
Defines functions downsample_physio biopac_hdf5_to_dataframe splice_physio augment_ttl_details

Documented in augment_ttl_details biopac_hdf5_to_dataframe downsample_physio splice_physio

#' @title Recode TTL code vector to reflect changes in the value, compute onsets and offsets, add to object
#' @description This functions helps to identify the key time markers when TTL codes onset,
#'   which is hard to detect using the raw vector alone (since the code will have some duration)
#' @param ttl_vec a vector of integer TTL codes reconstructed from the acq file
#' @param lazy_ttl a non-negative integer indicating the lowest number of samples that could
#'   reflect a genuine change in a TTL code. Default: 2
#' @param zero_code what code reflects that all pins are off (no active code). If you have a stuck
#'   parallel port pin, set \code{zero_code} to that value to prevent flagging onsets of that value
#'   as events.
#' @details
#'   The parallel port cannot truly change all 8 pins simultaneously for a new code.
#'   If the speed of the pins changing falls on a sampling boundary on the BIOPAC hardware, this can lead
#'   to false codes for very brief periods of time (~2ms). Thus, identify rapid code changes, then
#'   interrogate around these, replacing the dubious code with the code that 'sticks' subsequently.
#'   This decision means that if any pin has changed, then the experiment has executed a new TTL code.
#'   For example, at 1000Hz, @\code{lazy_ttl} = 2 would flag any codes with duration of 2ms or less as
#'   suspicious and would replace these with the longer, genuine code that immediately follows.
#' @importFrom dplyr first group_by mutate
#' @importFrom magrittr `%>%`
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_count assert_data_frame
#' @author Michael Hallquist
#' @export
augment_ttl_details <- function(ep.physio, lazy_ttl=2, zero_code=0, code_labels_df=NULL) {
  stopifnot(inherits(ep.physio, "ep.physio"))
  if (is.null(ep.physio$raw)) { stop("Cannot find $raw element in ep.physio object") }
  if (!is.null(code_labels_df)) {
    stopifnot("ttl_code" %in% names(code_labels_df))
    if (any(duplicated(code_labels_df$ttl_code))) { stop("code_labels_df must contain unique ttl_codes only; no duplicates.") }

  ttl_vec <- ep.physio$raw$ttl_code

  #to make comparison math below integer-valued (no bizarre x != y floating point problems)
  if (!is.integer(ttl_vec)) { ttl_vec <- as.integer(ttl_vec) }

  #if there is a stuck pin, start by replacing its occurrences by zero
  if (zero_code > 0) { ttl_vec[ttl_vec==zero_code] <- 0L }
  dvec <- which(c(NA_integer_, diff(ttl_vec)) != 0) #value changes; always treat first element as undefined

  if (lazy_ttl > 0) {
    code_diff <- c(NA_integer_, diff(dvec)) #look for cases where there are rapid changes in the difference time series
    suspicious <- dvec[which(code_diff < lazy_ttl)] #positions at which the super-fast new code is registered
    if (length(suspicious > 0)) { #window around each code
      #note that it is the *previous* code (i.e., suspicious-1) that contains the initial change
      intended_codes <- sapply(suspicious, function(pos) {
        window <- ttl_vec[(pos-2):min(length(ttl_vec), pos+10)] #from two-back position to 10 samples into the future

        if (window[1] == 0L && window[2] != 0L && window[3] == 0L) {
          #not suspicious, just an instantaneous code
        } else {
          #compute mode: tidy version of https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2547402/is-there-a-built-in-function-for-finding-the-mode
          mode_ttl <- table(window) %>% sort(decreasing=TRUE) %>% names() %>% as.numeric() %>% first()
          return(mode_ttl) #use the mode of the future to determine the intention

      #now replace the super-brief false code with the intended code
      message("Replaced ", length(suspicious), " super-brief suspicous codes.")
      print(data.frame(position=suspicious, original_code=ttl_vec[suspicious-1], corrected_code=intended_codes))

      ttl_vec[suspicious-1] <- intended_codes

      #recalculate the ttl_change vector on the corrected codes
      dvec <- which(c(NA_integer_, diff(ttl_vec)) != 0) #value changes; always treat first element as a change

  delta <- rep(0L, length(ttl_vec))

  #dvec contains a mixture of onsets and offsets
  #a sequence like 0, 0, 6, 6 will generate a positive diff: 0, 0, 6, 0 for the *onset*
  #a sequence like 6, 6, 0, 0 will generate a negative diff: 0, 0, -6, 0 for the *offset*
  #one is tempted to say that positive diffs are onsets and negative diffs are offsets
  #but if there is a rapid code change like: 127, 127, 62, 62, the negative diff represents onset of a different code (no zero period)
  #to be sure, we need to window around each change to classify it
  recode_ttl <- lapply(dvec, function(pos) {
    if (pos == 1L) {
      window <- c(0L, ttl_vec[pos:(pos+1)]) #pad a zero value at the 0th position
    } else if (pos == length(ttl_vec)) {
      window <- c(ttl_vec[(pos-1):pos], 0L) #pad a zero value at the last+1 position
    } else {
      window <- ttl_vec[(pos-1):(pos+1)] #+/-1 around position

    if (window[1] == 0L && window[2] != 0L && window[3] == window[2]) {
      df <- data.frame(event="onset", ttl_code=window[2], position=pos, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    } else if (window[2] == 0L && window[1] != 0L && window[3] == 0L) {
      df <- data.frame(event="offset", ttl_code=window[1], position=pos-1, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    } else if (window[1]  != window[2] && window[1] != 0L && window[2] != 0L) {
      df <- rbind(
        data.frame(event="offset", ttl_code=window[1], position=pos-1, stringsAsFactors=FALSE),
        data.frame(event="onset", ttl_code=window[2], position=pos, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    } else if (window[1] == 0L && window[2] != 0L && window[3] == 0L) {
      #instantaneous/one-sample event: offset will be captured by second if-else above in next iteration of lapply over dvec
      df <- data.frame(event="onset", ttl_code=window[2], position=pos, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    } else { print(window); stop("Haven't figured out how to interpret this change in TTLs") }


  recode_ttl <- bind_rows(recode_ttl)
  recode_ttl_df <- recode_ttl %>% group_by(ttl_code, event) %>% arrange(position) %>% mutate(occurrence=1:n()) %>%
    ungroup() %>% pivot_wider(values_from="position", names_from="event") %>%
    mutate(onset_s=ep.physio$raw$time_s[onset], offset_s=ep.physio$raw$time_s[offset], duration_s=offset_s-onset_s) %>%
    select(ttl_code, occurrence, onset, offset, onset_s, offset_s, duration_s, everything())

  #merge code details, if available
  if (!is.null(code_labels_df)) { recode_ttl_df <- recode_ttl_df %>% left_join(code_labels_df, by="ttl_code") }

  delta[dvec] <- ttl_vec[dvec]

  ep.physio$raw$ttl_onset <- delta
  ep.physio$ttl_codes <- recode_ttl_df

#' Function to splice an ep.physio object to a section demarcated by start and end codes.
#' @param ep.physio An ep.physio object that already contains the $ttl_codes field
#' @param start_code The onset TTL code that should be used for the start of splicing
#' @param end_code The offset TTL code that should be used to end the splice
#' @param other_codes an optional vector of other codes that are allowed between
#'   \code{start_code} and \code{end_code}.
#' @param strict a boolean indicating whether the function should throw an error if TTL codes
#'   are found within the splice that are not contained in \code{other_codes}
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_integerish assert_logical
#' @importFrom dplyr filter arrange
#' @importFrom magrittr `%>%`
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'    #acq_data is an object read in by read_acq and then augmented by
#'    acq_data <- read_acq("~/Downloads/s3_ALL_data_prototype/070_SK_Physio.acq",
#'      acq2hdf5_location = "~/Library/Python/3.7/bin/acq2hdf5")[[1]]
#'    #read in a codes data.frame into codes
#'    acq_data <- augment_ttl_details(acq_data, zero_code = 4, code_labels_df=codes)
#'    #look for physio data between codes 6 and 28, allowing 12, 14, 20, 22 in between
#'    acq_data_reduce <- splice_physio(acq_data, start_code=6, end_code=28, other_codes=c(12, 14, 20, 22))
#' }
#' @export
splice_physio <- function(ep.physio, start_code=NULL, end_code=NULL, other_codes=NULL, strict=TRUE) {
  stopifnot(inherits(ep.physio, "ep.physio"))
  if (is.null(acq_data$ttl_codes)) { stop("Cannot find $ttl_codes element in ep.physio object. Run augment_ttl_details?") }
  if (is.null(ep.physio$raw)) { stop("Cannot find $raw element in ep.physio object") }
  sapply(other_codes, assert_integerish, null.ok=TRUE)
  code_set <- c(start_code, end_code, other_codes)

  #allow for multiple matches of start and end codes
  codes_df <- ep.physio$ttl_codes %>% arrange(onset) %>% mutate(splice_match=ttl_code %in% code_set)
  #%>% filter(ttl_code %in% code_set) %>% arrange(onset)

  if (sum(codes_df$splice_match) == 0L)  {
    warning("Unable to find any ttl_codes in the set: ", paste(code_set, collapse=", "))

  #loop over ttl_codes, finding contiguous blocks of codes that fall between start_code and end_code
  block <- 0
  codes_df$block <- 0
  cur_block_code <- 0
  for (i in 1:nrow(codes_df)) {
    this_code <- codes_df$ttl_code[i]
    if (this_code == start_code) {
      block <- block+1
      cur_block_code <- block

    codes_df$block[i] <- cur_block_code

    if (!is.null(other_codes) && strict && cur_block_code != 0 &&
        this_code != 0L && !this_code %in% code_set) {
      stop("TTL code ", this_code, " within block does not match acceptable set: ", paste(code_set, collapse=", "))

    if (this_code == end_code) { cur_block_code <- 0 } #set block back to 0

  if (max(codes_df$block)==0L) {
    warning("Unable to extract any blocks")
  } else {
    extracted <- lapply(1:block, function(b) {
      res <- codes_df %>% filter(block==b) %>% slice(1, n()) %>% summarize(onset=min(onset), offset=max(offset)) %>% unlist()
      raw_subset <- ep.physio$raw[res[1]:res[2],]
      ttl_subset <- ep.physio$ttl_codes %>% filter(onset >= res[1] & offset <= res[2])
      return(list(raw=raw_subset, ttl_codes=ttl_subset, hdf5_file=ep.physio$hdf5_file, acq_file=ep.physio$acq_file))

    names(extracted) <- paste0("block", 1:block)


#' @title Read a BIOPAC hdf5 file as a data.frame
#' @description After converting an acq file using acq2hdf5, this function converts the hdf5 file to a data.frame
#' @details
#'   This function uses the data.table package to build the data.frame of physiological data because this package
#'   is particularly good at working with large datasets without a lot of copy-in-memory steps that can slow down
#'   processing and explode the peak RAM demand.
#'   The function also supports upsampling of all data onto the same time resolution as the fastest
#'   sampling rate for any channel. This is governed by the \code{upsample_to_max} argument
#' @param hdf5file HDF5 file containing converted BIOPAC data (using acq2hdf5)
#' @param upsample_to_max logical (TRUE/FALSE) indicating whether to upsample slower channels to the sampling
#'   rate of the fastest channel. If \code{TRUE}, upsampling is performed on slower channels through linear interpolation.
#'   If \code{FALSE}, NA values are inserted for unsampled time points.
#' @param ttl_to_dec logical indicating whether to convert binary digital input channels to decimal TTL (parallel port)
#'   codes. These codes are used to synchronize timing between behavioral and physiological data streams.
#' @param ttl_columns A numeric vector or character vector indicating which columns within the imported dataset
#'   contain the digital inputs that should be converted to decimal TTL codes. If not specified, channels
#'   starting with Digital.input will be used. There should be exactly 8 channels for a 1-byte (0-255) TTL code.
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5readAttributes h5dump h5read
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_file_exists assert_scalar assert_logical assert_list
#' @importFrom data.table data.table setkey setnames
#' @export
biopac_hdf5_to_dataframe <- function(hdf5file, upsample_to_max=TRUE, ttl_to_dec=TRUE, ttl_columns=NULL) {
  assert_scalar(hdf5file) #only support one input

  #helper subfunction to convert a vector of binary fields to a decimal number
  bin2dec <- function(vec) { sum((vec > 0) * 2^(seq_along(vec) - 1)) } #use vec > 0 to convert digital inputs to 0/1 (instead of 5 volts)

  #BIOPAC overall sampling rate (not used in time grid)
  sampling_rate <- rhdf5::h5readAttributes(hdf5file, "/")$samples_per_second

  #determine number of channels
  hdf5contents <- h5dump(hdf5file, load=FALSE)
  assert_list(hdf5contents$channels) #verify that we have a list of channels
  channel_names <- names(hdf5contents$channels)
  channel_attributes <- lapply(channel_names, function(x) { h5readAttributes(hdf5file, paste0("/channels/", x)) })
  channel_rates <- sapply(channel_attributes, "[[", "samples_per_second")
  channel_data <- h5read(hdf5file, "/channels")
  channel_names <- make.names(sapply(channel_attributes, "[[", "name"), unique = TRUE)
  max_len <- max(sapply(channel_data, length))
  max_rate <- max(channel_rates)
  deltat <- 1/max_rate

  all_data <- data.table::data.table(time_s=seq(0, by=deltat, length.out=max_len))
  setkey(all_data, time_s)

  #loop over channels and append them as columns to overall data.table
  for (cc in 1:length(channel_data)) {
    rr <- channel_rates[cc]
    dd <- 1/rr
    cname <- channel_names[cc]
    this_channel <- data.table(time_s = seq(0, by=dd, length.out = length(channel_data[[cc]])), data = channel_data[[cc]])
    if (upsample_to_max) {
      interp <- approx(this_channel$time_s, this_channel$data, xout=all_data$time_s)$y #linear interpolation
      this_channel <- data.table(time_s = all_data$time_s, data = interp)
    setnames(this_channel, c("time_s", cname))
    setkey(this_channel, time_s)
    all_data <- merge(all_data, this_channel, by="time_s", all.x=TRUE)

  if (ttl_to_dec) {
    if (is.null(ttl_columns)) {
      ttl_columns <- startsWith(names(all_data), "Digital.input")
    } else if (is.character(ttl_columns)) {
      ttl_columns <- grepl(ttl_columns, names(all_data), perl = TRUE)

    ttl_columns <- names(all_data)[ttl_columns] #data.table prefers names for subsetting
    if (length(ttl_columns) != 8) { stop("ttl_columns does not yield 8 columns in data frame")}

    ttl_values <- as.integer(apply(all_data[, ttl_columns, with=FALSE], 1, function(x) { bin2dec(x) }))

    #this is much much slower than apply...
    #all_data[, newcol := bin2dec(.SD), .SDcols=ttl_columns, by = seq_len(NROW(all_data))]

    all_data[, (ttl_columns) := NULL] #remove the original binary columns
    all_data[, ttl_code := ttl_values] #add ttl decimal code

  attr(all_data, "sampling_rate") <- sampling_rate
  attr(all_data, "max_channel_rate") <- max_rate


#' @title downsample_physio
#' @description This function reduces the
#' @param ep.physio An ep.physio object created by read_acq
#' @param downsample_factor An integer factor used to subsample data
#' @param digital_channels Column names or positions containing digital channels, These will be downsampled using the
#'   \code{downsample_digital_timeseries} function to use the within-chunk mode, rather than blind subsampling.
#' @param method How to downsample the signal. The default is \code{"subsample"}, which
#'   simply takes every nth sample from the original time series. The alternative is \code{"decimate"}, which calls \code{signal::decimate}.
#'   This applies a low-pass filter before downsampling to avoid aliasing. At the moment, there are big ringing artifacts at the beginning...
#' @importFrom signal decimate
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_count assert_data_frame assert_data_table
#' @export
downsample_physio <- function(ep.physio, downsample_factor=1, digital_channels=c("ttl_code", "ttl_onset", "Digital.*"), method="subsample") {
  stopifnot(inherits(ep.physio, "ep.physio"))
  if (is.null(ep.physio$ttl_codes)) { stop("Cannot find $ttl_codes element in ep.physio object. Run augment_ttl_details?") }
  if (is.null(ep.physio$raw)) { stop("Cannot find $raw element in ep.physio object") }
  assert_data_table(ep.physio$raw) #for now, we are using data.table objects, so DT syntax applies

  orig_cols <- names(ep.physio$raw)
  t_cols <- "time_s" #hard code single time column for now
  phys_cols <- orig_cols[!orig_cols %in% t_cols]

  d_cols <- grep(paste0("^(", paste(digital_channels, collapse="|"), ")$"), phys_cols, perl=TRUE, value=TRUE)
  a_cols <- phys_cols[!phys_cols %in% d_cols]

  #time downsampling should use the subsampling approach since it is not a periodic signal
  if (length(t_cols) > 0L) {
    time_data <- lapply(ep.physio$raw[, ..t_cols], function(col) { col[seq(1, length(col), downsample_factor)] })
  } else {
    time_data <- NULL

  if (length(a_cols) > 0L) {
    if (method=="decimate") {
      analog_data <- lapply(ep.physio$raw[, ..a_cols], function(col) {
        #calculation channels that involve filtering can have trailing zeros that throw off decimate
        nas = which(is.na(col))
        if (length(nas) > 0L) {
          if (all(diff(nas) == 1) && max(nas) == length(col)) { #only works for trailing NAs
            message("Replacing ", length(nas), " trailing NAs with zeros to permit decimation. Check trailing elements if they are important.")
            col[nas] <- 0 #replace trailing NAs with zero
            #col <- col[1:(nas[1]-1)] #all elements before the first NA
            #navec <- rep(NA_real_, ceiling(length(col)/downsample_factor))
          } else { stop("NAs present in signal that are not at the end. Cannot decimate.") }

        padl <- plyr::round_any(.1*length(col), downsample_factor)
        cpad <- c(rep(0, padl), col, rep(0, padl))
        nz_dsamp <- padl/downsample_factor
        dsig <- decimate(cpad, q=downsample_factor, ftype="iir")
    } else if (method=="subsample") {
      analog_data <- lapply(ep.physio$raw[, ..a_cols], function(col) { col[seq(1, length(col), downsample_factor)] })
    } else { stop("unknown downsampling method: ", method) }
  } else {
    analog_data <- NULL

  if (length(d_cols) > 0L) {
    #could support subsampling here -- doesn't seem like a great idea, though
    digital_data <- lapply(ep.physio$raw[, ..d_cols], function(col) { downsample_digital_timeseries(col, downsample_factor, TRUE) })
  } else {
    digital_data <- NULL

  if (is.null(analog_data)) {
    ret <- digital_data
  } else if (is.null(digital_data)) {
    ret <- analog_data
  } else {
    ret <- cbind(as.data.frame(analog_data), as.data.frame(digital_data))
    ret <- ret[,phys_cols] #revert to original column order

  if (!is.null(time_data)) { ret <- cbind(ret, as.data.frame(time_data)) }

  ep.physio$raw <- ret[,orig_cols] #put back in original column order
  attr(ret, "sampling_rate") <- attr(ret, "sampling_rate")/downsample_factor
  attr(ret, "max_channel_rate") <- attr(ret, "max_channel_rate")/downsample_factor
  ep.physio$sampling_rate <- ep.physio$sampling_rate/downsample_factor
  ep.physio$max_channel_rate <- ep.physio$max_channel_rate/downsample_factor

  #downsample onsets in $ttl_codes
  if (!is.null(ep.physio$ttl_codes)) {
    ep.physio$ttl_codes$onset <- floor(ep.physio$ttl_codes$onset/downsample_factor) #round toward earlier samples
    ep.physio$ttl_codes$offset <- floor(ep.physio$ttl_codes$offset/downsample_factor) #round toward earlier samples


PennStateDEPENdLab/experiment.pipeline documentation built on April 14, 2024, 9:37 p.m.