
#Test of handling pancan TCGA data


df2Grange <- function(dfName){
  GRange_object <- GRanges(seqnames =  dfName$Chromosome,
  return (GRange_object)

CNV_table <- read.table('Xena-GDC-PANCAN.masked_cnv.tsv',header = TRUE)

#Remove all segments that have the same starting position???
#CNV_table1 <- CNV_table[, 1:3]
#CNV_table <- CNV_table[!duplicated(CNV_table1),]

#CNV_table <- read.table('PANCAN_CNV.seg',header = TRUE)

#xidx <- which(CNV_table$Chromosome=="X")
#CNV_table[xidx , 2] <- 23

# Convert CN_tumor into GRange object


# Find all segments where the Segment_Mean < -2
potential_loss <- CNV_Grange[CNV_Grange@elementMetadata$Segment_Mean < -1,]

###--------------------------------Plotting CNVs section ---------------------------------------


#gaiaCNVplot(CNV_table[, 2:5],threshold = 0.5)

#CNV_table <- CNV_table[CNV_table$Sample == 'TCGA-23-1023-01R' ,]

plot_CN <- function(CN_table){
  Chromo <- CNV_table$Chromosome
  CN <- CNV_table$Segment_Mean
  start <- CNV_table$Start
  end <- CNV_table$End
  plot (CN,
        ylim = c(-3, max(abs(CNV_table$Segment_Mean)+2)),
        type = "h",
        col = "red",
        xlab = "Chromosome",
        ylab = "Segment_mean",
        xaxt = "n")
  uni.chr <- unique(Chromo)
  temp <- rep(0, length(uni.chr))
  for (i in 1:length(uni.chr)) {
    temp[i] <- max(which(uni.chr[i] == Chromo))
  for (i in 1:length(temp)) {
    abline(v = temp[i], col = "black", lty = "dashed")
  nChroms <- length(uni.chr)
  begin <- c()
  for (d in 1:nChroms) {
    chrom <- sum(Chromo == uni.chr[d])
    begin <- append(begin, chrom)
  temp2 <- rep(0, nChroms)
  for (i in 1:nChroms) {
    if (i == 1) {
      temp2[1] <- (begin[1] * 0.5)
    else if (i > 1) {
      temp2[i] <- temp[i - 1] + (begin[i] * 0.5)
  uni.chr[uni.chr==23] <- "X"
  uni.chr[uni.chr==24] <- "Y"
  for (i in 1:length(temp)) {
    axis(1, at = temp2[i], labels = uni.chr[i], cex.axis = 1)
  legend(x=1,y=max(Calls[,"score"]+2), y.intersp=0.8, c("Amp"), pch=15, col=c("red"), text.font=3)
  legend(x=1,y=-max(Calls[,"score"]+0.5), y.intersp=0.8, c("Del"), pch=15, col=c("blue"), text.font=3)


#Find all genes that are expressed in these regions (Script from Malin)

GeneRegions <- function (genelist) {
  suppressPackageStartupMessages(library("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19", character.only = TRUE))
  #From Malin, get all genes and the Granges positions stored in 'genelistgranges'
  mart <- "ensembl"
  ensembl <- useEnsembl(biomart="ensembl", dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl") # OBS !!! What version was used for the annotation? Default GRCh38  
  ensemblgenes <- getBM(attributes=c('ensembl_gene_id', 'hgnc_symbol', 'chromosome_name',
                                     'start_position','end_position'), mart = ensembl)
  xidx <- which(ensemblgenes[,3]=="X")
  yidx <- which(ensemblgenes[,3]=="Y")
  ensemblgenes[xidx, 2] <- 23
  ensemblgenes[yidx, 2] <- 24
  genelistgranges <- GRanges(seqnames=ensemblgenes$chromosome_name,
                             ranges=IRanges(ensemblgenes$start_position, ensemblgenes$end_position),
                             ,ensemble_gene_id = ensemblgenes$ensembl_gene_id)
  keeplist <- c(1:24)
  tokeep<- keeplist[which(keeplist %in% levels(factor(seqnames(genelistgranges))))]
  genelistgranges<- keepSeqlevels(genelistgranges,tokeep, pruning.mode="coarse")

GenelistGrange <- GeneRegions()

# function that finds all proteins in the potential_loss regions for each indivdual
#####  Subject = Potenital_loss
#####  Query   = GeneList
#hits returned indices over which samples have deleted genes.
hits <- findOverlaps(GenelistGrange,potential_loss, type="within")  

potential_loss <- potential_loss[subjectHits(hits)]
potential_loss@elementMetadata$DeletedGene <- GenelistGrange[queryHits(hits)]@elementMetadata$ensemble_gene_id 
potential_loss@elementMetadata$DeletedGeneHGNC <- GenelistGrange[queryHits(hits)]@elementMetadata$hgnc_symbol

# Sort the potential_loss object

potential_loss <- sortSeqlevels(potential_loss)
potential_loss <- sort(potential_loss, by = ~  Sample + seqnames)

#in total 12692 unique genes over all samples

#Troubleshooting - why are there duplications

if (false) {
  Test <- paste(potential_loss$Sample,potential_loss$DeletedGene,sep ="")
  Test1 <- paste(potential_loss$Sample,potential_loss$DeletedGeneHGNC,sep ="")
  #on ensemble id
  c_Test <- count(Test)
  c_Test <- c_Test[ (c_Test$freq > 1) ,]
  result <- potential_loss[potential_loss$Sample == "TCGA-DX-A7EL-01A" , ]
  hit <- potential_loss$Sample ==  "TCGA-DX-A7EL-01A"

#-----------------Search if any of the potential_loss candidate genes are found in list of known mutational signatures genes------------

#geneINmutlist takes a GRange obejct with genes and match it agains list of potential mutsign genes and returns matching genes as GRange object
geneINmutlist <- function(GrangeObject){
  mutsign_genes <- read.table("mutsign_genes.csv",header=TRUE,sep=";")
  indices <- potential_loss@elementMetadata$DeletedGene %in% mutsign_genes$Gene.ID
  found_genes <- potential_loss[indices]
  return (found_genes)

found_genes <- geneINmutlist(potential_loss)

#---------------------------------------MC3-MAF section -----------------------------------

#MC3_DF <- read.table('mc3.v0.2.8.PUBLIC.maf.gz',header=TRUE,sep='\t',nrow=200)

#---------------------------------m-RNA section ------------------------------------------

# Contains 11070 columns i.e one for each patient 
#format TCGA-BL-A13J-11A-13R-A10U-07



EXP_table <- read_tsv('mRNA.geneEXP.tsv')

get_hgcn <- function(name){
  name <-  strsplit(name, "\\|")[[1]][1]
  return (name)

hgcn_Name <- sapply(EXP_table$gene_id,get_hgcn);
EXP_table$gene_id <- hgcn_Name;

#Filter for gene-expression that was found in found_genes
EXP_hits <- EXP_table[EXP_table$gene_id %in% found_genes$DeletedGeneHGNC ,];
#remove duplicated samples.
EXP_hits <-  EXP_hits[, !duplicated(colnames(EXP_hits))]

name_vector <- names(EXP_hits);
name_vector[2:length(name_vector)] <- gsub("-[0-9A-Z]*-[0-9A-Z]*-[0-9A-Z]*$","",name_vector[2:length(name_vector)]);
names(EXP_hits) <- name_vector;

# Want to find the expression level given a sample and ENSGnumber

#read TSS2study file needed for TSS code -> Cancer type
TSS2Study <- read.table("TSS2Studyabb.txt",header = TRUE)
#Create vector of studytype matching EXP_hits
TSS_vector <- as.data.frame(gsub("TCGA-","",gsub("-[A-Z0-9]*-[A-Z0-9]*$","",colnames(EXP_hits[2:length(EXP_hits)]))))
colnames(TSS_vector) <- "TSS.Code"
TSS_vector <- join(TSS_vector,TSS2Study, by = "TSS.Code")
TSS_vector <- as.vector(TSS_vector[,2])

get_gene_expression <- function(Gene_id,Sample_id){
  #Sample_id ="TCGA-OR-A5J1-01A"
  #Gene_id = "BRCA1"
  #col_name = Sample_id
  #row_name = Gene_id
  #Find sample cancertype
  sample_type <- gsub("TCGA-","",gsub("-[A-Z0-9]*-[A-Z0-9]*$","",Sample_id))
  #Translate sample_type to cancer_type
  sample_type <- as.vector(TSS2Study[TSS2Study$TSS.Code %in% sample_type ,]$Study.Abbreviation)
  selected_rows <- EXP_hits[(EXP_hits$gene_id %in% Gene_id) ,]
  #Get sample expression
  expression <- as.numeric(selected_rows[, Sample_id])
  #Get avg expression for that cancertype
  colnames(selected_rows) <- c("gene_id",TSS_vector)
  selected_rows <- selected_rows[,(colnames(selected_rows) %in% sample_type)]
  avg_expression_cancer <-  as.numeric(rowMeans(selected_rows,na.rm=TRUE))
  P <- expression/avg_expression_cancer
  return_vector <- c(expression,avg_expression_cancer,P)
  names(return_vector) <- c('exp','avg_exp_cancer',"P")

sample_id <- as.vector(found_genes$Sample);

gene_id <- found_genes$DeletedGeneHGNC;

DF <- data.frame(sample_id,gene_id);

#Crashes because not all samples are present in both. Checked two samples , these didnt have gene expression data (from GBM)
DF <- DF[DF$sample_id %in% names(EXP_hits),];

# Try remove the normal/tumor sample type end. Does not add or remove hits!
#sample_id_short <- gsub("-[0-9A-Z]*$","",sample_id)
#EXP_names_short <- names(EXP_hits[, -1])
#EXP_names_short <- gsub("-[0-9A-Z]*$","",EXP_names_short)
#DF_short <- sample_id_short[!(sample_id_short %in% EXP_names_short)]

##################### Matrix is not correct, some samples are not present in names(EXP_hits) that are found in found_genes$sample
######checked for  %in% and selected those , however i think the got shifted and its all wrong

result_Matrix <- as.data.frame(mapply(get_gene_expression,DF$gene_id,as.vector(DF$sample_id)))
colnames(result_Matrix) <- paste(as.vector(DF$sample_id),DF$gene_id, sep= "<-->")

#remove duplicated results
result_Matrix <- result_Matrix[, !duplicated(colnames(result_Matrix))]

#Plot P against copynumber


#EXP_hits2 <-  EXP_hits[, !duplicated(colnames(EXP_hits))]
NilsWeng/TCGAproject_repo documentation built on May 14, 2019, 4:07 a.m.