
Defines functions variogram_intraTransect

Documented in variogram_intraTransect

#' Build a variogram object
#' Create an object of class variogram (output of \code{\link[geoR]{variog}}) and gives distance matrix
#' and a diagnostic graph if asked.
#' @param segdata_obs data.frame. Output of \code{\link[geffaeR]{ajout_obs}}.
#' @param obs character. Choose what kind obs observation is analyzed, "n_ind" : number of individuals
#' counted or "n_detection" number of detection.
#' @param esw Effective (half) Strip-Width determined by \code{\link[geffaeR]{plot_detection}}.
#' @param intraTransect Boolean. Consider only distance between point on the same segment for the kriging distance ?
#' @param breaks Breaks point of the variogram. Default is NULL which create default breaks : \code{c(-0.01, 0.001, 1, seq(2.5, 100, 2.5))}.
#' @param plot Boolean. Get diagnostic plot in output (default is TRUE).
#' @param pairs.min (default is 100)
#' @param n_sim (default is 100)
#' @param distmat Object of class matrix giving distance matrix
#' @param region Region of segdata_obs on which adjusting function. Default is NULL,
#' meaning it takes all the regions in segdata_obs
#' @param esp Species name for graph title.
#' @return Gives a list of :
#'   \enumerate{
#'     \item variogram : object of class variogram
#'     \item g : coefficient of variation of esw in percent.
#'     \item distmat : Barplot of detections depending of distance, with confindence
#'           estimated with mcmc chains.
#'   }
#' @import dplyr
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom arm bayesglm
#' @importFrom fields rdist
#' @importFrom reshape melt
#' @export

variogram_intraTransect <- function(segdata_obs,
                                    intraTransect = T,
                                    breaks = NULL,
                                    plot = TRUE,
                                    pairs.min = 100,
                                    n_sim = 100,
                                    distmat = NULL,
                                    region = NULL,
                                    esp = "species"  # only for title
) {

  # y = counts
  # esw = effective half-strip width in kilometers (km)
  # l = Length of segments or legs in km
  # center = matrice de dim(length(y), 2) avec les coordonnées XY des centres de chaque segment
  # id_transect = numero de code du transect (pour en tenir sinon laisser null)
  # breaks = break points for empirical variogram
  # distmat = distance matrix
  col_needed <- c("y","n","X","Y","Transect.Label","Region.Label","Effort")
  if(!all(col_needed %in% colnames(segdata_obs))) {
    missing_col <- col_needed[!(col_needed %in% colnames(segdata_obs))]
    stop(paste("Les colonnes suivantes ne sont pas dans les colonnes de segdata_obs :",
               paste(missing_col, collapse = "\n"), sep="\n"))

  if(obs == "n_ind") {
    y <- segdata_obs$y

  if(obs == "n_detection") {
    y <- segdata_obs$n

  l <- segdata_obs$Effort

  center <- segdata_obs[, c("X", "Y")]
  id_transect <- segdata_obs$Transect.Label
  region.label <- segdata_obs$Region.Label

    data = cbind(y, center, id_transect, region.label) %>% filter(region.label == region)
    y = data[,1]
    center = data[,2:3]
    id_transect = data[,4]

  if(is.null(breaks)) {
    writeLines("Automatic, but potentially crappy, choice for distance bins of 2.5 km, capped at 100 km")
    breaks <- c(-0.01, 0.001, 1, seq(2.5, 100, 2.5))

  ### Function to get mean encounter rate
  TauxObs <- function(y, esw, l) {
    my_control <- list(epsilon = 1e-6, maxit = 100000, trace = FALSE)
    # Use quasi-Poisson for potential overdispersion
    model_m <- arm::bayesglm(y ~ 1 + offset(2 * esw * l),
                             prior.mean.for.intercept = -1.0, # prior is less than 4 obs/ind per km
                             prior.scale.for.intercept = 1.0,
                             prior.df.for.intercept = 7,
                             family = "quasipoisson", control = my_control
    m <- mean(exp(rnorm(1000, as.numeric(coef(model_m)), as.numeric(sqrt(vcov(model_m))))))
    return(round(m, 6))

  ### Get distance matrix
  if(is.null(distmat)) {
    D <- fields::rdist(center) / 1e3 # in kilometers
    # condisder sampling design
    if(!intraTransect) { id_transect <- rep(1, length(y)) }
    D_design <- fields::rdist(as.numeric(id_transect)) * 1000
    distmat <- D + D_design
  distclas <- cut(distmat, breaks = breaks)

  # Get observation mean encounter rate (m) for Poisson correction on variogram
  m <- TauxObs(y, esw, l)

  # Get variogram
  calc_vario <- function(y, l, esw, m) {
    return(0.5 *((outer(l, l, "*") * 2 * esw / outer(l, l, "+")) *(outer(y /(l * 2 * esw), y /(l * 2 * esw), "-"))^2 - m))
  z2 <- calc_vario(y = y, l = l, esw = esw, m = m)

  # Weighting constant
  cstpond <- tapply(outer(l, l, "*") * 2 * esw / outer(l, l, "+"),
                    sum, na.rm = TRUE

  # dividing by the weighting constant
  vario1 <- tapply(z2, distclas, sum, na.rm = TRUE) / cstpond
  distvario1 <- tapply(distmat, distclas, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
  nbcouples1 <- tapply(z2, distclas, function(x) { length(which(!is.na(x))) })

  # get rid of biased estimations, e.g. not enough pair of couples
  noise <- c(which(is.na(nbcouples1)), which(nbcouples1 < pairs.min))
  noise <- as.numeric(noise[order(noise)])
  vario1 <- ifelse(vario1 < 0, 0, vario1)

  if(length(noise) != 0) {
    vario1 <- vario1[-noise]
    distvario1 <- distvario1[-noise]
    nbcouples1 <- nbcouples1[-noise]

  # Put results in "variogram" class object for "geoR" package
  vario <- list(u = as.numeric(distvario1), # distance
                v = as.numeric(vario1),     # estimated variogram values
                n = as.numeric(nbcouples1), # number of points couples
                sd = rep(0, length(vario1)),
                bins.lim = breaks[-c(1, noise)],
                ind.bin = ifelse(as.numeric(nbcouples1) > pairs.min, TRUE, FALSE),
                var.mark = var(y /(2 * esw * l)),
                beta.ols = m,
                output.type = "bin",
                max.dist = max(breaks),
                estimator.type = "classical", # it should rather be Monestiezal
                n.data = length(y),
                lambda = 1,
                trend = "cte",
                pairs.min = pairs.min,
                nugget.tolerance = 1e-12,
                direction = "omnidirectional",
                tolerance = "none",
                uvec = as.numeric(distvario1),
                call = NULL
  class(vario) <- "variogram"

  # graphical test
  if(plot) {

    # Get NULL enveloppe

    # Functions for bootstrap and determine rather to use Negative binomial or not
    overdispersion <- function(x) { return(var (x) / mean (x))}
    permute_index <- function(x) { return(x[sample(c(1:length(x)), length(x), replace = TRUE)])}
    bootstrap_pval <- function(x, simulator, statistic, n_sim, alpha, truth) {
      tboots <- replicate(n_sim, statistic(simulator (x)))
      ci_lower <- 2*statistic(x) - quantile(tboots, 1 - alpha/2, na.rm=TRUE)
      ci_upper <- 2*statistic(x) - quantile(tboots, alpha/2, na.rm=TRUE)
      return(as.numeric(ifelse(ci_lower > truth, 0, ifelse(ci_upper < truth, 0, 1))))

    if(overdispersion(y) < 1) {
      negbin <- FALSE
    } else {
      negbin <- ifelse(bootstrap_pval(y, permute_index, overdispersion, 10000, 0.10, 1) == 0, TRUE, FALSE)

    null_env <- function(distri) {

      # simulate data
      if(distri) {
        x <- rnbinom(length(y), size = mean(y)/(overdispersion(y) - 1), mu = mean(y))
        model_x <- glm(x ~ 1 + offset(2 * esw * l), family = "quasipoisson", control = list(epsilon = 1e-6, maxit = 10000, trace = FALSE))
      } else {
        x <- rpois(length(y), mean(y))
        model_x <- glm(x ~ 1 + offset(2 * esw * l), family = "poisson", control = list(epsilon = 1e-6, maxit = 10000, trace = FALSE))

      z0 <- calc_vario(y = x, l = l, esw = esw,
                       m = mean(exp(rnorm(10000, as.numeric(coef(model_x)), as.numeric(sqrt(vcov(model_x))))))
      vario0 <- tapply(z0, distclas, sum, na.rm = TRUE) / cstpond

      if(length(noise) != 0) {
        vario0 <- vario0[-noise]



    null <- t(replicate(n_sim, null_env(distri = negbin), simplify = "array"))

    # sum up simultations and add data on the last row
    sumnull <- rbind(
      apply(null, 2, quantile, probs = c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9), na.rm = TRUE),

    sumnull= sumnull %>%
      t() %>%
      data.frame() %>%
      mutate(distcl = as.character(as.numeric(distvario1)))

    colnames(sumnull) <- c("lower", "median", "upper", "emp","distcl")

    # adjust simulations
    null <- as.data.frame(null)
    names(null) <- as.character(as.numeric(distvario1))
    null$sim <- as.character(1:n_sim)
    null <- melt(null, id = "sim")
    null$variable <- as.numeric(distvario1)[as.numeric(null$variable)]

    # ggplot 2 graph
    theme_set(theme_bw(base_size = 14))
    g <- ggplot() +
      geom_line(data = null,
                aes(x = variable, y = value, group = sim),
                alpha = 0.05) +

      geom_ribbon(data = sumnull,
                  aes(x = as.numeric(distcl), ymin = lower, ymax = upper),
                  fill = "midnightblue",
                  alpha = 0.3, linetype = "dashed", size = 1) +

      geom_line(data = sumnull,
                aes(x = as.numeric(distcl), y = emp),
                color = "firebrick1", size = 1) +

      labs(x="Distance",y="Semi-variance", title=paste0(esp," in ", region)) +

      theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight = 0.8, face = "bold"),
            axis.text = element_text(size = 12)) +

      coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, max(sumnull$emp)))

    return(list(variogram = vario, g = g, distmat = distmat))

  } else {

    return(list(variogram = vario, distmat = distmat))


MathieuGenu/geffaeR documentation built on March 23, 2022, 7:50 p.m.