

# Colors for 3 main pathways
pathColor = c("B-cell receptor"="#f12da0",
              "Reactive oxygen species"="#7073b0",
              "Apoptosis (BH3)"="#efa62b",
# Colors for type of drug
typeColor = c("FDA approved"="#23b14d",
              "clinical development/\ntool compound"="#a349a3")

# Assignment of diseases to cell of origin
diagAmt = list(
    `B-cell origin` = c("CLL","MCL","MZL","LPL","B-PLL","HCL","HCL-V","FL"),
    `T-cell origin` = c("T-PLL","Sezary","PTCL-NOS"),
    `Myeloid origin`= c("AML"),
    `Healthy`       = c("hMNC"))
# Colors for cell of origin
colDiagL = c("B-cell origin"="skyblue",
    "T-cell origin"="chocolate1",
    "Myeloid origin"="yellowgreen",

# Colors for diseases
colDiagS = c(`CLL`="pink", #  WH replaced "violetred" by "pink"
## colours to annotate sample features (molecular or clinical) in heatmap
sampleColors <- list(
  `del 17p13`  = c(`0`   = "#f8f8f8", `1` = "darkorchid4"),
  del11q22.3   = c(`0`   = "#f8f8f8", `1` = "darkorchid4"),
  del13q14     = c(`0`   = "#f8f8f8", `1` = "darkorchid4"),
  TP53         = c(`0`   = "#f8f8f8", `1` = "darkred"),
  p53          = c(`0`   = "#f8f8f8", `1` = "darkgreen"),
  ATM          = c(`0`   = "#f8f8f8", `1` = "darkgoldenrod3"),
  `trisomy 12` = c(`0`   = "#f8f8f8", `1` = "darkgreen"),
  SF3B1        = c(`0`   = "#f8f8f8", `1` = "darkblue"),
  NOTCH1       = c(`0`   = "#f8f8f8", `1` = "darkgoldenrod3"),
  PRPF8        = c(`0`   = "#f8f8f8", `1` = "darkorchid4"),
  NRAS         = c(`0`   = "#f8f8f8", `1` = "darkgoldenrod3"),
  KRAS         = c(`0`   = "#f8f8f8", `1` = "darkgoldenrod3"),
  `KRAS | NRAS`= c(`0`   = "#f8f8f8", `1` = "darkgoldenrod3"),
  pretreated   = c(`yes` = "firebrick2", `no` = "#f8f8f8"),
  alive        = c(`yes` = "#f8f8f8", `no` = "black"),
  sex          = c(`m`   = "royalblue4", `f` = "maroon"))

# Custom made order of drugs
mainDrOrd = c("D_164","D_030","D_082","D_003","D_002","D_166","D_036","D_079",
MalgorzataOles/BloodCancerMultiOmics2017 documentation built on March 29, 2024, 2:29 p.m.