
## Test for SciDBR
## Important environment variables:
##  * SCIDB_TEST_HOST (required): The DNS name or IP address of the
##      machine running SciDB (for HTTP API) or Shim (for Shim API).
##  * SCIDB_TEST_PORT [8080/8083]: The Shim port to connect to,
##      or the HTTP API port if there is no Shim.
##  * SCIDB_HTTPAPI_PORT [defaults to SCIDB_TEST_PORT or 8239]:
##      The port running the SciDB HTTP API, if available.
##      This port can be running HTTP or HTTPS; SciDBR matches its
##      protocol automatically.
##  * SCIDB_TEST_WITH_SECURITY [false]: If "true", run security tests.
##  * SCIDB_TEST_SHIM_REQD [false]: If "true", return error if the 
##      shim connection fails
##  * SCIDB_TEST_HTTPAPI_REQD [false]: If "true", return error if
##      the httpapi connection fails


## Uncomment this line to log every significant API call made between 
## the application layer and SciDBR.
# options(scidb.trace.api="internal")

## Uncomment this line to log every HTTP interaction between SciDBR and
## the SciDB server.
# options(scidb.trace.http=TRUE)

## Uncomment this line to mask out IDs and hashes in the log
## to make it easier to compare logs across multiple runs.
# options(scidb.log.mask=TRUE)

## After an error, display a stack trace and stop logging.
## This makes it less confusing to find where the error happened in the log.
options(error=function() {
  stop("test-api.R exited with error")

test_with_security = (Sys.getenv("SCIDB_TEST_WITH_SECURITY", "") == "true")
is_arrow_installed = 'arrow' %in% .packages(all.available=TRUE)

`%||%` = function(a, b) { if (length(a) > 0) a else b }

check = function(a, b) {
  expect_true(all.equal(a, b, check.attributes=FALSE, check.names=FALSE))

connect = function(secure=FALSE, port=NULL, username=NULL, password=NULL, ...) {
  host = Sys.getenv("SCIDB_TEST_HOST")
  if (is.null(host) || nchar(host) == 0) {
    stop("No SciDB host found. Please set $SCIDB_TEST_HOST.")

  secure = (secure || test_with_security ||
    nchar(Sys.getenv("SCIDB_TEST_PASSWORD", "")) > 0)
  if (!secure) {
    db = scidbconnect(
      port=port %||% Sys.getenv("SCIDB_TEST_PORT", 8080),
  } else {
    db = scidbconnect(
      port=port %||% Sys.getenv("SCIDB_TEST_PORT", 8083),
      username=username %||% Sys.getenv("SCIDB_TEST_USER", "root"),
      password=password %||% Sys.getenv("SCIDB_TEST_PASSWORD", "Paradigm4"),

#' Reconnect to the same SciDB server, overriding old settings with the ones
#' specified in the optional argument list.
reconnect = function(oldconn, ...) {
  if (inherits(oldconn, "afl")) {
    oldconn = attr(oldconn, "connection")
  args = list(...)
  username = args$username %||% oldconn$username
  password = args$password %||% oldconn$password
  if (is.null(password) && !is.null(username)) {
    ## The password gets erased after connecting, so we need to resupply it.
    password = Sys.getenv("SCIDB_TEST_PASSWORD", "Paradigm4")
  newdb = scidbconnect(
    host=args$host %||% oldconn$host,
    port=args$port %||% oldconn$port,
    protocol=args$protocol %||% oldconn$protocol,

## Run tests in a function, so local variables get bound to function scope
## and will be gc-able when the function ends.
run_tests = function(db) {
  conn_type = class(db)[[1]]
  cat("\n\n===== Starting tests on ", conn_type, " connection =====")
  t1 = proc.time()

  cat("\n--- 1. Data movement tests ---\n")

  cat("\n1.1. upload data frame\n")
  x = suppressWarnings(as.scidb(db, iris))
  a = schema(x, "attributes")$name

  test_that(echo("1.2. binary download"), {
    check(iris[, 1:4], as.R(x)[, a][, 1:4])

  test_that(echo("1.3. iquery binary download"), {
    check(iris[, 1:4], iquery(db, x, return=TRUE)[, a][, 1:4])

  test_that(echo("1.4. iquery CSV download"), {
    check(iris[, 1:4], iquery(db, x, return=TRUE, binary=FALSE)[, a][, 1:4])

  test_that(echo("1.5. iquery Arrow download"), {
    skip_if(!is_arrow_installed, "Arrow test was skipped because arrow library isn't installed")
    check(iris[, 1:4], iquery(db, x, return=TRUE, 
                              arrow=TRUE, binary = FALSE)[, a][, 1:4])

  test_that(echo("1.6. as.R only attributes"), {
    check(iris[, 1],  as.R(x, only_attributes=TRUE)[, 1])

  test_that(echo("1.7. only_attributes"), {
    check(as.R(db$op_count(x))$count, nrow(as.R(x)))
    check(as.R(db$op_count(x))$count, nrow(as.R(x, only_attributes=TRUE)))

  test_that(echo("1.8. supply full schema to skip metadata query"), {
    a = scidb(db, x@name, schema=schema(x))
    check(as.R(db$op_count(x))$count, nrow(as.R(a)))

  test_that(echo("1.9. supply abbreviated schema to skip metadata query"), {
    a = scidb(db, x@name, schema=gsub("\\[.*", "", schema(x)))
    check(as.R(db$op_count(x))$count, nrow(as.R(a)))

  test_that(echo("1.10. upload using aio_input"), {
    ## download using only_attributes (because aio_input adds dimensions
    ##  that we don't care about)
    x = suppressWarnings(as.scidb(db, iris, use_aio_input=TRUE))
    check(iris[, 1:4], as.R(x, only_attributes=TRUE)[, 1:4])

  test_that(echo("1.11. upload vector"), {
    check(1:5, as.R(as.scidb(db, 1:5))[, 2])
  test_that(echo("1.12. upload matrix"), {
    x = matrix(rnorm(100), 10)
    check(x, matrix(as.R(as.scidb(db, x))[, 3], 10, byrow=TRUE))
  test_that(echo("1.13. upload csparse matrix, also check shorthand projection syntax"), {
    x = Matrix::sparseMatrix(i=sample(10, 10), j=sample(10, 10), x=runif(10))
    y = as.R(as.scidb(db, x))
    check(x, Matrix::sparseMatrix(i=y$i + 1, j=y$j + 1, x=y$val))
  test_that(echo("1.14. issue #126"), {
    df = as.data.frame(matrix(runif(10*100), 10, 100))
    sdf = as.scidb(db, df)
    check(df, as.R(sdf, only_attributes=TRUE))
  test_that(echo("1.15. issue #130"), {
    df = data.frame(x1 = c("NA", NA), x2 = c(0.13, NA), x3 = c(TRUE, NA), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    x = as.scidb(db, df)
    check(df, as.R(x, only_attributes=TRUE))

  test_that(echo("1.16. upload n-dimensional array"), {
    brick = 1:60
    dim(brick) = c(5, 4, 3)
    x = as.scidb(db, brick)
    ## Turn the brick into a dataframe like this, to compare against scidb:
    ##    i1 i2 i3 val
    ## 1   0  0  0   1  (the value at brick[[1, 1, 1]])
    ## 2   0  0  1  21  (brick[[1, 1, 2]])
    ## 3   0  0  2  41  (brick[[1, 1, 3]])
    ## 4   0  1  0   6  (brick[[1, 2, 1]])
    ## 5   0  1  1  26  ...
    ## 6   0  1  2  46
    ## ...
    ## 58  4  3  0  20
    ## 59  4  3  1  40
    ## 60  4  3  2  60
    brick_df = data.frame()
    for (i1 in 1:dim(brick)[[1]]) {
      for (i2 in 1:dim(brick)[[2]]) {
        for (i3 in 1:dim(brick)[[3]]) {
          brick_df <- rbind(brick_df, 
                            list(i1=i1 - 1, 
                                i2=i2 - 1, 
                                i3=i3 - 1,
                                val=brick[[i1, i2, i3]]))
    check(brick_df, as.R(x))

  ## Trigger garbage collection. Note this won't remove any arrays
  ## because the local variables are still in scope - to really remove
  ## the arrays, we need to gc() after this function exits.

  cat("\n--- 2. AFL tests ---\n")

  test_that(echo("2.1. Issue #128"), {
    i = 4
    j = 6
    x = db$build("<v:double>[i=1:2,2,0, j=1:3,1,0]", i * j)
    check(sort(as.R(x)$v), c(1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 6))
    x = db$apply(x, w, R(i) * R(j))
    # Need as.integer() for integer64 coversion below
    check(as.integer(as.R(x)$w), rep(24, 6))

  test_that(echo("2.2. namespace.array should work without scan() (SDB-8083)"), {
    arrname = 'a_r_test_2_2'
    x = store(db, db$build("<v:int64>[i=1:2]", i), TRUE, name=arrname, gc=TRUE, temp=TRUE)
    expected = data.frame(i=1:2,v=1:2)
    check(expected, iquery(db, arrname, return=TRUE))
    check(expected, iquery(db, paste0('public.', arrname), return=TRUE, binary=TRUE))
    check(expected, iquery(db, paste0('public.', arrname), return=TRUE, binary=FALSE))
  cat("\n--- 3. Miscellaneous tests ---")

  cat("\n3.1. issue #156 type checks\n")

  test_that(echo("3.1.1 reconnect with int64=TRUE"), {
    db = reconnect(db, int64=TRUE)
    x = db$build("<v:int64>[i=1:2,2,0]", i)
    check(as.R(x), as.R(as.scidb(db, as.R(x, TRUE))))

  test_that(echo("3.1.2 reconnect with int64=FALSE"), {
    db = reconnect(db, int64=FALSE)
    x = db$build("<v:int64>[i=1:2,2,0]", i)
    check(as.R(x), as.R(as.scidb(db, as.R(x, TRUE))))

  test_that(echo("3.2. Issue #157"), {
    # NA means no error
    expect_error(x <- as.R(scidb(db, "build(<v:float>[i=1:5], sin(i))"), binary = FALSE), NA)

  test_that(echo("3.3. Issue #163"), {
    x = as.scidb(db, serialize(1:5, NULL))
    y = as.R(x)
    check(y$val[[1]], serialize(1:5,NULL))

    iquery(db, "build(<val:binary>[i=1:2,10,0], null)", return=TRUE)

  test_that(echo("3.4. Test for issue #161"), {
    # NA means no error
    expect_error(iquery(db, "op_count(list())", return=TRUE, only_attributes=TRUE,  binary=FALSE), NA)

  test_that(echo("3.5. Test for issue #158"), {
    x = iquery(db, "join(op_count(build(<val:int32>[i=0:234,100,0],random())),op_count(build(<val:int32>[i=0:1234,100,0],random())))", 
          schema = "<apples:uint64, oranges:uint64>[i=0:1,1,0]", return=TRUE)
    check(names(x), c("i", "apples", "oranges"))

  test_that(echo("3.6. issue #160 deal with partial schema string"), {
    x = iquery(db, "project(list(), name)", schema="<name:string>[No]", return=TRUE)
    check(names(x), c("No", "name"))
    iquery(db, "build(<val:double>[i=1:3;j=1:3], random())", return=T, schema="<val:double>[i; j]")
    iquery(db, "build(<val:double>[i=1:3;j=1:3], random())", return=T, schema="<val:double>[i=1:3:0:3;j=1:3:0:3]")
    iquery(db, "build(<val:double>[i=1:3;j=1:3], random())", return=T, schema="<val:double>[i=1:3,1,0,j=1:3,1,0]")
    iquery(db, "build(<val:double>[i=1:3;j=1:3], random())", return=T, schema="<val:double>[i=1:3,1,0;j=1:3,1,0]")
    iquery(db, "build(<val:double>[i=1:3;j=1:3], random())", return=T, schema="<val:double>[i=1:3;j=1:3]")
    iquery(db, "build(<val:double>[i=1:3;j=1:3], random())", return=T, schema="<val:double>[i,j]")

  test_that(echo("3.7. basic types from scalars"), {
    lapply(list(TRUE, "x", 420L, pi), function(x) check(x, as.R(as.scidb(db, x))$val))

  test_that(echo("3.8. trickier types"), {
    x = Sys.Date()
    # NOTE: Using a special invocation of `all.equal` instead of `check` below
    # Otherwise, in R>=4.1, attributes(as.R(as.scidb(db, x)$val) contains a tzone atribute
    # that results in the error message: 'tzone' attributes are inconsistent ('' and 'GMT')
    # (see https://github.com/Paradigm4/SciDBR/actions/runs/3758620767/jobs/6387178808)
    # check(as.POSIXct(x, tz="UTC"), as.R(as.scidb(db, x))$val)
    all.equal(as.POSIXct(x, tz="UTC"), as.R(as.scidb(db, x))$val, check.tzone = F)

    x = iris$Species
    check(as.character(x), as.R(as.scidb(db, x))$val)

  test_that(echo("3.9. type conversion from data frames"), {
    # NA means no error
    expect_error(x <- data.frame(a=420L, b=pi, c=TRUE, d=factor("yellow"),
                                 e="SciDB", f=as.POSIXct(Sys.Date(), tz="UTC"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE),

  test_that(echo("3.10. issue #164 improper default value parsing"), {
    tryCatch(iquery (db, "remove(x)"), error=invisible)
    iquery(db, "create array x <x:double not null default 1>[i=1:10]")
    x <- scidb(db, "x")
    expect_equal(scidb::schema(x), "<x:double NOT NULL DEFAULT 1> [i=1:10:0:*]")
    tryCatch(iquery (db, "remove(x)"), error=invisible)

  test_that(echo("3.11. issue #158 support empty dimension spec []"), {
    # NA means no error
    expect_error(iquery(db, "apply(build(<val:double>[i=1:3], random()), x, 'abc')", return=TRUE,
          schema="<val:double,  x:string>[]", only_attributes=TRUE), NA)

  test_that(echo("3.12. issue #172 (uint16 not supported)"), {
    # NA means no error
    expect_error(iquery(db, "list('instances')", return=TRUE, binary=TRUE), NA)

  test_that(echo("3.13. Test for references and garbage collection in AFL statements"), {
    x = store(db, db$build("<x:double>[i=1:1,1,0]", R(pi)))
    y = db$apply(x, "y", 2)
    expect_equal(as.R(y)$x, pi) # should agree within testthat::testthat_tolerance, O(1e-8)

  test_that(echo("3.14. Issue 191 scoping issue example"), {
    a = db$build("<val:double>[x=1:10]", 'random()')
    b = db$aggregate(a, "sum(val)")
    foo = function() {
      c = db$build("<val:double>[x=1:10]", 'random()')
      d = db$aggregate(c, "sum(val)")
    # NA means no error
    expect_error(foo(), NA)

  test_that(echo("3.15 Issue 193 Extreme numeric values get truncated on upload"), {
    upload_data <- data.frame(a = 1.23456e-50)
    upload_ref <- as.scidb(db, upload_data)
    download_data <- as.R(upload_ref, only_attributes = TRUE)
    expect_equal(upload_data$a, download_data$a)

  test_that(echo("3.16 Issue 195 Empty data.frame(s)"), {
    for (scidb_type in names(scidb:::.scidbtypes)) {
      for (only_attributes in c(FALSE, TRUE)) {
        cat("\nTesting empty data frame of type ", scidb_type, 
            " with only_attributes=", only_attributes, sep="", fill=TRUE)
        one_df <- iquery(
          paste("build(<x:", scidb_type, ">[i=0:0], null)"),
          only_attributes = only_attributes,
          return = TRUE)
        empty_df <- iquery(
          paste("filter(build(<x:", scidb_type, ">[i=0:0], null), false)"),
          only_attributes = only_attributes,
          return = TRUE)
        index <- 1 + ifelse(only_attributes, 0, 1)
        if (class(one_df) == "data.frame") {
          expect_equal(class(one_df[, index]), class(empty_df[, index]))
          merge(one_df, empty_df)
        else {
          expect_equal(class(one_df[[index]]), class(empty_df[[index]]))
          mapply(c, one_df, empty_df)

  test_that(echo("3.17 Issue 195 Coerce very small floating point values to 0"), {
    small_df <- data.frame(a = .Machine$double.xmin,
                          b = .Machine$double.xmin / 10,   # Will be coerced to 0
                          c = -.Machine$double.xmin,
                          d = -.Machine$double.xmin / 10)  # Will be coerced to 0
    small_df_db <- as.R(as.scidb(db, small_df), only_attributes = TRUE)
    small_df_fix <- small_df
    small_df_fix$b <- 0
    small_df_fix$d <- 0
    check(small_df_db, small_df_fix)
  test_that(echo("3.18. Issue 217 Upload vectors, matrices as temp arrays via as.scidb"), {
    iris_mod = iris
    colnames(iris_mod) = gsub(pattern = '[.]', replacement = '_', x = colnames(iris_mod))
    DF = as.scidb(db, iris_mod, temp = T)
    VEC = as.scidb(db, 1:10, temp = T)
    MAT = as.scidb(db, as.matrix(iris_mod[1:3]), temp = T)
    dgc_mat = Matrix(c(0, 0,  0, 2,
                      6, 0, -1, 5,
                      0, 4,  3, 0,
                      0, 0,  5, 0),
                    byrow = TRUE, nrow = 4, sparse = TRUE)
    rownames(dgc_mat) = paste0('r', 1:4)
    colnames(dgc_mat) = paste0('c', 1:4)
    DGCMAT = as.scidb(db, dgc_mat, temp = T)
    check(all(c(DF@name, VEC@name, MAT@name, DGCMAT@name) %in% 
                iquery(db, "filter(list(), temporary=TRUE)", return = T)$name),
  test_that(echo("3.19. Issue 220 Upload long vectors via as.scidb"), {
    # The following tests for long vector upload do not run OK on Docker SciDB setups 
    # that have low system RAM. 
    # Disabling the tests for SciDB CE Docker setup (that is used on 
    # Github Actions infrastructure)
    skip_if(!test_with_security, "Security test was skipped because SCIDB_TEST_WITH_SECURITY is not true")
    check_long_vector_upload_as.scidb <- function(db, data, verbose = FALSE, max_byte_size) {
      if(verbose) cat('Vector length: ', length(data))
      if(verbose) cat('Object size: ', format(object.size(data), units = 'Mb'))
      if(verbose) cat('Loading vector to SciDB...')
      if(missing(max_byte_size)) {
        data_scidb = as.scidb(db, data)
      } else {
        data_scidb = as.scidb(db, data, max_byte_size=max_byte_size)
      data_name = data_scidb@name
      if(verbose) cat('Loaded to SciDB. Object name: ', data_name)
      if(verbose) cat('Retrieving from SciDB...')
      data_r = as.R(data_scidb)
      if(verbose) cat('Retrieved object size: ', format(object.size(data_r), units = 'Mb'))
      data_r = data_r[order(data_r$i),]
      if(verbose) cat('Testing uploaded vector with provided vector for equality - ')
      check(data, data_r$val)
      if(verbose)  cat('Uploaded vector is equal to provided vector.') 
      rm(data, data_scidb, data_r); gc()
      if(verbose) cat('Deleting from SciDB...')
      if(data_name %in% iquery(db, 'list()', return = TRUE)$name) iquery(db, paste0('remove(', data_name, ')'))
      if(verbose) cat('Vector deleted from SciDB.')
    # Recording global options to revert back to original values after executing the tests
    initial.max_byte_size = getOption('scidb.max_byte_size')
    initial.result_size_limit = getOption('scidb.result_size_limit')
    # Setting 'scidb.max_byte_size' to 40Mb as this will allow testing multi-part uploading of long vectors via
    # as.scidb() on reasonably sized vectors and not cause problems with R memory allocation.
    options(scidb.max_byte_size = 40*(10^6))
    options(scidb.result_size_limit = 1000)
    # integer - block size is  4*(10^7)/8 = 5*(10^6)
    check_long_vector_upload_as.scidb(db, data = sample(x=1:10, size = 10^7, replace=TRUE), verbose=F)
    # float - block size (4*(10^7))/8=5*(10^6)
    check_long_vector_upload_as.scidb(db, data = sample(x=c(1:100/10), size = 10^7, replace=TRUE), verbose=F)
    # float - with a specified max_byte_size
    check_long_vector_upload_as.scidb(db, data = sample(x=c(1:100/10), size = 10^7, replace=TRUE), verbose=F,
                                      max_byte_size = 10*10^6)
    # character - block size (4*(10^7))/2=2*10^7
    check_long_vector_upload_as.scidb(db, data = sample(x=letters, size = 10^7.8, replace=TRUE), verbose=F)
    # Restoring global options
    options(scidb.max_byte_size = initial.max_byte_size)
    options(scidb.result_size_limit = initial.result_size_limit)
  test_that(echo("3.20. Issue 224 Support for SciDB dataframe"), {
    scidb_df_name = 'scidb_df_flat_test'
    scidb_df = data.frame(i=c(rep(1,3), rep(2,3), rep(3,3)), j=rep(1:3, 3), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    scidb_df$value = as.numeric(scidb_df$i == scidb_df$j)
    cat("\n3.20.1. create a SciDB dataframe")
          sprintf("store(flatten(build(<value:double>[i=1:3:0:1, j=1:3:0:1], iif(i=j, 1, 0))), %s)", 
    cat("\n3.20.2. check iquery")
    scidb_ret <- iquery(db, sprintf('scan(%s)', scidb_df_name), return = TRUE)
    scidb_ret <- scidb_ret[order(scidb_ret$i, scidb_ret$j),]
    check(scidb_df, scidb_ret)
    cat("\n3.20.3. check as.R")
    scidb_ret <- as.R(scidb(db, scidb_df_name))
    scidb_ret <- scidb_ret[order(scidb_ret$i, scidb_ret$j),]
    check(scidb_df, scidb_ret)
    cat("\n3.20.4. Delete SciDB dataframe")
    iquery(db, sprintf('remove(%s)', scidb_df_name))
    cat("\n3.20.5. Check an SciDB dataframe created from an array with a single dimension")
    scidb_ret <- iquery(db, 'flatten(build(<value:double>[i=1:5:0:1], iif(i%2=0, 1, 0)))', return=T)
    scidb_ret <- scidb_ret[order(scidb_ret$i),]
    check(scidb_ret, data.frame(i = 1:5, value = abs(floor(1:5%%2) -1), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

  test_that(echo("3.21. Issue 263 Proper renaming of system dimensions if !AIO"), {
      prev_opt <- getOption("scidb.aio")
      query <- "sort(build(<val:double>[i=0:3;j=0:3],iif(i=j,1,0)),val)"
      options(scidb.aio = TRUE)
      df_aio <- tryCatch(iquery(db, query, TRUE), silent=TRUE, error=function(...) "df_aio")
      options(scidb.aio = FALSE)
      df_noaio <- tryCatch(iquery(db, query, TRUE), silent=TRUE, error=function(...) "df_noaio")
      check(df_aio, df_noaio)
      options(scidb.aio = prev_opt)

  test_that(echo("3.22 Issue 279 Setting curl options as list on R>=4.2"), {
      prev_opt <- getOption("scidb.curl_options")
      query <- "sort(build(<val:double>[i=0:3;j=0:3],iif(i=j,1,0)),val)"
      options(scidb.curl_options = NULL)
      df_nocurl <- tryCatch(iquery(db, query, TRUE), silent=TRUE, error=function(...) "df_no_curl_options")
      options(scidb.curl_options = list(tcp_keepalive = 1L, tcp_keepintvl = 30, tcp_keepidle = 60))
      df_curl <- tryCatch(iquery(db, query, TRUE), silent=TRUE, error=function(...) "df_curl_options")
      check(df_nocurl, df_curl)
      options(scidb.curl_options = prev_opt)
  cat("\nRan tests on ", conn_type, " connection",
          " in: ", (proc.time()-t1)[[3]], " seconds\n")
  cat("===== Finished tests on ", conn_type, " connection =====\n")

## Run tests on the given connection, then perform garbage collection
## and check for arrays created by the test that weren't cleaned up.
run_tests_with_gc = function(db) {
  preexisting <- ls(db)$name
  cat("\nPre-existing SciDB arrays: ", 
          if (length(preexisting) == 0) "none"
          else paste(preexisting, collapse=", "))
  ## Garbage collection is only effective after the variables in run_tests()
  ## have gone out of scope.
  remaining <- ls(db)$name
  cat("\nRemaining SciDB arrays after test: ", 
          if (length(remaining) == 0) "none"
          else paste(remaining, collapse=", "))
  unexpected <- setdiff(remaining, preexisting)
  if (length(unexpected) > 0) {
    stop("These arrays were created during the test and were not cleaned up: ",
         paste(unexpected, collapse=", "))

http_port = Sys.getenv("SCIDB_HTTPAPI_PORT", 
                      Sys.getenv("SCIDB_TEST_PORT", 8239))
cat("\nAttempting to connect to httpapi on port ", http_port, '\n')
start = proc.time()[["elapsed"]]
httpdb = tryCatch(connect(port=http_port),
                  error=function(e) {
                    cat("Could not connect to httpapi: ", 
valid_httpdb <- !is.null(httpdb) && inherits(httpdb, "httpapi")

cat("\nAttempting to connect to shim\n")
start <- proc.time()[["elapsed"]]
shimdb <- tryCatch(connect(), 
                  error=function(e) {
                    cat("Could not connect to Shim: ", 
valid_shimdb <- !is.null(shimdb) && inherits(shimdb, "shim")

test_that(echo("Running at least one of the shim and/or httpiapi tests"), {
  expect_true(valid_httpdb || valid_shimdb)
  if (Sys.getenv("SCIDB_TEST_HTTPAPI_REQD","") == "true") {
  if (Sys.getenv("SCIDB_TEST_SHIM_REQD","") == "true") {

test_that(echo("Test httpapi connection"), {
  if (is.null(httpdb)) {
    skip("Connection to httpapi failed; skipping httpapi tests.")
  if (!inherits(httpdb, "httpapi")) {
    skip(paste("Connection on port", attr(httpdb, "connection")$port,
            "is not an httpapi connection; skipping httpapi tests."))

  cat("\nConnected to httpapi in ", proc.time()[["elapsed"]]-start,
          " seconds\n")
  cat("\nSuccessfully tested httpapi connection on port ", 
          attr(httpdb, "connection")$port,'\n')
  expect_true(!is.null(httpdb)) # silence 'Skipping empty test'

test_that(echo("Test Shim connection"), {
  if (is.null(shimdb)) {
    skip("Connection to shim failed; skipping shim tests.")
  if (!inherits(shimdb, "shim")) {
    skip(paste("Connection on port", attr(httpdb, "connection")$port,
            "is not a shim connection; skipping shim tests."))

  cat("\nConnected to shim in ", proc.time()[["elapsed"]]-start, " seconds\n")
  cat("\nSuccessfully tested shim connection on port ", 
          attr(shimdb, "connection")$port, '\n')
  expect_true(!is.null(shimdb)) # silence 'Skipping empty test'
Paradigm4/SciDBR documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 4:58 a.m.