
Defines functions expandAnalysisGroups getFormalsFromMetadata runMapAnalyses mapAddPostHocAnalysis mapAddAnalysis mapAnalysis

Documented in mapAddAnalysis mapAddPostHocAnalysis mapAnalysis


#' Generic analysis for map objects
#' This is the workhorse function that runs any analyses described in
#' `map@@analyses`. It uses hashing, and will not rerun any analysis that
#' already ran on identical inputs.
#' @inheritParams mapAdd
#' @param functionName A function name that will be run on combinations of
#'   inputs in the map object. See details.
#' @param purgeAnalyses A character string indicating which analysis group
#'   combination or part thereof (e.g., the name entered into the row under
#'   `analysisGroup2` column of the `map@@metadata` or a `functionName`.
#' @details
#' This function will do a sequence of things.
#' First, it will run `expand.grid` on any columns whose names start with `analysisGroup`,
#' creating a factorial set of analyses as described by these columns.
#' It will assess the combinations against the arguments used by the `functionName`.
#' For any `analysisGroup` that does not provide the correct arguments for the `functionName`,
#' these `analysisGroups` will be omitted for that particular function.
#' For efficiency, the function will then assess if any of these has already been run.
#' For those that have not been run, it will then run the
#' `functionName` on arguments that it finds in the `metadata` slot of
#' the map obj, as well as any arguments passed in here in the `...`.
#' In general, the arguments being passed in here should be fixed across all
#' analyses, while any that vary by analysis should be entered into the metadata
#' table at the time of adding the layer to the map, via `mapAdd`.
#' @importFrom data.table setDT
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster
#' @importFrom pemisc makeOptimalCluster Map2
mapAnalysis <- function(map, functionName = NULL, purgeAnalyses = NULL,
                        useParallel = getOption("map.useParallel", FALSE), ...) {
  m <- map@metadata
  dots <- list(...)

  if (is.null(functionName)) {
    stop("Each analysis must have a functionName")
  if (is.null(names(functionName)))
    names(functionName) <- functionName
  if (!isTRUE(any(grepl("analysisGroup", colnames(m))))) {
    stop("Expecting analysisGroup1 column in map metadata. ",
         "Please pass in a unique name representing the analysis group, ",
         "i.e., which tsf is associated with which vtm")
  AGs <- sort(unique(colnames(m)[startsWith(colnames(m), "analysisGroup")])) # nolint
  names(AGs) <- AGs
  ags <- lapply(AGs, function(AG) sort(na.omit(unique(m[[AG]])))) # nolint

  combosCompleted <- lapply(functionName, function(fn) map@analysesData[[fn]]$.Completed)

  # Purge if purgeAnalyses is non-NULL
  if (!is.null(purgeAnalyses)) {
    message("Purging previous analyses with ", purgeAnalyses)
    purge <- names(combosCompleted) %in% purgeAnalyses
    if (sum(purge) > 0)
      combosCompleted[purge] <- list(rep(NULL, sum(purge)))

  combosAll <- expandAnalysisGroups(ags)

  # Cycle through for each analysisGroup, get each argument
  # This is only for the first one to do, as it is just finding the columns required
  # This will be run again inside the combosToDo section below
  args1 <- lapply(functionName, function(funName) {
    args <- getFormalsFromMetadata(metadata = m, combo = combosAll[1, ],
                                   AGs = AGs, funName = funName)
    keepArgs <- unlist(lapply(args, function(arg) length(arg) > 0))

  AGsByFunName <- lapply(functionName, function(funName) { # nolint

  # Corrected for analysis groups that are relevant to each functionName
  combosAll <- Map(agsByFunName = AGsByFunName,
                   MoreArgs = list(ags = ags),
                   function(agsByFunName, ags) {

  combosToDo <- Map(cc = combosCompleted, ca = combosAll, function(cc, ca) {
    if (!is.null(cc))
      setDT(ca[!ca$all %in% cc, ])

  combosToDo <- Map(ctd = combosToDo, fn = functionName,
                    function(ctd, fn) ctd[, functionName := fn])
  combosToDoDT <- rbindlist(combosToDo)
  # clear out empty ones
  combosToDo <- combosToDo[!unlist(lapply(combosToDo, function(ctd) NROW(ctd) == 0))]

  if (NROW(combosToDoDT)) {
    funNames <- unique(combosToDoDT$functionName)
    names(funNames) <- funNames
    # Get the fixed arguments
    otherFormalsInFunction <- lapply(funNames, function(funName) {
      otherFormalsInFunction <- formalArgs(funName)[formalArgs(funName) %in%
      if (length(otherFormalsInFunction)) {
        names(otherFormalsInFunction) <- otherFormalsInFunction

        # Override dots from this function call
        dots <- lapply(otherFormalsInFunction, function(form) {
          fn <- funName
          assign(form, map@analyses[functionName == fn, get(form)][[1]])

    cl <- makeOptimalCluster(useParallel,
                             maxNumClusters = min(NROW(combosToDoDT), getOption("map.maxNumCores")),
                             outfile = dots$outfile)
    on.exit(try(stopCluster(cl), silent = TRUE))

    combosToDoList <- split(combosToDoDT, combosToDoDT$all)
    out3 <- Map2(cl = cl,
                 combo = combosToDoList, function(combo) {
                   funName <- combo$functionName
                   args1 <- getFormalsFromMetadata(metadata = map@metadata,
                                                   combo = combo, AGs = AGs, funName = funName)
                   args <- unlist(unname(args1), recursive = FALSE)
                   message("  Calculating ", funName, " for ", combo$all)
                   fnOut <- do.call(Cache,
                                    args = append(list(get(funName)),

    for (funName in funNames) {
      fromFunName <- combosToDoDT$functionName == funName
      map@analysesData[[funName]][names(out3)[fromFunName]] <- out3[fromFunName]
      map@analysesData[[funName]]$.Completed <- names(out3[fromFunName]) # nolint
  } else {
    message("  ", paste(functionName, collapse = ", "), " already run on all layers")

#' Add an analysis to a `map` object
#' TODO: description needed
#' @param map A `map` object
#' @param functionName The name of the analysis function to add
#' @param useParallel Logical indicating whether to use multiple threads.
#'                    Defaults to `getOption("map.useParallel", FALSE)`.
#' @param ... Additional arguments TODO: description needed
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @importFrom fastdigest fastdigest
mapAddAnalysis <- function(map, functionName,
                           useParallel = getOption("map.useParallel", FALSE), ...) {
  dots <- list(...)
  b <- data.table(functionName = functionName, t(dots))
  prevEntry <- map@analyses$functionName == functionName
  purgeAnalyses <- NULL # Set default as NULL
  newDigest <- fastdigest::fastdigest(
    c(.robustDigest(get(b[, functionName])),
      .robustDigest(b[, !"functionName"]))
  set(b, NULL, "argHash", newDigest)
  doRbindlist <- TRUE
  if (sum(prevEntry)) {
    if (!isTRUE(newDigest %in% map@analyses[prevEntry, ]$argHash)) {
      message("An analysis called ", functionName, " already added to map obj; ",
              " Overwriting it")
      purgeAnalyses <- functionName
      map@analyses <- map@analyses[!prevEntry]
    } else {
      doRbindlist <- FALSE
      message("An analysis called ", functionName, " with identical function and ",
              "arguments already added and run. Skipping reruns.")

  if (doRbindlist)
    map@analyses <- rbindlist(list(map@analyses, b), fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)

  map <- runMapAnalyses(map = map, purgeAnalyses = purgeAnalyses, useParallel = useParallel)


#' Add a post hoc analysis function to a `map` object
#' @inheritParams mapAdd
#' @param functionName A function that is designed for post hoc analysis of
#'   map class objects, e.g., `rbindlistAG`
#' @param postHocAnalysisGroups Character string with one
#'   `analysisGroups` i.e., `"analysisGroup1"` or `"analysisGroup2"`
#' @param postHocAnalyses Character vector with `"all"`,
#'   (which will do all analysisGroups) the default,
#'   or 1 or more of the the `functionName`s that are in the analyses slot.
#' @param ... Optional arguments to pass into `functionName`
#' @aliases mapAddPostHocAnalysis
#' @export
#' @importFrom fastdigest fastdigest
#' @importFrom data.table data.table rbindlist set
#' @importFrom reproducible .robustDigest
#' @rdname postHoc
mapAddPostHocAnalysis <- function(map, functionName, postHocAnalysisGroups = NULL,
                                  postHocAnalyses = "all",
                                  useParallel = getOption("map.useParallel", FALSE),
                                  ...) {
  dots <- list(...)

  if (is.null(postHocAnalysisGroups))
    stop("postHocAnalysisGroups cannot be NULL. It should be one of the column names ",
         "in metadata(map) that starts with 'analysisGroup'")
  b <- data.table(functionName = functionName, postHocAnalysisGroups = postHocAnalysisGroups,
                  postHocAnalyses = postHocAnalyses, postHoc = TRUE)
  if (length(dots)) {
    b <- data.table(b, t(dots))
  prevEntry <- map@analyses$functionName == functionName
  purgeAnalyses <- NULL # Set default as NULL
  newDigest <- fastdigest::fastdigest(
    c(.robustDigest(get(b[, functionName])),
      .robustDigest(b[, !"functionName"]))
  set(b, NULL, "argHash", newDigest)
  doRbindlist <- TRUE
  if (sum(prevEntry)) {
    if (!isTRUE(newDigest %in% map@analyses[prevEntry, ]$argHash)) {
      message("An analysis called ", functionName, " already added to map obj; ",
              " Overwriting it")
      purgeAnalyses <- functionName
      map@analyses <- map@analyses[!prevEntry]
    } else {
      doRbindlist <- FALSE
      message("An analysis called, ", functionName, " with identical function and ",
              "arguments already added and run. Skipping reruns.")

  if (doRbindlist)
    map@analyses <- rbindlist(list(map@analyses, b), fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)

  map <- runMapAnalyses(map = map, purgeAnalyses = purgeAnalyses, useParallel = useParallel)

## TODO: needs documentation
#' @importFrom reproducible compareNA
runMapAnalyses <- function(map, purgeAnalyses = NULL,
                           useParallel = getOption("map.useParallel", FALSE)) {
  isPostHoc <- if (is.null(map@analyses$postHoc)) {
    rep(FALSE, NROW(map@analyses))
  } else {
    compareNA(map@analyses$postHoc, TRUE)

  # First run all primary analyses
  if (NROW(map@analyses[!isPostHoc])) {
    funName <- map@analyses$functionName[!isPostHoc]
    map <- mapAnalysis(map, funName, purgeAnalyses = purgeAnalyses, useParallel = useParallel)

  # run postHoc analyses
  if (NROW(map@analyses[isPostHoc])) {
    out <- try(
      by(map@analyses[isPostHoc], map@analyses$functionName[isPostHoc],
         function(x) {
           fn <- get(x$functionName)
           forms <- formalArgs(fn)
           forms <- forms[!forms %in% c("map", "functionName", "analysisGroups")]
           phas <- if (identical(x$postHocAnalyses, "all")) {
           } else {
           names(phas) <- phas
           out2 <- lapply(phas, function(pha) {
             message("    Running ", x$functionName, " on ", pha)
             ma <- do.call(get(x$functionName),
                           append(alist(map = map,
                                        functionName = pha,
                                        analysisGroups = x$postHocAnalysisGroups),
                                  unlist(as.list(x[, forms, with = FALSE]))))
    if (!is.null(out)) {
      map@analysesData[names(out)] <- lapply(out, function(x) x)
    } else {
      warning("One or more of the analyses failed.")

getFormalsFromMetadata <- function(metadata, combo, AGs, funName) { # nolint
  formalsInFunction <- formalArgs(funName)[formalArgs(funName) %in% colnames(metadata)]
  names(formalsInFunction) <- formalsInFunction
  args <- lapply(AGs, function(AG) { # nolint
    args <- lapply(formalsInFunction, function(arg) {
      val <- na.omit(metadata[get(AG) == combo[[AG]], ][[arg]])
      if (isTRUE(val)) {
        val <- get(metadata[get(AG) == combo[[AG]], layerName],
                   envir = metadata[get(AG) == combo[[AG]], envir][[1]])
      if (length(val) > 0)
        assign(arg, val)
    args[!sapply(args, is.null)]


expandAnalysisGroups <- function(ags) {
  combosAll <- NULL
  if (any(unlist(lapply(ags, function(x) length(x > 0))))) {
    combosAll <- do.call(expand.grid, args = append(list(stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
                                                    lapply(ags, function(x) x)))
    combosAll$all <- apply(combosAll, 1, paste, collapse = "._.")
PredictiveEcology/map documentation built on Nov. 11, 2023, 11:44 a.m.