
Defines functions defineResponseGroups

Documented in defineResponseGroups

defineResponseGroups = function(lpd) {
  # quiets concerns of R CMD check "no visible binding for global variable"
  x=NULL; ibrutinib=NULL; everolimus=NULL;
  z_factor <- qnorm(0.05, lower.tail = FALSE)
  drugnames <- c( "ibrutinib", "everolimus", "selumetinib")
  ib  <- "D_002_4:5" 
  ev  <- "D_063_4:5" 
  se  <- "D_012_4:5"
  stopifnot(identical(fData(lpd)[c(ib, ev, se), "name"], drugnames))
  df  <- Biobase::exprs(lpd)[c(ib, ev, se), lpd$Diagnosis=="CLL"] %>%
    t %>% data.frame %>% `colnames<-`(drugnames)
  mdf <- melt(df)
  # Determine standard deviation using mirror method
  pmdf = mdf[mdf$value >= 1,]
  ssd  <- mean( (pmdf$value - 1) ^ 2 ) ^ 0.5
  # Normal density
  dn <- tibble(
    x = seq(min(mdf$value), max(mdf$value), length.out = 100),
    y = dnorm(x, mean = 1, sd = ssd) * 2 * nrow(pmdf) / nrow(mdf) 
  # Setting up the threshold
  thresh   <- 1 - z_factor * ssd
  # Decision rule
  df <- mutate(df,
               group = ifelse(ibrutinib < thresh, "BTK",
                              ifelse(everolimus < thresh, "mTOR",
                                     ifelse(selumetinib < thresh, "MEK",

MalgorzataOles/BloodCancerMultiOmics2017 documentation built on March 29, 2024, 2:29 p.m.