
# setGeneric("rowsum2", function(x, group, ...) {
#     standardGeneric("rowsum2")
# })
# setMethod("rowsum2", signature(x = "matrix", group = "factor"), function(x, group,
#     drop = TRUE, sparse = FALSE) {
#     # Pre-checks
#     stopifnot(nrow(x) == length(group), length(sparse) == 1, length(drop) == 1)
#     if (!drop | sparse) {
#         warning("Aggregating base::matrix always drops unused levels", " and return a base::matrix!")
#     }
#     # Aggregate
#     o <- suppressWarnings(rowsum(x, group))
#     # Discard NAs
#     if (anyNA(group)) {
#         o <- o[-nrow(o), ]
#     }
#     # Check output dimensions and names match
#     group <- factor(group)
#     stopifnot(nrow(o) == length(levels(group)), rownames(o) == levels(group))
#     # Return
#     o
# })
# setMethod("rowsum2", signature(x = "dgCMatrix", group = "factor"), function(x, group,
#     drop = FALSE, sparse = FALSE) {
#     # Pre-checks
#     stopifnot(nrow(x) == length(group), length(sparse) == 1, length(drop) == 1)
#     # Aggregate
#     o <- aggregate.Matrix2(x = x, groupings = group, drop.unused.levels = drop)
#     # Discard NAs
#     if (anyNA(group)) {
#         o <- o[-nrow(o), ]
#     }
#     # To matrix
#     if (!sparse) {
#         # To matrix
#         o <- Matrix::as.matrix(o)
#         # Compress to integer if possible
#         if (all(o == floor(o))) {
#             storage.mode(o) <- "integer"
#         }
#     }
#     # Post-checks
#     if (drop) {
#         stopifnot(nrow(o) <= length(levels(group)), all(rownames(o) %in% levels(group)))
#     } else {
#         stopifnot(nrow(o) == length(levels(group)), setequal(rownames(o), levels(group)),
#             all(rownames(o) == levels(group)))
#     }
#     # Return
#     o
# })
# aggregate.Matrix2 <- function(x, groupings = NULL, form = NULL, fun = "sum", drop.unused.levels = TRUE,
#     ...) {
#     if (!methods::is(x, "Matrix"))
#         x <- Matrix::Matrix(Matrix::as.matrix(x), sparse = TRUE)
#     if (fun == "count")
#         x <- x != 0
#     groupings2 <- groupings
#     if (!methods::is(groupings2, "data.frame"))
#         # groupings2 <- methods::as(groupings2, 'data.frame')
#     groupings2 <- as.data.frame(groupings2)
#     groupings2 <- data.frame(lapply(groupings2, as.factor))
#     groupings2 <- data.frame(interaction(groupings2, sep = "_"))
#     colnames(groupings2) <- "A"
#     if (is.null(form))
#         form <- stats::as.formula("~0+.")
#     form <- stats::as.formula(form)
#     mapping <- Matrix.utils::dMcast(groupings2, form, drop.unused.levels = drop.unused.levels)
#     colnames(mapping) <- substring(colnames(mapping), 2)
#     result <- t(mapping) %*% x
#     if (fun == "mean")
#         result@x <- result@x/(Matrix.utils::aggregate.Matrix(x, groupings2, fun = "count"))@x
#     attr(result, "crosswalk") <- grr::extract(groupings, match(rownames(result),
#         groupings2$A))
#     return(result)
# }
MalteThodberg/CAGEfightR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2021, 4:42 a.m.