# survplot.R
# 2009-02-20
# Aron Charles Eklund
# http://www.cbs.dtu.dk
# depends on "survival" package.
# CREATED BY Aron Charles Eklund
nrisk <- function(x, times = pretty(x$time)) {
stopifnot(class(x) == 'survfit')
if('strata' %in% names(x)) {
ns <- length(x$strata)
idx <- rep.int(1:ns, x$strata)
str.n.risk <- split(x$n.risk, idx)
str.times <- split(x$time, idx)
m <- sapply(times, function(y) {
sapply(1:ns, function(i) {
w <- which(str.times[[i]] >= y)[1]
ifelse(is.na(w), 0, str.n.risk[[i]][w])
rownames(m) <- names(x$strata)
} else { # no strata
m1 <- sapply(times, function(y) {
w <- which(x$time >= y)[1]
ifelse(is.na(w), 0, x$n.risk[w])
m <- matrix(m1, nrow = 1)
colnames(m) <- times
addNrisk <- function(x, at = axTicks(1),
line = 4, hadj = 0.5,
title = 'Number at risk', title.adj = 0,
labels, hoff = 5, col = 1) {
m <- nrisk(x, times = at)
ns <- nrow(m) # number of strata
if(missing(labels)) {
if(ns > 1) {
labels <- names(x$strata)
} else {
labels <- NA
label.pad <- paste(rep(' ', hoff), collapse = '')
labels2 <- paste(labels, label.pad, sep = '')
labels2[is.na(labels)] <- NA
col <- rep(col, length.out = ns)
hasTitle <- (!is.null(title)) && (!is.na(title))
if(hasTitle) {
title(xlab = title, line = line, adj = title.adj)
for (i in 1:ns) {
axis(1, at = at, labels = m[i,],
line = line + i + hasTitle - 2, tick = FALSE,
col.axis = col[i], hadj = hadj)
axis(1, at = par('usr')[1], labels = labels2[i],
line = line + i + hasTitle - 2, tick = FALSE,
col.axis = col[i], hadj = 1)
survplot <- function(x, data = NULL, subset = NULL,
snames, stitle,
col, lty, lwd,
show.nrisk = TRUE, color.nrisk = TRUE,
hr.pos = 'topright', legend.pos = 'bottomleft', ...) {
eval(bquote(s <- survfit(x, data = data, subset = .(substitute(subset)))))
if('strata' %in% names(s)) {
if(missing(stitle)) stitle <- strsplit(deparse(x), " ~ ")[[1]][2]
if(missing(snames)) {
snames <- names(s$strata)
prefx <- paste(strsplit(deparse(x), " ~ ")[[1]][2], '=', sep = '')
if(all(substr(snames, 1, nchar(prefx)) == prefx)) {
snames <- substr(snames, nchar(prefx) + 1, 100)
ns <- length(s$strata)
stopifnot(length(snames) == ns)
} else { # no strata
ns <- 1
snames <- NA
legend.pos <- NA
if(show.nrisk) {
mar <- par('mar')
mar[1] <- mar[1] + ns + 0.5
opar <- par(mar = mar)
if(missing(col)) col <- 1:ns
if(missing(lty)) lty <- 1
if(missing(lwd)) lwd <- par('lwd')
plot(s, col = col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, ...)
if(length(legend.pos) > 1 || !is.na(legend.pos)) {
legend(legend.pos, legend = snames, title = stitle,
col = col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, bty = 'n')
if(ns == 2) {
eval(bquote(cox <- summary(coxph(x, data = data, subset = .(substitute(subset))))))
hr <- format(cox$conf.int[1, c(1, 3, 4)], digits = 2)
p <- format(cox$sctest[3], digits = 2)
txt1 <- paste('HR = ', hr[1], ' (', hr[2], ' - ', hr[3], ')', sep = '')
txt2 <- paste('logrank P =', p)
legend(hr.pos, legend = c(txt1, txt2), bty = 'n')
if(show.nrisk) {
addNrisk(s, labels = snames,
col = if(color.nrisk) col else 1)
if(ns == 2) return(invisible(c(txt1, txt2)))
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