
#' Simulate gene expression data.
#' \code{simulateGEdata} returns simulated noisy gene expression values of specified size 
#' and its underlying gene-gene correlation.
#' @param n An integer setting the number of genes.
#' @param m An integer setting the number of arrays.
#' @param k An integer setting number of dimensions of noise term, controls dimension of \eqn{W} and \eqn{\alpha}.
#' @param size.alpha A numeric scalar giving the maximal and minimal absolute value of \eqn{\alpha}.
#' @param g An integer value between [1, min(\code{k}, \code{corr.strength})) giving the correlation between \eqn{X} and 
#'	\eqn{W} or \code{NULL} for independence.
#' @param corr.strength An integer controlling the dimension of \eqn{X} and \eqn{\beta}.
#' @param Sigma.eps A numeric scalar setting the amount of random variation in \eqn{\epsilon}; \code{Sigma.eps} \eqn{>0}.
#' @param nc An integer setting the number of negative controls.
#' @param ne An integer setting the number of strongly expressed genes.
#' @param check.input A logical scalar; if \code{TRUE} all input is checked (not advisable for large simulations).
#' @return \code{simulateGEdata} returns output of the class \code{simulateGEdata}.
#'	An object of class \code{simulateGEdata} is a \code{list} with the following components:
#' 		\itemize{
#'				\item{\code{Truth}}{ A matrix containing the values of \eqn{X\beta}.}
#'				\item{\code{Y}}{ A matrix containing the values in \eqn{Y}.}
#'				\item{\code{Noise}}{ A matrix containing the values in \eqn{W\alpha}.} 
#'				\item{\code{Sigma}}{ A matrix containing the true gene-gene correlations, as defined by \eqn{X\beta}.}
#'				\item{\code{Info}}{ A matrix containing some of the general information about the simulation.}
#' 		}
#' @details
#' This function generates log2-transformed expression values of \code{n} genes in 
#' \code{m} arrays. The expression values consist of true expression and noise:
#' \deqn{Y=X\beta+W\alpha+\epsilon}
#' The dimensions of the matrices \eqn{X} and \eqn{\beta} are used to control the size of
#' the correlation between the genes. It is possible to simualte three different classes
#' of genes:
#' \itemize{
#' 	\item correlated genes expressed with true log2-transformed values from 0 to 16
#'	\item correlated genes expressed with true log2-transformed values with mean 0
#'	\item uncorrelated genes with true log2-transformed expression equal to 0 (negative controls)
#' The negative control are always the last \code{nc} genes in the data, whereas the strongly expressed
#' genes are always the first \code{ne} genes in the data.
#' It is possible to either simulate data where \eqn{W} and \eqn{X} are independent by
#' setting \code{g} to NULL, or increasing correlation \eqn{bWX} between \eqn{W} and \eqn{X} by 
#' increasing \code{g}.
#' @examples 
#' Y<-simulateGEdata(500, 500, 10, 2, 5, g=NULL, Sigma.eps=0.1, 250, 100, check.input=TRUE)
#' Y
#' Y<-simulateGEdata(500, 500, 10, 2, 5, g=3, Sigma.eps=0.1, 250, 100, check.input=TRUE)
#' Y
#' @references Laurent J., Gagnon-Bartsch J., Speed T. Correcting gene expression data when neither
#'			the unwanted variation nor the factor of interest are observed. Berkley Technical Reports (2012).	
#' @author Saskia Freytag
#' @exportMethod simulateGEdata
#' @exportClass simulateGEdata
#' @export			
 simulateGEdata<-function (n, m, k, size.alpha, corr.strength, g = NULL, Sigma.eps = 0.1,
    nc, ne, check.input = FALSE)
    if (check.input) {
        if (any(c(n, m, k, size.alpha, corr.strength, Sigma.eps,
            nc, ne) < 0)) {
            stop("All input variables have to be positive!")
        if (nc + ne > n) {
            stop("The total number of genes has to be greater or equal\n\t\tthan the number negative controls plus the number of expressed genes.")
        if (corr.strength%%1 != 0) {
            stop("The variable corr.strength needs to be\n\t\tan integer!")
        if (k > m) {
            warning("The number of dimensions included in the noise is\n\t\tgreater than the number of arrays.")
    if (is.null(g)) {
        beta.e <- matrix(runif(corr.strength * (n - nc), -2/sqrt(corr.strength),
            2/sqrt(corr.strength)), nrow = corr.strength, ncol = n - nc)
        beta <- cbind(beta.e, matrix(0, nrow = corr.strength,
            ncol = nc))
        X <- matrix(rnorm(m * corr.strength, 0, (2/corr.strength)),
            nrow = m, ncol = corr.strength)
        X.beta <- X %*% beta
        X.beta <- X.beta + matrix(rep(c(runif(ne, 0, 16), rep(0,
            n - nc - ne), rep(0, (nc))), each = m), nrow = m,
            ncol = n)
        W <- matrix(rnorm(m * k, 0, 1), nrow = m, ncol = k)
    else {

        if (check.input) {
            if (g<=0 |g>=min(corr.strength,k)| g%%1 !=0) { 
                stop("g is not an integer or in the range 0<g<=min(corr.strength,k)")
        beta.e <- matrix(runif(corr.strength * (n - nc), -2/sqrt(corr.strength),
            2/sqrt(corr.strength)), nrow = corr.strength, ncol = n - nc)
        beta <- cbind(beta.e, matrix(0, nrow = corr.strength,
            ncol = nc))


        if (min(eigen(Sigma.XW, only.values = T)$values) <= 0) {
           print("Need to make positive semi-definite!")
           Sigma.XW <- makePosSemiDef(Sigma.XW, offset = 5e-04)
        X.W <- mvrnorm(m, rep(0, (corr.strength + k)), Sigma.XW)

        X.beta <- X.W[, 1:corr.strength] %*% beta
        X.beta <- X.beta + matrix(rep(c(runif(ne, 0, 16), rep(0,
            n - nc - ne), rep(0, (nc))), each = m), nrow = m,
            ncol = n)
        W <- X.W[, (corr.strength + 1):(corr.strength + k)]
    eps <- matrix(rnorm(m * n, 0, Sigma.eps), nrow = m, ncol = n)
    Sigma <- diag(n)
    Sigma.tmp <- cor(X.beta[, 1:(n - nc)])
    Sigma[1:(n - nc), 1:(n - nc)] <- Sigma.tmp
    alpha <- matrix(runif(n * k, -2*size.alpha/sqrt(k), 2*size.alpha/sqrt(k)), ncol = n,
        nrow = k)
    noise <- W %*% alpha
    if (is.null(g)) {
        info <- cbind(c("k", "Mean correlation", "Size alpha"),
            c(k, round(mean(abs(Sigma.tmp[lower.tri(Sigma.tmp)])),
                5), size.alpha))
    else {
        suppressWarnings(info <- cbind(c("k", "Mean correlation", "bWX", "Size alpha"),
            c(k, round(mean(abs(Sigma.tmp[lower.tri(Sigma.tmp)])),
                5), round(mean(abs(bWX.tmp[lower.tri(bWX.tmp)]), na.rm=T),5), size.alpha)))
    res <- list(Truth = X.beta, Y = X.beta + noise + eps, Noise = noise,
        Sigma = Sigma, Info = info)
    class(res) <- "simulateGEdata"

PeteHaitch/RUVcorr documentation built on May 8, 2019, 1:31 a.m.