############################ FUNCTIONS TO HANDLE aDGVM FILES ###########################################################
#' Get a Field for aDGVM
#' An internal function that reads data from an aDGVM run. It actually call one of three other functions depending on the type of quantity specified.
#' @param source A \code{\linkS4class{Source}} class containing the meta-data about the aDGVM run
#' @param quant A string the define what output file from the aDGVM run to open, for example "anpp" opens and read the "anpp.out" file
#' @param layers Ignored for aDGVM
#' @param target.STAInfo The spatial-temporal target domain
#' @param file.name An optional character string (or a list of character strings) holding the name of the file(s)
#' This can be left blank, in which case the file name is automatically generated.
#' @param verbose A logical, set to true to give progress/debug information
#' @return A list containing firstly the data.tabel containing the data, and secondly the STA.info
#' @author Matthew Forrest \email{matthew.forrest@@senckenberg.de}
#' @author Glenn Moncrieff \email{glenn@@saeon.ac.za}
#' @keywords internal
getField_aDGVM <- function(source,
layers = NULL,
adgvm.file.type = "Yearly",
...) {
if(!is.null(layers)) {
message("Ignoring 'layers' argument for aDGVM")
warning("Ignoring 'layers' argument for aDGVM")
# aDGVM yearly quantities
if("aDGVM" %in% quant@format
&& (tolower(adgvm.file.type) == "yearly"
|| tolower(adgvm.file.type) == "year"
|| tolower(adgvm.file.type) == "annual")) {
return(getYearlyField_aDGVM(source, quant, target.sta = target.STAInfo, file.name = file.name, verbose = verbose, ...))
# aDGVM daily quantities
else if("aDGVM" %in% quant@format) {
return(getDailyField_aDGVM(source, quant, target.sta = target.STAInfo, file.name = file.name, adgvm.file.type, verbose = verbose, ...))
# Standard quantities
else if("Standard" %in% quant@format) {
return(getStandardQuantity_aDGVM(source, quant, target.sta = target.STAInfo, file.name = file.name, adgvm.file.type, verbose = verbose, ...))
stop("Unrecognised Format of Quantity in 'quant' argument to getField_aDGVM()")
#' Get a yearly aDGVM Field
#' from the run (eg. "lai", to read the file "lai.out") and \code{\linkS4class{Source}} object which defines where the run is on disk and the offsets to apply
#' Note that the files can be gzipped on UNIX systems, but this might fail on windows systems.
#' @param run A \code{\linkS4class{Source}} containing the meta-data about the aDGVM run
#' @param quant A Quant to define what output file from the aDGVM run to open,
#' can also be a simple string defining the aDGVM output file if the \code{return.data.table} argument is TRUE
#' @param first.year The first year (as a numeric) of the data to be return
#' @param last.year The last year (as a numeric) of the data to be return
#' @param verbose A logical, set to true to give progress/debug information
#' @param file.name An optional character string (or a list of character strings) holding the name of the file(s)
#' This can be left blank, in which case the file name is automatically generated.
#' @param data.table.only A logical, if TRUE return a data.table and not a Field
#' @return a data.table (with the correct tear offset and lon-lat offsets applied)
#' @author Matthew Forrest \email{matthew.forrest@@senckenberg.de}
#' @author Glenn Moncrieff \email{glenn@@saeon.ac.za}
#' @import data.table
#' @keywords internal
getYearlyField_aDGVM <- function(run,
file.name = file.name,
verbose = FALSE,
data.table.only = FALSE,
adgvm.fire = 1,
adgvm.climate = 0,
# To avoid annoying NOTES when R CMD check-ing
Lon = Lat = Annual = Year = Month = Day = NULL
EvapoGrass = EvapoSoil = EvapoTot = EvapoTree = Grass_LeafBiomassDeadLying = NULL
Grass_LeafBiomassDeadStanding = Grass_LeafBiomassLive = Grass_RootBiomassLive = NULL
Tree_LeafBiomassLive = Tree_RootBiomassLive = Tree_StemBiomassLive = NULL
# extract from the target.sta
first.year = target.sta@first.year
last.year = target.sta@last.year
# if no custom header defined use the default
if(missing(adgvm.header)) {
adgvm.header <- c("Lon", "Lat","Year","Clim","Fire","Seed","Rain","EvapoTot","EvapoGrass","EvapoSoil","C4G_LeafBiomass","C4G_RootBiomass","C3G_LeafBiomass","C3G_RootBiomass","DeadGrass_LeafBiomass","SavTr_Cancov","ForTr_Cancov","Tree_LeafBiomass","Tree_StemBiomass","Tree_RootBiomass","Grass_Ratio","Tree_MeanHeight","Tree_MaxHeight","Tree_Popsize","SavTr_Popsize","ForTr_Popsize","Tree_BasalArea","NPP","NEE","SoilCarbon","PhenologyCount","FireNumber","MeanFireIntensity","SoilN","SoilC","TmpMean","CO2ppm","dp1","dp2","dp3","dp4","dp5","dp6","dp7","dp8","dp9","dp10","dp11","dp12","dp13","dp14","dp15","dp16","dp17","dp18","dp19","dp20","dp21","dp22","dp23","dp24","dp25","dp26","dp27","dp28","dp29","Tree_ActiveDays","Grass_ActiveDays","ETref","A0C3","A0C4")
# determine the years that are actually present
if(is.null(file.name)) {
all.files <- list.files(path = run@dir, paste("YearlyData", "*", adgvm.climate, adgvm.fire, "dat", sep="."))
else {
all.files <- file.name
if(!data.table.only && class(quant)[1] != "Quantity") stop("Please supply a formal Quantity object as the quant argument since you are not requesting at data.table")
if(class(quant)[1] == "Quantity") variable <- quant@id
else variable <- quant
#### !!! Check data.table package version (see data.table NEWS file for v1.11.6 point #5)
compare.string <- utils::compareVersion(a = as.character(utils::packageVersion("data.table")), b = "1.11.6")
new.data.table.version <- FALSE
if(compare.string >= 0) new.data.table.version <- TRUE
# loop for each year
all.dts <- list()
for(this.file in all.files){
# Make the filename and check for the file, gunzip if necessary, fail if not present
file.string <- file.path(run@dir, this.file)
all.dts[[length(all.dts)+1]] <- readRegularASCII(file.string, verbose)
dt <- rbindlist(all.dts)
setnames(dt, adgvm.header)
# if the Quantity object that we are pulling was automagically defined, extract layers which
# have names that looks something like it
if(quant@id == quant@name && quant@units == "undefined unit") {
all.potential.cols <- layers(dt)
matched.cols <- all.potential.cols[grepl(pattern = quant@id, all.potential.cols)]
if(length(matched.cols) == 0) stop(paste0("You asked for an aDGVM quantity called ", quant@name, ". I automagically made that but no columns in the input data file seem to match. Please try a different Quantity string."))
print(append(getDimInfo(dt), matched.cols))
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), matched.cols), with = FALSE]
# take mean of gridcells with multiple entries
dt <- dt[, lapply(.SD, mean), by=eval(unlist(getDimInfo(dt)))]
if(variable == "Cancov") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c("ForTr_Cancov", "SavTr_Cancov")), with = FALSE]
setnames(dt, c("ForTr_Cancov", "SavTr_Cancov"), c("ForTr", "SavTr"))
if(variable == "LeafBiomass") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c("C4G_LeafBiomass", "C3G_LeafBiomass","Tree_LeafBiomass")), with = FALSE]
setnames(dt, c("C4G_LeafBiomass", "C3G_LeafBiomass","Tree_LeafBiomass"), c("C4G", "C3G", "Tree"))
if(variable == "RootBiomass") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c("C4G_RootBiomass", "C3G_RootBiomass","Tree_RootBiomass")), with = FALSE]
setnames(dt, c("C4G_RootBiomass", "C3G_RootBiomass","Tree_RootBiomass"), c("C4G", "C3G", "Tree"))
if(variable == "StemBiomass") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c("Tree_StemBiomass")), with = FALSE]
setnames(dt, c("Tree_StemBiomass"), c("Tree"))
if(variable == "DeadGrassBiomass") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c("DeadGrass_LeafBiomass")), with = FALSE]
setnames(dt, c("DeadGrass_LeafBiomass"), c("Grass"))
if(variable == "LiveGrassBiomass") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c("C4G_LeafBiomass", "C3G_LeafBiomass")), with = FALSE]
setnames(dt, c("C4G_LeafBiomass", "C3G_LeafBiomass"), c("C4G", "C3G"))
if(variable == "PopSize") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c("ForTr_Popsize","SavTr_Popsize")), with = FALSE]
setnames(dt, c("ForTr_Popsize","SavTr_Popsize"), c("ForTr", "SavTr"))
if(variable == "C3C4_Ratio") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c("Grass_Ratio")), with = FALSE]
setnames(dt, c("Grass_Ratio"), c("Grass"))
if(variable == "NPP") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c("NPP")), with = FALSE]
setnames(dt, c("NPP"), c("Total"))
if(variable == "NEE") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c("NEE")), with = FALSE]
setnames(dt, c("NEE"), c("Total"))
if(variable == "BasalArea") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c("Tree_BasalArea")), with = FALSE]
setnames(dt, c("Tree_BasalArea"), c("Tree"))
if(variable == "ET") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c("EvapoTot","EvapoGrass","EvapoSoil")), with = FALSE]
dt[, EvapoTot := (EvapoTot / Year)/365]
dt[, EvapoGrass := (EvapoGrass / Year)/365]
dt[, EvapoSoil := (EvapoSoil / Year)/365]
dt[, EvapoTree := (EvapoTot - (EvapoGrass + EvapoSoil))/365]
setnames(dt, c("EvapoTot","EvapoGrass","EvapoSoil","EvapoTree"), c("Total","Grass","Soil","Tree"))
# Print messages
if(verbose) {
message("Read table. It has header:")
message("It has shape:")
# Correct year
if(run@year.offset != 0) {
dt[,Year := Year + run@year.offset]
if(verbose) message("Correcting year with offset.")
# Select year
dt <- selectYears(dt, first.year, last.year)
# also correct days to be 1-365 instead of 0-364, if necessary
if("Day" %in% names(dt)) {
if(0 %in% unique(dt[["Day"]])) dt[, Day := Day+1]
# Correct lon and lats
if(length(run@lonlat.offset) == 2 ){
if(verbose) message("Correcting lons and lats with offset.")
if(run@lonlat.offset[1] != 0) dt[, Lon := Lon + run@lonlat.offset[1]]
if(run@lonlat.offset[2] != 0) dt[, Lat := Lat + run@lonlat.offset[2]]
else if(length(run@lonlat.offset) == 1 ){
if(verbose) message("Correcting lons and lats with offset.")
if(run@lonlat.offset[1] != 0) dt[, Lon := Lon + run@lonlat.offset[1]]
if(run@lonlat.offset[1] != 0) dt[, Lat := Lat + run@lonlat.offset[1]]
if(verbose) {
message("Offsets applied. Head of full .out file (after offsets):")
# if london.centre is requested, make sure all longitudes greater than 180 are shifted to negative
if(max(dt[["Lon"]]) > 180) {
dt[, Lon := LondonCentre(Lon)]
# if spatial extent specified, crop to it
new.extent <- NULL
if(!is.null(target.sta@spatial.extent)) {
spatial.extent.class <- class(target.sta@spatial.extent)[1]
if(spatial.extent.class == "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" || spatial.extent.class == "numeric" || is.data.frame(target.sta@spatial.extent) || is.data.table(target.sta@spatial.extent)) {
dt <- selectGridcells(x = dt, gridcells = target.sta@spatial.extent, spatial.extent.id = target.sta@spatial.extent.id, ...)
new.extent <- target.sta@spatial.extent
# if new.extent is a data.frame, convery it to a data.table for consistency
if(is.data.frame(new.extent) & !is.data.table(new.extent)) new.extent <- as.data.table(new.extent)
else {
dt <- crop(x = dt, y = target.sta@spatial.extent, spatial.extent.id = target.sta@spatial.extent.id)
new.extent <- extent(dt)
# set some attributes about the data - works!
# currently screws up unit tests and isn't used. Consider using if updating metadata system.
# setattr(dt, "shadeToleranceCombined", FALSE)
# remove any NAs
dt <- stats::na.omit(dt)
# set the keys (very important!)
# Build as STAInfo object describing the data
all.years <- sort(unique(dt[["Year"]]))
dimensions <- getDimInfo(dt)
subannual <- "Year"
if("Month" %in% dimensions) subannual <- "Month"
else if("Day" %in% dimensions) subannual <- "Day"
sta.info = new("STAInfo",
first.year = min(all.years),
last.year = max(all.years),
subannual.resolution = subannual,
subannual.original = subannual)
# if cropping has been done, set the new spatial.extent and spatial.extent.id
if(!is.null(new.extent)) {
sta.info@spatial.extent = new.extent
sta.info@spatial.extent.id <- target.sta@spatial.extent.id
# otherwise set
else {
sta.info@spatial.extent = extent(dt)
sta.info@spatial.extent.id <- "Full"
if(data.table.only) return(dt)
else {
# make the ID and then make and return Field
field.id <- makeFieldID(source = run, quant.string = variable, sta.info = sta.info)
id = field.id,
data = dt,
quant = quant,
source = run,
#' Get a 'daily' aDGVM Field
#' \code{getYearlyField_aDGVM} returns a data.table object given a string defining a vegetation quantity
#' from the run (eg. "lai", to read the file "lai.out") and \code{\linkS4class{Source}} object which defines where the run is on disk and the offsets to apply
#' Note that the files can be gzipped on UNIX systems, but this might fail on windows systems.
#' @param run A \code{\linkS4class{Source}} containing the meta-data about the aDGVM run
#' @param quant A Quant to define what output file from the aDGVM run to open,
#' can also be a simple string defining the aDGVM output file if the \code{return.data.table} argument is TRUE
#' @param first.year The first year (as a numeric) of the data to be return
#' @param last.year The last year (as a numeric) of the data to be return
#' @param verbose A logical, set to true to give progress/debug information
#' @param file.name An optional character string (or a list of character strings) holding the name of the file(s)
#' This can be left blank, in which case the file name is automatically generated.
#' @param data.table.only A logical, if TRUE return a data.table and not a Field
#' @return a data.table (with the correct tear offset and lon-lat offsets applied)
#' @author Matthew Forrest \email{matthew.forrest@@senckenberg.de}
#' @author Glenn Moncrieff \email{glenn@@saeon.ac.za}
#' @import data.table
#' @keywords internal
getDailyField_aDGVM <- function(run,
file.name = file.name,
verbose = FALSE,
data.table.only = FALSE,
adgvm.fire = 1,
adgvm.climate = 0,
# To avoid annoying NOTES when R CMD check-ing
Lon = Lat = Annual = Year = Month = Day = NULL
EvapoGrass = EvapoSoil = EvapoTot = EvapoTree = Grass_LeafBiomassDeadLying = NULL
Grass_LeafBiomassDeadStanding = Grass_LeafBiomassLive = Grass_RootBiomassLive = NULL
Tree_LeafBiomassLive = Tree_RootBiomassLive = Tree_StemBiomassLive = NULL
Seedlings = Saplings = SmallTrees = LargeTrees = NULL
Grass_GPP = Total_GPP = Tree_GPP = NULL
# extract from the target.sta
first.year = target.sta@first.year
last.year = target.sta@last.year
# identify the file to open
if(tolower(adgvm.file.type) == "sys") file.substring <- "Sys"
else if(tolower(adgvm.file.type) == "fire") file.substring <- "Fire"
else if(tolower(adgvm.file.type) == "soil") file.substring <- "Soil"
else if(tolower(adgvm.file.type) == "size") file.substring <- "Size"
else stop(paste0("Argument adgvm.file.type is set to ", adgvm.file.type, " which is not valid. Please use one of \"Yearly\"/\"Sys\"/\"Fire\"/\"Soil\"/\"Size\" depending on where the variable you want to read has been written."))
# if no custom header defined, use the default appropriate for the file type that is being opened
if(missing(adgvm.header)) {
if(file.substring == "Sys") adgvm.header <- c("Year","Day","Grass_LeafBiomassLive","Grass_RootBiomassLive","Grass_LeafBiomassDeadStanding","Grass_LeafBiomassDeadLying","Grass_RootBiomassDead","Grass_GPP","Grass_RMA","Grass_RGR","SavTree_Cancov","ForTree_Cancov","Tree_LeafBiomassLive","Tree_StemBiomassLive","Tree_RootBiomassLive","Tree_LeafBiomassDeadStanding","Tree_LeafBiomassDeadLying","Tree_StemBiomassDeadStanding","Tree_StemBiomassDeadLying","Tree_RootBiomassDead","Tree_GPP","Tree_RMA","Tree_RGR","Tree_LAI","Tree_Popsize","Tree_MeanHeight","Grass_Ratio","Tmp_Mean","Tree_TallNum","Tree_BA","CO2ppm","Rain_day","EvapoTot","SoilCarbonRelease","Combustion","MeanRain")
if(file.substring == "Fire") adgvm.header <- c("FireNum","Year","Day","DeadFuel","LiveFuel","DeadFuelMoisture","LiveFuelMoisture","TotalFuel","MeanFuelMoisture","FireIntensity","Patchiness","Scorch","CombustFine","CombustCoarse","CombustHeavy","CombustHelper","Grass_LeafLiveCombustion","Grass_LeafDeadStandingCombustion","Grass_LeafDeadLyingCombustion","Tree_LeafLiveCombustion","Tree_LeafDeadLyingCombustion","Tree_LeafDeadLyingCombustion","Tree_StemLiveCombustion","Tree_StemDeadStandingCoarseCombustion","Tree_StemDeadLyingCoarseCombustion","Tree_StemDeadStandingHeavyCombustion","Tree_StemDeadLyingHeavyCombustion","Tree_StemDeadStandingFineCombustion","Tree_StemDeadLyingFineCombustion","Grass_LeafN20","Tree_LeafN20","Tree_StemCoarseN20","Tree_StemHeavyN20","Tree_StemFineN20","Grass_LeafCH4","Tree_LeafCH4","Tree_StemCoarseCH4","Tree_StemHeavyCH4","Tree_StemFineCH4","CO2ppm")
if(file.substring == "Size") adgvm.header <- c("50","100","150","200","250","300","350","400","450","500","550","600","650","700","750","800","850","900","950","1000","1050","1100","1150","1200","1250","1300","1350","1400","1450","1500","1550","1600","1650","1700","1750","1800","1850","1900","1950","2000","2050","2100","2150","2200","2250","2300","2350","2400","2450","2500","2550","2600","2650","2700","2750","2800","2850","2900","2950","3000","3050","3100","3150","3200","3250","3300","3350","3400","3450","3500")
if(file.substring == "Soil") adgvm.header <- c("Soil_FineWoody","Soil_CoarseWoody","Soil_Extractives","Soil_Cellulose","Soil_Lignin","Soil_Humus1","Soil_Humus2","Soil_NonWoodyLitterInput","Soil_FineWoodyLitterInput","Soil_CoarseWoodyLitterInput","Soil_CO2Extractives","Soil_CO2Cellulose","Soil_CO2Lignin","Soil_CO2Humus1","Soil_CO2Humus2")
# in the case of Soil Data read one SysData file to get the Days and Years
if(file.substring == "Soil") {
all.files <- list.files(path = run@dir)
all.files <- all.files[grepl(paste0("SysData_.*_", adgvm.fire, ".*", adgvm.climate, ".dat"), all.files)]
file.string <- file.path(run@dir, all.files[1])
temp.dt <- readRegularASCII(file.string, verbose)
YearDay.dt <- temp.dt[,c(1,2)]
setnames(YearDay.dt, c("Year", "Day"))
# get the list of files to be read
if(is.null(file.name)) {
all.files <- list.files(path = run@dir)
all.files <- all.files[grepl(paste0(file.substring , "Data_.*_", adgvm.fire, ".*", adgvm.climate, ".dat"), all.files)]
else {
all.files <- file.name
if(!data.table.only && class(quant)[1] != "Quantity") stop("Please supply a formal Quantity object as the quant argument since you are not requesting at data.table")
if(class(quant)[1] == "Quantity") variable <- quant@id
else variable <- quant
# loop for each year
all.dts <- list()
for(this.file in all.files){
# Make the filename and call the function to read the file, and handle the results
file.string <- file.path(run@dir, this.file)
dt <- suppressWarnings(readRegularASCII(file.string, verbose))
# if file not empty (to catch empty fire files)
if(nrow(dt) != 0) {
# also extract Lon and Lat and add to the file
str.components <- unlist(strsplit(this.file, split = "_"))
dt[, Lon := as.numeric(str.components[2])]
dt[, Lat := as.numeric(str.components[3])]
if(file.substring == "Soil") {
dt[, c("Year", "Day") := YearDay.dt]
# Size are output annually, so hardcode Years
if(file.substring == "Size") {
dt[, "Year" := 1:nrow(dt)]
all.dts[[length(all.dts)+1]] <- dt
dt <- rbindlist(all.dts)
# set names depending on file type
if(file.substring == "Sys") {
original.length <- length(names(dt)) - 2 # subtract 2 because we have added Lon and Lat
setnames(dt, names(dt)[1:original.length], adgvm.header[1:original.length])
dt[, Day := Day+1]
else if(file.substring == "Soil") {
setnames(dt, names(dt)[1:length(adgvm.header)], adgvm.header)
dt[, Day := Day+1]
else if(file.substring == "Fire") {
original.length <- length(names(dt)) - 2 # subtract 2 because we have added Lon and Lat
setnames(dt, names(dt)[1:original.length], adgvm.header[1:original.length])
dt[, Day := Day+1]
else if(file.substring == "Size") {
original.length <- length(names(dt)) - 3 # subtract 3 because we have added Lon, Lat and Year
setnames(dt, names(dt)[1:original.length], adgvm.header[1:original.length])
# handle aggregation for fire and the final subannual resolution label
final.subannual <- "Day"
if(file.substring == "Fire") {
dt <- aggregateSubannual(x = dt, method = target.sta@subannual.aggregate.method, target = target.sta@subannual.resolution)
final.subannual <- target.sta@subannual.resolution
else if(file.substring == "Size"){
final.subannual <- "Year"
# if the Quantity object that we are pulling was automagically defined, extract layers which
# have names that looks something like it
if(quant@id == quant@name && quant@units == "undefined unit") {
all.potential.cols <- layers(dt)
matched.cols <- all.potential.cols[grepl(pattern = quant@id, all.potential.cols)]
if(length(matched.cols) == 0) stop(paste0("You asked for an aDGVM quantity called ", quant@name, ". I automagically made that but no columns in the input data file seem to match. Please try a different Quantity string."))
print(append(getDimInfo(dt), matched.cols))
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), matched.cols), with = FALSE]
# take mean of gridcells with multiple entries
dt <- dt[, lapply(.SD, mean), by=eval(unlist(getDimInfo(dt)))]
if(variable == "Cancov") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c("ForTree_Cancov", "SavTree_Cancov")), with = FALSE]
setnames(dt, c("ForTree_Cancov", "SavTree_Cancov"), c("ForTr", "SavTr"))
if(variable == "LeafBiomass") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c("Grass_LeafBiomassLive","Tree_LeafBiomassLive")), with = FALSE]
dt[, Grass_LeafBiomassLive := Grass_LeafBiomassLive*10]
dt[, Tree_LeafBiomassLive := Tree_LeafBiomassLive*10]
setnames(dt, c("Grass_LeafBiomassLive","Tree_LeafBiomassLive"), c("Grass", "Tree"))
if(variable == "RootBiomass") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c("Grass_RootBiomassLive","Tree_RootBiomassLive")), with = FALSE]
dt[, Grass_RootBiomassLive := Grass_RootBiomassLive*10]
dt[, Tree_RootBiomassLive := Tree_RootBiomassLive*10]
setnames(dt, c("Grass_RootBiomassLive","Tree_RootBiomassLive"), c("Grass", "Tree"))
if(variable == "StemBiomass") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c("Tree_StemBiomassLive")), with = FALSE]
dt[, Tree_StemBiomassLive := Tree_StemBiomassLive*10]
setnames(dt, c("Tree_StemBiomassLive"), c("Tree"))
if(variable == "DeadGrassBiomass") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c("Grass_LeafBiomassDeadStanding","Grass_LeafBiomassDeadLying")), with = FALSE]
dt[, Grass_LeafBiomassDeadStanding := Grass_LeafBiomassDeadStanding*10]
dt[, Grass_LeafBiomassDeadLying := Grass_LeafBiomassDeadLying*10]
setnames(dt, c("Grass_LeafBiomassDeadStanding","Grass_LeafBiomassDeadLying"), c("Standing","Lying"))
if(variable == "LiveGrassBiomass") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c("Grass_LeafBiomassLive")), with = FALSE]
dt[, Grass_LeafBiomassLive := Grass_LeafBiomassLive*10]
setnames(dt, c("Grass_LeafBiomassLive"), c("Grass"))
if(variable == "PopSize") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c("Tree_Popsize")), with = FALSE]
setnames(dt, c("Tree_Popsize"), c("Tree"))
if(variable == "ET") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c("EvapoTot")), with = FALSE]
setnames(dt, c("EvapoTot"), c("Total"))
if(variable == "C3C4_Ratio") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c("Grass_Ratio")), with = FALSE]
setnames(dt, c("Grass_Ratio"), c("Grass"))
if(variable == "BasalArea") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c("Tree_BA")), with = FALSE]
setnames(dt, c("Tree_BA"), c("Tree"))
if(variable == "GPP") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c("Tree_GPP","Grass_GPP")), with = FALSE]
dt[, Total_GPP := Tree_GPP + Grass_GPP]
setnames(dt, c("Tree_GPP","Grass_GPP","Total_GPP"), c("Tree","Grass","Total"))
if(variable == "All_Size_Classes") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c( "50","100","150","200","250","300","350","400","450","500","550","600","650","700","750","800","850","900","950","1000","1050","1100","1150","1200","1250","1300","1350","1400","1450","1500","1550","1600","1650","1700","1750","1800","1850","1900","1950","2000","2050","2100","2150","2200","2250","2300","2350","2400","2450","2500","2550","2600","2650","2700","2750","2800","2850","2900","2950","3000","3050","3100","3150","3200","3250","3300","3350","3400","3450","3500")), with = FALSE]
if(variable == "Grouped_Size_Classes") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c( "50","100","150","200","250","300","350","400","450","500","550","600","650","700","750","800","850","900","950","1000","1050","1100","1150","1200","1250","1300","1350","1400","1450","1500","1550","1600","1650","1700","1750","1800","1850","1900","1950","2000","2050","2100","2150","2200","2250","2300","2350","2400","2450","2500","2550","2600","2650","2700","2750","2800","2850","2900","2950","3000","3050","3100","3150","3200","3250","3300","3350","3400","3450","3500")), with = FALSE]
dt[, Seedlings := rowSums(.SD), .SDcols = c("50")]
dt[, Saplings := rowSums(.SD), .SDcols = c("100","150","200")]
dt[, SmallTrees := rowSums(.SD), .SDcols = c("250","300","350","400","450","500","550","600","650","700","750","800","850","900","950","1000")]
dt[, LargeTrees := rowSums(.SD), .SDcols = c("1050","1100","1150","1200","1250","1300","1350","1400","1450","1500","1550","1600","1650","1700","1750","1800","1850","1900","1950","2000","2050","2100","2150","2200","2250","2300","2350","2400","2450","2500","2550","2600","2650","2700","2750","2800","2850","2900","2950","3000","3050","3100","3150","3200","3250","3300","3350","3400","3450","3500")]
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c("Seedlings","Saplings","SmallTrees","LargeTrees")), with = FALSE]
setnames(dt, c("Seedlings","Saplings","SmallTrees","LargeTrees"), c("Seedlings < 0.5m","Saplings < 2m","Small Trees < 10m","LargeTrees > 10m"))
if(variable == "FireIntensity") {
dt <- dt[, append(getDimInfo(dt), c("FireIntensity")), with = FALSE]
# Print messages
if(verbose) {
message("Read table. It has header:")
message("It has shape:")
# Correct year
if(run@year.offset != 0) {
dt[,Year := Year + run@year.offset]
if(verbose) message("Correcting year with offset.")
# Select year
if(length(first.year) == 0) first.year <- NULL
if(length(last.year) == 0) last.year <- NULL
if(!missing(first.year) & !missing(last.year) & !is.null(first.year) & !is.null(last.year)) {
dt <- selectYears(dt, first.year, last.year)
# also correct days to be 1-365 instead of 0-364, if necessary
if("Day" %in% names(dt)) {
if(0 %in% unique(dt[["Day"]])) dt[, Day := Day+1]
# Correct lon and lats
if(length(run@lonlat.offset) == 2 ){
if(verbose) message("Correcting lons and lats with offset.")
if(run@lonlat.offset[1] != 0) dt[, Lon := Lon + run@lonlat.offset[1]]
if(run@lonlat.offset[2] != 0) dt[, Lat := Lat + run@lonlat.offset[2]]
else if(length(run@lonlat.offset) == 1 ){
if(verbose) message("Correcting lons and lats with offset.")
if(run@lonlat.offset[1] != 0) dt[, Lon := Lon + run@lonlat.offset[1]]
if(run@lonlat.offset[1] != 0) dt[, Lat := Lat + run@lonlat.offset[1]]
if(verbose) {
message("Offsets applied. Head of full .out file (after offsets):")
# if london.centre is requested, make sure all longitudes greater than 180 are shifted to negative
if(max(dt[["Lon"]]) > 180) {
dt[, Lon := LondonCentre(Lon)]
# if spatial extent specified, crop to it
new.extent <- NULL
if(!is.null(target.sta@spatial.extent)) {
spatial.extent.class <- class(target.sta@spatial.extent)[1]
if(spatial.extent.class == "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" || spatial.extent.class == "numeric" || is.data.frame(target.sta@spatial.extent) || is.data.table(target.sta@spatial.extent)) {
dt <- selectGridcells(x = dt, gridcells = target.sta@spatial.extent, spatial.extent.id = target.sta@spatial.extent.id, ...)
new.extent <- target.sta@spatial.extent
# if new.extent is a data.frame, convery it to a data.table for consistency
if(is.data.frame(new.extent) & !is.data.table(new.extent)) new.extent <- as.data.table(new.extent)
else {
dt <- crop(x = dt, y = target.sta@spatial.extent, spatial.extent.id = target.sta@spatial.extent.id)
new.extent <- extent(dt)
# set some attributes about the data - works!
# currently screws up unit tests and isn't used. Consider using if updating metadata system.
# setattr(dt, "shadeToleranceCombined", FALSE)
# remove any NAs
dt <- stats::na.omit(dt)
# set the keys (very important!)
# Build as STAInfo object describing the data
all.years <- sort(unique(dt[["Year"]]))
dimensions <- getDimInfo(dt)
if(file.substring == "Soil") initial.subannual <- "Year"
else initial.subannual <- "Day"
sta.info = new("STAInfo",
first.year = min(all.years),
last.year = max(all.years),
subannual.resolution = final.subannual,
subannual.original = initial.subannual)
# if Fire it will have had subannual aggregation
sta.info@subannual.aggregate.method <- target.sta@subannual.aggregate.method
# if cropping has been done, set the new spatial.extent and spatial.extent.id
if(!is.null(new.extent)) {
sta.info@spatial.extent = new.extent
sta.info@spatial.extent.id <- target.sta@spatial.extent.id
# otherwise set
else {
sta.info@spatial.extent = extent(dt)
sta.info@spatial.extent.id <- "Full"
if(data.table.only) return(dt)
else {
# make the ID and then make and return Field
field.id <- makeFieldID(source = run, quant.string = variable, sta.info = sta.info)
id = field.id,
data = dt,
quant = quant,
source = run,
#' Returns the data from one aDGVM output variable as a \code{data.table}.
#' This function can retrieve a 'Standard' vegetation quantity (returned as a data.table) with standard definition and units
#' to compare to other models and to data. This must be implemented for each and every Standard quantity
#' for each and every model to ensure completeness.
#' @param run A \code{\linkS4class{Source}} containing the meta-data about the aDGVM run from which the data is to be read. Most importantly it must contain the run.dara nd the offsets.
#' @param quant A Quantity to define what output file from the aDGVM run to open
#' @param first.year The first year (as a numeric) of the data to be return
#' @param last.year The last year (as a numeric) of the data to be return
#' @param file.name An optional character string (or a list of character strings) holding the name of the file(s)
#' This can be left blank, in which case the file name is automatically generated.
#' @param verbose A logical, set to true to give progress/debug information
#' @return a data.table (with the correct tear offset and lon-lat offsets applied)
#' @author Matthew Forrest \email{matthew.forrest@@senckenberg.de}
#' @author Glenn Moncrieff \email{glenn@@saeon.ac.za}
#' @import data.table
#' @keywords internal
getStandardQuantity_aDGVM <- function(run,
file.name = file.name,
verbose = FALSE,
...) {
Total = Year = FireRT = NULL
# columns not to be modified for unit conversions etc.
unmod.cols <- c("Lon", "Lat", "Year", "Month", "Day")
# Check that this really is a standard Quantity and therefore should have behaviour defined here
if(!"Standard" %in% quant@format) {
stop((paste("getStandardQuantity_aDGVM called for a non-Standard Quantity (", quant@id, ")", sep = "")))
#### Here is the code to define each and every Standard Quantity for aDGVM output
# vegC_std
if(quant@id == "vegC_std") {
stem <- getField_aDGVM(run, lookupQuantity("StemBiomass", aDGVM), target.sta, file.name, verbose, adgvm.file.type, ...)
leaf <- getField_aDGVM(run, lookupQuantity("LeafBiomass", aDGVM), target.sta, file.name, verbose, adgvm.file.type, ...)
root <- getField_aDGVM(run, lookupQuantity("RootBiomass", aDGVM), target.sta, file.name, verbose, adgvm.file.type, ...)
full.dt <- root@data[stem@data[leaf@data]]
possible.layers <- c("C3G", "C4G", "Tree", "Grass", "SavTr", "ForTr")
for(this.layer in possible.layers) {
these.cols <- names(full.dt)[grepl(pattern = this.layer, names(full.dt))]
if(length(these.cols) > 0) {
full.dt[, (this.layer) := rowSums(.SD), .SDcols = these.cols]
full.dt[, (this.layer) := lapply(.SD, function(x) x * 0.1 ), .SDcols = this.layer]
for(temp.col in these.cols) {
if(temp.col != this.layer) full.dt[, (temp.col) := NULL]
# make the ID and then make and return Field
sta.info <- as(object = stem, Class = "STAInfo")
field.id <- makeFieldID(source = run, quant.string = quant@id, sta.info = sta.info)
id = field.id,
data = full.dt,
quant = quant,
source = run,
# vegcover_std
else if(quant@id == "vegcover_std") {
# # vegcover.out provides the right quantity here (note this is not standard aDGVM)
# this.Field <- openaDGVMOutputFile(run, lookupQuantity("vegcover", aDGVM), target.sta, file.name = file.name, verbose = verbose)
# # But we need to scale it to %
# if(verbose) message("Multiplying fractional areal vegetation cover by 100 to get percentage areal cover")
# this.dt <- this.Field@data
# mod.cols <- names(this.dt)
# mod.cols <- mod.cols[!mod.cols %in% unmod.cols]
# this.dt[, (mod.cols) := lapply(.SD, function(x) x * 100 ), .SDcols = mod.cols]
# if("Grass" %in% names(this.dt)) { setnames(this.dt, old = "Grass", new = "NonTree") }
# this.Field@data <- this.dt
# return(this.Field)
# LAI_std
else if(quant@id == "LAI_std") {
# lai provides the right quantity here - so done
# this.Field <- openaDGVMOutputFile(run, lookupQuantity("lai", aDGVM), target.sta, file.name = file.name, verbose = verbose)
# else stop
else {
stop(paste("Unfortunately standard quantity", quant@id, "does not seem to be available in aDGVM"))
# Update the Field with the 'standard' Quantity and return
this.Field@quant <- quant
######################### LIST ALL aDGVM OUTPUT VARIABLES (STORED AS *.out FILES) IN AN RUN DIRECTORY #####################################################################
#' List available aDGVM Quantities in a run
#' Simply lists all aDGVM Quantities that *should* be available in the run based on the files that are
#' available in the run directory. It does NOT check that the required columns are available in the output file.
#' @param source A aDGVM source object
#' @param names Logical, if TRUE (the default) return the names of the quantities, if FALSE return the quanties themseleves
#' @return A list of all the Quantities available for this aDGVM run
#' @author Matthew Forrest \email{matthew.forrest@@senckenberg.de}
#' @keywords internal
availableQuantities_aDGVM <- function(source, names = TRUE, verbose = FALSE){
directory <- source@dir
# check that we have at least yearly data
yearly.present <- length(list.files(directory, "YearlyData*")) > 0
if(yearly.present & verbose) print("Found Yearly files")
# check for the Sys/Fire/Soil/Soil "daily" data
sys.present <- length(list.files(directory, "SysData*")) > 0
if(sys.present & verbose) print("Found Sys daily files")
soil.present <- length(list.files(directory, "SoilData*")) > 0
if(soil.present & verbose) print("Found Soil daily files")
fire.present <- length(list.files(directory, "FireData*")) > 0
if(fire.present & verbose) print("Found Fire files")
size.present <- length(list.files(directory, "SizeData*")) > 0
if(fire.present & verbose) print("Found Size annual files")
# check for consistency of 'daily' files
daily.output.avail <- FALSE
daily.files.avail <- sum(sys.present, soil.present, fire.present, size.present)
if(daily.files.avail == 4) {
if(verbose) print("Got all 4 files for 'daily' output (Sys/Size/Fire/Soil)")
daily.output.avail <- TRUE
else if(daily.files.avail == 0) {
if(verbose) print("Got no daily output files")
else {
if(verbose) print("Got some but not all daily output files. This means you won't be able to read all daily
output and perhaps part of your run output is missing?")
daily.output.avail <- TRUE
# if daily output is available then relatively easy life, just return the full list of Quantities
if(daily.output.avail) {
if(!names) return(aDGVM.quantities)
else {
all.names <- c()
for(this.quant in aDGVM.quantities) {
all.names <- append(all.names, this.quant@id)
# else select only the yearly quantities based on the dirty, hard-coded lsit below
else {
yearly.quantities <- c("Cancov", "LeafBiomass", "RootBiomass", "StemBiomass", "DeadGrassBiomass",
"LiveGrassBiomass", "ET", "PopSize", "C3C4_Ratio")
if(names) return(yearly.quantities)
else {
available.quantities <- list()
for(this.quant in aDGVM.quantities) {
if(this.quant@id %in% yearly.quantities) available.quantities <- append(available.quantities, this.quant)
############### aDGVM STANDARD LAYERS ###############################
#' @format An S4 class object with the slots as defined below.
#' @rdname Layer-class
#' @keywords datasets
aDGVM.Layers <- list(
# Forest Tree
id = "ForTr",
name = "Forest Tree",
colour = "darkgreen",
properties = list(type = "PFT",
growth.form = "Tree",
leaf.form = "Broadleaved",
phenology = "Adaptive",
climate.zone = "Tropical")
# Savanna Tree
id = "SavTr",
name = "Savanna Tree",
colour = "lightgreen",
properties = list(type = "PFT",
growth.form = "Tree",
leaf.form = "Broadleaved",
phenology = "Adaptive",
climate.zone = "Tropical")
# C3G
id = "C3G",
name = "C3 Grass",
colour = "lightgoldenrod1",
properties = list(type = "PFT",
growth.form = "Grass",
leaf.form = "Broadleaved",
phenology = "Adaptive",
climate.zone = "Tropical")
# C4G
id = "C4G",
name = "C4 Grass",
colour = "sienna2",
properties = list(type = "PFT",
growth.form = "Grass",
leaf.form = "Broadleaved",
phenology = "Adaptive",
climate.zone = "Tropical"
################### DEFINED aDGVM QUANTITIES ########################
#' @format The \code{\linkS4class{Quantity}} class is an S4 class with the slots defined below
#' @rdname Quantity-class
#' @keywords datasets
aDGVM.quantities <- list(
id = "Cancov",
name = "Canopy Cover",
units = "%",
colours = function(n) rev(viridis::viridis(n)),
format = c("aDGVM"),
standard_name = "land_area_fraction"),
id = "LeafBiomass",
name = "Leaf biomass",
units = "tonnes/hectare",
colours = function(n) rev(viridis::viridis(n)),
format = c("aDGVM")),
id = "RootBiomass",
name = "Root biomass",
units = "tonnes/hectare",
colours = function(n) rev(viridis::viridis(n)),
format = c("aDGVM")),
id = "StemBiomass",
name = "Stem biomass",
units = "tonnes/hectare",
colours = function(n) rev(viridis::viridis(n)),
format = c("aDGVM")),
id = "DeadGrassBiomass",
name = "Dead grass biomass",
units = "tonnes/hectare",
colours = function(n) rev(viridis::viridis(n)),
format = c("aDGVM")),
id = "LiveGrassBiomass",
name = "Live grass biomass",
units = "tonnes/hectare",
colours = function(n) rev(viridis::viridis(n)),
format = c("aDGVM")),
id = "GPP",
name = "GPP",
units = "kgC/m2",
colours = function(n) rev(viridis::viridis(n)),
format = c("aDGVM")),
id = "NEE",
name = "NEE",
units = "tonnes/hectare",
colours = function(n) rev(viridis::viridis(n)),
format = c("aDGVM")),
id = "NPP",
name = "NPP",
units = "tonnes/hectare",
colours = function(n) rev(viridis::viridis(n)),
format = c("aDGVM")),
id = "BasalArea",
name = "Basal Area",
units = "m2 per hectare",
colours = function(n) rev(viridis::viridis(n)),
format = c("aDGVM")),
id = "ET",
name = "Evapotranspiration",
units = "mm/day",
colours = function(n) rev(viridis::viridis(n)),
format = c("aDGVM")),
id = "PopSize",
name = "Tree population size",
units = "number of individuals",
colours = function(n) rev(viridis::viridis(n)),
format = c("aDGVM")),
id = "C3C4_Ratio",
name = "Ratio of C3 to C4 grass",
units = "proportion",
colours = function(n) rev(viridis::viridis(n)),
format = c("aDGVM")),
id = "Grouped_Size_Classes",
name = "Tree size classes",
units = "number of individuals",
colours = function(n) rev(viridis::viridis(n)),
format = c("aDGVM")),
id = "FireIntensity",
name = "Fire intensity",
units = "W/m^2",
colours = function(n) rev(viridis::viridis(n)),
format = c("aDGVM"))
########### aDGVM FORMAT ########################
#' @description \code{aDGVM} - a Format for reading standard aDGVM model output
#' @format A \code{\linkS4class{Format}} object is an S4 class.
#' @aliases Format-class
#' @rdname Format-class
#' @keywords datasets
#' @export
aDGVM <- new("Format",
id = "aDGVM",
availableQuantities = availableQuantities_aDGVM,
getField = getField_aDGVM,
predefined.layers = aDGVM.Layers,
quantities = aDGVM.quantities
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