
#' Generate a range combinations of paramter values
#' Generate all possible combinations of values in the input vectors and 
#' (optionally) write them to a file. Typically used when making scenarios for 
#' fitting parameters.
#' This function is a modification of expand.grid from base.
#' @param ... numeric One or more vectors (usually made with seq and the
#' length.out argument)
#' @param write logical Should a file with the table be written to disk?
#' @param splits numeric The number of files to split the scenarios into. 
#' (Optional). If not NULL the files gets written to disk.
#' @param replicates numeric The number of replicates to run (Optional).
#' @param expand logical Should we expand an n by n grid (TRUE, defalut) or 
#' should we just generate a list of parameter ranges provided (FALSE)?
#' @param path character Path where ParameterValues.txt will be written to.
#' @return data.frame One column data.frame where each line is a text string
#' with the config variable and its value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' val = seq(1, 5, length.out = 5)
#' val2 = seq(10, 50, length.out = 5)
#' GenerateParams('GOOSE_MINFORAGEOPENNESS' = val,
#' 'HUNTERS_MAXDENSITY' = val2, write = FALSE)
GenerateParams = function (..., write = FALSE, splits = NULL, 
	replicates = NULL, expand = TRUE, path = NULL) {
	# Code from the base expand.grid with the KEEP.ATTR.OUT and StringAsFactor
	# bits removed.
	nargs <- length(args <- list(...))
	if (!nargs) 
	if (nargs == 1L && is.list(a1 <- args[[1L]])) 
		nargs <- length(args <- a1)
	if (nargs == 0L) 
	cargs <- vector("list", nargs)
	iArgs <- seq_len(nargs)
	nmc <- paste0("Var", iArgs)
	nm <- names(args)
	# ralmass modification
	# Modify the names to also specify parameter type:
	nm = sapply(nm, FUN = GetParamType)
	if (is.null(nm)) 
		nm <- nmc
	else if (any(ng0 <- nzchar(nm))) 
		nmc[ng0] <- nm[ng0]
	names(cargs) <- nmc
	rep.fac <- 1L
	d <- unlist(lapply(args, FUN = length))

	orep <- prod(d)
	if (orep == 0L) {
		for (i in iArgs) cargs[[i]] <- args[[i]][FALSE]
	else {
		for (i in iArgs) {
			x <- args[[i]]
			if(!expand) {
				orep = 1
			else {
				nx <- length(x)
				orep <- orep/nx
				x <- x[rep.int(rep.int(seq_len(nx), rep.int(rep.fac, nx)), orep)]
				rep.fac <- rep.fac * nx
			cargs[[i]] <- x

	if(!expand) {
		rn <- .set_row_names(as.integer(d[1]))
	if(expand) {
		rn <- .set_row_names(as.integer(prod(d)))
    # The ralmass modification
	exgrid = structure(cargs, class = "data.frame", row.names = rn)
	values = as.vector(t(exgrid))
	confignames = rep(names(exgrid), nrow(exgrid))
	df = data.frame('Params' = paste(confignames, values, sep = ' = '))
	if(!is.null(replicates) && replicates > 1) 
		reps = vector('list', replicates)
		for (i in seq_len(replicates)) {
			reps[[i]] = df
		df = do.call('rbind', reps)
		starts = seq(1, nrow(df), by = nrow(df)/splits)
		ends = seq(nrow(df)/splits, nrow(df), by = nrow(df)/splits)
		for (i in 1:splits) 
			temp = df[starts[i]:ends[i],]
			fname = paste0('ParameterValues', i, '.txt')
			data.table::fwrite(temp, file = fname, sep = '\t', col.names = FALSE)
		cat('Wrote', splits, 'versions of ParameterValues.txt to',
			getwd(), '\n')
		cat('The full list of scenarios is printed here:\n')

		dst = 'ParameterValues.txt'
		dst = file.path(path, 'ParameterValues.txt')
		data.table::fwrite(df, file = dst, sep = '\t', col.names = FALSE)
		cat(paste0('Printed following to ', dst, ':\n'))
LDalby/ralmass documentation built on May 8, 2019, 5:48 p.m.