
Defines functions getSavedParams extractParameters extractAlignmentSim

Documented in extractAlignmentSim

#' Extracts summaries of alignment simulations from Mplus output file
#' @param sim.outputs a character vector of file names containing simulation results of alignment ran in Mplus. 
#' @param silent Logical. Used for debugging.
#' @details Best used as part of \code{\link[MIE]{runAlignment}}
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{  
#'      align.sim.summ <- extractAlignmentSim (c("sim500.out", "sim100.out", "sim1000.out")) 
#'      }
#' @return Invisibly returns a summary table.
#' @seealso \code{\link[MIE]{runAlignment}}  and \code{\link[MIE]{extractAlignment}} 
#' @export
extractAlignmentSim <- function(sim.outputs = c("sim500.out", "sim100.out", "sim1000.out"), silent = FALSE, manual = F) {
  otp <- lapply(sim.outputs, function(x) {
    f <- paste(readLines(x), collapse="\n")
    mplus.version <- sub(".*Mplus VERSION *(.*?) *\n.*", "\\1", f)
    mplus.version <- trimws(gsub("(\\(.*\\))", "", mplus.version))
      #stop("Correlations output is not found.")
      message("Correlations output is not found. Calculating correlations manually")
      manual <- TRUE
    if(manual) {
      # extract parameters and correlate averages
      partable <- MIE:::extractParameters(string = f)
      partable.means <- partable[partable$L2 == "Means",c("Population", "parameter", "ESTIMATES_Average")]
   corr.of.averages =   sapply(setNames(nm=unique(partable.means$parameter)), function(latent.factor)
        cor(partable.means$ESTIMATES_Average[partable.means$parameter == latent.factor], 
            partable.means$Population[partable.means$parameter == latent.factor]))
   corr.of.averages.N = length(unique(partable$L1))
      # extract each replication mean, correlate to population value, and then average

    params.for.each.replication <- MIE:::getSavedParams(x)
    means.for.each.replication <- lapply(params.for.each.replication, function(y) dplyr::filter(y, L2 == "alpha"))
   #reshape2::melt(means.for.each.replication, level = "L1")
   pop.values = partable[partable$L2=="Means" & !grepl("#",partable$parameter), 
                         c("L1", "parameter", "Population")]
   pop.values$L1 <- gsub("\\s", ".", toupper(gsub("Group ", "", pop.values$L1)))
   merged.dats = lapply(means.for.each.replication, function(x) {
     merge(x, pop.values, 
           by.x = c("L1", "Var2"), 
           by.y = c("L1", "parameter"))
   cors.df = sapply(merged.dats, 
                           cor(y$est[y$Var2 == latent.factor], 
                               y$Population[y$Var2 == latent.factor])
    # output
      "Correlations and mean square error of population and estimate values" =
        list("Correlations Mean Average"={ if(is.data.frame(cors.df)) 
          apply(cors.df, 1, mean) else mean(cors.df)},
                     "Correlations Variance Average"=NA, 
                     "Correlations Mean SD" = { if(is.data.frame(cors.df)) 
                       apply(cors.df, 1, sd) else sd(cors.df)}, 
                     "Correlations Variance SD" = NA, 
                     "MSE Mean Average" = NA, 
                     "MSE Variance Average"= NA, 
                     "MSE Mean SD" = NA, 
                     "MSE Variance SD" = NA,
                     N = ncol(cors.df)),
      "Correlation and mean square error of the average estimates" = 
        list("Correlation of average means with true" = corr.of.averages, 
          "Correlation of average variances with true" = NA, 
          "MSE of average means with true" = NA, 
          "MSE of average variances with true" = NA,
          N = corr.of.averages.N
    } else {
    if(mplus.version == "8.10") { 
      cor.tab1 =  sub(".*CORRELATIONS AND MEAN SQUARE ERROR OF POPULATION AND ESTIMATE VALUES(.*?)\n\n\n.*", "\\1", f)
      cor.tab2 =  sub(".*CORRELATION AND MEAN SQUARE ERROR OF THE AVERAGE ESTIMATES(.*?)\n\n\n.*", "\\1", f)
      cor.tabs = list(cor.tab1, cor.tab2)
    } else {
      cor.tabs <- sub(".*CORRELATIONS AND MEAN SQUARE ERROR OF POPULATION AND ESTIMATE VALUES *(.*?)*\n\n\n\n.*", "\\1", f)
      cor.tabs <- strsplit(cor.tabs, "CORRELATION AND MEAN SQUARE ERROR OF THE AVERAGE ESTIMATES")[[1]]
    cor.tabs1 <- strsplit(cor.tabs[[1]], "\n")[[1]][-c(1:4)]
    cor.tabs1 <- cor.tabs1[!cor.tabs1==""]
    dt1 <-sapply(seq(1, length(cor.tabs1), by=3), function(f.id) unlist(read.table(text=cor.tabs1[f.id+1:2])[-1]))
    colnames(dt1) = gsub(" ", "", cor.tabs1[seq(1, length(cor.tabs1), by=3)])
    row.names(dt1)<-c("Correlations Mean Average", "Correlations Variance Average", "Correlations Mean SD", "Correlations Variance SD",
                      "MSE Mean Average", "MSE Variance Average", "MSE Mean SD", "MSE Variance SD")
    cor.tabs2 <- strsplit(cor.tabs[[2]], "\n")[[1]]
    cor.tabs2 <- cor.tabs2[!cor.tabs2==""]
    dt2 <- read.table(text=gsub(".*(Mean|Variance) *", "", cor.tabs2))
    dt2 <- sapply(seq(1, nrow(dt2), by=2), function(y) unlist(dt2[y:(y+1),]) )
    colnames(dt2) <- gsub(" *", "", gsub("(Mean|Variance).* *", "",   cor.tabs2)) [seq(1, length(cor.tabs2), by=2)]
    rownames(dt2) <- c("Correlation of average means with true", "Correlation of average variances with true",
                       "MSE of average means with true","MSE of average variances with true")
    list('Correlations and mean square error of population and estimate values' = dt1,
         'Correlation and mean square error of the average estimates' = dt2)
  names(otp)<- sim.outputs
  if(!silent) {
    for(i in names(otp)  ) {
      cat("\n", "⎯ Output: ", i," ⎯ ")

        cat("\n", "⎯⎯⎯=  ", 
            " =⎯ \n")
        print(t(as.data.frame(otp[[i]][[1]])), digits = 2)
        cat("\n", "⎯⎯⎯=  ", 
            " =⎯ \n")
        print(otp[[i]][[2]], digits = 2)


extractParameters <- function(file = NULL, string = NULL) {
  if(!is.null(file)) {
        string <- paste(readLines(file), collapse="\n")
         stop("File not found.")

# Reading parameter table
all.pars.string <- sub(".*MODEL RESULTS *(.*?) *QUALITY OF NUMERICAL RESULTS.*", "\\1", string)
all.pars.split <- strsplit(all.pars.string, "\n")[[1]]
#all.pars.split <- gsub("\\s+", " ", all.pars.split)
all.pars.split <- all.pars.split[nchar(all.pars.split)!=0]

# identifying sections
full.string.length = max(nchar(all.pars.split))
headers.ind = which(nchar(all.pars.split)!=full.string.length)
headers1.ind =  headers.ind[c(headers.ind[-1] - headers.ind[-length(headers.ind)] == 1, F)]
headers2.ind = headers.ind[!headers.ind %in% headers1.ind]

# trimming space from sections names
all.pars.split[headers1.ind] <- trimws(gsub("\\s+", " ", all.pars.split[headers1.ind]))
all.pars.split[headers2.ind] <- trimws(gsub("\\s+", " ", all.pars.split[headers2.ind]))

# detecting the varnames (header of the partable)
varnames.string <- sub(".*\n\n(.*?) *\n\n.*", "\\1", all.pars.string)
if(grepl("\n", varnames.string)) {
  twoliner = read.fwf(textConnection(varnames.string), 
                      widths = c(17, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 6, 11))
  varnames.vector <- trimws(paste(twoliner[1,], twoliner[2,]))
} else {
  varnames.vector <- strsplit(varnames.string, split = "\\s+{2}")[[1]]

varnames.vector <- gsub("\\s+", "_", varnames.vector)

# making a list of parameters
all.pars.list <- list()
for(i in 1:length(headers1.ind)) {
  begin.section = headers1.ind[i]+1
  end.section = ifelse(i == length(headers1.ind),
  section = all.pars.split[begin.section:end.section]
  headers2.in.section = headers2.ind[headers2.ind >= begin.section & 
                                       headers2.ind <= end.section]
  subsection <- list()
  for(k in 1:length(headers2.in.section)) {
    begin.subsection = headers2.in.section[k]+1
    end.subsection   = ifelse(k == length(headers2.in.section),
    subsection[[ all.pars.split [[ headers2.in.section[[k]] ]] ]] <-
      read.table(text = all.pars.split[begin.subsection:end.subsection],
                 col.names = varnames.vector, comment.char = "!")
  all.pars.list[[all.pars.split[[headers1.ind[[i]]]]]] <- subsection

# list to partable
partable <-  reshape2::melt(all.pars.list, id.vars = "parameter") %>%
  reshape2::dcast(L1 + L2 + parameter ~ variable, value.var = "value")


getSavedParams <- function(file) {
  simpar <- MplusAutomation::readModels(file, what = c("tech1", "output"))
  tech1 <- simpar$tech1$parameterSpecification
  tech1.df <- reshape2::melt(tech1) %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(value)) %>% dplyr::filter(value!=0)
  results.file <- sub(".*RESULTS SAVING INFORMATION(.*?) *Save file format.*", "\\1", 
                      paste(simpar$output, collapse = "\n"))
  results.file <- trimws(sub(".*Save file\n(.*?) *\n\n*", "\\1", results.file))
  results.file <- ifelse(dirname(file)==".", results.file, paste0(dirname(file), "/",  results.file))
  if(file.exists(results.file)) {
    results.string <- readLines(results.file)
  } else {
    warning("Results file was not found. Make sure you added 'RESULTS = filename.dat;' in the 'MONTECARLO:' section of the input file.")
  replication.id.index <- which(!grepl("\\s", results.string))
  parameter.vectors <- 
    lapply(1:length(replication.id.index), function(i) {
      begin = replication.id.index[[i]] + 1
      end = ifelse(i == length(replication.id.index), 
                   replication.id.index[[i + 1]]-1)
      paste(results.string[begin:end], collapse = " ")
  names(parameter.vectors) = results.string[replication.id.index]
  #   # find the location of ALPHA matrix in the technical output
  #  tech1.output <- substr(f, regexec("TECHNICAL OUTPUT", f)[[1]]+16, regexec("STARTING VALUES", f)[[1]])
  #   if(grepl("THE ROTATED SOLUTION", f)) {
  #     # tech1.output <- substr(f, 
  #     #                        regexec("TECHNICAL 1 OUTPUT FOR THE ROTATED SOLUTION", f)[[1]]+16, 
  #     #                        gregexec("STARTING VALUES", f)[[1]])
  #     tech1.output <- sub(".*TECHNICAL 1 OUTPUT FOR THE ROTATED SOLUTION(.*?) *STARTING VALUES.*", "\\1", f)
  #   }
  #  param.spec.output <- strsplit(tech1.output, "PARAMETER SPECIFICATION FOR")[[1]][-1]
  #  names(param.spec.output) <- unname(trimws(sapply(param.spec.output, function(x) strsplit(x, "\n\n\n")[[1]][[1]])))
  # alpha.output <- lapply(1:length(param.spec.output), function(y) {
  #   y = param.spec.output[[y]]
  #   alpha.string = sub(".*ALPHA(.*?)\n\n.*", "\\1", y)
  #   alpha.table = read.table(text = alpha.string, header = T, comment.char = "#")
  #   alpha.table[-1,]
  # })
  #  alpha.index <- reshape2::melt(alpha.output, level = "group", id.vars = NULL) 
  # means.for.each.replication = 
  #   lapply(parameter.vectors, function(y) {
  #     #suppressMessages({
  #      param.vector = scan(text = y, what = numeric(), quiet = T)
  #     #})
  #      cbind(alpha.index, est = param.vector[as.numeric(alpha.index$value)])
  #   })
  params.for.each.replication =
    lapply(parameter.vectors, function(y) {
      param.vector = scan(text = y, what = numeric(), quiet = T)
      # cbind(alpha.index, est = param.vector[as.numeric(alpha.index$value)])
            est = param.vector[as.numeric(tech1.df$value)],
            se =  param.vector[as.numeric(tech1.df$value)+max(as.numeric(tech1.df$value))])
MaksimRudnev/MIE.package documentation built on March 5, 2024, 1:24 p.m.