
Defines functions TS_key_dmt

Documented in TS_key_dmt

#' "Local trigonometric" samples based on cosine-functions
#' @description The \code{TS_key_dmt}-function can create a sample
#'     where different trigonometric functions live at separate
#'     levels.  The purpose of this function is to provide examples
#'     that can be used to sanity test the code used to inspect the
#'     local Gaussian spectral densities.
#' @note This internal function has been added to the
#'     \code{TS_families}-list, and its arguments should thus be given
#'     to \code{TS_sample}, which will send them to this function by
#'     the internal helper-function \code{TS_sample_helper}.
#' @param n The number of samples to create.
#' @param A A matrix whose first row should be the positions and
#'     second row should be the probabilities of getting there.  The
#'     cases of main interest to investigate is the case where this
#'     describes a process having expectation \code{0}.
#' @param delta Either a single number, or a vector whose length
#'     equals the number of columns in \code{A}.  This will be used as
#'     the amplitudes for the cosine-terms.
#' @param delta_range Either \code{NULL} (the default) or a vector
#'     similar to \code{delta}.  When this is different from
#'     \code{NULL} the effect will be that the values for the deltas
#'     will be sampled uniformly based on the intervals that the
#'     corresponding components of \code{delta} and \code{delta_range}
#'     span.
#' @param alpha Either a single number, or a vector whose length equals
#'     the number of columns in \code{A}.  This will be used as the
#'     frequencies in the cosine-terms.
#' @param theta Either a single number, or a vector whose length
#'     equals the number of columns in \code{A}.  This will be used as
#'     the phase in the cosine-terms.  The default value \code{NULL}
#'     will trigger a procedure that draws these numbers uniformly
#'     between \code{0} and \code{2pi}.
#' @param wn A list that specifies how to sample from some
#'     distribution.  The default is to use standard normal white
#'     noise.  Note: It is assumed that this should be white noise,
#'     but there's no test that prevents a user from selecting
#'     something different.  The value \code{NULL} can be used to set
#'     this term to zero.
#' @param seed An integer to be used for the specification of a seed,
#'     the default value NULL will trigger a seed to be selected at
#'     random.
#' @return A sample of length \code{n} based on the specifications
#'     given in the other arguments
#' @keywords internal

TS_key_dmt <- function(
    delta_range = NULL,
    theta = NULL,
    wn = list(type = "rnorm",
           args = list(mean = 0,
                       sd = 1),
           adjust = 0),
    seed = NULL) {
    ##  Sanity check 'A'.
    if (! is.matrix(A))
        error(.argument = "A",
                "must be a matrix."))
    if (nrow(A) != 2)
        error(.argument = "A",
                "must be a matrix with two rows."))
    if (any(A[2, ] < 0))
        error(.argument = "A",
              c("The second row of ",
                "represents probabilities.  Negative values are not allowed."))
    if (! all.equal(sum(A[2,]), 1))
        error(.argument = "A",
              c("The second row of ",
                "represents probabilities, and they must sum to 1."))
    ##  Sanity check 'delta'.
    .error_text_delta <- c(
        "must either be a single number or a vector corresponding to",
        " - i.e having one component for each column.") 
    if (! is.numeric(delta))
        error(.argument = "delta",
    if (length(delta) == 1) {
        delta <- rep(delta, ncol(A))
    } else
        if (length(delta) != ncol(A))
            error(.argument = "delta",
    ##  Sanity check 'delta_range' when relevant.
    if (! is.null(delta_range)) {
        .error_text_delta_range <- c(
            "must either be a single number or a vector corresponding to",
            " - i.e having one component for each column.") 
        if (! is.numeric(delta_range))
            error(.argument = "delta_range",
        if (length(delta_range) == 1) {
            delta_range <- rep(delta_range, ncol(A))
        } else
            if (length(delta_range) != ncol(A))
                error(.argument = "delta_range",
    ##  Sanity check 'alpha'.
    if (! is.numeric(alpha))
        error(.argument = "alpha",
                "must be a number."))
    if (length(alpha) == 1) {
        alpha <- rep(alpha, ncol(A))
    } else
        if (length(alpha) != ncol(A))
            error(.argument = "alpha",
                    "must either be a single number or a vector corresponding to",
                    " - i.e having one component for each column."))
    ##  Sanity check 'theta'
    .error_text_theta <- c(
        "must either be a single number or a vector corresponding to",
        " - i.e having one component for each column.  Or it could also be",
        "given as ",
        "(in which case values will be generated uniformly between 0 and 2pi.")
    if (is.null(theta))
        theta <- runif(n = ncol(A), min = 0, max = 2*pi)
    if (! is.numeric(theta))
        error(.argument = "theta",
    if (length(theta) == 1) {
        theta <- rep(theta, ncol(A))
    } else
        if (length(theta) != ncol(A))
            error(.argument = "theta",
    ##  Create a seed when necessary.
    if (is.null(seed))
        seed <- as.integer(paste(
            sample(x = 0:9, size = 9, replace = TRUE),
            collapse = ""))
    ##  Create the basic part of our time series (no 'wn' yet).
    t_vec <- 1:n
    ##  Identify the levels for the different parts.
    .levels <- sample(
        x = 1:ncol(A),
        size = n,
        replace = TRUE,
        prob = A[2, ])
    ##  Creating the delta ranges when relevant
    if (! is.null(delta_range))
        .delta_ranges <- vapply(
            X = seq_len(ncol(A)),
            FUN = function(i) 
            FUN.VALUE = c(min = 0, max = 1))
    ##  Create the resulting vector
    .result <- vapply(
        X = seq_len(n),
        FUN = function(.n) {
            i <- .levels[.n]
            .delta <- ifelse(
                test = is.null(delta_range),
                yes  = delta[i],
                no   = runif(n = 1,
                             min = .delta_ranges["min", i],
                             max = .delta_ranges["max", i]))
            A[1, i] + .delta * cos(alpha[i] * t_vec[.n] + theta[i])
        FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
    ##  Add 'wn' when required.
    if (! is.null(wn)) {
        ##  Helper function (copied from other function, perhaps
        ##  create a separate function for this one?)
        .dist_result <- function(.n, dist_info) {
            if (is.null(dist_info))
            ##  Return 0 if '.n' is zero (can happen the way this
            ##  function is called).
            if (.n == 0)
            ##  Create a call for the desired distribution.
            dist_call <- create_call(
                .cc_fun = dist_info$type,
                c(list(n = .n),
                .cc_list = TRUE)
            ##  Check if this works:
            dist_result <- try(
                expr = eval(dist_call),
                silent = TRUE)
            ##  Stop if someting fishy:
            if ("try-error" %in% class(dist_result)) {
                .this_function <- this_function()
                     "Erroneous argument in '",
                     "'.  Not able to evaluate:\n\t\t'",
                     call. = FALSE)
            ##  Return the result to the workflow.
            dist_result - dist_info$adjust
        ##  Add 'wn' to the result.
        .result <- .result + .dist_result(.n = n, dist_info = wn)
    ##  Return '.result' to the workflow, with an attribute to help
    ##  the creation of an additional time series when a simple
    ##  bivariate case is of interest too, see 'TS_key_dmt_bivariate'.
    attributes(.result)$args <- list(
                           n = n,
                           A = A,
                           delta = delta,
                           delta_range = delta_range,
                           alpha = alpha,
                           theta = theta,
                           wn = wn,
                           seed = seed)


##  Add the new function to "TS_families".  Initiate it if it does not
##  exists.

if (! exists(x="TS_families", inherits = FALSE))
    TS_families <- list()

TS_families$dmt  <-
    list(package = "localgaussSpec",
         fun = "TS_key_dmt",
         args = list(A = rbind(c(-2, -1, 0, 1),
                               c(1/20, 1/3 - 1/20, 1/3, 1/3)),
                     delta = c(1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 0.5),
                     delta_range = NULL,
                     alpha = c(pi/2, pi/6, pi/3, pi/4),
                     theta = NULL,
                     wn = list(type = "rnorm",
                               args = list(mean = 0,
                                           sd = 1),
                               adjust = 0)),
         size_name = "n")
LAJordanger/localgaussSpec documentation built on May 6, 2023, 4:31 a.m.