
Defines functions generateEPG

Documented in generateEPG

# TODO: Fix problem with overplotting resulting in 'invisible' peaks.

# 01.07.2016: Fixed bug in plotting of marker ranges.
# 31.12.2015: Rewritten function.
# 11.11.2015: Added importFrom ggplot2.
# 29.08.2015: Added importFrom.
# 31.05.2015: Added 'numbered=TRUE' to 'slim' function.
# 10.02.2015: Changed error message.
# 09.12.2014: Function moved from PCRsim package.

#' @title Generate EPG
#' @description
#' Visualizes an EPG from DNA profiling data.
#' @details
#' Generates a electropherogram like plot from 'data' and 'kit'.
#' If 'Size' is not present it is estimated from kit information and allele values.
#' If 'Height' is not present a default of 1000 RFU is used.
#' Off-ladder alleles can be plotted if 'Size' is provided.
#' There are various options to customize the plot scale and labels.
#' It is also possible to plot 'distributions' of peak heights as boxplots.
#' @param data data frame containing at least columns 'Sample.Name', 'Allele', and 'Marker'.
#' @param kit string or integer representing the STR typing kit.
#' @param title string providing the title for the EPG.
#' @param wrap logical TRUE to wrap by dye.
#' @param peaks logical TRUE to plot peaks for distributions using mean peak height.
#' @param boxplot logical TRUE to plot distributions of peak heights as boxplots.
#' @param collapse logical TRUE to add the peak heights of identical alleles peaks within each marker.
#' NB! Removes off-ladder alleles.
#' @param silent logical FALSE to show plot.
#' @param ignore.case logical FALSE for case sensitive marker names.
#' @param at numeric analytical threshold (Height <= at will not be plotted).
#' @param scale character "free" free x and y scale, alternatively "free_y" or "free_x".
#' @param limit.x logical TRUE to fix x-axis to size range.
#' To get a common x scale set scale="free_y" and limit.x=TRUE.
#' @param label.size numeric for allele label text size.
#' @param label.angle numeric for allele label print angle.
#' @param label.vjust numeric for vertical justification of allele labels.
#' @param label.hjust numeric for horizontal justification of allele labels.
#' @param expand numeric for plot are expansion (to avoid clipping of labels).
#' @param debug logical for printing debug information to the console.
#' @return ggplot object.
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils str head tail
#' @importFrom stats as.formula
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_polygon ggplot aes_string scale_fill_manual
#' geom_boxplot scale_colour_manual geom_rect geom_text scale_y_continuous
#' facet_grid facet_wrap coord_cartesian theme element_blank labs xlab ylab

generateEPG <- function(data, kit, title = NULL, wrap = TRUE, boxplot = FALSE,
                        peaks = TRUE, collapse = TRUE, silent = FALSE,
                        ignore.case = TRUE, at = 0, scale = "free",
                        limit.x = TRUE, label.size = 3, label.angle = 0,
                        label.vjust = 1, label.hjust = 0.5, expand = 0.1,
                        debug = FALSE) {
  # Debug info.
  if (debug) {
    print(paste("IN:", match.call()[[1]]))

  if (!"Sample.Name" %in% names(data)) {
    stop("'data' must contain a column 'Sample.Name'", call. = TRUE)

  if (!"Marker" %in% names(data)) {
    stop("'data' must contain a column 'Marker'", call. = TRUE)

  if (length(grep("Allele", names(data))) == 0) {
    stop("'data' must contain a column 'Allele'.", call. = TRUE)

  if (!is.logical(wrap)) {
    stop("'wrap' must be logical.", call. = TRUE)

  if (!is.logical(boxplot)) {
    stop("'boxplot' must be logical.", call. = TRUE)

  if (!is.logical(peaks)) {
    stop("'peaks' must be logical.", call. = TRUE)

  if (!is.logical(collapse)) {
    stop("'collapse' must be logical.", call. = TRUE)

  if (!is.logical(silent)) {
    stop("'silent' must be logical.", call. = TRUE)

  if (!is.logical(ignore.case)) {
    stop("'ignore.case' must be logical.", call. = TRUE)

  if (!is.numeric(at)) {
    stop("'at' must be numeric.", call. = TRUE)

  if (!is.numeric(label.size)) {
    stop("'label.size' must be numeric.", call. = TRUE)

  if (!is.numeric(label.angle)) {
    stop("'label.angle' must be numeric.", call. = TRUE)

  if (!is.numeric(label.vjust)) {
    stop("'label.vjust' must be numeric.", call. = TRUE)

  if (!is.numeric(label.hjust)) {
    stop("'label.hjust' must be numeric.", call. = TRUE)

  if (!is.numeric(expand)) {
    stop("'expand' must be numeric.", call. = TRUE)

  # Prepare -------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Width of peaks in base pair.
  width <- 1

  if (!collapse) {
    if (boxplot) {
      boxplot <- FALSE
      message("boxplot set to FALSE since collapse=FALSE")

    if (peaks) {
      peaks <- FALSE
      message("peaks set to FALSE since collapse=FALSE")

  # Add missing columns .......................................................

  # Check if height column exist.
  if (!"Height" %in% names(data)) {
    # Add Height if not present.
    data$Height <- 1000

    message("'Height' is missing. Using default!")

  # Check NA's.
  if (any(is.na(data$Height))) {
    tmp1 <- nrow(data)

    # Remove rows with zero height.
    data <- data[!is.na(data$Height), ]

    tmp2 <- nrow(data)

    message(tmp1 - tmp2, " peaks with Height = NA removed from data")

  # Check height.
  if (any(data$Height == 0)) {
    tmp1 <- nrow(data)

    # Remove rows with zero height.
    data <- data[data$Height != 0, ]

    tmp2 <- nrow(data)

    message(tmp1 - tmp2, " peaks with Height = 0 removed from data")

  # Check if dye column exist.
  if (!"Dye" %in% names(data)) {
    message("'Dye' information not in 'data'.")

    # Add dye information.
    data <- addColor(data = data, kit = kit)

    message("Added 'Dye' information.")

  # Check format ..............................................................

  if (!is.numeric(data$Height)) {
    data$Height <- as.numeric(data$Height)

  # Check if 'fat' format.
  if (length(grep("Allele", names(data))) > 1) {
    message("'fat' data format detected.")

    fixCol <- colNames(
      data = data, slim = TRUE, numbered = TRUE,
      concatenate = NULL, debug = debug

    stackCol <- colNames(
      data = data, slim = FALSE, numbered = TRUE,
      concatenate = NULL, debug = debug

    # Slim data frame.
    data <- slim(data = data, fix = fixCol, stack = stackCol, debug = debug)

    message("data converted to 'slim' format.")

  # Filter data ...............................................................

  # Apply analytical threshold (AT).
  if (any(data$Height < at)) {
    tmp1 <- nrow(data)
    data <- data[!(data$Height < at), ]
    tmp2 <- nrow(data)
    message("Removed", tmp1 - tmp2, "peaks below at =", at, "RFU")

  # Get kit information .......................................................

  # Get kit markers, ranges, and colors.
  kitInfo <- getKit(kit = kit, what = "Range")
  kitInfo <- addColor(kitInfo, have = "Color", need = "Dye")
  kitInfo <- sortMarker(data = kitInfo, kit = kit)

  # Get unique Dyes.
  kitDye <- unique(kitInfo$Dye)

  # Get unique Colors.
  kitColors <- unique(kitInfo$Color)

  # Convert R colors.
  manualPlotColors <- addColor(kitColors, have = "Color", need = "R.Color")

  # Create EPG ----------------------------------------------------------------

  # Create id .................................................................

  # Add unique 'Id' column for grouping.
  if ("Size" %in% names(data)) {
    # Check if numeric.
    if (!is.numeric(data$Size)) {
      # Convert to numeric.
      data$Size <- as.numeric(data$Size)

      message("'Size' must be numeric. 'data' converted!")

    # Combine rounded 'Size' and 'Marker'.
    # This can preserve 'OL' peaks but may also result in two peaks for alleles.
    data$Id <- paste(round(data$Size, 0), data$Marker, sep = "")
  } else {
    # Combine 'Allele' and 'Marker'.
    # This will add all 'OL' in one marker even if originally at different size.
    data$Id <- paste(data$Allele, data$Marker, sep = "")

  # Collapse ..................................................................

  # 'Collapse' will add peak heights of identical alleles.
  # Not collapsing will 'overplot' samples on top of each other
  # without adding peak heights.
  if (collapse) {
    message("Collapse dataset to mean peak heights over multiple samples.")

    # Convert to data.table for performance.
    DT <- data.table::data.table(data)

    # Calculate sum of peak heights for identical alleles in each sample.
    # to be used in boxplot.
    DT <- DT[, list(Height = sum(Height)),
      by = list(Sample.Name, Marker, Dye, Allele, Id)

    # Calculate mean peak height for each allele across all samples.
    # If plot peaks are true for boxplot.
    dataMean <- DT[, list(Sample.Name = "Mean", Height = mean(Height)),
      by = list(Marker, Dye, Allele, Id)

    # Add size.
    dataMean <- addSize(
      data = dataMean, kit = getKit(kit = kit, what = "Offset"),
      bins = FALSE, ignore.case = ignore.case, debug = debug

    # Remove NA rows.
    if (any(is.na(dataMean$Size))) {
      tmp1 <- nrow(dataMean)
      data <- dataMean[!is.na(dataMean$Size), ]
      tmp2 <- nrow(dataMean)
      if (debug) {
        print(tmp1 - tmp2, " rows with Size=NA removed from 'dataMean'.")

    # Check if distribution (boxplot).
    if (!boxplot) {
      message("Collapse dataset by adding peak heights for all profiles.")

      # Calculate sum of peak heights for identical alleles across all samples.
      DT <- DT[, list(Sample.Name = "Profile", Height = sum(Height)),
        by = list(Marker, Dye, Allele, Id)
    } # end distribution.

    # Convert to data.frame to make sure strvalidator functions are working.
    data <- data.frame(DT)
  } # end collapse.

  # Check if size column exist.
  if (!"Size" %in% names(data)) {
    message("'Size' information not in 'data'.")

    # Add estimated size.
    data <- addSize(
      data = data, kit = getKit(kit = kit, what = "Offset"),
      bins = FALSE, ignore.case = ignore.case

    message("Added estimated 'Size' information.")

    # Remove NA rows.
    if (any(is.na(data$Size))) {
      tmp1 <- nrow(data)
      data <- data[!is.na(data$Size), ]
      tmp2 <- nrow(data)
      message(tmp1 - tmp2, " rows with Size=NA removed.")

  # Check if numeric.
  if (!is.numeric(data$Size)) {
    # Convert to numeric.
    data$Size <- as.numeric(data$Size)

    message("'Size' must be numeric. 'data' converted!")

  # Sort 'Marker' and 'Dye' factors according 'kit'.
  data <- sortMarker(data = data, kit = kit)
  if (peaks) {
    dataMean <- sortMarker(data = dataMean, kit = kit)

  # Calculate coordinates for plotting peaks ..................................

  # Create new dataframe.
  dataPeaks <- heightToPeak(data = data, width = width, debug = debug)
  if (peaks) {
    dataMean <- heightToPeak(data = dataMean, width = width, debug = debug)

  # Create allele labels ......................................................

  # Copy unique 'Marker'-'Allele' combinations in 'data'
  # to a new data frame for handling allele names.
  alleleInfo <- data[data$Height != 0, ]
  # Remove duplicates.
  alleleInfo <- alleleInfo[!duplicated(alleleInfo[c("Marker", "Allele", "Size")]), ]

  # Check if NA's in Size.
  if (any(is.na(alleleInfo$Size))) {
    tmp1 <- sum(is.na(alleleInfo$Size))

    message("NA's in allele info Size")

    # Replace NA with the smallest size in kit (plot can't handle all NAs).
    alleleInfo$Size[is.na(alleleInfo$Size)] <- min(kitInfo$Marker.Min)

    tmp2 <- sum(is.na(alleleInfo$Size))

    message(tmp1 - tmp2, "NA's replaced by", min(kitInfo$Marker.Min))

  # Create marker ranges ......................................................

  # Get information for annotation of markers.
  mDye <- kitInfo$Dye
  mXmin <- kitInfo$Marker.Min
  mXmax <- kitInfo$Marker.Max
  mText <- kitInfo$Marker
  mYmax <- vector()

  # Find max peak height by dye channel.
  DT <- data.table::data.table(data)

  # NB! Use keyby instead of key to sort the result.
  tmpYmax <- DT[, list(Max = max(Height)), keyby = Dye]
  # NB! Dye must be sorted factors, or they will be sorted alphabetically.
  mYtimes <- as.vector(table(kitInfo$Dye))

  # Check scale.
  if (scale == "free_x") {
    # This means y max is equal for all dyes.
    mYmax <- rep(max(tmpYmax$Max), sum(mYtimes))
  } else {
    # Different y max for each dye.
    mYmax <- rep(tmpYmax$Max, mYtimes)

  # Create annotation data frame for loci.
  markerRanges <- data.frame(
    Dye = factor(mDye, levels = unique(mDye)), # Facet.
    Color = mDye, # Dye.
    Xmin = mXmin, # Marker lower range.
    Xmax = mXmax, # Marker upper range.
    Size = (mXmin + mXmax) / 2, # Midpoint of marker range.
    Height = mYmax, # Lower edge of marker range.
    Top = mYmax * 1.1, # Upper edge of marker range.
    Text = mText
  ) # Marker names.

  # Create plot ...............................................................

  # Create plot.
  gp <- ggplot(data = dataPeaks, aes_string(x = "Size", y = "Height"))

  # Plot data.
  if (!boxplot) {
    # Plot height as peaks.
    gp <- gp + geom_polygon(aes_string(group = "Id", fill = "Dye"), data = dataPeaks)
  } else {
    # Plot boxplots for distributions.
    gp <- gp + geom_boxplot(aes_string(group = "Id", color = "Dye"),
      outlier.size = 1, data = data

    if (peaks) {
      # Plot mean peak height as peaks.
      gp <- gp + geom_polygon(aes_string(group = "Id", fill = "Dye"),
        data = dataMean

  # Add colours.
  gp <- gp + scale_fill_manual(values = manualPlotColors)

  if (wrap) {
    # Add marker regions, names, and wrap by colour.

    # Add marker regions.
    gp <- gp + geom_rect(
        xmin = "Xmin", xmax = "Xmax",
        ymin = "Height", ymax = "Top"
      alpha = .2, data = markerRanges,
      fill = "blue", color = "red"

    # Add marker names.
    gp <- gp + geom_text(aes_string(label = "Text", y = "Top"),
      data = markerRanges, size = 3, vjust = 1

    # Add allele names.
    gp <- gp + geom_text(aes_string(label = "Allele", x = "Size", y = 0),
      data = alleleInfo, size = label.size,
      angle = label.angle, vjust = label.vjust,
      hjust = label.hjust

    # expand plot area (to avoid clipping).
    gp <- gp + scale_y_continuous(expand = c(expand, 0))

    # NB! 'facet_wrap' does not seem to support strings.
    #     Use 'as.formula(paste("string1", "string2"))' as a workaround.
    gp <- gp + facet_wrap(as.formula(paste("~", "Dye")),
      ncol = 1,
      drop = FALSE, scales = scale

  # Set limits.
  if (limit.x) {
    # Set x-axis limits to total marker range.
    gp <- gp + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(min(mXmin), max(mXmax)))

  # Strip facet labels and background.
  gp <- gp + theme(strip.text = element_blank())
  gp <- gp + theme(strip.background = element_blank())

  # Add title and axis labels.
  gp <- gp + labs(title = title)
  gp <- gp + xlab("Size (bp)")
  gp <- gp + ylab("Peak height (RFU)")

  # Show plot.
  if (!silent) {

  # Debug info.
  if (debug) {
    print(paste("EXIT:", match.call()[[1]]))

  # Return plot object.
OskarHansson/strvalidator documentation built on Aug. 15, 2024, 7:13 a.m.