
Defines functions `_shutdown` allReceiversApp connectedReceiversApp queueStatusApp dumpJobDetails latestJobsApp statusServer

Documented in dumpJobDetails statusServer

#' reply to http requests for information on the processing queue
#' @param port integer; local port on which to listen for requests
#' @param tracing logical; if TRUE, run interactively, allowing local user
#' to enter commands.
#' @return does not return; meant to be run as a server.
#' @export
#' @author John Brzustowski \email{jbrzusto@@REMOVE_THIS_PART_fastmail.fm}

statusServer = function(port, tracing=FALSE) {

    ## ensure a large cache - we use the server DB intensively
    ServerDB("pragma cache_size=60000")


    ## save server in a global variable in case we are tracing

    SERVER <<- Rhttpd$new()

    ## add each function below as an app

    for (f in allApps)
        SERVER$add(RhttpdApp$new(app = get(f), name = f))

    motusLog("Status server started")

    SERVER$start(port = port)

    if (! tracing) {
        ## sleep while awaiting requests

## a string giving the list of apps for this server

allApps = c("latestJobsApp", "queueStatusApp", "connectedReceiversApp", "allReceiversApp", "_shutdown")

latestJobsApp = function(env) {

    ## return summary table of latest top jobs, with clickable expansion for details
    ## parameters:
    ##   - n:  number of jobs to show
    ##   - k:  max jobID to show (0 means unknown); if negative, - min jobID to show.
    ##   - user: if specified, all jobs belonging to user are shown

    req = Rook::Request$new(env)
    res = Rook::Response$new()

    res$header("Cache-control", "no-cache")
    res$header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")

    ## Note: the web page displaying this content needs to inlude the following <script> tag and
    ## contents, if the javascript written by this function is filtered out:

    res$write(paste0("<small>As of ", format(Sys.time(), "%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S (GMT)</small>"), '
<br><a href="" id="page_first">Top</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp<a href="" id="page_up">Page Up</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="" id="page_down">Page Down</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="" id="page_last">Bottom</a><br>

<script type="text/javascript">

function toggleJobExpand(n) {
   var jdn = ".jobDetails" + n;
   var jsn = ".jobSummary" + n;
   var vis = $(jdn).is(":visible");
   if (vis) {
         $(jsn).css({"color": "black"});
   } else {
         $(".jobSummary").css({"color": "black"});
         for (var j=1; j <= Math.min(numJobs, n+3); ++j) {
             $(".jobSummary" + j).show();
         if (n+3 < numJobs) {
         } else {
         $(jsn).css({"color": "green"});

function makeJobToggle(n) {
    return(function() {toggleJobExpand(n)});

var numJobs;

window.onload = function() {
   numJobs = $(".jobDetails").length;
   for (var j=1; j <= numJobs; ++j) {
       $(".jobSummary" + j).click(makeJobToggle(j));
   var loc = window.location;
   var url = loc.protocol + "//" + loc.host + loc.pathname
   $("#page_up")[0].href = url + "?k=-" + (jobIDs[1] + 1);
   $("#page_down")[0].href = url + "?k=" + (jobIDs[0] - 1);
   $("#page_first")[0].href = url + "?k=0";
   $("#page_last")[0].href = url + "?k=-1";
    showSync = ifelse(isTRUE(req$GET()[['sync']]==1), '=', '<>')
    user = as.character(req$GET()[['user']])[1]
    if (! isTRUE(user %in% adminUsers)) {
        jj = ServerDB(sprintf("select id from jobs where motusUserID=:user and pid is null and type %s 'syncReceiver' order by id desc", showSync), user=user)[[1]]
        k = 0
    } else {
        n = as.integer(req$GET()[['n']])[1]
        if (! isTRUE(n > 0 && n <= 500))
            n = 20
        k = as.integer(req$GET()[['k']])[1]
        if (k == 0)
            k = ServerDB("select max (id) from jobs where pid is null")[[1]]
        if (k > 0) {
            jj = ServerDB(sprintf("select id from jobs where pid is null and id <= :k and type %s 'syncReceiver' order by id desc limit :n", showSync), k=k, n=n)[[1]]
        } else {
            jj = ServerDB(sprintf("select id from jobs where pid is null and id >= :k and type %s 'syncReceiver' order by id limit :n", showSync), k=-k, n=n)[[1]]
            jj = sort(jj, decreasing=TRUE) ## note: do the sort rather than changing the order in the SQL query; else we always get the latest n jobs.
    if (length(jj) == 0) {
        jj = ServerDB(sprintf("select id from jobs where pid is null and type %s 'syncReceiver' order by id %s limit :n", showSync, if (k > 0) "desc" else ""), n=n) [[1]]

    info = ServerDB(" select t1.id, t1.queue, coalesce(json_extract(t1.data, '$.replyTo[0]'), json_extract(t1.data, '$.replyTo')), t1.type, t1.ctime, t1.mtime, min(t2.done) as done from jobs as t1 left outer join jobs as t2 on t1.id=t2.stump where t1.id in (:jj) group by t1.id order by t1.id desc", jj=jj)
    class(info$ctime) = class(info$mtime) = c("POSIXt", "POSIXct")
    info$done = c("Error", "Waiting", "Done")[2 + info$done]
    running = which(info$done == "Waiting" & info$queue != 0)
    if (length(running) > 0)
        info$done[running] = paste0("Running on #", info$queue[running])

    ## drop queue
    info = info[, -2]

    ## any expression from here on can't use the original names for the columns of info
    names(info) = c("ID", "Sender", "Type", "Created", "Last Activity", "Status")
    res$write(hwrite(info, border=0, row.style=list('font-weight:bold'), row.bgcolor=rep(c("#ffffff", "#f0f0f0"), length=nrow(info)),
                     row.class=paste0("jobSummary jobSummary", seq_len(nrow(info)))))
    res$write('<div id="jobSummaryEllipsis" style="display:none"><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;. . .</b></div>\n')
    for (i in seq(along=jj)) {
        dumpJobDetails(res, jj[i], i)
    res$write(sprintf('<script type="text/javascript">jobIDs=[%s];</script>', paste(range(jj), collapse=",")))

#' dump details of job j to res, as ith job listing
#' @param res Rook::response object
#' @param j job
#' @param i integer; index in list of jobs to be displayed

dumpJobDetails = function(res, j, i) {
    j = Jobs[[j]]
    res$write(paste0('<div class="jobDetails jobDetails', i, '" style="display:none">'))
    info = blob(j)
    replyTo = paste(info$replyTo, collapse=", ")
    if (is.null(replyTo))
        replyTo = "none"

    log = info$log_
    summary = info$summary_
    info = info[! (grepl("_$", names(info)) | names(info) == "replyTo")]
    params = paste(names(info), info, sep="=", collapse=", ")
    if (isTRUE(nchar(log) > 10000))
        log = paste0(substr(log, 1, 5000), "\n   ...\n", substring(log, nchar(log)-5000), "\n")
    res$write(sprintf("<h3>Status for job %d</h3><pre><b>Created Date:</b> %s\n<b>Last Activity:</b> %s\n<b>Sender:</b> %s\n<b>Parameters:</b> %s\n<b>Queue: </b>%s\n<b>Products:</b><pre>%s</pre><b>Summary: </b>%s</pre><h4>Log:</h4><pre>%s\n</pre>",
                      if (is.na(j$queue)) "None" else paste(j$queue),
                      if (is.null(j$products_)) "None" else paste(sprintf("   <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", j$products_, basename(j$products_)), collapse="\n"),
                      if (is.null(summary)) "" else summary,
                      paste0("   ", gsub("\n", "\n   ", log, fixed=TRUE))

queueStatusApp = function(env) {
    ## return summary of master queue and processing queues
    ## parameters:
    ## - none so far

    req = Rook::Request$new(env)
    res = Rook::Response$new()

    res$header("Cache-control", "no-cache")
    res$header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
    ## is upload server running?
    us = file.exists("/sgm/uploadServer.pid")

    ## number of upload jobs waiting, started, completed successfully, completed with error
    uinfo = ServerDB("select count(*) from jobs where type = 'uploadFile' and queue == '0'
            union all select count(*) from jobs where type = 'uploadFile' and queue != '0'
            union all select count(*) from jobs where type = 'uploadProcessed' and done>0
            union all select count(*) from jobs where type = 'uploadProcessed' and done<0")[[1]]

    ## number of embargoed emails awaiting processing
    emb = length(dir("/sgm/inbox_embargoed"))

    ## number of emails in inbox, awaiting processing
    inb = length(dir("/sgm/inbox"))

    ## is emailServer running?
    es = file.exists("/sgm/emailServer.pid")

    ## num jobs in email queue
    qm = ServerDB("select count(distinct t1.id) from jobs as t1 join jobs as t2 on t1.id=t2.stump where t1.pid is null and t1.queue='E' and t2.done=0")[[1]]

    ## num jobs waiting to be assigned to a processor
    q0 = ServerDB("select count(*) from jobs where pid is null and queue='0' and done=0")[[1]]

    ## which processServers, if any, are running
    pids = dir("/sgm", pattern="^processServer[0-9]+.pid$", full.names=TRUE)
    if (length(pids) > 0)
        qr = as.integer(unlist(regexPieces("processServer(?<qn>[0-9]+).pid", pids)))
        qr = integer(0)

    ul = "---------------------------------------------\n"
        "<small>As of ", format(Sys.time(), "%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S (GMT)</small>"),
        "<b>Upload Server</b>\n",
        " - ", if (! us) "<b>not</b> ", "running\n",
        " - files received by upload: ", uinfo[1]+uinfo[2], "\n",
        " - files waiting for a processor: ", uinfo[1], "\n",
        " - files with processing completed successfully: ", uinfo[3], "\n",
        " - files where processing stopped with an error: ", uinfo[4], "\n",
        "<b>Embargoed INBOX</b>\n",
        emb, " email(s) awaiting manual intervention\n",
        inb, " email(s) awaiting Email Server\n",
        "<b>Email Server</b>\n",
        " - ", if (! es) "<b>not</b> ", "running\n",
        " - has ", qm, " email(s) partially processed\n",
        "<b>Master Queue</b>\n",
        q0, " jobs waiting for a Tagfinder Processor\n"

    ## for each tagfinder process, show its status and queue length

    for (p in c(1:8, 101:104)) {
        pc = as.character(p)
        running = p %in% qr
        jj = ServerDB("select distinct t1.id from jobs as t1 join jobs as t2 on t1.id = t2.stump where t1.pid is null and t1.queue=:p and t2.done=0", p=pc)[[1]]
        jdone = ServerDB("select count(*) from jobs as t1 where t1.pid is null and t1.queue=:p and t1.done!=0", p=pc)[[1]]
        jbad = ServerDB("select count(distinct t1.id) from jobs as t1 join jobs as t2 on t1.id = t2.stump where t1.pid is null and t1.queue=:p and t2.done<0", p=pc)[[1]]
          "<b>Tagfinder Processor #", p, ifelse(p > 100, " (priority) ", ""), "</b>\n",
          " - ", if (! running) "<b>not</b> ", "running\n",
          " - successfully completed: ", jdone - jbad, "\n",
          " - completed with error(s): ", jbad, "\n",
          " - incomplete: ", length(jj), "\n"
        if (length(jj) > 0) {
            res$write("<b>Incomplete jobs:</b>")
            info = ServerDB("select t1.id, coalesce(json_extract(t1.data, '$.replyTo[0]'), json_extract(t1.data, '$.replyTo')), t1.type, t1.ctime, t1.mtime, group_concat(t2.type) as sj from jobs as t1 join jobs as t2 on t1.id=t2.stump where t1.id in (:jj) and t2.done == 0 group by t1.id order by t1.id desc", jj=jj)
            class(info$ctime) = class(info$mtime) = c("POSIXt", "POSIXct")
            info$sj = sapply(info$sj, function(x) { j = strsplit(x, ",")[[1]]; t = table(j); paste(sprintf("%s(%d)", names(t), t), collapse=", ")})
            names(info) = c("ID", "Sender", "Type", "Created", "Last Activity", "Incomplete SubJobs")
            res$write(hwrite(info, border=0, row.style=list('font-weight:bold'), row.bgcolor=rep(c("#ffffff", "#f0f0f0"), length=nrow(info))))

connectedReceiversApp = function(env) {

    req <- Rook::Request$new(env)
    res <- Rook::Response$new()

    res$header("Cache-control", "no-cache")
    res$header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")

    user <- req$GET()[['user']]
    token <- req$GET()[['token']]

    ## saveRDS(env, "/tmp/request.rds") ## for debugging

    ## list of serial numbers of connected receivers

    ## list of mapped tunnel ports (character vector)
    ports = system("netstat -n -l -t 2>/dev/null | grep | gawk '{split($4, A, /:/); pn=0+A[2]; if (pn >= 40000 && pn < 50000) print pn}'", intern=TRUE)

    ## get list of receiver serial numbers by port

    if (length(ports) > 0) {
        portByRecv = ServerDB(sprintf("select tunnelport,serno from remote.receivers where tunnelport in (%s)", paste(ports, collapse=",")))
        rownames(portByRecv) = portByRecv$serno
    } else {
        portByRecv = NULL

    ## add in receivers with an ssh port mapped but no live data streaming
    ## this can happen for various reasons, e.g. if the master js process
    ## on the SG has died.

    connRecv = recv
    recv = unique(c(recv, portByRecv$serno))

    ## get latest project/site names for any receivers
    YEAR = format(Sys.time(), "%Y")
    ## get most recent project, site for each receiver deployment
    projSite = MetaDB(sprintf("select t1.serno as Serno, t3.label as Project, t1.name as Site, t3.id as projectID from recvDeps as t1 left join recvDeps as t2 on t1.serno=t2.serno and t1.tsStart < t2.tsStart join projs as t3 on t1.projectID=t3.id where t1.serno in ('%s') and t2.serno is null", paste0("SG-", recv, collapse="','")))

    rownames(projSite)=substring(projSite$Serno, 4)

    Now = Sys.time()
    now = as.numeric(Now)
    html = sprintf(
<br>This table generated at %s
<table rows=%d cols=%d border=1>
<tr><th>Serial No.<br>Click for SG<br>Web Interface</th><th>Tunnel Port</th><th>Lat/Lon<br>Click for Map</th><th>Project, Site<br>Click for Download Page</th><th>Boot<br>Count</th><th>Connected<br>Since</th><th>Ants with Hits<br>Latest Hour</th><th>Latest Hit on Tag<br>Known to Receiver</th><th>When</th><th>Hits Today</th><th>Total Hits</th><th>Live User</th></tr>",
format(Now, "%Y %b %d %H:%M:%S GMT"),
1 + length(recv), 10)

    tbl = character(length(recv))

    con = safeSQLiteConnect(MOTUS_PATH$REMOTE_LIVE)
    sql = function(...) dbGetQuery(con, sprintf(...))
    if (! is.null(user)) {
        old_token = sql("select token from user_tokens where user='%s'", user)

        if (nrow(old_token) == 0 || old_token[1,1] != token)
            ## auth token is new or has changed, so insert new one with timestamp
            sql("insert or replace into user_tokens (user, token, ts) values ('%s', '%s', '%f')", user, token, as.numeric(Sys.time()))
    ## get the list of SG <-> user connections
    loggedIn = sql("select serno,user,ts from port_maps")
    rownames(loggedIn) = loggedIn$serno
    class(loggedIn$ts) = c("POSIXt", "POSIXct")

    for (i in seq(along=recv)) {
        db = file.path(MOTUS_PATH$REMOTE_STREAMS, paste0(recv[i], ".sqlite"))
        if (file.exists(db)) {
            con = safeSQLiteConnect(db)
            bootCount = dbGetQuery(con, "select max (parval) from metadata where parname = 'bootCount'")[1,1]
            if (is.na(bootCount))
                bootCount = 0
            gps = dbGetQuery(con, "select * from gps where ts != 'NaN' order by ts desc limit 1")
            tag = dbGetQuery(con, "select * from taghits order by ts desc limit 1")
            numHits = dbGetQuery(con, "select count(*) from taghits")
            numHitsToday = dbGetQuery(con, sprintf("select count(*) from taghits where ts >= %f", trunc(Now, "days")))
            ##        devices = dbGetQuery(con, "select * from devices order by ts")
            lastCon = dbGetQuery(con, "select serverts from connections order by serverts desc limit 1")
            ports = unlist(dbGetQuery(con, sprintf("select distinct port from taghits where serverts >= %f", now-3600))[,1])
            if (length(ports) == 0)
                ports = ""
            if (nrow(lastCon) > 0) {
                lastCon = lastCon[1,1]
            } else {
                lastCon = 0
            class(lastCon) = c("POSIXt", "POSIXct")
            ## if (nrow(devices) > 0) {
            ##   numAnts = sum(unlist(tapply(seq_len(nrow(devices)), devices$port,
            ##     function(i) {
            ##       j = tail(i, 1)
            ##       devices$action[j] == 'A' && grepl("funcube", devices$type[j], ignore.case=TRUE)
            ##     })))
            ## } else {
            ##   numAnts = 0
            ## }
        } else {
            bootCount = 1
            gps = NULL
            tag = NULL
            numHits = 0
            numHitsToday = 0
            ports = ""
            lastCon = structure(0, class=c("POSIXt", "POSIXct"))
        haveTags = ! (is.null(tag) || nrow(tag) == 0)

        if (haveTags) {
            class(tag$ts) = c("POSIXt", "POSIXct")
            msg = list(tag = paste(tag$tagID, "on ant", tag$port[1]),
                       ts = paste(format(round(diff(c(tag$ts[1], Now)), 3)), "ago"))
        } else {
            msg = list(tag = "none while connected", ts = "")
            numHits = numHitsToday = 0

        if (is.null(gps) || nrow(gps) == 0) {
            gps = list(lat=0, lon=0)
            if (haveTags)
                tag$ts[1] = structure(tag$serverts[1], class=c("POSIXt", "POSIXct"))

        tunnelport = as.character(portByRecv[recv[i], "tunnelport"])
        if (length(tunnelport) == 0 || is.na(tunnelport))
            tunnelport = "none"

        user = loggedIn[recv[i], "user"]
        if (is.na(user))
            userMsg = ""
            userMsg = sprintf("%s @ %s", user, format(loggedIn[recv[i], "ts"], "%b %d - %H:%M"))

            if (tunnelport != "none") {
                anchor = sprintf('<a href="https://live.sensorgnome.org/SESSION_SG-%s_%s" style="color: #000000">%s</a>',
            } else {
                anchor = sprintf("%s", recv[i])

            ps = projSite[recv[i], c("Project", "Site")]

            if (is.na(ps[[1]])) {
                ps = c("unregistered deployment")
            } else {
                ps = as.character(ps)
            latLon = paste(round(gps$lat, 3), round(gps$lon, 3), sep=",")
            latLonURL = sprintf("https://google.com/search?q=%.6f,%.6f", gps$lat, gps$lon)

            psURL = getDownloadURL(projSite[recv[i], "projectID"])
            tbl[i] = sprintf('<tr><td style="background-color: %s">%s</td><td style="text-align:center">%s</td><td style="text-align:center"><a href="%s">%s</a></td><td style="text-align:center"><a href="%s">%s</a></td><td style="text-align:center">%d</td><td style="text-align:center">%s</td><td style="text-align:center">%s</td><td style="text-align:center">%s</td><td style="text-align:center">%s</td><td style="text-align:center">%.0f</td><td style="text-align:center">%.0f</td><td style="text-align:center">%s</td></tr>',
                             if (recv[i] %in% connRecv) "#80ff80" else "#ff8080",
                             paste(ps, collapse=","),
                             format(lastCon, "%d %b %H:%M"),
                             paste(sort(ports), collapse=", "),

        }, silent=TRUE)

    html = paste(html, paste(tbl, collapse="\n"), '</table><br>If a receiver is shown with a <span style="background-color:#ff8080">red background</span>, then it is connected by secure shell but does not have a data-streaming connection.  This might be because its master control process has died.  Troubleshooting via ssh tunnel is recommended.<br><br>If an SG has a streaming connection but no tunnel port, you cannot connect to its web interface.  Wait 5 minutes and check again whether the tunnel port has been assigned.', sep="\n")


allReceiversApp = function(env) {
    req <- Rook::Request$new(env)
    res <- Rook::Response$new()

    res$header("Cache-control", "no-cache")

    html1 = "<div><ul>"

    f = dir(MOTUS_PATH$REMOTE_STREAMS, pattern=".*\\.sqlite$", full.names=TRUE)
    recv_with_db = sub(".sqlite$", "", basename(f))

    recv = ServerDB("select * from remote.receivers where verified=1 order by serno")

    recv$connNow = file.exists(file.path(MOTUS_PATH$REMOTE_CONNECTIONS, recv$serno))

    class(recv$creationdate) = c("POSIXt", "POSIXct")
    recv$db = f[match(recv$serno, recv_with_db)]

    recv = recv[order(1 - recv$connNow, recv$serno),]
    Now = Sys.time()
    now = as.numeric(Now)
    html = sprintf(
<br>This table generated at %s
<table rows=%d cols=%d border=1>
<tr><th>Serial No.</th><th>Lat</th><th>Lon</th><th>Boot<br>Count</th><th>Ants with Hits<br>Latest Hour</th><th>Latest Tag Hit</th><th>When</th><th>Hits Today</th><th>Total Hits</th></tr>",
      format(Now, "%Y %b %d %H:%M:%S GMT"),
      1 + nrow(recv), 9)

    tbl = character(nrow(recv))
    for (i in seq(along=tbl)) {
      if (is.na(recv$db)[i]) {
        tbl[i] = sprintf('<tr><td>%s</td><td colspan=8>No data received</td></tr>', recv$serno[i])
      } else {
        con = safeSQLiteConnect(file.path(MOTUS_PATH$REMOTE_STREAMS, paste0(recv$serno[i], ".sqlite")))
        bootCount = dbGetQuery(con, "select max (parval) from metadata where parname = 'bootCount'")[1,1]
        if (is.na(bootCount))
          bootCount = 0
        gps = dbGetQuery(con, "select * from gps where ts != 'NaN' order by ts desc limit 1")
        tag = dbGetQuery(con, "select * from taghits order by ts desc limit 1")
        numHits = dbGetQuery(con, "select count(*) from taghits")
        numHitsToday = dbGetQuery(con, sprintf("select count(*) from taghits where ts >= %f", trunc(Now, "days")))
        devices = dbGetQuery(con, "select * from devices order by ts")
        lastCon = dbGetQuery(con, "select serverts from connections order by serverts desc limit 1")
        ports = unlist(dbGetQuery(con, sprintf("select distinct port from taghits where serverts >= %f", now-3600))[,1])
        if (nrow(lastCon) > 0) {
          lastCon = lastCon[1,1]
        } else {
          lastCon = 0
        if (nrow(devices) > 0) {
          numAnts = sum(unlist(tapply(seq_len(nrow(devices)), devices$port,
            function(i) {
              j = tail(i, 1)
              devices$action[j] == 'A' && grepl("funcube", devices$type[j], ignore.case=TRUE)
        } else {
          numAnts = 0
        class(tag$ts) = c("POSIXt", "POSIXct")

        if (is.null(tag) || nrow(tag) == 0) {
          tag = list(tagID = 0, antFreq=0, port=0, ts=structure(0, class=c("POSIXt", "POSIXct")))
          numHits = numHitsToday = 0

        if (is.null(gps) || nrow(gps) == 0) {
          gps = list(lat=0, lon=0)
          tag$ts[1] = structure(tag$serverts[1], class=c("POSIXt", "POSIXct"))

        tbl[i] = sprintf('<tr><td style="background-color: %s">%s</td><td>%.4f</td><td>%.4f</td><td>%d</td><td>%s</td><td>%d @ %.3f on Ant %d</td><td>%s ago</td><td>%.0f</td><td>%.0f</td></tr>',
             (if (recv$connNow[i]) "#80ff80" else if (now - lastCon < 600) "#ffff80" else "#ff8080"),
             paste(sort(ports), collapse=", "),
             tag$tagID[1], tag$antFreq[1], tag$port[1],
             format(round(diff(c(tag$ts[1], Now)), 3)),
      }, silent=TRUE)
    html = paste(html, paste(tbl, collapse="\n"), "</table>", sep="\n")


#' shut down this server.  The leading '_', which requires the appname to be
#' quoted, marks this as an app that won't be exposed to the internet via
#' the apache reverse proxy

`_shutdown` = function(env) {
    res = Rook::Response$new()
    sendError(res, "status server shutting down")

adminUsers = c("tlcrewe", "zcrysler", "dlepage.motus", "john", "ptaylor", "stuart.mackenzie")
MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 10:23 p.m.