
Defines functions getFigurePathsFromReport getIntroFromReportTitle copyReport updateTableNumbers updateFigureNumbers updateArtifactNumbers getFirstLineElement getTitleInfo introToYamlHeader getAnchorName hasAnchor anchor adjustTitlePage getSimulationDescriptor setSimulationDescriptor addMarkdownToc addSectionNumbersToMarkdown addTableAndFigureNumbersToMarkdown renderWordReport translateForWord renderReport mergeMarkdownFiles addTextChunk addTableChunk addFigureChunk resetReport

Documented in addFigureChunk addMarkdownToc addSectionNumbersToMarkdown addTableAndFigureNumbersToMarkdown addTableChunk addTextChunk adjustTitlePage anchor copyReport getAnchorName getFigurePathsFromReport getFirstLineElement getIntroFromReportTitle getSimulationDescriptor getTitleInfo hasAnchor introToYamlHeader mergeMarkdownFiles renderReport renderWordReport resetReport setSimulationDescriptor translateForWord updateArtifactNumbers updateFigureNumbers updateTableNumbers

#' @title resetReport
#' @description Initialize a report, warning if a previous version already exists
#' @param fileName name of .md file to reset
#' @export
#' @family reporting
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' resetReport("report.md")
#' }
resetReport <- function(fileName) {
  if (file.exists(fileName)) {
    logDebug(paste0("'", fileName, "' already exists. Overwriting '", fileName, "'."))
  # When write() uses sep = "\n",
  # Every element of the array input in write() is added in a new line
  # Thus, only "" is needed to create a new line
  fileObject <- file(fileName, encoding = "UTF-8")
  write("", file = fileObject, sep = "\n")

#' @title addFigureChunk
#' @description Add a figure in a .md document
#' @param fileName name of .md file
#' @param figureFileRelativePath path to figure relative to working directory
#' @param figureFileRootDirectory working directory
#' @param figureCaption caption of figure
#' @export
#' @family reporting
addFigureChunk <- function(fileName,
                           figureCaption = "") {
  # For a figure path to be valid in markdown using ![](#figurePath)
  # %20 needs to replace spaces in that figure path
  mdFigureFile <- URLencode(figureFileRelativePath)

  mdText <- c(
    paste0("![", figureCaption, "](", mdFigureFile, ")"),

  fileObject <- file(fileName, encoding = "UTF-8", open = "at")
  write(mdText, file = fileObject, append = TRUE, sep = "\n")

  usedFilesFileName <- sub(pattern = ".md", replacement = "-usedFiles.txt", fileName)
  fileObject <- file(usedFilesFileName, open = "at", encoding = "UTF-8")
  write(file.path(figureFileRootDirectory, figureFileRelativePath), file = fileObject, append = TRUE, sep = "\n")

#' @title addTableChunk
#' @description Add a table in a .md document
#' @param fileName name of .md file
#' @param tableFileRelativePath path to table relative to working directory
#' @param tableFileRootDirectory working directory
#' @param digits number of decimal digits in displayed numbers
#' @param scientific logical defining if displayed numbers use scientific writing
#' @param na character string replacing `NA` values in table
#' @export
#' @import ospsuite.utils
#' @family reporting
addTableChunk <- function(fileName,
                          digits = NULL,
                          scientific = NULL,
                          na = "-") {
  # The function `formatNumerics` is now used by addTableChunk
  # colClasses = "character" is not needed anymore to enforce all table elements to be 'character'
  table <- read.csv(
    file.path(tableFileRootDirectory, tableFileRelativePath),
    check.names = FALSE,
    fileEncoding = "UTF-8",
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  table <- formatNumerics(
    digits = digits %||% reEnv$formatNumericsDigits,
    scientific = scientific %||% reEnv$formatNumericsScientific

  # Currently using default options from kable
  mdText <- c(
  mdText <- gsub("NA", na, mdText)

  fileObject <- file(fileName, encoding = "UTF-8", open = "at")
  write(mdText, file = fileObject, append = TRUE, sep = "\n")

  usedFilesFileName <- sub(pattern = ".md", replacement = "-usedFiles.txt", fileName)
  fileObject <- file(usedFilesFileName, open = "at", encoding = "UTF-8")
  write(file.path(tableFileRootDirectory, tableFileRelativePath), file = fileObject, append = TRUE, sep = "\n")

#' @title addTextChunk
#' @description Add a text chunk to a .md document
#' @param fileName name of .md file
#' @param text text to include in the document
#' @export
#' @family reporting
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' resetReport("report.md")
#' addTextChunk(fileName = "report.md", text = "new text")
#' }
addTextChunk <- function(fileName, text) {
  fileObject <- file(fileName, encoding = "UTF-8", open = "at")
  write(c("", text, ""), file = fileObject, append = TRUE, sep = "\n")

#' @title mergeMarkdownFiles
#' @description Merge markdown files into one unique file
#' @param inputFiles names of .md files to merge
#' @param outputFile name of merged .md file
#' @param keepInputFiles logical option to prevent the input files to be deleted after merging them
#' @export
#' @family reporting
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' resetReport("chapter-1.md")
#' addTextChunk(fileName = "chapter-1.md", text = "Chapter 1")
#' resetReport("chapter-2.md")
#' addTextChunk(fileName = "chapter-2.md", text = "Chapter 2")
#' mergeMarkdownFiles(
#'   inputFiles = c("chapter-1.md", "chapter-2.md"),
#'   outputFile = "chapters-1and2.md"
#' )
#' }
mergeMarkdownFiles <- function(inputFiles, outputFile, keepInputFiles = FALSE) {
  # Read all files contents first in case outputFile is within inputFiles
  filesContent <- lapply(inputFiles, function(fileName) {
    readLines(fileName, encoding = "UTF-8")

  # tracelib chunk of code
  usedFilesOutputFile <- sub(pattern = ".md", replacement = "-usedFiles.txt", outputFile)
  for (fileName in inputFiles) {
    usedFilesFileName <- sub(pattern = ".md", replacement = "-usedFiles.txt", fileName)
    if (file.exists(usedFilesFileName)) {
      file.append(usedFilesOutputFile, usedFilesFileName)
  # Merge input files content
  invisible(lapply(filesContent, function(fileContent) {
    addTextChunk(outputFile, fileContent)
  if (!keepInputFiles) {
    # Use setdiff to prevent erasing output file its name is included in inputFiles
    file.remove(setdiff(inputFiles, outputFile))

  logDebug(paste0("Reports '", paste0(inputFiles, collapse = "', '"), "' were successfully merged into '", outputFile, "'"))

#' @title renderReport
#' @description Render report with number sections and table of content
#' @param fileName name of .md file to render
#' @param createWordReport option for creating Markdown-Report only but not a Word-Report
#' @param numberSections logical defining if sections are numbered
#' @param intro name of .md file that include introduction (before toc)
#' @param wordConversionTemplate optional docx template for rendering a tuned Word-Report document
#' @export
#' @family reporting
renderReport <- function(fileName, createWordReport = FALSE, numberSections = TRUE, intro = NULL, wordConversionTemplate = NULL) {
  actionToken2 <- re.tStartAction(actionType = "ReportGeneration")
  # When rendering word report, the pandoc command toc automatically number the sections
  # Thus, report-word.md needs to be created before numbering the markdown sections
  renderWordReport(fileName, intro = intro, createWordReport, wordConversionTemplate)
  if (numberSections) {
  mergeMarkdownFiles(inputFiles = c(intro, fileName), outputFile = fileName)
  re.tEndAction(actionToken = actionToken2)

#' @title translateForWord
#' @description
#' Translate markdown text into a version that Pandoc can convert to Word with appropriate formatting
#' @param mdText Character strings of markdown text
#' @return Updated md text
#' @keywords internal
translateForWord <- function(mdText) {
  wordText <- NULL
  # Page break using source code
  # https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#extension-raw_attribute
  artifactPageBreak <- c(
    '<w:br w:type="page"/>',
  for (lineContent in mdText) {
    firstElement <- getFirstLineElement(lineContent)
    anchorName <- getAnchorName(lineContent)
    # Issue #968 Subscript and superscript rendering
    lineContent <- gsub(pattern = "<sup>|</sup>", replacement = "^", lineContent)
    lineContent <- gsub(pattern = "<sub>|</sub>", replacement = "~", lineContent)
    # Expose openxml translations for users
    # Manual page break
    lineContent <- gsub(pattern = "<pagebreak>", replacement = '<w:br w:type="page"/>`{=openxml}', lineContent)
    # Alignment
    lineContent <- gsub(pattern = "</div>", replacement = "", lineContent)
    lineContent <- gsub(pattern = '<div align=\"right\">', replacement = '`<w:pPr><w:jc w:val="right"/></w:pPr>`{=openxml}', lineContent)
    lineContent <- gsub(pattern = '<div align=\"left\">', replacement = '`<w:pPr><w:jc w:val="left"/></w:pPr>`{=openxml}', lineContent)
    lineContent <- gsub(pattern = '<div align=\"center\">', replacement = '`<w:pPr><w:jc w:val="center"/></w:pPr>`{=openxml}', lineContent)
    lineContent <- gsub(pattern = '<div align=\"justify\">', replacement = '`<w:pPr><w:jc w:val="both"/></w:pPr>`{=openxml}', lineContent)

    # For anchors, remove and replace tag by inline bookmark at the end of the line
    # By convention, no more than 1 anchor should be included in a line
    if (hasAnchor(lineContent)) {
      lineContent <- gsub(pattern = "<a.*/a>", replacement = "", lineContent)
      lineContent <- paste0(
        '`<w:bookmarkStart w:id="', anchorName, '" w:name="', anchorName, '"/>',
        '<w:bookmarkEnd w:id="', anchorName, '"/>`{=openxml}'
    # By convention, artifacts are referenced with a tag at the beginning of the line
    # whose identifier includes "table" or "figure"
    # For them, a page break is needed before the tag to get a prettier word document
    # Since the identification is based on the html tag,
    # caption on top or below the artifact does not require any update
    isArtifactAnchor <- all(
      isIncluded(firstElement, "<a"),
      grepl(pattern = "table|figure", x = anchorName)
    wordText <- c(wordText, artifactPageBreak[isArtifactAnchor], lineContent)

#' @title renderWordReport
#' @description Render docx report with number sections and table of content
#' @param fileName name of .md file to render
#' @param intro name of .md file that include introduction (before toc)
#' @param createWordReport option for creating Markdown-Report only but not a Word-Report
#' @param wordConversionTemplate optional docx template for rendering a tuned Word-Report document
#' @export
#' @family reporting
renderWordReport <- function(fileName, intro = NULL, createWordReport = FALSE, wordConversionTemplate = NULL) {
  if (!createWordReport) {
  reportConfig <- file.path(reEnv$log$folder, "word-report-configuration.txt")
  wordFileName <- sub(pattern = ".md", replacement = "-word.md", fileName)
  docxWordFileName <- sub(pattern = ".md", replacement = "-word.docx", fileName)
  docxFileName <- sub(pattern = ".md", replacement = ".docx", fileName)

  fileContent <- readLines(fileName, encoding = "UTF-8")
  wordFileContent <- translateForWord(fileContent)

  # Code for tracelib package
  usedFilesFileName <- sub(pattern = ".md", replacement = "-usedFiles.txt", fileName)
  usedFiles <- readLines(usedFilesFileName, encoding = "UTF-8")
  for (usedFile in usedFiles) {
    if (usedFile != "") {
      re.tStoreFileMetadata(access = "read", filePath = usedFile)

  # Include introduction as a yaml header passed as additional arguments to pandoc
  if (!isEmpty(intro)) {
    introContent <- readLines(intro, encoding = "UTF-8")
    yamlContent <- introToYamlHeader(introContent)
    # Cover page features
    wordFileContent <- c(yamlContent, "", wordFileContent)
  # Since write() uses sep = "\n",
  # every element of array wordFileContent is added in a new line
  fileObject <- file(wordFileName, encoding = "UTF-8")
  write(wordFileContent, file = fileObject, sep = "\n")
  re.tStoreFileMetadata(access = "write", filePath = wordFileName)

  # Check if pandoc is available before trying to render word report
  if (!rmarkdown::pandoc_available()) {
    logError("Pandoc is not installed, word report was not created.")
  wordConversionTemplate <- wordConversionTemplate %||% system.file("extdata", "reference.docx", package = "ospsuite.reportingengine")

  # Some arguments will depend on pandoc version to prevent warnings
  # docx requires that figures are contained within document
  selfContainedArgument <- "self-contained:"
  if (rmarkdown::pandoc_version() >= "2.19") {
    selfContainedArgument <- c("embed-resources:", "standalone:")
  # Create txt file that includes arguments for Pandoc
      # Remove wrapping limitation of 80 characters/line
      "wrap: none",
      # Add table of content
      # Add extensions to md for conversion
      # +tex_math_dollars: convert equations written between $...$ in LateX
      # https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#extension-tex_math_dollars
      # +raw_attribute: keep ```{=openxml} as raw openxml to include page breaks and bookmarks
      # https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#extension-raw_attribute
      # +superscript+subscript: convert superscript text between ^...^, subscript text between ~...~
      # https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#superscripts-and-subscripts
      "from: markdown+tex_math_dollars+superscript+subscript+raw_attribute",
      # Document used for styling
      paste0('reference-doc: "', wordConversionTemplate, '"'),
      # Location of resources such as figures
      paste0('resource-path: "', reEnv$log$folder, '"')
    file = reportConfig, sep = "\n"

  knitr::pandoc(input = wordFileName, format = "docx", config = reportConfig)
  file.copy(docxWordFileName, docxFileName, overwrite = TRUE)
  re.tStoreFileMetadata(access = "write", filePath = docxFileName)
  unlink(reportConfig, recursive = TRUE)
  unlink(docxWordFileName, recursive = TRUE)

  logDebug(paste0("Word version of report '", fileName, "' created."))

#' @title addTableAndFigureNumbersToMarkdown
#' @description Reference tables and figures in a report
#' @param fileName name of .md file to update
#' @keywords internal
addTableAndFigureNumbersToMarkdown <- function(fileName) {
  fileContent <- readLines(fileName, encoding = "UTF-8")
  numberOfLines <- length(fileContent)

  fileContent <- updateFigureNumbers(fileContent)
  # Three new lines are added by referenced figure
  figureCount <- (length(fileContent) - numberOfLines) / 3
  numberOfLines <- length(fileContent)

  fileContent <- updateTableNumbers(fileContent)
  # Three new lines are added by referenced table
  tableCount <- (length(fileContent) - numberOfLines) / 3
  numberOfLines <- length(fileContent)

  fileObject <- file(fileName, encoding = "UTF-8")
  write(fileContent, file = fileObject, sep = "\n")

    "In '", fileName, "', ", tableCount, " tables and ",
    figureCount, " figures were referenced."

#' @title addSectionNumbersToMarkdown
#' @description Update section numbers of a report
#' @param fileName name of .md file to update
#' @keywords internal
addSectionNumbersToMarkdown <- function(fileName) {
  fileContent <- readLines(fileName, encoding = "UTF-8")
  titleInfo <- getTitleInfo(fileContent)
  for (title in titleInfo) {
    titleNumber <- paste0(title$count[seq(1, title$level)], collapse = ".")
    titlePattern <- paste0(rep("#", title$level), collapse = "")
    fileContent[title$line] <- gsub(
      pattern = titlePattern,
      x = fileContent[title$line],
      replacement = paste(titlePattern, titleNumber)

  fileObject <- file(fileName, encoding = "UTF-8")
  write(fileContent, file = fileObject, sep = "\n")

  logDebug(paste0("In '", fileName, "', ", length(title), " sections were numbered"))

#' @title addMarkdownToc
#' @description Add table of content to a markdown file
#' @param tocContent Table of content referencing sections following a markdown format
#' @param fileName name of .md file to update
#' @keywords internal
addMarkdownToc <- function(fileName, tocTitle = "# Table of Contents") {
  fileContent <- readLines(fileName, encoding = "UTF-8")
  titleInfo <- getTitleInfo(fileContent)
  # For each title, create its entry in table of content
  # By adding as many spaces as levels, then *[display title](#anchorId)
  tocContent <- sapply(
    function(title) {
      titlePattern <- paste0(paste0(rep("#", title$level), collapse = ""), " ")
      titleTocContent <- gsub(pattern = titlePattern, replacement = "", x = title$content)
      tocLevelShift <- paste0(rep(" ", title$level), collapse = " ")
      return(paste0(tocLevelShift, "* [", titleTocContent, "](#", title$reference, ")"))
  # Update file content by adding before
  # tocTitle: "# Table of Contents"
  # line break
  # content of the table of content
  # then the report content
  fileContent <- c(tocTitle, "", tocContent, "", fileContent)
  fileObject <- file(fileName, encoding = "UTF-8")
  write(fileContent, file = fileObject, sep = "\n")
  re.tStoreFileMetadata(access = "write", filePath = fileName)

    "In '", fileName, "', table of content of ",
    length(tocContent), " lines was included."

#' @title setSimulationDescriptor
#' @description Set workflow simulation set descriptor
#' @param workflow A `Workflow` object
#' @param text Character describing simulation sets
#' @export
#' @import ospsuite.utils
#' @family workflow helpers
setSimulationDescriptor <- function(workflow, text) {
  validateIsOfType(workflow, "Workflow")
  validateIsString(text, nullAllowed = TRUE)

  # Allows NULL which is translated by ""
  workflow$setSimulationDescriptor(text %||% "")

#' @title getSimulationDescriptor
#' @description Get workflow simulation set descriptor
#' @param workflow A `Workflow` object
#' @return character describing simulation sets
#' @export
#' @family workflow helpers
getSimulationDescriptor <- function(workflow) {
  validateIsOfType(workflow, "Workflow")

#' @title adjustTitlePage
#' @description Adjust Qualification Version Information to be displayed on title page
#' @param fileName name of .md file to update
#' @param qualificationVersionInfo A `QualificationVersionInfo`object defining Qualification Version Information to be displayed on title page
#' @export
#' @family qualification workflow
adjustTitlePage <- function(fileName, qualificationVersionInfo = NULL) {
  validateIsOfType(qualificationVersionInfo, "QualificationVersionInfo", nullAllowed = TRUE)
  # Does not adust title page if no QualificationVersionInfo
  if (isEmpty(qualificationVersionInfo)) {
  fileContent <- readLines(fileName, encoding = "UTF-8")
  fileContent <- qualificationVersionInfo$updateText(fileContent)

  fileObject <- file(fileName, encoding = "UTF-8")
  write(fileContent, file = fileObject, sep = "\n")

#' @title anchor
#' @description Create an anchor tag for markdown document
#' @param name Name/identifier of the anchor tag
#' @return A character string
#' @export
#' @family reporting
#' @examples
#' anchor("section-1")
anchor <- function(name) {
  return(paste0('<a id="', tolower(name), '"></a>'))

#' @title hasAnchor
#' @description Check if a character string includes an anchor tag
#' @param tag Character string
#' @return A logical
#' @export
#' @family reporting
#' @examples
#' # Flags both anchors using id or name
#' hasAnchor('<a id="section-1"></a>')
#' hasAnchor('<a name="section-1"></a>')
#' hasAnchor("# section 1")
hasAnchor <- function(tag) {
  return(grepl(pattern = '<a (id|name)="', x = tag) & grepl(pattern = '"></a>', x = tag))

#' @title getAnchorName
#' @description Get the name/identifier an anchor tag
#' @param tag Character string
#' @return A character Name/identifier of the anchor tag
#' @export
#' @family reporting
#' @examples
#' getAnchorName('<a id="section-1"></a>')
#' # Works also for tag name instead of id
#' getAnchorName('<a name="section-1"></a>')
getAnchorName <- function(tag) {
  if (!hasAnchor(tag)) {
  # Keeps only what is within quotes
  tagName <- gsub(pattern = '.*<a (id|name)="', replacement = "", x = tag)
  tagName <- gsub(pattern = '"></a>.*', replacement = "", x = tagName)

#' @title introToYamlHeader
#' @description Translate an markdown introduction file into yaml header
#' In order to include introduction before the table of content,
#' it needs to be included as cover page features through a yaml header.
#' A yaml header provides additional arguments to pandoc when translating the md report.
#' Cover page features can be created with each their own style in the reference doc
#' @param introContent Character array of the intro content
#' @return A character array of yaml content
#' @keywords internal
introToYamlHeader <- function(introContent) {
  # Initialize empty contents for the yaml header
  titleContent <- ""
  subtitleContent <- ""

  # Look for title and subtitle of the intro content
  titleLine <- head(which(grepl(pattern = "# ", introContent) & !grepl(pattern = "## ", introContent)), 1)
  if (!isEmpty(titleLine)) {
    titleContent <- gsub(pattern = "# ", replacement = "", x = introContent[titleLine])
    # Remove title from intro
    introContent <- introContent[-titleLine]
  subtitleLine <- head(which(grepl(pattern = "## ", introContent) & !grepl(pattern = "### ", introContent)), 1)
  if (!isEmpty(subtitleLine)) {
    subtitleContent <- gsub(pattern = "## ", replacement = "", x = introContent[subtitleLine])
    # Remove title from intro
    introContent <- introContent[-subtitleLine]
  # Because yaml header is indentation based,
  # empty lines and spaces before text cause a yaml indentation issue as identified below
  # YAML parse exception at line XX, column XX, while parsing a block mapping: did not find expected key
  # Thus, remove left spaces
  introContent <- trimws(introContent, which = "left", whitespace = "[ \t\r]")

  # Define cover page features
  yamlContent <- c(
    # yaml header is delimited by ---
    paste0("title: '", titleContent, "'"),
    paste0("subtitle: '", subtitleContent, "'"),
    # Caution, yaml options on several lines require indentation
    "abstract: | ",
    paste("\t", introContent),
    # Add a page break before the table of content
    # Because page break is in yaml abstract, use inline code block with same indentation
    '\t `<w:br w:type="page"/>`{=openxml}',

#' @title getTitleInfo
#' @description Get section titles information from report content
#' @param fileContent Content of a markdown or text file read as an array of character strings
#' @param titlePattern character pattern referencing titles in first element of line
#' @param titleLevels levels of titles in the report
#' @return List of title information including `line`, `content`, `reference`, `count`, `level`
#' @keywords internal
getTitleInfo <- function(fileContent, titlePattern = "#", titleLevels = 6) {
  # Initialize title information
  titleInfo <- list()
  titlePatterns <- sapply(seq(1, titleLevels), function(titleLevel) {
    paste0(rep(titlePattern, titleLevel), collapse = "")
  titleCounts <- rep(0, titleLevels)
  titleReference <- NULL
  for (lineIndex in seq_along(fileContent)) {
    lineContent <- fileContent[lineIndex]
    firstElement <- as.character(unlist(strsplit(lineContent, " ")))[1]
    for (titleLevel in rev(seq(1, titleLevels))) {
      # Identify section titles as lines starting with "#" characters
      if (grepl(pattern = titlePatterns[titleLevel], x = firstElement)) {
        titleReference <- getAnchorName(lineContent)
        # Prevents unreferenced title sections to appear in table of content
        if (is.null(titleReference)) {
        # Count elements of section tree for numbering of sections
        titleCounts[titleLevel] <- titleCounts[titleLevel] + 1
        if (titleLevel < titleLevels) {
          titleCounts[seq(titleLevel + 1, titleLevels)] <- 0

        titleInfo[[length(titleInfo) + 1]] <- list(
          line = lineIndex,
          # Remove the "#" characters from the title content
          content = gsub(lineContent, pattern = anchor(titleReference), replacement = ""),
          reference = titleReference,
          count = titleCounts,
          level = titleLevel
        titleReference <- NULL

#' @title getFirstLineElement
#' @description Get first element/word of a line
#' @param lineContent Character string
#' @param split character pattern to split between elements/words
#' @return Character string
#' @keywords internal
getFirstLineElement <- function(lineContent, split = " ") {
  as.character(unlist(strsplit(lineContent, split)))[1]

#' @title updateArtifactNumbers
#' @description Update artifact (figure or table) captions and references in report
#' @param fileContent Content of a markdown or text file read as an array of character strings
#' @param pattern character pattern referencing figures in first element of line
#' @param replacement character replacing pattern in updated caption name
#' @param anchorId character pattern referencing anchor tags
#' @param captionBelow logical defining if caption is below artifact
#' @return Array of character strings
#' @keywords internal
updateArtifactNumbers <- function(fileContent, pattern, replacement, anchorId, captionBelow = FALSE) {
  # Only higher level titles are used for figure numbering
  titleInfo <- getTitleInfo(fileContent)
  titleInfo <- titleInfo[sapply(titleInfo, function(title) title$level == 1)]
  titleLines <- sapply(titleInfo, function(title) title$line)
  # In case of unreferenced titles
  titleNumbers <- sapply(titleInfo, function(title) title$count[1])

  # Initialize
  updatedFileContent <- NULL
  count <- 1
  patternFound <- TRUE
  for (lineIndex in seq_along(fileContent)) {
    # Counting is performed within sections
    # Need to reset count at lines of titles
    if (lineIndex %in% titleLines) {
      count <- 1
      patternFound <- TRUE
    # Get section number of figure as last value lower than line index
    # If no value found, section is empty and figure count is only global count
    section <- tail(titleNumbers[titleLines < lineIndex], 1)
    artifactNumber <- paste(c(section, count), collapse = "-")
    # Create reference anchor with id matching figure number
    anchorContent <- anchor(paste(anchorId, artifactNumber, sep = "-"))
    # Assess if artifact from first line element
    firstElement <- getFirstLineElement(fileContent[lineIndex])
    # Artifact is Figure and update is called within Figure updates
    # Otherwise, the function will also update figures for with Table reference
    figureRequireUpdate <- all(
      grepl(pattern = "\\!\\[", x = firstElement),
      grepl(pattern = "Figure", x = pattern)
    if (figureRequireUpdate) {
      # If no Figure pattern was found before the next figure
      # Updates the count and name of the figure
      if (!patternFound) {
        count <- count + 1
        artifactNumber <- paste(c(section, count), collapse = "-")
        # Create reference anchor with id matching figure number
        anchorContent <- anchor(paste(anchorId, artifactNumber, sep = "-"))
      updatedFileContent <- c(
      patternFound <- FALSE
    # If line is not related to an artifact, nothing to update
    if (!grepl(pattern = pattern, x = firstElement)) {
      updatedFileContent <- c(updatedFileContent, fileContent[lineIndex])
    # Else line starts by "Figure:" or "Table:"
    # Update caption with appropriate figure/table count
    updatedArtifactContent <- gsub(
      pattern = pattern,
      replacement = paste0(replacement, " ", artifactNumber, ":"),
      x = fileContent[lineIndex]

    # Updated file content includes reference, figure/table and intra-section numbering
    updatedFileContent <- c(
      # in case of caption below, the anchor was already included before artifact (figure)
    count <- count + 1
    patternFound <- TRUE

#' @title updateFigureNumbers
#' @description Update figure captions and references in report
#' @param fileContent Content of a markdown or text file read as an array of character strings
#' @return Array of character strings
#' @keywords internal
updateFigureNumbers <- function(fileContent) {
    pattern = "Figure:",
    replacement = "Figure",
    anchorId = "figure",
    captionBelow = TRUE

#' @title updateTableNumbers
#' @description Update table captions and references in report
#' @param fileContent Content of a markdown or text file read as an array of character strings
#' @return Array of character strings
#' @keywords internal
updateTableNumbers <- function(fileContent) {
    pattern = "Table:",
    replacement = "Table",
    anchorId = "table",
    captionBelow = FALSE

#' @title copyReport
#' @description Copy markdown report and its figures (using their paths)
#' @param from path of initial .md file to copy
#' @param to path of destination .md file to be copied
#' @param copyWordReport logical defining if .docx report is also copied
#' @param keep logical defining if initial .md file and figures are kept
#' @export
#' @family reporting
copyReport <- function(from, to, copyWordReport = TRUE, keep = FALSE) {
  validateIsFileExtension(from, "md")
  validateIsFileExtension(to, "md")
  # If from and to files are identical, just return
  if (tolower(normalizePath(from, mustWork = FALSE)) == tolower(normalizePath(to, mustWork = FALSE))) {
  # Get directories of reports
  fromFolder <- dirname(from)
  toFolder <- dirname(to)
  fromWordReport <- gsub(pattern = ".md", replacement = ".docx", x = from)
  toWordReport <- gsub(pattern = ".md", replacement = ".docx", x = to)

  # If from and to locations are identical but not files, only copy report
  if (tolower(normalizePath(fromFolder, mustWork = FALSE)) == tolower(normalizePath(toFolder, mustWork = FALSE))) {
    file.copy(from, to, overwrite = TRUE)
    if (copyWordReport) {
      file.copy(from = fromWordReport, to = toWordReport)
    if (!keep) {
      unlink(from, recursive = TRUE)
      if (copyWordReport) {
        unlink(fromWordReport, recursive = TRUE)

  # Copy the .md report to its destination
  dir.create(toFolder, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  file.copy(from, to, overwrite = TRUE)
  if (copyWordReport) {
    file.copy(from = fromWordReport, to = toWordReport, overwrite = TRUE)

  # Copy the figures in destination folder to have them available for new report
  # Get all file paths available in figures/file links
  filePaths <- getFigurePathsFromReport(from)
  # Create all necessary subfolders within report folder
  for (dirPath in unique(file.path(toFolder, dirname(filePaths)))) {
    dir.create(dirPath, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  # checkFileExists will warn the user if the path is corrupdted
  checkFileExists(file.path(fromFolder, filePaths))
    file.path(fromFolder, filePaths),
    file.path(toFolder, filePaths),
    overwrite = TRUE

  # If keep is true, keep initial files and report
  if (keep) {

  # If keep is false, delete initial files and report
  for (filePath in filePaths) {
    unlink(file.path(fromFolder, filePath), recursive = TRUE)
  unlink(from, recursive = TRUE)
  if (copyWordReport) {
    unlink(fromWordReport, recursive = TRUE)

#' @title getIntroFromReportTitle
#' @description Get introduction file used as cover page of report
#' @param reportTitle Report title page
#' If `reportTitle` is an existing file, its content will be used as cover page.
#' If `reportTitle` is one character string, it is assumed as a title.
#' Thus the markdown title tag is internally added to `reportTitle`.
#' If `reportTitle` is multiple character strings, it is assumed as the cover page content.
#' and used *as is* in the cover page.
#' @param intro temporary introduction file deleted when merged to final report
#' Parameter is named intro to stay consistent with Qualification Workflow nomenclature
#' @return `intro`, path of temporary introduction file if created
#' @keywords internal
getIntroFromReportTitle <- function(reportTitle = NULL, intro = "temp-report-title.md") {
  # No cover page
  if (isEmpty(reportTitle)) {
  # Create temporary cover page file to be merged
  # If report title are actual files, use their content as cover page
  if (all(file.exists(reportTitle))) {
    for (coverPage in reportTitle) {
        fileName = intro,
        text = readLines(coverPage, encoding = "UTF-8", warn = FALSE)
  # If length of title is 1, it is assumed a title
  # and md title tag "#" is added
  if (isOfLength(reportTitle, 1)) {
      fileName = intro,
      text = paste("#", reportTitle)
  # If length of title is longer than 1,
  # it is assumed report title is the content of the page
  # and added as is in the intro file
    fileName = intro,
    text = reportTitle

#' @title getFigurePathsFromReport
#' @description Get file paths from a report figure links
#' @param fileName name of .md file to
#' @return array of file paths corresponding to figures linked in reports
#' @export
#' @family reporting
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Check the figure paths of your report named "report.md"
#' getFigurePathsFromReport("report.md")
#' }
getFigurePathsFromReport <- function(fileName) {
  fileContent <- readLines(fileName, encoding = "UTF-8")
  filePaths <- fileContent[grepl(pattern = "\\!\\[", x = fileContent)]
  filePaths <- gsub(pattern = ".*\\]\\(", replacement = "", x = filePaths)
  filePaths <- gsub(pattern = "(\\))[^\\)]*$", replacement = "", x = filePaths)
Open-Systems-Pharmacology/OSPSuite.ReportingEngine documentation built on March 30, 2024, 4:17 p.m.