
Defines functions getOutputGroups getResidualsPlotResults getTimeProfilePlotResults getMetaDataFrame asTimeAfterDose plotPopTimeProfileLog plotPopTimeProfile plotMeanTimeProfileLog plotMeanTimeProfile getPopulationResultsFromOutput plotPopulationGoodnessOfFit getResiduals getSimulatedResultsFromOutput plotMeanGoodnessOfFit

Documented in asTimeAfterDose getMetaDataFrame getOutputGroups getPopulationResultsFromOutput getResiduals getResidualsPlotResults getSimulatedResultsFromOutput getTimeProfilePlotResults plotMeanGoodnessOfFit plotMeanTimeProfile plotMeanTimeProfileLog plotPopTimeProfile plotPopTimeProfileLog plotPopulationGoodnessOfFit

#' @title plotMeanGoodnessOfFit
#' @description Plot goodness of fit diagnostics including time profiles,
#' observations vs predictions, residuals plots (residuals vs time, vs predictions, qq-plots and histogram)
#' @param structureSet `SimulationStructure` R6 class object
#' @param settings List of settings such as `PlotConfiguration` R6 class objects for each goodness of fit plot
#' @return list with `plots`, `tables` and `residuals` objects to be saved
#' @import tlf
#' @import ospsuite
#' @import utils
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import ospsuite.utils
#' @keywords internal
plotMeanGoodnessOfFit <- function(structureSet, settings = NULL) {
  validateIsOfType(structureSet, "SimulationStructure")

  initializeExpression <- parse(text = paste0(
    c("observedData", "simulatedData", "residualsData", "residualsMetaData"),
    " <- NULL"

  goodnessOfFitResults <- list()
  goodnessOfFitResiduals <- list()

  # Load observed and simulated data
  re.tStoreFileMetadata(access = "read", filePath = structureSet$simulationSet$simulationFile)
  simulation <- loadSimulationWithUpdatedPaths(structureSet$simulationSet, loadFromCache = TRUE)

  re.tStoreFileMetadata(access = "read", filePath = structureSet$simulationResultFileNames)
  simulationResult <- ospsuite::importResultsFromCSV(simulation, structureSet$simulationResultFileNames)

  observedResult <- loadObservedDataFromSimulationSet(structureSet$simulationSet)

  outputSelections <- structureSet$simulationSet$outputs
  if (!is.null(settings$outputSelections)) {
    availableOutputs <- sapply(structureSet$simulationSet$outputs, function(output) {
    selectedOutputs <- availableOutputs %in% settings$outputSelections
    outputSelections <- structureSet$simulationSet$outputs[selectedOutputs]
  outputSimulatedMetaData <- list()
  outputObservedMetaData <- list()
  for (output in outputSelections) {
    outputSimulatedData <- NULL

    simulationQuantity <- ospsuite::getQuantity(output$path, simulation)
    simulationPathResults <- ospsuite::getOutputValues(simulationResult, quantitiesOrPaths = output$path)
    molWeight <- simulation$molWeightFor(output$path)

    outputSimulatedResults <- getSimulatedResultsFromOutput(simulationPathResults, output, simulationQuantity, molWeight, structureSet)
    outputSimulatedData <- outputSimulatedResults$data
    outputSimulatedMetaData[[output$path]] <- outputSimulatedResults$metaData

    outputObservedResults <- getObservedDataFromOutput(output, observedResult$data, observedResult$dataMapping, molWeight, structureSet)
    outputObservedMetaData[[output$path]] <- outputObservedResults$metaData
    outputResidualsData <- getResiduals(outputObservedResults$data, outputSimulatedData, output$residualScale)

    # Build data.frames to be plotted
    simulatedData <- rbind.data.frame(simulatedData, outputSimulatedData)
    observedData <- rbind.data.frame(observedData, outputObservedResults$data)
    residualsData <- rbind.data.frame(residualsData, outputResidualsData)

  timeProfileMapping <- list(x = "Time", y = "Concentration", group = "Legend")

  resultID <- defaultFileNames$resultID(length(goodnessOfFitResults) + 1, "time_profile_data")

  goodnessOfFitResults[[resultID]] <- saveTaskResults(
    id = resultID,
    table = simulatedData,
    includeTable = FALSE
  # Save residuals data as a csv file
  resultID <- defaultFileNames$resultID(length(goodnessOfFitResults) + 1, "residuals_data")
  goodnessOfFitResults[[resultID]] <- saveTaskResults(
    id = resultID,
    table = residualsData,
    includeTable = FALSE

  # metaDataFrame summarizes paths, dimensions and units
  metaDataFrame <- getMetaDataFrame(c(outputSimulatedMetaData, outputObservedMetaData))

  # Get list of total, first application, and last application ranges
  # Note: currently simulationSet$applicationRanges includes only logicals
  # timeOffset could also be included into the process
  timeRanges <- getSimulationTimeRanges(simulation, output$path, structureSet$simulationSet)

  # For multiple applications, include text results corresponding to application sub section
  hasMultipleApplications <- sum(sapply(timeRanges, function(timeRange) {
  })) > 1

  # If one or no application, field 'keep' for time range other than total is FALSE
  for (timeRange in timeRanges) {
    if (!timeRange$keep) {
    if (hasMultipleApplications) {
      resultID <- defaultFileNames$resultID(
        length(goodnessOfFitResults) + 1,

      goodnessOfFitResults[[resultID]] <- saveTaskResults(
        id = resultID,
        textChunk = getTimeRangeCaption(timeRange$name, "goodness-of-fit", structureSet$simulationSet$simulationSetName),
        includeTextChunk = TRUE

    timeProfilePlotResults <- getTimeProfilePlotResults(

    for (plotID in names(timeProfilePlotResults$plots)) {
      resultID <- defaultFileNames$resultID(length(goodnessOfFitResults) + 1, plotID, timeRange$name)
      goodnessOfFitResults[[resultID]] <- saveTaskResults(
        id = resultID,
        plot = timeProfilePlotResults$plots[[plotID]],
        plotCaption = timeProfilePlotResults$captions[[plotID]]

    if (isEmpty(residualsData)) {

    residualsPlotResults <- getResidualsPlotResults(

    for (plotID in names(residualsPlotResults$plots)) {
      resultID <- defaultFileNames$resultID(length(goodnessOfFitResults) + 1, plotID, timeRange$name)
      goodnessOfFitResults[[resultID]] <- saveTaskResults(
        id = resultID,
        plot = residualsPlotResults$plots[[plotID]],
        plotCaption = residualsPlotResults$captions[[plotID]]

    goodnessOfFitResiduals[[timeRange$name]] <- residualsPlotResults$data
    residualsMetaData[[timeRange$name]] <- residualsPlotResults$metaData

  allResiduals <- goodnessOfFitResiduals[[ApplicationRanges$total]]
    results = goodnessOfFitResults,
    residuals = allResiduals

#' @title getSimulatedResultsFromOutput
#' @description
#' Get simulated data from an Output object
#' @param simulationPathResults list with simulated data included
#' @param output An `Output` object
#' @param simulationQuantity Dimension/quantity for unit conversion of dependent variable
#' @param molWeight Molar weight for unit conversion of dependent variable
#' @param structureSet `SimulationStructure` object
#' @return list of data and metaData
#' @import ospsuite.utils
#' @keywords internal
getSimulatedResultsFromOutput <- function(simulationPathResults, output, simulationQuantity, molWeight, structureSet) {
  simulationSet <- structureSet$simulationSet
  # Output object is updated: displayUnit cannot be empty anymore
  output$displayUnit <- output$displayUnit %||% simulationQuantity$displayUnit

  outputSimulatedMetaData <- list(
    "Time" = list(
      dimension = "Time",
      unit = simulationSet$timeUnit
    "Concentration" = list(
      dimension = simulationQuantity$dimension,
      unit = output$displayUnit
    "Path" = output$path,
    legend = captions$plotGoF$meanLegend(
      simulationSetName = simulationSet$simulationSetName,
      descriptor = structureSet$simulationSetDescriptor,
      pathName = output$displayName
    residualsLegend = captions$plotGoF$resLegend(
      simulationSetName = simulationSet$simulationSetName,
      descriptor = structureSet$simulationSetDescriptor,
      pathName = output$displayName
    group = output$groupID,
    color = output$color,
    fill = output$fill

  outputSimulatedData <- data.frame(
    "Time" = ospsuite::toUnit(
      simulationPathResults$data[, "Time"],
    "Concentration" = ospsuite::toUnit(
      simulationPathResults$data[, output$path],
      molWeight = molWeight
    "Legend" = outputSimulatedMetaData$legend,
    "ResidualsLegend" = outputSimulatedMetaData$residualsLegend,
    "Path" = output$path

    data = outputSimulatedData,
    metaData = outputSimulatedMetaData

#' @title getResiduals
#' @description This function may be reshape to be more generic later on
#' Currently, the input variable data is a data.frame with "Time", "Concentration" and "Legend"
#' The function get the simulated data with the time the closest to the observed data times
#' @param observedData data.frame of time profile observed data
#' @param simulatedData data.frame of time profile simulated data
#' @param residualScale Scale for calculation of residuals as included in enum `ResidualScales`
#' @return residualsData data.frame with Time, Observed, Simulated, Residuals
#' @export
getResiduals <- function(observedData,
                         residualScale = ResidualScales$Logarithmic) {
  if (isEmpty(observedData)) {
  # Time matrix to match observed time with closest simulation time
  # This method assumes that there simulated data are dense enough to capture observed data
  obsTimeMatrix <- matrix(observedData[, "Time"], nrow(simulatedData), nrow(observedData), byrow = TRUE)
  simTimeMatrix <- matrix(simulatedData[, "Time"], nrow(simulatedData), nrow(observedData))

  timeMatchedData <- as.numeric(sapply(as.data.frame(abs(obsTimeMatrix - simTimeMatrix)), which.min))

  # Issue #942, once implemented use ospsuite residuals calculation
  residualValues <- rep(NA, nrow(observedData))
  if (isIncluded(residualScale, ResidualScales$Logarithmic)) {
    residualValues <- log(observedData[, "Concentration"]) - log(simulatedData[timeMatchedData, "Concentration"])
  if (isIncluded(residualScale, ResidualScales$Linear)) {
    residualValues <- (observedData[, "Concentration"] - simulatedData[timeMatchedData, "Concentration"])

  residualsData <- data.frame(
    "Time" = observedData[, "Time"],
    "Observed" = observedData[, "Concentration"],
    "lloq" = observedData[, "lloq"],
    "Simulated" = simulatedData[timeMatchedData, "Concentration"],
    "Residuals" = residualValues,
    "Legend" = simulatedData[timeMatchedData, "ResidualsLegend"],
    "Path" = observedData[, "Path"]

#' @title plotPopulationGoodnessOfFit
#' @description Plot goodness of fit diagnostics including time profiles,
#' observations vs predictions, residuals plots (residuals vs time, vs predictions, qq-plots and histogram)
#' @param structureSet `SimulationStructure` R6 class object
#' @param settings List of settings such as `PlotConfiguration` R6 class objects for each goodness of fit plot
#' @return list with `plots`, `tables` and `residuals` objects to be saved
#' @import tlf
#' @import ospsuite
#' @import utils
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import ospsuite.utils
#' @keywords internal
plotPopulationGoodnessOfFit <- function(structureSet, settings = NULL) {
  validateIsOfType(structureSet, "SimulationStructure")

  initializeExpression <- parse(text = paste0(
    c("observedData", "simulatedData", "residualsData", "residualsMetaData"),
    " <- NULL"
  goodnessOfFitResults <- list()
  goodnessOfFitResiduals <- list()

  # Load observed and simulated data
  re.tStoreFileMetadata(access = "read", filePath = structureSet$simulationSet$simulationFile)
  simulation <- loadSimulationWithUpdatedPaths(structureSet$simulationSet, loadFromCache = TRUE)

  re.tStoreFileMetadata(access = "read", filePath = structureSet$simulationResultFileNames)
  simulationResult <- ospsuite::importResultsFromCSV(simulation, structureSet$simulationResultFileNames)

  observedResult <- loadObservedDataFromSimulationSet(structureSet$simulationSet)

  outputSimulatedMetaData <- list()
  outputObservedMetaData <- list()
  for (output in structureSet$simulationSet$outputs) {
    outputSimulatedData <- NULL

    simulationQuantity <- ospsuite::getQuantity(output$path, simulation)
    simulationPathResults <- ospsuite::getOutputValues(simulationResult, quantitiesOrPaths = output$path)
    molWeight <- simulation$molWeightFor(output$path)

    outputSimulatedResults <- getPopulationResultsFromOutput(simulationPathResults, output, simulationQuantity, molWeight, structureSet, settings)
    outputSimulatedData <- outputSimulatedResults$data
    outputSimulatedMetaData[[output$path]] <- outputSimulatedResults$metaData

    outputObservedResults <- getObservedDataFromOutput(output, observedResult$data, observedResult$dataMapping, molWeight, structureSet)
    outputObservedMetaData[[output$path]] <- outputObservedResults$metaData

    outputResidualsData <- getResiduals(outputObservedResults$data, outputSimulatedData, output$residualScale)

    # Build data.frames to be plotted
    simulatedData <- rbind.data.frame(simulatedData, outputSimulatedData)
    observedData <- rbind.data.frame(observedData, outputObservedResults$data)
    residualsData <- rbind.data.frame(residualsData, outputResidualsData)

  resultID <- defaultFileNames$resultID(
    length(goodnessOfFitResults) + 1,
  goodnessOfFitResults[[resultID]] <- saveTaskResults(
    id = resultID,
    table = simulatedData,
    includeTable = FALSE
  # Save residuals data as a csv file
  resultID <- defaultFileNames$resultID(length(goodnessOfFitResults) + 1, "residuals_data")
  goodnessOfFitResults[[resultID]] <- saveTaskResults(
    id = resultID,
    table = residualsData,
    includeTable = FALSE

  timeProfileMapping <- list(x = "Time", y = "Concentration", ymin = "ymin", ymax = "ymax", group = "Legend")
  # metaDataFrame summarizes paths, dimensions and units
  metaDataFrame <- getMetaDataFrame(c(outputSimulatedMetaData, outputObservedMetaData))

  # Save goodness of fit data for reference to be compared with other simulation sets
  referenceData <- list(
    simulatedData = simulatedData,
    observedData = observedData,
    residualsData = residualsData,
    timeOffset = structureSet$simulationSet$timeOffset,
    metaData = metaDataFrame

  timeRanges <- getSimulationTimeRanges(simulation, output$path, structureSet$simulationSet)

  # For multiple applications, include text results corresponding to application sub section
  hasMultipleApplications <- sum(sapply(timeRanges, function(timeRange) {
  })) > 1

  for (timeRange in timeRanges) {
    if (!timeRange$keep) {
    if (hasMultipleApplications) {
      resultID <- defaultFileNames$resultID(
        length(goodnessOfFitResults) + 1,

      goodnessOfFitResults[[resultID]] <- saveTaskResults(
        id = resultID,
        textChunk = getTimeRangeCaption(timeRange$name, "goodness-of-fit", structureSet$simulationSet$simulationSetName),
        includeTextChunk = TRUE

    timeProfilePlotResults <- getTimeProfilePlotResults(

    for (plotID in names(timeProfilePlotResults$plots)) {
      resultID <- defaultFileNames$resultID(length(goodnessOfFitResults) + 1, plotID, timeRange$name)
      goodnessOfFitResults[[resultID]] <- saveTaskResults(
        id = resultID,
        plot = timeProfilePlotResults$plots[[plotID]],
        plotCaption = timeProfilePlotResults$captions[[plotID]]

    if (isEmpty(residualsData)) {

    residualsPlotResults <- getResidualsPlotResults(

    for (plotID in names(residualsPlotResults$plots)) {
      resultID <- defaultFileNames$resultID(length(goodnessOfFitResults) + 1, plotID, timeRange$name)
      goodnessOfFitResults[[resultID]] <- saveTaskResults(
        id = resultID,
        plot = residualsPlotResults$plots[[plotID]],
        plotCaption = residualsPlotResults$captions[[plotID]]

    goodnessOfFitResiduals[[timeRange$name]] <- residualsPlotResults$data
    residualsMetaData[[timeRange$name]] <- residualsPlotResults$metaData

  allResiduals <- goodnessOfFitResiduals[[ApplicationRanges$total]]
    results = goodnessOfFitResults,
    referenceData = referenceData,
    residuals = allResiduals

#' @title getPopulationResultsFromOutput
#' @description
#' Get simulated population data from an Output object
#' @param simulationPathResults list with simulated data included
#' @param output An `Output` object
#' @param simulationQuantity Dimension/quantity for unit conversion of dependent variable
#' @param molWeight Molar weight for unit conversion of dependent variable
#' @param structureSet `SimulationStructure` object
#' @param settings TaskSetting object
#' @return list of data and metaData
#' @import ospsuite.utils
#' @keywords internal
getPopulationResultsFromOutput <- function(simulationPathResults, output, simulationQuantity, molWeight, structureSet, settings = NULL) {
  simulationSet <- structureSet$simulationSet
  timeProfileStatistics <- settings$getStatistics()
  aggregateNames <- c("y", "ymin", "ymax")
  aggregateFunctions <- sapply(
    function(functionName) {

  # Get the aggregated results: mean, median and range along time bins
  aggregateSummary <- tlf::AggregationSummary$new(
    data = simulationPathResults$data,
    metaData = simulationPathResults$metaData,
    xColumnNames = "Time",
    yColumnNames = output$path,
    aggregationFunctionsVector = aggregateFunctions,
    aggregationFunctionNames = aggregateNames

  # Conversion to user-defined units
  # Output object is updated: displayUnit cannot be empty anymore
  output$displayUnit <- output$displayUnit %||% simulationQuantity$displayUnit
  # Expressions are used to prevent copy/paste of the code for mean, median and range conversions
  aggregateData <- aggregateSummary$dfHelper
  aggregateData$Time <- ospsuite::toUnit("Time", aggregateData$Time, simulationSet$timeUnit)

  convertExpressions <- parse(text = paste0(
    "aggregateData$", aggregateNames, "<- ",
    "ospsuite::toUnit(simulationQuantity, aggregateData$", aggregateNames,
    ", output$displayUnit, molWeight = molWeight)"

  outputSimulatedMetaData <- list(
    "Time" = list(
      dimension = "Time",
      unit = simulationSet$timeUnit
    "Concentration" = list(
      dimension = simulationQuantity$dimension,
      unit = output$displayUnit %||% simulationQuantity$displayUnit
    "Path" = output$path,
    legend = captions$plotGoF$populationLegend(
      simulationSetName = simulationSet$simulationSetName,
      descriptor = structureSet$simulationSetDescriptor,
      statistics = timeProfileStatistics,
      pathName = output$displayName
    residualsLegend = captions$plotGoF$resLegend(
      simulationSetName = simulationSet$simulationSetName,
      descriptor = structureSet$simulationSetDescriptor,
      pathName = output$displayName
    group = output$groupID,
    color = output$color,
    fill = output$fill

  outputSimulatedData <- aggregateData
  outputSimulatedData$Concentration <- outputSimulatedData$y
  outputSimulatedData$Legend <- outputSimulatedMetaData$legend
  outputSimulatedData$ResidualsLegend <- outputSimulatedMetaData$residualsLegend
  outputSimulatedData$Path <- output$path

    data = outputSimulatedData,
    metaData = outputSimulatedMetaData

#' @title plotMeanTimeProfile
#' @description Plot time profile for mean model workflow
#' @param simulatedData data.frame of simulated data
#' @param observedData data.frame of observed data
#' @param metaData meta data on `data`
#' @param dataMapping A list to be integrated to `tlf` DataMapping objects
#' @param plotConfiguration `PlotConfiguration` class object from `tlf` library
#' @return ggplot object of time profile for mean model workflow
#' @export
#' @import tlf
plotMeanTimeProfile <- function(simulatedData,
                                observedData = NULL,
                                metaData = NULL,
                                dataMapping = NULL,
                                plotConfiguration = NULL) {
  simulatedDataMapping <- tlf::TimeProfileDataMapping$new(
    x = dataMapping$x,
    y = dataMapping$y,
    group = dataMapping$group
  observedDataMapping <- ObservedDataMapping$new(
    x = dataMapping$x,
    y = dataMapping$y,
    group = dataMapping$group,
    lloq = "lloq"
  timeProfilePlot <- tlf::plotTimeProfile(
    data = simulatedData,
    metaData = metaData,
    dataMapping = simulatedDataMapping,
    observedData = observedData,
    observedDataMapping = observedDataMapping,
    plotConfiguration = plotConfiguration
  # Check if lloq needs to be added
  lloqRows <- !is.na(observedData$lloq)
  if (!any(lloqRows)) {
  lloqCaptions <- unique(observedData[lloqRows, dataMapping$group])
  timeProfilePlot <- addLLOQLegend(timeProfilePlot, lloqCaptions)

#' @title plotMeanTimeProfileLog
#' @description Plot time profile for mean model workflow
#' @param simulatedData data.frame of simulated data
#' @param observedData data.frame of observed data
#' @param metaData meta data on `data`
#' @param dataMapping A list to be integrated to `tlf` DataMapping objects
#' @param plotConfiguration `PlotConfiguration` class object from `tlf` library
#' @return ggplot object of time profile for mean model workflow
#' @export
#' @import tlf
plotMeanTimeProfileLog <- function(simulatedData,
                                   observedData = NULL,
                                   metaData = NULL,
                                   dataMapping = NULL,
                                   plotConfiguration = NULL) {
  # Remove 0 values from simulated and observed data because of log scale
  simulatedData <- removeNegativeValues(simulatedData, dataMapping$y)
  observedData <- removeNegativeValues(observedData, dataMapping$y)

  logObservedValues <- NULL
  if (!isEmpty(observedData)) {
    logObservedValues <- c(observedData[, dataMapping$y], observedData$lloq)
  # Get the nice auto scaling of the log data unless user defined
  yAxisLimits <- autoAxesLimits(
    c(simulatedData[, dataMapping$y], logObservedValues),
    scale = "log"
  yAxisTicks <- autoAxesTicksFromLimits(yAxisLimits)
  plotConfiguration$yAxis$scale <- tlf::Scaling$log
  plotConfiguration$yAxis$axisLimits <- plotConfiguration$yAxis$axisLimits %||% yAxisLimits
  plotConfiguration$yAxis$ticks <- yAxisTicks

  meanTimeProfileLog <- plotMeanTimeProfile(
    observedData = observedData,
    metaData = metaData,
    dataMapping = dataMapping,
    plotConfiguration = plotConfiguration

#' @title plotPopTimeProfile
#' @description Plot time profile for population model workflow
#' @param simulatedData data.frame of simulated data
#' @param observedData data.frame of observed data
#' @param metaData meta data on `data`
#' @param dataMapping A list to be integrated to `tlf` DataMapping objects
#' @param plotConfiguration `TimeProfilePlotConfiguration` R6 class object from `tlf` library
#' @return ggplot object of time profile for mean model workflow
#' @export
#' @import tlf
plotPopTimeProfile <- function(simulatedData,
                               observedData = NULL,
                               dataMapping = NULL,
                               metaData = NULL,
                               plotConfiguration = NULL) {
  simulatedData <- removeMissingValues(simulatedData, dataMapping$y)
  simulatedData <- removeMissingValues(simulatedData, dataMapping$ymin)
  simulatedData <- removeMissingValues(simulatedData, dataMapping$ymax)
  observedData <- removeMissingValues(observedData, dataMapping$y)

  # metaData needs to be transferred to ymin and ymax
  # so that y label shows dimension [unit] by default
  metaData$x <- metaData$Time
  metaData$ymin <- metaData$Concentration
  metaData$ymax <- metaData$Concentration

  simulatedDataMapping <- tlf::TimeProfileDataMapping$new(
    x = dataMapping$x,
    y = dataMapping$y,
    ymin = dataMapping$ymin,
    ymax = dataMapping$ymax,
    group = dataMapping$group
  observedDataMapping <- tlf::ObservedDataMapping$new(
    x = dataMapping$x,
    y = dataMapping$y,
    color = dataMapping$group,
    lloq = "lloq"

  timeProfilePlot <- tlf::plotTimeProfile(
    data = simulatedData,
    metaData = metaData,
    dataMapping = simulatedDataMapping,
    observedData = observedData,
    observedDataMapping = observedDataMapping,
    plotConfiguration = plotConfiguration
  # Check if lloq needs to be added
  lloqRows <- !is.na(observedData$lloq)
  if (!any(lloqRows)) {
  lloqCaptions <- unique(observedData[lloqRows, dataMapping$group])
  timeProfilePlot <- addLLOQLegend(timeProfilePlot, lloqCaptions)

#' @title plotPopTimeProfileLog
#' @description Plot time profile for mean model workflow
#' @param simulatedData data.frame of simulated data
#' @param observedData data.frame of observed data
#' @param metaData meta data on `data`
#' @param dataMapping A list mapping `x`, `y` and `group` from datasets
#' @param plotConfiguration `PlotConfiguration` class object from `tlf` library
#' @return ggplot object of time profile for mean model workflow
#' @export
#' @import tlf
plotPopTimeProfileLog <- function(simulatedData,
                                  observedData = NULL,
                                  metaData = NULL,
                                  dataMapping = NULL,
                                  plotConfiguration = NULL) {
  # Remove 0 values from simulated and observed data because of log plots
  simulatedData <- removeNegativeValues(simulatedData, dataMapping$y)
  simulatedData <- removeNegativeValues(simulatedData, dataMapping$ymin)
  simulatedData <- removeNegativeValues(simulatedData, dataMapping$ymax)
  observedData <- removeNegativeValues(observedData, dataMapping$y)

  logObservedValues <- NULL
  if (!isEmpty(observedData)) {
    logObservedValues <- c(observedData[, dataMapping$y], observedData$lloq)
  # Get the nice auto scaling of the log data unless user defined
  yAxisLimits <- autoAxesLimits(
      simulatedData[, dataMapping$y],
      simulatedData[, dataMapping$ymin],
      simulatedData[, dataMapping$ymax],
    scale = "log"
  yAxisTicks <- autoAxesTicksFromLimits(yAxisLimits)
  plotConfiguration$yAxis$scale <- tlf::Scaling$log
  plotConfiguration$yAxis$axisLimits <- plotConfiguration$yAxis$axisLimits %||% yAxisLimits
  plotConfiguration$yAxis$ticks <- yAxisTicks

  populationTimeProfileLog <- plotPopTimeProfile(
    observedData = observedData,
    metaData = metaData,
    dataMapping = dataMapping,
    plotConfiguration = plotConfiguration

#' @title asTimeAfterDose
#' @description Transform time data as time after dose data
#' @param data A data.frame that includes the variable `Time`
#' @param timeOffset Value shifting time
#' @param maxTime Optional maximum time value before shift
#' @return A data.frame
#' @keywords internal
asTimeAfterDose <- function(data, timeOffset, maxTime = NULL) {
  if (isOfLength(data, 0)) {
    # Return empty data.frame (consitent class with data[dataFilter, ])
  dataFilter <- data$Time >= timeOffset
  if (!is.null(maxTime)) {
    dataFilter <- dataFilter & data$Time <= maxTime
  if (!any(dataFilter)) {
  data$Time <- data$Time - timeOffset
  return(data[dataFilter, ])

#' @title getMetaDataFrame
#' @description Get time profile list of metaData as a single data.frame
#' @param listOfMetaData list including `Path` and `Concentration`
#' @return A data.frame with variables `path`, `dimension`, `unit`, `group`, `color`, `fill`
#' @keywords internal
getMetaDataFrame <- function(listOfMetaData) {
  # Create a list of data.frames with properties of interest
  metaDataFrame <- lapply(
    function(metaData) {
        path = metaData$Path,
        dimension = metaData$Concentration$dimension,
        unit = metaData$Concentration$unit,
        legend = metaData$legend,
        residualsLegend = metaData$residualsLegend,
        group = metaData$group %||% NA,
        color = metaData$color,
        fill = metaData$fill
  # Merge and format data.frame
  metaDataFrame <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, metaDataFrame)
  metaDataFrame <- data.frame(metaDataFrame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # Update dimension name for better caption in plot label
  selectedDimensions <- metaDataFrame$dimension %in% c("Concentration (mass)", "Concentration (molar)")
  metaDataFrame$dimension[selectedDimensions] <- "Concentration"

#' @title getTimeProfilePlotResults
#' @description Get plots and their captions for mean or population time profiles
#' @param workflowType `"mean"` or `"population"` workflow
#' @param timeRange array of time values defining range of simulated data
#' @param simulatedData data.frame of simulated data
#' @param observedData data.frame of observed data
#' @param metaDataFrame metaData represented as a data.frame
#' @param timeProfileMapping list of variables to map in the time profile plots
#' @param structureSet A `SimulationStructure` object
#' @param settings Optional settings for the plots. In particular, includes reference data for population time profile.
#' @return List of `plots` and their `captions`
#' @keywords internal
getTimeProfilePlotResults <- function(workflowType, timeRange, simulatedData, observedData = NULL, metaDataFrame, timeProfileMapping, structureSet, settings = NULL) {
  goodnessOfFitPlots <- list()
  goodnessOfFitCaptions <- list()

  # Add reference simulated data, if any, to the existing data
  # rbind.data.frame enforces data.frame type and nrow can be used as is
  # Reset time based on timeOffset or application range
  simulatedData <- rbind.data.frame(
      min(timeRange) + settings$referenceData$timeOffset,
      max(timeRange) + settings$referenceData$timeOffset
      min(timeRange) + structureSet$simulationSet$timeOffset,
      max(timeRange) + structureSet$simulationSet$timeOffset
  if (nrow(simulatedData) == 0) {
      timeRange + structureSet$simulationSet$timeOffset,
      structureSet$simulationSet$timeUnit, "simulated"
  observedData <- asTimeAfterDose(
    min(timeRange) + structureSet$simulationSet$timeOffset,
    max(timeRange) + structureSet$simulationSet$timeOffset
  # Add reference observed data only if option is set to true
  # isTRUE is used for mean model workflows that have a NULL field
  if (isTRUE(structureSet$simulationSet$plotReferenceObsData)) {
    observedData <- rbind.data.frame(
        min(timeRange) + settings$referenceData$timeOffset,
        max(timeRange) + settings$referenceData$timeOffset

    timeRange + structureSet$simulationSet$timeOffset,
    timeRange + structureSet$simulationSet$timeOffset,

  # update metaDataFrame if reference data included
  if (!isEmpty(settings$referenceData$metaData)) {
    referenceMetaData <- settings$referenceData$metaData
    referenceMetaData$color <- reEnv$referenceColor
    referenceMetaData$fill <- reEnv$referenceFill
    metaDataFrame <- rbind.data.frame(

  outputGroups <- getOutputGroups(metaDataFrame)
  for (outputGroup in outputGroups) {
    resultId <- paste0("timeProfile-", utils::head(outputGroup$dimension, 1))
    resultIdLog <- paste0("timeProfileLog-", utils::head(outputGroup$dimension, 1))

    selectedSimulatedData <- simulatedData[simulatedData$Path %in% outputGroup$path, ]
    selectedObservedData <- observedData[observedData$Path %in% outputGroup$path, ]

    timeProfileMetaData <- list(
      "Time" = list(dimension = "Time", unit = structureSet$simulationSet$timeUnit),
      # If outputGroup has multiple rows, only use first one
      "Concentration" = list(
        dimension = utils::head(outputGroup$dimension, 1),
        unit = utils::head(outputGroup$unit, 1)

    timeProfilePlotConfiguration <- getTimeProfilePlotConfiguration(
      workflowType = workflowType,
      group = outputGroup,
      data = selectedSimulatedData,
      metaData = timeProfileMetaData,
      observedData = selectedObservedData,
      dataMapping = timeProfileMapping,
      plotConfiguration = settings$plotConfigurations[["timeProfile"]]

    timeProfilePlotConfigurationLog <- getTimeProfilePlotConfiguration(
      workflowType = workflowType,
      group = outputGroup,
      data = selectedSimulatedData,
      metaData = timeProfileMetaData,
      observedData = selectedObservedData,
      dataMapping = timeProfileMapping,
      plotConfiguration = settings$plotConfigurations[["timeProfileLog"]]

    if (workflowType %in% "mean") {
      timeProfilePlot <- plotMeanTimeProfile(
        simulatedData = selectedSimulatedData,
        observedData = selectedObservedData,
        metaData = timeProfileMetaData,
        dataMapping = timeProfileMapping,
        plotConfiguration = timeProfilePlotConfiguration
      timeProfilePlotLog <- plotMeanTimeProfileLog(
        simulatedData = selectedSimulatedData,
        observedData = selectedObservedData,
        metaData = timeProfileMetaData,
        dataMapping = timeProfileMapping,
        plotConfiguration = timeProfilePlotConfigurationLog

    if (workflowType %in% "population") {
      timeProfilePlot <- plotPopTimeProfile(
        simulatedData = selectedSimulatedData,
        observedData = selectedObservedData,
        metaData = timeProfileMetaData,
        dataMapping = timeProfileMapping,
        plotConfiguration = timeProfilePlotConfiguration
      timeProfilePlotLog <- plotPopTimeProfileLog(
        simulatedData = selectedSimulatedData,
        observedData = selectedObservedData,
        metaData = timeProfileMetaData,
        dataMapping = timeProfileMapping,
        plotConfiguration = timeProfilePlotConfigurationLog

    goodnessOfFitPlots[[resultId]] <- timeProfilePlot
    goodnessOfFitPlots[[resultIdLog]] <- timeProfilePlotLog

    goodnessOfFitCaptions[[resultId]] <- getGoodnessOfFitCaptions(structureSet, "timeProfile", "linear")
    goodnessOfFitCaptions[[resultIdLog]] <- getGoodnessOfFitCaptions(structureSet, "timeProfile", "logarithmic")

    plots = goodnessOfFitPlots,
    captions = goodnessOfFitCaptions

#' @title getResidualsPlotResults
#' @description Get plots and their captions for residuals
#' @param timeRange array of time values defining range of simulated data
#' @param residualsData data.frame of residuals data
#' @param metaDataFrame metaData represented as a data.frame
#' @param structureSet A `SimulationStructure` object
#' @param settings Optional settings for the plots. In particular, includes reference data for population time profile.
#' @return List of `plots`, their `captions` and `data` to export
#' @keywords internal
getResidualsPlotResults <- function(timeRange, residualsData, metaDataFrame, structureSet, settings = NULL) {
  residualsMetaData <- NULL
  goodnessOfFitPlots <- list()
  goodnessOfFitCaptions <- list()

  # Residuals can contain Inf/NA values which need to be seen in csv output file
  # While removed from the ggplot object
  csvResidualsData <- residualsData
  csvResidualsData[, "Residuals"] <- replaceInfWithNA(csvResidualsData[, "Residuals"])

  # rbind.data.frame enforces data.frame type and nrow can be used as is
  refResidualsData <- csvResidualsData
  # Add reference residuals data only if option is set to true
  # isTRUE is used for mean model workflows that have a NULL field
  if (isTRUE(structureSet$simulationSet$plotReferenceObsData)) {
    refResidualsData <- rbind.data.frame(settings$referenceData$residualsData, csvResidualsData)
  refResidualsData <- removeMissingValues(refResidualsData, "Residuals")
  residualsData <- asTimeAfterDose(refResidualsData, min(timeRange), max(timeRange))

    timeRange, structureSet$simulationSet$timeUnit,

  if (nrow(residualsData) == 0) {
      plots = goodnessOfFitPlots,
      captions = goodnessOfFitCaptions,
      data = csvResidualsData,
      metaData = list()

  # Get residual scale for legends and captions
  residualsLegend <- "Residuals"
  residualScale <- ""
  residualScales <- sapply(structureSet$simulationSet$outputs, function(output) {
  if (all(residualScales %in% ResidualScales$Logarithmic)) {
    residualsLegend <- "Residuals\nlog(Observed)-log(Simulated)"
    residualScale <- ResidualScales$Logarithmic
  if (all(residualScales %in% ResidualScales$Linear)) {
    residualsLegend <- "Residuals\nObserved-Simulated"
    residualScale <- ResidualScales$Linear

  # Observed vs Predicted Plots
  outputGroups <- getOutputGroups(metaDataFrame)
  for (outputGroup in outputGroups) {
    resultId <- paste0("obsVsPred-", utils::head(outputGroup$dimension, 1))
    resultIdLog <- paste0("obsVsPredLog-", utils::head(outputGroup$dimension, 1))
    obsVsPredDataMapping <- tlf::ObsVsPredDataMapping$new(
      x = "Observed",
      y = "Simulated",
      group = "Legend",
      lloq = "lloq"
    selectedResidualsData <- residualsData[residualsData$Path %in% outputGroup$path, ]
    if (nrow(selectedResidualsData) == 0) {
    residualsMetaData <- list(
      "Observed" = list(dimension = "Observed data", unit = utils::head(outputGroup$unit, 1)),
      "Simulated" = list(dimension = "Simulated value", unit = utils::head(outputGroup$unit, 1)),
      "Residuals" = list(unit = "", dimension = residualsLegend)

    obsVsPredPlotConfiguration <- getGOFPlotConfiguration(
      plotType = "obsVsPred",
      group = outputGroup,
      data = selectedResidualsData,
      metaData = residualsMetaData,
      dataMapping = obsVsPredDataMapping,
      plotConfiguration = settings$plotConfigurations[["obsVsPred"]]

    obsVsPredPlotConfigurationLog <- getGOFPlotConfiguration(
      plotType = "obsVsPred",
      group = outputGroup,
      data = selectedResidualsData,
      metaData = residualsMetaData,
      dataMapping = obsVsPredDataMapping,
      plotConfiguration = settings$plotConfigurations[["obsVsPredLog"]]

    obsVsPredPlot <- tlf::plotObsVsPred(
      data = selectedResidualsData,
      metaData = residualsMetaData,
      dataMapping = obsVsPredDataMapping,
      plotConfiguration = obsVsPredPlotConfiguration,
      # Add identity line to linear plot
      foldDistance = 0

    goodnessOfFitPlots[[resultId]] <- obsVsPredPlot
    goodnessOfFitCaptions[[resultId]] <- getGoodnessOfFitCaptions(structureSet, "obsVsPred", "linear", settings)

    # tlf issue #369
    selectedLogData <- selectedResidualsData$Simulated > 0 & selectedResidualsData$Observed > 0
    if (sum(selectedLogData) > 0) {
      # In log scale, identity line is 1 instead of 0
      obsVsPredPlotLog <- tlf::plotObsVsPred(
        data = selectedResidualsData[selectedLogData, ],
        metaData = residualsMetaData,
        dataMapping = obsVsPredDataMapping,
        plotConfiguration = obsVsPredPlotConfigurationLog,
        # Add identity line to log-log plot
        foldDistance = 0
      goodnessOfFitPlots[[resultIdLog]] <- obsVsPredPlotLog
      goodnessOfFitCaptions[[resultIdLog]] <- getGoodnessOfFitCaptions(structureSet, "obsVsPred", "logarithmic", settings)

  # Residuals Plots
  residualsMetaData <- list(
    "Time" = list(dimension = "Time", unit = structureSet$simulationSet$timeUnit),
    "Simulated" = list(dimension = "Simulated value", unit = utils::head(outputGroup$unit, 1)),
    "Residuals" = list(dimension = residualsLegend, unit = "")
  resVsPredDataMapping <- tlf::ResVsPredDataMapping$new(
    x = "Simulated",
    y = "Residuals",
    group = "Legend"
  resVsPredPlotConfiguration <- getGOFPlotConfiguration(
    plotType = "resVsPred",
    group = metaDataFrame,
    data = residualsData,
    metaData = residualsMetaData,
    dataMapping = resVsPredDataMapping,
    plotConfiguration = settings$plotConfigurations[["resVsPred"]]

  goodnessOfFitPlots[["resVsPred"]] <- tlf::plotResVsPred(
    data = residualsData,
    metaData = residualsMetaData,
    dataMapping = resVsPredDataMapping,
    plotConfiguration = resVsPredPlotConfiguration
  goodnessOfFitCaptions[["resVsPred"]] <- getGoodnessOfFitCaptions(structureSet, "resVsPred", residualScale, settings)

  resVsTimeDataMapping <- tlf::ResVsTimeDataMapping$new(
    x = "Time",
    y = "Residuals",
    group = "Legend"
  resVsTimePlotConfiguration <- getGOFPlotConfiguration(
    plotType = "resVsTime",
    group = metaDataFrame,
    data = residualsData,
    metaData = residualsMetaData,
    dataMapping = resVsTimeDataMapping,
    plotConfiguration = settings$plotConfigurations[["resVsTime"]]

  goodnessOfFitPlots[["resVsTime"]] <- tlf::plotResVsTime(
    data = residualsData,
    metaData = residualsMetaData,
    dataMapping = resVsTimeDataMapping,
    plotConfiguration = resVsTimePlotConfiguration
  goodnessOfFitCaptions[["resVsTime"]] <- getGoodnessOfFitCaptions(structureSet, "resVsTime", residualScale)

  # Residuals distribution
  histogramDataMapping <- tlf::HistogramDataMapping$new(
    x = "Residuals",
    fill = "Legend",
    stack = TRUE,
    distribution = "normal",
    frequency = TRUE
  histogramPlotConfiguration <- getGOFPlotConfiguration(
    plotType = "resHisto",
    group = metaDataFrame,
    data = residualsData,
    metaData = residualsMetaData,
    dataMapping = histogramDataMapping,
    plotConfiguration = settings$plotConfigurations[["resHisto"]]
  goodnessOfFitPlots[["resHisto"]] <- tlf::plotHistogram(
    data = residualsData,
    metaData = residualsMetaData,
    dataMapping = histogramDataMapping,
    plotConfiguration = histogramPlotConfiguration,
    bins = settings$bins %||% reEnv$defaultBins
  goodnessOfFitCaptions[["resHisto"]] <- getGoodnessOfFitCaptions(structureSet, "resHisto", residualScale)

  qqDataMapping <- tlf::QQDataMapping$new(
    y = "Residuals",
    group = "Legend"
  qqPlotConfiguration <- getGOFPlotConfiguration(
    plotType = "resQQPlot",
    group = metaDataFrame,
    data = residualsData,
    metaData = residualsMetaData,
    dataMapping = qqDataMapping,
    plotConfiguration = settings$plotConfigurations[["resQQPlot"]]
  goodnessOfFitPlots[["resQQPlot"]] <- tlf::plotQQ(
    data = residualsData,
    metaData = residualsMetaData,
    dataMapping = qqDataMapping,
    plotConfiguration = qqPlotConfiguration
  goodnessOfFitCaptions[["resQQPlot"]] <- getGoodnessOfFitCaptions(structureSet, "resQQPlot", residualScale)

    plots = goodnessOfFitPlots,
    captions = goodnessOfFitCaptions,
    data = csvResidualsData,
    metaData = residualsMetaData

#' @title getOutputGroups
#' @description Group paths with same group IDs and Units
#' @param metaDataFrame A data.frame with variables `path`, `dimension`, `unit`, `group`, `color`, `fill`
#' @return List of data.frames data.frame with variables `path`, `dimension`, `unit`, `group`, `color`, `fill`
#' @keywords internal
getOutputGroups <- function(metaDataFrame) {
  outputGroups <- split(
    x = metaDataFrame,
    f = as.factor(paste(metaDataFrame$unit, metaDataFrame$group))

#' @title ApplicationRanges
#' @description
#' Keys of reported ranges when simulation includes multiple applications
#' @export
#' @family enum helpers
#' @examples
#' # Lists available Application Ranges
#' ApplicationRanges
ApplicationRanges <- enum(c("total", "firstApplication", "lastApplication"))
Open-Systems-Pharmacology/OSPSuite.ReportingEngine documentation built on May 1, 2024, 12:27 p.m.