
Defines functions sim_distribution sim_nlf sim_parabola sim_ays_covar .sp_cor .dist

Documented in sim_ays_covar sim_distribution sim_nlf sim_parabola

## Helper function for euclidian distance calculations
.dist <- function(x) {
  if (requireNamespace("fields", quietly = TRUE)) {
    d <- fields::rdist(x)
  } else {
    d <- as.matrix(stats::dist(x))

## Helper function for spatial correlation
.sp_cor <- function(x = NULL, range = 50, lambda = 1, model = "matern") {
  d <- .dist(x)
  cormat <- switch(model,
                   exponential = {
                     exp(-d / range)
                   matern = {
                     kappa <- sqrt(8 * lambda) / range # approximate kappa from range as per R-INLA book
                     2 ^ (1 - lambda) / gamma(lambda) * (kappa * d) ^ lambda *
                       besselK(x = d * kappa, nu = lambda)
                   stop("wrong or no specification of covariance model"))

  diag(cormat) <- 1

#' Simulate age-year-space covariance
#' @description These functions return a function to use inside \code{\link{sim_distribution}}.
#' @param range       Decorrelation range
#' @param lambda      Controls the degree of smoothness of Matern covariance process
#' @param sd          Variance (can be age specific).
#' @param phi_age     Defines autocorrelation through ages. Can be one value or a vector of the same
#'                    length as ages
#' @param phi_year    Defines autocorrelation through years. Can be one value or a vector of the same
#'                    length as years
#' @param group_ages  Make space-age-year noise equal across these ages
#' @param group_years Make space-age-year noise equal across these years
#' @param model       String indicating either "exponential" or "matern" as the correlation function
#' @return Returns a function for use inside \code{\link{sim_distribution}}.
#' @export

sim_ays_covar <- function(sd = 2.8, range = 300, lambda = 1, model = "matern",
                          phi_age = 0.5, phi_year = 0.9,
                          group_ages = 5:20, group_years = NULL) {
  function(x = NULL, ages = NULL, years = NULL, cells = NULL) {

    # There are probably better, more elegant and computationally efficient solutions
    # to this problem.

    na <- length(ages)
    ny <- length(years)
    nc <- length(cells)
    if (length(sd) == 1) {
      sd <- rep(sd, na)
    } else {
      if (length(sd) != na) {
        stop("The number of sd values supplied != number of ages.")
    if (length(phi_age) == 1) {
      phi_age <- rep(phi_age, na)
    } else {
      if (length(phi_age) != na) {
        stop("The number of phi_age values supplied != number of ages.")
    if (length(phi_year) == 1) {
      phi_year <- rep(phi_year, ny)
    } else {
      if (length(phi_year) != ny) {
        stop("The number of phi_year values supplied != number of years.")
    age_map <- as.character(ages)
    if (!is.null(group_ages)) {
      age_map[ages %in% group_ages] <- paste(range(group_ages), collapse = ":")
    year_map <- as.character(years)
    if (!is.null(group_years)) {
      year_map[years %in% group_years] <- paste(range(group_years), collapse = ":")

    E <- array(rep(NA, na * ny * nc), dim = c(na, ny, nc),
               dimnames = list(age = ages, year = years, cell = cells))
    pc_age <- sqrt(1 - phi_age ^ 2)
    pc_year <- sqrt(1 - phi_year ^ 2)
    ##chol is costly, so calculate only once!
    chol_cor <- chol(.sp_cor(x = x, range = range, lambda = lambda, model = model))
    for (j in seq_along(years)) {
      for (i in seq_along(ages)) {
        if ((i == 1) & (j == 1)) {
          m <- 0
          s <- sd[i] / (pc_age[i] * pc_year[j])
          if (!exists("w1")) { # Might save some time...
            Sigma <- s * chol_cor
            w1 <- t(Sigma)
          E[i, j, ] <- m + w1 %*% stats::rnorm(nc)
        if ((i > 1) & (j == 1)) {
          if (age_map[i] == age_map[i - 1]) {
            E[i, j, ] <- E[i - 1, j, ]
          } else {
            m <- phi_age[i] * E[i - 1, j, ]
            s <- sd[i] / pc_year[j]
            if (!exists("w2")) {
              Sigma <- s * chol_cor
              w2 <- t(Sigma)
            E[i, j, ] <- m + w2 %*% stats::rnorm(nc)
        if ((i == 1) & (j > 1)) {
          if (year_map[j] == year_map[j - 1]) {
            E[i, j, ] <- E[i, j - 1, ]
          } else {
            m <- phi_year[j] * E[i, j - 1, ]
            s <- sd[i] / pc_age[i]
            if (!exists("w3")) {
              Sigma <- s * chol_cor
              w3 <- t(Sigma)
            E[i, j, ] <- m + w3 %*% stats::rnorm(nc)
        if ((i > 1) & (j > 1)) {

          if (age_map[i] == age_map[i - 1]) {
            E[i, j, ] <- E[i - 1, j, ]
          if (year_map[j] == year_map[j - 1]) {
            E[i, j, ] <- E[i, j - 1, ]
          if ((age_map[i] != age_map[i - 1]) & (year_map[j] != year_map[j - 1])) {
            m <- phi_year[j] * E[i, j - 1, ] + phi_age[i] * (E[i - 1, j, ] - phi_year[j] * E[i - 1, j - 1, ])
            s <- sd[i]
            if (!exists("w4")) { # chol is costly, therefore only calculate once
              Sigma <- s * chol_cor
              w4 <- t(Sigma)
            E[i, j, ] <- m + w4 %*% stats::rnorm(nc)


#' Define a parabolic relationship
#' @description  Closure to be used in \code{\link{sim_distribution}}. Form is based on the bi-gaussian function described here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2993707/.
#' @param alpha,mu,sigma  Parameters that control the shape of the parabola. Can be one value or
#'                        a vector of equal length to the number of ages in the simulation
#'                        (e.g. age-specific depth associations can be specified).
#' @param sigma_right     Optional parameter to impose asymmetry by supplying a sigma parameter for the right side.
#'                        If used, `sigma` will be used to define the width of the left side. Ignored if `NULL`.
#' @param log_space       Should shape of the parabola be defined in log space? If `TRUE`, logged parameters are
#'                        assumed to be supplied and x values used in the parabola equation are log transformed.
#'                        This allows a more lognormal curve to be defined and, hence, allows a heavier tail and it
#'                        forces very low values near zero.
#' @param plot            Produce a simple plot of the simulated values?
#' @return Returns a function for use inside \code{\link{sim_distribution}}.
#' @examples
#' parabola_fun <- sim_parabola(mu = 50, sigma = 5, plot = TRUE)
#' parabola_fun(data.frame(depth = 0:100))
#' parabola_fun <- sim_parabola(mu = log(40), sigma = 0.5, log_space = FALSE, plot = TRUE)
#' parabola_fun(data.frame(depth = 0:100))
#' parabola_fun <- sim_parabola(mu = c(50, 120), sigma = c(5, 3), plot = TRUE)
#' parabola_fun(expand.grid(depth = 1:200, age = 1:2))
#' @rdname sim_parabola
#' @export

sim_parabola <- function(alpha = 0, mu = 200, sigma = 70, sigma_right = NULL,
                         log_space = FALSE, plot = FALSE) {

  function(data) {

    x <- data$depth
    age <- data$age
    nages <- length(unique(age))
    npar <- c(length(alpha), length(mu), length(sigma))
    if (any(npar > 1) && max(npar) != nages) {
      stop("The number alpha, mu, or sigma values != number of ages.")
    if (length(unique(npar[npar!=1])) > 1) {
      stop("Inconsistent number of alpha, mu, or sigma values were supplied. One value should be supplied or a vector equal to the number of ages in the simulation.")
    if (any(npar > 1)) {
      if (npar[1] == 1) alpha <- rep(alpha, nages)
      if (npar[2] == 1) mu <- rep(mu, nages)
      if (npar[3] == 1) sigma <- rep(sigma, nages)
      i <- age - min(age) + 1 # convert to index (address cases where start age may be 0 or 4, etc.)
    } else {
      i <- rep(1, length(x))

    if (is.null(sigma_right)) sigma_right <- sigma
    if (log_space) mx <- log(x) else mx <- x

    y <- ifelse(mx < mu[i], alpha[i] - (((mx - mu[i])^2) / (2 * sigma[i] ^ 2)),
                            alpha[i] - (((mx - mu[i])^2) / (2 * sigma_right[i] ^ 2)))

    if (plot) {
      plot(x, y, main = "sim_parabola", col = i)




#' Define a non-linear relationship
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' Closure to be used in \code{\link{sim_distribution}}.
#' @param formula  Formula describing parametric relationships between data and coefficients.
#'                 The data used in \code{\link{sim_distribution}} are grid coordinates expanded
#'                 across ages and years (i.e., includes columns \code{"x", "y", "depth", "cell",
#'                 "division", "strat", "age", "year"}). Values of the coefficients must be
#'                 included in argument \code{coeff} as a named list.
#' @param coeff    Named list of coefficient values used in \code{formula}.
#' @return Returns a function for use inside \code{\link{sim_distribution}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Make a grid and replicate data for 5 ages and 5 years
#' ## (This is similar to what happens inside sim_distribution)
#' grid <- make_grid(shelf_width = 10)
#' grid_xy <- data.frame(grid)
#' i <- rep(seq(nrow(grid_xy)), times = 5)
#' a <- rep(1:5, each = nrow(grid_xy))
#' grid_xy <- grid_xy[i, ]
#' grid_xy$age <- a
#' i <- rep(seq(nrow(grid_xy)), times = 5)
#' y <- rep(1:5, each = nrow(grid_xy))
#' grid_xy <- grid_xy[i, ]
#' grid_xy$year <- y
#' ## Now using sim_nlf, produce a function to apply to the expanded grid_xy data
#' ## For this firs example, the depth effect is parabolic and the vertex is deeper by age
#' ## (i.e., to impose ontogenetic deepening)
#' nlf <- sim_nlf(formula = ~ alpha - ((depth - mu + beta * age) ^ 2) / (2 * sigma ^ 2),
#'                coeff = list(alpha = 0, mu = 200, sigma = 70, beta = -70))
#' grid_xy$depth_effect <- nlf(grid_xy)
#' library(plotly)
#' grid_xy %>%
#'   filter(year == 1) %>%
#'   plot_ly(x = ~depth, y = ~depth_effect, split = ~age) %>%
#'   add_lines()
#' @importFrom lifecycle badge
sim_nlf <- function(formula = ~ alpha - ((depth - mu) ^ 2) / (2 * sigma ^ 2),
                    coeff = list(alpha = 0, mu = 200, sigma = 70)) {

  function(data) {

    vars <- all.vars(formula)

    for (v in vars) {
      if (v %in% names(data)) assign(v, data[[v]])
      if (v %in% names(coeff)) assign(v, coeff[[v]])




#' Simulate spatial and temporal distribution
#' @description Provided an abundance at age matrix and a survey grid to populate, this function
#' applies correlated space, age and year error to simulate the distribution
#' of the population. The ability to simulate distributions by length is yet to be implemented.
#' @param sim         A list with ages, years and an abundance at age matrix like
#'                    produced by \code{\link{sim_abundance}}.
#' @param grid        A stars object defining the survey grid, like \code{\link{survey_grid}}
#'                    or one produced by \code{\link{make_grid}}
#' @param ays_covar   Closure for simulating age-year-space covariance,
#'                    like \code{\link{sim_ays_covar}}
#' @param depth_par   Closure for defining relationship between abundance and depth,
#'                    like \code{\link{sim_parabola}}
#' @details This function simulates the probability of simulated fish inhabiting
#' a cell as a function of a parabolic relationship with depth and space, age,
#' and year autocorrelated errors. WARNING: it make take a long time to simulate
#' abundance in a large grid across many ages and years - start small first.
#' @return
#' Appends three objects to the \code{sim} list:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{\code{grid}} - A stars object with the grid details
#'   \item{\code{grid_xy}} - Grid details as a data.table in xyz format
#'   \item{\code{sp_N}} - A data.table with abundance split by age, year and cell
#' }
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' sim <- sim_abundance(ages = 1:5, years = 1:5) %>%
#'            sim_distribution(grid = make_grid(res = c(20, 20)),
#'                             ays_covar = sim_ays_covar(phi_age = 0.8,
#'                                                       phi_year = 0.1),
#'                             depth_par = sim_parabola(mu = 200,
#'                                                      sigma = 50))
#' head(sim$sp_N)
#' head(sim$grid_xy)
#' }
#' @export
#' @rawNamespace import(data.table, except = shift)

sim_distribution <- function(sim,
                             grid = make_grid(),
                             ays_covar = sim_ays_covar(),
                             depth_par = sim_parabola()) {

  ## Space-age-year autoregressive process
  grid_dat <- data.table::data.table(as.data.frame(grid))
  setkeyv(grid_dat, "cell")
  xy <- grid_dat[, c("x", "y")]
  error <- ays_covar(x = xy, ages = sim$ages, years = sim$years, cells = grid_dat$cell)

  ## Relationship with depth (expand grid_dat to include age and year)
  grid_edat <- grid_dat
  i <- rep(seq(nrow(grid_edat)), times = length(sim$ages))
  a <- rep(sim$ages, each = nrow(grid_edat))
  grid_edat <- grid_edat[i]
  grid_edat$age <- a
  i <- rep(seq(nrow(grid_edat)), times = length(sim$years))
  y <- rep(sim$years, each = nrow(grid_edat))
  grid_edat <- grid_edat[i]
  grid_edat$year <- y
  grid_edat <- grid_edat[order(grid_edat$cell, grid_edat$year, grid_edat$age), ] # sort to align with error array
  depth <- depth_par(grid_edat)
  depth <- array(depth, dim = dim(error), dimnames = dimnames(error))

  ## Define probability of inhabiting each cell
  ## Note the normalization; forcing the values to sum to one ensures that the final
  ## N matrix through the field will equal the N matrix generated by sim_abundance
  prob <- exp(depth + error)
  prob <- apply(prob, c(1, 2), function(x) { x / sum(x) })
  prob <- aperm(prob, c(2, 3, 1))

  if (any(is.nan(prob))) {
    stop("NaN values were produced when running sim_distribution. This problem was most likely caused by the effect supplied to the depth_par agument. Please ensure that the closure supplied is not producing extremely low values that effectively translate to zero when exponentiated. This problem can arise when, for example, values in log space are used in sim_parabola, but log_space = FALSE.")

  ## Distribute fish through the cells
  N <- replicate(nrow(grid_dat), sim$N)
  dimnames(N) <- dimnames(prob)
  N <- N * prob

  ## Output as data.frame
  df_N <- as.data.frame.table(prob, responseName = "prob", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  df_N <- data.table::data.table(df_N, N = c(N))
  df_N$year <- as.numeric(df_N$year)
  df_N$age <- as.numeric(df_N$age)
  df_N$cell <- as.numeric(df_N$cell)
  df_N$prob <- NULL
  setkeyv(df_N, "cell")

  c(sim, list(grid = grid, grid_xy = grid_dat, sp_N = df_N))

PaulRegular/surveyTestr documentation built on Sept. 21, 2023, 7:44 p.m.