
Defines functions runMetaAnalysis

Documented in runMetaAnalysis

#' Run different types of meta-analyses
#' This wrapper function allows to simultaneously pool effect sizes using
#' different meta-analytic approaches.
#' @usage runMetaAnalysis(data,
#'                 which.run = c("overall", "combined",
#'                               "lowest.highest", "outliers",
#'                               "influence", "rob", "threelevel",
#'                               "threelevel.che"),
#'                 method.tau = "REML",
#'                 hakn = TRUE,
#'                 study.var = "study",
#'                 extra.grouping.var = NULL,
#'                 arm.var.1 = "Cond_spec_trt1",
#'                 arm.var.2 = "Cond_spec_trt2",
#'                 measure.var = "Outc_measure",
#'                 es.var = "es",
#'                 se.var = "se",
#'                 low.rob.filter = "rob > 2",
#'                 method.tau.ci = "Q-Profile",
#'                 round.digits = 2,
#'                 which.outliers = c("general", "combined"),
#'                 which.influence = c("general", "combined"),
#'                 which.rob = c("general", "combined"),
#'                 nnt.cer = 0.2,
#'                 rho.within.study = 0.5,
#'                 use.rve = TRUE,
#'                 html = TRUE,
#'                 ...)
#' @param data \code{data.frame}. Effect size data in the wide format, as created by \code{\link{calculateEffectSizes}}.
#' @param which.run \code{character}. Selection of models to be calculated. See 'Details'.
#' @param method.tau \code{character}. A character string indicating which method is used to estimate the
#' between-study variance (tau-squared) and its square root (tau). Either \code{"REML"} (default), \code{"DL"},
#' \code{"PM"}, \code{"ML"}, \code{"HS"}, \code{"SJ"}, \code{"HE"}, or \code{"EB"}, can be abbreviated (see
#' \code{\link[meta]{metagen}}). Use \code{"FE"} to use a fixed-effect/"common effect" model.
#' @param hakn \code{logical}. Should the Knapp-Hartung adjustment for effect size significance tests be used? Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param study.var \code{character}. The name of the variable in \code{data} in which the study IDs are stored.
#' @param extra.grouping.var \code{character}. Additional grouping variable within studies to be used for the \code{"combined"}
#' analysis. This is useful, for example, to \emph{not} pool the effects of different treatment arms within multi-arm trials.
#' \code{NULL} by default.
#' @param arm.var.1 \code{character}. The name of the variable in \code{data} in which the condition (e.g. "guided iCBT")
#' of the \emph{first} arm within a comparison are stored.
#' @param arm.var.2 \code{character}. The name of the variable in \code{data} in which the condition (e.g. "wlc")
#' of the \emph{second} arm within a comparison are stored.
#' @param measure.var \code{character}. The name of the variable in \code{data} in which the instrument used for the comparison is stored.
#' @param es.var \code{character}. The name of the variable in \code{data} in which the calculated effect sizes (i.e. Hedges' \emph{g})
#' are stored.
#' @param se.var \code{character}. The name of the variable in \code{data} in which the standard error of the calculated effect sizes (i.e. Hedges' \emph{g})
#' are stored.
#' @param low.rob.filter \code{character}. A filtering statement by which to include studies for the "low RoB only" analysis.
#' Please note that the name of the variable must be included as a column in \code{data}.
#' @param method.tau.ci \code{character}. A character string indicating which method is used to estimate the
#' confidence interval of tau/tau-squared. Either \code{"Q-Profile"} (default and recommended),
#' \code{"BJ"}, \code{"J"}, or \code{"PL"} can be abbreviated. See \code{\link[meta]{metagen}} for details.
#' @param round.digits \code{numeric}. Number of digits to round the (presented) results by. Default is \code{2}.
#' @param which.outliers \code{character}. Which model should be used to conduct outlier analyses? Must be
#' \code{"general"} or \code{"combined"}, with \code{"general"} being the default.
#' @param which.influence \code{character}. Which model should be used to conduct influence analyses? Must be
#' \code{"general"} or \code{"combined"}, with \code{"general"} being the default.
#' @param which.rob \code{character}. Which model should be used to conduct the "low risk of bias only" analyses? Must be
#' \code{"general"} or \code{"combined"}, with \code{"general"} being the default.
#' @param nnt.cer \code{numeric}. Value between 0 and 1, indicating the assumed control group event rate to be used
#' for calculating NNTs via the Furukawa-Leucht method.
#' @param rho.within.study \code{numeric}. Value between 0 and 1, indicating the assumed correlation of effect sizes
#' within studies. This is relevant to combine effect sizes for the \code{"combined"} analysis type, and used to estimate
#' the variance-covariance matrices needed for the conditional and hierarchical effects three-level model. Default is \code{0.5}.
#' @param use.rve \code{logical}. Should robust variance estimation be used to calculate confidence intervals and tests of three-level models?
#' \code{TRUE} by default.
#' @param html \code{logical}. Should an HTML table be created for the results? Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @return Returns an object of class \code{"runMetaAnalysis"}. This object includes, among other things,
#' a \code{data.frame} with the name \code{summary}, in which all results are summarized - including the
#' studies which were removed for some analysis steps. Other objects are the "raw" model objects returned
#' by all selected analysis types. This allows to conduct further operations on some models specifically (e.g.
#' run a meta-regression by plugging one of the model objects in \code{update.meta}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data("inpatients")
#' library(meta)
#' inpatients %>%
#'    checkDataFormat() %>%
#'      checkConflicts() %>%
#'      expandMultiarmTrials() %>%
#'      calculateEffectSizes() -> data
#' # Run the meta-analyses
#' runMetaAnalysis(data) -> res
#' # Show summary
#' res
#' # Show forest plot (by default, "general" is used)
#' plot(res)
#' # Show forest plot of specific analysis
#' plot(res, "outliers")
#' plot(res, "threelevel")
#' plot(res, "baujat")
#' plot(res, "influence")
#' plot(res, "lowest.highest")
#' # Extract specific model and do further calculations
#' # (e.g. meta-regression on 'year')
#' metareg(res$model.overall, ~year)
#' # For the combined analysis, use provide an extra variable
#' # so that different treatment arm comparisons in multiarm trials are NOT pooled
#' data("psyCtrSubsetWide")
#' psyCtrSubsetWide %>%
#'   checkDataFormat() %>%
#'   checkConflicts() %>%
#'   expandMultiarmTrials() %>%
#'   calculateEffectSizes() %>%
#'   filterPoolingData(year > 2010) %>%
#'   runMetaAnalysis(extra.grouping.var = "Cond_spec_trt1")
#' }
#' @author Mathias Harrer \email{mathias.h.harrer@@gmail.com},
#' Paula Kuper \email{paula.r.kuper@@gmail.com}, Pim Cuijpers \email{p.cuijpers@@vu.nl}
#' @seealso \code{\link{calculateEffectSizes}}
#' @details The \code{runMetaAnalysis} function is a wrapper for several types of meta-analytic models
#' that are typically used. It allows to run all of these models in one step in order to generate results
#' that are somewhat closer to being "publication-ready".
#' By default, the following models are calculated:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{"overall"}. Runs a generic inverse-variance (random-effects) model. All included
#'   effect sizes are treated as independent.
#'   \item \code{"combined"}. Pools all effect sizes within one study (defined by \code{study.var}) before
#'   pooling. This ensures that all effect sizes are independent (i.e., unit-of-analysis error &
#'   double-counting is avoided). To combine the effects, one has to assume a correlation of effect sizes
#'   within studies, empirical estimates of which are typically not available.
#'   \item \code{"lowest.highest"}. Runs a meta-analysis, but with only (i) the lowest and (ii) highest
#'   effect size within each study included.
#'   \item \code{"outlier"}. Runs a meta-analysis without statistical outliers (i.e. effect sizes for which
#'   the confidence interval does not overlap with the confidence intervall of the overall effect).
#'   \item \code{"influence"}. Runs a meta-analysis without influential cases (see \code{\link[metafor]{influence.rma.uni}} for
#'   details).
#'   \item \code{"rob"}. Runs a meta-analysis with only low-RoB studies included.
#'   \item \code{"threelevel"}. Runs a multilevel (three-level) meta-analysis model, with effect sizes nested
#'   in studies.
#'   \item \code{"threelevel.che"}. Runs a multilevel (three-level) meta-analysis model, with effect sizes nested
#'   in studies. Variance-covariance matrices of each study with two or more effect sizes are estimated using
#'   \code{rho.within.study} as the assumed overall within-study correlation. This imputation allows to run a "correlated and
#'   hierarchical effects" (CHE) model, which is typically a good approximation for data sets with unknown and/or
#'   complex dependence structures.
#' }
#' For more details see the help vignette: \code{vignette("metapsyTools")}.
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom scales pvalue
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom meta update.meta metagen
#' @importFrom metafor escalc aggregate.escalc rma.mv
#' @importFrom clubSandwich coef_test conf_int
#' @importFrom stats dffits model.matrix rnorm rstudent
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @export runMetaAnalysis

runMetaAnalysis = function(data,
                           which.run = c("overall", "combined",
                                         "lowest.highest", "outliers",
                                         "influence", "rob", "threelevel",
                           method.tau = "REML",
                           hakn = TRUE,
                           study.var = "study",
                           extra.grouping.var = NULL,
                           arm.var.1 = "Cond_spec_trt1",
                           arm.var.2 = "Cond_spec_trt2",
                           measure.var = "Outc_measure",
                           es.var = "es",
                           se.var = "se",
                           low.rob.filter = "rob > 2",
                           method.tau.ci = "Q-Profile",
                           round.digits = 2,
                           which.outliers = c("general", "combined"),
                           which.influence = c("general", "combined"),
                           which.rob = c("general", "combined"),
                           nnt.cer = 0.2,
                           rho.within.study = 0.5,
                           use.rve = TRUE,
                           html = TRUE,

  message("- Pooling the data...")

  # Throw out all NAs/Missings
  data = data[!is.na(data[[es.var]]) & data[[es.var]] != Inf & data[[es.var]] != -Inf,]

  if (nrow(data) < 3){
    stop("Meta-analyses can only be run with at least 3 effect sizes.")

  warn.end = FALSE

  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  #                                                                           #
  #  1. Overall Model                                                         #
  #                                                                           #
  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

  data.original = data
  round.digits = abs(round.digits)

  # Create comparison variable
  paste0(data[[study.var]], " (",
         data[[arm.var.1]], " vs. ",
         data[[arm.var.2]], "; ",
         data[[measure.var]], ")") -> data$comparison

  paste0(data[[arm.var.1]], " vs. ",
         data[[arm.var.2]]) -> data$comparison.only

  data[[measure.var]] -> data$instrument

  data = data[!is.na(data[[es.var]]),]
  method.tau.ci = ifelse(method.tau.ci == "Q-Profile", "QP", method.tau.ci)

  method.tau.meta = ifelse(method.tau[1] == "FE", "REML", method.tau[1])

  mGeneral = meta::metagen(TE = data[[es.var]],
                           seTE = data[[se.var]],
                           studlab = data[[study.var]],
                           data = data,
                           sm = "g",
                           hakn = hakn,
                           method.tau = method.tau.meta,
                           method.tau.ci = method.tau.ci,
                           prediction = TRUE,
                           fixed = ifelse(method.tau == "FE", TRUE, FALSE),
                           random = ifelse(method.tau == "FE", FALSE, TRUE),

  mGeneralRes = with(mGeneral,{

      k = k,
      g = ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE, TE.fixed, TE.random) %>% round(round.digits),
      g.ci = paste0("[", ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE,
                                lower.fixed, lower.random) %>% round(round.digits),"; ",
                    ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE,
                           upper.fixed, upper.random) %>% round(round.digits), "]"),
      p = ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE, pval.fixed, pval.random) %>% scales::pvalue(),
      i2 = round(I2*100, 2),
      i2.ci = paste0("[", round(lower.I2*100, 2), "; ", round(upper.I2*100, 2), "]"),
      prediction.ci = paste0("[", round(lower.predict, round.digits), "; ",
                             round(upper.predict, round.digits), "]"),
      nnt = metapsyNNT(ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE, TE.fixed, TE.random), nnt.cer) %>%
        round(round.digits) %>% abs(),
      excluded = "none"
  rownames(mGeneralRes) = "Overall"

  if ("overall" %in% which.run){
    message("- [OK] Calculated overall effect size")

  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  #                                                                           #
  #  2. Lowest Only                                                           #
  #                                                                           #
  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

  multi.study = names(table(data[[study.var]])[table(data[[study.var]]) > 1])

  if (length(multi.study) > 0){
    if (length(multi.study) > 0){
      data %>%
        split(.[[study.var]]) %>%
          tiebreaker = rnorm(nrow(x), sd=1e-10)
          x[[es.var]] + tiebreaker == min(x[[es.var]] + tiebreaker)}) %>%
        do.call(c,.) -> lowest
    } else {
      lowest = NULL

    mLowest = meta::update.meta(mGeneral, exclude = !lowest)
    mLowestRes = with(mLowest,{

        k = k,
        g = ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE, TE.fixed, TE.random) %>% round(round.digits),
        g.ci = paste0("[", ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE,
                                  lower.fixed, lower.random) %>% round(round.digits),"; ",
                      ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE,
                             upper.fixed, upper.random) %>% round(round.digits), "]"),
        p = ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE, pval.fixed, pval.random) %>% scales::pvalue(),
        i2 = round(I2*100, 2),
        i2.ci = paste0("[", round(lower.I2*100, 2), "; ", round(upper.I2*100, 2), "]"),
        prediction.ci = paste0("[", round(lower.predict, round.digits), "; ",
                               round(upper.predict, round.digits), "]"),
        nnt = metapsyNNT(ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE, TE.fixed, TE.random), nnt.cer) %>%
          round(round.digits) %>% abs()
  } else {
    mLowest = mGeneral
    mLowestRes = mGeneralRes

  if (is.null(mLowest$exclude[1])){
    mLowestRes$excluded = "none"
  } else {
    mLowestRes$excluded = paste(data$comparison[mLowest$exclude],
                                collapse = ", ")}
  rownames(mLowestRes) = "One ES/study (lowest)"

  if ("lowest.highest" %in% which.run){
    message("- [OK] Calculated effect size using only lowest effect")

  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  #                                                                           #
  #  3. Highest Only                                                          #
  #                                                                           #
  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

  multi.study = names(table(data[[study.var]])[table(data[[study.var]]) > 1])

  if (length(multi.study) > 0){

    if (length(multi.study) > 0){
      data %>%
        split(.[[study.var]]) %>%
          tiebreaker = rnorm(nrow(x), sd=1e-10)
          x[[es.var]] + tiebreaker == max(x[[es.var]] + tiebreaker)}) %>%
        do.call(c,.) -> highest
    } else {
      highest = NULL

    mHighest = meta::update.meta(mGeneral, exclude = !highest)
    mHighestRes = with(mHighest,{

        k = k,
        g = ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE, TE.fixed, TE.random) %>% round(round.digits),
        g.ci = paste0("[", ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE,
                                  lower.fixed, lower.random) %>% round(round.digits),"; ",
                      ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE,
                             upper.fixed, upper.random) %>% round(round.digits), "]"),
        p = ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE, pval.fixed, pval.random) %>% scales::pvalue(),
        i2 = round(I2*100, 2),
        i2.ci = paste0("[", round(lower.I2*100, 2), "; ", round(upper.I2*100, 2), "]"),
        prediction.ci = paste0("[", round(lower.predict, round.digits), "; ",
                               round(upper.predict, round.digits), "]"),
        nnt = metapsyNNT(ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE, TE.fixed, TE.random), nnt.cer) %>%
          round(round.digits) %>% abs()
  } else {
    mHighest = mGeneral
    mHighestRes = mGeneralRes

  if (is.null(mHighest$exclude[1])){
    mHighestRes$excluded = "none"
  } else {
    mHighestRes$excluded = paste(data$comparison[mHighest$exclude],
                                 collapse = ", ")}
  rownames(mHighestRes) = "One ES/study (highest)"

  if ("lowest.highest" %in% which.run){
    message("- [OK] Calculated effect size using only highest effect")

  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  #                                                                           #
  #  4. Combined Effect Sizes                                                 #
  #                                                                           #
  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

  if (!is.null(extra.grouping.var)){
    data$study.var.comb = paste(data[[study.var]], data[[extra.grouping.var]])
    study.var.comb = "study.var.comb"
  } else {
    data$study.var.comb = data[[study.var]]
    study.var.comb = study.var

  # Define study ID variable
  svc = data[[study.var.comb]]

  multi.study.comb = names(table(data[[study.var.comb]])[table(data[[study.var.comb]]) > 1])

  data = metafor::escalc("SMD", yi = data[[es.var]],
                         sei = data[[se.var]], data = data)

  rho.within.study = abs(rho.within.study[1])
  if (rho.within.study[1] > 1){
    stop("'rho.within.study' must be in [-1,1].")

  if (rho.within.study[1] >.99){
    message("- [!] 'rho.within.study' is very close to 1.",
        " This can lead to non-positive-definite variance-covariance matrices.",
        " If the V matrix is not positive-definite, assume a lower value.")
    warn.end = TRUE}
  if (rho.within.study[1] <.01){
    message("- [!] 'rho.within.study' is very close to 0.",
        " This can lead to non-positive-definite variance-covariance matrices.",
        " If the V matrix is not positive-definite, assume a higher value.")
    warn.end = TRUE}

  data.comb = metafor::aggregate.escalc(data, cluster = svc,
                                        rho = rho.within.study)

  # Get studlabs of studies with multiple arms
  table(data.comb[[study.var]], data.comb[[study.var.comb]]) %>%
    {names(rowSums(.)[rowSums(.) > 1])} -> multi.entries

  mComb = meta::metagen(TE = data.comb$yi,
                        seTE = sqrt(data.comb$vi),
                        studlab = with(data.comb,{ifelse(study %in% multi.entries,
                                                         study.var.comb, study)}),
                        data = data.comb,
                        sm = "g",
                        hakn = hakn,
                        method.tau = method.tau.meta,
                        method.tau.ci = method.tau.ci,
                        prediction = TRUE,
                        fixed = ifelse(method.tau == "FE", TRUE, FALSE),
                        random = ifelse(method.tau == "FE", FALSE, TRUE),

  mCombRes = with(mComb,{

      k = k,
      g = ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE, TE.fixed, TE.random) %>% round(round.digits),
      g.ci = paste0("[", ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE,
                                lower.fixed, lower.random) %>% round(round.digits),"; ",
                    ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE,
                           upper.fixed, upper.random) %>% round(round.digits), "]"),
      p = ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE, pval.fixed, pval.random) %>% scales::pvalue(),
      i2 = round(I2*100, 2),
      i2.ci = paste0("[", round(lower.I2*100, 2), "; ", round(upper.I2*100, 2), "]"),
      prediction.ci = paste0("[", round(lower.predict, round.digits), "; ",
                             round(upper.predict, round.digits), "]"),
      nnt = metapsyNNT(ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE, TE.fixed, TE.random), nnt.cer) %>%
        round(round.digits) %>% abs()
  rownames(mCombRes) = "Combined"
  mCombRes$excluded = paste("combined:", ifelse(length(multi.study.comb) > 0,
                                                paste(multi.study.comb, collapse = ", "), "none"))

  # Add rho to mComb model
  mComb$rho = rho.within.study

  class(data) = "data.frame"

  if ("combined" %in% which.run){
    message("- [OK] Calculated effect size using combined effects (rho=", rho.within.study, ")")

  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  #                                                                           #
  #  5. Outliers Removed                                                      #
  #                                                                           #
  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

  if (which.outliers[1] == "general"){
    m.for.outliers = mGeneral

  if (which.outliers[1] == "combined"){
    m.for.outliers = mComb

  if (!(which.outliers[1] %in% c("general", "combined"))){
    stop("'which.outliers' must either be 'general' or 'combined'.")

  if (method.tau == "FE"){
    mOutliers = metapsyFindOutliers(m.for.outliers)$m.fixed
  } else {
    mOutliers = metapsyFindOutliers(m.for.outliers)$m.random

  mOutliersRes = with(mOutliers,{

      k = k,
      g = ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE, TE.fixed, TE.random) %>% round(round.digits),
      g.ci = paste0("[", ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE,
                                lower.fixed, lower.random) %>% round(round.digits),"; ",
                    ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE,
                           upper.fixed, upper.random) %>% round(round.digits), "]"),
      p = ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE, pval.fixed, pval.random) %>% scales::pvalue(),
      i2 = round(I2*100, 2),
      i2.ci = paste0("[", round(lower.I2*100, 2), "; ", round(upper.I2*100, 2), "]"),
      prediction.ci = paste0("[", round(lower.predict, round.digits), "; ",
                             round(upper.predict, round.digits), "]"),
      nnt = metapsyNNT(ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE, TE.fixed, TE.random), nnt.cer) %>%
        round(round.digits) %>% abs()
  rownames(mOutliersRes) = "Outliers removed"

  if (length(mOutliers$data$comparison[mOutliers$exclude]) != 0){
    mOutliersRes$excluded = paste(mOutliers$data$comparison[mOutliers$exclude], collapse = ", ")
  } else {
    mOutliersRes$excluded = "no outliers detected"

  if ("outliers" %in% which.run){
    message("- [OK] Calculated effect size with outliers removed")

  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  #                                                                           #
  #  6. Influential Cases                                                     #
  #                                                                           #
  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

  if (which.influence[1] == "general"){
    m.for.influence = mGeneral

  if (which.influence[1] == "combined"){
    m.for.influence = mComb

  if (!(which.influence[1] %in% c("general", "combined"))){
    stop("'which.influence' must either be 'general' or 'combined'.")

  influenceRes = metapsyInfluenceAnalysis(m.for.influence,
                                          random = ifelse(method.tau == "FE",
                                                          FALSE, TRUE))
  mInfluence = meta::update.meta(m.for.influence,
                           exclude = influenceRes$Data$is.infl == "yes")

  mInfluenceRes = with(mInfluence,{

      k = k,
      g = ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE, TE.fixed, TE.random) %>% round(round.digits),
      g.ci = paste0("[", ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE,
                                lower.fixed, lower.random) %>% round(round.digits),"; ",
                    ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE,
                           upper.fixed, upper.random) %>% round(round.digits), "]"),
      p = ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE, pval.fixed, pval.random) %>% scales::pvalue(),
      i2 = round(I2*100, 2),
      i2.ci = paste0("[", round(lower.I2*100, 2), "; ", round(upper.I2*100, 2), "]"),
      prediction.ci = paste0("[", round(lower.predict, round.digits), "; ",
                             round(upper.predict, round.digits), "]"),
      nnt = metapsyNNT(ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE, TE.fixed, TE.random), nnt.cer) %>%
        round(round.digits) %>% abs()
  rownames(mInfluenceRes) = "Influence Analysis"
  mInfluenceRes$excluded = paste("removed as influential cases:",
                                 ifelse(sum(influenceRes$Data$is.infl == "yes") > 0,
                                        paste(mInfluence$data$comparison[influenceRes$Data$is.infl == "yes"],
                                              collapse = ", "), "none"))

  if ("influence" %in% which.run){
    message("- [OK] Calculated effect size with influential cases removed")

  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  #                                                                           #
  #  7. (Low) risk of bias                                                    #
  #                                                                           #
  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

  if (which.rob[1] == "general"){
    m.for.rob = mGeneral
    data.for.rob = mGeneral$data

  if (which.rob[1] == "combined"){
    m.for.rob = mComb
    data.for.rob = mComb$data

  if (!(which.rob[1] %in% c("general", "combined"))){
    stop("'which.rob' must either be 'general' or 'combined'.")

  if ("rob" %in% which.run){
    robVar = strsplit(low.rob.filter, " ")[[1]][1]
    m.for.rob$data[[robVar]] = as.numeric(m.for.rob$data[[robVar]])
    robFilter = paste0("data.for.rob$", low.rob.filter, " & !is.na(data.for.rob$", robVar, ")")
    robMask = eval(parse(text = robFilter))
    if (sum(robMask) == 0){
      message("- [!] No low risk of bias studies detected! Switching to 'general'.")
      robMask = rep(TRUE, nrow(mGeneral$data))
      mRob = meta::update.meta(mGeneral, exclude = !robMask)
      which.run[!which.run == "rob"] -> which.run
      warn.end = TRUE
    } else {
      mRob = meta::update.meta(m.for.rob, exclude = !robMask)
  } else {
    robMask = rep(TRUE, nrow(mGeneral$data))
    mRob = meta::update.meta(mGeneral, exclude = !robMask)

  mRobRes = with(mRob,{

      k = k,
      g = ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE, TE.fixed, TE.random) %>% round(round.digits),
      g.ci = paste0("[", ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE,
                                lower.fixed, lower.random) %>% round(round.digits),"; ",
                    ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE,
                           upper.fixed, upper.random) %>% round(round.digits), "]"),
      p = ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE, pval.fixed, pval.random) %>% scales::pvalue(),
      i2 = round(I2*100, 2),
      i2.ci = paste0("[", round(lower.I2*100, 2), "; ", round(upper.I2*100, 2), "]"),
      prediction.ci = paste0("[", round(lower.predict, round.digits), "; ",
                             round(upper.predict, round.digits), "]"),
      nnt = metapsyNNT(ifelse(fixed == TRUE & random == FALSE, TE.fixed, TE.random), nnt.cer) %>%
        round(round.digits) %>% abs()
  rownames(mRobRes) = paste("Only", low.rob.filter)

  if (length(mRob$data$comparison[!robMask]) != 0){
    mRobRes$excluded = paste(mRob$data$comparison[!robMask], collapse = ", ")
  } else {
    mRobRes$excluded = paste0("no studies removed; ", low.rob.filter, " applies to all studies")

  if ("rob" %in% which.run){
    message("- [OK] Calculated effect size using only low RoB information")

  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  #                                                                           #
  #  8. Three-Level Model                                                     #
  #                                                                           #
  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

  if (method.tau != "REML" & "threelevel" %in% which.run){
    message("- [OK] 3L-model tau(s) estimated using 'REML', since '",
            method.tau, "' is not applicable.")

  data$es.id = 1:nrow(data)
  formula = paste0("~ 1 | ", colnames(data[study.var]), "/ es.id")

  mThreeLevel = metafor::rma.mv(yi = data[[es.var]],
                                V = data[[se.var]]*data[[se.var]],
                                slab = data[[study.var]],
                                data = data,
                                random = as.formula(formula),
                                test = ifelse(hakn == TRUE, "t", "z"),
                                method = "REML",

  model.threelevel.legacy = list(slab = data[[study.var]],
                                 data = data,
                                 es.var = es.var,
                                 se.var = se.var,
                                 yi = data[[es.var]],
                                 V = data[[se.var]]*data[[se.var]],
                                 formula.rnd = as.formula(formula))
  mThreeLevel$legacy = model.threelevel.legacy

  # Calculate total I2
  W = diag(1/(data[[se.var]]^2))
  X = model.matrix(mThreeLevel)
  P = W - W %*% X %*% solve(t(X) %*% W %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% W
  mThreeLevel$I2 = 100 * sum(mThreeLevel$sigma2) /
    (sum(mThreeLevel$sigma2) + (mThreeLevel$k-mThreeLevel$p)/sum(diag(P)))

  # Calculate I2 per level
  with(mThreeLevel, {
    I2.between.studies = (100 * sigma2 / (sum(sigma2) + (k-p)/sum(diag(P))))[1]
  }) -> mThreeLevel$I2.between.studies

  with(mThreeLevel, {
    I2.between.studies = (100 * sigma2 / (sum(sigma2) + (k-p)/sum(diag(P))))[2]
  }) -> mThreeLevel$I2.within.studies

  # Get tau and I2
  data.frame(tau2 = c(mThreeLevel$sigma2, sum(mThreeLevel$sigma2)),
             i2 = c(mThreeLevel$I2.between.studies, mThreeLevel$I2.within.studies,
                    mThreeLevel$I2)) -> mThreeLevel$variance.components
  mThreeLevel$variance.components$tau2 = round(mThreeLevel$variance.components$tau2, 4)
  mThreeLevel$variance.components$i2 = round(mThreeLevel$variance.components$i2, 1)
  rownames(mThreeLevel$variance.components) = c("Between Studies",
                                                "Within Studies",

  if (use.rve[1] == FALSE){

    mThreeLevelRes = with(mThreeLevel, {
      data.frame(k = k.all,
                 g = as.numeric(b[,1]) %>%  round(round.digits),
                 g.ci = paste0("[", ci.lb %>% round(round.digits), "; ",
                               ci.ub %>% round(round.digits), "]"),
                 p = pval %>% scales::pvalue(),
                 i2 = round(I2, 1),
                 i2.ci = "-",
                 prediction.ci = paste0("[", round(predict(mThreeLevel)$pi.lb, round.digits), "; ",
                                        round(predict(mThreeLevel)$pi.ub, round.digits), "]"),
                 nnt = metapsyNNT(as.numeric(b[,1]), nnt.cer) %>%
                   round(round.digits) %>% abs())
    rownames(mThreeLevelRes) = "Three-Level Model"
    mThreeLevelRes$excluded = paste("Number of clusters/studies:", mThreeLevel$s.nlevels[1])

    if ("threelevel" %in% which.run){
      message("- [OK] Calculated effect size using three-level MA model")

    if (length(multi.study) == 0 & "threelevel" %in% which.run){
      message("- [!] All included ES seem to be independent.",
              " A three-level model is not adequate and tau/I2 estimates are not trustworthy!")
      warn.end = TRUE
      which.run[!which.run == "threelevel"] -> which.run

  } else {

    # Get results: RVE used
    crit = qt(0.025, mThreeLevel$ddf[[1]], lower.tail = FALSE)
    tau2 = sum(mThreeLevel$sigma2)
    SE = clubSandwich::conf_int(mThreeLevel, vcov = "CR2")[["SE"]]
    pi.lb.rve = clubSandwich::conf_int(mThreeLevel, "CR2")[["beta"]] -
      crit * sqrt(tau2 + (SE^2))
    pi.ub.rve = clubSandwich::conf_int(mThreeLevel, "CR2")[["beta"]] +
      crit * sqrt(tau2 + (SE^2))

    mThreeLevelRes.RVE = with(mThreeLevel, {
      data.frame(k = k.all,
                 g = as.numeric(
                   clubSandwich::conf_int(mThreeLevel, "CR2")[["beta"]]) %>%
                 g.ci = paste0("[",
                               clubSandwich::conf_int(mThreeLevel, "CR2")[["CI_L"]] %>%
                                 round(round.digits), "; ",
                               clubSandwich::conf_int(mThreeLevel, "CR2")[["CI_U"]] %>%
                                 round(round.digits), "]"),
                 p = clubSandwich::coef_test(mThreeLevel, "CR2")[["p_Satt"]] %>%
                 i2 = round(I2, 1),
                 i2.ci = "-",
                 prediction.ci = paste0("[", round(pi.lb.rve, round.digits), "; ",
                                        round(pi.ub.rve, round.digits), "]"),
                 nnt = metapsyNNT(
                     clubSandwich::conf_int(mThreeLevel, "CR2")[["beta"]]), nnt.cer) %>%
                   round(round.digits) %>% abs())
    rownames(mThreeLevelRes.RVE) = "Three-Level Model"
    mThreeLevelRes.RVE$excluded = paste0("Number of clusters/studies: ", mThreeLevel$s.nlevels[1],
                                         "; robust variance estimation (RVE) used.")
    mThreeLevelRes = mThreeLevelRes.RVE

    if ("threelevel" %in% which.run){
      message("- [OK] Calculated effect size using three-level MA model")
      message("- [OK] Robust variance estimation (RVE) used for three-level MA model")

    if (length(multi.study) == 0 & "threelevel" %in% which.run){
      message("- [!] All included ES seem to be independent.",
              " A three-level model is not adequate and tau/I2 estimates are not trustworthy!")
      warn.end = TRUE
      which.run[!which.run == "threelevel"] -> which.run


  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  #                                                                           #
  #  9. Three-Level CHE Model                                                 #
  #                                                                           #
  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

  if (method.tau != "REML" & "threelevel.che" %in% which.run){
    message("- [OK] Three-level CHE model tau(s) estimated using 'REML', since '",
            method.tau, "' is not applicable.")

  data$es.id = 1:nrow(data)
  formula.fixed = as.formula(paste0(colnames(data[es.var])," ~ 1"))
  formula.rnd = as.formula(paste0("~ 1 | ", colnames(data[study.var]), "/es.id"))

  Vmat <- clubSandwich::impute_covariance_matrix(data[[se.var]]*data[[se.var]],
                                                 cluster = data[[study.var]],
                                                 r = rho.within.study,
                                                 smooth_vi = TRUE)

  mCHE = metafor::rma.mv(formula.fixed,
                         V = Vmat,
                         slab = data[[study.var]],
                         data = data,
                         random = formula.rnd,
                         test = ifelse(hakn == TRUE, "t", "z"),
                         method = "REML", sparse = TRUE,

  model.threelevel.che.legacy = list(slab = data[[study.var]],
                                     data = data,
                                     formula.rnd = formula.rnd,
                                     formula.fixed = formula.fixed,
                                     Vmat = Vmat)
  mCHE$legacy = model.threelevel.che.legacy

  # Calculate total I2
  W = diag(1/(data[[se.var]]^2))
  X = model.matrix(mCHE)
  P = W - W %*% X %*% solve(t(X) %*% W %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% W
  mCHE$I2 = 100 * sum(mCHE$sigma2) /
    (sum(mCHE$sigma2) + (mCHE$k-mCHE$p)/sum(diag(P)))

  # Calculate I2 per level
  with(mCHE, {
    I2.between.studies = (100 * sigma2 / (sum(sigma2) + (k-p)/sum(diag(P))))[1]
  }) -> mCHE$I2.between.studies

  with(mCHE, {
    I2.between.studies = (100 * sigma2 / (sum(sigma2) + (k-p)/sum(diag(P))))[2]
  }) -> mCHE$I2.within.studies

  # Get tau and I2
  data.frame(tau2 = c(mCHE$sigma2, sum(mCHE$sigma2)),
             i2 = c(mCHE$I2.between.studies, mCHE$I2.within.studies,
                    mCHE$I2)) -> mCHE$variance.components
  mCHE$variance.components$tau2 = round(mCHE$variance.components$tau2, 4)
  mCHE$variance.components$i2 = round(mCHE$variance.components$i2, 1)
  rownames(mCHE$variance.components) = c("Between Studies",
                                         "Within Studies",

  # Get results: no RVE
  if (use.rve[1] == FALSE){
    mCHERes = with(mCHE, {
      data.frame(k = k.all,
                 g = as.numeric(b[,1]) %>%  round(round.digits),
                 g.ci = paste0("[", ci.lb %>% round(round.digits), "; ",
                               ci.ub %>% round(round.digits), "]"),
                 p = pval %>% scales::pvalue(),
                 i2 = round(I2, 1),
                 i2.ci = "-",
                 prediction.ci = paste0("[", round(predict(mCHE)$pi.lb, round.digits), "; ",
                                        round(predict(mCHE)$pi.ub, round.digits), "]"),
                 nnt = metapsyNNT(as.numeric(b[,1]), nnt.cer) %>%
                   round(round.digits) %>% abs())
    rownames(mCHERes) = "Three-Level Model (CHE)"
    mCHERes$excluded = paste("Number of clusters/studies:", mCHE$s.nlevels[1])

    if ("threelevel.che" %in% which.run){
      message("- [OK] Calculated effect size using three-level CHE model")

    if (length(multi.study) == 0 & "threelevel.che" %in% which.run){
      message("- [!] All included ES seem to be independent.",
              " A three-level CHE model is not adequate and tau/I2 estimates are not trustworthy!")
      warn.end = TRUE
      which.run[!which.run == "threelevel.che"] -> which.run
  } else {

    # Get results: RVE used
    crit = qt(0.025, mCHE$ddf[[1]], lower.tail = FALSE)
    tau2 = sum(mCHE$sigma2)
    SE = clubSandwich::conf_int(mCHE, vcov = "CR2")[["SE"]]
    pi.lb.rve = clubSandwich::conf_int(mCHE, "CR2")[["beta"]] -
      crit * sqrt(tau2 + (SE^2))
    pi.ub.rve = clubSandwich::conf_int(mCHE, "CR2")[["beta"]] +
      crit * sqrt(tau2 + (SE^2))

    mCHERes.RVE = with(mCHE, {
      data.frame(k = k.all,
                 g = as.numeric(
                   clubSandwich::conf_int(mCHE, "CR2")[["beta"]]) %>%
                 g.ci = paste0("[",
                               clubSandwich::conf_int(mCHE, "CR2")[["CI_L"]] %>%
                                 round(round.digits), "; ",
                               clubSandwich::conf_int(mCHE, "CR2")[["CI_U"]] %>%
                                 round(round.digits), "]"),
                 p = clubSandwich::coef_test(mCHE, "CR2")[["p_Satt"]] %>%
                 i2 = round(I2, 1),
                 i2.ci = "-",
                 prediction.ci = paste0("[", round(pi.lb.rve, round.digits), "; ",
                                        round(pi.ub.rve, round.digits), "]"),
                 nnt = metapsyNNT(
                     clubSandwich::conf_int(mCHE, "CR2")[["beta"]]), nnt.cer) %>%
                   round(round.digits) %>% abs())
    rownames(mCHERes.RVE) = "Three-Level Model (CHE)"
    mCHERes.RVE$excluded = paste0("Number of clusters/studies: ", mCHE$s.nlevels[1],
                                  "; robust variance estimation (RVE) used.")
    mCHERes = mCHERes.RVE

    if ("threelevel.che" %in% which.run){
      message("- [OK] Calculated effect size using three-level CHE model (rho=", rho.within.study, ")")
      message("- [OK] Robust variance estimation (RVE) used for three-level CHE model")

    if (length(multi.study) == 0 & "threelevel.che" %in% which.run){
      message("- [!] All included ES seem to be independent.",
              " A three-level CHE model is not adequate and tau/I2 estimates are not trustworthy!")
      warn.end = TRUE
      which.run[!which.run == "threelevel.che"] -> which.run

  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  #                                                                           #
  #  RETURN                                                                   #
  #                                                                           #
  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

  # Combine everything
  rbind(mGeneralRes, mLowestRes, mHighestRes, mOutliersRes,
        mInfluenceRes, mRobRes, mCombRes, mThreeLevelRes, mCHERes) -> summary

  # Return
  list(summary = summary,
       model.overall = mGeneral,
       model.combined = mComb,
       model.lowest = mLowest,
       model.highest = mHighest,
       model.outliers = mOutliers,
       model.influence = mInfluence,
       model.rob = mRob,
       model.threelevel = mThreeLevel,
       model.threelevel.var.comp = mThreeLevel$variance.components,
       model.threelevel.che = mCHE,
       model.threelevel.che.var.comp = mCHE$variance.components,
       influence.analysis = influenceRes,
       which.run = which.run,
       data = data.original,
       html = html,
       nnt.cer = nnt.cer,
       use.rve = use.rve) -> returnlist

  class(returnlist) = c("runMetaAnalysis", "list")

  if ("lowest.highest" %in% which.run){
    message("- [OK] Done!")

  if (warn.end == TRUE){
    warning("There were some issues during the calculations. Please check the report above.", call. = FALSE)



#' Print method for objects of class 'runMetaAnalysis'.
#' Print S3 method for objects of class \code{runMetaAnalysis}.
#' @param x An object of class \code{runMetaAnalysis}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @author Mathias Harrer \email{mathias.h.harrer@@gmail.com},
#' Paula Kuper \email{paula.r.kuper@@gmail.com}, Pim Cuijpers \email{p.cuijpers@@vu.nl}
#' @importFrom knitr kable
#' @importFrom magrittr set_colnames
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble
#' @importFrom kableExtra kable_styling column_spec footnote
#' @importFrom crayon green blue magenta
#' @export
#' @method print runMetaAnalysis

print.runMetaAnalysis = function(x, ...){

  models = list("overall" = 1, "lowest.highest" = c(2,3), "outliers" = 4,
                "influence" = 5, "rob" = 6, "combined" = 7, "threelevel" = 8,
                "threelevel.che" = 9)

  cat("Model results ")
  cat("------------------------------------------------ \n")
  dat = x$summary[unlist(models[x$which.run]),1:8]
  print(dplyr::as_tibble(cbind(model = rownames(dat), dat)))

  if ("threelevel" %in% x$which.run){
    cat("Variance components (three-level model) ")
    cat("---------------------- \n")

  if ("threelevel.che" %in% x$which.run){
    cat("Variance components (three-level CHE model) ")
    cat("------------------ \n")

  if (x$html == TRUE){

    x$summary = x$summary[unlist(models[x$which.run]),]
    # Add footnote labels
    fn.rows = x$summary$excluded != "none"
    rownames(x$summary)[fn.rows] = paste0(rownames(x$summary[fn.rows,]), "<sup>",
                                 letters[1:nrow(x$summary[fn.rows,])], "</sup>")

    x$summary %>%
      {.$Analysis = rownames(.); rownames(.) = NULL; .} %>%
      dplyr::select(Analysis, dplyr::everything(), -excluded) %>%
      magrittr::set_colnames(c(".", "<i>k</i>", "<i>g</i>", "CI", "<i>p</i>",
                               "CI", "PI", "NNT")) %>%
      knitr::kable(escape = FALSE) %>%
      kableExtra::kable_styling(font_size = 8, full_width = FALSE) %>%
      kableExtra::column_spec(1, bold = TRUE, width_min = "13em") %>%
      kableExtra::footnote(general = "Excluded effect sizes/studies:",
                           alphabet = x$summary$excluded[fn.rows]) %>%

#' Plot method for objects of class 'runMetaAnalysis'.
#' Plot S3 method for objects of class \code{runMetaAnalysis}.
#' @param x An object of class \code{runMetaAnalysis}.
#' @param which Model to be plotted. Can be one of \code{"overall"},
#' \code{"combined"}, \code{"lowest.highest"}, \code{"outliers"},
#' \code{"influence"}, \code{"baujat"}, \code{"loo-es"} or \code{"loo-i2"}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @author Mathias Harrer \email{mathias.h.harrer@@gmail.com},
#' Paula Kuper \email{paula.r.kuper@@gmail.com}, Pim Cuijpers \email{p.cuijpers@@vu.nl}
#' @importFrom meta metagen forest.meta
#' @importFrom metafor forest.rma
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @export
#' @method plot runMetaAnalysis

plot.runMetaAnalysis = function(x, which = NULL, ...){

  models = list("overall" = "model.overall",
                "lowest.highest" = c("model.lowest", "model.highest"),
                "outliers" = "model.outliers", "influence" = "model.influence",
                "rob" = "model.rob", "combined" = "model.combined",
                "threelevel" = "model.threelevel",
                "che" = "model.threelevel.che")

  leftCols = c("studlab", "comparison.only", "instrument", "TE", "seTE")
  leftLabs = c("Study", "Comparison", "Instrument", "g", "S.E.")

  # print forest plot by default
  if (is.null(which)){
    if (models[[x$which.run[1]]][1] != "model.threelevel" &&
        models[[x$which.run[1]]][1] != "model.threelevel.che"){
      message("- [OK] Generating forest plot ('", x$which.run[1], "' model)")
      meta::forest.meta(x[[models[[x$which.run[1]]][1]]], smlab = " ",
                        leftcols = leftCols, leftlabs = leftLabs,
                        text.random = "RE Model", ...)
    if (models[[x$which.run[1]]][1] == "lowest.highest"){
      message("- [OK] Generating forest plot ('", "highest", "' model)")
      meta::forest.meta(x$model.highest, smlab = " ",
                        leftcols = leftCols, leftlabs = leftLabs,
                        text.random = "RE Model", ...)
    if (models[[x$which.run[1]]][1] == "model.threelevel"){
      metafor::forest.rma(x$model.threelevel, ...)
    if (models[[x$which.run[1]]][1] == "model.threelevel.che"){
      metafor::forest.rma(x$model.threelevel.che, ...)

  } else {

    if (which[1] == "overall"){
      message("- [OK] Generating forest plot ('overall' model)")
      meta::forest.meta(x$model.overall, smlab = " ",
                        leftcols = leftCols, leftlabs = leftLabs,
                        text.random = "RE Model", ...)

    if (which[1] == "lowest.highest"){
      message("- [OK] Generating forest plot ('lowest' model)")
      meta::forest.meta(x$model.lowest, smlab = " ",
                        leftcols = leftCols, leftlabs = leftLabs,
                        text.random = "RE Model", ...)
      message("- [OK] Generating forest plot ('highest' model)")
      meta::forest.meta(x$model.highest, smlab = " ",
                        leftcols = leftCols, leftlabs = leftLabs,
                        text.random = "RE Model", ...)

    if (which[1] == "outliers"){
      message("- [OK] Generating forest plot ('outliers' model)")
      meta::forest.meta(x$model.outliers, smlab = " ",
                        leftcols = leftCols, leftlabs = leftLabs,
                        text.random = "RE Model", ...)

    if (which[1] == "influence"){
      message("- [OK] Generating forest plot ('influence' model)")
      meta::forest.meta(x$model.influence, smlab = " ",
                        leftcols = leftCols, leftlabs = leftLabs,
                        text.random = "RE Model", ...)

    if (which[1] == "rob"){
      message("- [OK] Generating forest plot ('rob' model)")
      meta::forest.meta(x$model.rob, smlab = " ",
                        leftcols = leftCols, leftlabs = leftLabs,
                        text.random = "RE Model", ...)

    if (which[1] == "combined"){
      message("- [OK] Generating forest plot ('combined' model)")
      meta::forest.meta(x$model.combined, smlab = " ",
                        leftcols = leftCols, leftlabs = leftLabs,
                        text.random = "RE Model", ...)

    if (which[1] == "threelevel"){
      message("- [OK] Generating forest plot ('threelevel' model)")
      metafor::forest.rma(x$model.threelevel, ...)

    if (which[1] == "che"){
      message("- [OK] Generating forest plot ('threelevel.che' model)")
      metafor::forest.rma(x$model.threelevel.che, ...)

    if (which[1] == "threelevel.che"){
      message("- [OK] Generating forest plot ('threelevel.che' model)")
      metafor::forest.rma(x$model.threelevel.che, ...)

    if (which[1] == "baujat"){
      message("- [OK] Generating baujat plot")

    if (which[1] == "loo" | which[1] == "loo-es"){
      message("- [OK] Generating leave-one-out forest plot")

    if (which[1] == "loo-i2"){
      message("- [OK] Generating leave-one-out forest plot (sorted by I2)")

    if (which[1] == "summary"){

      models = list("overall" = 1, "lowest.highest" = c(2,3), "outliers" = 4,
                    "influence" = 5, "rob" = 6, "combined" = 7, "threelevel" = 8,
                    "threelevel.che" = 9)

      x$summary = x$summary[unlist(models[x$which.run]),]

      stringr::str_replace_all(x$summary$g.ci, ";|\\]|\\[", "") %>%
        strsplit(" ") %>% purrr::map(~as.numeric(.)) %>% do.call(rbind,.) %>%
        {colnames(.) = c("lower", "upper");.} %>%
        cbind(model = rownames(x$summary), g = x$summary$g,
              i2 = round(x$summary$i2,1) %>% format(1), .) %>%
        data.frame() %>%
        dplyr::mutate(g = as.numeric(g),
                      lower = as.numeric(lower),
                      upper = as.numeric(upper)) %>%
        meta::metagen(TE = g, lower = lower, upper = upper, studlab = model,
                      data = .) %>%
        meta::forest.meta(col.square = "lightblue",
                          rightcols = FALSE,
                          overall.hetstat = FALSE,
                          weight.study = "same",
                          test.overall = FALSE, overall = FALSE,
                          leftcols = c("studlab", "TE", "ci", "i2"),
                          leftlabs = c(expression(bold(Model)), expression(bold(g)),
                                       expression(bold(italic(I)^2)))) %>%

#' Show details of 'runMetaAnalysis' class objects.
#' S3 method showing analysis settings for objects of class \code{runMetaAnalysis}.
#' @param object An object of class \code{runMetaAnalysis}.
#' @param forest \code{logical}. Should a summary forest plot be returned? \code{TRUE} by default.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @author Mathias Harrer \email{mathias.h.harrer@@gmail.com},
#' Paula Kuper \email{paula.r.kuper@@gmail.com}, Pim Cuijpers \email{p.cuijpers@@vu.nl}
#' @importFrom knitr kable
#' @importFrom meta metagen forest.meta
#' @importFrom magrittr set_colnames
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble
#' @importFrom kableExtra kable_styling column_spec footnote
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom crayon green blue magenta
#' @export
#' @method summary runMetaAnalysis

summary.runMetaAnalysis = function(object, forest = TRUE, ...){

  x = object
  cat("Analysis settings ")
  cat("---------------------------------------------------------- \n")

  if (x$model.overall$fixed == TRUE & x$model.overall$random == FALSE){

    cat(crayon::green("\u2713"), crayon::bold(crayon::magenta("[Overall]")),
        "Effects pooled using inverse variance weighting. \n")

    cat(crayon::green("\u2713"), crayon::bold(crayon::magenta("[Overall]")),
        "Fixed ('common') effect model assumed. \n")

    if ("outliers" %in% x$which.run){
      cat(crayon::green("\u2713"), crayon::bold(crayon::magenta("[Outliers removed]")),
          "ES removed as outliers if the CI did not overlap with pooled effect CI. \n")}

    if ("influence" %in% x$which.run){
      cat(crayon::green("\u2713"), crayon::bold(crayon::magenta("[Influence Analysis]")),
          "Influential cases determined using diagnostics of Viechtbauer and Cheung (2010). \n")}

    if ("combined" %in% x$which.run){
      cat(crayon::green("\u2713"), crayon::bold(crayon::magenta("[Combined]")),
          "'Combined' analysis: ES combined on study level assuming a correlation of rho =", paste0(x$model.combined$rho, ". \n"))}

    if ("threelevel" %in% x$which.run){
      cat(crayon::green("\u2713"), crayon::bold(crayon::magenta("[Three-Level Model]")),
          "Three-level model estimated via restricted maximum likelihood, using the 'rma.mv'
  function in {metafor}. \n")
      if (x$model.threelevel$test == "t" | x$model.threelevel.che$test[1] == "t"){
        cat(crayon::green("\u2713"), crayon::bold(crayon::magenta("[Three-Level Model]")),
            "Test statistics and CIs of the three-level model calculated based on
  a t-distribution. \n")
      } else {
        cat(crayon::green("\u2713"), crayon::bold(crayon::magenta("[Three-Level Model]")),
            "Test statistics and CIs of the three-level model calculated based on
  a Wald-type normal approximation. \n")

    if (x$use.rve[1] == TRUE){
      cat(crayon::green("\u2713"), crayon::bold(crayon::magenta("[Robust Variance Estimation]")),
          "Robust variance estimation was used to guard the three-level model(s)
  from misspecification. This was done using functions of the {clubSandwich} package.\n")}

    cat("Cite the following packages/methods: ---------------------------------------\n")
    cat(" -", crayon::bold(crayon::blue("{meta}:")), "Balduzzi S, R\u00FCcker G, Schwarzer G (2019),
          How to perform a meta-analysis with R: a practical tutorial,
          Evidence-Based Mental Health; 22: 153-160. \n")
    cat(" -", crayon::bold(crayon::blue("{metafor}:")), "Viechtbauer, W. (2010). Conducting meta-analyses in R
          with the metafor package. Journal of Statistical Software, 36(3), 1-48.
          https://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v036.i03. \n")
    cat(" -", crayon::bold(crayon::blue("{dmetar}:")), "Harrer, M., Cuijpers, P., Furukawa, T.A., & Ebert, D.D. (2021).
          Doing Meta-Analysis with R: A Hands-On Guide. Boca Raton, FL and London:
          Chapman & Hall/CRC Press. ISBN 978-0-367-61007-4. \n")
    cat(" -", crayon::bold(crayon::blue("R:")), "R Core Team (2021). R: A language and environment for statistical computing.
          R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria.
          URL https://www.R-project.org/.\n")
    if (x$use.rve[1] == TRUE){
      cat(" -", crayon::bold(crayon::blue("{clubSandwich}:")), "Pustejovsky, J. (2021). clubSandwich:
          Cluster-Robust (Sandwich) Variance Estimators with Small-Sample Corrections.
          R package version 0.5.3. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=clubSandwich \n")}
    if ("influence" %in% x$which.run){
      cat(" -", crayon::bold(crayon::blue("Influential cases:")), "Viechtbauer, W., & Cheung, M. W.-L. (2010). Outlier and influence
          diagnostics for meta-analysis. Research Synthesis Methods, 1(2), 112-125.
          https://doi.org/10.1002/jrsm.11 \n")}
    if ("threelevel.che" %in% x$which.run){
      cat(" -", crayon::bold(crayon::blue("Three-level CHE model:")), "Pustejovsky, J.E., Tipton, E. Meta-analysis with Robust
          Variance Estimation: Expanding the Range of Working Models. Prevention
          Science (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11121-021-01246-3 \n")}
    if (x$use.rve[1] == TRUE){
      cat(" -", crayon::bold(crayon::blue("Robust variance estimation:")), "Pustejovsky, J.E., Tipton, E. Meta-analysis with Robust
          Variance Estimation: Expanding the Range of Working Models. Prevention
          Science (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11121-021-01246-3 \n")}

  } else {

    tau.methods = data.frame(method = c("REML", "DL", "PM", "ML", "HS", "SJ", "HE", "EB"),
                             name = c("restricted maximum-likelihood", "DerSimonian-Laird",
                                      "Paule-Mandel", "maximum likelihood", "Hunter and Schmidt",
                                      "Sidik-Jonkman", "Hedges", "empirical Bayes"),
                             citation =
                               c("Viechtbauer W. (2005): Bias and efficiency of meta-analytic variance
          estimators in the random-effects model.Journal of Educational and
          Behavioral Statistics, 30, 261-93",
          "DerSimonian R. & Laird N. (1986): Meta-analysis in clinical trials.
          Controlled Clinical Trials, 7, 177-88",
          "Paule RC & Mandel J (1982): Consensus values and weighting factors.
          Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, 87, 377-85",
          "Viechtbauer W. (2005): Bias and efficiency of meta-analytic
          variance estimators in the random-effects model. Journal of Educational
          and Behavioral Statistics, 30, 261-93",
          "Hunter JE & Schmidt FL (2015): Methods of Meta-Analysis: Correcting
          Error and Bias in Research Findings (3rd edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage",
          "Sidik K & Jonkman JN (2005): Simple heterogeneity variance estimation
          for meta-analysis. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society:
          Series C (Applied Statistics), 54, 367-84",
          "Hedges LV & Olkin I (1985): Statistical methods for meta-analysis.
          San Diego, CA: Academic Press",
          "Morris CN (1983): Parametric empirical Bayes inference: Theory
          and applications (with discussion). Journal of the American
          Statistical Association 78, 47-65"))

    cat(crayon::green("\u2713"), crayon::bold(crayon::magenta("[Overall]")),
        "Random effects model assumed. \n")

    cat(crayon::green("\u2713"), crayon::bold(crayon::magenta("[Overall]")),
        "Heterogeneity variance (tau2) calculated using",
        tau.methods[tau.methods$method == x$model.overall$method.tau, "name"],
        "estimator. \n")

    if (x$model.overall$hakn == TRUE){
      cat(crayon::green("\u2713"), crayon::bold(crayon::magenta("[Overall]")),
          "Test statistic and CI of the pooled effect calculated using the Knapp-Hartung adjustment. \n")
    } else {
      cat(crayon::green("\u2713"), crayon::bold(crayon::magenta("[Overall]")),
          "Test statistic and CI of the pooled effect calculated based on
  a Wald-type normal approximation. \n")

    if ("outliers" %in% x$which.run){
      cat(crayon::green("\u2713"), crayon::bold(crayon::magenta("[Outliers removed]")),
          "ES removed as outliers if the CI did not overlap with pooled effect CI. \n")}

    if ("influence" %in% x$which.run){
      cat(crayon::green("\u2713"), crayon::bold(crayon::magenta("[Influence Analysis]")),
          "Influential cases determined using diagnostics of Viechtbauer and Cheung (2010). \n")}

    if ("combined" %in% x$which.run){
      cat(crayon::green("\u2713"), crayon::bold(crayon::magenta("[Combined]")),
          "'Combined' analysis: ES combined on study level assuming a correlation of rho =", paste0(x$model.combined$rho, ". \n"))}

    if ("threelevel" %in% x$which.run){
      cat(crayon::green("\u2713"), crayon::bold(crayon::magenta("[Three-Level Model]")),
          "Three-level model estimated via restricted maximum likelihood, using the 'rma.mv'
  function in {metafor}. \n")

      if (x$model.threelevel$test[1] == "t" | x$model.threelevel.che$test[1] == "t"){
        cat(crayon::green("\u2713"), crayon::bold(crayon::magenta("[Three-Level Model]")),
            "Test statistics and CIs of the three-level model calculated based on
  a t-distribution. \n")
      } else {
        cat(crayon::green("\u2713"), crayon::bold(crayon::magenta("[Three-Level Model]")),
            "Test statistics and CIs of the three-level model calculated based on
  a Wald-type normal approximation. \n")

    if (x$use.rve[1] == TRUE){
      cat(crayon::green("\u2713"), crayon::bold(crayon::magenta("[Robust Variance Estimation]")),
          "Robust variance estimation was used to guard the three-level model(s)
  from misspecification. This was done using functions of the {clubSandwich} package.\n")}

    cat("Cite the following packages/methods: ---------------------------------------\n")
    cat(" -", crayon::bold(crayon::blue("{meta}:")), "Balduzzi S, R\u00FCcker G, Schwarzer G (2019),
          How to perform a meta-analysis with R: a practical tutorial,
          Evidence-Based Mental Health; 22: 153-160. \n")
    cat(" -", crayon::bold(crayon::blue("{metafor}:")), "Viechtbauer, W. (2010). Conducting meta-analyses in R
          with the metafor package. Journal of Statistical Software, 36(3), 1-48.
          https://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v036.i03. \n")
    cat(" -", crayon::bold(crayon::blue("{dmetar}:")), "Harrer, M., Cuijpers, P., Furukawa, T.A., & Ebert, D.D. (2021).
          Doing Meta-Analysis with R: A Hands-On Guide. Boca Raton, FL and London:
          Chapman & Hall/CRC Press. ISBN 978-0-367-61007-4. \n")
    cat(" -", crayon::bold(crayon::blue("R:")), "R Core Team (2021). R: A language and environment for statistical computing.
          R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria.
          URL https://www.R-project.org/.\n")
    if (x$use.rve[1] == TRUE){
    cat(" -", crayon::bold(crayon::blue("{clubSandwich}:")), "Pustejovsky, J. (2021). clubSandwich:
          Cluster-Robust (Sandwich) Variance Estimators with Small-Sample Corrections.
          R package version 0.5.3. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=clubSandwich \n")}
    if ("influence" %in% x$which.run){
      cat(" -", crayon::bold(crayon::blue("Influential cases:")), "Viechtbauer, W., & Cheung, M. W.-L. (2010). Outlier and influence
          diagnostics for meta-analysis. Research Synthesis Methods, 1(2), 112-125.
          https://doi.org/10.1002/jrsm.11 \n")}
    cat(" -", crayon::bold(crayon::blue("tau2 estimator:")),
        tau.methods[tau.methods$method == x$model.overall$method.tau, "citation"], "\n")
    if (x$model.overall$hakn == TRUE){
      cat(" -", crayon::bold(crayon::blue("Knapp-Hartung:")), "Hartung J, Knapp G (2001a): On tests of the overall treatment
          effect in meta-analysis with normally distributed responses.
          Statistics in Medicine, 20, 1771-82 \n")}
    if ("threelevel.che" %in% x$which.run){
      cat(" -", crayon::bold(crayon::blue("Three-level CHE model:")), "Pustejovsky, J.E., Tipton, E. Meta-analysis with Robust
          Variance Estimation: Expanding the Range of Working Models. Prevention
          Science (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11121-021-01246-3 \n")}
    if (x$use.rve[1] == TRUE){
      cat(" -", crayon::bold(crayon::blue("Robust variance estimation:")), "Pustejovsky, J.E., Tipton, E. Meta-analysis with Robust
          Variance Estimation: Expanding the Range of Working Models. Prevention
          Science (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11121-021-01246-3 \n")}

  if (forest[1]){

    models = list("overall" = 1, "lowest.highest" = c(2,3), "outliers" = 4,
                  "influence" = 5, "rob" = 6, "combined" = 7, "threelevel" = 8,
                  "threelevel.che" = 9)

    x$summary = x$summary[unlist(models[x$which.run]),]

    stringr::str_replace_all(x$summary$g.ci, ";|\\]|\\[", "") %>%
      strsplit(" ") %>% purrr::map(~as.numeric(.)) %>% do.call(rbind,.) %>%
      {colnames(.) = c("lower", "upper");.} %>%
      cbind(model = rownames(x$summary), g = x$summary$g,
            i2 = round(x$summary$i2,1) %>% format(1), .) %>%
      data.frame() %>%
      dplyr::mutate(g = as.numeric(g),
                    lower = as.numeric(lower),
                    upper = as.numeric(upper)) %>%
      meta::metagen(TE = g, lower = lower, upper = upper, studlab = model,
                    data = .) %>%
      meta::forest.meta(col.square = "lightblue",
                        rightcols = FALSE,
                        overall.hetstat = FALSE,
                        test.overall = FALSE, overall = FALSE,
                        weight.study = "same",
                        leftcols = c("studlab", "TE", "ci", "i2"),
                        leftlabs = c(expression(bold(Model)), expression(bold(g)),
                                     expression(bold(italic(I)^2)))) %>%

MathiasHarrer/metapsyTools documentation built on May 1, 2022, 5:14 p.m.