
Defines functions demographicRates

Documented in demographicRates

#' Sample expected survival and recruitment rates
#' @description Apply sampled coefficients to disturbance covariates to
#'   calculate expected recruitment and survival.`demographicRates` is a wrapper
#'   around `sampleRates` to sample both survival and recruitment rates based on
#'   the result of [demographicCoefficients()] and using recommended defaults.
#' @details First the mean recruitment (\eqn{\mu^R_t}) and survival
#'   (\eqn{\mu^S_t}) are calculated from the sampled coefficients and provided
#'   disturbance covariates according to the beta regression models estimated by
#'   Johnson et al. (2020):
#'   \deqn{log(\mu^R_t)=\dot{\beta^R_0}+\dot{\beta^R_a}A_t+\dot{\beta}^R_fF_t}
#'   \deqn{log(\mu^S_t)=\dot{\beta^S_0}+\dot{\beta^S_a}A_t}
#'   Then each replicate population is assigned to a quantile (if `useQuantiles
#'   = TRUE`) of the Beta distributed expected recruitment \eqn{\bar{R}_t} and
#'   survival \eqn{\bar{S}_t} where \eqn{\phi^R} and \eqn{\phi^S} are the
#'   precisions of the Beta distributed errors:
#'   \deqn{\bar{R}_t \sim \text{Beta}(\mu^R_t,\phi^R)}
#'   \deqn{\bar{S}_t \sim (46\times \text{Beta}(\mu^S_t,\phi^S)-0.5)/45)}
#'   Using quantiles means that the population will stay in these quantiles as
#'   disturbance changes over time, so there is persistent variation in
#'   recruitment and survival among example populations. A transformation
#'   function is also applied to survival to avoid survival probabilities of 1.
#' @param covTable data.frame. A table of covariate values to be used. Column
#'   names must match the coefficient names in [popGrowthTableJohnsonECCC]. Each
#'   row is a different scenario.
#' @param popGrowthPars list. Coefficient values and (optionally) quantiles
#'   returned by `demographicCoefficients`.
#' @param ignorePrecision logical. Should the precision of the model be used if
#'   it is available? When precision is used variation among populations around
#'   the National mean responses is considered in addition to the uncertainty
#'   about the coefficient estimates.
#' @param returnSample logical. If TRUE the returned data.frame has replicates *
#'   scenarios rows. If FALSE the returned data.frame has one row per scenario
#'   and additional columns summarizing the variation among replicates. See
#'   Value for details.
#' @param useQuantiles logical or numeric. If it is a numeric vector it must be
#'   length 2 and give the low and high limits of the quantiles to use. Only
#'   relevant when `ignorePrecision = FALSE`. If `useQuantiles != FALSE`, each
#'   replicate population is assigned to a quantile of the distribution of
#'   variation around the expected values, and remains in that quantile as
#'   covariates change. If `useQuantiles != FALSE` and popGrowthPars contains
#'   quantiles, those quantiles will be used. If `useQuantiles = TRUE` and
#'   popGrowthPars does not contain quantiles, replicate populations will be
#'   assigned to quantiles in the default range of 0.025 and 0.975. If
#'   `useQuantiles = FALSE`, sampling is done independently for each combination
#'   of scenario and replicate, so the value for a particular replicate
#'   population in one scenario is unrelated to the values for that replicate in
#'   other scenarios. Useful for projecting impacts of changing disturbance on
#'   the trajectories of replicate populations.
#' @param predInterval numeric vector with length 2. The default 95% interval
#'   is (`c(0.025,0.975)`). Only relevant when `returnSample = TRUE` and
#'   `quantilesToUse = NULL`.
#' @param transformFns list of functions used to transform demographic rates.
#'   The default is `list(S_transform = function(y){(y*46-0.5)/45},R_transform =
#'   function(y){y})`. The back transformation is applied to survival rates as
#'   in Johnson et al. 2020.
#' @return A data.frame of predictions. The data.frame includes all columns in
#'   `covTable` with additional columns depending on `returnSample`.
#'   If `returnSample = FALSE` the number of rows is the same as the number of
#'   rows in `covTable`, additional columns are:
#'   * "S_bar" and "R_bar": The mean estimated values of survival and
#'   recruitment (calves per cow)
#'   * "S_stdErr" and "R_stdErr": Standard error of the estimated values
#'   * "S_PIlow"/"S_PIhigh" and "R_PIlow"/"R_PIhigh": If not using quantiles,
#'   95\% of values fall within this range. If using quantiles, maximum and
#'   minimum values are returned.
#'   If `returnSample = TRUE` the number of rows is `nrow(covTable) *
#'   replicates` additional columns are:
#'   * "scnID": A unique identifier for scenarios provided in
#'   `covTable`
#'   * "replicate": A replicate identifier, unique within each scenario
#'   * "S_bar" and "R_bar": The expected values of survival and
#'   recruitment (calves per cow)
#' @examples
#' # get coefficient samples
#' coefs <- demographicCoefficients(10)
#' # table of different scenarios to test
#' covTableSim <- expand.grid(Anthro = seq(0, 90, by = 20),
#'                            fire_excl_anthro = seq(0, 70, by = 20))
#' covTableSim$Total_dist = covTableSim$Anthro + covTableSim$fire_excl_anthro
#' demographicRates(covTableSim, coefs)
#' @family demography
#' @export
demographicRates <- function(covTable,
                             ignorePrecision = FALSE,
                             returnSample = FALSE,
                             useQuantiles = TRUE,
                             predInterval = list(PI_R = c(0.025,0.975),
                                                 PI_S = c(0.025,0.975)),
                             transformFns = list(S_transform = function(y){(y*46-0.5)/45},R_transform = function(y){y})){

  quantsToUse <- prepQuantiles(useQuantiles, popGrowthPars$coefSamples_Survival$quantiles)
    popGrowthPars$coefSamples_Survival$quantiles <- NULL
    q <- getQuantiles(nrow(popGrowthPars$coefSamples_Survival$coefSamples),
                      low = quantsToUse[1],
                      high = quantsToUse[2])

      popGrowthPars$coefSamples_Survival$quantiles <- sample(q, replace = FALSE)

  quantsToUse <- prepQuantiles(useQuantiles, popGrowthPars$coefSamples_Recruitment$quantiles)
    popGrowthPars$coefSamples_Recruitment$quantiles <- NULL
    q <- getQuantiles(nrow(popGrowthPars$coefSamples_Recruitment$coefSamples),
                      low = quantsToUse[1],
                      high = quantsToUse[2])
      popGrowthPars$coefSamples_Recruitment$quantiles <- sample(q, replace = FALSE)

  pred_S <- sampleRates(covTable = covTable,
                        coefSamples = popGrowthPars$coefSamples_Survival[["coefSamples"]],
                        coefValues = popGrowthPars$coefSamples_Survival[["coefValues"]],
                        modelVersion =  popGrowthPars$modelVersion,
                        quantilesToUse = popGrowthPars$coefSamples_Survival[["quantiles"]],
                        resVar = "femaleSurvival",
                        ignorePrecision = ignorePrecision,
                        returnSample = returnSample,
                        predInterval = predInterval[["PI_S"]],
                        transformFn = transformFns$S_transform)
  pred_R <- sampleRates(covTable = covTable,
                        coefSamples = popGrowthPars$coefSamples_Recruitment[["coefSamples"]],
                        coefValues = popGrowthPars$coefSamples_Recruitment[["coefValues"]],
                        quantilesToUse = popGrowthPars$coefSamples_Recruitment[["quantiles"]],
                        modelVersion =  popGrowthPars$modelVersion,
                        resVar = "recruitment",
                        ignorePrecision = ignorePrecision,
                        returnSample = returnSample,
                        predInterval = predInterval[["PI_R"]],
                        transformFn = transformFns$R_transform)
  rateSamples = pred_S
  names(rateSamples)[names(rateSamples) == "value"] = "S_bar"
  names(rateSamples)[names(rateSamples) == "average"] = "S_bar"
  names(rateSamples)[names(rateSamples) == "stdErr"] = "S_stdErr"
  names(rateSamples)[names(rateSamples) == "PIlow"] = "S_PIlow"
  names(rateSamples)[names(rateSamples) == "PIhigh"] = "S_PIhigh"

  rateSamples = merge(rateSamples,pred_R)
  names(rateSamples)[names(rateSamples) == "value"] = "R_bar"
  names(rateSamples)[names(rateSamples) == "average"] = "R_bar"
  names(rateSamples)[names(rateSamples) == "stdErr"] = "R_stdErr"
  names(rateSamples)[names(rateSamples) == "PIlow"] = "R_PIlow"
  names(rateSamples)[names(rateSamples) == "PIhigh"] = "R_PIhigh"

    rateSamples<-rateSamples[order(rateSamples$replicate, rateSamples$scnID),]

LandSciTech/caribouMetrics documentation built on Feb. 3, 2024, 9:41 p.m.