
Defines functions calculateConcordance

Documented in calculateConcordance

# TODO: ...

# CHANGE LOG (last 20 changes)
# 24.08.2018: Removed unused variables.
# 06.08.2017: Added audit trail.
# 20.07.2016: Added attributes to result.
# 20.07.2016: Added new option 'list.all' to include missing samples in result.
# 28.08.2015: Added importFrom
# 18.06.2014: First version.

#' @title Calculate Concordance.
#' @description
#' Calculates concordance and discordance for profiles in multiple datasets.
#' @details Takes a list of datasets as input. It is assumed that each unique
#' sample name represent a result originating from the same source DNA and
#' thus is expected to give identical DNA profiles. The function first compare
#' the profiles for each sample across datasets and lists discordant results.
#' Then it performs a pair-wise comparison and compiles a concordance table.
#' The tables are returned as two data frames in a list.
#' NB! Typing and PCR artefacts (spikes, off-ladder peaks, stutters etc.)
#' must be removed before analysis.
#' NB! It is expected that the unique set of marker names across a dataset is
#' present in each sample for that dataset (a missing marker is a discordance).
#' @param data list of data frames in 'slim' format with at least columns
#'  'Sample.Name', 'Marker', and 'Allele'.
#' @param kit.name character vector for DNA typing kit names in same order and
#' of same lengths as data sets in 'data' list. Default is NA in which case
#' they will be numbered.
#' @param no.marker character vector for string when marker is missing.
#' @param no.sample character vector for string when sample is missing.
#' @param delimeter character to separate the alleles in a genotype.
#' Default is comma e.g '12,16'.
#' @param list.all logical TRUE to return missing samples.
#' @param debug logical indicating printing debug information.
#' @return list of data.frames (discordance table, and pair-wise comparison).
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils str combn

calculateConcordance <- function(data, kit.name = NA, no.marker = "NO MARKER",
                                 no.sample = "NO SAMPLE",
                                 delimeter = ",", list.all = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {
  if (debug) {
    print(paste("IN:", match.call()[[1]]))

  # CHECK DATA ----------------------------------------------------------------

  # Check each dataset in list.
  for (d in seq(along = data)) {
    if (!"Sample.Name" %in% names(data[[d]])) {
      stop("All datasets in 'data' must contain a column 'Sample.Name'.",
        call. = TRUE
    # Check dataset.
    if (!"Marker" %in% names(data[[d]])) {
      stop("All datasets in 'data' must contain a column 'Marker'.",
        call. = TRUE
    # Check dataset.
    if (!"Allele" %in% names(data[[d]])) {
      stop("All datasets in 'data' must contain a column 'Allele'.",
        call. = TRUE
    # Check if slim format.
    if (sum(grepl("Allele", names(data[[d]]))) > 1) {
      stop("'data' must be in 'slim' format.",
        call. = TRUE

  # Check kit.name vector.
  if (all(is.na(kit.name))) {
    # Create default names.
    kit.name <- paste("Kit", seq(along = data), sep = ".")
  } else if (length(kit.name) != length(data)) {
    stop("'kit.name' must be of equal length as number of datasets.",
      call. = TRUE

  # Check parameter.
  if (!is.character(no.sample)) {
    stop("'no.sample' must be of type character.",
      call. = TRUE

  # Check parameter.
  if (!is.character(no.marker)) {
    stop("'no.marker' must be of type character.",
      call. = TRUE

  # Check parameter.
  if (!is.character(delimeter)) {
    stop("'delimeter' must be of type character.",
      call. = TRUE

  # PREPARE -----------------------------------------------------------------

  # Initiate variables.
  sampleList <- list() # List for logical sample vectors.
  markerList <- list() # List for logical marker vectors.
  resAlleleList <- list() # List for result.
  resInfoList <- list() # List for result.
  sampleNames <- NULL # Unique sample names.
  markerNames <- NULL # Unique marker names.

  # Loop over all datasets.
  for (d in seq(along = data)) {
    # Get all unique sample names and marker names.
    sampleNames <- unique(c(sampleNames, data[[d]]$Sample.Name))
    markerNames <- unique(c(markerNames, data[[d]]$Marker))

  if (debug) {

  # Add logical vectors for each dataset.
  for (d in seq(along = data)) {
    # Add pre-allocated vectors.
    sampleList[[d]] <- vector(mode = "logical", length = length(sampleNames))
    markerList[[d]] <- vector(mode = "logical", length = length(markerNames))

  # CALCULATE -----------------------------------------------------------------
  # 1) A list of all disconcordant results across datasets.

  # Loop over all sample names.
  for (s in seq(along = sampleNames)) {
    # Progress.
    message(paste("Calculate concordance for: ", sampleNames[s],
      " (", s, " of ", length(sampleNames), ").",
      sep = ""

    # Loop over all marker names.
    for (m in seq(along = markerNames)) {
      # Create list.
      alleleSet <- list()

      # Loop over all data sets. (start with 1 to handle only 1 dataset in list.)
      for (d in seq(along = data)) {
        # Check if sample and add logical value.
        if (any(data[[d]]$Sample.Name == sampleNames[s])) {
          sampleList[[d]][s] <- TRUE
        } else {
          sampleList[[d]][s] <- FALSE

        # Check if marker and add logical value.
        if (any(data[[d]]$Marker == markerNames[m])) {
          markerList[[d]][m] <- TRUE
        } else {
          markerList[[d]][m] <- FALSE

        # Check if marker.
        if (!(markerList[[d]][m] & sampleList[[d]][s])) {
          if (!sampleList[[d]][s]) {
            # Sample does not exist.
            alleleSet[[d]] <- no.sample
          } else if (!markerList[[d]][m]) {
            # Marker does not exist.
            alleleSet[[d]] <- no.marker
        } else {
          # Get current alleles from dataset.
          alleleSet[[d]] <- data[[d]][data[[d]]$Sample.Name == sampleNames[s] & data[[d]]$Marker == markerNames[m], "Allele"]

      if (list.all) {
        # Check for discordant results excluding if only difference is missing
        # marker (but including missing sample).
        tmp <- alleleSet[alleleSet != no.marker]
        discordance <- !length(unique(tmp)) == 1
      } else {
        # Check for discordant results excluding differences caused by missing
        # sample or missing marker.
        tmp <- alleleSet[alleleSet != no.sample & alleleSet != no.marker]
        discordance <- !length(unique(tmp)) == 1

      if (discordance) {
        # Create result vectors.
        resAlleleVec <- NULL
        resInfoVec <- NULL

        # Loop through all datasets.
        for (d in seq(along = data)) {
          resAlleleVec <- c(resAlleleVec, paste(alleleSet[[d]], collapse = delimeter))

        # Add data to result vector.
        resInfoVec <- c(sampleNames[s], markerNames[m])

        # Add current marker to result list.
        resAlleleList[[length(resAlleleList) + 1]] <- resAlleleVec
        resInfoList[[length(resInfoList) + 1]] <- resInfoVec

  # Convert to matrix.
  if (length(resAlleleList) > 0) {
    resAlleleM <- matrix(unlist(resAlleleList), byrow = TRUE, nrow = length(resAlleleList))
    resInfoM <- matrix(unlist(resInfoList), byrow = TRUE, nrow = length(resInfoList))

    # Make a data.frame:
    res1 <- data.frame(cbind(resInfoM, resAlleleM), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    names(res1) <- c("Sample.Name", "Marker", kit.name)
  } else {
    # Make a data.frame:
    res1 <- data.frame("NO DISCORDANCE", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # Update audit trail.
  res1 <- auditTrail(obj = res1, f.call = match.call(), package = "strvalidator")

  # CALCULATE -----------------------------------------------------------------
  # 2) A pair-wise comparison.

  # Make pair-wise combinations.
  kitComb <- combn(kit.name, 2)
  iComb <- combn(seq(along = kit.name), 2)
  nComb <- ncol(kitComb)

  # Initiate vectors.
  compareKit <- as.vector(mode = "any", nComb)
  commonSamples <- as.vector(mode = "any", nComb)
  commonLoci <- as.vector(mode = "any", nComb)
  allelesTested <- as.vector(mode = "any", nComb)
  discordantAlleles <- as.vector(mode = "any", nComb)
  concordanceRate <- as.vector(mode = "any", nComb)

  # Loop through all combinations.
  for (i in 1:nComb) {
    # Current combination.
    compareKit[i] <- paste(kitComb[, i], collapse = " vs. ")

    # Progress.
    message(paste("Compare ", compareKit[i],
      " (", i, " of ", nComb, ").",
      sep = ""

    # Number of common samples.
    commonSamples[i] <- sum(sampleList[[iComb[1, i]]] & sampleList[[iComb[2, i]]])

    # Number of common loci.
    commonLoci[i] <- sum(markerList[[iComb[1, i]]] & markerList[[iComb[2, i]]])

    # Number of alleles tested.
    allelesTested[i] <- 2 * commonSamples[i] * commonLoci[i]

    # Find number of discordant results.

    # Initiate variable.
    sumDiscordances <- 0

    # Loop through each row of dscordant result.
    for (r in seq(along = resAlleleList)) {
      # Get alleles for current kits.
      k1 <- resAlleleList[[r]][iComb[1, i]]
      k2 <- resAlleleList[[r]][iComb[2, i]]

      # Split into alleles.
      k1 <- strsplit(k1, delimeter)
      k2 <- strsplit(k2, delimeter)

      # Only add if sample...
      if (!(no.sample %in% k1 | no.sample %in% k2)) {
        # ...and marker exist in both datasets.
        if (!(no.marker %in% k1 | no.marker %in% k2)) {
          # Compare alleles and count differences.
          sumDiscordances <- sumDiscordances + sum(!k1 %in% k2)

    # Number of discrodances.
    discordantAlleles[i] <- sumDiscordances

    # Concordance rate.
    concordanceRate[i] <- 100 * (allelesTested[i] - discordantAlleles[i]) / allelesTested[i]

  # Create dataframe.
  res2 <- data.frame(
    Kits = compareKit,
    Samples = commonSamples,
    Loci = commonLoci,
    Alleles = allelesTested,
    Discordances = discordantAlleles,
    Concordance = concordanceRate,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  # Update audit trail.
  res2 <- auditTrail(obj = res2, f.call = match.call(), package = "strvalidator")

  # Return list of the two dataframes.
  res <- list(res1, res2)

  if (debug) {
    print(paste("EXIT:", match.call()[[1]]))

  # Return result.
OskarHansson/strvalidator documentation built on July 22, 2023, 12:04 p.m.