
context("Principal Components Analysis")


data(pcaPhoneTestData, package = "flipExampleData")
test.data.1 <- pcaPhoneTestData$data.set # Most cases have some missing observations (named "q23 20% Missing" in SPSS file)
test.data.2 <- pcaPhoneTestData$data.set.original # Most cases do not have missing observations (named "q23" in SPSS file)
test.weight <- pcaPhoneTestData$weight
test.calibrated.weight <- pcaPhoneTestData$calibrated.weight
data(cola, package = "flipExampleData")

test_that("Smoothing of correlation matrix warnings", {
    # Generic smoothing warning
                   "at least one variable is perfectly correlated with a combination")
    # Missing data removal warning
                   "after removing the cases with missing data")
    # More variables than there are cases
    expect_warning(PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(replicate(10, runif(5))),
                   "more observations than the number of variables to be positive definite")
    # Pairwise missing data calculation
    x <- rnorm(30)
    y <- rnorm(30)
    z <- x + y + rnorm(30)/50
    dat <- data.frame(x, y, z)
    # Set 5 missing at random
    dat <- as.data.frame(lapply(dat, function(x) { is.na(x) <- sample.int(30L, size = 5L); x}))
    expect_warning(PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(dat, missing = "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)"),
                   paste0("Consider using an alternative ", sQuote("missing"),
                          " argument instead"))

test_that("PCA: binary", {
    zd <- cola[, match("Q24_1", names(cola)):match("Q24_10", names(cola))]
    z1 <- suppressWarnings(flipTransformations::AsNumeric(zd, binary = FALSE, remove.first = TRUE))
    expect_error(z <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = z1), NA)
    z2 <- flipTransformations::AsNumeric(zd, binary = TRUE, remove.first = TRUE)
    expect_error(z <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = z2), NA)

test_that("PCA: Select components with Kaiser rule", {
    test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data=test.data.1, use.correlation = T, missing = "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)", select.n.rule = "Kaiser rule")
    expect_equal(ncol(test.pca$loadings), 8)

test_that("PCA: Select components by eigenvalue", {
    test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data=test.data.1, use.correlation = T, missing = "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)", select.n.rule = "Eigenvalues over", eigen.min = 2)
    expect_equal(ncol(test.pca$loadings), 2)

test_that("PCA: show.labels", {

    z <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = test.data.1, show.labels = TRUE, missing = "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)")
    z2 <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = test.data.1, n.factors = 2, show.labels = FALSE, print.type = "Detailed Output", missing = "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)")
    expect_equal(rownames(z$loadings)[1], rownames(z$loadings)[1])

# Compare the first eigenvalue of the input matrix with that reported in SPSS
test_that("Compare Eigenvalues with SPSS Results", {

    # Pairwise correlation matrix, unweighted
    test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = test.data.1,
                                            use.correlation = TRUE,
                                            missing = "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)")

    expect_equal(round(test.pca$values[1], 6), 4.440349)

    # Pairwise covariance matrix, unwieghted
    test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = test.data.1,
                                            use.correlation = FALSE,
                                            missing = "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)")
    expect_equal(round(test.pca$values[1], 6), 7.858482)

    # Pairwise correlation matrix, weighted
    test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = test.data.1,
                                            use.correlation = TRUE,
                                            weights = test.calibrated.weight,
                                            missing = "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)")
    expect_equal(round(test.pca$values[1], 6), 4.566926)

    # Pairwise covariance matrix, weighted
    test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = test.data.1,
                                            use.correlation = FALSE,
                                            weights = test.calibrated.weight,
                                            missing = "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)")
    expect_equal(round(test.pca$values[1], 6), 7.394944)

    # Listwise correlation matrix, weighted
    test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = test.data.2,
                                            use.correlation = TRUE,
                                            weights = test.weight,
                                            missing = "Exclude cases with missing data")

    expect_equal(round(test.pca$values[1], 6), 4.540077)

    # Listwise covariance matrix, weighted
    test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = test.data.2,
                                            use.correlation = FALSE,
                                            weights = test.weight,
                                            missing = "Exclude cases with missing data")

    expect_equal(round(test.pca$values[1], 6), 7.285815)


# Compare unrotated loadings with SPSS
test_that("Compare Loadings with SPSS Results", {

    # Replicate SPSS PCA Results using loading value (4, 3) from the Component Matrix

    # Options:
    # - Weighted data
    # - Computed using correlation matrix
    # - Use complete observations (listwise)
    # This is the SPSS default option
    test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = test.data.2,
                                            weights = test.weight,
                                            n.factors = 7)
    expect_equal(round(test.pca$loadings[4,3], 13) , round(-0.11674422568134, 13))

    # Options:
    # - No weight
    # - Computed using correlation matrix
    # - Use pairwise complete observations
    test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = test.data.1,
                                            use.correlation = TRUE,
                                            n.factors = 7,
                                            missing = "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)")

    expect_equal(test.pca$loadings[4,3], 0.191794614246439)

    # Options:
    # - Weighted
    # - Covariance matrix
    # - Pairwise complete observations
    # For the covaraiance matrix these correspond to the initial, non-standardized loadings.
    test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = test.data.1,
                                            weights = test.calibrated.weight,
                                            use.correlation = FALSE,
                                            n.factors = 7,
                                            missing = "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)")
    expect_equal(test.pca$raw.loadings[4,3], -0.184068852456745)
    expect_equal(test.pca$loadings[4,3], -0.138042266103701)


test_that("Rotations", {

    # Small Case 1
    dd <- test.data.1
    use.correlation <- FALSE
    missing <- "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)"
    n.factors <- 5
    test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = dd, n.factors = n.factors, use.correlation = use.correlation, missing = missing)
    test.loadings <- test.pca$raw.loadings
    stddevs <- StandardDeviation(test.pca$data.used$subset.data, weights = test.pca$data.used$subset.weights)

    # Varimax
    varimax.results <- RotateLoadings(test.loadings, rotation = "varimax")
    expect_equal(varimax.results$rotated.loadings[4,3], 0.0108629573029305)
    expect_equal(varimax.results$objective, -2.65301564743348)

    # Quartimax
    quartimax.results <- RotateLoadings(test.loadings, rotation = "quartimax")
    expect_equal(quartimax.results$rotated.loadings[4,3], 0.0104355733910576)
    expect_equal(quartimax.results$objective, -4.09250665459443)

    # Equamax
    equamax.results <- RotateLoadings(test.loadings, rotation = "equamax")
    expect_equal(equamax.results$rotated.loadings[4,3], 0.00875627452122685)
    expect_equal(equamax.results$objective, 4.99779933584178)

    # Oblimin with delta = 0
    oblimin.results <- RotateLoadings(test.loadings, rotation = "oblimin", delta = 0)
    expect_equal(oblimin.results$rotated.loadings[4,3], 0.466006989622174)
    expect_equal(oblimin.results$objective, 1.73906924666269)

    # Oblimin with delta = -1
    oblimin.results <- RotateLoadings(test.loadings, rotation = "oblimin", delta = -1)
    expect_equal(oblimin.results$rotated.loadings[4,3], 0.401050216217268)
    expect_equal(oblimin.results$objective, 6.11495048067651)

    # Promax with kappa = 4
    promax.results <- RotateLoadings(test.loadings, rotation = "promax", kappa = 4, covar = TRUE, stds = stddevs)

    expect_equal(promax.results$rotated.loadings[4,3], -0.00112202944507435)
    expect_equal(promax.results$rotated.loadings[1,1], -0.0466529994996703)

    # Small Test Case 2
    dd <- test.data.2
    use.correlation <- TRUE
    missing <- "Exclude cases with missing data"
    n.factors <- 5
    test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = dd, n.factors = n.factors, use.correlation = use.correlation, missing = missing)
    test.loadings <- test.pca$loadings
    stddevs <- StandardDeviation(test.pca$data.used$subset.data, weights = test.pca$data.used$subset.weights)

    # Varimax
    varimax.results <- RotateLoadings(test.loadings, rotation = "varimax")
    expect_equal(varimax.results$rotated.loadings[4,3], -0.222446034144783)
    expect_equal(varimax.results$objective, -2.77562018264623)

    # Quartimax
    quartimax.results <- RotateLoadings(test.loadings, rotation = "quartimax")
    expect_equal(quartimax.results$rotated.loadings[4,3], -0.218988274450239)
    expect_equal(quartimax.results$objective, -4.06874788859416)

    # Equamax
    equamax.results <- RotateLoadings(test.loadings, rotation = "equamax")
    expect_equal(equamax.results$rotated.loadings[4,3], -0.225579835503491)
    expect_equal(equamax.results$objective, 4.77987055008378)

    # Oblimin with delta = 0
    oblimin.results <- RotateLoadings(test.loadings, rotation = "oblimin", delta = 0)
    expect_equal(oblimin.results$rotated.loadings[4,3], 0.0798833587959736)
    expect_equal(oblimin.results$objective, 1.82172697535417)

    # Oblimin with delta = -1
    oblimin.results <- RotateLoadings(test.loadings, rotation = "oblimin", delta = -1)
    expect_equal(oblimin.results$rotated.loadings[4,3], 0.0813449976456852)
    expect_equal(oblimin.results$objective, 6.43527779337301)

    # Promax with kappa = 4
    promax.results <- RotateLoadings(test.loadings, rotation = "promax", kappa = 4, covar = FALSE, stds = stddevs)
    expect_equal(promax.results$rotated.loadings[4,3], -0.233120853002891)

    # Large Test Case 1
    dd <- test.data.2
    use.correlation <- FALSE
    missing <- "Exclude cases with missing data"
    n.factors <- 15
    test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = dd, n.factors = n.factors, use.correlation = use.correlation, missing = missing)
    test.loadings <- test.pca$raw.loadings
    stddevs <- StandardDeviation(test.pca$data.used$subset.data, weights = test.pca$data.used$subset.weights)

    # Varimax
    varimax.results <- RotateLoadings(test.loadings, rotation = "varimax")
    expect_equal(varimax.results$rotated.loadings[4,3], -0.199118942590853)
    expect_equal(varimax.results$objective, -3.82370035508231)

    # Quartimax
    quartimax.results <- RotateLoadings(test.loadings, rotation = "quartimax")
    expect_equal(quartimax.results$rotated.loadings[4,3], -0.192735775676314)
    expect_equal(quartimax.results$objective, -4.35565604315862)

    # Equamax
    equamax.results <- RotateLoadings(test.loadings, rotation = "equamax")
    expect_equal(equamax.results$rotated.loadings[4,3], -0.15997219890279)
    expect_equal(equamax.results$objective, 3.66041181216845)

    # Oblimin with delta = 0
    oblimin.results <- RotateLoadings(test.loadings, rotation = "oblimin", delta = 0)
    expect_equal(oblimin.results$rotated.loadings[4,3], 0.359332841701882)
    expect_equal(oblimin.results$objective, 1.14431489879381)

    # Oblimin with delta = -1
    oblimin.results <- RotateLoadings(test.loadings, rotation = "oblimin", delta = -1)
    expect_equal(oblimin.results$rotated.loadings[4,3], 0.393949682001849)
    expect_equal(oblimin.results$objective, 6.00236160840857)

    # Promax with kappa = 4
    promax.results <- RotateLoadings(test.loadings, rotation = "promax", kappa = 4, covar = TRUE, stds = stddevs)
    expect_equal(promax.results$rotated.loadings[4,3], -0.100589900441283)

    # Objective functions for SPSS Rotations
    #Small Case 1
    spss.varimax.loadings <- data.matrix(read.csv(system.file("extdata", "small_case_1_varimax_loadings.csv", package = "flipDimensionReduction"), header=FALSE))
    spss.quartimax.loadings <- data.matrix(read.csv(system.file("extdata", "small_case_1_quartimax_loadings.csv", package = "flipDimensionReduction"), header=FALSE))
    spss.equamax.loadings <- data.matrix(read.csv(system.file("extdata", "small_case_1_equamax_loadings.csv", package = "flipDimensionReduction"), header=FALSE))
    spss.oblimin.loadings.0 <- data.matrix(read.csv(system.file("extdata", "small_case_1_oblimin_0.csv", package = "flipDimensionReduction"), header=FALSE))
    spss.oblimin.loadings.1 <- data.matrix(read.csv(system.file("extdata", "small_case_1_oblimin_-1.csv", package = "flipDimensionReduction"), header=FALSE))
    spss.varimax.objective <- get.objective.for.loadings(spss.varimax.loadings, method = "varimax")
    spss.quartimax.objective <- get.objective.for.loadings(spss.quartimax.loadings, method = "quartimax")
    spss.equamax.objective <- get.objective.for.loadings(spss.equamax.loadings, method = "equamax")
    spss.oblimin.objective.0 <- get.objective.for.loadings(spss.oblimin.loadings.0, method = "oblimin", gam = 0)
    spss.oblimin.objective.1 <- get.objective.for.loadings(spss.oblimin.loadings.1, method = "oblimin", gam = -1)
    expect_equal(spss.varimax.objective, -2.6530156416783)
    expect_equal(spss.quartimax.objective, -4.09250650536889)
    expect_equal(spss.equamax.objective, 4.99779934971988)
    expect_equal(spss.oblimin.objective.0, 2.05513700318594)
    expect_equal(spss.oblimin.objective.1, 6.98200686859762)

    # Small Case 2

    spss.varimax.loadings <- data.matrix(read.csv(system.file("extdata", "small_case_2_varimax_loadings.csv", package = "flipDimensionReduction"), header=FALSE))
    spss.quartimax.loadings <- data.matrix(read.csv(system.file("extdata", "small_case_2_quartimax_loadings.csv", package = "flipDimensionReduction"), header=FALSE))
    spss.equamax.loadings <- data.matrix(read.csv(system.file("extdata", "small_case_2_equamax_loadings.csv", package = "flipDimensionReduction"), header=FALSE))
    spss.oblimin.loadings.0 <- data.matrix(read.csv(system.file("extdata", "small_case_2_oblimin_0.csv", package = "flipDimensionReduction"), header=FALSE))
    spss.oblimin.loadings.1 <- data.matrix(read.csv(system.file("extdata", "small_case_2_oblimin_-1.csv", package = "flipDimensionReduction"), header=FALSE))
    spss.varimax.objective <- get.objective.for.loadings(spss.varimax.loadings, method = "varimax")
    spss.quartimax.objective <- get.objective.for.loadings(spss.quartimax.loadings, method = "quartimax")
    spss.equamax.objective <- get.objective.for.loadings(spss.equamax.loadings, method = "equamax")
    spss.oblimin.objective.0 <- get.objective.for.loadings(spss.oblimin.loadings.0, method = "oblimin", gam = 0)
    spss.oblimin.objective.1 <- get.objective.for.loadings(spss.oblimin.loadings.1, method = "oblimin", gam = -1)
    expect_equal(spss.varimax.objective, -2.77562017624509)
    expect_equal(spss.quartimax.objective, -4.06874755671149)
    expect_equal(spss.equamax.objective, 4.77987055356406)
    expect_equal(spss.oblimin.objective.0, 2.0692239107895)
    expect_equal(spss.oblimin.objective.1, 7.04195048947717)

    # Large Case 1

    spss.varimax.loadings <- data.matrix(read.csv(system.file("extdata", "large_case_1_varimax_loadings.csv", package = "flipDimensionReduction"), header=FALSE))
    spss.quartimax.loadings <- data.matrix(read.csv(system.file("extdata", "large_case_1_quartimax_loadings.csv", package = "flipDimensionReduction"), header=FALSE))
    spss.equamax.loadings <- data.matrix(read.csv(system.file("extdata", "large_case_1_equamax_loadings.csv", package = "flipDimensionReduction"), header=FALSE))
    spss.oblimin.loadings.0 <- data.matrix(read.csv(system.file("extdata", "large_case_1_oblimin_0.csv", package = "flipDimensionReduction"), header=FALSE))
    spss.oblimin.loadings.1 <- data.matrix(read.csv(system.file("extdata", "large_case_1_oblimin_-1.csv", package = "flipDimensionReduction"), header=FALSE))
    spss.varimax.objective <- get.objective.for.loadings(spss.varimax.loadings, method = "varimax")
    spss.quartimax.objective <- get.objective.for.loadings(spss.quartimax.loadings, method = "quartimax")
    spss.equamax.objective <- get.objective.for.loadings(spss.equamax.loadings, method = "equamax")
    spss.oblimin.objective.0 <- get.objective.for.loadings(spss.oblimin.loadings.0, method = "oblimin", gam = 0)
    spss.oblimin.objective.1 <- get.objective.for.loadings(spss.oblimin.loadings.1, method = "oblimin", gam = -1)
    expect_equal(spss.varimax.objective, -3.82370028777476)
    expect_equal(spss.quartimax.objective, -4.35565049292685)
    expect_equal(spss.equamax.objective, 3.66041249247838)
    expect_equal(spss.oblimin.objective.0, 1.56545745595947)
    expect_equal(spss.oblimin.objective.1, 7.57197382710856)


test_that("Compare Scores with SPSS", {

    # Replicate SPSS PCA Scores - Variables produced based on the factors identified
    # Look at the value of component 1 in the 6th case

    # Options:
    # - No weight
    # - Computed using correlation matrix
    # - No rotation
    # - Use only complete observations
    test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = test.data.2,
                                            use.correlation = TRUE,
                                            n.factors = 7)
    expect_equal(test.pca$scores[6,1], -.88813361129142)

    # Options:
    # - Weighted by test.weight
    # - Computed using correlation matrix
    # - No rotation
    # - Use only complete observations
    test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = test.data.2,
                                            use.correlation = TRUE,
                                            n.factors = 7,
                                            weights = test.weight)
    expect_equal(test.pca$scores[6,1], -1.16828517195651)

    # Options:
    # - Unweighted
    # - Correlation matrix
    # - no rotation
    # - pairwise complete observations
    test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = test.data.1,
                                            use.correlation = TRUE,
                                            n.factors = 5,
                                            missing = "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)")
    expect_equal(test.pca$scores[145,1], -.96405711314469)

    # Options:
    # - Unweighted
    # - Covariance matrix
    # - No rotation
    # - Listwise complete
    test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = test.data.2,
                                            use.correlation = FALSE,
                                            n.factors = 5)
    expect_equal(test.pca$scores[6,1], -.92965574784272)

    # Options:
    # - weighted
    # - covariance matrix
    # - no rotation
    # - Listwise complete
    test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = test.data.2,
                                            use.correlation = FALSE,
                                            weights = test.weight,
                                            n.factors = 7)
    expect_equal(test.pca$scores[6,1], -1.26176530793757)

    # Options:
    # - correlation matrix
    # - varimax rotation
    # - listwise complete
    test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = test.data.2,
                                            use.correlation = TRUE,
                                            n.factors = 7,
                                            rotation = "varimax")
    expect_equal(round(test.pca$scores[6,1],4), round(-.96769594035589, 4))

    # Options:
    # - correlation matrix
    # - promax rotation
    # - listwise complete
    test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = test.data.2,
                                            use.correlation = TRUE,
                                            n.factors = 7,
                                            rotation = "promax")
    expect_equal(unname(test.pca$scores[6,1]), -0.967004475228648)

    # Options:
    # - Covariance matrix
    # - varimax rotation
    # - weighted
    # - listwise complete
    test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = test.data.2,
                                            use.correlation = FALSE,
                                            n.factors = 7,
                                            rotation = "varimax",
                                            weights = test.weight)
    expect_equal(round(test.pca$scores[6,1], 4), round(-1.10861281521457, 4))


# Test that the print options do not generate errors in any combination
for (print.type in c("loadings", "structure", "Component Plot", "Scree Plot", "details", "variance", "2d"))
    for (rotation in c("none", "varimax", "promax"))
        for (missing in c("Use partial data (pairwise correlations)", "Exclude cases with missing data"))
            for (use.correlation in c(TRUE, FALSE))

                test_that(paste("Print options do not generate errors:", print.type, rotation, missing, use.correlation), {
                    expect_error(test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = test.data.2,
                                                                         weights = test.weight,
                                                                         n.factors = 5,
                                                                         print.type = print.type,
                                                                         rotation = rotation,
                                                                         missing = missing,
                                                                         use.correlation = use.correlation,
                                                                         suppress.small.coefficients = TRUE,
                                                                         sort.coefficients.by.size = TRUE), NA)
                    expect_error(capture.output(suppressWarnings(print(test.pca))), NA) #capture.output is used to suppress the contents of the printing as I only want to check that the prints don't generate an error



test_that("Compare other measures with SPSS", {

    # Replicate SPSS Bartlet test results

    expect_equal(BartlettTestOfSphericity(test.data.1, missing = "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)")$chisq, 2254.76019036933)
    expect_equal(BartlettTestOfSphericity(test.data.2, missing = "Exclude cases with missing data")$chisq, 3059.91481376238)
    expect_equal(BartlettTestOfSphericity(test.data.1, missing = "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)", weights = test.weight)$chisq, 2435.76130608532)
    expect_equal(BartlettTestOfSphericity(test.data.2, missing = "Exclude cases with missing data", weights = test.weight)$chisq, 3371.42755825416)

    # Communalities and Sum of Squared Loadings
    test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = test.data.2,
                                            weights = test.weight,
                                            n.factors = 5,
                                            rotation = "promax",
                                            missing = "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)",
                                            use.correlation = FALSE,
                                            print.type = "details")
    expect_equal(unname(round(test.pca$extracted.communalities[1], 6)), 0.044206)
    expect_equal(unname(round(test.pca$rescaled.extracted.communalities[1], 6)), 0.092503)
    expect_equal(unname(round(colSums(test.pca$structure.matrix^2)[1], 4)), round(3.943949,4))

    test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = test.data.2,
                                            n.factors = 5,
                                            rotation = "varimax",
                                            missing = "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)",
                                            use.correlation = TRUE,
                                            print.type = "details")
    expect_equal(unname(round(test.pca$extracted.communalities[1], 6)), 0.277254)
    expect_equal(unname(round(colSums(test.pca$loadings^2)[1], 5)), round(3.430480, 5))

test_that("Imputation", {

    expect_error(test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = test.data.1,
                                              missing = "Imputation (replace missing values with estimates)",
                                              print.type = "loadings",
                                              n.factors = 5,
                                              suppress.small.coefficients = TRUE), NA)
    #expect_equal(round(test.pca$loadings[4,3],3), 0.133)


test_that("Filters", {

    filt <- (1:nrow(test.data.1)) > 300
    test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = test.data.1,
                                              missing = "Imputation (replace missing values with estimates)",
                                              subset = filt,
                                              print.type = "loadings",
                                              n.factors = 5,
                                              suppress.small.coefficients = TRUE)
    sc.pca <- fitted(test.pca)
    expect_equal(all(!is.na(sc.pca[which(filt),1])), TRUE)
    expect_equal(all(is.na(sc.pca[which(!filt),1])), TRUE)
    expect_equal(nrow(sc.pca), nrow(test.data.1))

    # check ambiguous rownames are handled correctly for use in TextPrincipalComponentAnalysis
    ambiguous.row.name.data <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "toy_encoding_example.csv",
                                                    package = "flipDimensionReduction"),
                                        header = TRUE)
    ambiguous.rows <- ambiguous.row.name.data[, 1]
    ambiguous.row.name.data <- ambiguous.row.name.data[, -1]
    ambiguous.row.name.data <- as.matrix(ambiguous.row.name.data)
    row.names(ambiguous.row.name.data) <- ambiguous.rows
    expect_error(test.prep <- flipDimensionReduction:::prepareDataForFactorAnalysis(data = ambiguous.row.name.data,
                                                                                    subset = NULL, weights = NULL,
                                                                                    missing = "Exclude cases with missing data"),
    test.subset <- rep(FALSE, nrow(ambiguous.row.name.data))
    test.subset[15:nrow(ambiguous.row.name.data)] <- TRUE
    test.weights <- rnorm(nrow(ambiguous.row.name.data))
    expect_error(test.prep <- flipDimensionReduction:::prepareDataForFactorAnalysis(data = ambiguous.row.name.data,
                                                                                    subset = test.subset, weights = test.weights,
                                                                                    missing = "Exclude cases with missing data"),
    expect_equal(ambiguous.row.name.data[test.subset, ], test.prep$subset.data)
    expect_equal(test.weights[test.subset], test.prep$subset.weights)

test_that("Converting factors for use in PCA", {

    test.data <- test.data.2[,1:10]
    test.data[,1] <- as.factor(test.data[,1])
    test.data[,2] <- as.ordered(test.data[,2])
    converted.data <- suppressWarnings(flipTransformations::AsNumeric(test.data, binary = TRUE))#ConvertVariablesForFactorAnalysis(test.data)
    expect_error(test.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(data = converted.data[, -1],
                                                         missing = "Exclude cases with missing data",
                                                         n.factors = 5,
                                                         print.type = "details"), NA)
    expect_equal(test.pca$loadings[1,1], 0.2634458429558) #Value when we conduct this analysis in Q with the first variable exploded as binary variables (excluding the first level)

test_that("Component Plot works for PCA objects created by princomp and psych", {
    dd <- test.data.2[!is.na(rowSums(test.data.2)),]
    test.princomp <- princomp(dd)
    expect_error(ComponentPlot(test.princomp), NA)
    test.psych <- psych::principal(test.data.1, nfactors = 5)
    expect_error(ComponentPlot(test.psych), NA)

test_that("PCA contains attribute data for exporting to Excel",
    pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(test.data.2, n.factors = 7, print.type = "Loadings Table")
    expect_equal(dim(attr(pca, "ChartData")), c(25, 7))
    pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(test.data.2, n.factors = 7, print.type = "Structure Matrix")
    expect_equal(dim(attr(pca, "ChartData")), c(25, 7))
    pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(test.data.2, n.factors = 7, print.type = "Variance Explained")
    expect_equal(dim(attr(pca, "ChartData")), c(25, 3))
    pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(test.data.2, n.factors = 7, print.type = "2D Scatterplot")
    expect_equal(attr(pca, "ChartType"), "X Y Scatter")
    expect_equal(dim(attr(pca, "ChartData")), c(623, 2))
    expect_equal(length(attr(attr(pca, "ChartData"), "scatter.variable.indices")), 4)
    pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(test.data.2, n.factors = 7, print.type = "Scree Plot")
    expect_equal(length(attr(pca, "ChartData")), 25)
    pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(test.data.2, n.factors = 7, print.type = "Component Plot")
    expect_equal(attr(pca, "ChartType"), "X Y Scatter")
    expect_equal(dim(attr(pca, "ChartData")), c(25, 2))
    expect_equal(length(attr(attr(pca, "ChartData"), "scatter.variable.indices")), 4)
    pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(test.data.2, n.factors = 7, print.type = "Detailed Output")
    expect_equal(dim(attr(pca, "ChartData")), c(119, 8))


test_that("Duplciate row-names handled", {
    duplicate.name.data <- structure(c(-0.514, -0.379, -0.514, -0.514, -0.514, -0.541, -0.966,
                                       -0.966, -0.966, -0.966, -0.966, -0.966, -0.966, -0.966, -0.966,
                                       -0.966, -0.966, -0.559, -0.863, -0.756, -0.607, -0.618, -0.465,
                                       -0.543, -0.54, -0.593, -0.554, -0.544, -0.577, -0.523, -0.256,
                                       -0.57, -0.472, -0.461, -0.353, -0.25, -0.353, -0.353, -0.353,
                                       -0.273, 0.196, 0.196, 0.196, 0.196, 0.196, 0.196, 0.196, 0.196,
                                       0.196, 0.196, 0.196, 0.228, 0.111, 0.094, -0.085, -0.051, 0.11,
                                       -0.092, -0.072, 0.003, -0.203, -0.141, -0.205, -0.2, -0.048,
                                       -0.214, -0.25, -0.331, 0.502, 0.346, 0.502, 0.502, 0.502, 0.285,
                                       -0.082, -0.082, -0.082, -0.082, -0.082, -0.082, -0.082, -0.082,
                                       -0.082, -0.082, -0.082, -0.072, 0.045, 0.027, 0.016, -0.082,
                                       -0.063, -0.183, -0.064, -0.237, 0.275, 0.336, 0.33, 0.385, 0.154,
                                       0.21, 0.252, 0.164, -0.437, -0.34, -0.437, -0.437, -0.437, -0.137,
                                       -0.114, -0.114, -0.114, -0.114, -0.114, -0.114, -0.114, -0.114,
                                       -0.114, -0.114, -0.114, 0.001, 0.175, 0.303, 0.279, 0.336, 0.47,
                                       0.093, 0.017, 0.102, 0.039, 0.058, 0.284, 0.363, 0.392, 0.201,
                                       0.131, 0.085, 0.337, 0.28, 0.337, 0.337, 0.337, 0.149, -0.083,
                                       -0.083, -0.083, -0.083, -0.083, -0.083, -0.083, -0.083, -0.083,
                                       -0.083, -0.083, -0.06, 0.213, 0.245, 0.267, 0.287, 0.453, 0.288,
                                       0.272, 0.232, -0.187, -0.255, -0.347, -0.268, -0.204, -0.045,
                                       -0.182, 0.054, -0.066, -0.043, -0.066, -0.066, -0.066, 0.013,
                                       -0.024, -0.024, -0.024, -0.024, -0.024, -0.024, -0.024, -0.024,
                                       -0.024, -0.024, -0.024, -0.179, -0.138, -0.291, 0.027, 0.028,
                                       -0.267, 0.494, 0.519, 0.427, 0.206, 0.222, 0.197, 0.213, -0.133,
                                       -0.171, -0.225, -0.115, 0.111, 0.019, 0.111, 0.111, 0.111, 0.047,
                                       0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001,
                                       0.001, 0.001, 0.079, 0.059, 0.069, 0.112, 0.159, 0.181, -0.203,
                                       -0.22, -0.148, 0.114, 0.143, 0.259, 0.216, 0.012, -0.401, -0.558,
                                       -0.44, -0.095, -0.131, -0.095, -0.095, -0.095, -0.146, -0.009,
                                       -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009,
                                       -0.009, -0.009, -0.216, 0.069, 0.084, 0.131, 0.031, 0.049, -0.048,
                                       -0.034, -0.139, 0.525, 0.382, -0.227, -0.225, -0.436, 0.033,
                                       0.032, 0.083, 0.006, 0.016, 0.006, 0.006, 0.006, -0.163, -0.009,
                                       -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009,
                                       -0.009, -0.009, 0.247, -0.031, 0.105, -0.407, -0.314, 0.287,
                                       -0.018, 0.196, 0.034, -0.049, 0.275, -0.03, 0.025, 0.221, -0.021,
                                       -0.198, 0.224, 0.051, 0.002, 0.051, 0.051, 0.051, -0.053, -0.021,
                                       -0.021, -0.021, -0.021, -0.021, -0.021, -0.021, -0.021, -0.021,
                                       -0.021, -0.021, 0.048, 0.061, 0.165, -0.204, -0.004, -0.033,
                                       0.026, 0.126, 0.079, 0.042, 0.136, -0.098, -0.112, 0.15, 0.1,
                                       0.262, -0.584), .Dim = c(34L, 10L),
                                     .Dimnames = list(c("na",
                                                        "n a", "na", "na", "na", "nan", "cat", "cat", "cat", "cat", "cat",
                                                        "cat", "cat", "cat", "cat", "cat", "cat", "i have a cat", "dog",
                                                        "dogs", "hound", "poodle", "dogs rock", "giraffe", "zebra", "lemur",
                                                        "cup", "plate", "stove", "oven", "i like to cook", "love", "like",
                                                        "awesome"), NULL))
    expect_error(pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(duplicate.name.data, select.n.rule = "Number of components",
                                                    n.factors = 4, rotation = "None"),
    subset <- c(rep(FALSE, 16), rep(TRUE, 18))
    expect_error(subset.pca <- PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(duplicate.name.data, select.n.rule = "Number of components",
                                                           n.factors = 4, rotation = "None", subset = subset),
    expect_true(all(is.na(subset.pca$scores[1:16, ])))
    expect_true(all(!is.na(subset.pca$scores[17:34, ])))
    expect_true(all(is.numeric(subset.pca$scores[17:34, ])))
    # Check edge case where there are unique row-names with a single rowname that is empty ("")
    unique.name.with.empty.data <- structure(c(-0.514, -0.514, -0.514, -0.514, -0.541, -0.966, -0.966, -0.966,
                                               -0.966, -0.966, -0.966, -0.966, -0.966, -0.966, -0.966, -0.559,
                                               -0.863, -0.756, -0.607, -0.618, -0.543, -0.54, -0.593, -0.554,
                                               -0.544, -0.577, -0.523, -0.57, -0.472, -0.461, -0.353, -0.25,
                                               -0.353, -0.353, -0.273, 0.196, 0.196, 0.196, 0.196, 0.196, 0.19,
                                               0.196, 0.196, 0.196, 0.228, 0.111, 0.094, -0.085), .Dim = c(8L, 6L),
                                             .Dimnames = list(c(LETTERS[1:7], ""), NULL))
    expect_error(PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(unique.name.with.empty.data, select.n.rule = "Number of components",
                                             n.factors = 4, rotation = "None"),


test_that("Output contains the right class for extension buttons", {
    # NOTE: if any of the tests below fail due to class names changing, ALL
    #       extension buttons in the wiki that refer to this class name should
    #       be updated with the new class name.

    result <- suppressWarnings(PrincipalComponentsAnalysis(test.data.1))

    expect_true(inherits(result, "flipFactorAnalysis"))

#     # Comparisons with results from Applied Multivariate Statistics for the Social Sciences
#     table.11.2.data <- c(1,0.467,0.681,0.447,0.61,0.236,0.401,0.214,-0.062,0.227,0.238,0.189,0.401,0.075,0.314,0.167,0.148,0.099,
#                          0.467,1,0.6,0.585,0.466,0.324,0.346,0.179,0.105,0.465,0.392,0.146,0.374,0.4,0.59,0.337,0.203,0.061,
#                          0.681,0.6,1,0.643,0.673,0.339,0.344,0.242,-0.001,0.295,0.367,0.227,0.479,0.14,0.451,0.239,-0.028,-0.069,
#                          0.447,0.585,0.643,1,0.612,0.357,0.081,0.003,-0.13,0.33,0.178,0.159,0.296,0.289,0.457,0.336,0.236,-0.158,
#                          0.61,0.466,0.673,0.612,1,0.077,0.056,-0.029,-0.352,0.004,0.023,0.117,0.154,-0.027,0.192,0.011,0.037,-0.097,
#                          0.236,0.324,0.339,0.357,0.077,1,0.518,0.517,0.619,0.698,0.542,0.336,0.676,0.513,0.671,0.463,0.051,-0.038,
#                          0.401,0.346,0.344,0.081,0.056,0.518,1,0.632,0.476,0.502,0.381,0.38,0.567,0.369,0.5,0.217,-0.155,0.275,
#                          0.214,0.179,0.242,0.003,-0.029,0.517,0.632,1,0.544,0.517,0.367,0.384,0.589,0.28,0.442,0.182,-0.3,0.159,
#                          -0.062,0.105,-0.001,-0.13,-0.352,0.619,0.476,0.544,1,0.575,0.697,0.084,0.633,0.464,0.456,0.41,-0.043,0.215,
#                          0.227,0.465,0.295,0.33,0.004,0.698,0.502,0.517,0.575,1,0.501,0.192,0.588,0.72,0.716,0.502,0.218,0.032,
#                          0.238,0.392,0.367,0.178,0.023,0.542,0.381,0.367,0.697,0.501,1,-0.001,0.61,0.359,0.46,0.397,0.079,0.091,
#                          0.189,0.146,0.227,0.159,0.117,0.336,0.38,0.384,0.084,0.192,-0.001,1,0.307,0.175,0.333,-0.06,-0.149,0.139,
#                          0.401,0.374,0.479,0.296,0.154,0.676,0.567,0.589,0.633,0.588,0.61,0.307,1,0.465,0.616,0.393,-0.12,0.071,
#                          0.075,0.4,0.14,0.289,-0.027,0.513,0.369,0.28,0.464,0.72,0.359,0.175,0.465,1,0.688,0.519,0.444,0.033,
#                          0.314,0.59,0.451,0.457,0.192,0.671,0.5,0.442,0.456,0.716,0.46,0.333,0.616,0.688,1,0.466,0.199,-0.031,
#                          0.167,0.337,0.239,0.336,0.011,0.463,0.217,0.182,0.41,0.502,0.397,-0.06,0.393,0.519,0.466,1,0.276,-0.145,
#                          0.148,0.203,-0.028,0.236,0.037,0.051,-0.155,-0.3,-0.043,0.218,0.079,-0.149,-0.12,0.444,0.199,0.276,1,-0.344,
#                          0.099,0.061,-0.069,-0.158,-0.097,-0.038,0.275,0.159,0.215,0.032,0.091,0.139,0.071,0.033,-0.031,-0.145,-0.344,1)
#     table.11.2.data <- matrix(table.11.2.data, nrow = 18)
#                "PSYMIND", "FLEX", "FEMIN")
#     rownames(table.11.2.data) <- names
#     colnames(table.11.2.data) <- names
#     # Unrotated PCA with 3 compnents
#     mf <- psych::principal(table.11.2.data, nfactors = 3, rotate = "none")
#     # Loading for DOM in component 1
#     expect_equal(round(mf$loadings[1,1], 5), 0.50137)
#     # Loading for FEMIN in component 3
#     expect_equal(round(mf$loadings[18,3], 5), 0.49437)
#     # PCA with 3 components varimax rotation
#     # These results are close to those in the text, but they do not match exactly.
#     # The authors don't provide much info about their varimax rotation
#     mf2 <- psych::principal(table.11.2.data, nfactors = 3, rotate = "varimax")
#     # Loading for TOLER in component 1
#     testthat::expect_equal(mf2$loadings[10,1], 0.85516, 2e-5)
#     # Loading for FEMIN in component 3
#     testthat::expect_equal(mf2$loadings[18,3], 0.56029, 2e-5)
NumbersInternational/flipDimensionReduction documentation built on Aug. 20, 2024, 2:32 a.m.