
Defines functions getObjectNamesInGlobalEnv saveFigure getObjectNameAsString calculateGMFE parseVariableFromObject parseVariableToObject getAllowedCoresLinuxKubernetes getAllowedCores newOutputColor removeNegativeValues removeMissingValues replaceInfWithNA lastPathElement generateResultFileNames removeForbiddenLetters trimFileName calculateArithmeticErrorRange calculateGeometricErrorRange geomeanDividedBySD geomeanMultipliedBySD geomean

Documented in calculateArithmeticErrorRange calculateGeometricErrorRange calculateGMFE generateResultFileNames geomean geomeanDividedBySD geomeanMultipliedBySD getAllowedCores getAllowedCoresLinuxKubernetes getObjectNameAsString getObjectNamesInGlobalEnv lastPathElement newOutputColor parseVariableFromObject parseVariableToObject removeForbiddenLetters removeMissingValues removeNegativeValues replaceInfWithNA saveFigure trimFileName

#' @title geomean
#' @description
#' Calculate the geometric mean
#' @param x values
#' @param na.rm logical defining removal of `NA` values
#' @return Geometric mean
#' @export
geomean <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE) {
  logX <- log(x[x > 0])
  exp(mean(logX, na.rm = na.rm))

#' @title geomeanMultipliedBySD
#' @description
#' Calculate the geometric mean * geometric SD
#' @param x values
#' @param na.rm logical defining removal of `NA` values
#' @return Geometric mean * geometric SD
#' @export
geomeanMultipliedBySD <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE) {
  logX <- log(x[x > 0])
  exp(mean(logX, na.rm = na.rm) + stats::sd(logX, na.rm = na.rm))

#' @title geomeanDividedBySD
#' @description
#' Calculate the geometric mean / geometric SD
#' @param x values
#' @param na.rm logical defining removal of `NA` values
#' @return Geometric mean / geometric SD
#' @export
geomeanDividedBySD <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE) {
  logX <- log(x[x > 0])
  exp(mean(logX, na.rm = na.rm) - stats::sd(logX, na.rm = na.rm))

#' @title calculateGeometricErrorRange
#' @param values Numeric values of the geometric mean
#' @param errorValues Numeric values of the geometric error
#' @return A named list, with `ymin` and `ymax`, of the range calculated from the geometric mean and errors.
#' @description
#' Calculate the range from the geometric mean and error.
#' @export
calculateGeometricErrorRange <- function(values, errorValues) {
    ymin = values / errorValues,
    ymax = values * errorValues

#' @title calculateArithmeticErrorRange
#' @param values Numeric values of the arithmetic mean
#' @param errorValues Numeric values of the arithmetic error
#' @return A named list, with `ymin` and `ymax`, of the range calculated from the arithmetic mean and errors.
#' @description
#' Calculate the range from the arithmetic mean and error.
#' @export
calculateArithmeticErrorRange <- function(values, errorValues) {
    ymin = values - errorValues,
    ymax = values + errorValues

#' @title trimFileName
#' @param path character string containing the name of the path or file to trim
#' @param extension character string containing the extension file
#' @param sep character string separating path elements. "/" is default value.
#' @return fileName character string of the trimmed filed name
#' @description
#' Trim path and extension of a file
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pathName <- "folder/subfolder/testFile.txt"
#' trimFileName(pathName, extension = "txt")
#' }
#' @export
trimFileName <- function(path, extension = NULL, sep = "/") {
  fileName <- sub(
    pattern = paste0("^.*[", sep, "]"),
    replacement = "",
    x = path
  if (!is.null(extension)) {
    fileName <- sub(
      pattern = paste0("[.].*", extension),
      replacement = "",
      x = fileName

#' @title removeForbiddenLetters
#' @param text character string to be evaluated
#' @param forbiddenLetters characters to be removed if in the \code{text}.
#' Default value of \code{forbiddenLetters} is \code{"[[:punct:]]"}
#' meaning that all punctuation characters are forbidden.
#' @param replacement character replacing the \code{forbiddenLetters}.
#' Default value of \code{forbiddenLetters} is "_".
#' @return \code{text} character string with forbidden letters replaced
#' @description
#' Trim path and extension of a file
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' removeForbiddenLetters(text)
#' }
#' @export
removeForbiddenLetters <- function(text, forbiddenLetters = "[[:punct:][:blank:]]", replacement = "_") {
  # Remove accents from characters
  text <- iconv(x = text, to = "ASCII//TRANSLIT")
    pattern = forbiddenLetters,
    replacement = replacement,
    x = text

#' @title generateResultFileNames
#' @return A list of filenames to be output by each core
#' @param numberOfCores to be used in parallel computation
#' @param folderName where result files will be saved
#' @param fileName prefix of result file names
#' @param separator used between file name prefix and index
#' @param extension for result file type.  default is CSV
#' @description
#' #Generate a list containing names of CSV result files that will be output by each core in parallel computation
#' @export
generateResultFileNames <- function(numberOfCores, folderName, fileName, separator = "-", extension = ".csv") {
  allResultsFileNames <- sapply(
    X = 1:numberOfCores, function(x, folderName, fileName) {
      return(file.path(folderName, paste0(fileName, separator, x, extension)))
    folderName = folderName,
    fileName = fileName,

#' @title lastPathElement
#' @param path simulation path
#' @return last path element as character string
#' @export
#' @import ospsuite
#' @import utils
lastPathElement <- function(path) {
  pathArray <- ospsuite::toPathArray(path)
  lastElement <- utils::tail(pathArray, 1)


#' @title replaceInfWithNA
#' @param data numeric vector
#' @return numeric vector
#' @keywords internal
replaceInfWithNA <- function(data) {
  infData <- is.infinite(data)
  Ninf <- sum(infData)
  if (Ninf > 0) {
    logDebug(paste0(Ninf, " values were infinite and transformed into missing values (NA)"))
  data[infData] <- NA

#' @title removeMissingValues
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param dataMapping name of variable on which the missing values are checked
#' @return filtered data.frame
#' @keywords internal
removeMissingValues <- function(data, dataMapping = NULL) {
  if (isEmpty(data)) {
  data[, dataMapping] <- replaceInfWithNA(data[, dataMapping])
  naData <- is.na(data[, dataMapping])
  Nna <- sum(naData)
  data <- data[!naData, ]

  if (Nna > 0) {
    logDebug(paste0(Nna, " values were missing (NA) from variable '", dataMapping, "' and removed from the analysis"))

#' @title removeNegativeValues
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param dataMapping name of variable on which the missing values are checked
#' @return filtered data.frame
#' @keywords internal
removeNegativeValues <- function(data, dataMapping = NULL) {
  if (isEmpty(data)) {
  negativeData <- data[, dataMapping] <= 0
  Nnegative <- sum(negativeData, na.rm = TRUE)
  data <- data[!negativeData, ]

  if (Nnegative > 0) {
    logDebug(paste0(Nnegative, " values from variable '", dataMapping, "' were negative and removed from the analysis"))

#' @title newOutputColor
#' @description
#' Find a color for new `Output` objects
#' @return A color from OSP Suite Color Map
#' @keywords internal
newOutputColor <- function() {
  outputNames <- getObjectNamesInGlobalEnv("Output")
  usedColors <- sapply(
    function(outputName) {
      output <- get(outputName)
  # OSP Suite color map includes 50 unique colors used here
  remainingColors <- setdiff(tlf::ColorMaps$ospDefault, usedColors)
  if (!isEmpty(remainingColors)) {
    return(head(remainingColors, 1))
  # If the colors were already used, in previous Outputs,
  # Use new round of osp suite colors
  colorIndex <- 1 + (length(outputNames) %% length(tlf::ColorMaps$ospDefault))

#' @title getAllowedCores
#' @description Get allowed number of CPU cores for computation
#' @return Allowed number of CPU cores for computation
#' @keywords internal
getAllowedCores <- function() {
    getAllowedCoresLinuxKubernetes() %||%
      getOSPSuiteSetting(settingName = "numberOfCores")

#' @title getAllowedCoresLinuxKubernetes
#' @description
#' Relevant only when reporting engine is executed on a Linux Kubernetes cluster.
#' @return Allowed number of CPU cores for computation
#' @keywords internal
getAllowedCoresLinuxKubernetes <- function() {
  cores <- tryCatch(
      # get cpu allowance from files
      cfs_quota_us <- as.numeric(system("cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/cpu.cfs_quota_us", intern = TRUE))
      cfs_period_us <- as.numeric(system("cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/cpu.cfs_period_us", intern = TRUE))
      cores <- floor(cfs_quota_us / cfs_period_us)
      if (cores < 1) {
    error = function(cond) {
    warning = function(cond) {

#' @title parseVariableToObject
#' @description Create an expression of type `objectName$variableName <- variableName`
#' @param objectName Name of the object whose field is updated
#' @param variableName Name of the variable and field of `objectName`
#' @param keepIfNull logical `objectName$variableName <- variableName \%||\% objectName$variableName`
#' @return An expression to `eval()`
#' @importFrom ospsuite.utils %||%
#' @keywords internal
parseVariableToObject <- function(objectName, variableName, keepIfNull = FALSE) {
  if (keepIfNull) {
    return(parse(text = paste0(objectName, "$", variableName, " <- ", variableName, " %||% ", objectName, "$", variableName)))
  return(parse(text = paste0(objectName, "$", variableName, " <- ", variableName)))

#' @title parseVariableFromObject
#' @description Create an expression of type `variableName <- objectName$variableName`
#' @param objectName Name of the object whose field is updated
#' @param variableName Name of the variable and field of `objectName`
#' @param keepIfNull logical `variableName <- objectName$variableName \%||\% variableName`
#' @return An expression to `eval()`
#' @keywords internal
parseVariableFromObject <- function(objectName, variableName, keepIfNull = FALSE) {
  if (keepIfNull) {
    return(parse(text = paste0(variableName, " <- ", objectName, "$", variableName)))
  return(parse(text = paste0(variableName, " <- ", objectName, "$", variableName)))

#' @title calculateGMFE
#' @description Calculate Geometric Mean Fold Error between `x` and `y`.
#' Strictly positive pairs of values are kept in the calculation
#' @param x x values to compare
#' @param y y values to compare
#' @return GMFE
#' @export
calculateGMFE <- function(x, y) {
  positiveValues <- (y > 0 & x > 0)
  log10Error <- log10(y[positiveValues]) - log10(x[positiveValues])
  return(10^(sum(abs(log10Error)) / length(log10Error)))

#' @title getObjectNameAsString
#' @description Return the name of an object as a string
#' @param object the name of which is to be returned
#' @return the name of the `object` as a string
#' @keywords internal
getObjectNameAsString <- function(object) {

#' @title saveFigure
#' @description Save figure and catches
#' @param plotObject A `ggplot` object
#' @param fileName Name of the file in which `plotObject` is saved
#' @param simulationSetName Name of the simulation set for `PlotTask` results
#' @keywords internal
saveFigure <- function(plotObject, fileName, simulationSetName = NULL) {
        filename = fileName,
        plot = plotObject,
        width = reEnv$defaultPlotFormat$width,
        height = reEnv$defaultPlotFormat$height,
        dpi = reEnv$defaultPlotFormat$dpi,
        units = reEnv$defaultPlotFormat$units
    error = function(e) {
      stop(messages$ggsaveError(fileName, simulationSetName, e))

#' @title getObjectNamesInGlobalEnv
#' @description Get object names of certain type/class in the Global Environment
#' @param objectType Object type or class
#' @return Array of Number of `Output` objects in the Global Environment
#' @keywords internal
getObjectNamesInGlobalEnv <- function(objectType) {
  objectNames <- ls(envir = .GlobalEnv)
  if (isEmpty(objectNames)) {
    function(objectName) {
      isOfType(get(objectName, envir = .GlobalEnv), objectType)
Open-Systems-Pharmacology/OSPSuite.ReportingEngine documentation built on March 30, 2024, 4:17 p.m.