
Defines functions gene_set_enrichment_plot

Documented in gene_set_enrichment_plot

#' Plot the gene set enrichment results
#' This function takes the output of [gene_set_enrichment()] and creates a
#' heatmap visualization of the results.
#' @param enrichment The output of [gene_set_enrichment()].
#' @param xlabs A vector of names in the same order and length as
#' `unique(enrichment$ID)`. Gets passed to [layer_matrix_plot()].
#' @param PThresh A `numeric(1)` specifying the P-value threshold for the
#' maximum value in the `-log10(p)` scale.
#' @param ORcut A `numeric(1)` specifying the P-value threshold for the
#' minimum value in the `-log10(p)` scale for printing the odds ratio values
#' in the cells of the resulting plot.
#' @param enrichOnly A `logical(1)` indicating whether to show only odds ratio
#' values greater than 1.
#' @param layerHeights A `numeric()` vector of length equal to
#' `length(unique(enrichment$test)) + 1` that starts at 0 specifying where
#' to plot the y-axis breaks which can be used for re-creating the length of
#' each brain layer. Gets passed to [layer_matrix_plot()].
#' @param mypal A vector with the color palette to use. Gets passed to
#' [layer_matrix_plot()].
#' @param cex Passed to [layer_matrix_plot()].
#' @return A plot visualizing the gene set enrichment
#' odds ratio and p-value results.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats reshape
#' @family Gene set enrichment functions
#' @author Andrew E Jaffe, Leonardo Collado-Torres
#' @seealso layer_matrix_plot
#' @details Check
#' https://github.com/LieberInstitute/HumanPilot/blob/master/Analysis/Layer_Guesses/check_clinical_gene_sets.R
#' to see a full script from where this family of functions is derived from.
#' @examples
#' ## Read in the SFARI gene sets included in the package
#' asd_sfari <- utils::read.csv(
#'     system.file(
#'         "extdata",
#'         "SFARI-Gene_genes_01-03-2020release_02-04-2020export.csv",
#'         package = "spatialLIBD"
#'     ),
#'     as.is = TRUE
#' )
#' ## Format them appropriately
#' asd_sfari_geneList <- list(
#'     Gene_SFARI_all = asd_sfari$ensembl.id,
#'     Gene_SFARI_high = asd_sfari$ensembl.id[asd_sfari$gene.score < 3],
#'     Gene_SFARI_syndromic = asd_sfari$ensembl.id[asd_sfari$syndromic == 1]
#' )
#' ## Obtain the necessary data
#' if (!exists("modeling_results")) {
#'     modeling_results <- fetch_data(type = "modeling_results")
#' }
#' ## Compute the gene set enrichment results
#' asd_sfari_enrichment <- gene_set_enrichment(
#'     gene_list = asd_sfari_geneList,
#'     modeling_results = modeling_results,
#'     model_type = "enrichment"
#' )
#' ## Visualize the gene set enrichment results
#' ## with a custom color palette
#' gene_set_enrichment_plot(
#'     asd_sfari_enrichment,
#'     xlabs = gsub(".*_", "", unique(asd_sfari_enrichment$ID)),
#'     mypal = c(
#'         "white",
#'         grDevices::colorRampPalette(
#'             RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "BuGn")
#'         )(50)
#'     )
#' )
#' ## Specify the layer heights so it resembles more the length of each
#' ## layer in the brain
#' gene_set_enrichment_plot(
#'     asd_sfari_enrichment,
#'     xlabs = gsub(".*_", "", unique(asd_sfari_enrichment$ID)),
#'     layerHeights = c(0, 40, 55, 75, 85, 110, 120, 135),
#' )
gene_set_enrichment_plot <-
        xlabs = unique(enrichment$ID),
        PThresh = 12,
        ORcut = 3,
        enrichOnly = FALSE,
        layerHeights = c(0, seq_len(length(unique(enrichment$test)))) * 15,
        mypal = c(
            grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "YlOrRd"))(50)
        cex = 1.2) {
        ## Re-order and shorten names if they match our data
        if (all(unique(enrichment$test) %in% c("WM", paste0("Layer", seq_len(6))))) {
            enrichment$test <-
                factor(gsub("ayer", "", enrichment$test), levels = rev(c(paste0(
                    "L", seq_len(6)
                ), "WM")))

        ## Check inputs
        stopifnot(is(enrichment, "data.frame"))
        stopifnot(all(c("ID", "test", "OR", "Pval") %in% colnames(enrichment)))
        stopifnot(length(layerHeights) == length(unique(enrichment$test)) + 1)
        stopifnot(ORcut <= PThresh)
        stopifnot(length(xlabs) == length(unique(enrichment$ID)))

        ## Convert to -log10 scale and threshold the pvalues
        enrichment$log10_P_thresh <-
            round(-log10(enrichment$Pval), 2)
        enrichment$log10_P_thresh[which(enrichment$log10_P_thresh > PThresh)] <-

        ## Change some values for the plot
        if (enrichOnly) {
            enrichment$log10_P_thresh[enrichment$OR < 1] <- 0
        enrichment$OR_char <- as.character(round(enrichment$OR, 2))
        enrichment$OR_char[enrichment$log10_P_thresh < ORcut] <- ""

        ## Make into wide matrices
        make_wide <- function(var = "OR_char") {
            res <-
                    idvar = "ID",
                    timevar = "test",
                    direction = "wide",
                    drop = colnames(enrichment)[!colnames(enrichment) %in% c("ID", "test", var)],
                    sep = "_mypattern_"
                )[, -1, drop = FALSE]
            colnames(res) <-
                gsub(".*_mypattern_", "", colnames(res))
            rownames(res) <- unique(enrichment$ID)
            res <- res[, levels(as.factor(enrichment$test))]
        wide_or <- make_wide("OR_char")
        wide_p <- make_wide("log10_P_thresh")

            matrix_values = wide_p,
            matrix_labels = wide_or,
            xlabs = xlabs,
            layerHeights = layerHeights,
            mypal = mypal,
            cex = cex,
            mar = c(12, 4 + (max(nchar(rownames(wide_p))) %/% 3) * 0.5, 4, 2) + 0.1
LieberInstitute/spatialLIBD documentation built on July 17, 2024, 5:05 a.m.