
Defines functions credentials readCredentials EarthdataLogin

Documented in EarthdataLogin

#' Create File with Earthdata Login Credentials
#' @description 
#' Create a hidden `.netrc` file with Earthdata Login credentials in your home 
#' directory. The information included therein is used to login to 
#' <https://urs.earthdata.nasa.gov/> which is a mandatory requirement in order 
#' to download MODIS data from LP DAAC, LAADS and NSIDC (see also 
#' [MODISoptions()]). If the `.netrc` file already exist, the function can be 
#' used to re-enter credentials.
#' @param usr,pwd Login credentials as `character`. If `NULL`, username and 
#'   password are read from the terminal.
#' @param path Path to hidden `.netrc` file as `character`. The default should 
#'   not be changed unless for a good reason.
#' @return 
#' The Earthdata Login credentials as invisible `list`.
#' @author 
#' Matteo Mattiuzzi and Florian Detsch
#' @seealso 
#' * <https://docs.opendap.org/index.php/DAP_Clients_-_Authentication#LDAP>
#'   (section 2.2)
#' * <https://github.com/fdetsch/MODIS/issues/10>
#' * <https://wiki.earthdata.nasa.gov/display/EL/How+To+Access+Data+With+cURL+And+Wget>
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' EarthdataLogin()
#' }
#' @export EarthdataLogin
#' @name EarthdataLogin
EarthdataLogin <- function(usr = NULL, pwd = NULL, path = "~/.netrc") {
  server = 'urs.earthdata.nasa.gov'
  nrc <- path.expand(path)
  # read .netrc entire file
  lns <- readCredentials(
    path = path
  # get servers found on .netrc
  machine <- unlist(listPather(lns,'machine'))
  # if earthdata server is not in the netrc file
  ind = if (!server %in% machine) {
    # if server not present, add it in a new line
  } else {
    which(machine == server)[1]
  # create file
    cat("Creating clear text file '~/", basename(nrc)
        , "' with Earthdata Login credentials...\n", sep = "")
    insert <- 'y'
  } else
    if(sum(machine %in% server)>0)
      if (any(is.null(lns[[ind]]$login), is.null(lns[[ind]]$password))) {
        cat("'", nrc, "' with defective Earthdata Login credentials found! Please correct them now...\n", sep = "")
        insert = "y"
      } else {
        insert <- tolower(readline(paste0("Earthdata credentials seem to be present, do you want to change them? (y/n) \n",sep="")))
    } else
      if (is.null(usr) || is.null(pwd)) {
          "File '", nrc, "' without Earthdata Login credentials found.\n"
          , "Please add them now...\n"
          , sep = ""
      insert <- 'y'
    ## username
    if (is.null(usr)) 
      usr <- readline("Insert your Earthdata USERNAME: ")  
    ## password
    if (is.null(pwd)) 
      pwd <- readline("Insert your Earthdata PASSWORD: ")  
  # Y: add (new) credentials. N: reformat .netrc file
  # if credentials are present, do not change, unless specified by arguments or confirmed
    lin <- try(lns[[ind]]$login, silent = TRUE) 
    # if not in netrc file take it from the original server
      lin <- credentials(path = path)$login
  } else 
    lin <- usr
    pw <- try(lns[[ind]]$password, silent = TRUE) 
      pw <- credentials(path = path)$password  
  } else 
    pw <- pwd
  lns[[ind]] <- list(machine = server, login=lin, password=pw)

  netrc <- file(nrc,open = 'w'); on.exit(close(netrc))
  for (i in seq_along(lns))
    write(paste(names(lns[[i]][1]), lns[[i]][1]), netrc)
    write(paste(names(lns[[i]][2]), lns[[i]][2]), netrc)
    write(paste(names(lns[[i]][3]), lns[[i]][3]), netrc)

  Sys.chmod(nrc, mode = "600", use_umask = TRUE)
  return(invisible(credentials(path = path)))

## Earthdata Login credentials from .netrc file
readCredentials = function(path = "~/.netrc") {
  # .netrc file
  nrc = path.expand(path)
  if (file.exists(nrc))
    lns = readLines(nrc)
    # remove empty lines
    lns = lns[lns!=""]
    #lns <- gsub(lns,pattern = ' urs.earthdata.nasa.gov$', replacement = ' e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov')
    # get first position of earthdata inforation (.netrc file can contain several logins)
    machines = grep(lns, pattern = '^machine ')
    result <- list()
    j <- 0
    for(i in machines)
      j <- j+1
      # prevent multiple consecutive spaces
      lns[i] <- gsub(lns[i],pattern = " +",replacement = " ")
      # if credentials have the three line formatting
      if(length(strsplit(lns[i]," ")[[1]])==2)
        machine = strsplit(lns[i], " ")[[1]][2]
        login = if (!is.na(tmp <- strsplit(lns[i+1], " ")[[1]][2])) tmp
        password = if (!is.na(tmp <- strsplit(lns[i+2], " ")[[1]][2])) tmp
      } else
        # if credentials are within a single line
        machine = strsplit(lns[i], " ")[[1]][2]
        login = if (!is.na(tmp <- strsplit(lns[i], " ")[[1]][4])) tmp
        password = if (!is.na(tmp <- strsplit(lns[i], " ")[[1]][6])) tmp
      result[[j]] <- list(machine=machine,login=login,password=password)
  } else {
    result = NULL

# internal function to retrieve a specific earthdata server (hard coded for its now sufficient)
credentials <- function(path = "~/.netrc")
  #server   <- c('urs.earthdata.nasa.gov', 'e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov','ladsweb.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov', 'n5eil01u.ecs.nsidc.org')
  server   <- 'urs.earthdata.nasa.gov'
  lns      <- readCredentials(path)
  machines <- unlist(listPather(lns,'machine'))
  select   <- which(machines %in% server)
MatMatt/MODIS documentation built on Feb. 1, 2023, 12:39 a.m.