
Defines functions crwMLE.sf crwMLE.SpatialPoints crwMLE.default crwMLE

Documented in crwMLE crwMLE.default crwMLE.sf crwMLE.SpatialPoints

#' Fit Continuous-Time Correlated Random Walk Models to Animal Telemetry Data
#' The function uses the Kalman filter to estimate movement parameters in a
#' state-space version of the continuous-time movement model. Separate models
#' are specified for movement portion and the location error portion. Each
#' model can depend on time indexed covariates. A \dQuote{haul out} model where
#' movement is allowed to completely stop, as well as, a random drift model can
#' be fit with this function.
#' @param data data.frame object contain telemetry and covariate data. A 
#'   'sf' object from the 'sf' package with a geometry column of type \code{sfc_POINT}
#'   is the preferred format for these data. 'SpatialPointsDataFrame' object 
#'   from the package 'sp' is still accepted. `spacetime' and 'trip' objects were 
#'   previously accepted but are no longer valid. Values for coords will be taken from 
#'   the spatial data set and ignored in the arguments. Spatial data must have a
#'   valid proj4string or epsg and must NOT be in longlat. While data provided as
#'   a data.frame are supported, they may not be compatible with additional 
#'   functions. An 'sf' object with projected, non-longlat geometry really is
#'   the way to go!
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @export
crwMLE <- function(data, ...) {

#' @rdname crwMLE
#' @method crwMLE default
#' @param data a data set of location observations as a data.frame, tibble,
#' SpatialPointsDataFrame ('sp' package), or a data.frame of class 'sf' that
#' contains a geometry column of type \code{sfc_POINT}
#' @param mov.model formula object specifying the time indexed covariates for
#' movement parameters.
#' @param err.model A 2-element list of formula objects specifying the time
#' indexed covariates for location error parameters.
#' @param activity formula object giving the covariate for the activity (i.e., stopped or fully moving)
#' portion of the model.
#' @param drift logical indicating whether or not to include a random
#' drift component. For most data this is usually not necessary. See \code{\link{northernFurSeal}} for an example
#' using a drift model.
#' @param coord A 2-vector of character values giving the names of the "X" and
#' "Y" coordinates in \code{data}. Ignored if \code{data} inherits class
#' 'sf' or 'sp'.
#' @param proj A valid epsg integer code or proj4string for \code{data} that does not
#' inherit either 'sf' or 'sp'. A valid 'crs' list is also accepted. Otherwise, ignored.
#' @param Time.name character indicating name of the location time column. It is
#' strongly preferred that this column be of type POSIXct and in UTC.
#' @param time.scale character. Scale for conversion of POSIX time to numeric 
#' for modeling. Defaults to "hours" and most users will not need to change this.
#' @param theta starting values for parameter optimization.
#' @param fixPar Values of parameters which are held fixed to the given value.
#' @param method Optimization method that is passed to \code{\link{optim}}.
#' @param control Control list which is passed to \code{\link{optim}}.
#' @param constr Named list with elements \code{lower} and \code{upper} that
#' are vectors the same length as theta giving the box constraints for the
#' parameters
#' @param prior A function returning the log-density function of the parameter
#' fixed parameters should not be included.
#' @param need.hess A logical value which decides whether or not to evaluate
#' the Hessian for parameter standard errors
#' @param initialSANN Control list for \code{\link{optim}} when simulated
#' annealing is used for obtaining start values. See details
#' @param attempts The number of times likelihood optimization will be
#' attempted in cases where the fit does not converge or is otherwise non-valid
#' @param retrySD optional user-provided standard deviation for adjusting
#' starting values when attempts > 1. Default value is 1.
#' @param skip_check Skip the likelihood optimization check and return the fitted values.
#' Can be useful for debugging problem fits. 
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#' \item{par}{Parameter maximum likelihood estimates (including fixed parameters)}
#' \item{estPar}{MLE without fixed parameters}
#' \item{se}{Standard error of MLE}
#' \item{ci}{95\% confidence intervals for parameters}
#' \item{Cmat}{Parameter covariance matrix}
#' \item{loglik}{Maximized log-likelihood value}
#' \item{aic}{Model AIC value}
#' \item{coord}{Coordinate names provided for fitting}
#' \item{fixPar}{Fixed parameter values provided}
#' \item{convergence}{Indicator of convergence (0 = converged)}
#' \item{message}{Messages given by \code{optim} during parameter optimization}
#' \item{activity}{Model provided for stopping variable}
#' \item{drift}{Logical value indicating random drift model}
#' \item{mov.model}{Model description for movement component}
#' \item{err.model}{Model description for location error component}
#' \item{n.par}{number of parameters}
#' \item{nms}{parameter names}
#' \item{n.mov}{number of movement parameters}
#' \item{n.errX}{number or location error parameters for ``longitude'' error model}
#' \item{n.errY}{number or location error parameters for ``latitude'' error model}
#' \item{stop.mf}{covariate for stop indication in stopping models}
#' \item{polar.coord}{Logical indicating coordinates are polar latitude and longitude}
#' \item{init}{Initial values for parameter optimization}
#' \item{data}{Original data.frame used to fit the model}
#' \item{lower}{The lower parameter bounds}
#' \item{upper}{The upper parameter bounds}
#' \item{need.hess}{Logical value}
#' \item{runTime}{Time used to fit model}
#' @details
#' \itemize{
#' \item A full model specification involves 4 components: a movement model, an
#' activity model, 2 location error models, and a drift indication. The
#' movement model (\code{mov.model}) specifies how the movement parameters
#' should vary over time. This is a function of specified, time-indexed,
#' covariates. The movement parameters (sigma for velocity variation and beta
#' for velocity autocorrelation) are both modeled with a log link as par =
#' exp(eta), where eta is the linear predictor based on the covariates. The
#' \code{err.model} specification is a list of 2 such models, one for
#' \dQuote{X (longitude)} and one for \dQuote{Y (latitude)} (in that order) location
#' error. If only one location error model is given, it is used for both
#' coordinates (parameter values as well). If \code{drift.model} is set to
#' \code{TRUE}, then, 2 additional parameters are estimated for the drift
#' process, a drift variance and a beta multiplier. 
#' \item \code{theta} and \code{fixPar} are vectors with the appropriate number or
#' parameters. \code{theta} contains only those parameters which are to be
#' estimated, while \code{fixPar} contains all parameter values with \code{NA}
#' for parameters which are to be estimated.
#' \item The data set specified by \code{data} must contain a numeric or POSIXct column which is
#' used as the time index for analysis. The column name is specified by the
#' \code{Time.name} argument and it is strongly suggested that this column be of
#' POSIXct type and in UTC. If a POSIXct column is used it is internally converted to a
#' numeric vector with units of \code{time.scale}. \code{time.scale} defaults to
#' NULL and an appropriate option will be chosen ("seconds","minutes","days","weeks")
#' based on the median time interval. The user can override this by specifying one
#' of those time intervals directly. If a numeric time vector is used, then 
#' the \code{time.scale} is ignored and there
#' is no adjustment to the data. Also, for activity models, the
#' activity covariate must be between 0 and 1 inclusive, with 0 representing complete stop
#' of the animal (no true movement, however, location error can still occur) and 1 
#' represent unhindered movement. The coordinate location should have \code{NA} where no
#' location is recorded, but there is a change in the movement covariates.
#' \item The CTCRW models can be difficult to provide good initial values for
#' optimization. If \code{initialSANN} is specified then simulated annealing is
#' used first to obtain starting values for the specified optimization method.
#' If simulated annealing is used first, then the returned \code{init} list of
#' the crwFit object will be a list with the results of the simulated annealing
#' optimization.
#' \item The \code{attempts} argument instructs \code{crwMLE} to attempt a fit
#' multiple times. Each time, the fit is inspected for convergence, whether
#' the covariance matrix could be calculated, negative values in the diag 
#' of the covariance matrix, or NA values in the standard errors. If, after
#' n attempts, the fit is still not valid a \code{simpleError} object is
#' returned. Users should consider increasing the number of attempts OR
#' adjusting the standard deviation value for each attempt by setting
#' \code{retrySD}. The default value for \code{retrySD} is 1, but users may
#' need to increase or decrease to find a valid fit. Adjusting other
#' model parameters may also be required.
#' }
#' @author Devin S. Johnson, Josh M. London
#' @export
crwMLE.default <- function(
  mov.model = ~ 1,
  err.model = NULL,
  activity = NULL,
  drift = FALSE,
  coord = c("x", "y"),
  proj = NULL,
  Time.name = "time",
  time.scale = NULL,
  theta = NULL,
  fixPar = NULL,
  method = "Nelder-Mead",
  control = NULL,
  constr = list(lower = -Inf, upper = Inf),
  prior = NULL,
  need.hess = TRUE,
  initialSANN = list(maxit = 200),
  attempts = 1,
  retrySD = 1,
  skip_check = FALSE,

  if (!inherits(data, c("data.frame", "tbl_df"))) {
    stop("data must be an 'sf'/'sp' spatial object or a data.frame/tibble")
  p4 <- NULL
  if (!is.null(proj) && !inherits(proj, "crs")) {
    if (inherits(proj, "numeric") || inherits(proj, "character")) {
      p4 <- sf::st_crs(proj)
    } else {
        "provided projection is not valid. must be an EPSG integer code or proj4string character"
  if (inherits(proj, "crs")) {
    p4 <- proj
  if(!is.null(p4) && p4$IsGeographic) {
      "Provided projection is geographic (e.g. longlat). Coordinates must be in
      a non-geographic, projected coordinate reference system."
  if (inherits(data[[Time.name]], "POSIXct")) {
    if (is.null(time.scale)) {
      time.scale = crawl::detect_timescale(data[[Time.name]])
    if (time.scale %in% c("hours", "hour")) {
      ts = 60 * 60
    } else if (time.scale %in% c("days", "day")) {
      ts = 60 * 60 * 24
    } else if (time.scale %in% c("sec", "secs", "second", "seconds")) {
      ts = 1
    } else if (time.scale %in% c("min", "mins", "minute", "minutes")) {
      ts = 60
    } else
      stop("'time.scale' not specified correctly!")
    data$TimeNum <- as.numeric(data[[Time.name]]) / ts
  } else{
    data$TimeNum <- as.numeric(data[[Time.name]])
    ts = 1
  st <- Sys.time()
  errMod <- !is.null(err.model)
  #if(!errMod) stop("Error model must be specified! (argument 'err.model' is currently set to NULL)")
  activeMod <- !is.null(activity)
  driftMod <- drift
  # if (
  #   length(initial.state$a) != 2*(driftMod+2) | all(dim(initial.state$P) != c(2*(driftMod+2), 2*(driftMod+2)))
  # ) stop("Dimentions of 'initial.state' argument are not correct for the specified model")
  mov.mf <-
    model.matrix(mov.model, model.frame(mov.model, data, na.action = na.pass))
  if (any(is.na(mov.mf)))
    stop("Missing values are not allowed in movement covariates!")
  n.mov <- ncol(mov.mf)
  if (errMod) {
    err.mfX <-
                   model.frame(err.model$x, data, na.action = na.pass))
    err.mfX <- ifelse(is.na(err.mfX), 0, err.mfX)
    n.errX <- ncol(err.mfX)
    if (!is.null(err.model$y)) {
      err.mfY <-
                     model.frame(err.model$y, data, na.action = na.pass))
      err.mfY <- ifelse(is.na(err.mfY), 0, err.mfY)
      n.errY <- ncol(err.mfY)
    } else {
      err.mfY <- NULL
      n.errY <- 0
    if (!is.null(err.model$rho)) {
      rho = model.matrix(err.model$rho,
                         model.frame(err.model$rho, data, na.action = na.pass))[, -1]
      if (any(rho > 1 |
              rho < -1, na.rm = TRUE))
        stop("Error model correlation outside of the range (-1, 1).")
      rho <- ifelse(is.na(rho), 0, rho)
    } else
      rho = NULL
  } else {
    n.errY <- n.errX <- 0
    err.mfX <- err.mfY <- rho <- NULL
  if (activeMod) {
    activity <-
      model.matrix(activity, model.frame(activity, data, na.action = na.pass))
    if (ncol(activity) > 2)
      stop("There can only be one activity variable.")
    activity <- as.double(activity[, 2])
    if (any(activity < 0) |
        any(activity > 1))
      stop("'activity' variable must be >=0 and <=1.")
    if (any(is.na(activity)))
      stop("Missing values are not allowed in the activity variable.")
  } else
    activity <- NULL
  n.drift <- as.integer(driftMod)
  n.activ <- as.integer(activeMod)
  b.nms <- paste("ln beta ", colnames(mov.mf), sep = "")
  sig.nms <- paste("ln sigma ", colnames(mov.mf), sep = "")
  if (errMod) {
    if (!is.null(err.model$y)) {
      tau.nms <- c(paste("ln tau.x ", colnames(err.mfX), sep = ""),
                   paste("ln tau.y ", colnames(err.mfY), sep = ""))
    } else
      tau.nms <- paste("ln tau ", colnames(err.mfX), sep = "")
  } else
    tau.nms <- NULL
  if (activeMod) {
    active.nms <- "ln phi"
  } else
    active.nms <- NULL
  if (driftMod) {
    drift.nms <- c("ln sigma.drift/sigma", "ln psi-1")
  } else
    drift.nms <- NULL
  nms <- c(tau.nms, sig.nms, b.nms, active.nms, drift.nms)
  n.par <- length(nms)
  if (is.null(fixPar))
    fixPar <- rep(NA, n.par)
  n.theta = sum(is.na(fixPar))
  if (length(fixPar) != n.par)
      "'fixPar' argument is not the right length! The number of parameters in the model is ",
  if (!(length(constr$lower) == 1 |
        length(constr$lower) == sum(is.na(fixPar))))
      "The number of lower contraints specified is not correctly! The number of free parameters is ",
  if (!(length(constr$upper) == 1 |
        length(constr$upper) == sum(is.na(fixPar))))
      "The number of upper contraints specified is not correctly! The number of free parameters is ",
  # if(length(constr$upper)==1) constr$upper <- rep(constr$upper, sum(is.na(fixPar)))
  # if(length(constr$lower)==1) constr$lower <- rep(constr$lower, sum(is.na(fixPar)))
  if (is.null(theta))
    theta <- rep(0, n.theta)
  theta[theta < constr$lower] = constr$lower[theta < constr$lower] + 0.01
  theta[theta > constr$upper] = constr$upper[theta > constr$upper] - 0.01
  if (driftMod &
    theta[sum(is.na(fixPar))] <- log(diff(range(data$TimeNum)) / 9)
  if (length(theta) != n.theta) {
    stop("\nWrong number of parameters specified in start value.\n")
  y = data[, c(coord[1], coord[2])]
  noObs <- as.numeric(is.na(y[, 1]) | is.na(y[, 2]))
  y[noObs == 1, ] = 0
  checkFit <- 1
  thetaAttempt <- theta
  if (!is.null(initialSANN) & method != 'SANN') {
    message("Beginning SANN initialization ...")
    init <-
        method = 'SANN',
        control = initialSANN,
        fixPar = fixPar,
        y = y,
        noObs = noObs,
        delta = c(diff(data$TimeNum), 1),
        #a=initial.state$a, P=initial.state$P,
        mov.mf = mov.mf,
        err.mfX = err.mfX,
        err.mfY = err.mfY,
        rho = rho,
        activity = activity,
        n.mov = n.mov,
        n.errX = n.errX,
        n.errY = n.errY,
        driftMod = driftMod,
        prior = prior,
        need.hess = FALSE,
        constr = constr
    #thetaAttempt <- init$par
  } else
    init <- list(par = thetaAttempt)
  #if(any(init$par<lower)) init$par[init$par<lower] <- lower[init$par<lower] + 0.000001
  #if(any(init$par>upper)) init$par[init$par>upper] <- upper[init$par>upper] - 0.000001
  message("Beginning likelihood optimization ...")
  while (attempts > 0 & checkFit) {
    mle <-
        method = method,
        hessian = need.hess,
        lower = constr$lower,
        upper = constr$upper,
        control = control,
        fixPar = fixPar,
        y = y,
        noObs = noObs,
        delta = c(diff(data$TimeNum), 1),
        #a=initial.state$a, P=initial.state$P,
        mov.mf = mov.mf,
        err.mfX = err.mfX,
        err.mfY = err.mfY,
        activity = activity,
        n.mov = n.mov,
        n.errX = n.errX,
        n.errY = n.errY,
        rho = rho,
        driftMod = driftMod,
        prior = prior,
        need.hess = need.hess,
        constr = constr
      silent = TRUE)
    attempts <- attempts - 1
    checkFit <- check_fit(mle)
    init$par <- mle$par + rnorm(length(mle$par), 0, retrySD)
  if (checkFit & !skip_check) {
        "crwMLE failed. Try increasing attempts or changing user",
        "provided sd values. Other parameter values may need to be changed.",
        "Good Luck!"
  par <- fixPar
  par[is.na(fixPar)] <- mle$par
  Cmat <- matrix(NA, n.par, n.par)
  Cmat[is.na(fixPar), is.na(fixPar)] <- 2 * solve(mle$hessian)
  se <- sqrt(diag(Cmat))
  ci.l <- par - 1.96 * se
  ci.u <- par + 1.96 * se
  out <-
      par = par,
      estPar = mle$par,
      se = se,
      ci = cbind(L = ci.l, U = ci.u),
      Cmat = Cmat,
      loglik = -mle$value / 2,
      aic = mle$value + 2 * sum(is.na(fixPar)),
      coord = coord,
      fixPar = fixPar,
      convergence = mle$convergence,
      message = mle$message,
      activity = activity,
      random.drift = drift,
      mov.model = mov.model,
      err.model = err.model,
      n.par = n.par,
      nms = nms,
      n.mov = n.mov,
      n.errX = n.errX,
      n.errY = n.errY,
      mov.mf = mov.mf,
      err.mfX = err.mfX,
      err.mfY = err.mfY,
      rho = rho,
      Time.name = Time.name,
      init = init,
      data = data,
      lower = constr$lower,
      upper = constr$upper,
      prior = prior,
      need.hess = need.hess,
      runTime = difftime(Sys.time(), st)
  attr(out, "epsg") <- p4$epsg
  attr(out, "proj4") <- p4$proj4string
  attr(out, "time.scale") = ts
  class(out) <- c("crwFit")
  if (drift) {
    class(out) <- c("crwFit_drift", "crwFit")

#' @rdname crwMLE
#' @method crwMLE SpatialPoints
#' @export
crwMLE.SpatialPoints <- function(
  mov.model = ~ 1,
  err.model = NULL,
  activity = NULL,
  drift = FALSE,
  Time.name = "time",
  time.scale = NULL,
  theta = NULL,
  fixPar = NULL,
  method = "Nelder-Mead",
  control = NULL,
  constr = list(lower = -Inf, upper = Inf),
  prior = NULL,
  need.hess = TRUE,
  initialSANN = list(maxit = 200),
  attempts = 1,
  retrySD = 1,
  coord = NULL,

  geometry <- NULL
  if (is.null(coord)) {
    coord <- dimnames(data@coords)[[2]]
    data <- sf::st_as_sf(data)
    longlat_check <- sf::st_is_longlat(data)
    if (!is.na(longlat_check)) {
      if (longlat_check) {
          "data is provided in longlat format
        (i.e. st_is_longlat(data) returns TRUE).
        Please project your data (using sf::st_transform) to an 
        appropriate projection for your study area."
    proj <- sf::st_crs(data)
    data <- sfc_as_cols(data, names = coord) %>%
      tibble::as_tibble() %>% 
  } else {
    if (!identical(coord,dimnames(data@coords)[[2]])) {
      warning("user supplied coord argument differs from the sp data object. user wishes will be honored.")
    data <- sf::st_as_sf(data)
    proj <- sf::st_crs(data)
    data <- sfc_as_cols(data, names = coord) %>%
      tibble::as_tibble() %>% 
      data = data,
      mov.model = mov.model,
      err.model = err.model,
      activity = activity,
      drift = drift,
      coord = coord,
      proj = proj,
      Time.name = Time.name,
      time.scale = time.scale,
      theta = theta,
      fixPar = fixPar,
      method = method,
      control = control,
      constr = constr,
      prior = prior,
      need.hess = need.hess,
      initialSANN = initialSANN,
      attempts = attempts,
      retrySD = retrySD,

#' @rdname crwMLE
#' @method crwMLE sf
#' @export
crwMLE.sf <- function(
  mov.model = ~ 1,
  err.model = NULL,
  activity = NULL,
  drift = FALSE,
  Time.name = "time",
  time.scale = NULL,
  theta = NULL,
  fixPar = NULL,
  method = "Nelder-Mead",
  control = NULL,
  constr = list(lower = -Inf, upper = Inf),
  prior = NULL,
  need.hess = TRUE,
  initialSANN = list(maxit = 200),
  attempts = 1,
  retrySD = 1,

  longlat_check <- sf::st_is_longlat(data)
  if (!is.na(longlat_check)) {
    if (longlat_check) {
        "data is provided in longlat format
        (i.e. st_is_longlat(data) returns TRUE).
        Please project your data (using sf::st_transform) to an 
        appropriate projection for your study area."
  geometry <- NULL
  proj <- sf::st_crs(data)
  data <- sfc_as_cols(data) %>% 
    tibble::as_tibble() %>% 
      data = data,
      mov.model = mov.model,
      err.model = err.model,
      activity = activity,
      drift = drift,
      proj = proj,
      Time.name = Time.name,
      time.scale = time.scale,
      theta = theta,
      fixPar = fixPar,
      method = method,
      control = control,
      constr = constr,
      prior = prior,
      need.hess = need.hess,
      initialSANN = initialSANN,
      attempts = attempts,
      retrySD = retrySD,
NMML/crawl documentation built on Nov. 1, 2022, 5:27 p.m.