
Defines functions munge

Documented in munge

munge <- function(files,hm3,trait.names=NULL,N=NULL,info.filter = .9,maf.filter=0.01,log.name=NULL, column.names=list(),
                  parallel=FALSE, cores=NULL, overwrite=TRUE){
  if (is.list(files)) {
    wrn <- paste0("DeprecationWarning: In future versions a list of filenames will no longer be accepted.\n",
                  "                    Please change files to a vector to ensure future compatibility.")
    files_ <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(files)) {
      files_ <- c(files_, files[[i]])
    files <- files_
  if (is.null(N))  {
    N <- rep(NA, length(files))
  # Sanity checks
  .check_equal_length(files, trait.names)
  .check_equal_length(files, N)
  .check_range(N, min=0, max=Inf, allowNA=TRUE)
  if (any(!(names(column.names) %in% c("SNP", "A1", "A2", "effect", "INFO", "P", "N",  "MAF", "Z")))) {
    stop(paste0("Names in column.names not recognized. Please use the following keys:\n        ",
                paste(c("SNP", "A1", "A2", "effect", "INFO", "P", "N", "MAF", "Z"), collapse=", ")))
  if (!is.null(cores)) .check_range(cores, min=0, max=Inf)
  # Sanity checks finished

  filenames <- as.vector(files)
    log2 <- paste(trait.names,collapse="_")
      if(nchar(log2) > 200){
        log2 <- substr(log2,1,100)
      log.file <- file(paste0(log2, "_munge.log"),open="wt")
   log.file <- file(paste0(log.name, "_munge.log"),open="wt") 
  if (parallel & (length(files) == 1)) {
    .LOG("Parallel munging requested for a single file.\nParallel munging only has benefits for munging multiple files.\nParallel disabled", file=log.file)
    parallel <- FALSE
  begin.time <- Sys.time()
  .LOG("The munging of ", length(trait.names), " summary statistics started at ", begin.time, file=log.file)
  if (overwrite) {
    existing_files <- c()
    for (trait.name in trait.names) {
      if (file.exists(paste0(trait.name, ".sumstats")))
        existing_files <- c(existing_files, paste0(trait.name, ".sumstats"))
    if (length(existing_files) > 0)
      .LOG("File(s) ", paste0(existing_files, collapse = ", "), " already exist and will be overwritten", file=log.file)
  .LOG("Reading in reference file",file=log.file)
  ref <- fread(hm3,header=T,data.table=F)
  if (!parallel) {
    .LOG("Reading summary statistics for ", paste(files,collapse=" "), ". Please note that this step usually takes a few minutes due to the size of summary statistic files.", file=log.file)
    ##note that fread is not used here due to formatting differences across summary statistic files
    files <- lapply(files, read.table, header=T, quote="\"", fill=T, na.string=c(".", NA, "NA", ""))
    .LOG("All files loaded into R!",file=log.file)
    for(i in 1:length(files)){
      .munge_main(i, NULL, files[[i]], filenames[i], trait.names[i], N[i], ref, hm3, info.filter, maf.filter, column.names, overwrite, log.file)
  } else {
    ##if no default provided use 1 less than the total number of cores available so your computer will still function
      int <- detectCores() - 1
      int <- cores
    if (int > length(filenames)) {
      .LOG("Number of requested cores(", int,") greater than the number of files (",length(filenames),"). Deferring to the lowest number",file=log.file)
      int <- length(filenames)
    # Defaulting to PSOCK cluster as it should work on both Linux and Windows,
    # and from my experience it's faster when not copying large ammounts of data
    cl <- makeCluster(int, type="PSOCK")
    #Util-functions have to be explicitly passed to the analysis function in PSOCK cluster
    utilfuncs <- list()
    utilfuncs[[".get_renamed_colnames"]] <- .get_renamed_colnames
    utilfuncs[[".LOG"]] <- .LOG
    utilfuncs[["gzip"]] <- gzip
    .LOG("As parallel munging was requested, logs of each sumstats file will be saved separately",file=log.file)
    foreach (i=1:length(filenames), .export=c(".munge_main"), .packages=c("stringr")) %dopar% {
      .munge_main(i, utilfuncs, NULL, filenames[i], trait.names[i], N[i], ref, hm3, info.filter, maf.filter, column.names, overwrite, NULL)
  end.time <- Sys.time()
  total.time <- difftime(time1=end.time,time2=begin.time,units="sec")
  mins <- floor(floor(total.time)/60)
  secs <- total.time-mins*60
  .LOG("     ",file=log.file)
  .LOG("Munging was completed at ",end.time,file=log.file)
  .LOG("The munging of all files took ",mins," minutes and ",secs," seconds",file=log.file)
  .LOG("Please check the .log file(s) to ensure that all columns were interpreted correctly and no warnings were issued for any of the summary statistics files",file=log.file)
MichelNivard/GenomicSEM documentation built on June 15, 2024, 10:41 a.m.