

test_that("Variable names",
    m <- mtcars
    colnames(m)[1] <- "m/g"
    expect_error(KMeans(m), NA)

for (alg in c("Hartigan-Wong", "Forgy", "Lloyd", "MacQueen", "Bagging", "Batch"))
    for (dens in 1:3)
        for (n in 200)
test_that(paste("K-means algorithm", alg, " density =", dens),
              #alg = "Hartigan-Wong"
              #dens = 3
              test.data <- CreateSimulatedClusters(dens, 4, 10, n)
              z <- suppressWarnings(KMeans(as.data.frame(test.data$x), 4, n.starts = 10, algorithm = alg, seed = 1112))
              #AdjustedRand(test.data$cluster, z$cluster)

              expect_equal(AdjustedRand(test.data$cluster, z$cluster), 1)

for (alg in c("Batch", "Bagging"))
    for (dens in 1:3)
        for (n in 200)
test_that(paste("Weighted K-means algorithm", alg, " density =", dens),
              test.data <- CreateSimulatedClusters(dens, 4, 10, n)
              weights <- runif(n) #Should do nothing; just checking that no computational errors arise
              z <- KMeans(as.data.frame(test.data$x), 4, algorithm = alg, weights = weights, seed = NULL)
              a <- AdjustedRand(test.data$cluster, z$cluster)
              expect_equal(a, 1)

test_that("Error with batch",
                dat <- data.frame(a = 1:10, b = 1:10)
                expect_error(KMeans(as.data.frame(dat), 2, algorithm = "batch", weights = NULL, seed = NULL))

alg = "Batch"#Bagging"#, #MacQueen"  Batch"#
for (alg in c("Hartigan-Wong", "Forgy", "Lloyd", "MacQueen","Batch"))
    test_that(paste("Weighting", alg),
                  clusters <- rep(1:3, c(20, 20, 20))
                  data <- data.frame(A = c(1, 2.1, 3)[clusters], B = 1)
                  expected.clusters.weighted <- c(1, 1, 2)[clusters]
                  expected.clusters.unweighted <- c(1, 2, 2)[clusters]
                  wgt <- c(1, 1, 10)[clusters]
                  solution <- suppressWarnings(KMeans(data, 2, algorithm = alg))$cluster
                  expect_equal(1, AdjustedRand(solution, expected.clusters.unweighted))
                  solution <- suppressWarnings(KMeans(data, 2, algorithm = alg, weights = wgt))$cluster
                  if (alg == "Batch")
                      expect_equal(1, AdjustedRand(solution, expected.clusters.weighted))
                      expect_false(1 == AdjustedRand(solution, expected.clusters.weighted))

for (alg in c("Hartigan-Wong", "Forgy", "Lloyd", "MacQueen", "Batch"))
    test_that(paste("Missing data", alg),
                  clusters <- c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3)
                  data <- data.frame(A = c(1, 1.1, 4, 4.1, 1, NA, 1, 1),
                                     B = c(2, 2.2, 3, 3.1, 2, 2, 2, NA),
                                     C = c(3, 3, 2, 2, NA, 2, 2, 2),
                                     D = c(4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, NA, 1))
                  if (alg == "Batch")
                      expect_equal(1, AdjustedRand(suppressWarnings(KMeans(data, 3, algorithm = alg))$cluster, clusters))
                      expect_error(suppressWarnings(KMeans(data, 3, algorithm = alg))$cluster)

data("consultant", package = "flipExampleData")
nms <- names(consultant)
dat <- consultant[, match("Q050__1", nms):match("Q050__25", nms) ]
for (alg in c("Hartigan-Wong", "Forgy", "Lloyd", "MacQueen", "Batch", "Bagging"))
    test_that(paste("Missing data", alg),
                  if (alg == "Batch")
                      expect_error(suppressWarnings(KMeans(dat, 2, algorithm = alg)), NA)
                      expect_error(suppressWarnings(KMeans(dat, 2, algorithm = alg)))

test_that("Options", {

# Defaults
suppressWarnings(KMeans(data = dat))

# Labels
suppressWarnings(KMeans(data = dat, show.labels = TRUE))

# number of clusters
suppressWarnings(KMeans(data = dat, show.labels = TRUE, centers = 3))

# Subset
sb <- dat$Q050__1 != "Very Important 5"
suppressWarnings(KMeans(data = dat, subset = sb, show.labels = TRUE, centers = 3))
suppressWarnings(KMeans(data = dat, subset = TRUE))#, show.labels = TRUE, centers = 3))

# weights
wgt <- runif(length(sb))
suppressWarnings(KMeans(data = dat, weights = wgt, show.labels = TRUE, centers = 3))

# Subset and weights
suppressWarnings(KMeans(data = dat, subset = sb, weights = wgt, show.labels = TRUE, centers = 3))

# Subset and weights with one weight equal to 0 (DS-2570)
wgt2 <- wgt
wgt2[2] <- 0
suppressWarnings(KMeans(data = dat, subset = sb, weights = wgt2, show.labels = TRUE, centers = 3))

# Subset with one row completely missing (DS-2570)
dat2 <- dat
dat2[2, ] <- NA
suppressWarnings(KMeans(data = dat2, subset = sb, show.labels = TRUE, centers = 3))

# Creating a data set with mean imputation
meanDat <- as.data.frame(lapply(dat, unclass))
mn <- matrix(apply(meanDat, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 25, nrow = nrow(meanDat))
meanDat[is.na(meanDat)] <- mn[is.na(meanDat)]

missing = "Error if missing data"
expect_error(suppressWarnings(KMeans(data = dat, missing = missing, show.labels = TRUE, centers = 3)))
KMeans(data = meanDat, missing = missing, show.labels = TRUE, centers = 3)

missing = "Exclude cases with missing data"
expect_error(suppressWarnings(KMeans(data = dat, missing = missing, show.labels = TRUE, centers = 3)))
KMeans(data = meanDat, missing = missing, show.labels = TRUE, centers = 3)

missing = "Use partial data"
suppressWarnings(KMeans(data = dat, missing = missing, show.labels = TRUE, centers = 3))
KMeans(data = meanDat, missing = missing, show.labels = TRUE, centers = 3)

missing = "Imputation (replace missing values with estimates)"
suppressWarnings(KMeans(data = dat, missing = missing, show.labels = TRUE, centers = 3))
# expect_warning fails in Travis, hence tryCatch on the line below
tryCatch(KMeans(data = meanDat, missing = missing, show.labels = TRUE, centers = 3),
         warning = function(w){
             if (!grepl("Imputation has been selected, but the data has no missing values.", w$message))
                 stop("OneWayAnova(...) did not throw a warning.")

# iter.max does something
t <- system.time(suppressWarnings(KMeans(data = dat, subset = sb,iter.max = 10,  weights = wgt, show.labels = TRUE, centers = 3)))
t1 <- system.time(suppressWarnings(KMeans(data = dat, subset = sb,iter.max = 1,  weights = wgt, show.labels = TRUE, centers = 3)))
expect_true(t[[1]] > t1[[1]])

# n.starts  does something
t <- system.time(suppressWarnings(KMeans(data = dat, subset = sb,n.starts = 10,  weights = wgt, show.labels = TRUE, centers = 3)))
t1 <- system.time(suppressWarnings(KMeans(data = dat, subset = sb,n.starts = 1,  weights = wgt, show.labels = TRUE, centers = 3)))
expect_true(t[[1]] > t1[[1]])

# Output
z <- suppressWarnings(KMeans(data = dat, subset = sb,output = "Means",  show.labels = TRUE, centers = 5))
z1 <- suppressWarnings(KMeans(data = dat, subset = sb, output = "Means table", show.labels = TRUE, centers = 5))

# Seed - equal
zz <- as.data.frame(matrix(runif(1000), ncol = 10))

z <- suppressWarnings(KMeans(data = zz, iter.max = 2, n.starts = 1))
z1 <- suppressWarnings(KMeans(data = zz, iter.max = 2, n.starts = 1))
expect_equal(z$cluster, z1$cluster)

zz <- as.data.frame(matrix(runif(1000), ncol = 10))
z2 <- suppressWarnings(KMeans(data = zz, iter.max = 2, n.starts = 1))
z21 <- suppressWarnings(KMeans(data = zz, iter.max = 2, n.starts = 1))
expect_equal(z2$cluster, z21$cluster)

expect_true(!all(z$cluster == z2$cluster))


test_that("warnings and errors",{
    clusters <- rep(1:3, c(20, 20, 20))
    data <- data.frame(A = c(1, 2.1, 3)[clusters], B = 1)
    # Warning and errors for bagging with small sample size
    expect_error(suppressWarnings(KMeans(data, 2, algorithm = "Bagging")))
    # Subset wrong size
    expect_error(suppressWarnings(KMeans(data, 2, subset = rep(TRUE, 2))))
    # Data set too small
    expect_error(suppressWarnings(KMeans(data[1, , drop = FALSE], 2)))

test_that("Data provided as a list",{
    clusters <- rep(1:3, c(20, 20, 20))
    data <- list(a = data.frame(A = c(1, 2.1, 3)[clusters]), b = data.frame(B = rep(1, 60)))
    attr(data[[1]], "questiontype") = "Number"
    attr(data[[2]], "questiontype") = "Number"
    expect_error(suppressWarnings(KMeans(data, 2)), NA)

test_that("Excel exporting", {
    expected <- structure(c(3.15859030837005, 3.72649572649573, 3.65737051792829,
                3.84955752212389, 3.0204081632653, 3.49781659388647, 4.22685185185185,
                3.37556561085973, 2.9070796460177, 4.19047619047619, 4.16744186046512,
                4.11864406779661, 3.79279279279279, 3.53586497890296, 4.32876712328767,
                4.22413793103448, 3.97844827586207, 2.71304347826087, 2.34123222748816,
                3.87719298245614, 4.43192488262911, 3.16748768472907, 2.62162162162162,
                2.09691629955947, 3.16033755274262, 4.21912350597609, 4.34272300469484,
                3.5414847161572, 4.48339483394834, 3.956, 4.54237288135593, 4.60642570281125,
                4.28163265306122, 3.88475836431227, 4.66920152091255, 4.68444444444444,
                4.55938697318008, 4.21428571428571, 4.46530612244898, 4.61240310077519,
                4.41532258064516, 4.65948275862069, 3.86311787072243, 3.57254901960784,
                4.44615384615385, 4.81007751937985, 4.0722433460076, 3.72332015810277,
                2.96484375, 3.94560669456067, 0.310838841885796, 0.140755318241098,
                0.00323574178965025, 0.141424294446759, 0.235600051871481, 0.282659487001124,
                0.0764502778940017, 0.203479663924795, 0.222392573859815, 0.109232783455807,
                0.12779437265589, 0.0850459755732405, 0.0643454816056137, 0.262816362256843,
                0.0443027443443114, 0.0146557799624897, 0.155140698021279, 0.321732247606426,
                0.329737097841614, 0.130154042395525, 0.083993051991418, 0.223445801697439,
                0.228398125265116, 0.14047588381469, 0.173237171309304, 0, 2.31296463463574e-16,
                0.222389659151817, 0, 0, 0, 1.37523603616074e-09, 0, 0, 4.90348502542777e-14,
                1.0870933782788e-14, 3.50506660732701e-11, 2.23377039088035e-08,
                0, 3.68257368303186e-06, 0.00825709174210691, 0, 0, 0, 2.31296463463574e-16,
                1.50472458567326e-10, 0, 0, 0, 0), .Dim = c(25L, 4L), .Dimnames = list(
                    c("Q050__1", "Q050__2", "Q050__3", "Q050__4", "Q050__5",
                      "Q050__6", "Q050__7", "Q050__8", "Q050__9", "Q050__10", "Q050__11",
                      "Q050__12", "Q050__13", "Q050__14", "Q050__15", "Q050__16",
                      "Q050__17", "Q050__18", "Q050__19", "Q050__20", "Q050__21",
                      "Q050__22", "Q050__23", "Q050__24", "Q050__25"),
                    c("Cluster 1 47% n: 542", "Cluster 2 53% n: 602", "R-Squared", "p")))

    suppressWarnings(result <- KMeans(dat))
    expect_equal(attr(result, "ChartData"), expected)

test_that("KMeans with profiling variables", {
    expect_warning(res0 <- KMeans(dat[,1:4], profile.var = dat[,4:8]),
        "Data has been automatically converted")
    expect_equal(attr(res0, "ChartData"),
        structure(c(4.2690909090909, 4.42990654205607, 2.86497890295359,
        4.65573770491804, 2.96551724137932, 3.64377682403434, 4.32098765432098,
        3.75098814229249, 0.460136895610817, 0.229163600367499, 0.511784094619824,
        0.290440917393334, 0, 0, 0, 0), .Dim = c(4L, 4L), .Dimnames = list(
        c("Q050__1", "Q050__2", "Q050__3", "Q050__4"), c("Cluster 1 51% n: 522",
        "Cluster 2 49% n: 511", "R-Squared", "p"))))
    expect_equal(attr(res0$segment.profile.table, "p-values"),
                 structure(c(NA, NA, 0.0879854281675534, 0.00173117766965397,
                 1.5985226328648e-12, 8.01391194082797e-10, 1.49265114479027e-35,
                 0.321467525729815, 0.0104231376735956, 0.941547814288849, 0.60702362778973,
                 0.0340282783657163, 0.0255003777524322, 0.0116072686870963, 0.0113146899197774,
                 0.738588280254279, 0.000362392243432268, 0.258020241504033, 0.710460322755445,
                 0.141306921429078, 0.469532461941047, 0.859084241561719, 0.594527076326072,
                 0.341527804930639, 0.0429727962424616, 0.402358420583344, 0.00220574195197782,
                 NA, NA, 0.0879854281675534, 0.00173117766965398, 1.59852263286481e-12,
                 8.01391194082808e-10, 1.49265114479025e-35, 0.321467525729815,
                 0.0104231376735957, 0.941547814288846, 0.607023627789728, 0.0340282783657161,
                 0.0255003777524322, 0.0116072686870963, 0.0113146899197774, 0.738588280254278,
                 0.000362392243432264, 0.258020241504033, 0.710460322755444, 0.141306921429078,
                 0.469532461941047, 0.859084241561719, 0.594527076326072, 0.341527804930639,
                 0.0429727962424611, 0.402358420583342, 0.00220574195197784), .Dim = c(27L,
                   2L), .Dimnames = list(c("Sample size", "Percentage", "Not at all Important 1",
                   "2", "3", "4", "Very Important 5", "Not at all Important 1",
                   "2", "3", "4", "Very Important 5", "Not at all Important 1",
                   "2", "3", "4", "Very Important 5", "Not at all Important 1",
                   "2", "3", "4", "Very Important 5", "Not at all Important 1",
                   "2", "3", "4", "Very Important 5"), c("Cluster 1", "Cluster 2")))

    expect_warning(res1 <- KMeans(dat[,1:4], profile.var = dat[,4:8], output = "Segment profiling table"),
        "Data has been automatically converted to numeric")
    expect_equal(attr(res1, "ChartData"), structure(c(522, 0.505324298160697, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0.0245901639344262,
        0.270491803278689, 0.69672131147541, 0.0175438596491228, 0.0921052631578947,
        0.328947368421053, 0.385964912280702, 0.175438596491228, 0.00471698113207547,
        0.0377358490566038, 0.122641509433962, 0.372641509433962, 0.462264150943396,
        0, 0.00865800865800866, 0.0692640692640693, 0.393939393939394,
        0.528138528138528, 0.0280373831775701, 0.0607476635514019, 0.182242990654206,
        0.355140186915888, 0.373831775700935, 511, 0.494675701839303,
        0.0118577075098814, 0.0592885375494071, 0.241106719367589, 0.541501976284585,
        0.146245059288538, 0.0321100917431193, 0.174311926605505, 0.325688073394495,
        0.362385321100917, 0.105504587155963, 0.0351758793969849, 0.100502512562814,
        0.21608040201005, 0.35678391959799, 0.291457286432161, 0.00552486187845304,
        0.00552486187845304, 0.110497237569061, 0.359116022099448, 0.519337016574586,
        0.02, 0.085, 0.265, 0.395, 0.235), .Dim = c(27L, 2L), .Dimnames = list(
        c("Sample size", "Percentage", "Good reputation in the industry: Not at all Important 1",
        "Good reputation in the industry: 2", "Good reputation in the industry: 3",
        "Good reputation in the industry: 4", "Good reputation in the industry: Very Important 5",
        "Uses sophisticated research technology/strategies: Not at all Important 1",
        "Uses sophisticated research technology/strategies: 2", "Uses sophisticated research technology/strategies: 3",
        "Uses sophisticated research technology/strategies: 4", "Uses sophisticated research technology/strategies: Very Important 5",
        "Provides highest data quality: Not at all Important 1",
        "Provides highest data quality: 2", "Provides highest data quality: 3",
        "Provides highest data quality: 4", "Provides highest data quality: Very Important 5",
        "Completes research in an agreed-upon time: Not at all Important 1",
        "Completes research in an agreed-upon time: 2", "Completes research in an agreed-upon time: 3",
        "Completes research in an agreed-upon time: 4", "Completes research in an agreed-upon time: Very Important 5",
        "Provides data analysis services: Not at all Important 1",
        "Provides data analysis services: 2", "Provides data analysis services: 3",
        "Provides data analysis services: 4", "Provides data analysis services: Very Important 5"
        ), c("Cluster 1", "Cluster 2"))))
    expect_equal(attr(res1$segment.profile.table, "p-values"),
                 attr(res0$segment.profile.table, "p-values"))

    ff <- rep(FALSE, 1148)
    ff[1:500] <- TRUE
    expect_warning(resF <- KMeans(dat[,1:4], profile.var = dat[,4:8], output = "Segment profiling table",
        subset = ff), "Data has been automatically converted")
    expect_equal(attr(resF, "ChartData")[1,], c(`Cluster 1` = 215, `Cluster 2` = 244))

    ww <- (1:1148)/sum(1:1148)
    expect_warning(resW <- KMeans(dat[,1:4], profile.var = dat[,4:8], output = "Segment profiling table",
        weights = ww), "Data has been automatically converted")
    expect_equal(attr(resW, "ChartData")[1:2,],
        structure(c(435, 0.426115612025173, 598, 0.573884387974827), .Dim = c(2L,
        2L), .Dimnames = list(c("Sample size (unweighted)", "Percentage (weighted)"
        ), c("Cluster 1", "Cluster 2"))))

test_that("KMean error on 1 variable",
    expect_error(KMeans(dat[, 1, drop = FALSE]), "K-Means requires at least 2 variables as input data")

test_that("Output contains the right class for extension buttons", {
    # NOTE: if the tests below fails due to class names changing, ALL
    #       extension buttons in the wiki that refer to this class name should
    #       be updated with the new class name.

    m <- mtcars

    result <- KMeans(m)
    expect_true(inherits(result, "KMeans"))
NumbersInternational/flipCluster documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 5:34 a.m.