API for Open-Systems-Pharmacology/OSPSuite.ReportingEngine
R package to create reports for the Open Systems Pharmacology models

Global functions
AggregationConfiguration Man page
AllAvailableTasks Man page
ApplicationRanges Man page
CalculatePKParametersTask Man page
ConfigurationFontsFields Man page
ConfigurationLinetypes Man page
ConfigurationPlan Man page
ConfigurationPlotSettings Man page
ConfigurationPlots Man page
ConfigurationScales Man page
ConfigurationShapes Man page
DataSelectionKeys Man page
DataSource Man page
DataSourcesCodeIdentifiers Man page
DemographyDefaultParameters Man page
ExcelMessaging Man page
GofPlotTask Man page
GofTaskSettings Man page
LogTypes Man page
Logging Man page
MeanModelWorkflow Man page
OptionalSettings Man page
Output Man page
OutputsCodeIdentifiers Man page
PkParameterInfo Man page
PlotTask Man page
PopulationPlotTask Man page
PopulationSensitivityAnalysisTask Man page
PopulationSimulationSet Man page
PopulationWorkflow Man page
PopulationWorkflowTypes Man page
QualificationTask Man page
QualificationVersionInfo Man page
QualificationWorkflow Man page
ReportingEngineInfo Man page
ResidualScales Man page
SensitivityAnalysisSettings Man page
SensitivityAnalysisTask Man page
SensitivityPlotSettings Man page
SimulationCodeIdentifiers Man page
SimulationSet Man page
SimulationSettings Man page
SimulationStructure Man page
SimulationTask Man page
StandardExcelSheetNames Man page
StandardPlotTasks Man page
StandardSimulationTasks Man page
StatisticsTypes Man page
StudyDesign Man page
StudyDesignTarget Man page
Task Man page
TaskResults Man page
TaskSettings Man page
UserDefPKParametersOptionalSettings Man page
Workflow Man page
WorkflowCodeIdentifiers Man page
WorkflowMandatoryVariables Man page
activateWorkflowTasks Man page Source code
addFigureChunk Man page Source code
addLLOQLegend Man page
addLineBreakToCaption Man page
addMarkdownToc Man page Source code
addNewPkParameter Man page Source code
addOutputToComparisonTimeProfile Man page Source code
addSectionNumbersToMarkdown Man page Source code
addStudyParameters Man page Source code
addTableAndFigureNumbersToMarkdown Man page Source code
addTableChunk Man page Source code
addTextChunk Man page Source code
addUserDefinedTask Man page Source code
addXParametersForDemographyPlot Man page Source code
addXParametersForPKParametersPlot Man page Source code
addXParametersForPkParametersPlot Man page
addYParametersForDemographyPlot Man page Source code
addYParametersForPKParametersPlot Man page Source code
addYParametersForPkParametersPlot Man page
adjustTitlePage Man page Source code
alignXTicks Man page
analyzeCoreSensitivity Man page Source code
analyzeSensitivity Man page Source code
anchor Man page Source code
asTimeAfterDose Man page Source code
asisCodeIds Man page
autoAxesLimits Man page
autoAxesTicksFromLimits Man page
buildQualificationDDIDataframe Man page Source code
calculateArithmeticErrorRange Man page Source code
calculateGMFE Man page Source code
calculateGeometricErrorRange Man page Source code
calculatePKAnalysesRatio Man page Source code
calculatePKParameters Man page Source code
callingFunction Source code
checkExisitingPath Source code
checkFileExists Source code
checkHasRunOnAllCores Man page Source code
checkIsIncluded Source code
checkIsIncludedInDataset Source code
checkIsSamePopulation Man page Source code
checkLLOQValues Source code
checkMetaDataIsConsistent Man page Source code
checkMoleculesAlreadyIncluded Source code
checkNoDuplicate Source code
checkOverwriteExisitingPath Source code
checkPKParameterExists Source code
checkPKRatioObservedRecord Source code
checkPKRatioObservedVariable Source code
checkSamePopulationIds Man page Source code
checkTaskInputsExist Man page Source code
copyReport Man page Source code
createSectionOutput Man page Source code
createWorkflowFromExcelInput Man page Source code
dataSourceNamesFromIdentifier Man page Source code
ddiPKRatioColumnName Man page
ddiPlotTypeSpecifications Man page
ddiSubplotTypes Man page
defaultMassBalanceGroupings Man page Source code
displayConfigurationPlanPlotInfo Man page Source code
displayDebugLogs Man page Source code
displayDimension Source code
evalDataFilter Man page Source code
excelCheckNoDuplicate Source code
extractNameAndUnit Man page Source code
fileExtension Source code
formatAxisProperties Man page Source code
formatPKParameterHeader Source code
formatPKParametersTable Man page Source code
generateDDIPlotPKParameterName Man page Source code
generateDDIQualificationDDIPlot Man page Source code
generateResultFileNames Man page Source code
geomean Man page Source code
geomeanDividedBySD Man page Source code
geomeanMultipliedBySD Man page Source code
getAggregateFromStat Man page Source code
getAllowedCores Man page Source code
getAllowedCoresLinuxKubernetes Man page Source code
getAnchorName Man page Source code
getApplicationResults Man page Source code
getApplicationTimesForPath Man page Source code
getApplicationTimesForSimulation Man page Source code
getAxesProperties Man page Source code
getAxesPropertiesFromName Man page Source code
getAxesSettings Man page
getBoxWhiskerPlotConfiguration Man page
getBoxplotDescriptor Source code
getCaptionFromStat Man page Source code
getColorFromOutputGroup Man page
getColorGroupForPKParameterPlot Man page
getComparisonHistogramResults Man page Source code
getComparisonTimeProfileOutputsDataframe Man page Source code
getCompoundNameFromPath Man page Source code
getDDIOutputsDataframe Man page Source code
getDDIPlotCaption Source code
getDDIRatioList Man page Source code
getDDISection Man page Source code
getDDITable Man page Source code
getDataSourceCaption Source code
getDataSourcesContent Man page Source code
getDefaultDemographyXParameters Man page Source code
getDefaultFileName Man page Source code
getDefaultFolderName Man page Source code
getDefaultMCRandomSeed Man page Source code
getDefaultMCRepetitions Man page Source code
getDefaultPKParametersXParameters Man page Source code
getDefaultPkParametersXParameters Man page
getDefaultPropertiesFromTheme Man page
getDefaultRETheme Man page Source code
getDefaultTotalSensitivityThreshold Man page Source code
getDemographyAcrossPopulations Man page Source code
getDemographyAggregatedData Man page Source code
getDictionaryVariable Man page Source code
getElapsedTime Man page Source code
getFigurePathsFromReport Man page Source code
getFileLocationFromType Man page Source code
getFirstLineElement Man page Source code
getGOFAxesUnits Man page Source code
getGOFDataForMapping Man page Source code
getGOFOutputsDataframe Man page Source code
getGOFPlotConfiguration Man page
getGoodnessOfFitCaptions Source code
getGuestDeltaFromConfigurationPlan Man page Source code
getHeaderNames Man page Source code
getHistogramResults Man page Source code
getIdentifierInfo Man page Source code
getIndividualSAResultsFileName Man page Source code
getIntroFromReportTitle Man page Source code
getLegendAesOverride Man page
getLineBreakWidth Man page
getMassBalanceData Man page Source code
getMassBalanceDataMapping Man page Source code
getMassBalancePlotConfiguration Man page Source code
getMeanPKAnalysesFromOutput Man page Source code
getMeanSensitivityAnalysisResultsFileNames Man page Source code
getMechanismName Man page Source code
getMetaDataFrame Man page Source code
getMolWeightForCompound Man page Source code
getMonteCarloMedians Man page Source code
getObjectNameAsString Man page Source code
getObjectNamesInGlobalEnv Man page Source code
getObservedCurveProperties Man page Source code
getObservedDataFromConfigurationPlan Man page Source code
getObservedDataFromOutput Man page Source code
getObservedDataIdFromPath Man page Source code
getObservedDemographyAcrossPopulations Man page Source code
getObservedDemographyFromSimulationSet Man page Source code
getObservedErrorValues Man page Source code
getObservedMetaDataFile Source code
getOutputGroups Man page Source code
getOutputPathsInSimulationSet Man page Source code
getOutputsContent Man page Source code
getOutputsForPKPlot Man page Source code
getOutputsFromConfigurationPlan Man page Source code
getOutputsFromGOFMergedPlotsConfiguration Man page Source code
getOutputsFromTimeProfileConfiguration Man page Source code
getPKAnalysisResultsFileNames Man page Source code
getPKParameterGroupsInOutput Man page Source code
getPKParameterMeasure Man page Source code
getPKParameterRatioTable Man page Source code
getPKParametersAcrossPopulations Man page Source code
getPKParametersContent Man page Source code
getPKParametersInOutput Man page Source code
getPKParametersInSimulationSet Man page Source code
getPKParametersInfoContent Man page Source code
getPKRatioForMapping Man page Source code
getPKRatioOutputsDataframe Man page Source code
getPKRatioSummaryForDifferentPopulations Man page Source code
getPKRatioSummaryForSamePopulation Man page Source code
getPKRatioSummaryFromAnalyticalSolution Man page Source code
getPKRatioSummaryFromMCSampling Man page Source code
getPKRatioSummaryFromSettings Man page Source code
getPKRatioSummaryStatistics Man page Source code
getPKResultsDataFrame Man page Source code
getPkAnalysisResultsFileNames Man page
getPkOutputIndexDf Man page Source code
getPlotConfigurationFromPlan Man page
getPlotScaleCaption Source code
getPlotSettings Man page
getPopSensDfForPkAndOutput Man page Source code
getPopulationPKAnalysesFromOutput Man page Source code
getPopulationPKData Man page Source code
getPopulationPKMetaData Man page Source code
getPopulationResultsFromOutput Man page Source code
getPopulationSensitivityAnalysisResultsFileNames Man page Source code
getQualificationDDIPlotData Man page Source code
getQualificationDDIRatioMeasure Man page Source code
getQualificationGOFData Man page Source code
getQualificationGOFGMFE Man page Source code
getQualificationGOFPlot Man page Source code
getQualificationPKRatioData Man page Source code
getQualificationPKRatioGMFE Man page Source code
getQualificationPKRatioMeasure Man page Source code
getQualificationPKRatioPlot Man page Source code
getQualificationPKRatioTable Man page Source code
getQuantileIndividualIds Man page Source code
getRESettings Man page Source code
getReaderFunction Man page Source code
getReferencePopulationName Man page Source code
getReportingEngineInfo Man page Source code
getResiduals Man page Source code
getResidualsAcrossCaption Source code
getResidualsPlotResults Man page Source code
getResidualsPlotResultsInGroup Man page Source code
getSAFileIndex Man page Source code
getScriptDocumentation Man page Source code
getSelectedData Man page Source code
getSelectedRows Man page Source code
getSensitivityVariableParameterPaths Man page Source code
getSimulatedCurveProperties Man page Source code
getSimulatedResultsFromOutput Man page Source code
getSimulationDescriptor Man page Source code
getSimulationParameterDisplayPaths Man page Source code
getSimulationResultFileNames Man page Source code
getSimulationSetContent Man page Source code
getSimulationSetType Man page Source code
getSimulationTimeRanges Man page Source code
getSmartZoomLimits Man page Source code
getSplitPositions Man page
getStatisticsCaption Source code
getStatisticsFromType Man page Source code
getTaskInputs Man page Source code
getTimeProfileObservedDataFromResults Man page Source code
getTimeProfileOutputsDataframe Man page Source code
getTimeProfilePlotConfiguration Man page
getTimeProfilePlotResults Man page Source code
getTimeRangeCaption Source code
getTimeStamp Man page Source code
getTimeTicksFromUnit Man page
getTitleInfo Man page Source code
getUserDefPKParametersContent Man page Source code
getWorkflowContent Man page Source code
getWorkflowParameterDisplayPaths Man page Source code
getWorkflowReferencePopulationName Man page Source code
getXParametersForDemographyPlot Man page Source code
getXParametersForPKParametersPlot Man page Source code
getXParametersForPkParametersPlot Man page
getYParametersForDemographyPlot Man page Source code
getYParametersForPKParametersPlot Man page Source code
getYParametersForPkParametersPlot Man page
hasAnchor Man page Source code
hasPositiveValues Source code
highlight Man page Source code
inactivateWorkflowTasks Man page Source code
individualSensitivityAnalysis Man page Source code
introToYamlHeader Man page Source code
isLoadedPackage Man page Source code
isLoadedPopulation Man page Source code
isLoadedSimulation Man page Source code
isObservedData Man page Source code
isPathInSimulation Source code
isUnitFromDimension Source code
isValidatedSystem Man page Source code
lastPathElement Man page Source code
loadCalculatePKParametersTask Man page Source code
loadCalculateSensitivityTask Man page Source code
loadConfigurationPlan Man page Source code
loadGOFMergedTask Man page Source code
loadObservedDataFromSimulationSet Man page Source code
loadPKAnalysesFromCSV Man page Source code
loadPKAnalysesFromStructureSet Man page Source code
loadPackageOnCores Man page Source code
loadPlotAbsorptionTask Man page Source code
loadPlotDDIRatioTask Man page Source code
loadPlotDemographyTask Man page Source code
loadPlotMassBalanceTask Man page Source code
loadPlotPKParametersTask Man page Source code
loadPlotPKRatioTask Man page Source code
loadPlotSensitivityTask Man page Source code
loadPlotTimeProfilesAndResidualsTask Man page Source code
loadPopulationOnCores Man page Source code
loadQualificationComparisonTimeProfileTask Man page Source code
loadQualificationTimeProfilesTask Man page Source code
loadQualificationWorkflow Man page Source code
loadRESettings Man page Source code
loadSimulateTask Man page Source code
loadSimulationOnCores Man page Source code
loadSimulationWithUpdatedPaths Man page Source code
loadStudyDesign Man page Source code
loadWorkflowPopulation Man page Source code
logCatch Man page Source code
logDebug Man page Source code
logError Man page Source code
logErrorThenStop Man page Source code
logInfo Man page Source code
logicalCodeIds Man page
lookupPKParameterDisplayName Man page Source code
mapStudyDesignSources Man page Source code
mapStudyDesignTargets Man page Source code
massMoleConversion Man page Source code
mcSampling Man page Source code
measureValuesBetween Man page Source code
mergeMarkdownFiles Man page Source code
newOutputColor Man page Source code
outputNamesFromIdentifier Man page Source code
parseObservationsDataFrame Man page Source code
parseVariableFromObject Man page Source code
parseVariableToObject Man page Source code
pkDictionaryQualificationOSP Man page
pkParameterTableAsRelativeChange Man page Source code
plotAbsorptionTimeProfile Man page Source code
plotDemographyHistogram Man page Source code
plotDemographyParameters Man page Source code
plotDemographyRange Man page Source code
plotMeanAbsorption Man page Source code
plotMeanGoodnessOfFit Man page Source code
plotMeanMassBalance Man page Source code
plotMeanPKParameters Man page Source code
plotMeanSensitivity Man page Source code
plotMeanTimeProfile Man page Source code
plotMeanTimeProfileLog Man page Source code
plotPopTimeProfile Man page Source code
plotPopTimeProfileLog Man page Source code
plotPopulationGoodnessOfFit Man page Source code
plotPopulationPKParameters Man page Source code
plotPopulationSensitivity Man page Source code
plotQualificationComparisonTimeProfile Man page Source code
plotQualificationDDIs Man page Source code
plotQualificationGOFs Man page Source code
plotQualificationMeanTimeProfile Man page Source code
plotQualificationPKRatio Man page Source code
plotQualificationPopulationTimeProfile Man page Source code
plotQualificationTimeProfiles Man page Source code
plotStatisticsFromPlan Man page Source code
prettyCaption Man page
qualificationCatch Man page Source code
ratioBoxplot Man page Source code
rbindPKParametersTables Man page Source code
re.tEndAction Source code
re.tEndMetadataCapture Source code
re.tStartAction Source code
re.tStartMetadataCapture Source code
re.tStoreFileMetadata Source code
reEnv Man page
reSettingsNames Man page
readObservedDataFile Man page Source code
removeCommentsFromWorkflowContent Man page Source code
removeForbiddenLetters Man page Source code
removeHighlight Man page Source code
removeMissingValues Man page Source code
removeNegativeValues Man page Source code
renderReport Man page Source code
renderWordReport Man page Source code
replaceInfWithNA Man page Source code
reportSimulationSet Source code
reportUnit Source code
resetLogs Man page Source code
resetRESettingsToDefault Man page Source code
resetReport Man page Source code
runParallelPopulationSimulation Man page Source code
runParallelSensitivityAnalysis Man page Source code
runPopulationSensitivityAnalysis Man page Source code
runSensitivity Man page Source code
saveFigure Man page Source code
saveLogs Man page Source code
saveLogsToJson Man page Source code
saveRESettings Man page Source code
saveTaskResults Man page Source code
sectionsAsDataFrame Man page Source code
setDefaultAutoAxisLimitMargin Man page Source code
setDefaultBins Man page Source code
setDefaultMCRandomSeed Man page Source code
setDefaultMCRepetitions Man page Source code
setDefaultNumericFormat Man page Source code
setDefaultPlotFormat Man page Source code
setDefaultREErrorbarCapSize Man page Source code
setDefaultStairstep Man page Source code
setDefaultTheme Man page Source code
setDefaultThemeFromJson Man page Source code
setDefaultTimeProfileStatistics Man page Source code
setLogFolder Man page Source code
setPlotFormat Man page Source code
setQuadraticDimension Man page
setSimulationDescriptor Man page Source code
setWorkflowParameterDisplayPaths Man page Source code
setWorkflowParameterDisplayPathsFromFile Man page Source code
setXParametersForDemographyPlot Man page Source code
setXParametersForPKParametersPlot Man page Source code
setXParametersForPkParametersPlot Man page
setYParametersForDemographyPlot Man page Source code
setYParametersForPKParametersPlot Man page Source code
setYParametersForPkParametersPlot Man page
showLogMessages Man page Source code
simulateModel Man page Source code
simulateModelForPopulation Man page Source code
simulateModelOnCore Man page Source code
simulateModelParallel Man page Source code
simulateWorkflowModels Man page Source code
sourceTypeToExpressionType Source code
startDate Source code
startQualificationRunner Man page
startTime Source code
summaryStatisticsToDataFrame Man page Source code
tic Man page Source code
tlfLinetype Man page Source code
tlfScale Man page Source code
tlfShape Man page Source code
translateDataSelection Man page Source code
translateDescriptor Source code
translateForWord Man page Source code
trimFileName Man page Source code
typeNamesFrom Source code
updateArtifactNumbers Man page Source code
updateAxesMargin Man page
updateFigureNumbers Man page Source code
updateIndividualParametersOnCores Man page Source code
updatePlotAxes Man page Source code
updatePlotConfigurationTimeTicks Man page
updatePlotDimensions Man page
updateQualificationTimeProfilePlotConfiguration Man page Source code
updateSimulationIndividualParameters Man page Source code
updateTableNumbers Man page Source code
updateTargetValues Man page Source code
updateVpcPlotColor Man page
updateWatermarkDimensions Man page
validateCommandStatus Source code
validateDataSource Man page Source code
validateFileExists Source code
validateGuestParameters Source code
validateHasParametersForSensitivity Source code
validateHasReferencePopulation Source code
validateHasRunOnAllCores Man page Source code
validateHasValidParameterPathsForSensitivity Source code
validateIsFileExtension Source code
validateIsInRange Source code
validateIsIncludedAndLog Source code
validateIsIncludedInDataset Source code
validateIsPathInSimulation Source code
validateIsPositive Source code
validateIsUnitFromDimension Source code
validateMapping Source code
validateMoleculesFromCompounds Source code
validateNoDuplicate Man page Source code
validateOutputObject Source code
validateUnitDataDefinition Source code
vpcParameterPlot Man page Source code
Open-Systems-Pharmacology/OSPSuite.ReportingEngine documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 11:36 a.m.