1')
      # Choose a return value in case of warning
      Rtsne(dist, is_distance = TRUE, perplexity = 1, max_iter = 2000)
      # NOTE:
      # Here goes everything that should be executed at the end,
      # regardless of success or error.
      # If you want more than one expression to be executed, then you
      # need to wrap them in curly brackets ({...}); otherwise you could
      # just have written 'finally=<expression>'

#' Read in a mash output lower triangle file as a dist object
#' @param file A lower-triangle relaxed phylip distance matrix output by the mash triangle command
#' @return Returns a distance matrix of type dist
#' @export
#' @examples #comming soon
read_mash_tri <- function(file){

  x <- scan(file, what = 'character', skip = 1)   # read in as vector
  dims <- floor(sqrt(length(x) * 2))              # get dimensions
  m <- matrix(NA, dims, dims)                     # construct matrix
  m[upper.tri(m, diag = TRUE)] <- x               # fill in values from vector to upper tri
  m <- t(m)                                       # transpose to get lower tri (better way?)
  rownames(m) <- m[,1]                            # add rownames from first col
  m <- m[,-1]                                     # remove column containing rownames
  extracol <- c(rep(NA, nrow(m)-1), '0')          # construct vector for missing column
  m <- cbind(m, extracol)                         # bind missing column
  diag(m) <- 0                                    # set diagonal to zero
  colnames(m) <- rownames(m)                      # add column names
  m <- as.dist(m)                                 # coerce to dist type object
  return(m)                                       # return dist object

Jtrachsel/funfuns documentation built on Aug. 8, 2021, 7:31 p.m.