
Defines functions get_supported_approaches get_default_n_batches set_defaults check_approach check_groups get_data_specs get_data get_parameters get_extra_parameters compare_feature_specs compare_vecs check_data check_n_batches check_n_combinations regression.check check_and_set_parameters setup

Documented in check_groups get_data_specs get_extra_parameters get_supported_approaches setup

#' check_setup
#' @inheritParams explain
#' @inheritParams explain_forecast
#' @inheritParams default_doc
#' @param type Character.
#' Either "normal" or "forecast" corresponding to function `setup()` is called from,
#' correspondingly the type of explanation that should be generated.
#' @param feature_specs List. The output from [get_model_specs()] or [get_data_specs()].
#' Contains the 3 elements:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{labels}{Character vector with the names of each feature.}
#'   \item{classes}{Character vector with the classes of each features.}
#'   \item{factor_levels}{Character vector with the levels for any categorical features.}
#'   }
#' @param is_python Logical. Indicates whether the function is called from the Python wrapper. Default is FALSE which is
#' never changed when calling the function via `explain()` in R. The parameter is later used to disallow
#' running the AICc-versions of the empirical as that requires data based optimization.
#' @export
setup <- function(x_train,
                  output_size = 1,
                  MSEv_uniform_comb_weights = TRUE,
                  type = "normal",
                  horizon = NULL,
                  y = NULL,
                  xreg = NULL,
                  train_idx = NULL,
                  explain_idx = NULL,
                  explain_y_lags = NULL,
                  explain_xreg_lags = NULL,
                  group_lags = NULL,
                  is_python = FALSE,
                  ...) {
  internal <- list()

  internal$parameters <- get_parameters(
    approach = approach,
    prediction_zero = prediction_zero,
    output_size = output_size,
    n_combinations = n_combinations,
    group = group,
    n_samples = n_samples,
    n_batches = n_batches,
    seed = seed,
    keep_samp_for_vS = keep_samp_for_vS,
    type = type,
    horizon = horizon,
    train_idx = train_idx,
    explain_idx = explain_idx,
    explain_y_lags = explain_y_lags,
    explain_xreg_lags = explain_xreg_lags,
    group_lags = group_lags,
    MSEv_uniform_comb_weights = MSEv_uniform_comb_weights,
    timing = timing,
    verbose = verbose,
    is_python = is_python,

  # Sets up and organizes data
  if (type == "forecast") {
    internal$data <- get_data_forecast(y, xreg, train_idx, explain_idx, explain_y_lags, explain_xreg_lags, horizon)
    internal$parameters$output_labels <-
      cbind(rep(explain_idx, horizon), rep(seq_len(horizon), each = length(explain_idx)))
    colnames(internal$parameters$output_labels) <- c("explain_idx", "horizon")
    internal$parameters$explain_idx <- explain_idx
    internal$parameters$explain_lags <- list(y = explain_y_lags, xreg = explain_xreg_lags)

    # TODO: Consider handling this parameter update somewhere else (like in get_extra_parameters?)
    if (group_lags) internal$parameters$group <- internal$data$group
  } else {
    internal$data <- get_data(x_train, x_explain)

  internal$objects <- list(feature_specs = feature_specs)


  internal <- get_extra_parameters(internal) # This includes both extra parameters and other objects

  internal <- check_and_set_parameters(internal)


#' @keywords internal
check_and_set_parameters <- function(internal) {
  # Check groups
  feature_names <- internal$parameters$feature_names
  group <- internal$parameters$group
  n_combinations <- internal$parameters$n_combinations
  n_features <- internal$parameters$n_features
  n_groups <- internal$parameters$n_groups
  is_groupwise <- internal$parameters$is_groupwise
  exact <- internal$parameters$exact

  if (!is.null(group)) check_groups(feature_names, group)

  if (exact) {
    internal$parameters$used_n_combinations <- if (is_groupwise) 2^n_groups else 2^n_features
  } else {
    internal$parameters$used_n_combinations <-
      if (is_groupwise) min(2^n_groups, n_combinations) else min(2^n_features, n_combinations)

  # Check approach

  # Setting default value for n_batches (when NULL)
  internal <- set_defaults(internal)

  # Checking n_batches vs n_combinations etc

  # Check regression if we are doing regression
  if (internal$parameters$regression) internal <- regression.check(internal)


#' @keywords internal
#' @author Lars Henry Berge Olsen
regression.check <- function(internal) {
  # Check that the model outputs one-dimensional predictions
  if (internal$parameters$output_size != 1) {
    stop("`regression_separate` and `regression_surrogate` only support models with one-dimensional output")

  # Check that we are NOT explaining a forecast model
  if (internal$parameters$type == "forecast") {
    stop("`regression_separate` and `regression_surrogate` does not support `forecast`.")

  # Check that we are not to keep the Monte Carlo samples
  if (internal$parameters$keep_samp_for_vS) {
      "`keep_samp_for_vS` must be `FALSE` for the `regression_separate` and `regression_surrogate`",
      "approaches as there are no Monte Carlo samples to keep for these approaches."

  # Remove n_samples if we are doing regression, as we are not doing MC sampling
  internal$parameters$n_samples <- NULL


#' @keywords internal
check_n_combinations <- function(internal) {
  is_groupwise <- internal$parameters$is_groupwise
  n_combinations <- internal$parameters$n_combinations
  n_features <- internal$parameters$n_features
  n_groups <- internal$parameters$n_groups

  type <- internal$parameters$type

  if (type == "forecast") {
    horizon <- internal$parameters$horizon
    explain_y_lags <- internal$parameters$explain_lags$y
    explain_xreg_lags <- internal$parameters$explain_lags$xreg
    xreg <- internal$data$xreg

    if (!is_groupwise) {
      if (n_combinations <= n_features) {
          "`n_combinations` (", n_combinations, ") has to be greater than the number of components to decompose ",
          " the forecast onto:\n",
          "`horizon` (", horizon, ") + `explain_y_lags` (", explain_y_lags, ") ",
          "+ sum(`explain_xreg_lags`) (", sum(explain_xreg_lags), ").\n"
    } else {
      if (n_combinations <= n_groups) {
          "`n_combinations` (", n_combinations, ") has to be greater than the number of components to decompose ",
          "the forecast onto:\n",
          "ncol(`xreg`) (", ncol(`xreg`), ") + 1"
  } else {
    if (!is_groupwise) {
      if (n_combinations <= n_features) stop("`n_combinations` has to be greater than the number of features.")
    } else {
      if (n_combinations <= n_groups) stop("`n_combinations` has to be greater than the number of groups.")

#' @keywords internal
check_n_batches <- function(internal) {
  n_batches <- internal$parameters$n_batches
  n_features <- internal$parameters$n_features
  n_combinations <- internal$parameters$n_combinations
  is_groupwise <- internal$parameters$is_groupwise
  n_groups <- internal$parameters$n_groups
  n_unique_approaches <- internal$parameters$n_unique_approaches

  if (!is_groupwise) {
    actual_n_combinations <- ifelse(is.null(n_combinations), 2^n_features, n_combinations)
  } else {
    actual_n_combinations <- ifelse(is.null(n_combinations), 2^n_groups, n_combinations)

  if (n_batches >= actual_n_combinations) {
      "`n_batches` (", n_batches, ") must be smaller than the number of feature combinations/`n_combinations` (",
      actual_n_combinations, ")"

  if (n_batches < n_unique_approaches) {
      "`n_batches` (", n_batches, ") must be larger than the number of unique approaches in `approach` (",
      n_unique_approaches, ")."

#' @keywords internal
check_data <- function(internal) {
  # Check model and data compatability
  x_train <- internal$data$x_train
  x_explain <- internal$data$x_explain

  model_feature_specs <- internal$objects$feature_specs

  x_train_feature_specs <- get_data_specs(x_train)
  x_explain_feature_specs <- get_data_specs(x_explain)

  factors_exists <- any(model_feature_specs$classes == "factor")

  NA_labels <- any(is.na(model_feature_specs$labels))
  NA_classes <- any(is.na(model_feature_specs$classes))
  NA_factor_levels <- any(is.na(model_feature_specs$factor_levels))

  if (is.null(model_feature_specs)) {
      "Note: You passed a model to explain() which is not natively supported, and did not supply a ",
      "'get_model_specs' function to explain().\n",
      "Consistency checks between model and data is therefore disabled.\n"

    model_feature_specs <- x_train_feature_specs
  } else if (NA_labels) {
      "Note: Feature names extracted from the model contains NA.\n",
      "Consistency checks between model and data is therefore disabled.\n"

    model_feature_specs <- x_train_feature_specs
  } else if (NA_classes) {
      "Note: Feature classes extracted from the model contains NA.\n",
      "Assuming feature classes from the data are correct.\n"

    model_feature_specs$classes <- x_train_feature_specs$classes
    model_feature_specs$factor_levels <- x_train_feature_specs$factor_levels
  } else if (factors_exists && NA_factor_levels) {
      "Note: Feature factor levels extracted from the model contains NA.\n",
      "Assuming feature factor levels from the data are correct.\n"

    model_feature_specs$factor_levels <- x_train_feature_specs$factor_levels

  # Check model vs x_train (allowing different label ordering in specs from model)
  compare_feature_specs(model_feature_specs, x_train_feature_specs, "model", "x_train", sort_labels = TRUE)

  # Then x_train vs x_explain (requiring exact same order)
  compare_feature_specs(x_train_feature_specs, x_explain_feature_specs, "x_train", "x_explain")

compare_vecs <- function(vec1, vec2, vec_type, name1, name2) {
  if (!identical(vec1, vec2)) {
    if (is.null(names(vec1))) {
      text_vec1 <- paste(vec1, collapse = ", ")
    } else {
      text_vec1 <- paste(names(vec1), vec1, sep = ": ", collapse = ", ")
    if (is.null(names(vec2))) {
      text_vec2 <- paste(vec2, collapse = ", ")
    } else {
      text_vec2 <- paste(names(vec2), vec1, sep = ": ", collapse = ", ")

      "Feature ", vec_type, " are not identical for ", name1, " and ", name2, ".\n",
      name1, " provided: ", text_vec1, ",\n",
      name2, " provided: ", text_vec2, ".\n"

compare_feature_specs <- function(spec1, spec2, name1 = "model", name2 = "x_train", sort_labels = FALSE) {
  if (sort_labels) {
    compare_vecs(sort(spec1$labels), sort(spec2$labels), "names", name1, name2)
      spec2$classes[sort(names(spec2$classes))], "classes", name1, name2
  } else {
    compare_vecs(spec1$labels, spec2$labels, "names", name1, name2)
    compare_vecs(spec1$classes, spec2$classes, "classes", name1, name2)

  factor_classes <- which(spec1$classes == "factor")
  if (length(factor_classes) > 0) {
    for (fact in names(factor_classes)) {
      vec_type <- paste0("factor levels for feature '", fact, "'")
      compare_vecs(spec1$factor_levels[[fact]], spec2$factor_levels[[fact]], vec_type, name1, name2)

#' This includes both extra parameters and other objects
#' @keywords internal
get_extra_parameters <- function(internal) {
  # get number of features and observations to explain
  internal$parameters$n_features <- ncol(internal$data$x_explain)
  internal$parameters$n_explain <- nrow(internal$data$x_explain)
  internal$parameters$n_train <- nrow(internal$data$x_train)

  # Names of features (already checked to be OK)
  internal$parameters$feature_names <- names(internal$data$x_explain)

  # Update feature_specss (in case model based spec included NAs)
  internal$objects$feature_specs <- get_data_specs(internal$data$x_explain)

  internal$parameters$is_groupwise <- !is.null(internal$parameters$group)

  # Processes groups if specified. Otherwise do nothing
  if (internal$parameters$is_groupwise) {
    group <- internal$parameters$group

    # Make group names if not existing
    if (is.null(names(group))) {
        "\nSuccess with message:\n
      Group names not provided. Assigning them the default names 'group1', 'group2', 'group3' etc."
      names(internal$parameters$group) <- paste0("group", seq_along(group))

    # Make group list with numeric feature indicators
    internal$objects$group_num <- lapply(group, FUN = function(x) {
      match(x, internal$parameters$feature_names)

    internal$parameters$n_groups <- length(group)
  } else {
    internal$objects$group_num <- NULL
    internal$parameters$n_groups <- NULL

  # Get the number of unique approaches
  internal$parameters$n_approaches <- length(internal$parameters$approach)
  internal$parameters$n_unique_approaches <- length(unique(internal$parameters$approach))


#' @keywords internal
get_parameters <- function(approach, prediction_zero, output_size = 1, n_combinations, group, n_samples,
                           n_batches, seed, keep_samp_for_vS, type, horizon, train_idx, explain_idx, explain_y_lags,
                           explain_xreg_lags, group_lags = NULL, MSEv_uniform_comb_weights, timing, verbose,
                           is_python, ...) {
  # Check input type for approach

  # approach is checked more comprehensively later

  # n_combinations
  if (!is.null(n_combinations) &&
    !(is.wholenumber(n_combinations) &&
      length(n_combinations) == 1 &&
      !is.na(n_combinations) &&
      n_combinations > 0)) {
    stop("`n_combinations` must be NULL or a single positive integer.")

  # group (checked more thoroughly later)
  if (!is.null(group) &&
    !is.list(group)) {
    stop("`group` must be NULL or a list")

  # n_samples
  if (!(is.wholenumber(n_samples) &&
    length(n_samples) == 1 &&
    !is.na(n_samples) &&
    n_samples > 0)) {
    stop("`n_samples` must be a single positive integer.")
  # n_batches
  if (!is.null(n_batches) &&
    !(is.wholenumber(n_batches) &&
      length(n_batches) == 1 &&
      !is.na(n_batches) &&
      n_batches > 0)) {
    stop("`n_batches` must be NULL or a single positive integer.")

  # seed is already set, so we know it works
  # keep_samp_for_vS
  if (!(is.logical(timing) &&
    length(timing) == 1)) {
    stop("`timing` must be single logical.")

  # keep_samp_for_vS
  if (!(is.logical(keep_samp_for_vS) &&
    length(keep_samp_for_vS) == 1)) {
    stop("`keep_samp_for_vS` must be single logical.")

  # type
  if (!(type %in% c("normal", "forecast"))) {
    stop("`type` must be either `normal` or `forecast`.\n")

  # verbose
  if (!is.numeric(verbose) || !(verbose %in% c(0, 1, 2))) {
    stop("`verbose` must be either `0` (no verbosity), `1` (low verbosity), or `2` (high verbosity).")

  # parameters only used for type "forecast"
  if (type == "forecast") {
    if (!(is.wholenumber(horizon) && all(horizon > 0))) {
      stop("`horizon` must be a vector (or scalar) of positive integers.\n")

    if (any(horizon != output_size)) {
      stop(paste0("`horizon` must match the output size of the model (", paste0(output_size, collapse = ", "), ").\n"))

    if (!(length(train_idx) > 1 && is.wholenumber(train_idx) && all(train_idx > 0) && all(is.finite(train_idx)))) {
      stop("`train_idx` must be a vector of positive finite integers and length > 1.\n")

    if (!(is.wholenumber(explain_idx) && all(explain_idx > 0) && all(is.finite(explain_idx)))) {
      stop("`explain_idx` must be a vector of positive finite integers.\n")

    if (!(is.wholenumber(explain_y_lags) && all(explain_y_lags >= 0) && all(is.finite(explain_y_lags)))) {
      stop("`explain_y_lags` must be a vector of positive finite integers.\n")

    if (!(is.wholenumber(explain_xreg_lags) && all(explain_xreg_lags >= 0) && all(is.finite(explain_xreg_lags)))) {
      stop("`explain_xreg_lags` must be a vector of positive finite integers.\n")

    if (!(is.logical(group_lags) && length(group_lags) == 1)) {
      stop("`group_lags` must be a single logical.\n")

  # Parameter used in the MSEv evaluation criterion
  if (!(is.logical(MSEv_uniform_comb_weights) && length(MSEv_uniform_comb_weights) == 1)) {
    stop("`MSEv_uniform_comb_weights` must be single logical.")

  #### Tests combining more than one parameter ####
  # prediction_zero vs output_size
  if (!all((is.numeric(prediction_zero)) &&
    all(length(prediction_zero) == output_size) &&
    all(!is.na(prediction_zero)))) {
      "`prediction_zero` (", paste0(prediction_zero, collapse = ", "),
      ") must be numeric and match the output size of the model (",
      paste0(output_size, collapse = ", "), ")."

  # Getting basic input parameters
  parameters <- list(
    approach = approach,
    prediction_zero = prediction_zero,
    n_combinations = n_combinations,
    group = group,
    n_samples = n_samples,
    n_batches = n_batches,
    seed = seed,
    keep_samp_for_vS = keep_samp_for_vS,
    is_python = is_python,
    output_size = output_size,
    type = type,
    horizon = horizon,
    group_lags = group_lags,
    MSEv_uniform_comb_weights = MSEv_uniform_comb_weights,
    timing = timing,
    verbose = verbose

  # Getting additional parameters from ...
  parameters <- append(parameters, list(...))

  # Setting exact based on n_combinations (TRUE if NULL)
  parameters$exact <- ifelse(is.null(parameters$n_combinations), TRUE, FALSE)

  # Setting that we are using regression based the approach name (any in case several approaches)
  parameters$regression <- any(grepl("regression", parameters$approach))


#' @keywords internal
get_data <- function(x_train, x_explain) {
  # Check data object type
  stop_message <- ""
  if (!is.matrix(x_train) && !is.data.frame(x_train)) {
    stop_message <- paste0(stop_message, "x_train should be a matrix or a data.frame/data.table.\n")
  if (!is.matrix(x_explain) && !is.data.frame(x_explain)) {
    stop_message <- paste0(stop_message, "x_explain should be a matrix or a data.frame/data.table.\n")
  if (stop_message != "") {

  # Check column names
  if (all(is.null(colnames(x_train)))) {
    stop_message <- paste0(stop_message, "x_train misses column names.\n")
  if (all(is.null(colnames(x_explain)))) {
    stop_message <- paste0(stop_message, "x_explain misses column names.\n")
  if (stop_message != "") {

  data <- list(
    x_train = data.table::as.data.table(x_train),
    x_explain = data.table::as.data.table(x_explain)

#' Fetches feature information from a given data set
#' @param x matrix, data.frame or data.table The data to extract feature information from.
#' @details This function is used to extract the feature information to be checked against the corresponding
#' information extracted from the model and other data sets. The function is called from internally
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{labels}{character vector with the feature names to compute Shapley values for}
#'   \item{classes}{a named character vector with the labels as names and the class types as elements}
#'   \item{factor_levels}{a named list with the labels as names and character vectors with the factor levels as elements
#'   (NULL if the feature is not a factor)}
#' }
#' @author Martin Jullum
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load example data
#' data("airquality")
#' airquality <- airquality[complete.cases(airquality), ]
#' # Split data into test- and training data
#' x_train <- head(airquality, -3)
#' x_explain <- tail(airquality, 3)
#' # Split data into test- and training data
#' x_train <- data.table::as.data.table(head(airquality))
#' x_train[, Temp := as.factor(Temp)]
#' get_data_specs(x_train)
get_data_specs <- function(x) {
  feature_specs <- list()
  feature_specs$labels <- names(x)
  feature_specs$classes <- unlist(lapply(x, class))
  feature_specs$factor_levels <- lapply(x, levels)

  # Defining all integer values as numeric
  feature_specs$classes[feature_specs$classes == "integer"] <- "numeric"


#' Check that the group parameter has the right form and content
#' @param feature_names Vector of characters. Contains the feature labels used by the model
#' @return Error or NULL
#' @keywords internal
check_groups <- function(feature_names, group) {
  if (!is.list(group)) {
    stop("group must be a list")

  group_features <- unlist(group)

  # Checking that the group_features are characters
  if (!all(is.character(group_features))) {
    stop("All components of group should be a character.")

  # Check that all features in group are in feature labels or used by model
  if (!all(group_features %in% feature_names)) {
    missing_group_feature <- group_features[!(group_features %in% feature_names)]
        "The group feature(s) ", paste0(missing_group_feature, collapse = ", "), " are not\n",
        "among the features in the data: ", paste0(feature_names, collapse = ", "), ". Delete from group."

  # Check that all feature used by model are in group
  if (!all(feature_names %in% group_features)) {
    missing_features <- feature_names[!(feature_names %in% group_features)]
        "The data feature(s) ", paste0(missing_features, collapse = ", "), " do not\n",
        "belong to one of the groups. Add to a group."

  # Check uniqueness of group_features
  if (length(group_features) != length(unique(group_features))) {
    dups <- group_features[duplicated(group_features)]
        "Feature(s) ", paste0(dups, collapse = ", "), " are found in more than one group or ",
        "multiple times per group.\n",
        "Make sure each feature is only represented in one group, and only once."

  # Check that there are at least two groups
  if (length(group) == 1) {
        "You have specified only a single group named ", names(group), ", containing the features: ",
        paste0(group_features, collapse = ", "), ".\n ",
        "The predictions must be decomposed in at least two groups to be meaningful."

#' @keywords internal
check_approach <- function(internal) {
  # Check length of approach

  approach <- internal$parameters$approach
  n_features <- internal$parameters$n_features
  supported_approaches <- get_supported_approaches()

  if (!(is.character(approach) &&
    (length(approach) == 1 || length(approach) == n_features - 1) &&
    all(is.element(approach, supported_approaches)))
  ) {
        "`approach` must be one of the following: '", paste0(supported_approaches, collapse = "', '"), "'.\n",
        "These can also be combined (except 'regression_surrogate' and 'regression_separate') by passing a vector ",
        "of length one less than the number of features (", n_features - 1, ")."

  if (length(approach) > 1 && any(grepl("regression", approach))) {
    stop("The `regression_separate` and `regression_surrogate` approaches cannot be combined with other approaches.")

#' @keywords internal
set_defaults <- function(internal) {
  # Set defaults for certain arguments (based on other input)

  approach <- internal$parameters$approach
  n_unique_approaches <- internal$parameters$n_unique_approaches
  used_n_combinations <- internal$parameters$used_n_combinations
  n_batches <- internal$parameters$n_batches

  # n_batches
  if (is.null(n_batches)) {
    internal$parameters$n_batches <- get_default_n_batches(approach, n_unique_approaches, used_n_combinations)


#' @keywords internal
get_default_n_batches <- function(approach, n_unique_approaches, n_combinations) {
  used_approach <- names(sort(table(approach), decreasing = TRUE))[1] # Most frequent used approach (when more present)

  if (used_approach %in% c("ctree", "gaussian", "copula")) {
    suggestion <- ceiling(n_combinations / 10)
    this_min <- 10
    this_max <- 1000
  } else {
    suggestion <- ceiling(n_combinations / 100)
    this_min <- 2
    this_max <- 100
  min_checked <- max(c(this_min, suggestion, n_unique_approaches))
  ret <- min(c(this_max, min_checked, n_combinations - 1))
      "Setting parameter 'n_batches' to ", ret, " as a fair trade-off between memory consumption and ",
      "computation time.\n",
      "Reducing 'n_batches' typically reduces the computation time at the cost of increased memory consumption.\n"

#' Gets the implemented approaches
#' @return Character vector.
#' The names of the implemented approaches that can be passed to argument `approach` in [explain()].
#' @export
get_supported_approaches <- function() {
  substring(rownames(attr(methods(prepare_data), "info")), first = 14)
NorskRegnesentral/shapr documentation built on April 19, 2024, 1:19 p.m.