#' @title Calls the acq2txt command (python bioread package) to convert an acq file to txt
#' @description This is an R wrapper around the acq2txt python command. It also supports output directory specification and gzip'ing files
#' @param acq_files Character vector of acq files to convert to txt.
#' @param acq2txt_opts Command line options passed to acq2txt. Default: "--missing-as=."
#' @param txt_output_dir Directory for converted txt files. Will be created if it does not exist.
#' @param gzip_txt A logical (TRUE/FALSE) indicating whether to gzip txt files after conversion. Default: TRUE
#' @param acq2txt_location The full path to the acq2txt command. If not provided, this function will use the which/where command to look in the system path.
#' @details
#' Note: the acq2hdf5 function is far faster than acq2txt and also produces a much smaller file!
#' In general, I would recommend that command for handling Acqknowledge files
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_file_exists
#' @export
acq2txt <- function(acq_files, acq2txt_opts="--missing-as=.", txt_output_dir=NULL, gzip_txt=TRUE, acq2txt_location=NULL) {
sapply(acq_files, assert_file_exists) #verify that all acq files exist
#if opts includes --outfile=<file>, convert to -o <file> approach to allow parser below to work
acq2txt_opts <- sub("--outfile=('|\")*([^\"'])+('|\")*", "-o \\1\\2\\3", acq2txt_opts, perl=TRUE)
#override internal use of -o flag in acq2txt to allow for internal R move commands
#moreover, -o needs to be specified on a file-by-file basis, but this function is intended to support a vector of files
has_o <- grepl("-o\\b", acq2txt_opts, perl=TRUE) #look for hyphen o followed by a word boundary
if (has_o) {
arg_split <- strsplit(acq2txt_opts, "\\s+", perl=TRUE)[[1]]
o_pos <- which(arg_split=="-o")
f_pos <- o_pos + 1
if (substring(arg_split[f_pos], 1, 1) %in% c("'", "\"")) {
f_end <- grep("\"", arg_split, fixed=TRUE)
f_end <- f_end[f_end > f_pos]
stopifnot(length(f_end) > 0L)
if (is.null(txt_output_dir)) {
txt_output_dir <- dirname(paste(arg_split[f_pos:f_end], collapse=" ")) #retain the directory specified in -o
message("Using output directory specified in -o: ", txt_output_dir)
} else {
warning("Ignoring -o flag to acq2txt because txt_output_dir provided as function argument.")
f_pos <- f_end[1] #set end of file position to first quote after the opening quote
arg_split <- arg_split[-1*o_pos:f_pos] #remove the -o flag and the subsequent path
acq2txt_opts <- paste(arg_split, collapse=" ")
if (is.null(txt_output_dir)) { txt_output_dir <- getwd() } #output to current working directory if not otherwise specified
if (!dir.exists(txt_output_dir)[1L]) { dir.create(txt_output_dir, showWarnings = FALSE) }
# detect operating system
os_type <- .Platform$OS.type
# retrieve the path to the acq2txt utility
if (is.null(acq2txt_location)) {
if (os_type == "unix") {
acq2txt_location <- system2("which", "acq2txt", stdout = TRUE)[1]
} else if (os_type == "") {
acq2txt_location <- system2("where", "acq2txt.exe", stdout = TRUE)[1] #untested on Windows
} else {
stop("Cannot determine location of acq2txt utility on OS: ", os_type)
} else {
#verify that the acq2txt command exists and is executable
if(!grepl("acq2txt", acq2txt_location)){
stop("You must install the bioread python package and add the acq2txt utility to PATH before calling this function.")
} else {
# Check if the file exists and is executable
# base::file.access() returns values 0 for success and -1 for failure
if(unname(file.access(acq2txt_location, mode=0)) != 0) { stop(paste(acq2txt_location, "... File does not exist.", sep="\n")) }
if(unname(file.access(acq2txt_location, mode=1)) != 0) { stop(paste(acq2txt_location, "... File is not executable.", sep="\n")) }
#run acq2txt for each file
txt_files <- rep(NA_character_, length(acq_files))
for (ff in 1:length(acq_files)) {
#specify output location
output_fname <- file.path(txt_output_dir, sub("\\.acq\\b", ".txt", basename(acq_files[ff])))
quote_type <- ifelse(os_type=="windows", "cmd2", "sh")
ret <- system2(acq2txt_location, args = paste(acq2txt_opts, "-o", shQuote(output_fname, type=quote_type), shQuote(acq_files[ff], type=quote_type)), stdout = "")
if (ret != 0) {
warning("acq2txt returned non-zero exit status: ", ret, " for file: ", acq_files[ff])
next #skip to next file
if (gzip_txt) { #gzip txt file if requested
system(paste("gzip", shQuote(output_fname)))
output_fname <- paste0(output_fname, ".gz")
txt_files[ff] <- output_fname
# test <- acq2txt("/Users/mnh5174/Data_Analysis/neuromap/s4_behav_data/physio/data/nmap016/nmap016.acq",
# txt_output_dir = "/Users/mnh5174/temp_acq", acq2txt_location = "/Users/mnh5174/Library/Python/3.7/bin/acq2txt")
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