
Defines functions getUserDefPKParametersContent removeCommentsFromWorkflowContent getFileLocationFromType getSimulationSetType getPKParametersContent getObservedMetaDataFile getSensitivityVariableParameterPaths dataSourceNamesFromIdentifier outputNamesFromIdentifier getHeaderNames getIdentifierInfo getWorkflowContent getSimulationSetContent getDataSourcesContent getOutputsContent getPKParametersInfoContent getScriptDocumentation createWorkflowFromExcelInput

Documented in createWorkflowFromExcelInput dataSourceNamesFromIdentifier getDataSourcesContent getFileLocationFromType getHeaderNames getIdentifierInfo getOutputsContent getPKParametersContent getPKParametersInfoContent getScriptDocumentation getSensitivityVariableParameterPaths getSimulationSetContent getSimulationSetType getUserDefPKParametersContent getWorkflowContent outputNamesFromIdentifier removeCommentsFromWorkflowContent

# ----- Helper enums -----
#' @title StandardExcelSheetNames
#' @description Enum defining the standard names for the Excel sheets of template
#' @import ospsuite.utils
#' @keywords internal
StandardExcelSheetNames <- enum(c(
  "Workflow and Tasks",
  "Data Sources",
  "Userdef PK Parameter",
  "PK Parameter",

#' @title WorkflowMandatoryVariables
#' @description Mandatory Columns for standard sheets
#' @import ospsuite.utils
#' @keywords internal
WorkflowMandatoryVariables <- enum(c(
  "Code Identifier",

#' @title OptionalSettings
#' @description Workflow optional settings
#' @keywords internal
OptionalSettings <- list(
  "reportFileName" = "workflow$reportFileName <- ",
  "simulate: numberOfCores" = "workflow$simulate$settings$numberOfCores <- ",
  "simulate: showProgress" = "workflow$simulate$settings$showProgress <- ",
  "calculateSensitivity: numberOfCores" = "workflow$calculateSensitivity$settings$numberOfCores <- ",
  "calculateSensitivity: showProgress" = "workflow$calculateSensitivity$settings$showProgress <- ",
  "calculateSensitivity: quantileVec" = "workflow$calculateSensitivity$settings$quantileVec <- ",
  "calculateSensitivity: variationRange" = "workflow$calculateSensitivity$settings$variationRange <- ",
  "calculateSensitivity: variableParameterPaths" = "workflow$calculateSensitivity$settings$variableParameterPaths <- ",
  "plotSensitivity: maximalParametersPerSensitivityPlot" = "workflow$plotSensitivity$settings$maximalParametersPerSensitivityPlot <- ",
  "plotSensitivity: totalSensitivityThreshold" = "workflow$plotSensitivity$settings$totalSensitivityThreshold <- ",
  "plotSensitivity: xAxisFontSize" = "workflow$plotSensitivity$settings$xAxisFontSize <- ",
  "plotSensitivity: yAxisFontSize" = "workflow$plotSensitivity$settings$yAxisFontSize <- "

#' @title WorkflowCodeIdentifiers
#' @description Workflow Code Identifiers
#' @import ospsuite.utils
#' @keywords internal
WorkflowCodeIdentifiers <- enum(c(
  "Workflow Mode",
  "Population Workflow type",

#' @title SimulationCodeIdentifiers
#' @description Simulation Sets Code Identifiers
#' @import ospsuite.utils
#' @keywords internal
SimulationCodeIdentifiers <- enum(c(
#' @title DataSourceCodeIdentifiers
#' @description Data Sources Code Identifiers
#' @import ospsuite.utils
#' @keywords internal
DataSourcesCodeIdentifiers <- enum(c(

#' @title OutputsCodeIdentifiers
#' @description Outputs Code Identifiers
#' @import ospsuite.utils
#' @keywords internal
OutputsCodeIdentifiers <- enum(c(

#' @title UserDefPKParametersOptionalSettings
#' @description UserDefPKParametersOptionalSettings
#' @keywords internal
UserDefPKParametersOptionalSettings <- list(
  "StartTime [min]" = " $startTime <- ",
  "StartApplicationIndex" = " $startApplicationIndex <- ",
  "StartTimeOffset [min]" = " $startTimeOffset <- ",
  "EndTime [min]" = " $endTime <- ",
  "EndApplicationIndex" = " $endApplicationIndex <- ",
  "EndTimeOffset [min]" = " $endTimeOffset <- ",
  "NormalizationFactor" = " $normalizationFactor <- ",
  "ConcentrationThreshold [µmol/l]" = " $concentrationThreshold <- "

#' @title logicalCodeIds
#' @description Some of the identifiers above need to be treated
#' as logical by [getIdentifierInfo()] while usually input as `"Yes"`/`"No"`
#' @keywords internal
logicalCodeIds <- c(
  WorkflowCodeIdentifiers$`simulate: showProgress`,
  WorkflowCodeIdentifiers$`calculateSensitivity: showProgress`

#' @title asisCodeIds
#' @description Some of the identifiers above need to be treated
#' as is by [getIdentifierInfo()]
#' @keywords internal
asisCodeIds <- c(
  WorkflowCodeIdentifiers$`Workflow Mode`,
  setdiff(names(OptionalSettings), logicalCodeIds)

# ----- Exported Functions -----

#' @title createWorkflowFromExcelInput
#' @description Creates an R script for running mean model or population workflows from an Excel file
#' Note that the `{readxl}` package is required to use this function
#' @param excelFile name of the Excel file from which the R script is created
#' @param workflowFile name of the R script file created from the Excel file
#' @param removeComments logical to remove comments and information in `workflowFile`
#' @return An R script of name `workflowFile` to be run
#' @export
#' @family workflow helpers
createWorkflowFromExcelInput <- function(excelFile, workflowFile = "workflow.R", removeComments = FALSE) {
  # ----- Checks inputs -----
  if (!requireNamespace("readxl", quietly = TRUE)) {

    validateIsFileExtension(excelFile, c("xls", "xlsx"))
    validateIsFileExtension(workflowFile, "R")

    # ----- Script initialization -----
    scriptContent <- NULL
    # Initialize warnings and errors
    scriptWarnings <- ExcelMessaging$new("warnings")
    scriptErrors <- ExcelMessaging$new("errors")

    inputSections <- readxl::excel_sheets(excelFile)
    # Check for mandatory input sections
        StandardExcelSheetNames$`Workflow and Tasks`,
      groupName = paste0("Sheet names of '", excelFile, "'")

    # ----- Documentation -----
    if (isIncluded(StandardExcelSheetNames$`Documentation`, inputSections)) {
      scriptDocumentation <- getScriptDocumentation(excelFile)
      scriptContent <- c(scriptContent, scriptDocumentation)

    scriptContent <- c(
      '# Load package "ospsuite.reportingengine" (require() function install the package if not installed yet)',
      "require(ospsuite.reportingengine)", "",
      "# Reset settings such as plot theme or format of numeric in tables to Reporting Engine default values",
      "resetRESettingsToDefault()", ""

    # ----- User Defined PK Parameters -----
    userDefPKParametersContent <- NULL
    if (isIncluded(StandardExcelSheetNames$`Userdef PK Parameter`, inputSections)) {
      userDefPKParametersTable <- readxl::read_excel(excelFile, sheet = StandardExcelSheetNames$`Userdef PK Parameter`)
      validateIsIncluded(c("Name", "Standard PK parameter", "Display Unit"), names(userDefPKParametersTable))
      userDefPKParametersInfo <- getUserDefPKParametersContent(userDefPKParametersTable)
      userDefPKParametersContent <- userDefPKParametersInfo$content
      scriptWarnings$messages[["User Defined PK Parameters"]] <- userDefPKParametersInfo$warnings
      scriptErrors$messages[["User DefinedPK Parameters"]] <- userDefPKParametersInfo$errors

    # ----- PK Parameters -----
    pkParametersContent <- NULL
    if (isIncluded(StandardExcelSheetNames$`PK Parameter`, inputSections)) {
      pkParametersTable <- readxl::read_excel(excelFile, sheet = StandardExcelSheetNames$`PK Parameter`)
      validateIsIncluded(c("Name", "Display name", "Unit"), names(pkParametersTable))
      pkParametersInfo <- getPKParametersContent(pkParametersTable)
      pkParametersContent <- pkParametersInfo$content
      scriptWarnings$messages[["PK Parameters"]] <- pkParametersInfo$warnings
      scriptErrors$messages[["PK Parameters"]] <- pkParametersInfo$errors

    # ----- Workflow  -----
    workflowTable <- readxl::read_excel(excelFile, sheet = StandardExcelSheetNames$`Workflow and Tasks`)
    validateIsIncluded(WorkflowMandatoryVariables$`Code Identifier`, names(workflowTable)[1])
    validateIsIncluded(WorkflowMandatoryVariables$Description, names(workflowTable)[2])

    workflowInfo <- getWorkflowContent(workflowTable = workflowTable, excelFile = excelFile)
    workflowContent <- workflowInfo$content
    plotFormatContent <- workflowInfo$plotFormatContent
    activitySpecificContent <- workflowInfo$activitySpecificContent
    scriptWarnings$messages[["Workflow and Tasks"]] <- workflowInfo$warnings
    scriptErrors$messages[["Workflow and Tasks"]] <- workflowInfo$errors

    # ----- Simulation Sets -----
    simulationSetContent <- NULL
    simulationSetTable <- readxl::read_excel(excelFile, sheet = StandardExcelSheetNames$SimulationSets)
    validateIsIncluded(WorkflowMandatoryVariables$`Code Identifier`, names(simulationSetTable)[1])
    validateIsIncluded(WorkflowMandatoryVariables$Description, names(simulationSetTable)[2])

    simulationSetInfo <- getSimulationSetContent(excelFile, simulationSetTable, workflowMode = workflowInfo$workflowMode)
    simulationSetContent <- simulationSetInfo$content
    simulationSources <- simulationSetInfo$sources
    simulationOutputs <- simulationSetInfo$outputs
    scriptWarnings$messages[["Simulation Sets"]] <- simulationSetInfo$warnings
    scriptErrors$messages[["Simulation Sets"]] <- simulationSetInfo$errors

    # ----- Data Sources -----
    dataSourcesContent <- NULL
    useDataSources <- all(
      isIncluded(StandardExcelSheetNames$`Data Sources`, inputSections)
    if (useDataSources) {
      dataSourcesTable <- readxl::read_excel(excelFile, sheet = StandardExcelSheetNames$`Data Sources`)
      validateIsIncluded(WorkflowMandatoryVariables$`Code Identifier`, names(dataSourcesTable)[1])
      validateIsIncluded(WorkflowMandatoryVariables$Description, names(dataSourcesTable)[2])
      dataSourcesInfo <- getDataSourcesContent(excelFile, dataSourcesTable, simulationSources)
      dataSourcesContent <- dataSourcesInfo$content
      scriptWarnings$messages[["Data Sources"]] <- dataSourcesInfo$warnings
      scriptErrors$messages[["Data Sources"]] <- dataSourcesInfo$errors

    # ----- Outputs -----
    outputsContent <- NULL
    useOutputs <- all(
      isIncluded(StandardExcelSheetNames$Outputs, inputSections)
    if (useOutputs) {
      outputsTable <- readxl::read_excel(excelFile, sheet = StandardExcelSheetNames$Outputs)
      validateIsIncluded(WorkflowMandatoryVariables$`Code Identifier`, names(outputsTable)[1])
      validateIsIncluded(WorkflowMandatoryVariables$Description, names(outputsTable)[2])
      outputsInfo <- getOutputsContent(excelFile, outputsTable, simulationOutputs)
      outputsContent <- outputsInfo$content
      scriptWarnings$messages[["Outputs"]] <- outputsInfo$warnings
      scriptErrors$messages[["Outputs"]] <- outputsInfo$errors

    # ----- Run workflow -----
    runWorkflowContent <- c("", "workflow$runWorkflow()", "")

    # ----- Concatenate Sections -----
    scriptContent <- c(

    # Use styler to beautify and standardize the format of the output file
    # Used only if package is installed
    if (requireNamespace("styler", quietly = TRUE)) {
      scriptContent <- styler::style_text(scriptContent)

    if (removeComments) {
      scriptContent <- removeCommentsFromWorkflowContent(scriptContent)

    # Write the script
    fileObject <- file(workflowFile, encoding = "UTF-8")
    write(scriptContent, file = fileObject, sep = "\n")
  logInfo(paste0("Script '", workflowFile, "' successfully created"))

# ----- Internal Functions -----

#' @title getScriptDocumentation
#' @description Get R script from Documentation sheet
#' @param excelFile name of the Excel file from which the R script is created
#' @param colSep Displayed column separator written in script
#' @return Character vector translating the Documentation sheet
#' @keywords internal
getScriptDocumentation <- function(excelFile, colSep = "\t") {
  docContent <- NULL
    docTable <- readxl::read_excel(
      path = excelFile,
      sheet = StandardExcelSheetNames$`Documentation`,
      col_names = FALSE
  if (isEmpty(docTable)) {
  for (lineIndex in seq_len(nrow(docTable))) {
    docContent <- c(
      # Each line is commented
      paste0("# ", paste0(docTable[lineIndex, ], collapse = colSep))
  docContent <- c(docContent, "")

#' @title getPKParametersInfoContent
#' @description Creates a character vector to be written in a workflow .R script defining `pkParameters` input of `Output` object.
#' @param excelFile name of the Excel file from which the R script is created
#' @param pkParametersSheet name of the Excel sheet that defines the `pkParameters` information
#' @return Character vector defining `pkParameters` input of `Output` object
#' @keywords internal
getPKParametersInfoContent <- function(excelFile, pkParametersSheet) {
  pkParametersContent <- NULL
  pkParametersWarnings <- NULL
  pkParametersErrors <- NULL
  pkParametersTable <- readxl::read_excel(excelFile, sheet = pkParametersSheet)
  validateIsIncluded("Name", names(pkParametersTable)[1])

  # Check for duplicate PK parameters as input of Output object
  pkParametersWarnings <- excelCheckNoDuplicate(
    values = pkParametersTable$Name,
    variableName = paste0("selected PK parameters from Excel sheet '", pkParametersSheet, "'")

  # If none of the PK Parameters are updated, their names can directly be used as is
  if (all(is.na(pkParametersTable$`Display name`)) && all(is.na(pkParametersTable$Unit))) {
    pkParametersContent <- c(
      paste0("pkParameters <- c('", paste0(pkParametersTable$Name, collapse = "', '"), "')"),
      content = pkParametersContent,
      warnings = pkParametersWarnings,
      errors = pkParametersErrors

  # Check for duplicate PK parameter display names as input of Output object
  pkParametersErrors <- excelCheckNoDuplicate(
    values = pkParametersTable$`Display name`,
    variableName = paste0("display names of selected PK parameters from Excel sheet '", pkParametersSheet, "'")

  for (pkParameterIndex in seq_along(pkParametersTable$Name)) {
    pkParameter <- pkParametersTable$Name[pkParameterIndex]
    displayName <- pkParametersTable$`Display name`[pkParameterIndex]
    displayUnit <- pkParametersTable$Unit[pkParameterIndex]
    displayNameContent <- NULL
    displayUnitContent <- NULL
    # Any prevent crash from missing "Unit" or "Display name" column
    if (any(!is.na(displayName))) {
      displayNameContent <- paste0(", displayName = '", displayName, "'")
    if (any(!is.na(displayUnit))) {
      displayUnitContent <- paste0(", displayUnit = '", displayUnit, "'")
    pkParametersContent <- c(
        "pk", pkParameter, " <- PkParameterInfo$new(pkParameter = '", pkParameter, "'",
        displayNameContent, displayUnitContent, ")"
  pkParametersContent <- c(
      "pkParameters <- c(pk",
      paste0(pkParametersTable$Name, collapse = ", pk"),
    content = pkParametersContent,
    warnings = pkParametersWarnings,
    errors = pkParametersErrors

#' @title getOutputsContent
#' @description Creates a character vector to be written in a workflow .R script defining `Output` object.
#' @param excelFile name of the Excel file from which the R script is created
#' @param outputsTable Data.frame read from the Excel sheet "Outputs"
#' @param simulationOutputs Names of Output objects used by simulation sets
#' @return Character vector defining the `Output` object
#' @keywords internal
getOutputsContent <- function(excelFile, outputsTable, simulationOutputs) {
  outputsWarnings <- NULL
  outputsErrors <- NULL

  outputsNames <- getHeaderNames(outputsTable)
  outputsContent <- paste0(
    "# Create a Output objects named ", paste(outputsNames, collapse = ", "),
    " defining simulation output paths to be used in the workflow",
    "# The 'pkParameters' input can be a character array using defined PK Parameter names",
    "or an array of 'PkParameterInfo' objects"
  # Check that all DataSource objects defined in simulation sets are included Data Sources table
  if (!isIncluded(simulationOutputs, outputsNames)) {
    undefinedOutputs <- setdiff(simulationOutputs, outputsNames)
    outputsErrors <- c(
        "The following objects were not defined in the '", highlight("Outputs"), "' sheet: '",
        paste(highlight(undefinedOutputs), collapse = "', '"), "'"
  outputsErrors <- c(
    excelCheckNoDuplicate(values = outputsNames, variableName = "Output names")

  for (outputsIndex in seq_along(outputsNames)) {
    pkParametersOutputContent <- NULL
    pkParametersSheet <- getIdentifierInfo(outputsTable, outputsIndex, OutputsCodeIdentifiers$pkParameters)
    if (!is.na(pkParametersSheet)) {
      validateIsIncludedAndLog(pkParametersSheet, readxl::excel_sheets(excelFile), groupName = paste0("Sheet names of '", excelFile, "'"))
      pkParametersInfo <- getPKParametersInfoContent(excelFile, pkParametersSheet)
      pkParametersContent <- pkParametersInfo$content

      outputsWarnings <- c(outputsWarnings, pkParametersInfo$warnings)
      outputsErrors <- c(outputsErrors, pkParametersInfo$errors)
      # Define PK Parameters before each Output definition
      outputsContent <- c(outputsContent, pkParametersContent)
      # The line break within paste0 is needed to ensure a nice structure in the output script
      pkParametersOutputContent <- paste0(",\npkParameters = pkParameters")

    outputsContent <- c(
        outputsNames[outputsIndex], " <- Output$new(",
        "path = ", getIdentifierInfo(outputsTable, outputsIndex, OutputsCodeIdentifiers$path), ",\n",
        "displayName = ", getIdentifierInfo(outputsTable, outputsIndex, OutputsCodeIdentifiers$displayName), ",\n",
        "displayUnit = ", getIdentifierInfo(outputsTable, outputsIndex, OutputsCodeIdentifiers$displayUnit), ",\n",
        "groupID = ", getIdentifierInfo(outputsTable, outputsIndex, OutputsCodeIdentifiers$groupID), ",\n",
        "color = ", getIdentifierInfo(outputsTable, outputsIndex, OutputsCodeIdentifiers$color), ",\n",
        "fill = ", getIdentifierInfo(outputsTable, outputsIndex, OutputsCodeIdentifiers$fill), ",\n",
        "dataSelection = ", getIdentifierInfo(outputsTable, outputsIndex, OutputsCodeIdentifiers$dataSelection), ",\n",
        "dataUnit = ", getIdentifierInfo(outputsTable, outputsIndex, OutputsCodeIdentifiers$dataUnit), ",\n",
        "dataDisplayName = ", getIdentifierInfo(outputsTable, outputsIndex, OutputsCodeIdentifiers$dataDisplayName),
    content = outputsContent,
    warnings = outputsWarnings,
    errors = outputsErrors

#' @title getDataSourcesContent
#' @description Creates a character vector to be written in a workflow .R script defining `DataSource` objects.
#' @param excelFile name of the Excel file from which the R script is created
#' @param dataSourcesTable Data.frame read from the Excel sheet "DataSources"
#' @param simulationSources Names of DataSource objects used by simulation sets
#' @return Character vector defining the `DataSource` objects
#' @keywords internal
getDataSourcesContent <- function(excelFile, dataSourcesTable, simulationSources) {
  dataSourcesWarnings <- NULL
  dataSourcesErrors <- NULL

  dataSourcesNames <- getHeaderNames(dataSourcesTable)
  dataSourcesContent <- paste0(
    "# Create a DataSource objects named ", paste(dataSourcesNames, collapse = ", "),
    " defining observed datasets to be used in the workflow"
  # Check that all DataSource objects defined in simulation sets are included Data Sources table
  if (!isIncluded(simulationSources, dataSourcesNames)) {
    undefinedSources <- setdiff(simulationSources, dataSourcesNames)
    dataSourcesErrors <- c(
        "The following objects were not defined in the '", highlight("Data Sources"), "' sheet: '",
        paste(highlight(undefinedSources), collapse = "', '"), "'"
  dataSourcesErrors <- c(
    excelCheckNoDuplicate(values = dataSourcesNames, variableName = "Data Source names")

  for (dataSourceIndex in seq_along(dataSourcesNames)) {
    # Function for dictionary
    dictionaryType <- getIdentifierInfo(dataSourcesTable, dataSourceIndex, DataSourcesCodeIdentifiers$DictionaryType)
    dictionaryLocation <- getIdentifierInfo(dataSourcesTable, dataSourceIndex, DataSourcesCodeIdentifiers$DictionaryLocation)
    dictionaryLocation <- getFileLocationFromType(
      location = dictionaryLocation,
      type = dictionaryType,
      excelFile = excelFile
    # Throw an error if file already exists and sheet tried to overwrite it
    # The simulation set input will still have the aimed dictionary file path
    if (is.null(dictionaryLocation)) {
      dataSourcesErrors <- c(
          "Dictionary file '",
          highlight(getIdentifierInfo(dataSourcesTable, dataSourceIndex, DataSourcesCodeIdentifiers$DictionaryLocation)),
          ".csv' already exists and was not overwritten"
      dictionaryLocation <- paste0("'", getIdentifierInfo(dataSourcesTable, dataSourceIndex, DataSourcesCodeIdentifiers$DictionaryLocation), ".csv'")

    dataSourcesContent <- c(
        " <- DataSource$new(",
        "dataFile = ", getIdentifierInfo(dataSourcesTable, dataSourceIndex, DataSourcesCodeIdentifiers$dataFile), ",\n",
        "metaDataFile = ", dictionaryLocation, ", \n",
        "caption = ", getIdentifierInfo(dataSourcesTable, dataSourceIndex, DataSourcesCodeIdentifiers$caption),

    content = dataSourcesContent,
    warnings = dataSourcesWarnings,
    errors = dataSourcesErrors

#' @title getSimulationSetContent
#' @description Creates a character vector to be written in a workflow .R script defining `SimulationSet` objects.
#' @param excelFile name of the Excel file from which the R script is created
#' @param simulationTable Data.frame read from the Excel sheet "SimulationSets
#' @param workflowMode Either `PopulationWorkflow` or `MeanModelWorkflow`
#' @return Character vector defining the `SimulationSet` objects
#' @keywords internal
getSimulationSetContent <- function(excelFile, simulationTable, workflowMode) {
  simulationSetContent <- NULL
  simulationSetWarnings <- NULL
  simulationSetErrors <- NULL

  simulationSetNames <- getHeaderNames(simulationTable)
  simulationType <- getSimulationSetType(workflowMode)

  outputsNames <- NULL
  dataSourceNames <- NULL
  for (simulationIndex in seq_along(simulationSetNames)) {
    # Get data source and outputs for checking
    outputsId <- getIdentifierInfo(simulationTable, simulationIndex, SimulationCodeIdentifiers$outputs)
    dataSourceId <- getIdentifierInfo(simulationTable, simulationIndex, SimulationCodeIdentifiers$dataSource)
    outputsNames <- c(
    dataSourceNames <- c(
    # MeanModelWorkflow doesn't use population fields, which are set to NULL
    populationFileContent <- NULL
    populationNameContent <- NULL
    referencePopulationContent <- NULL
    plotReferenceObsDataContent <- NULL
    studyDesignFileContent <- NULL
    massBalanceContent <- NULL
    if (isIncluded(workflowMode, "MeanModelWorkflow")) {
      massBalanceContent <- paste0(
        "massBalanceFile = ",
        getIdentifierInfo(simulationTable, simulationIndex, SimulationCodeIdentifiers$massBalanceFile),
    if (isIncluded(workflowMode, "PopulationWorkflow")) {
      referencePopulation <- getIdentifierInfo(simulationTable, simulationIndex, SimulationCodeIdentifiers$referencePopulation)
      plotReferenceObsData <- getIdentifierInfo(simulationTable, simulationIndex, SimulationCodeIdentifiers$plotReferenceObsData)
      populationFile <- getIdentifierInfo(simulationTable, simulationIndex, SimulationCodeIdentifiers$populationFile)
      populationName <- getIdentifierInfo(simulationTable, simulationIndex, SimulationCodeIdentifiers$populationName)

      studyDesignType <- getIdentifierInfo(simulationTable, simulationIndex, SimulationCodeIdentifiers$StudyDesignType)
      studyDesignLocation <- getIdentifierInfo(simulationTable, simulationIndex, SimulationCodeIdentifiers$StudyDesignLocation)
      studyDesignLocation <- getFileLocationFromType(
        location = studyDesignLocation,
        type = studyDesignType,
        excelFile = excelFile
      # Throw an error if file already exists and sheet tried to overwrite it
      # The simulation set input will still have the aimed study design file path
      if (is.null(studyDesignLocation)) {
        simulationSetErrors <- c(
          paste0("Study design file '", getIdentifierInfo(simulationTable, simulationIndex, SimulationCodeIdentifiers$StudyDesignLocation), ".csv' already exists and was not overwritten")
        studyDesignLocation <- paste0("'", getIdentifierInfo(simulationTable, simulationIndex, SimulationCodeIdentifiers$StudyDesignLocation), ".csv'")

      # These contents breaks lines to beautify final workflow script
      referencePopulationContent <- paste0("referencePopulation = ", referencePopulation, ",\n")
      plotReferenceObsDataContent <- paste0("plotReferenceObsData = ", plotReferenceObsData, ",\n")
      populationFileContent <- paste0("populationFile = ", populationFile, ",\n")
      populationNameContent <- paste0("populationName = ", populationName, ",\n")
      studyDesignFileContent <- paste0("studyDesignFile = ", studyDesignLocation, ",\n")

    simulationSetContent <- c(
        "# Create a SimulationSet object of name '", simulationSetNames[simulationIndex],
        "' defining which simulation, its Output objects, observed dataset ",
        "and potentially its population to use in the workflow"
        "# Note that workflows of type 'MeanModelWorkflow' require SimulationSet objects, ",
        "while workflows of type 'PopulationWorkflow' require PopulationSimulationSet objects"
        " <- ", simulationType, "$new(\n",
        "simulationSetName = ", getIdentifierInfo(simulationTable, simulationIndex, SimulationCodeIdentifiers$simulationSetName), ",\n",
        "simulationFile = ", getIdentifierInfo(simulationTable, simulationIndex, SimulationCodeIdentifiers$simulationFile), ",\n",
        "outputs = ", outputsId, ",\n",
        "dataSource = ", dataSourceId, ",\n",
        "dataSelection = ", getIdentifierInfo(simulationTable, simulationIndex, SimulationCodeIdentifiers$dataSelection), ",\n",
        "timeUnit = ", getIdentifierInfo(simulationTable, simulationIndex, SimulationCodeIdentifiers$timeUnit), ",\n",
        "timeOffset = ", getIdentifierInfo(simulationTable, simulationIndex, SimulationCodeIdentifiers$timeOffset), "\n)"
    # Check that pkml file has correct extension
    simulationFile <- gsub("'", "", getIdentifierInfo(simulationTable, simulationIndex, SimulationCodeIdentifiers$simulationFile))
    if (!isFileExtension(simulationFile, "pkml")) {
      simulationSetErrors <- c(
          "In simulation set '", highlight(simulationSetNames[simulationIndex]), "', ",
          messages$errorExtension(simulationFile, "pkml")
  simulationSetContent <- c(
    paste0("simulationSets <- list(", paste0(simulationSetNames, collapse = ", "), ")"),

    content = simulationSetContent,
    simulationSetNames = simulationSetNames,
    outputs = unique(outputsNames),
    sources = unique(dataSourceNames),
    warnings = simulationSetWarnings,
    errors = simulationSetErrors

#' @title getWorkflowContent
#' @description Creates a character vector to be written in a workflow .R script defining `Workflow` object
#' @param workflowTable Data.frame read from the Excel sheet "Workflow and Tasks"
#' @param excelFile name of the Excel file from which the R script is created
#' @return Character vector defining the `Workflow` object
#' @keywords internal
getWorkflowContent <- function(workflowTable, excelFile) {
  workflowMode <- getIdentifierInfo(workflowTable, 1, WorkflowCodeIdentifiers$`Workflow Mode`)
  workflowTypeContent <- NULL
  workflowContent <- NULL
  activateTaskContent <- NULL
  workflowWarnings <- NULL
  workflowErrors <- NULL

  if (workflowMode == "PopulationWorkflow") {
    workflowType <- getIdentifierInfo(workflowTable, 1, WorkflowCodeIdentifiers$`Population Workflow type`)
    workflowTypeContent <- paste0("workflowType = ", workflowType, ",\n")
  workflowFolder <- getIdentifierInfo(workflowTable, 1, WorkflowCodeIdentifiers$workflowFolder)
  workflowTitle <- getIdentifierInfo(workflowTable, 1, WorkflowCodeIdentifiers$reportTitle)
  createWordReport <- getIdentifierInfo(workflowTable, 1, WorkflowCodeIdentifiers$createWordReport)
  simulationSetDescriptor <- getIdentifierInfo(workflowTable, 1, WorkflowCodeIdentifiers$simulationSetDescriptor)
  workflowContent <- paste0(
    "workflow <- ", workflowMode, "$new(\n",
    "simulationSets = simulationSets,\n",
    "workflowFolder = ", workflowFolder, ",\n",
    "reportTitle = ", workflowTitle, ",\n",
    "createWordReport = ", createWordReport, ",\n",
    "simulationSetDescriptor = ", simulationSetDescriptor, "\n)"

  # Activate tasks as defined by user
  isActive <- lapply(AllAvailableTasks, function(x) {
  for (taskName in AllAvailableTasks) {
    activeTaskName <- getIdentifierInfo(workflowTable, 1, taskName)
    if (isEmpty(activeTaskName)) {
    taskNotInWorkflow <- all(
      workflowMode == "PopulationWorkflow",
      isIncluded(taskName, c("plotAbsorption", "plotMassBalance"))
    if (taskNotInWorkflow) {
      workflowWarnings <- c(
        paste0("Task '", taskName, "' defined as active, was not printed because '", taskName, "' is not available for '", workflowMode, "'.")
    taskNotInWorkflow <- all(
      workflowMode == "MeanModelWorkflow",
      isIncluded(taskName, "plotDemography")
    if (taskNotInWorkflow) {
      workflowWarnings <- c(
        paste0("Task '", taskName, "' defined as active, was not printed because '", taskName, "' is not available for '", workflowMode, "'.")
    activateTaskContent <- c(
      paste0("workflow$activateTasks(", activeTaskName, ")")
    isActive[[taskName]] <- TRUE

  workflowContent <- c(
    paste0("# Create a ", workflowMode, " object of name 'workflow' defining which tasks to perform on its list of simulation sets"),
    "# The workflow method $inactivateTasks() prevents running tasks that could be active by default (such as 'simulate')",

  # Optional fields: task settings
  optionalSettingContent <- NULL
  for (optionalSettingName in names(OptionalSettings)) {
    settingValue <- getIdentifierInfo(workflowTable, 1, optionalSettingName)
    noSettings <- any(
      isIncluded(settingValue, "NULL")
    if (noSettings) {
    if (isIncluded(
      OptionalSettings$`calculateSensitivity: variableParameterPaths`
    )) {
      settingValue <- getSensitivityVariableParameterPaths(excelFile, sensitivityParametersSheet = settingValue)
    optionalSettingContent <- c(
  if (!isEmpty(optionalSettingContent)) {
    workflowContent <- c(
      "# Update workflow or tasks settings",

  # Optional field: plot format
  plotFormatContent <- NULL
  plotFormat <- getIdentifierInfo(workflowTable, 1, WorkflowCodeIdentifiers$plotFormat)
  if (!isIncluded(plotFormat, "NULL")) {
    plotFormatContent <- c(
      paste0("# Figures exported by the workflow will be saved as ", plotFormat, " files"),
      paste0("setPlotFormat(", plotFormat, ")")

  # Optional field: Activity specific code
  activitySpecificContent <- NULL
  activitySpecificCode <- getIdentifierInfo(workflowTable, 1, WorkflowCodeIdentifiers$activitySpecificCode)
  if (!is.na(activitySpecificCode)) {
    activitySpecificContent <- c(
      paste0("# Load the function ", activitySpecificCode, " from the file '", activitySpecificCode, ".R'"),
      paste0('source("', activitySpecificCode, '.R")')
    workflowContent <- c(
      paste0("# Update 'workflow' (workflow is an R6 object, so updates from ", activitySpecificCode, " does not need to be returned as a new variable)"),
      paste0(activitySpecificCode, "(workflow)")

    workflowMode = workflowMode,
    content = workflowContent,
    plotFormatContent = plotFormatContent,
    activitySpecificContent = activitySpecificContent,
    warnings = workflowWarnings,
    errors = workflowErrors

#' @title getIdentifierInfo
#' @description Get and format the information from a data.frame matching a certain `simulationIndex` column and `codeId` line
#' @param workflowTable Data.frame read from one of the available Excel sheets
#' @param simulationIndex Column to read after removing "Code Identifier" and "Description"
#' @param codeId Line to read in the data.frame corresponding to a specific value of "Code Identifier"
#' @return Information from a data.frame matching a certain `simulationIndex` column and `codeId` line
#' @keywords internal
getIdentifierInfo <- function(workflowTable, simulationIndex, codeId) {
  validateIsOfType(workflowTable, "data.frame")
  validateIsIncluded(codeId, c(

  # Which is necessary because of NAs
  workflowID <- which(workflowTable[, WorkflowMandatoryVariables$`Code Identifier`] == codeId)
  # Shift of columns because Code identifier and Description are part of the table
  workflowInfo <- as.character(workflowTable[workflowID, simulationIndex + 2])

  # For tasks return the task name if it is activated
  if (isIncluded(codeId, AllAvailableTasks)) {
    # If input is not included in 1, TRUE or true, assume task is not activated
    if (isIncluded(workflowInfo, c("Yes", "YES", "1", "TRUE", "true"))) {
      return(paste0('"', codeId, '"'))

  # For info of type sheet or numeric, return directly sheet name or value
  if (isIncluded(codeId, asisCodeIds)) {
  # readxl::read_excel returns na for missing values
  # These usually need to be passed on as NULL inputs
  if (is.na(workflowInfo)) {
  # For simulation set outputs, wrap with c()
  if (isIncluded(codeId, SimulationCodeIdentifiers$outputs)) {
    return(paste0("c(", workflowInfo, ")"))
  # For simulation set dataSource use as is
  if (isIncluded(codeId, SimulationCodeIdentifiers$dataSource)) {
  # For logical info Yes/No input is enforced by template
  # and translated as TRUE/FALSE
  if (isIncluded(codeId, logicalCodeIds)) {
    # Will return false if input is not included in Yes
    return(as.character(isIncluded(workflowInfo, c("Yes", "YES", "1", "TRUE", "true"))))
  # For any other info, it needs to be returned in between quotes
  # because expected as character value
  return(paste0("'", workflowInfo, "'"))

#' @title getHeaderNames
#' @description Get the names of objects in header
#' @param excelTable table read from Excel sheet
#' @return names of objects in header
#' @keywords internal
getHeaderNames <- function(excelTable) {
  if (ncol(excelTable) < 3) {
  excelHeaderNames <- names(excelTable)[3:ncol(excelTable)]
  return(gsub(pattern = "[[:space:]*]", replacement = "", x = excelHeaderNames))

#' @title outputNamesFromIdentifier
#' @description Get the names of output from simulation set identifier
#' @param outputsId Content translated from cell corresponding to outputs in SimulationSets sheet.
#' The `outputsId` are expected as `"c(outputName1, outputName2, etc.)"`
#' @return names of Output objects in SimulationSets sheet
#' @keywords internal
outputNamesFromIdentifier <- function(outputsId) {
  if (isIncluded(outputsId, "NULL")) {
  # Remove the wrapping c()
  outputsId <- substring(outputsId, first = 3, last = nchar(outputsId) - 1)
  outputsNames <- unlist(strsplit(outputsId, split = ","))

#' @title dataSourceNamesFromIdentifier
#' @description Get the names of dataSource from simulation set identifier
#' @param dataSourceId Content translated from cell corresponding to dataSource in SimulationSets sheet.
#' @return names of Output objects in SimulationSets sheet
#' @keywords internal
dataSourceNamesFromIdentifier <- function(dataSourceId) {
  if (isIncluded(dataSourceId, "NULL")) {

#' @title getSensitivityVariableParameterPaths
#' @description Get the variable paths for sensitivity analysis settings
#' @param excelFile name of the Excel file from which the R script is created
#' @param sensitivityParametersSheet name of sheet defining the parameters to vary
#' @return Text of vector of paths to vary
#' @keywords internal
getSensitivityVariableParameterPaths <- function(excelFile, sensitivityParametersSheet) {
  sensitivityParametersTable <- readxl::read_excel(excelFile, sheet = sensitivityParametersSheet)
  sensitivityParametersContent <- paste0("c('", paste0(sensitivityParametersTable$Path, collapse = "', '"), "')")

getObservedMetaDataFile <- function(excelFile, observedMetaDataSheet, format = "csv") {
  if (is.na(observedMetaDataSheet)) {
  observedMetaDataFilename <- paste0(observedMetaDataSheet, ".", format)
  # Read sheet from excel file
  # Caution: Study Design file can have multiple columns with same header name and special characters
  # To prevent R to modify them giving R valid unique names, col_name need to be set to FALSE in the sequel
  # Besides, default .name_repair will send warnings which is silented by overwriting with base function make.names
  observedMetaDataTable <- readxl::read_excel(excelFile, sheet = observedMetaDataSheet, col_names = FALSE, .name_repair = ~ make.names(.x))
  # Return NULL in order to throw an error if dictionary already exists
  if (file.exists(observedMetaDataFilename)) {
  # Save the data dictionary as a csv file, missing values stay missing (na = ""),
  # Column names need to be removed from the previous step, write.csv is replaced by write.table with option col.names = FALSE,
  # row numbers are also removed (row.names = FALSE), file uses UTF-8 encoding (fileEncoding = "UTF-8")
  write.table(observedMetaDataTable, file = observedMetaDataFilename, na = "", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = ",", fileEncoding = "UTF-8")

#' @title getPKParametersContent
#' @description Creates a character vector to be written in a workflow .R script updating the PKParameters objects
#' @param pkParametersTable Data.frame read from the Excel sheet "PK Parameters"
#' @return A list of script content, associated with its potential warnings and errors for updating the PKParameters objects
#' @keywords internal
getPKParametersContent <- function(pkParametersTable) {
  pkParametersContent <- NULL
  pkParametersWarnings <- NULL
  pkParametersErrors <- NULL
  if (isEmpty(pkParametersTable)) {
  # Check for duplicate PK parameters as input of Output object
  pkParametersWarnings <- c(
    excelCheckNoDuplicate(values = pkParametersTable$Name, variableName = "PK parameters update")
  # Check for duplicate PK parameter display names as input of Output object
  pkParametersWarnings <- c(
    excelCheckNoDuplicate(values = pkParametersTable$`Display name`, variableName = "PK parameters display names")

  for (parameterIndex in seq(1, nrow(pkParametersTable))) {
    pkParametersContent <- c(
      paste0('updatePKParameter("', pkParametersTable$Name[parameterIndex], '", displayName = "', pkParametersTable$`Display name`[parameterIndex], '", displayUnit = "', pkParametersTable$Unit[parameterIndex], '")')
  pkParametersContent <- c(
    '# Update PK parameters display names and units using "ospsuite" package.',
    "# This method should be preferred as it centralizes the names and units among the different paths.",
    content = pkParametersContent,
    warnings = pkParametersWarnings,
    errors = pkParametersErrors

#' @title getSimulationSetType
#' @description Output the SimulationSet object matching the appropriate workflow type
#' @param workflowMode Either `PopulationWorkflow` or `MeanModelWorkflow`
#' @return `PopulationSimulationSet` or `SimulationSet` as character
#' @keywords internal
getSimulationSetType <- function(workflowMode) {
  validateIsIncluded(workflowMode, c("MeanModelWorkflow", "PopulationWorkflow"))
  simulationType <- "SimulationSet"
  if (isIncluded(workflowMode, "PopulationWorkflow")) {
    simulationType <- paste0("Population", simulationType)

#' @title getFileLocationFromType
#' @description Get the right path text and copy the sheet content as a file if type is SHEET
#' @param location Path of the file if type is FILE or sheetname if type is SHEET
#' @param type Location type: either "SHEET" or "FILE"
#' @param excelFile name of the Excel file from which the R script is created
#' @return Character of location to provide
#' @keywords internal
getFileLocationFromType <- function(location, type, excelFile) {
  validateIsIncluded(type, c("SHEET", "FILE"))
  if (isIncluded(type, "SHEET")) {
    location <- getObservedMetaDataFile(excelFile, location)
  if (is.null(location)) {
  if (is.na(location)) {
  return(paste0("'", location, "'"))

#' @title removeCommentsFromWorkflowContent
#' @description Remove comments from workflow file content
#' @param workflowContent Character vector with content of the workflow file
#' @param commentPattern Character starting a comment
#' @return Workflow content without its comments
#' @keywords internal
removeCommentsFromWorkflowContent <- function(workflowContent, commentPattern = "#") {
  return(workflowContent[!grepl(commentPattern, workflowContent)])

#' @title getUserDefPKParametersContent
#' @description Creates a character vector to be written in a workflow .R script updating the PKParameters objects
#' @param userDefPKParametersTable Data.frame read from the Excel sheet "PK Parameters"
#' @return A list of script content, associated with its potential warnings and errors for updating the PKParameters objects
#' @keywords internal
getUserDefPKParametersContent <- function(userDefPKParametersTable) {
  userDefPKParametersContent <- NULL
  userDefPKParametersWarnings <- NULL
  userDefPKParametersErrors <- NULL
  if (isEmpty(userDefPKParametersTable)) {
  # Check for duplicate PK parameters as input of Output object
  userDefPKParametersErrors <- c(
    excelCheckNoDuplicate(values = userDefPKParametersTable$Name, variableName = "User Defined PK parameters")

  # User defined parameters currently need to be set in 2 steps:
  # 1- create the parameter
  # 2- set some of its fields
  for (parameterIndex in seq(1, nrow(userDefPKParametersTable))) {
    userDefPKParametersContent <- c(
      paste0("# Create user defined parameter ", userDefPKParametersTable$Name[parameterIndex], " and then set its properties"),
      "# The dimension of the PK parameter can only be defined from 'displayUnit' at the time of the PK parameter creation",
        userDefPKParametersTable$Name[parameterIndex], ' <- addUserDefinedPKParameter(name = "', userDefPKParametersTable$Name[parameterIndex], '",
             standardPKParameter = StandardPKParameter$', userDefPKParametersTable$`Standard PK parameter`[parameterIndex], ',
        displayUnit = "', userDefPKParametersTable$`Display Unit`[parameterIndex], '")'

    columnNames <- names(UserDefPKParametersOptionalSettings)
    for (userDefPKParameterIndex in seq_along(UserDefPKParametersOptionalSettings)) {
      userDefinedSetting <- userDefPKParametersTable[parameterIndex, columnNames[userDefPKParameterIndex]]
      # If setting is not defined (column does not exist) or not filled
      if (isEmpty(userDefinedSetting)) {
      if (is.na(userDefinedSetting)) {

      userDefPKParametersContent <- c(

  userDefPKParametersContent <- c(userDefPKParametersContent, "")

    content = userDefPKParametersContent,
    warnings = userDefPKParametersWarnings,
    errors = userDefPKParametersErrors
Open-Systems-Pharmacology/OSPSuite.ReportingEngine documentation built on March 30, 2024, 4:17 p.m.