
Defines functions local_job_status slurm_job_status wait_for_job

Documented in wait_for_job

#' This function pauses execution of an R script while a scheduled qsub job is not yet complete.
#' It is intended to give you control over job dependencies within R when the formal PBS
#' depend approach is insufficient, especially in the case of a script that spawns child jobs that
#' need to be scheduled or complete before the parent script should continue.
#' @param job_ids One or more job ids of existing PBS or slurm jobs, or process ids of a local process for
#'   \code{scheduler="sh"}.
#' @param sleep_interval How often to recheck the job status, in seconds. Default: 30
#' @param max_wait How long to wait on the job before giving up, in seconds. Default: 24 hours (86,400 seconds)
#' @param scheduler What scheduler is used for job execution.
#'   Options: c("torque", "qsub", "slurm", "sbatch", "sh", "local")
#' @param quiet If \code{TRUE}, \code{wait_for_job} will not print out any status updates on jobs. If \code{FALSE},
#'   the function prints out status updates for each tracked job so that the user knows what's holding up progress.
#' @return Nothing. Just returns when the blocking job completes.
#' @details Note that for the \code{scheduler} argument, "torque" and "qsub" are the same;
#'   "slurm" and "sbatch" are the same, and "sh" and "local" are the same.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # example on qsub/torque cluster
#' wait_for_job('7968857.torque01.util.production.int.aci.ics.psu.edu', scheduler="torque")
#' # example of waiting for two jobs on slurm cluster
#' wait_for_job(c('24147864', '24147876'), scheduler="slurm")
#' # example of waiting for two jobs on local machine
#' wait_for_job(c('9843', '9844'), scheduler="local")
#' }
#' @author Michael Hallquist
#' @export
wait_for_job <- function(job_ids, sleep_interval=30, max_wait=60 * 60 * 24,
                         scheduler="local", quiet=TRUE, stop_on_timeout=TRUE) {
  checkmate::assert_number(sleep_interval, lower = 0.1, upper = 2e5)
  checkmate::assert_number(max_wait, lower = 1, upper = 1814400) #21 days
  scheduler <- tolower(scheduler) #ignore case
  checkmate::assert_subset(scheduler, c("torque", "qsub", "slurm", "sbatch", "sh", "local"))

  job_complete <- FALSE
  wait_start <- Sys.time()

  get_job_status <- function() { #use variables in parent environment
    if (scheduler %in% c("torque", "qsub")) {
      status <- slurm_job_status(job_ids)
      state <- sapply(status$State, function(x) { switch(
        "BOOT_FAIL" = "failed",
        "CANCELLED" = "cancelled",
        "COMPLETED" = "complete",
        "DEADLINE" = "failed",
        "FAILED" = "failed",
        "NODE_FAIL" = "failed",
        "OUT_OF_MEMORY" = "failed",
        "PENDING" = "queued",
        "PREEMPTED" = "failed",
        "RUNNING" = "running",
        "REQUEUED" = "queued",
        "REVOKED" = "failed",
        "SUSPENDED" = "suspended",
        "TIMEOUT" = "failed"
    } else if (scheduler %in% c("sh", "local")) {
      status <- local_job_status(job_ids)
      state <- sapply(status$STAT, function(x) { switch(
        "C" = "complete",
        "I" = "running", # idle/sleeping
        "R" = "running",
        "S" = "running", #sleeping
        "T" = "suspended",
        "U" = "running",
        "Z" = "failed" #zombie
    } else if (scheduler %in% c("torque", "qsub")) {
      status <- system(paste("qstat -f", jj, "| grep -i 'job_state'"), intern=TRUE)
      job_state <- sub(".*job_state = ([A-z]).*", "\\1", status, perl=TRUE)
      state <- switch(
        "C" = "complete",
        "R" = "running",
        "Q" = "queued",
        "H" = "suspended",
    } else { stop("unknown scheduler: ", scheduler) }

  while(job_complete==FALSE) {
    status <- get_job_status()

    #update wait time
    wait_total <- difftime(Sys.time(), wait_start,  units="sec")

    if (any(status == "running")) {
      if (isFALSE(quiet)) { cat("Job(s) still running: ", paste(job_ids[status=="running"], collapse=","), "\n") }

    if (any(status == "queued")) {
      if (isFALSE(quiet)) { cat("Job(s) still queued: ", paste(job_ids[status=="queued"], collapse=","), "\n") }

    if (any(status == "suspended")) {
      if (isFALSE(quiet)) { cat("Job(s) suspended: ", paste(job_ids[status=="suspended"], collapse=","), "\n") }

    if (wait_total > max_wait) {
      if (isTRUE(stop_on_timeout)) {
        stop("Maximum wait time: ", max_wait, " exceeded. Stopping execution of parent script because something is wrong.")
      } else {
    } else if (all(status == "complete")) {
      job_complete <- TRUE #drop out of this loop
    } else {



# calls sacct with a job list
slurm_job_status <- function(job_ids=NULL, user=NULL,
                        sacct_format="jobid,submit,timelimit,start,end,state") {
  if (!is.null(job_ids)) {
    jstring <- paste0("-j", paste(job_ids, collapse=","))
  } else { jstring <- "" }

  if (!is.null(user)) {
    ustring <- paste("-u", paste(user, collapse=","))
  } else { ustring <- "" }

  # -P specifies a parsable output separated by pipes
  # -X avoids printing subsidiary jobs within each job id
  res <- system(paste("sacct", jstring, ustring, "-X -P -o", sacct_format), intern=TRUE)

local_job_status <- function(job_ids=NULL, user=NULL,
                             ps_format="user,pid,state,time,start,etime,%cpu,%mem,comm,xstat") {

  job_ids <- type.convert(job_ids, as.is=T) #convert to integers

  if (!is.null(job_ids)) {
    jstring <- paste("-p", paste(job_ids, collapse=","))
  } else { jstring <- "" }

  if (!is.null(user)) {
    ustring <- paste("-u", paste(user, collapse=","))
  } else { ustring <- "" }

  res <- suppressWarnings(system2("ps", args=paste(jstring, ustring, "-o", ps_format), stdou=TRUE)) #intern=TRUE)
  #header <- gregexpr("\\b", res[1], perl=T)

  if (!is.null(attr(res, "status")) && attr(res, "status") != 0) {
    hrow <- strsplit(res, "\\s+")[[1]]
    dt <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=length(job_ids), ncol=length(hrow)))
    names(dt) <- hrow
    dt$PID <- as.integer(job_ids)
  } else {
    dt <- data.table::fread(text=res)

  #build df that fills in missing jobs (completed/killed)
  all_dt <- data.frame(PID=as.integer(job_ids)) %>% full_join(dt, by="PID") %>%
    mutate(STAT=substr(STAT, 1, 1)) #only care about first character of state

  all_dt$STAT[is.na(all_dt$STAT)] <- "C" #complete


PennStateDEPENdLab/dependlab documentation built on April 10, 2024, 5:15 p.m.