
Defines functions na_in drive_download_dir is_R_file map_ifelse P0PE order_as_per cross_paste0 rm_like whelp webdocs howto

Documented in cross_paste0 drive_download_dir howto is_R_file map_ifelse na_in order_as_per P0PE rm_like webdocs whelp

#' How to use a package
#' Open all package vignettes in browser tabs ready for skimming.
#' @param package a package to open vigettes of.
#' @return Vignette data, invisibly.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' howto("naniar")
#' }
howto <- function(package){
  package <- as.character(substitute(package))
  vignette_df <-
    as.data.frame(browseVignettes(package = package)[[package]])
  if(nrow(vignette_df) > 0){
    lapply(X = paste(vignette_df$Dir, vignette_df$PDF, sep = "/doc/"),
    message("[howto] No Vignettes for package ", package, "!")

#' Open URL(s) for a package from it's description file.
#' The URL is fetched from CRAN, so the package need not be installed
#' to run this function and navigate to web page.
#' @param package_name the package to open URLs for
#' @return nothing
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' webdocs(ggplot2)
#' webdocs(visdat)
#' }
webdocs <- function(package_name){
  package_name <- as.character(substitute(package_name))

  html_table <-
        ), "table tr")

  URL_el <-
    grep(x = html_table, pattern = "URL", value = TRUE)


    pack_URL <- haircut::regex_match(
         strsplit(URL_el, ",")[[1]],
    lapply(pack_URL, browseURL)
    message("No website for ", package_name, "!")

#' Web Help
#' @param search_term to be searched for on rdocumentation.org
#' @return A browser tab with search results
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' whelp(tribble_paste)
#' }
whelp <- function(search_term){
    search_term <- as.character(substitute(search_term))

#' Remove variables with names like this
#' Remove things in the global environment with name like a
#' string you supply. Like is in the regex match sense, so
#' if you make a slip blowing away most of your environment
#' is a possibility.
#' @param pattern a regex pattern to match. Could be a simple
#' prefix or suffix string.
#' @return Nothing.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' lm_1 = 1
#' lm_2 = 2
#' glm_1 = 3
#' rm_like("^lm_")
#' > ls()
#' [1] "glm_1"
#' }
rm_like <- function(pattern = character()) {
  rm( list = grep(pattern = pattern,
                  x=ls(envir = globalenv()),
                  value = TRUE),
      envir = globalenv()

#' Create a concatenation cross product of chracter vectors
#' For every string in two character vectors create the full
#' outer product of pasting every string in `chars1`` before
#' every string in `chars2`. This version was created by
#' Jono Carrol.
#' @param chars1 A character vector of string prefixes
#' @param chars2 A character vector of string suffixes
#' @return A character vector of all prefix/suffix combos.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' }
cross_paste0 <- function(chars1, chars2){
  kronecker(chars1, chars2, paste0)

#' Order levels in factor as per some example string
#' This is the way fct_relevel should work. The warning is silly.
#' @param fctr a factor with levels
#' @param order_chars a character vector with strings matching levels of fctr.
#' @return a version of `fctr` with levels ordered as per `order_chars`
#' @export
order_as_per <- function(fctr, order_chars){
  suppressWarnings(forcats::fct_relevel(fctr, order_chars))

#' Paste0, Parse, Eval
#' Wraps up the common task for evaluting machine generated code.
#' Be careful with pipes (%>%) as these mess with the
#' evironment chain for eval(). Choose a suitable argument for .env
#' like .GlobalEnv or a binding to sys.frame().
#' @param ... text to parse and evaluate
#' @param env an environment to evaulate parsed expressions in. Defaults to parent.frame().
#' @return the result of the evaluation.
#' @export
P0PE <- function(..., .env = parent.frame()){
  eval(parse(text = paste0(...)), envir = .env)

#' Map if predicate, otherwise take a value.
#' Like map_if but with the option to specify a value for false cases.
#  E.g. NA, character(0) etc.
#' @param .x a list
#' @param .p a list of logicals or predicate function to evaluate on list
#' @param .f a function
#' @param .e a value to use in results for false predicates.
#' @param ...
#' @return This applied to all elements: if(.p) .f(.x) else .e
#' @export
map_ifelse <- function(.x, .p, .f, .e, ...) {
  if (purrr::is_logical(.p)) {
    stopifnot(length(.p) == length(.x))
    sel <- .p
  } else {
    sel <- purrr::map_lgl(.x, .p, ...)
  .x[sel] <- purrr::map(.x[sel], .f, ...)
  .x[!sel] <- .e

#' Test if a file has an rmd or R extension.
#' @param filename of a file. Can include path.
#' @return A logical value. True if the file ends in
#' .r, .rmd or any mixed-case variant of those.
#' @export
is_R_file <- function(filename){
  regexpr(pattern =  "\\.([Rr]{1}[Mm]{1}[Dd]{1})|([Rr]{1})$",
          text = filename) > 0

#' Download a folder from Google Drive
#' @param drive_folder a google drive folder path or id
#' @param dl_path a local path to dowload the folder to. Defaults to getwd().
#' @return nothing.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' drive_download_dir(
#' drive_folder = as_id("https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7688WPR38x2Nk5yYV9ZMVYwWVE"),
#' dl_path = "./models")
#' }
drive_download_dir <- function(drive_folder = NULL, dl_path = getwd() ){

    stop("Expected a Google Drive folder for drive_folder, got NULL." )

  if(!googledrive::is_folder(googledrive::drive_get(id = drive_folder))){
    stop("Expected a Google Drive folder for drive_folder, got an id for something else.")

  drive_items <- googledrive::drive_ls(googledrive::as_id(drive_folder))

  drive_items$mimeType <-
    purrr::map_chr(drive_items$drive_resource, "mimeType")

  folders <- drive_items[drive_items$mimeType == "application/vnd.google-apps.folder",]
  files <- drive_items[drive_items$mimeType != "application/vnd.google-apps.folder",]

  #recurse into folders, updating download path
  purrr::pwalk(.l = list(drive_folder = folders$id, dl_path = file.path(dl_path, folders$name)),
        .f = drive_download_dir)

  #Make the file dl path if it doesn't exist
    dir.create(dl_path, recursive = TRUE)
  #download files, to current download path
  purrr::pwalk(.l = list( file = files$id, path = file.path(dl_path, files$name)),
        .f = ~googledrive::drive_download(file = googledrive::as_id(..1), path = ..2))

#' Count NAs in Data Frame
#' @param df a data frame.
#' @return A named vector with column NA counts.
#' @export
na_in <- function(df){
    purrr::map(df, ~sum(is.na(.)) )

#' Render an Rmd file in directory
#' This function is a replacement for the 'knit' from RStudio, for cases where you're not
#' working in RStudio.
#' Searches for all Rmd files below the `path` and prompts for
#' a selection of one to be rendered. File is rendered using default render formats,
#' or as specified in `format`. Once the file is rendered, it is opened in the browser.
#' Opening in browser will fail for .docx.
#' @param path The path to search for .Rmd files.
#' @param format The output formats. The default is `"all"`, all formats listed in the file.
#' @return Nothing.
#' @export
rend <- function(path = ".", format = "all"){
  rmd_files <- list.files(path = path,
                          recursive = TRUE,
                          ignore.case = TRUE,
                          include.dirs = TRUE)
  choice <- menu(title = "Select a file to render():", choices = rmd_files)
  output_file <- rmarkdown::render(output_format = format,
                                   input = file.path(path, rmd_files[choice]))

#' Generate an R file to fetch a folder or file from Google drive
#' This function takes a link to a Google drive file or folder. If one is not supplied it will
#' attempt to read one from the clipboard. Given a Google drive link, an R script to fetch the content
#' is generated. The script is slightly different depending on whether the link points to a single file
#' or folder. The R script is generated in the current working directory '.' and will download files to the
#' current working directory '.'.
#' @param a_link the google drive link
#' @return nothing.
#' @export
generate_drive_fetch <- function(a_link){
    a_link <- clipr::read_clip()
  resource_id <- googledrive::as_id(a_link)
  resource <- googledrive::drive_get(resource_id)

  if (resource$drive_resource[[1]]$mimeType == "application/vnd.google-apps.folder"){
    # emit recursive drive fetch
    template <- readLines(system.file("templates/fetch_data_folder.txt", package="mmmisc"))
    fetch_text <- purrr::map(template, ~stringr::str_interp(., environment()))
    file_name <- paste0("fetch_data_folder_",resource$id[[1]], ".R")
    # emit file fetch
    template <- readLines(system.file("templates/fetch_data_file.txt", package="mmmisc"))
    fetch_text <- purrr::map(template, ~stringr::str_interp(., environment()))
    file_name <- paste0("fetch_data_file_", resource$id[[1]], ".R")
  writeLines(unlist(fetch_text), file_name)

#' Source all drive data fetch scripts in current directory.
#' @return nothing.
#' @export
drive_fetch_all <- function(){
  purrr::walk(list.files(pattern = "fetch_data_"), source)

##' Preview a data frame (or tibble)
##' Tibble has some issues with its pillar output and Emacs buffers. This
##' function will sample a data frame or tibble and return a plain data.frame.
##' @title df_preview
##' @param a_df a data.frame or compatible object.
##' @param n_rows a number of rows to sample for the preview.
##' @return a data.frame with n_rows
##' @export
df_preview <- function(a_df, n_rows = 300) {
  withr::with_options(new = list(width = 10000),
                      code = {
                        if(dplyr::is.grouped_df(a_df)) a_df <- dplyr::ungroup(a_df)

                        if(nrow(a_df) <= n_rows) n_rows <- nrow(a_df)

                        print(as.data.frame(dplyr::sample_n(a_df, n_rows)))

##' install a githup repo using the master.zip
##' This is useful if you find yourself trapped behind a man in the middle proxy that is stuffing up your ssl traffic.
##' @title install_ghzip
##' @param name_repo a github repo identifier, name/repo e.g. "milesmcbain/mmmisc"
##' @return nothing. Installs package.
##' @export
install_ghzip <- function(name_repo){

##' install_clipboard
##' Assuming the clipboard is a series of library(pkg) calls, install all of them.
##' @title Install the clipboard
##' @return nothing
##' @export
install_clipboard <- function() {
  install.packages(gsub(pattern = "library\\(([A-Za-z0-9.]+)\\)",
                        replacement = "\\1",

##' install_block
##' like install_clipboard but calls install.packages on a length 1 character vector containing something like:
##' "library(drake)
##' library(tsibble)
##' library(sf)
##' library(curl)
##' library(lubridate)
##' library(mgcv)
##' library(mgcViz)
##' library(rmarkdown)
##' library(knitr)
##' library(flexdashboard)
##' library(plotly)
##' library(tidyverse)"
##' @title  install_block
##' @return  nothing.
##' @export
install_block <- function(block) {

  lines <- unlist(strsplit(block, "\n"))

  packages <- gsub(pattern = "library\\(([A-Za-z0-9.]+)\\)",
                   replacement = "\\1",



##' Detect dependencies in a file and install those that are missing
##' @title install_missing_deps
##' @param dep_file
##' @return nothing. Installs as side effect.
##' @author Miles McBain
##' @export
install_missing_deps <- function(dep_file) {

  deps <- renv::dependencies(dep_file)$Package
  installed_deps <- as.data.frame(installed.packages())$Package
  to_install_deps <- setdiff(deps, installed_deps)


##' quick plot save
##' save a plot with ragg
##' @title save_plot
##' @param filename to save
##' @param a_plot a plot object
##' @return nothing
##' @author Miles McBain
##' @export
save_plot <- function(filename,
                      a_plot) {

         plot = a_plot,
         device = ragg::agg_png,
         width = 8,
         height = 8,
         res = 200)


##' Get the symbol at the rstudio cursor
##' to do something with it. I originally implemented this in drake.
##' @title rs_get_symbol_at_cursor
##' @param context probably rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()
##' @return the symbol the cursor is on as text
##' @author Miles McBain
##' @export
rs_get_symbol_at_cursor <- function(context) {
  if (identical(context$id, "#console")) {
  cursor_pos <- context$selection[[1]]$range$start
  cursor_line <- cursor_pos[1]
  cursor_column <- cursor_pos[2]
  r_symbol_pattern <- "[.A-Za-z][.A-Za-z0-9_]+"
  line_symbols <- gregexpr(
    text = context$contents[cursor_line],
    pattern = r_symbol_pattern
  match_starts <- line_symbols[[1]]
  match_ends <- match_starts + attr(x = line_symbols[[1]], "match.length") - 1
  match_index <- which(
    cursor_column >= match_starts &
      cursor_column <= match_ends
  if (length(match_index) == 0) {
      "Could not find object name at cursor position.",
      cli_sym = cli::col_red(cli::symbol$cross)
    start = match_starts[match_index],
    stop = match_ends[match_index]
MilesMcBain/mmmisc documentation built on Aug. 4, 2020, 10:50 a.m.