#' Deploy a pkgdown site on Travis-CI to Github Pages
#' `deploy_site_github()` sets up your SSH keys for deployment, builds the
#' site with [build_site()], commits the site to the `gh-pages` branch and then pushes
#' the results back to GitHub. `deploy_site_github()` is meant only to be used
#' by the CI system on Travis, it should not be called locally.
#' [deploy_to_branch()] can be used to deploy a site directly to GitHub Pages
#' locally. See 'Setup' for details on setting up your repository to use this.
#' @section Setup:
#' For a quick setup, you can use [usethis::use_pkgdown_travis()]. It will help you
#' with the following detailed steps.
#' * Add the following to your `.travis.yml` file.
#' ```
#' before_cache: Rscript -e 'remotes::install_cran("pkgdown")'
#' deploy:
#' provider: script
#' script: Rscript -e 'pkgdown::deploy_site_github()'
#' skip_cleanup: true
#' ```
#' * Then you will need to setup your deployment keys. The easiest way is to call
#' `travis::use_travis_deploy()`. This will generate and push the necessary
#' keys to your GitHub and Travis accounts. See the [travis package
#' website](https://docs.ropensci.org/travis/index.html) for more details.
#' * Next, make sure that a gh-pages branch exists. The simplest way to do
#' so is to run the following git commands locally:
#' ```
#' git checkout --orphan gh-pages
#' git rm -rf .
#' git commit --allow-empty -m 'Initial gh-pages commit'
#' git push origin gh-pages
#' git checkout master
#' ```
#' We recommend doing this outside of RStudio (with the project closed) as
#' from RStudio's perspective you end up deleting all the files and then
#' re-creating them.
#' * If you're using a custom CNAME, make sure you have set the `url` in
#' `_pkgdown.yaml`:
#' ```yaml
#' url: http://pkgdown.r-lib.org
#' ```
#' @inheritParams build_site
#' @param install Optionally, opt-out of automatic installation. This is
#' necessary if the package you're documenting is a dependency of pkgdown
#' @param tarball The location of the built package tarball. The default Travis
#' configuration for R packages sets `PKG_TARBALL` to this path.
#' @param ssh_id The private id to use, a base64 encoded content of the private
#' pem file. This should _not_ be your personal private key. Instead create a
#' new keypair specifically for deploying the site. The easiest way is to use
#' `travis::use_travis_deploy()`.
#' @param commit_message The commit message to be used for the commit.
#' @param clean Clean all files from old site.
#' @param verbose Print verbose output
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to [build_site()].
#' @param host The GitHub host url.
#' @param repo_slug The `user/repo` slug for the repository.
#' @export
deploy_site_github <- function(
pkg = ".",
install = TRUE,
tarball = Sys.getenv("PKG_TARBALL", ""),
ssh_id = Sys.getenv("id_rsa", ""),
commit_message = construct_commit_message(pkg),
clean = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
host = "github.com",
repo_slug = Sys.getenv("TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG", "")) {
if (!nzchar(tarball)) {
stop("No built tarball detected, please provide the location of one with `tarball`", call. = FALSE)
if (!nzchar(ssh_id)) {
stop("No deploy key found, please setup with `travis::use_travis_deploy()`", call. = FALSE)
if (!nzchar(repo_slug)) {
stop("No repo detected, please supply one with `repo_slug`", call. = FALSE)
rule("Deploying site", line = 2)
if (install) {
rule("Installing package", line = 1)
callr::rcmd("INSTALL", tarball, show = verbose, fail_on_status = TRUE)
ssh_id_file <- "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
rule("Setting up SSH id", line = 1)
cat_line("Copying private key to: ", ssh_id_file)
write_lines(rawToChar(openssl::base64_decode(ssh_id)), ssh_id_file)
cat_line("Setting private key permissions to 0600")
fs::file_chmod(ssh_id_file, "0600")
cat_line("Setting remote to use the ssh url")
git("remote", "set-url", "origin", sprintf("git@%s:%s.git", host, repo_slug))
commit_message = commit_message,
clean = clean,
branch = "gh-pages",
rule("Deploy completed", line = 2)
#' Build and deploy a site locally
#' Assumes that you're in a git clone of the project, and the package is
#' already installed.
#' @param branch The git branch to deploy to
#' @param remote The git remote to deploy to
#' @param github_pages Is this a GitHub pages deploy. If `TRUE`, adds a `CNAME`
#' file for custom domain name support, and a `.nojekyll` file to suppress
#' jekyll rendering.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to [build_site()].
#' @inheritParams build_site
#' @inheritParams deploy_site_github
#' @export
deploy_to_branch <- function(pkg = ".",
commit_message = construct_commit_message(pkg),
clean = FALSE,
branch = "gh-pages",
remote = "origin",
github_pages = (branch == "gh-pages"),
...) {
dest_dir <- fs::dir_create(fs::file_temp())
if (!git_has_remote_branch(remote, branch)) {
old_branch <- git_current_branch()
# If no remote branch, we need to create it
git("checkout", "--orphan", branch)
git("rm", "-rf", "--quiet", ".")
git("commit", "--allow-empty", "-m", sprintf("Initializing %s branch", branch))
git("push", remote, paste0("HEAD:", branch))
# checkout the previous branch
git("checkout", old_branch)
# Explicitly set the branches tracked by the origin remote.
# Needed if we are using a shallow clone, such as on travis-CI
git("remote", "set-branches", remote, branch)
git("fetch", remote, branch)
github_worktree_add(dest_dir, remote, branch)
on.exit(github_worktree_remove(dest_dir), add = TRUE)
pkg <- as_pkgdown(pkg, override = list(destination = dest_dir))
if (clean) {
rule("Cleaning files from old site", line = 1)
build_site(pkg, devel = FALSE, preview = FALSE, install = FALSE, ...)
if (github_pages) {
github_push(dest_dir, commit_message, remote, branch)
git_has_remote_branch <- function(remote, branch) {
has_remote_branch <- git("ls-remote", "--quiet", "--exit-code", remote, branch, echo = FALSE, echo_cmd = FALSE, error_on_status = FALSE)$status == 0
git_current_branch <- function() {
branch <- git("rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD", echo = FALSE, echo_cmd = FALSE)$stdout
sub("\n$", "", branch)
github_worktree_add <- function(dir, remote, branch) {
rule("Adding worktree", line = 1)
"--track", "-B", branch,
paste0(remote, "/", branch)
github_worktree_remove <- function(dir) {
rule("Removing worktree", line = 1)
git("worktree", "remove", dir)
github_push <- function(dir, commit_message, remote, branch) {
# force execution before changing working directory
rule("Commiting updated site", line = 1)
with_dir(dir, {
git("add", "-A", ".")
git("commit", "--allow-empty", "-m", commit_message)
rule("Deploying to GitHub Pages", line = 1)
git("remote", "-v")
git("push", "--force", remote, paste0("HEAD:", branch))
git <- function(..., echo_cmd = TRUE, echo = TRUE, error_on_status = TRUE) {
processx::run("git", c(...), echo_cmd = echo_cmd, echo = echo, error_on_status = error_on_status)
construct_commit_message <- function(pkg, commit = ci_commit_sha()) {
pkg <- as_pkgdown(pkg)
sprintf("Built site for %s: %s@%s", pkg$package, pkg$version, substr(commit, 1, 7))
ci_commit_sha <- function() {
env_vars <- c(
# https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/environment-variables/#default-environment-variables
# https://help.github.com/en/actions/configuring-and-managing-workflows/using-environment-variables#default-environment-variables
for (var in env_vars) {
commit_sha <- Sys.getenv(var, "")
if (commit_sha != "")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.