
Defines functions eng_python eng_python_initialize eng_python_matplotlib_show eng_python_initialize_matplotlib eng_python_synchronize_before eng_python_synchronize_after eng_python_wrap

Documented in eng_python

#' A reticulate Engine for Knitr
#' This provides a `reticulate` engine for `knitr`, suitable for usage when
#' attempting to render Python chunks. Using this engine allows for shared state
#' between Python chunks in a document -- that is, variables defined by one
#' Python chunk can be used by later Python chunks.
#' The engine can be activated by setting (for example)
#' ```
#' knitr::knit_engines$set(python = reticulate::eng_python)
#' ```
#' Typically, this will be set within a document's setup chunk, or by the
#' environment requesting that Python chunks be processed by this engine.
#' Note that `knitr` (since version 1.18) will use the `reticulate` engine by
#' default when executing Python chunks within an R Markdown document.
#' @param options
#'   Chunk options, as provided by `knitr` during chunk execution.
#' @export
eng_python <- function(options) {

  engine.path <- if (is.list(options[["engine.path"]]))

  # if the user has requested a custom Python, attempt
  # to honor that request (warn if Python already initialized
  # to a different version)
  if (is.character(engine.path)) {

    # if Python has not yet been loaded, then try
    # to load it with the requested version of Python
    if (!py_available())
      use_python(engine.path, required = TRUE)

    # double-check that we've loaded the requested Python
    conf <- py_config()
    requestedPython <- normalizePath(engine.path)
    actualPython <- normalizePath(conf$python)
    if (requestedPython != actualPython) {
      fmt <- "cannot honor request to use Python %s [%s already loaded]"
      msg <- sprintf(fmt, requestedPython, actualPython)
      warning(msg, immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)

  context <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
    context = context,
    envir = environment()

  ast <- import("ast", convert = TRUE)

  # helper function for extracting range of code, dropping blank lines
  extract <- function(code, range) {
    snippet <- code[range[1]:range[2]]
    paste(snippet[nzchar(snippet)], collapse = "\n")

  # helper function for running a snippet of code and capturing output
  run <- function(snippet) {
    output <- py_capture_output(py_run_string(snippet, convert = FALSE))
    if (nzchar(output))
      output <- sub("\n$", "", output)

  # extract the code to be run -- we'll attempt to run the code line by line
  # and detect changes so that we can interleave code and output (similar to
  # what one sees when executing an R chunk in knitr). to wit, we'll do our
  # best to emulate the return format of 'evaluate::evaluate()'
  code <- options$code
  n <- length(code)
  if (n == 0)

  # use 'ast.parse()' to parse Python code and collect line numbers, so we
  # can split source code into statements
  pasted <- paste(code, collapse = "\n")
  parsed <- tryCatch(ast$parse(pasted, "<string>"), error = identity)
  if (inherits(parsed, "error")) {
    error <- reticulate::py_last_error()
    stop(error$value, call. = FALSE)

  # iterate over top-level nodes and extract line numbers
  lines <- vapply(parsed$body, function(node) {
  }, integer(1))

  # it's possible for multiple statements to live on the
  # same line (e.g. `print("a"); print("b")`) so only keep
  # uniques
  lines <- unique(lines)

  # convert from lines to ranges
  starts <- lines
  ends <- c(lines[-1] - 1, length(code))
  ranges <- mapply(c, starts, ends, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

  # line index from which source should be emitted
  pending_source_index <- 1

  # actual outputs to be returned to knitr
  outputs <- list()

  # synchronize state R -> Python

  for (range in ranges) {

    # extract code to be run
    snippet <- extract(code, range)

    # run code and capture output (leave output
    # empty for 'eval = FALSE' case
    captured <- ""
    if (!identical(options$eval, FALSE)) {
      if (is.numeric(options$eval))
        warning("numeric 'eval' chunk option not supported by reticulate engine")

      # error=TRUE implies that errors should be captured and converted
      # into output messages
      if (identical(options$error, TRUE)) {
          captured <- run(snippet),
          error = function(e) {
            captured <<- conditionMessage(e)
      } else {
        captured <- run(snippet)

    if (nzchar(captured) || length(context$pending_plots)) {

      # append pending source to outputs (respecting 'echo' option)
      if (!identical(options$echo, FALSE)) {
        if (is.numeric(options$echo))
          warning("numeric 'echo' chunk option not supported by reticulate engine")
        extracted <- extract(code, c(pending_source_index, range[2]))
        output <- structure(list(src = extracted), class = "source")
        outputs[[length(outputs) + 1]] <- output

      # append captured outputs
      if (nzchar(captured) && isTRUE(options$include))
        outputs[[length(outputs) + 1]] <- captured

      # append captured images / figures
      if (length(context$pending_plots)) {
        if (isTRUE(options$include)) {
          for (plot in context$pending_plots)
            outputs[[length(outputs) + 1]] <- plot
        context$pending_plots <- list()

      # update pending source range
      pending_source_index <- range[2] + 1

  # if we have leftover input, add that now
  if (!identical(options$echo, FALSE) && pending_source_index <= n) {
    if (is.numeric(options$echo))
      warning("numeric 'echo' chunk option not supported by reticulate engine")
    leftover <- extract(code, c(pending_source_index, n))
    outputs[[length(outputs) + 1]] <- structure(
      list(src = leftover),
      class = "source"


  wrap <- getOption("reticulate.engine.wrap", eng_python_wrap)
  wrap(outputs, options)


eng_python_initialize <- function(options, context, envir) {

  if (is.character(options$engine.path))


  eng_python_initialize_matplotlib(options, context, envir)

eng_python_matplotlib_show <- function(plt, options) {
  plot_counter <- yoink("knitr", "plot_counter")
  path <- knitr::fig_path(options$dev, number = plot_counter())
  dir.create(dirname(path), recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
  plt$savefig(path, dpi = options$dpi)

eng_python_initialize_matplotlib <- function(options,
  if (!py_module_available("matplotlib"))

  if (!py_module_available("matplotlib.pyplot"))

  # initialize pending_plots list
  context$pending_plots <- list()

  plt <- import("matplotlib.pyplot", convert = FALSE)

  # rudely steal 'plot_counter' (used by default 'show()' implementation below)
  # and then reset the counter when we're done
  plot_counter <- yoink("knitr", "plot_counter")
  defer(plot_counter(reset = TRUE), envir = envir)

  # save + restore old show hook
  show <- plt$show
  defer(plt$show <- show, envir = envir)
  plt$show <- function(...) {
    hook <- getOption("reticulate.engine.matplotlib.show", eng_python_matplotlib_show)
    graphic <- hook(plt, options)
    context$pending_plots[[length(context$pending_plots) + 1]] <<- graphic

  # set up figure dimensions
  plt$rc("figure", figsize = tuple(options$fig.width, options$fig.height))


# synchronize objects R -> Python
eng_python_synchronize_before <- function() {
  py_inject_r(envir = getOption("reticulate.engine.environment"))

# synchronize objects Python -> R
eng_python_synchronize_after <- function() {}

eng_python_wrap <- function(outputs, options) {
  # TODO: development version of knitr supplies new 'engine_output()'
  # interface -- use that when it's on CRAN
  # https://github.com/yihui/knitr/commit/71bfd8796d485ed7bb9db0920acdf02464b3df9a
  wrap <- yoink("knitr", "wrap")
  wrap(outputs, options)
Mormukut11/R-interface-to-Python documentation built on May 21, 2019, 9:36 a.m.