# This package will autamatically install org.Hs.eg.db,
# org.Rn.eg.db,
# org.Mm.eg.db,
# org.Sc.sgd.db,
# If you want to use different OrgDb annotation species,
# please install that annotation package and attach to your session.
# How this function works :
# 1. If there is no Univ terms ==> NA
# 2. If there are Univ terms but no DE terms ==> Do Gene_set_analysis but not
# doing classification and over-representation
# 3. If there are Univ and DE terms ==> Do Gene_set_analysis
# and classification and over-representation
GOAnalysis <- function(which.analysis,
input.TYPE.ID) {
message("\u2694\u2694 Gene Ontology Analysis \n")
if(!dir.exists(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/",
which.analysis, "/GO_analysis/"))){
dir.create(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/",
which.analysis, "/GO_analysis/"))
# get return value
DE_results <- DEGeneList(which.analysis,
if (length(DE_results) == 1) {
message("!! Less than 2 differential expressed valid kegg ID is found, ",
"can not do KEGG GO analysis!!\n\n")
} else {
GO.Ontology.list <- c("MF", "BP", "CC")
for ( i in GO.Ontology.list) {
message("\u25CF '", i, "' : \n")
#### Checking DE ####
message(" \u25CF Checking differential expression gene number ... \n")
message(" \u25CF Differential expression gene number : ",
length(DE_results), "\n")
message(" Found ENTREZID gene ID :
", paste(head(DE_results), " "), "...\n")
# Do GO classification
dir_name <- "GO_DE_Classification"
if(!dir.exists(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/",
which.analysis, "/GO_analysis/", dir_name))){
dir.create(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/",
which.analysis, "/GO_analysis/", dir_name))
if(!dir.exists(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/",
which.analysis, "/GO_analysis/",dir_name, "/", i))){
dir.create(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/",
which.analysis, "/GO_analysis/", dir_name, "/", i))
#### GO Classification ####
message(" \u25CF GO Classification ... \n")
# designed for gene classification on GO distribution
# at a specific level. "MF", "BP", "CC"
ggo <- clusterProfiler::groupGO(gene = DE_results,
keyType = "ENTREZID",
OrgDb = OrgDb.species, # variable
ont = i, # variable
level = go.level)
ggo.data.frame <- data.frame(ggo)
ggo.data.frame <- ggo.data.frame[order(as.numeric(ggo.data.frame$Count),
decreasing = TRUE),]
"@"(ggo, result) <- ggo.data.frame
# Condition 1 for GO classification ! Row number have to bigger than 1 !
if (length(row.names(ggo.data.frame)) > 0) {
if(!dir.exists(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/", which.analysis,
"/GO_analysis/", dir_name, "/", i, "/images"))){
dir.create(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/", which.analysis,
"/GO_analysis/", dir_name, "/", i, "/images"))
message(" \u25CF (\u2714) GO Classification ",
"(", i,") result found! \n")
message(" \u25CF Writing 'GO_", i,
"_Classification.csv' \n")
file = paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/", which.analysis,
"/GO_analysis/", dir_name, "/", i ,
"/GO_", i, "_Classification.csv"))
# Visualization
message(" \u25CF Plotting 'GO_", i,
"_Classification_Bar_Plot_clusterProfiler.png' \n")
barplot(ggo, drop=TRUE, showCategory=15, font.size = 7,
title = "GO Classification Bar Plot") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 15, hjust = 0.5,face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(size = 10),
axis.title.y = element_text(size = 10))
ggsave(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/", which.analysis,
"/GO_analysis/", dir_name, "/", i, "/images/",
"GO_", i, "_Classification_Bar_",
dpi = 300,
width = 7,
height = 7)
} else {
message(" \u25CF (\u26A0) No term is found.\n")
file.create(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/",
which.analysis, "/GO_analysis/", dir_name, "/", i,
# Do GO over-representation test
dir_name <- "GO_DE_Overrepresentation"
if(!dir.exists(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/",
which.analysis, "/GO_analysis/", dir_name))){
dir.create(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/",
which.analysis, "/GO_analysis/", dir_name))
if(!dir.exists(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/",
which.analysis, "/GO_analysis/",dir_name, "/", i))){
dir.create(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/",
which.analysis, "/GO_analysis/", dir_name, "/", i))
#### GO Over-representation ####
# GO over-representation test !
message(" \u25CF GO Over-representation Test ... \n")
# GO over-representation test
ego <- clusterProfiler::enrichGO(gene = DE_results,
keyType = "ENTREZID",
OrgDb = OrgDb.species, # variable
ont = i,
pAdjustMethod = "BH")
# variable : "holm", "hochberg", "hommel",
# "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none"
ego.data.frame <- data.frame(ego)
message(" \u25CF (\u2714) GO over-representation test (",
i,") enriched term found : ",
length(row.names(ego.data.frame)), "\n")
if (length(row.names(ego.data.frame)) > 0) {
if(!dir.exists(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/", which.analysis,
"/GO_analysis/", dir_name, "/", i, "/images"))){
dir.create(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/", which.analysis,
"/GO_analysis/", dir_name, "/", i, "/images"))
message(" \u25CF Writing 'GO_", i,
"_Overrepresentation.csv' \n")
file = paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/", which.analysis,
"/GO_analysis/", dir_name, "/", i,
"/GO_", i, "_Overrepresentation.csv"))
# visualization
# bar plot
message(" \u25CF Plotting 'GO_", i,
"_Overrepresentation_Bar_Plot_clusterProfiler.png' \n")
barplot(ego, showCategory=12, font.size= 7,
title = "Over-representation Bar Plot") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 15, hjust = 0.5,face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(size = 10),
axis.title.y = element_text(size = 10))
ggsave(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/", which.analysis,
"/GO_analysis/", dir_name, "/", i, "/images/GO_", i,
dpi = 300,
width = 7,
height = 7)
# dot plot
message(" \u25CF Plotting 'GO_", i,
"_Overrepresentation_Dot_Plot_clusterProfiler.png' \n")
clusterProfiler::dotplot(ego, font.size = 7,
title = "Over-representation Dot Plot")+
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 15, hjust = 0.5,face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(size = 10),
axis.title.y = element_text(size = 10))
ggsave(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/", which.analysis,
"/GO_analysis/", dir_name, "/", i, "/images/GO_", i,
dpi = 300,
width = 7,
height = 7)
} else {
message(" \u25CF (\u26A0) No enriched term is found.\n")
file.create(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/", which.analysis,
"/GO_analysis/", dir_name, "/", i,
KEGGAnalysis <- function(which.analysis,
KEGG.organism) {
message("\u2694\u2694 Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes Analysis \n")
if(!dir.exists(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/",
which.analysis, "/KEGG_analysis/"))){
dir.create(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/",
which.analysis, "/KEGG_analysis/"))
DE_results_kegg <- KEGGDEGeneList(which.analysis,
if (length(DE_results_kegg$return.kegg.id) == 1) {
message("!! Less than 2 differential expressed valid kegg ID is found, ",
"can not do KEGG over-representation analysis!!\n\n")
} else {
#### Checking DE ####
message("\u25CF Checking differential expression gene number ... \n")
message(" \u25CF Differential expression gene number : ",
length(DE_results_kegg$return.kegg.id), "\n")
dir_name <- paste0("KEGG_DE_Overrepresentation")
if(!dir.exists(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/", which.analysis,
"/KEGG_analysis/", dir_name))){
dir.create(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/", which.analysis,
"/KEGG_analysis/", dir_name))
#### KEGG Over-representation ####
# Do KEGG over-representation test
# organism : species supported at
# 'http://www.genome.jp/kegg/catalog/org_list.html'
message("\u25CF KEGG Over-representation Test ... \n")
# KEGG Over-representation test
message(" Found kegg gene ID : ",
head(DE_results_kegg$return.kegg.id), " ...\n")
kk <- clusterProfiler::enrichKEGG(gene = DE_results_kegg$return.kegg.id,
keyType = "kegg",
organism = KEGG.organism,
pvalueCutoff = 0.05)
kk.data.frame <- data.frame(kk)
# Row size have to bigger than 0!
if (length(row.names(kk.data.frame)) > 0) {
message(" \u25CF (\u2714) KEGG ",
"over-representation test enriched term found! ",
length(row.names(kk.data.frame)), "\n")
message(" \u25CF Writing 'KEGG_Overrepresentation.csv' \n")
# All ID pathway will be plotted!
file = paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/",
which.analysis, "/KEGG_analysis/",
dir_name, "/KEGG_Overrepresentation.csv"))
# Create directory for visualization
if(!dir.exists(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/", which.analysis,
"/KEGG_analysis/", dir_name, "/images/"))){
dir.create(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/", which.analysis,
"/KEGG_analysis/", dir_name, "/images/"))
# Do visualization!!
# bar plot
message(" \u25CF Plotting 'KEGG",
"_Overrepresentation_Bar_Plot_clusterProfiler.png' \n")
barplot(kk, showCategory=12, font.size= 7,
title = "Over-representation Bar Plot") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 15, hjust = 0.5, face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(size = 10),
axis.title.y = element_text(size = 10))
ggsave(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/", which.analysis,
"/KEGG_analysis/", dir_name, "/images/KEGG",
dpi = 300,
width = 7,
height = 7)
# dot plot
message(" \u25CF Plotting 'KEGG",
"_Overrepresentation_Dot_Plot_clusterProfiler.png' \n")
clusterProfiler::dotplot(kk, font.size = 7,
title = "Over-representation Dot Plot")+
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 15, hjust = 0.5, face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(size = 10),
axis.title.y = element_text(size = 10))
ggsave(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/", which.analysis,
"/KEGG_analysis/", dir_name, "/images/KEGG",
dpi = 300,
width = 7,
height = 7)
# Visualize and create url for only top 5 !!
if (nrow(kk.data.frame) > 5) {
kk.data.frame <- kk.data.frame[1:5, ]
for ( i in kk.data.frame$ID) {
if(!dir.exists(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/", which.analysis,
"/KEGG_analysis/", dir_name, "/", i))){
dir.create(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/", which.analysis,
"/KEGG_analysis/", dir_name, "/", i))
current.path <- getwd()
# get the url from KEGG result
message(" \u25CF Finding '", i, "' KEGG URL ... \n")
KEGGUrl <- GetKEGGUrl(kk, i)
message(" \u25CF Writting 'URL_", i, "_Pathway.txt' \n")
file = paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/", which.analysis,
"/KEGG_analysis/", dir_name, "/", i,
"/URL_", i, "_Pathway.txt"))
# drawing pathway picture with 'pathway' package
pathway.dir <- paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/", which.analysis,
"/KEGG_analysis/", dir_name, "/", i,
message(" \u25CF Plotting '", i,
"' pathway by package \"pathview\" \n")
pathview::pathview(gene.data = DE_results_kegg$return.ENTREZID,
pathway.id = i,
species = KEGG.organism,
kegg.dir = pathway.dir)
} else {
message(" \u25CF (\u26A0) No over-representation term is found.\n")
file.create(paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/", which.analysis,
"/KEGG_analysis/", dir_name,
DEGeneList <- function(which.analysis,
input.TYPE.ID) {
DE.path.csv <- paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/", which.analysis,
"/", strsplit(which.analysis, "_")[[1]][1],
DE.csv <- read.csv(DE.path.csv)
# DE gene
# First filter out "." gene name
DE.csv <- DE.csv[DE.csv$gene.name != ".",]
gene_name <- as.character(DE.csv$gene.name)
#### DE ####
if (length(gene_name) == 0) {
message("No annotated gene terms are found in '",
path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/", which.analysis, "/",
strsplit(which.analysis, "_")[[1]][1],
return(return.id = NA)
} else {
gene.df.DE <- clusterProfiler::bitr(gene_name,
fromType = input.TYPE.ID,
toType = c("ENTREZID"),
OrgDb = OrgDb.species)
return.id <- gene.df.DE$ENTREZID
return.id <- return.id[!is.na(return.id)]
if (length(return.id) <= 1) {
return(return.id = NA)
} else {
return(return.id = return.id)
KEGGDEGeneList <- function(which.analysis,
KEGG.organism) {
DE.path.csv <- paste0(path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/", which.analysis,
"/", strsplit(which.analysis, "_")[[1]][1],
DE.csv <- read.csv(DE.path.csv)
# DE gene
# First filter out "." gene name
DE.csv <- DE.csv[DE.csv$gene.name != ".",]
## ==> So every gene in DE would be distinct (with the larget log2FC)
gene_name <- as.character(DE.csv$gene.name)
#### DE ####
if (length(gene_name) == 0) {
message("No annotated gene terms are found in '",
path.prefix, "RNASeq_results/", which.analysis, "/",
strsplit(which.analysis, "_")[[1]][1],
return(list(return.kegg.id = NA,
return.ENTREZID = NA))
} else {
# IDs conversion
gene.df.DE <- clusterProfiler::bitr(gene_name,
fromType = input.TYPE.ID,
toType = c("UNIPROT", "ENTREZID"),
OrgDb = OrgDb.species)
return.ENTREZID <- gene.df.DE$ENTREZID
return.ENTREZID <- return.ENTREZID[!is.na(return.ENTREZID)]
# It is ok if gene.df.DE is NA~~
gene.df.DE.KEGG <- clusterProfiler::bitr_kegg(gene.df.DE$UNIPROT,
fromType = "uniprot",
toType = "kegg",
organism = KEGG.organism)
return.kegg.id <- gene.df.DE.KEGG$kegg
return.kegg.id <- return.kegg.id[!is.na(return.kegg.id)]
if (length(return.kegg.id) <= 1) {
return(list(return.kegg.id = NA,
return.ENTREZID = NA))
} else {
return(list(return.kegg.id = return.kegg.id,
return.ENTREZID = return.ENTREZID))
GetKEGGUrl <- function(x, pathID) {
url <- paste0("http://www.kegg.jp/kegg-bin/show_pathway?",
pathID, '/', x[pathID, "geneID"])
CheckGoLevel <- function(go.level) {
whether.integer <- go.level%%1 == 0
message("\u25CF Checking 'go.level' value : ", go.level, "\n")
if (whether.integer) {
message("(\u2714) 'go.level' is integer! Valid\n\n")
} else {
message("(\u2718) 'go.level' is not integer!\n\n")
stop("'go.level' not integer ERROR")
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