
Defines functions .getNumberOfRepetitions .makeHierarchyGraph convertToGlmnetLambda convertToCyclopsVariance vcov.cyclopsFit aconfint fixedGridProfileLogLikelihood getCyclopsProfileLogLikelihood .initAdaptiveProfile confint.cyclopsFit runBootstrap getSEs .setControl getCrossValidationInfo getCyclopsPredictiveLogLikelihood createPrior createControl print.cyclopsFit logLik.cyclopsFit getHyperParameter coef.cyclopsFit .checkInterface .checkData .checkCovariates fitCyclopsModel

Documented in aconfint coef.cyclopsFit confint.cyclopsFit convertToCyclopsVariance convertToGlmnetLambda createControl createPrior fitCyclopsModel getCrossValidationInfo getCyclopsPredictiveLogLikelihood getCyclopsProfileLogLikelihood getHyperParameter getSEs logLik.cyclopsFit print.cyclopsFit runBootstrap vcov.cyclopsFit

# @file ModelFit.R
# Copyright 2016 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of cyclops
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

#' @title Fit a Cyclops model
#' @description
#' \code{fitCyclopsModel} fits a Cyclops model data object
#' @details
#' This function performs numerical optimization to fit a Cyclops model data object.
#' @param cyclopsData			A Cyclops data object
#' @template prior
#' @param control  A \code{"cyclopsControl"} object constructed by \code{\link{createControl}}
#' @param weights Vector of 0/1 weights for each data row
#' @param forceNewObject Logical, forces the construction of a new Cyclops model fit object
#' @param returnEstimates Logical, return regression coefficient estimates in Cyclops model fit object
#' @param startingCoefficients Vector of starting values for optimization
#' @param fixedCoefficients Vector of booleans indicating if coefficient should be fix
#' @param warnings Logical, report regularization warnings
#' @param computeDevice String: Name of compute device to employ; defaults to \code{"native"} C++ on CPU
#' @return
#' A list that contains a Cyclops model fit object pointer and an operation duration
#' @references
#' Suchard MA, Simpson SE, Zorych I, Ryan P, Madigan D.
#' Massive parallelization of serial inference algorithms for complex generalized linear models.
#' ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, 23, 10, 2013.
#' Simpson SE, Madigan D, Zorych I, Schuemie M, Ryan PB, Suchard MA.
#' Multiple self-controlled case series for large-scale longitudinal observational databases.
#' Biometrics, 69, 893-902, 2013.
#' Mittal S, Madigan D, Burd RS, Suchard MA.
#' High-dimensional, massive sample-size Cox proportional hazards regression for survival analysis.
#' Biostatistics, 15, 207-221, 2014.
#' @examples
#' ## Dobson (1990) Page 93: Randomized Controlled Trial :
#' counts <- c(18,17,15,20,10,20,25,13,12)
#' outcome <- gl(3,1,9)
#' treatment <- gl(3,3)
#' cyclopsData <- createCyclopsData(counts ~ outcome + treatment, modelType = "pr")
#' cyclopsFit <- fitCyclopsModel(cyclopsData, prior = createPrior("none"))
#' coef(cyclopsFit)
#' confint(cyclopsFit, c("outcome2","treatment3"))
#' predict(cyclopsFit)
#' @export
fitCyclopsModel <- function(cyclopsData,
                            prior = createPrior("none"),
                            control = createControl(),
                            weights = NULL,
                            forceNewObject = FALSE,
                            returnEstimates = TRUE,
                            startingCoefficients = NULL,
                            fixedCoefficients = NULL,
                            warnings = TRUE,
							computeDevice = "native") {

    # Delegate to control$setHook if exists
    if (!is.null(control$setHook)) {
        return(control$setHook(cyclopsData, prior, control,
                               weights, forceNewObject, returnEstimates,
                               startingCoefficients, fixedCoefficients))

    # Delegate to prior$fitHook if exists
    if (!is.null(prior$fitHook)) {
        return(prior$fitHook(cyclopsData, prior, control,
                             weights, forceNewObject, returnEstimates,
                             startingCoefficients, fixedCoefficients))

    cl <- match.call()

    # Check conditions

    if (getNumberOfRows(cyclopsData) < 1 ||
            getNumberOfStrata(cyclopsData) < 1 ||
            getNumberOfCovariates(cyclopsData) < 1) {
        stop("Data are incompletely loaded")

    .checkInterface(cyclopsData, computeDevice =  computeDevice, forceNewObject = forceNewObject)

    # Set up prior
    stopifnot(inherits(prior, "cyclopsPrior"))

    if (!is.null(prior$setHook)) {

        prior$setHook(cyclopsData, warnings) # Call-back

    } else {
        prior$exclude <- .checkCovariates(cyclopsData, prior$exclude)

        if (!is.null(prior$neighborhood)) {
            prior$neighborhood <- lapply(prior$neighborhood,
                                         function(element) {
                                             list(.checkCovariates(cyclopsData, element[[1]]),
                                                  .checkCovariates(cyclopsData, element[[2]]))

        if (prior$priorType[1] != "none" &&
            is.null(prior$graph) && # TODO Ignore hierarchical models for now
            .cyclopsGetHasIntercept(cyclopsData) &&
            !prior$forceIntercept) {
            interceptId <- bit64::as.integer64(.cyclopsGetInterceptLabel(cyclopsData))
            warn <- FALSE
            if (is.null(prior$exclude)) {
                prior$exclude <- c(interceptId)
                warn <- TRUE
            } else {
                if (!(interceptId %in% prior$exclude)) {
                    prior$exclude <- c(interceptId, prior$exclude)
                    warn <- TRUE
            if (warn && warnings) {
                warning("Excluding intercept from regularization")

        if (is.null(prior$graph)) {
            graph <- NULL
        } else {
            graph <- .makeHierarchyGraph(cyclopsData, prior$graph)
            if (length(prior$priorType) != length(prior$variance)) {
                stop("Prior types and variances have a dimensionality mismatch")
            if (any(prior$priorType != "normal")) {
                stop("Only normal-normal hierarchies are currently supported")

        if (is.null(prior$neighborhood)) {
            neighborhood <- NULL
        } else {
            neighborhood <- prior$neighborhood
            if (length(prior$priorType) != length(prior$variance)) {
                stop("Prior types and variances have a dimensionality mismatch");
            if (any(prior$priorType  != "laplace")) {
                stop("Only Laplace-Laplace fused neighborhoods are currently supported")

        if (is.null(graph) && is.null(neighborhood) && length(prior$priorType) > 1) {
            if (length(prior$priorType) != getNumberOfCovariates(cyclopsData)) {
                stop("Length of priors must equal the number of covariates")

        if (any(prior$priorType == "jeffreys")) {
            if (Cyclops::getNumberOfCovariates(cyclopsData) > 1) {
                stop("Jeffreys prior is currently only implemented for 1 covariate")

            covariate <- Cyclops::getCovariateIds(cyclopsData)
            if (Cyclops::getCovariateTypes(cyclopsData, covariate) != "indicator") {
                count <- reduce(cyclopsData, covariate, power = 0)
                sum <- reduce(cyclopsData, covariate, power = 1)
                mean <- sum / count
                if (!(mean == 0.0 || mean == 1.0)) {
                    stop("Jeffreys prior is currently only implemented for indicator covariates")

        .cyclopsSetPrior(cyclopsData$cyclopsInterfacePtr, prior$priorType, prior$variance,
                         prior$exclude, graph, neighborhood)

    if (control$selectorType == "auto") {
        if (cyclopsData$modelType %in% c("pr", "lr")) {
            control$selectorType <- "byRow"
        } else {
            rowsPerStratum <- (getNumberOfRows(cyclopsData) / getNumberOfStrata(cyclopsData))
            if (rowsPerStratum < getNumberOfStrata(cyclopsData)) {
                control$selectorType <- "byPid"
            } else {
                control$selectorType <- "byRow"
        if (prior$useCrossValidation && control$noiseLevel != "silent") {
            writeLines(paste("Using cross-validation selector type", control$selectorType))

    if (control$cvRepetitions == "auto") {
        control$cvRepetitions <- .getNumberOfRepetitions(getNumberOfRows(cyclopsData))

    control <- .setControl(cyclopsData$cyclopsInterfacePtr, control)
    threads <- control$threads

    if (!is.null(startingCoefficients)) {

        if (length(startingCoefficients) != getNumberOfCovariates(cyclopsData)) {
            stop("Must provide a value for each coefficient")

        if (.cyclopsGetHasOffset(cyclopsData)) {
            startingCoefficients <- c(1.0, startingCoefficients)

        .cyclopsSetBeta(cyclopsData$cyclopsInterfacePtr, startingCoefficients)
        .cyclopsSetStartingBeta(cyclopsData$cyclopsInterfacePtr, startingCoefficients)

    if (!is.null(fixedCoefficients)) {
        if (length(fixedCoefficients) != getNumberOfCovariates(cyclopsData)) {
            stop("Must provide a boolean for each coefficient")

        offset <- ifelse(.cyclopsGetHasOffset(cyclopsData), 1, 0)
        for (i in 1:length(fixedCoefficients)) {
            .cyclopsSetFixedBeta(cyclopsData$cyclopsInterfacePtr, offset + i, fixedCoefficients[i] == TRUE)

    # Handle weights

    weightsUnsorted <- TRUE
    if (!is.null(cyclopsData$weights)) {
        if (!is.null(weights)) {
            warning("Using weights passed to fitCyclopsModel()")
        } else {
            weights <- cyclopsData$weights
            weightsUnsorted <- FALSE
    if (!is.null(weights)) {
        if (length(weights) != getNumberOfRows(cyclopsData)) {
            stop("Must provide a weight for each data row")
        if (any(weights < 0)) {
            stop("Only non-negative weights are allowed")

        if (weightsUnsorted) {
            if (!is.null(cyclopsData$sortOrder)) {
                weights <- weights[cyclopsData$sortOrder]

        .cyclopsSetWeights(cyclopsData$cyclopsInterfacePtr, weights)

    # censorWeight check for the Fine-Gray model
    if (cyclopsData$modelType == "fgr" & is.null(cyclopsData$censorWeights)) {
        stop("Subject-specific censoring weights must be specified for modelType = 'fgr'.")

    if (!is.null(cyclopsData$censorWeights)) {
        if (cyclopsData$modelType != 'fgr' && warnings) {
            warning(paste0("modelType = '", cyclopsData$modelType, "' does not use censorWeights. These weights will not be passed further."))
        if (length(cyclopsData$censorWeights) != getNumberOfRows(cyclopsData)) {
            stop("Must provide a censorWeight for each data row")
        if (any(cyclopsData$censorWeights < 0) || any(cyclopsData$censorWeights > 1)) {
            stop("Only weights between 0 and 1 are allowed for censorWeights")
        .cyclopsSetCensorWeights(cyclopsData$cyclopsInterfacePtr, cyclopsData$censorWeights)

    if (prior$useCrossValidation) {
        minCVData <- control$minCVData
        if (control$selectorType == "byRow" && minCVData > getNumberOfRows(cyclopsData)) {
            stop("Insufficient data count for cross validation")
        if (control$selectorType == "byPid" && minCVData > getNumberOfStrata(cyclopsData)) {
            stop("Insufficient data count for cross validation")

        fit <- .cyclopsRunCrossValidation(cyclopsData$cyclopsInterfacePtr)
    } else {
        fit <- .cyclopsFitModel(cyclopsData$cyclopsInterfacePtr)

    if (fit$return_flag == "POOR_BLR_STEP" && control$convergenceType == "gradient") {

        if (warnings) {
            warning("BLR convergence criterion failed; coefficient may be infinite")

        control$convergenceType <- "lange"
        return(fitCyclopsModel(cyclopsData = cyclopsData,
                               prior = prior,
                               control = control,
                               weights = weights,
                               forceNewObject = forceNewObject,
                               returnEstimates = returnEstimates,
                               startingCoefficients = startingCoefficients,
                               fixedCoefficients = fixedCoefficients,
                               computeDevice = computeDevice))

    if (returnEstimates) {
        estimates <- .cyclopsLogModel(cyclopsData$cyclopsInterfacePtr)
        fit <- c(fit, estimates)
        fit$estimation <- as.data.frame(fit$estimation)
    fit$call <- cl
    fit$cyclopsData <- cyclopsData
    fit$coefficientNames <- cyclopsData$coefficientNames
    if (!is.null(fixedCoefficients)) {
        fit$fixedCoefficients <- fixedCoefficients
    fit$rowNames <- cyclopsData$rowNames
    fit$scale <- cyclopsData$scale
    fit$threads <- threads
    fit$seed <- control$seed

    if (prior$useCrossValidation) {
        fit$cvRepetitions <- control$cvRepetitions

    class(fit) <- "cyclopsFit"

.checkCovariates <- function(cyclopsData, covariates) {
    if (!is.null(covariates)) {
        saved <- covariates

        indices <- NULL

        if (inherits(covariates, "character")) {
            # Try to match names
            indices <- match(covariates, cyclopsData$coefficientNames)
            covariates <- getCovariateIds(cyclopsData)[indices]

        if (!bit64::is.integer64(covariates)) {
            covariates <- bit64::as.integer64(covariates)

        if (any(is.na(covariates))) {
            stop("Unable to match all covariates: ", paste(saved, collapse = ", "))

        attr(covariates, "indices") <- indices

.checkData <- function(x) {
    # Check conditions
    if (missing(x) || is.null(x$cyclopsDataPtr) || !inherits(x$cyclopsDataPtr, "externalptr")) {
        stop("Improperly constructed cyclopsData object")
    if (.isRcppPtrNull(x$cyclopsDataPtr)) {
        stop("Data object is no longer initialized")

.checkInterface <- function(x, computeDevice = "native", forceNewObject = FALSE, testOnly = FALSE) {
    if (forceNewObject
        || is.null(x$cyclopsInterfacePtr)
        || !inherits(x$cyclopsInterfacePtr, "externalptr")
        || .isRcppPtrNull(x$cyclopsInterfacePtr)
        #|| .cyclopsGetComputeDevice(x$cyclopsInterfacePtr) != computeDevice TODO is this necessary?
    ) {

        if (testOnly == TRUE) {
            stop("Interface object is not initialized")

        if (computeDevice != "native") {
            stopifnot(computeDevice %in% listGPUDevices())

        # Build interface
        interface <- .cyclopsInitializeModel(x$cyclopsDataPtr, modelType = x$modelType, computeDevice, computeMLE = TRUE)
        # TODO Check for errors
        assign("cyclopsInterfacePtr", interface$interface, x)

#' @title Extract model coefficients
#' @description
#' \code{coef.cyclopsFit} extracts model coefficients from an Cyclops model fit object
#' @param object    Cyclops model fit object
#' @param rescale   Boolean: rescale coefficients for unnormalized covariate values
#' @param ignoreConvergence Boolean: return coefficients even if fit object did not converge
#' @param ...       Other arguments
#' @return Named numeric vector of model coefficients.
#' @export
coef.cyclopsFit <- function(object, rescale = FALSE, ignoreConvergence = FALSE, ...) {

    if (object$return_flag != "SUCCESS" && !ignoreConvergence) {
        stop("Cyclops estimation is null; suspect that estimation did not converge.")

    result <- object$estimation$estimate
    if (is.null(object$coefficientNames)) {
        names(result) <- object$estimation$column_label
        if ("0" %in% names(result)) {
            names(result)[which(names(result) == "0")] <- "(Intercept)"
    } else {
        names(result) <- object$coefficientNames

    if (!is.null(object$scale) && rescale) {
        result <- result * object$scale

#' @title Get hyperparameter
#' @description
#' \code{getHyperParameter} returns the current hyper parameter in a Cyclops model fit object
#' @param object    A Cyclops model fit object
#' @template elaborateExample
#' @export
getHyperParameter <- function(object) {
    if (inherits(object, "cyclopsFit")) {
    } else {

#' @title Extract log-likelihood
#' @description
#' \code{logLik} returns the current log-likelihood of the fit in a Cyclops model fit object
#' @param object    A Cyclops model fit object
#' @param ...       Additional arguments
#' @template elaborateExample
#' @export
logLik.cyclopsFit <- function(object, ...) {
    out <- object$log_likelihood
    attr(out, 'df') <- sum(!is.na(coefficients(object)))
    attr(out, 'nobs') <- getNumberOfRows(object$cyclopsData)
    class(out) <- 'logLik'

#' @method print cyclopsFit
#' @title Print a Cyclops model fit object
#' @description
#' \code{print.cyclopsFit} displays information about a Cyclops model fit object
#' @param x    A Cyclops model fit object
#' @param show.call Logical: display last call to update the Cyclops model fit object
#' @param ...   Additional arguments
#' @export
print.cyclopsFit <- function(x, show.call=TRUE ,...) {
    cat("Cyclops model fit object\n\n")

    if (show.call && !is.null(x$call)) {
        cat("Call: ",paste(deparse(x$call),sep="\n",collapse="\n"),"\n\n",sep="")
    cat("           Model: ", x$cyclopsData$modelType, "\n", sep="")
    cat("           Prior: ", x$prior_info, "\n", sep="")
    cat("  Hyperparameter: ", paste(x$variance, collapse=" "), "\n", sep="")
    cat("     Return flag: ", x$return_flag, "\n", sep="")
    if (x$return_flag == "SUCCESS") {
        cat("Log likelikehood: ", x$log_likelihood, "\n", sep="")
        cat("       Log prior: ", x$log_prior, "\n", sep="")

#' @title Create a Cyclops control object
#' @description
#' \code{createControl} creates a Cyclops control object for use with \code{\link{fitCyclopsModel}}.
#' @param maxIterations			Integer: maximum iterations of Cyclops to attempt before returning a failed-to-converge error
#' @param tolerance					Numeric: maximum relative change in convergence criterion from successive iterations to achieve convergence
#' @param convergenceType		String: name of convergence criterion to employ (described in more detail below)
#' @param cvType						String: name of cross validation search.
#' 													Option \code{"auto"} selects an auto-search following BBR.
#' 													Option \code{"grid"} selects a grid-search cross validation
#' @param fold							Numeric: Number of random folds to employ in cross validation
#' @param lowerLimit				Numeric: Lower prior variance limit for grid-search
#' @param upperLimit				Numeric: Upper prior variance limit for grid-search
#' @param gridSteps					Numeric: Number of steps in grid-search
#' @param cvRepetitions			Numeric: Number of repetitions of X-fold cross validation
#' @param minCVData					Numeric: Minimum number of data for cross validation
#' @param noiseLevel				String: level of Cyclops screen output (\code{"silent"}, \code{"quiet"}, \code{"noisy"})
#' @param threads               Numeric: Specify number of CPU threads to employ in cross-validation; default = 1 (auto = -1)
#' @param seed                  Numeric: Specify random number generator seed. A null value sets seed via \code{\link{Sys.time}}.
#' @param resetCoefficients     Logical: Reset all coefficients to 0 between model fits under cross-validation
#' @param startingVariance      Numeric: Starting variance for auto-search cross-validation; default = -1 (use estimate based on data)
#' @param useKKTSwindle Logical: Use the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions to limit search
#' @param tuneSwindle    Numeric: Size multiplier for active set
#' @param selectorType  String: name of exchangeable sampling unit.
#'                              Option \code{"byPid"} selects entire strata.
#'                              Option \code{"byRow"} selects single rows.
#'                              If set to \code{"auto"}, \code{"byRow"} will be used for all models except conditional models where
#'                              the average number of rows per stratum is smaller than the number of strata.
#' @param initialBound          Numeric: Starting trust-region size
#' @param maxBoundCount         Numeric: Maximum number of tries to decrease initial trust-region size
#' @param algorithm             String: name of fitting algorithm to employ; default is `ccd`
#' @param doItAll               Currently unused
#' @param syncCV                Currently unused
#' Todo: Describe convegence types
#' @return
#' A Cyclops control object of class inheriting from \code{"cyclopsControl"} for use with \code{\link{fitCyclopsModel}}.
#' @template elaborateExample
#' @export
createControl <- function(maxIterations = 1000,
                          tolerance = 1E-6,
                          convergenceType = "gradient",
                          cvType = "auto",
                          fold = 10,
                          lowerLimit = 0.01,
                          upperLimit = 20.0,
                          gridSteps = 10,
                          cvRepetitions = 1,
                          minCVData = 100,
                          noiseLevel = "silent",
                          threads = 1,
                          seed = NULL,
                          resetCoefficients = FALSE,
                          startingVariance = -1,
                          useKKTSwindle = FALSE,
                          tuneSwindle = 10,
                          selectorType = "auto",
                          initialBound = 2.0,
                          maxBoundCount = 5,
                          algorithm = "ccd",
                          doItAll = TRUE,
                          syncCV = FALSE) {
    validCVNames = c("grid", "auto")
    stopifnot(cvType %in% validCVNames)

    validNLNames = c("silent", "quiet", "noisy")
    stopifnot(noiseLevel %in% validNLNames)
    stopifnot(threads == -1 || threads >= 1)
    stopifnot(startingVariance == -1 || startingVariance > 0)
    stopifnot(selectorType %in% c("auto","byPid", "byRow"))

    validAlgorithmNames = c("ccd", "mm")
    stopifnot(algorithm %in% validAlgorithmNames)

    structure(list(maxIterations = maxIterations,
                   tolerance = tolerance,
                   convergenceType = convergenceType,
                   autoSearch = (cvType == "auto"),
                   fold = fold,
                   lowerLimit = lowerLimit,
                   upperLimit = upperLimit,
                   gridSteps = gridSteps,
                   minCVData = minCVData,
                   cvRepetitions = cvRepetitions,
                   noiseLevel = noiseLevel,
                   threads = threads,
                   seed = seed,
                   resetCoefficients = resetCoefficients,
                   startingVariance = startingVariance,
                   useKKTSwindle = useKKTSwindle,
                   tuneSwindle = tuneSwindle,
                   selectorType = selectorType,
                   initialBound = initialBound,
                   maxBoundCount = maxBoundCount,
                   algorithm = algorithm,
                   doItAll = doItAll,
                   syncCV = syncCV),
              class = "cyclopsControl")

#' @title Create a Cyclops prior object
#' @description
#' \code{createPrior} creates a Cyclops prior object for use with \code{\link{fitCyclopsModel}}.
#' @param priorType     Character: specifies prior distribution.  See below for options
#' @param variance      Numeric: prior distribution variance
#' @param exclude       A vector of numbers or covariateId names to exclude from prior
#' @param graph         Child-to-parent mapping for a hierarchical prior
#' @param neighborhood  A list of first-order neighborhoods for a partially fused prior
#' @param useCrossValidation    Logical: Perform cross-validation to determine prior \code{variance}.
#' @param forceIntercept  Logical: Force intercept coefficient into prior
#' @section Prior types:
#' We specify all priors in terms of their variance parameters.
#' Similar fitting tools for regularized regression often parameterize the Laplace distribution
#' in terms of a rate \code{"lambda"} per observation.
#' See \code{"glmnet"}, for example.
#' variance = 2 * / (nobs * lambda)^2 or lambda = sqrt(2 / variance) / nobs
#' @template elaborateExample
#' @return
#' A Cyclops prior object of class inheriting from \code{"cyclopsPrior"} for use with \code{fitCyclopsModel}.
#' @export
createPrior <- function(priorType,
                        variance = 1,
                        exclude = c(),
                        graph = NULL,
                        neighborhood = NULL,
                        useCrossValidation = FALSE,
                        forceIntercept = FALSE) {
    validNames = c("none", "laplace","normal", "barupdate", "hierarchical", "jeffreys")
    stopifnot(priorType %in% validNames)
    if (!is.null(exclude)) {
        if (!inherits(exclude, "character") &&
                !inherits(exclude, "numeric") &&
                !inherits(exclude, "integer")
        ) {
            stop(cat("Unable to parse excluded covariates:"), exclude)

    if (length(priorType) != length(variance)) {
        stop("Prior types and variances have a dimensionality mismatch")

    if (all(priorType == "none") && useCrossValidation) {
        stop("Cannot perform cross validation with a flat prior")
    if (any(priorType == "barupdate") && useCrossValidation) {
        stop("Cannot perform cross valudation with BAR updates")
    if (any(priorType == "hierarchical") && missing(graph)) {
        stop("Must provide a graph for a hierarchical prior")
    if (!is.null(neighborhood)) {
        allNames <- unlist(neighborhood)
        if (!inherits(allNames, "character") &&
            !inherits(allNames, "numeric") &&
            !inherits(allNames, "integer")) {
            stop(cat("Unable to parse neighborhood covariates:"), allNames)
    structure(list(priorType = priorType, variance = variance, exclude = exclude,
                   graph = graph,
                   neighborhood = neighborhood,
                   useCrossValidation = useCrossValidation, forceIntercept = forceIntercept),
              class = "cyclopsPrior")

# .cyclopsSetCoefficients <- function(object, coefficients) {
#     .checkInterface(object$cyclopsData, testOnly = TRUE)
#     if (length(coefficients) != getNumberOfCovariates(object$cyclopsData)) {
#         stop("Must provide a value for each coefficient")
#     }
#     if (.cyclopsGetHasOffset(object$cyclopsData)) {
#         coefficients <- c(1.0, coefficients)
#     }
#     .cyclopsSetBeta(object$cyclopsData$cyclopsInterfacePtr, coefficients)
# }

#' @title Compute predictive log-likelihood from a Cyclops model fit
#' @description
#' \code{getCyclopsPredictiveLogLikelihood} returns the log-likelihood of a subset of the data in a Cyclops model fit object.
#' @param object    A Cyclops model fit object
#' @param weights   Numeric vector: vector of 0/1 identifying subset (=1) of rows from \code{object} to use in computing the log-likelihood
#' @return The predictive log-likelihood
#' @keywords internal
getCyclopsPredictiveLogLikelihood <- function(object, weights) {
    .checkInterface(object$cyclopsData, testOnly = TRUE)

    if (length(weights) != getNumberOfRows(object$cyclopsData)) {
        stop("Must provide a weight for each data row")
    if (any(weights < 0)) {
        stop("Only non-negative weights are allowed")

    if(!is.null(object$cyclopsData$sortOrder)) {
        weights <- weights[object$cyclopsData$sortOrder]
    # TODO Remove code duplication with weights section of fitCyclopsModel

    .cyclopsGetNewPredictiveLogLikelihood(object$cyclopsData$cyclopsInterfacePtr, weights)

#' @title Get cross-validation information from a Cyclops model fit
#' @description {getCrossValidationInfo} returns the predicted optimal cross-validation point and ordinate
#' @param object A Cyclops model fit object
#' @keywords internal
getCrossValidationInfo <- function(object) {
    info <- object$cross_validation

    if (is.na(info) || info == "") {
        stop("No cross-validation information is available")

    values <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(info, " ")))
    list(ordinate = values[1],
         point = values[-1])

.setControl <- function(cyclopsInterfacePtr, control) {
    if (!missing(control)) {
        stopifnot(inherits(control, "cyclopsControl"))

        if (is.null(control$seed)) {
            control$seed <- as.integer(Sys.time())

        if (is.null(control$algorithm) || is.na(control$algorithm)) { # Provide backwards compatibility
            control$algorithm <- "ccd"

        .cyclopsSetControl(cyclopsInterfacePtr, control$maxIterations, control$tolerance,
                           control$convergenceType, control$autoSearch, control$fold,
                           (control$fold * control$cvRepetitions),
                           control$lowerLimit, control$upperLimit, control$gridSteps,
                           control$noiseLevel, control$threads, control$seed, control$resetCoefficients,
                           control$startingVariance, control$useKKTSwindle, control$tuneSwindle,
                           control$selectorType, control$initialBound, control$maxBoundCount,
                           control$algorithm, control$doItAll, control$syncCV


#' @title Extract standard errors
#' @description
#' \code{getSEs} extracts asymptotic standard errors for specific covariates from a Cyclops model fit object.
#' @details This function first computes the (partial) Fisher information matrix for
#' just the requested covariates and then returns the square root of the diagonal elements of
#' the inverse of the Fisher information matrix.  These are the asymptotic standard errors
#' when all possible covariates are included.
#' When the requested covariates do not equate to all coefficients in the model,
#' then interpretation is more challenging.
#' @param object    A Cyclops model fit object
#' @param covariates    Integer or string vector: list of covariates for which asymptotic standard errors are wanted
#' @return Vector of standard error estimates
#' @keywords internal
getSEs <- function(object, covariates) {
    .checkInterface(object$cyclopsData, testOnly = TRUE)
    covariates <- .checkCovariates(object$cyclopsData, covariates)
    if (getNumberOfCovariates(object$cyclopsData) != length(covariates)) {
        warning("Asymptotic standard errors are only valid if computed for all covariates simultaneously")

    fisherInformation <- .cyclopsGetFisherInformation(object$cyclopsData$cyclopsInterfacePtr, covariates)
    ses <- sqrt(diag(solve(fisherInformation)))
    names(ses) <- object$coefficientNames[as.integer(covariates)]

#' @title Run Bootstrap for Cyclops model parameter
#' @param object    A fitted Cyclops model object
#' @param outFileName     Character: Output file name
#' @param treatmentId     Character: variable to output
#' @param replicates      Numeric: number of bootstrap samples
#' @export
runBootstrap <- function(object, outFileName, treatmentId, replicates) {
    .checkInterface(object$cyclopsData, testOnly = TRUE)
    bs <- .cyclopsRunBootstrap(object$cyclopsData$cyclopsInterfacePtr, outFileName, treatmentId, replicates)

#' @title Confidence intervals for Cyclops model parameters
#' @description
#' \code{confinit.cyclopsFit} profiles the data likelihood to construct confidence intervals of
#' arbitrary level. Usually it only makes sense to do this for variables that have not been regularized.
#' @param object    A fitted Cyclops model object
#' @param parm      A specification of which parameters require confidence intervals,
#'                  either a vector of numbers of covariateId names
#' @param level     Numeric: confidence level required
## @param control   A Cyclops \code{\link{control}} object
#' @param overrideNoRegularization   Logical: Enable confidence interval estimation for regularized parameters
#' @param includePenalty    Logical: Include regularized covariate penalty in profile
#' @param rescale   Boolean: rescale coefficients for unnormalized covariate values
#' @param ... Additional argument(s) for methods
#' @return
#' A matrix with columns reporting lower and upper confidence limits for each parameter.
#' These columns are labelled as (1-level) / 2 and 1 - (1 - level) / 2 in percent
#' (by default 2.5 percent and 97.5 percent)
#' @template elaborateExample
#' @export
confint.cyclopsFit <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, #control,
                               overrideNoRegularization = FALSE,
                               includePenalty = TRUE,
                               rescale = FALSE, ...) {
    .checkInterface(object$cyclopsData, testOnly = TRUE)
    #.setControl(object$cyclopsData$cyclopsInterfacePtr, control)

    parm <- .checkCovariates(object$cyclopsData, parm)
    if (level < 0.01 || level > 0.99) {
        stop("level must be between 0 and 1")
    threshold <- qchisq(level, df = 1) / 2
    threads <- object$threads

    if (!is.null(object$fixedCoefficients)) {
        if (any(object$fixedCoefficients[as.integer(parm)])) {
            stop("Cannot estimate confidence interval for a fixed coefficient")

    prof <- .cyclopsProfileModel(object$cyclopsData$cyclopsInterfacePtr, parm,
                                 threads, threshold,

    indices <- match(parm, getCovariateIds(object$cyclopsData))

    if (!is.null(object$scale) && rescale) {
        prof$lower <- prof$lower * object$scale[indices]
        prof$upper <- prof$upper * object$scale[indices]
    prof <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(prof))
    rownames(prof) <- object$coefficientNames[indices]
    qs <- c((1 - level) / 2, 1 - (1 - level) / 2) * 100
    colnames(prof)[2:3] <- paste(sprintf("%.1f", qs), "%")

    # Change NaN to NA
    prof[which(is.nan(prof[, 2])), 2] <- NA
    prof[which(is.nan(prof[, 3])), 3] <- NA


.initAdaptiveProfile <- function(object, parm, bounds, includePenalty) {
    # If an MLE was found, let's not throw that bit of important information away:
    if (object$return_flag == "SUCCESS" &&
        coef(object)[as.character(parm)] > bounds[1] &&
        coef(object)[as.character(parm)] < bounds[2]) {
        profile <- tibble(point = coef(object)[as.character(parm)],
                          value = fixedGridProfileLogLikelihood(object, parm, coef(object)[as.character(parm)], includePenalty)$value)
    } else {
        profile <- tibble()

#' @title Profile likelihood for Cyclops model parameters
#' @description
#' \code{getCyclopsProfileLogLikelihood} evaluates the profile likelihood at a grid of parameter values.
#' @param object    Fitted Cyclops model object
#' @param parm      Specification of which parameter requires profiling,
#'                  either a vector of numbers of covariateId names
#' @param x         Vector of values of the parameter
#' @param bounds    Pair of values to bound adaptive profiling
#' @param tolerance Absolute tolerance allowed for adaptive profiling
#' @param initialGridSize Initial grid size for adaptive profiling
#' @param includePenalty    Logical: Include regularized covariate penalty in profile
#' @return
#' A data frame containing the profile log likelihood. Returns NULL when the adaptive profiling fails
#' to converge.
#' @export
getCyclopsProfileLogLikelihood <- function(object,
                                           x = NULL,
                                           bounds = NULL,
                                           tolerance = 1E-3,
                                           initialGridSize = 10,
                                           includePenalty = TRUE) {
    maxResets <- 10
    if (!xor(is.null(x), is.null(bounds))) {
        stop("Must provide either `x` or `bounds`, but not both.")

    if (!is.null(bounds)) { # Adaptive profiling using recursive calls

        if (length(bounds) != 2 || bounds[1] >= bounds[2]) {
            stop("Must provide bounds[1] < bounds[2]")
        profile <- .initAdaptiveProfile(object, parm, bounds, includePenalty)

        # Start with sparse grid:
        grid <- seq(bounds[1], bounds[2], length.out = initialGridSize)

        # Iterate until stopping criteria met:
        priorMaxMaxError <- Inf
        resetsPerformed <- 0
        while (length(grid) != 0) {
            ll <- fixedGridProfileLogLikelihood(object, parm, grid, includePenalty)
            profile <- bind_rows(profile, ll) %>% arrange(.data$point)
            invalid <- is.nan(profile$value) | is.infinite(profile$value)
            if (any(invalid)) {
                if (all(invalid)) {
                    warning("Failing to compute likelihood at entire initial grid.")

                start <- min(which(!invalid))
                end <- max(which(!invalid))
                if (start == end) {
                    warning("Failing to compute likelihood at entire grid except one. Giving up")
                profile <- profile[start:end, ]
                invalid <- invalid[start:end]
                if (any(invalid)) {
                    warning("Failing to compute likelihood in non-extreme regions. Giving up.")
                warning("Failing to compute likelihood at extremes. Truncating bounds.")

            deltaX <- profile$point[2:nrow(profile)] - profile$point[1:(nrow(profile) - 1)]
            deltaY <- profile$value[2:nrow(profile)] - profile$value[1:(nrow(profile) - 1)]
            slopes <- deltaY / deltaX

            if (resetsPerformed < maxResets && !all(slopes[2:length(slopes)] < slopes[1:(length(slopes)-1)])) {
                warning("Coefficient drift detected. Resetting Cyclops object and recomputing all likelihood values computed so far.")
                grid <- profile$point
                profile <- tibble()
                interface <- .cyclopsInitializeModel(object$cyclopsData$cyclopsDataPtr, modelType = object$cyclopsData$modelType, "native", computeMLE = TRUE)
                assign("cyclopsInterfacePtr", interface$interface, object)
                resetsPerformed <- resetsPerformed + 1

            # Compute where prior and posterior slopes intersect
            slopes <- c(slopes[1] + (slopes[2] - slopes[3]),
                        slopes[length(slopes)] - (slopes[length(slopes) - 1] - slopes[length(slopes)]))

            interceptX <- (profile$value[2:nrow(profile)] -
                               profile$point[2:nrow(profile)] * slopes[3:length(slopes)] -
                               profile$value[1:(nrow(profile) - 1)] +
                               profile$point[1:(nrow(profile) - 1)] * slopes[1:(length(slopes) - 2)]) /
                (slopes[1:(length(slopes) - 2)] - slopes[3:length(slopes)])

            # Compute absolute difference between linear interpolation and worst case scenario (which is at the intercept):
            maxError <- abs((profile$value[1:(nrow(profile) - 1)] + (interceptX - profile$point[1:(nrow(profile) - 1)]) * slopes[1:(length(slopes) - 2)]) -
                                (profile$value[1:(nrow(profile) - 1)] + (interceptX - profile$point[1:(nrow(profile) - 1)]) * slopes[2:(length(slopes) - 1)]))

            maxMaxError <- max(maxError, na.rm = TRUE)
            if (is.na(maxMaxError) || maxMaxError > priorMaxMaxError) {
                warning("Failing to converge when using adaptive profiling.")
            priorMaxMaxError <- maxMaxError

            exceed <- which(maxError > tolerance)
            grid <- (profile$point[exceed] + profile$point[exceed + 1]) / 2
    } else { # Use x
        profile <- fixedGridProfileLogLikelihood(object, parm, x, includePenalty)


fixedGridProfileLogLikelihood <- function(object, parm, x, includePenalty) {

    .checkInterface(object$cyclopsData, testOnly = TRUE)
    parm <- .checkCovariates(object$cyclopsData, parm)
    threads <- object$threads

    if (getNumberOfCovariates(object$cyclopsData) == 1 || length(x) == 1) {
        grid <- .cyclopsGetProfileLikelihood(object$cyclopsData$cyclopsInterfacePtr, parm, x,
                                             threads, includePenalty)
    } else {
        # Partition sequence
        y <- sort(x)
        midPt <- floor(length(x) / 2)
        lower <- y[midPt:1]
        upper <- y[(midPt + 1):length(x)]

        # Execute: TODO chunk and repeat until ill-conditioned
        gridLower <- .cyclopsGetProfileLikelihood(object$cyclopsData$cyclopsInterfacePtr, parm, lower,
                                                  threads, includePenalty)
        gridUpper <- .cyclopsGetProfileLikelihood(object$cyclopsData$cyclopsInterfacePtr, parm, upper,
                                                  threads, includePenalty)
        # Merge
        grid <- rbind(gridLower, gridUpper)
        grid <- grid[order(grid$point),]
        rownames(grid) <- NULL


#' @title Asymptotic confidence intervals for a fitted Cyclops model object
#' @description
#' \code{aconfinit} constructs confidence intervals of
#' arbitrary level using asymptotic standard error estimates.
#' @param object    A fitted Cyclops model object
#' @param parm      A specification of which parameters require confidence intervals,
#'                  either a vector of numbers of covariateId names
#' @param level     Numeric: confidence level required
#' @param control   A \code{"cyclopsControl"} object constructed by \code{\link{createControl}}
#' @param overrideNoRegularization   Logical: Enable confidence interval estimation for regularized parameters
#' @param ... Additional argument(s) for methods
#' @return
#' A matrix with columns reporting lower and upper confidence limits for each parameter.
#' These columns are labelled as (1-level) / 2 and 1 - (1 - level) / 2 in %
#' (by default 2.5% and 97.5%)
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
aconfint <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, control,
                     overrideNoRegularization = FALSE, ...) {
    .checkInterface(object$cyclopsData, testOnly = TRUE)
    .setControl(object$cyclopsData$cyclopsInterfacePtr, control)
    cf <- coef(object)
    if (missing(parm)) {
        parm <- names(cf)
    #parm <- .checkCovariates(object$cyclopsData, parm)
    if (level < 0.01 || level > 0.99) {
        stop("level must be between 0 and 1")
    a <- (1 - level) / 2
    a <- c(a, 1 - a)
    pct <- paste(sprintf("%.1f", a * 100), "%")
    fac <- qnorm(a)
    ci <- array(NA, dim = c(length(parm), 2L), dimnames = list(parm, pct))
    ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(object)))[parm]
    ci[] <- cf[parm] + ses %o% fac

#' @title Calculate variance-covariance matrix for a fitted Cyclops model object
#' @description
#' \code{vcov.cyclopsFit} returns the variance-covariance matrix for all covariates of a Cyclops model object
#' @param object    A fitted Cyclops model object
#' @param control    A \code{"cyclopsControl"} object constructed by \code{\link{createControl}}
#' @param overrideNoRegularization   Logical: Enable variance-covariance estimation for regularized parameters
#' @param ... Additional argument(s) for methods
#' @return
#' A matrix of the estimates covariances between all covariate estimates.
#' @export
vcov.cyclopsFit <- function(object, control, overrideNoRegularization = FALSE, ...) {
    .checkInterface(object$cyclopsData, testOnly = TRUE)
    .setControl(object$cyclopsData$cyclopsInterfacePtr, control)
    fisherInformation <- .cyclopsGetFisherInformation(object$cyclopsData$cyclopsInterfacePtr, NULL)
    vcov <- solve(fisherInformation)
    if (!is.null(object$coefficientNames)) {
        rownames(vcov) <- object$coefficientNames
        colnames(vcov) <- object$coefficientNames

#' @title Convert to Cyclops Prior Variance
#' @description
#' \code{convertToCyclopsVariance} converts the regularization parameter \code{lambda}
#' from \code{glmnet} into a prior variance.
#' @param lambda    Regularization parameter from \code{glmnet}
#' @param nobs      Number of observation rows in dataset
#' @return Prior variance under a Laplace() prior
#' @keywords internal
convertToCyclopsVariance <- function(lambda, nobs) {
    2 / (nobs * lambda)^2

#' @title Convert to glmnet regularization parameter
#' @description
#' \code{convertToGlmnetLambda} converts a prior variance
#' from \code{Cyclops} into the regularization parameter \code{lambda}.
#' @param variance  Prior variance
#' @param nobs      Number of observation rows in dataset
#' @return \code{lambda}
#' @keywords internal
convertToGlmnetLambda <- function(variance, nobs) {
    sqrt(2 / variance) / nobs

.makeHierarchyGraph <- function(cyclopsData, graph) {
    nTypes <- getNumberOfTypes(cyclopsData)
    if (nTypes < 2 || graph != "type") stop("Only multitype hierarchies are currently supported")
    hasOffset <- .cyclopsGetHasOffset(cyclopsData)
    if (hasOffset) stop("Hierarchies with offset covariates are currently not supported")

    # Build Multitype hierarchy
    nChild <- getNumberOfCovariates(cyclopsData)
    nParents <- nChild / nTypes

    graph <-  lapply(0:(nParents - 1), function(n, types) { 0:(nTypes - 1) + n * nTypes }, types = nTypes)

.getNumberOfRepetitions <- function(nrows) {
    top <- 1E2
    factor <- 0.5
        ceiling(top / nrows^(factor))
        , 10), 1)
OHDSI/Cyclops documentation built on Sept. 22, 2024, 8:02 p.m.