
# Test Binary Matrix  -----------------------------------------------------------

# Test samples argument ----
# what happens when you pass a vector? What about if you don't specify it (don't pass anything)?
# what happens when you pass impact samples (-IM5/IM6/IM7 etc)?  non impact samples? A mix?

test_that("Check create_gene_binary() subsets based on sample data", {


  sub <- create_gene_binary(sample=mut_valid_sample_ids, mutation=gnomeR::mutations)
  expect_message(all <- create_gene_binary(mutation=gnomeR::mutations), "*")

  expect_equal(nrow(sub), length(mut_valid_sample_ids))

  expect_lte(nrow(sub), nrow(all))


test_that("Check create_gene_binary() if sample entered in `sample_id` with zero mutations/fusions/cna", {

  mut_valid_sample_ids <- unique(gnomeR::mutations$sampleId)[1:10]

  add_no_mut_sample <- c(mut_valid_sample_ids[1:5], "no_mutations_fake_sample",
                         mut_valid_sample_ids[6:10], "fake")

  gene_binary_no_zero <-  create_gene_binary(sample = mut_valid_sample_ids, mutation = gnomeR::mutations)
  gene_binary_with_zero <-  create_gene_binary(sample = add_no_mut_sample, mutation = gnomeR::mutations)

  expect_equal(gene_binary_with_zero$sample_id, add_no_mut_sample)

  # should be one more obs in data frame with samples arg specified
  expect_equal(nrow(gene_binary_with_zero) -2, length(mut_valid_sample_ids))

  expect_equal(attr(gene_binary_with_zero, 'zero_alteration_samples'),
               c("no_mutations_fake_sample", "fake"))

test_that("samples selected with no fusions ",  {

  samples <- setdiff(gnomeR::mutations$sampleId, gnomeR::sv$sampleId)[1:5]

  # with no fusions in select sample
  gene_binary_no_fusions <-  create_gene_binary(samples=samples,
                                            mutation = gnomeR::mutations,
                                            fusion = gnomeR::sv)

  expect_false(any(str_detect(names(gene_binary_no_fusions), ".fus")))
  expect_equal(nrow(gene_binary_no_fusions), length(samples))

test_that("samples selected with no CNA ", {

  samples <- setdiff(gnomeR::mutations$sampleId, gnomeR::cna$sampleId)[1:5]

  # with no fusions in select sample
  gene_binary_no_cna<-  create_gene_binary(samples=samples,
                                                mutation = gnomeR::mutations,
                                                cna = gnomeR::cna)

  expect_false(any(str_detect(names(gene_binary_no_cna), ".Del")))
  expect_false(any(str_detect(names(gene_binary_no_cna), ".Amp")))

  expect_equal(nrow(gene_binary_no_cna), length(samples))


test_that("samples selected with no mutations ", {

  fake_mut <- gnomeR::mutations[1:10, ] %>%
    mutate(sampleId = "a")

  samples <- unique(gnomeR::sv$sampleId[1:5])

  gene_binary_no_fusions <- create_gene_binary(samples = samples,
                                           mutation = fake_mut,
                                           fusion  = gnomeR::sv)

  expect_true(all(str_detect(names(gene_binary_no_fusions)[-1], ".fus")))

  expect_equal(nrow(gene_binary_no_fusions), length(samples))


test_that("no samples selected have alterations ", {

  fake_mut <- gnomeR::mutations[1:10, ] %>%
    mutate(sampleId = "a")

  samples <- c("thing", "other_thing")

  expect_error(gene_binary_no_fusions <- create_gene_binary(samples = samples,
                                               mutation = fake_mut,
                                               fusion  = gnomeR::sv), "None*")

test_that("some but not all samples selected have alterations ", {

  fake_mut <- gnomeR::mutations[1:10, ] %>%
    mutate(sampleId = "a")

  samples <- c("a", "other_thing")

  expect_no_error(gene_binary <- create_gene_binary(samples = samples, mutation = fake_mut))
  expect_equal(sum(gene_binary[2, 2:4]), 0)

test_that("Check func works fine when we enter mix of impact samples IM3 and IM5", {

  sm <- c('P-0001446-T01-IM3', 'P-0005216-T01-IM5')
  expect_no_error(create_gene_binary(sample=sm, mutation=gnomeR::mutations))
  expect_equal(nrow(create_gene_binary(sample=sm, mutation=gnomeR::mutations)), 2)


test_that("Check when non unique sample ids are entered", {

  sub_mut <- gnomeR::mutations[1:10, ]

  sub_dup <- create_gene_binary(samples = sub_mut$sampleId,
  sub_unique <- create_gene_binary(samples = unique(sub_mut$sampleId),

  expect_equal(sub_dup, sub_unique)


# Test data type arguments ------------------------------------------------
test_that("Check what happens and what message we get if samples are entered as a dataframe and not a char vect", {

  # get sample IDs that are in both mutations and sv data
  sm_inboth_mf <- merge(x=gnomeR::mutations,y=gnomeR::sv, by="sampleId") %>%
    select(sampleId) %>%

  #get fusion data for these IDs
  expect_error(create_gene_binary(samples = sm_inboth_mf, fusion =gnomeR::sv))


# test with and without mut/fusion/cna args passed

# Functions should work with any one of the three passed
test_that("test inputting mut/fusion/cna args can leads to a data.frame output", {

  #Can we obtaine correct result format when either mut/fusion/cna inputted

  expect_true(create_gene_binary( mutation = gnomeR::mutations) %>% is.data.frame())

  expect_true( create_gene_binary( fusion = gnomeR::sv) %>% is.data.frame())

  expect_true( create_gene_binary( cna = gnomeR::cna) %>% is.data.frame())

  # What if there is no row/col in the file passing to mutation

  #note: there is no error message if a inputting mut data is 0 rows;
  #      it only return a 0 row and 0 column result
  expect_equal( gnomeR::mutations %>%
                  dplyr::filter(.data$hugoGeneSymbol=="XXXXXXXXX") %>%
                  create_gene_binary(mutation = .) %>%
                  nrow(), 0)

  expect_error( gnomeR::mutations %>%
                dplyr::select(NULL) %>%
                create_gene_binary(mutation = .))


# Test mut_type argument --------------------------------------------------

test_that("test incorrectly specified arg", {

  mut<- gnomeR::mutations
  expect_no_error(create_gene_binary(mutation = mut, mut_type = "somatic_only",
                             specify_panel = "no"))
  expect_error(create_gene_binary(mutation = mut,
                                  mut_type = "somatic only",
                                  specify_panel = "no"))

  expect_error(create_gene_binary(mutation = mut,
                                  mut_type = "s",
                                  specify_panel = "no"))


# this NA portion was commented out

# test_that("test inclusion of NAs in mut_type ", {
#   mut2 = gnomeR::mutations
#   mut2$mutationStatus[1:10]<-NA
#   mut2$mutationStatus[11:15]<-""
#   #example test
#   expect_warning(create_gene_binary(mutation = mut2, specify_panel = "no"), "15 mutations*")
# })

test_that("test inclusion of NAs in mut_type ", {

  mut2 = gnomeR::mutations

  # NA included by default (germline_omitted)
  see <- create_gene_binary(mutation = mut2, specify_panel = "no")
  check <-see$TP53[which(see$sample_id=="P-0001128-T01-IM3")]
  expect_equal(check, 1)


test_that("test inclusion of NAs in mut_type ", {
  mut2 = gnomeR::mutations

  # NA included with all
  see = create_gene_binary(mutation = mut2, specify_panel = "no", mut_type = "all")

  # NA no longer included with somatic_only
  see = create_gene_binary(mutation = mut2, mut_type = "somatic_only", specify_panel = "no")

  # NA no longer included with germline_only
  see = create_gene_binary(mutation = mut2, mut_type = "germline_only", specify_panel = "no")
  expect_equal(nrow(see), 0)


test_that("test removal of germline samples in mut_type ", {
  mut2 = gnomeR::mutations[1:10, ]

  # NA included with all
  see = create_gene_binary(mutation = mut2, specify_panel = "no", mut_type = "all")

  # NA no longer included with somatic_only
  see = create_gene_binary(mutation = mut2, mut_type = "somatic_only", specify_panel = "no")

  # NA no longer included with germline_only
  see = create_gene_binary(mutation = mut2, mut_type = "germline_only",
                           specify_panel = "no")

  see = create_gene_binary(samples = mut2$sampleId, mutation = mut2,
                           mut_type = "omit_germline",
                           specify_panel = "no")
  expect_equal(see$AKT1[which(see$sample_id=="P-0001128-T01-IM3")], 0)


# Test high_level_cna_only argument --------------------------------------------

test_that("test deletions with -1 and -2 events", {

  test_cna <- tibble::tribble(
    ~hugo_symbol, ~sample_id, ~alteration,
    "TP53",        "samp1",     1,
    "BMPR1A",      "samp2",     -1,
    "CDKN2A",      "samp2",     -1.5,
    "FGFR3",       "samp3",      2,
    "FGFR3",       "samp4",      0,
    "TP53",        "samp2",      -2

  test_mut <- tibble::tribble(
    ~hugo_symbol, ~sample_id,  ~variant_type,  ~mutation_status,   ~variant_classification,
    "TP53",        "samp1",     "SNP",          "Somatic",          "Silent",
    "BMPR1A",      "samp2",     "SNP",          "Somatic",           NA,
    "FGFR3",       "samp3",     "SNP",          "Somatic",           NA,
    "FGFR3",       "samp4",     "SNP",          "Somatic",           NA,
    "TP53",        "samp2",     "SNP",          "Somatic",           NA

  test_fus <- tibble::tribble(
    ~site_1_hugo_symbol, ~site_2_hugo_symbol, ~sample_id,
    "TP53",               "BMPR1A",           "samp1",
    "BMPR1A",              "APC",             "samp2",
    "FGFR3",              "TP53",             "samp3",
    "FGFR3",              "KMT2D",            "samp4",
    "TP53",               NA,                 "samp2"

  samples <- c(test_mut$sample_id,
               test_fus$sample_id) %>% unique()

  proc_all_cna <- create_gene_binary(
    samples = samples,
    mutation = test_mut,
    cna = test_cna,
    fusion = test_fus,
    include_silent = TRUE,
    high_level_cna_only = FALSE)

  proc_hl_cna <- create_gene_binary(
    samples = samples,
    mutation = test_mut,
    cna = test_cna,
    fusion = test_fus,
    include_silent = TRUE,
    high_level_cna_only = TRUE)

  ll_genes <- test_cna %>% filter(alteration == 1 |
                        alteration == -1) %>%

  diff_gene <- str_remove(
    setdiff(names(proc_all_cna), names(proc_hl_cna)), ".Amp|.Del")

  expect_equal(sort(ll_genes), sort(diff_gene))


# Test include_silent argument --------------------------------------------

test_that("test include_silent default when no variant class col", {

  test_cna <- tibble::tribble(
    ~hugo_symbol, ~sample_id, ~alteration,
    "TP53",        "samp1",     1,
    "ALK3",        "samp2",     -1,
    "FGFR3",       "samp3",      2,
    "FGFR3",       "samp4",      0,
    "TP53",        "samp2",      1

  test_mut <- tibble::tribble(
    ~hugo_symbol, ~sample_id,  ~variant_type,  ~mutation_status,
    "TP53",        "samp1",     "SNP",          "Somatic",
    "ALK3",        "samp2",     "SNP",          "Somatic",
    "FGFR3",       "samp3",     "SNP",          "Somatic",
    "FGFR3",       "samp4",     "SNP",          "Somatic",
    "TP53",        "samp2",     "SNP",          "Somatic"

  test_fus <- tibble::tribble(
    ~site_1_hugo_symbol, ~site_2_hugo_symbol, ~sample_id,
    "TP53",               "ALK3",             "samp1",
    "ALK3",               "APC",              "samp2",
    "FGFR3",              "TP53",             "samp3",
    "FGFR3",              "KMT2D",            "samp4",
    "TP53",               NA,                 "samp2"

  samples <- c(test_mut$sample_id,
               test_fus$sample_id) %>% unique()

    proc <- create_gene_binary(
      samples = samples,
      mutation = test_mut,
      cna = test_cna,
      fusion = test_fus))

    proc <- create_gene_binary(
      mutation = test_mut,
      samples = samples,
      cna = test_cna,
      fusion = test_fus,
      include_silent = TRUE,
      recode_aliases = "no"))


test_that("test include_silent silent are removed when variant class col", {

  test_cna <- tibble::tribble(
    ~hugo_symbol, ~sample_id, ~alteration,
    "TP53",        "samp1",     1,
    "BMPR1A",      "samp2",     -1,
    "FGFR3",       "samp3",      2,
    "FGFR3",       "samp4",      0,
    "TP53",        "samp2",      1

  test_mut <- tibble::tribble(
    ~hugo_symbol, ~sample_id,  ~variant_type,  ~mutation_status,   ~variant_classification,
    "TP53",        "samp1",     "SNP",          "Somatic",          "Silent",
    "BMPR1A",      "samp2",     "SNP",          "Somatic",           NA,
    "FGFR3",       "samp3",     "SNP",          "Somatic",           "Other",
    "FGFR3",       "samp4",     "SNP",          "Somatic",           NA,
    "TP53",        "samp2",     "SNP",          "Somatic",           NA

  test_fus <- tibble::tribble(
    ~site_1_hugo_symbol, ~site_2_hugo_symbol, ~sample_id,
    "TP53",               "BMPR1A",             "samp1",
    "BMPR1A",             "APC",              "samp2",
    "FGFR3",              "TP53",             "samp3",
    "FGFR3",              "KMT2D",            "samp4",
    "TP53",               NA,                 "samp2"

  samples <- c(test_mut$sample_id,
               test_fus$sample_id) %>% unique()

  proc_remove_silent1 <- create_gene_binary(
      samples = samples,
      mutation = test_mut,
      cna = test_cna,
      fusion = test_fus)

  proc_remove_silent2 <- create_gene_binary(
    samples = samples,
    mutation = test_mut,
    cna = test_cna,
    include_silent = FALSE,
    fusion = test_fus)

  expect_equal(proc_remove_silent1, proc_remove_silent2)

  proc_keep_silent <-
      samples = samples,
      mutation = test_mut,
      cna = test_cna,
      include_silent = TRUE,
      fusion = test_fus)

  expect_true(sum(proc_remove_silent1$TP53) <= sum(proc_keep_silent$TP53))

  # make sure FGFGR "Other" type was still included in results
  expect_equal(sum(proc_remove_silent1$FGFR3), sum(proc_keep_silent$FGFR3))


# Test messaging for mutationStatus works properly -------------------

# See issue #293 and AM's repex

test_that("mutationStatus error properly output", {
  expect_message(create_gene_binary(sample=mut_valid_sample_ids, mutation=gnomeR::mutations),


# Test snp_only argument --------------------------------------------------

# add general tests
# What happpens  when Variant Type is NA? - Maybe need to add warning to tell user about NAs
# test_that("test the snp_only arg", {
#   #general tests: input T or F (default is F)
#   expect_no_error( create_gene_binary(mutation=gnomeR::mutations, snp_only = T))
#   expect_no_warning( create_gene_binary(mutation=gnomeR::mutations,
#                                      snp_only = T,
#                                      recode_aliases = FALSE))
#   #TO FIX: this doesn't work with the new example dataset
#   #0 col return if 0 SNP been inputted or there is no SNP category in Variat Type been inputted
#   mut_snp_zero <- gnomeR::mutations %>%
#                  dplyr::filter(.data$variantType != "SNP")
#   mut_snp_na <- mut_snp_zero
#   mut_snp_na$variantType <- droplevels(mut_snp_na$variantType)
#   expect_equal( create_gene_binary(mutation=mut_snp_zero, snp_only = T) %>%
#                 ncol(),
#                 0)
#   expect_equal( create_gene_binary(mutation=mut_snp_na, snp_only = T) %>%
#                   ncol(),
#                 0)
#   #What if NA for Variant Type?
#   # note: without Variant Type, the create_gene_binary() still run without error
#   #       snp_only=F will provide full list results and snp_only=T will provide 0 col result
#   mut_vt_na<- gnomeR::mutations %>%
#               dplyr::mutate(Variant_Type=NA)
#   expect_true( create_gene_binary(mutation = mut_vt_na, snp_only = F) %>%
#                length() >0 )
#   expect_equal( create_gene_binary(mutation = mut_vt_na, snp_only = T) %>%
#                  ncol(), 0 )
# })

# Other Misc Tests --------------------------------------------------------
MSKCC-Epi-Bio/gnomeR documentation built on March 28, 2024, 2:42 a.m.