
Defines functions addColumnNameForLabels metadata.map metadata.Raster metadata maps leafletTiles spatialPoints spatialPolygons sf.map sf sp.map sp rasters.map rasters studyAreaName.data.table studyAreaName.map studyAreaName mapRm.default mapRm mapAdd.default mapAdd

Documented in leafletTiles mapAdd mapAdd.default mapRm mapRm.default maps metadata metadata.map metadata.Raster rasters rasters.map sf sf.map sp spatialPoints spatialPolygons sp.map studyAreaName studyAreaName.data.table studyAreaName.map

utils::globalVariables(c(".", ":=", "..pathCols1", "..pathCols2", ".I", ".N", ".SD", "envir", "layerName", "objectHash"))

#' Append a spatial object to map
#' If `isStudyArea = TRUE`, then several things will be triggered:
#' 1. This layer will be added to metadata with `studyArea`
#'   set to `max(studyArea(map)) + 1`.
#' 2. update CRS slot to be the CRS of the study area.
#' @param obj    Optional spatial object, currently `RasterLayer`, `SpatialPolygons`.
#' @param map       Optional map object. If not provided, then one will be
#'  created. If provided, then the present `object` or options passed to
#'  `prepInputs` e.g., `url`, will be appended to this `map`.
#' @param layerName Required. A label for this map layer. This can be the same as
#'  the object name.
#' @param overwrite Logical. If `TRUE` and this `layerName` exists in
#'  the `map`, then it will replace the existing object. Default is
#'  `getOption("map.overwrite")`
#' @param columnNameForLabels A character string indicating which column to use
#'  for labels. This is currently only used if the object is a `SpatialPolygonsDataFrame`.
#' @param leaflet Logical or Character vector of path(s) to write tiles.
#'  If `TRUE` or a character vector, then this layer will be added to a leaflet map.
#'  For `RasterLayer` object, this will trigger a call to `gdal2tiles`, making tiles.
#'  If path is not specified, it will be the current path.
#'  The tile base file path will be `paste0(layerName, "_", rndstr(1, 6))`.
#' @param isStudyArea Logical. If `TRUE`, this will be assigned the label,
#'  "StudyArea", and will be passed into `prepInputs` for any future layers
#'  added.
#' @export
#' @include map-class.R
#' @rdname mapAdd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(sp)
#' library(raster)
#' library(reproducible)
#' cwd <- getwd()
#' setwd(tempdir())
#' coords <- structure(c(-122.98, -116.1, -99.2, -106, -122.98,
#'                       59.9, 65.73, 63.58, 54.79, 59.9),
#'                     .Dim = c(5L, 2L))
#' Sr1 <- Polygon(coords)
#' Srs1 <- Polygons(list(Sr1), "s1")
#' StudyArea <- SpatialPolygons(list(Srs1), 1L)
#' crs(StudyArea) <- paste("+init=epsg:4326 +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84",
#'                         "+no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0")
#' StudyArea <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(StudyArea,
#'                            data = data.frame(ID = 1, shinyLabel = "zone2"),
#'                            match.ID = FALSE)
#' ml <- mapAdd(StudyArea, isStudyArea = TRUE, layerName = "Small Study Area",
#'              poly = TRUE, analysisGroup2 = "Small Study Area")
#' if (require("SpaDES.tools")) {
#'   options(map.useParallel = FALSE)
#'   smallStudyArea <- randomPolygon(studyArea(ml), 1e5)
#'   smallStudyArea <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(smallStudyArea,
#'                            data = data.frame(ID = 1, shinyLabel = "zone1"),
#'                            match.ID = FALSE)
#'   ml <- mapAdd(smallStudyArea, ml, isStudyArea = TRUE, filename2 = NULL,
#'                analysisGroup2 = "Smaller Study Area",
#'                poly = TRUE,
#'                layerName = "Smaller Study Area") # adds a second studyArea within 1st
#'   rasTemplate <- raster(extent(studyArea(ml)), res = 0.001)
#'   tsf <- randomPolygons(rasTemplate, numTypes = 8)*30
#'   crs(tsf) <- crs(ml)
#'   vtm <- randomPolygons(tsf, numTypes = 4)
#'   levels(vtm) <- data.frame(ID = sort(unique(vtm[])),
#'                             Factor = c("black spruce", "white spruce", "aspen", "fir"))
#'   crs(vtm) <- crs(ml)
#'   ml <- mapAdd(tsf, ml, layerName = "tsf1",
#'                filename2 = "tsf1.tif", # to postProcess
#'                # to map object
#'                tsf = "tsf1.tif", # to column in map@metadata
#'                analysisGroup1 = "tsf1_vtm1",  # this is the label for analysisGroup1
#'                leaflet = TRUE, # to column in map@metadata; used for visualizing in leaflet
#'                overwrite = TRUE)
#'   ml <- mapAdd(vtm, ml, filename2 = "vtm1.grd",
#'                layerName = "vtm1",
#'                vtm = "vtm1.grd",
#'                analysisGroup1 = "tsf1_vtm1", leaflet = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
#'   ageClasses <- c("Young", "Immature", "Mature", "Old")
#'   ageClassCutOffs <- c(0, 40, 80, 120)
#'   # add an analysis -- this will trigger analyses because there are already objects in the map
#'   #    This will trigger 2 analyses:
#'   #    LeadingVegTypeByAgeClass on each raster x polygon combo (only 1 currently)
#'   #    so there is 1 raster group, 2 polygon groups, 1 analyses - Total 2, 2 run now
#'   ml <- mapAddAnalysis(ml, functionName ="LeadingVegTypeByAgeClass",
#'                        ageClasses = ageClasses, ageClassCutOffs = ageClassCutOffs)
#'   # add an analysis -- this will trigger analyses because there are already objects in the map
#'   #    This will trigger 2 more analyses:
#'   #    largePatches on each raster x polygon combo (only 1 currently)
#'   #    so there is 1 raster group, 2 polygon groups, 2 analyses - Total 4, only 2 run now
#'   ml <- mapAddAnalysis(ml, functionName = "LargePatches", ageClasses = ageClasses,
#'                        id = "1", labelColumn = "shinyLabel",
#'                        ageClassCutOffs = ageClassCutOffs)
#'   # Add a second polygon, trigger
#'   smallStudyArea2 <- randomPolygon(studyArea(ml), 1e5)
#'   smallStudyArea2 <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(smallStudyArea2,
#'                            data = data.frame(ID = 1, shinyLabel = "zone1"),
#'                            match.ID = FALSE)
#'   # add a new layer -- this will trigger analyses because there are already analyese in the map
#'   #    This will trigger 2 more analyses ... largePatches on each *new* raster x polygon combo
#'   #    (now there are 2) -- so there is 1 raster group, 3 polygon groups, 2 analyses - Total 6
#'   ml <- mapAdd(smallStudyArea2, ml, isStudyArea = FALSE, filename2 = NULL, overwrite = TRUE,
#'                analysisGroup2 = "Smaller Study Area 2",
#'                poly = TRUE,
#'                layerName = "Smaller Study Area 2") # adds a second studyArea within 1st
#'   # Add a *different* second polygon, via overwrite. This should trigger new analyses
#'   smallStudyArea2 <- randomPolygon(studyArea(ml), 1e5)
#'   smallStudyArea2 <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(smallStudyArea2,
#'                            data = data.frame(ID = 1, shinyLabel = "zone1"),
#'                            match.ID = FALSE)
#'   # add a new layer -- this will trigger analyses because there are already analyses in the map
#'   #    This will trigger 2 more analyses ... largePatches on each *new* raster x polygon combo
#'   #    (now there are 2) -- so there is 1 raster group, 3 polygon groups, 2 analyses - Total 6
#'   ml <- mapAdd(smallStudyArea2, ml, isStudyArea = FALSE, filename2 = NULL, overwrite = TRUE,
#'                analysisGroup2 = "Smaller Study Area 2",
#'                poly = TRUE,
#'                layerName = "Smaller Study Area 2") # adds a second studyArea within 1st
#'   # Add a 2nd pair of rasters
#'   rasTemplate <- raster(extent(studyArea(ml)), res = 0.001)
#'   tsf2 <- randomPolygons(rasTemplate, numTypes = 8)*30
#'   crs(tsf2) <- crs(ml)
#'   vtm2 <- randomPolygons(tsf2, numTypes = 4)
#'   levels(vtm2) <- data.frame(ID = sort(unique(vtm2[])),
#'                             Factor = c("black spruce", "white spruce", "aspen", "fir"))
#'   crs(vtm2) <- crs(ml)
#'   ml <- mapAdd(tsf2, ml, filename2 = "tsf2.tif", layerName = "tsf2",
#'                tsf = "tsf2.tif",
#'                analysisGroup1 = "tsf2_vtm2", leaflet = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
#'   ml <- mapAdd(vtm2, ml, filename2 = "vtm2.grd", layerName = "vtm2",
#'                vtm = "vtm2.grd",
#'                analysisGroup1 = "tsf2_vtm2", leaflet = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
#'   # post hoc analysis of data
#'   #  use or create a specialized function that can handle the analysesData slot
#'   ml <- mapAddPostHocAnalysis(map = ml, functionName = "rbindlistAG",
#'                               postHocAnalysisGroups = "analysisGroup2",
#'                               postHocAnalyses = "all")
#' }
#' ## cleanup
#' setwd(cwd)
#' unlink(tempdir(), recursive = TRUE)
#' }
mapAdd <- function(obj, map, layerName,
                   overwrite = getOption("map.overwrite", FALSE), ...) {

#' @param ... Additonal arguments passed to [reproducible::postProcess()],
#'            [reproducible::projectInputs()],
#'            [reproducible::fixErrors()], and
#'            [reproducible::prepInputs()].
#' @param isRasterToMatch  Logical indicating ... TODO: need description
#' @param envir An optional environment. If supplied, then the obj
#'        will not be placed "into" the maps slot, rather the environment label will
#'        be placed into the maps slot. Upon re
#' @param useCache Logical. If `TRUE`, then internal calls to `Cache` will
#'        be used. Default is `TRUE`
#' @param useParallel Logical. If `TRUE`, then if there is more than one
#'        calculation to do at any stage, it will create and use a parallel
#'        cluster via `makeOptimalCluster`
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table copy rbindlist set
#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster
#' @importFrom pemisc getLocalArgsFor identifyVectorArgs makeOptimalCluster MapOrDoCall
#' @importFrom quickPlot whereInStack
#' @importFrom raster crs ncell projectRaster writeRaster
#' @importFrom reproducible .robustDigest asPath Cache compareNA cropInputs fixErrors
#' @importFrom reproducible prepInputs preProcess projectInputs postProcess writeOutputs
#' @importFrom sf as_Spatial st_zm
#' @importFrom sp CRS
#' @importFrom utils capture.output getS3method
#' @rdname mapAdd
mapAdd.default <- function(obj = NULL, map = new("map"), layerName = NULL,
                           overwrite = getOption("map.overwrite"),
                           columnNameForLabels = 1, leaflet = FALSE, isStudyArea = FALSE,
                           isRasterToMatch = FALSE, envir = NULL, useCache = TRUE,
                           useParallel = getOption("map.useParallel", FALSE), ...) {
  dots <- list(...)

  map@metadata <- .enforceColumnTypes(map@metadata) ## update previously-created map objects

  if (is.null(layerName))
    stop("layerName is required and cannot be NULL")

  if (is.logical(leaflet))
    leaflet <- asPath(ifelse(leaflet, getwd(), NA_character_))

  # Some of the arguments will need to be passed into Cache
  # Get obj, if missing, via prepInputs url, or targetFile
  if (is.null(obj)) {    # with no obj, we get it first, then pass to mapAdd
    # Don't run postProcess because that will happen in next mapAdd when obj is
    #   in hand
    args1 <- identifyVectorArgs(fn = list(Cache, preProcess), ls(), environment(), dots)
    maxNumClus <- if (length(args1$argsMulti)) {
      max(unlist(lapply(args1$argsMulti, NROW)), na.rm = TRUE)
    } else {
    maxNumClus <- min(maxNumClus, getOption("map.maxNumCores"))

    message("  Running prepInputs for:\n",
            paste(capture.output(data.table(file = layerName)), collapse = "\n"))
    cl <- makeOptimalCluster(maxNumClusters = maxNumClus, useParallel = useParallel, outfile = dots$outfile)
    on.exit(try(stopCluster(cl), silent = TRUE))

    obj <- MapOrDoCall(prepInputs, multiple = args1$argsMulti, cl = cl,
                       single = args1$argsSingle, useCache = useCache)

    tryCatch({ stopCluster(cl); rm(cl) }, error = function(x) invisible())
    if (is(obj, "list")) { ## NOTE: is.list returns TRUE for data.frames ... BAD
      names(obj) <- layerName
    } else if (is(obj, "sf")) { ## NOTE: Aug 2022 workaround #7 by forcing use of sp objects
      obj <- as_Spatial(st_zm(obj))

  layerNameExistsInMetadata <- if (isTRUE(layerName %in% ls(map@.xData))) {
    if (isTRUE(overwrite)) {
      message(layerName, " already in map; overwriting")
    } else {
      stop(layerName, " already in map; stopping. Want overwrite = TRUE?")
  } else {

  # postProcess -- determine studyArea and rasterToMatch from map
  if (is.null(studyArea(map)) && is.null(rasterToMatch(map))) {
    argsFixErrors <- getLocalArgsFor(list(Cache, fixErrors), dots = dots)
    theList <- append(list(FUN = quote(fixErrors), x = quote(obj)), argsFixErrors)
    obj <- do.call(Cache, theList)
    if (isFALSE(isStudyArea)) {
      message("There is no studyArea in map; consider adding one with 'isStudyArea = TRUE'")
    if (is.na(crs(map))) {
      if (is.null(dots$targetCRS)) { # OK ... user did not pass in targetCRS
        message("No crs already in map, so no reprojection")
      } else {
        argsProjectInputs <- getLocalArgsFor(list(Cache, projectInputs), dots = dots)
        obj <- do.call(Cache, append(list(FUN = quote(projectInputs), x = quote(obj)),
    } else {
      dots[["targetCRS"]] <- crs(map)
      args <- dots
      args <- append(args, mget(ls()[ls() %in% formalArgs(projectInputs)], inherits = FALSE))

      obj <- do.call(projectInputs, append(list(obj), args))
  } else {
    if (is.na(crs(map))) {
      message("There is no CRS already in map; using the studyArea CRS and adding that to map")
    } else {
      dots <- list(...)
      if (!is.null(studyArea(map))) {
        studyArea <- studyArea(map)
      if (!is.null(rasterToMatch(map))) {
        rasterToMatch <- rasterToMatch(map)

      list2env(dots, envir = environment()) # put any arguments from the ... into this local env
      x <- obj # put it into memory so identifyVectorArgs finds it
      args1 <- identifyVectorArgs(fn = list(Cache, getS3method("postProcess", "spatialClasses"),
                                            getS3method("maskInputs", "Raster"),
                                            projectInputs, cropInputs, projectRaster, writeOutputs),
                                  ls(), environment(), dots = dots)
      maxNumClus <- if (length(args1$argsMulti)) {
        max(unlist(lapply(args1$argsMulti, NROW)), na.rm = TRUE)
      } else {
      maxNumClus <- min(maxNumClus, getOption("map.maxNumCores"))

      message("  Fixing, cropping, reprojecting, masking: ", paste(layerName, collapse = ", "))
      cl <- makeOptimalCluster(maxNumClusters = maxNumClus, useParallel = useParallel, outfile = dots$outfile)
      on.exit(try(stopCluster(cl), silent = TRUE))

      obj <- MapOrDoCall(postProcess, multiple = args1$argsMulti, cl = cl,
                         single = args1$argsSingle, useCache = useCache)
      tryCatch({ stopCluster(cl); rm(cl) }, error = function(x) invisible())

  # Purge obj(s) from metadata, if overwrite is TRUE
  objHash <- .robustDigest(obj)
  purgeAnalyses <- NULL # Set default as NULL
  if (layerNameExistsInMetadata) {
    ln <- layerName
    purge <- isFALSE(map@metadata[(layerName %in% ln), objectHash] == objHash)
    if (isTRUE(purge)) {
      if (any(startsWith(colnames(map@metadata), "analysisGroup")))
        purgeAnalyses <- map@metadata[layerName %in% ln, get(colnames(map@metadata)[
          startsWith(colnames(map@metadata), "analysisGroup")])]
    map@metadata <- map@metadata[!(layerName %in% ln)]

  # Add "shinyLabel" column if it is a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
  args1 <- identifyVectorArgs(fn = addColumnNameForLabels,
                              c(x = "obj", columnNameForLabels = "columnNameForLabels"),
                              environment(), dots = dots)
  obj <- MapOrDoCall(addColumnNameForLabels, multiple = args1$argsMulti,
                     single = args1$argsSingle, useCache = FALSE, cl = NULL)

  # Assign obj to map@.xData
  if (is.null(envir)) {
    envir <- map@.xData # keep envir for later
    # Put map into map slot
    a <- list()
    objTmp <- if (is(obj, "list")) obj else list(obj)
    a[layerName] <- objTmp
    list2env(a, envir = envir)
  } else {
    if (exists(layerName, envir = envir)) {
      a <- list()
      envir1 <- if (is(envir, "list")) obj else list(envir)
      a[layerName] <- list(envir1)
      list2env(a, envir = map@.xData)
    } else {
      envir <- map@.xData
      a <- list()
      objTmp <- if (is(obj, "list")) obj else list(obj)
      a[layerName] <- objTmp
      list2env(a, envir = envir)
      message("obj named ", paste(layerName, collapse = ", "), " does not exist in envir provided",
              ". Adding it to map obj")

  # Metadata -- build new entries in data.table -- vectorized
  args1 <- identifyVectorArgs(fn = list(buildMetadata, prepInputs), ls(), environment(), dots = dots) # nolint
  if (length(dots)) {
    howLong <- unlist(lapply(dots, length))
    args1$argsSingle[names(dots)[howLong <= 1]] <- dots[howLong <= 1]
    args1$argsMulti[names(dots)[howLong > 1]] <- dots[howLong > 1]
  moreArgs <- append(args1$argsSingle, alist(metadata = map@metadata))
  if (length(args1$argsMulti) == 0) {
    dts <- do.call(buildMetadata, moreArgs)
  } else {
    dtsList <- do.call(Map, args = append(args1$argsMulti,
                                          list(f = buildMetadata, MoreArgs = moreArgs)))
    dts <- rbindlist(dtsList, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE)

  # make tiles, if it is leaflet
  if (any(!is.na(leaflet)) && !is.null(dts[["leafletTiles"]])) {
    MBadjustment <- 4000 ## some approx, empirically derived number. Likely only good in some cases.
    MBper <- if (is(obj, "RasterLayer")) { # nolint
      ncell(obj) / MBadjustment
    } else if (tryCatch(is(obj[[1]], "RasterLayer"), error = function(x) FALSE)) {
      ncell(obj[[1]]) / MBadjustment
    } else {
      4600 ## seems to be approx mem use for a prov
    if (isTRUE(all(dir.exists(dts[["leafletTiles"]])))) {
      useParallel <- FALSE
    } else {
      if (missing(useParallel)) {
        useParallel <- getOption("map.useParallel", !identical("windows", .Platform$OS.type))

    cl <- makeOptimalCluster(useParallel = useParallel, MBper = MBper,
                             maxNumClusters = min(length(obj), getOption("map.maxNumCores")),
                             outfile = dots$outfile)
    on.exit(try(stopCluster(cl), silent = TRUE))
    tilePath <- dts[["leafletTiles"]]
    args1 <- identifyVectorArgs(fn = makeTiles, ls(), environment(), dots = dots)
    out <- MapOrDoCall(makeTiles, multiple = args1$argsMulti,
                       single = args1$argsSingle, useCache = FALSE, cl = cl)
    # If the rasters are identical, then there may be errors
    tryCatch({ stopCluster(cl); rm(cl) }, error = function(x) invisible())

  # set CRS
  if (isTRUE(isStudyArea)) {
    if ((!is.null(studyArea(map))) && isStudyArea) {
      message("map already has a studyArea; adding another one as study area ", dts[["studyArea"]])
    } else {
      message("Setting map CRS to this layer because it is the (first) studyArea inserted")
      map@CRS <- raster::crs(obj)

  # rbindlist new metadata with existing metadata

  ## 2022-10-04: workaround path columns having same class() but sorted slightly differently, e.g.,
  ## Browse[4]> class(map@metadata$leaflet) == class(dts$leaflet)
  ## Browse[4]> sort(class(map@metadata$leaflet)) == sort(class(dts$leaflet))

  pathCols1 <- names(which(sapply(dts, is, class2 = "Path")))
  pathCols2 <- names(which(sapply(map@metadata, is, class2 = "Path")))

  classes1 <- lapply(dts[, ..pathCols1], class)
  allClasses1Identical <- all(vapply(seq_along(classes1[-1]), function(i) {
    identical(classes1[[i]], classes1[[i + 1]])
  }, logical(1)))
  if (isFALSE(allClasses1Identical)) {
    warning("Some columns in dts corresponding to Paths do not have identical class.")
  class1 <- classes1[[1]]

  classes2 <- lapply(map@metadata[, ..pathCols2], class)
  allClasses2Identical <- all(vapply(seq_along(classes2[-1]), function(i) {
    identical(classes2[[i]], classes2[[i + 1]])
  }, logical(1)))
  if (isFALSE(allClasses2Identical)) {
    warning("Some columns in map@metadata corresponding to Paths do not have identical class.")
  class2 <- classes2[[1]]

  if (!identical(class1, class2)) {
    if (!is.null(dts[["destinationPath"]])) class(dts[["destinationPath"]]) <- class2
    if (!is.null(dts[["filename2"]])) class(dts[["filename2"]]) <- class2
    if (!is.null(dts[["leaflet"]])) class(dts[["leaflet"]]) <- class2
    if (!is.null(dts[["targetFile"]])) class(dts[["targetFile"]]) <- class2
    if (!is.null(dts[["tsf"]])) class(dts[["tsf"]]) <- class2
    if (!is.null(dts[["vtm"]])) class(dts[["vtm"]]) <- class2

  map@metadata <- rbindlist(list(map@metadata, dts), use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE)

  # run map analyses
  map <- runMapAnalyses(map = map, purgeAnalyses = purgeAnalyses, useParallel = useParallel)


#' Remove objects from a `map`
#' @param map TODO: document this
#' @param layer TODO: document this
#' @param ask TODO: document this
#' @param ... TODO: document this
#' @export
#' @family mapMethods
#' @rdname mapRm
#' @examples
#' if (require("SpaDES.tools")) {
#'   library(sp)
#'   longLatCRS <- CRS(paste("+init=epsg:4326 +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84",
#'                           "+no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"))
#'   p <- randomPolygon(SpatialPoints(cbind(-120, 60), proj4string = longLatCRS), area = 1e5)
#'   m <- mapAdd(p, layerName = "p")
#'   mapRm(m, "p")
#' }
mapRm <- function(map, layer, ask = TRUE, ...) {

#' @export
#' @aliases mapRm
#' @family mapMethods
#' @rdname mapRm
mapRm.default <- function(map = NULL, layer = NULL, ask = TRUE, ...) {
  if (is.null(map)) {
    stop("Must pass a map")
  if (is.character(layer))
    layer <- map@metadata[, which(layerName %in% layer)]

  layerName <- unique(map@metadata[layer, layerName])
  if (length(layer) > 1)
    stop("There are more than obj in map with that layer name, '", layerName, "'.",
         " Please indicate layer by row number in map@metadata.")

  rm(list = layerName, envir = map@metadata[layer, envir][[1]])
  map@metadata <- map@metadata[-layer, ]

  if (NROW(map@analyses))
    message("Layer ", layerName, " has been removed, but not any analysis that ",
            "was previously run using this layer.")


if (!isGeneric("crs")) {
  setGeneric("crs", function(x, ...) {

#' Extract the crs of a `map`
#' @inheritParams raster::crs
#' @exportMethod crs
#' @family mapMethods
#' @importMethodsFrom raster crs
#' @importFrom raster crs
#' @rdname crs
          signature = "map",
          function(x, ...) {
            if (!is.null(x@CRS))

#' Map class methods
#' Tools for getting objects and metadata in and out of a `map` class.
#' @param x TODO: document this
#' @param layer TODO: document this
#' @export
#' @family mapMethods
#' @rdname studyAreaName
studyAreaName <- function(x, layer) {

#' @export
#' @family mapMethods
#' @rdname studyAreaName
studyAreaName.map <- function(x, layer = 1) {
  if (sum(x@metadata$studyArea, na.rm = TRUE)) {
    if (isTRUE(is.na(layer))) {
      layer <- max(x@metadata$studyArea, na.rm = TRUE)
    x@metadata[studyArea == layer]$layerName
  } else {

#' @export
#' @family mapMethods
#' @rdname studyAreaName
studyAreaName.data.table <- function(x, layer = 1) {
  if (sum(x$studyArea, na.rm = TRUE)) {
    if (isTRUE(is.na(layer))) {
      layer <- max(x$studyArea, na.rm = TRUE)
    x[studyArea == layer]$layerName
  } else {

#' Extract the studyArea(s) from a `map`
#' If `layer` is not provided and there is more than one `studyArea`,
#' then this will extract the last one added.
#' @param map TODO: document this
#' @param sorted Logical. Should the numeric `layer` be referring to
#'               geographic area of the `area` or the order that
#'               the `studyArea` were placed into map object
#' @param layer TODO: document this
#' @export
#' @family mapMethods
#' @rdname studyArea
setGeneric("studyArea", function(map, layer = NA, sorted = FALSE) {

#' @export
#' @family mapMethods
#' @rdname studyArea
setMethod("studyArea", "ANY",
          definition = function(map, layer = NA, sorted = FALSE) {

#' @export
#' @family mapMethods
#' @rdname studyArea
setMethod("studyArea", "map",
          definition = function(map, layer = NA, sorted = FALSE) {
            if (isTRUE(sorted)) {
              studyAreas <- map@metadata[!is.na(map@metadata$studyArea), ]
              mapSorted <- studyAreas[order(area, decreasing = FALSE), ][, studyArea := as.numeric(.I)] # nolint
              san <- studyAreaName(mapSorted, layer = layer)
            } else {
              san <- studyAreaName(map, layer = layer)
            if (length(san) > 0) {
              get(san, map@metadata[layerName == san]$envir[[1]])
            } else {

#' @param value The value to assign to the object.
#' @export
#' @rdname studyArea
setGeneric("studyArea<-", function(map, layer = NA, value) {

#' @export
#' @family mapMethods
#' @rdname studyArea
setReplaceMethod("studyArea", signature = "map",
                 definition = function(map, layer = NA, value) {
                   ln <- studyAreaName(map, layer = layer)
                   map[[ln]] <- value

if (!isGeneric("rasterToMatch")) {
    function(x, ...) {

#' Extract the rasterToMatch(s) from a `x`
#' If `layer` is not provided and there is more than one `studyArea`,
#' then this will extract the last one added.
#' @param x TODO: describe this
#' @param layer TODO: describe this
#' @export
#' @exportMethod rasterToMatch
#' @family mapMethods
#' @rdname rasterToMatch
#' @importMethodsFrom pemisc rasterToMatch
setMethod("rasterToMatch", signature = "map",
          definition = function(x, layer = 1) {
            rtms <- x@metadata$rasterToMatch
            if (sum(rtms, na.rm = TRUE)) {
              if (isTRUE(is.na(layer))) {
                layer <- max(x@metadata$rasterToMatch, na.rm = TRUE)
              if (!layer %in% rtms) layer <- min(rtms, na.rm = TRUE)
              get(x@metadata[rasterToMatch == layer, ]$layerName, x@.xData)
            } else {

#' Extract rasters in the `map` object
#' @export
#' @family mapMethods
#' @rdname maps
rasters <- function(map) {

#' @export
#' @family mapMethods
#' @rdname maps
rasters.map <- function(map) {
  maps(map, "RasterLayer")

#' Extract `sp` class objects from the `map` obj
#' @export
#' @family mapMethods
#' @rdname maps
sp <- function(map) {

#' @export
#' @family mapMethods
#' @rdname maps
sp.map <- function(map) {
  maps(map, "Spatial")

#' Extract `sf` class objects from the `map` obj
#' @export
#' @family mapMethods
#' @rdname maps
sf <- function(map) {

#' @export
#' @family mapMethods
#' @rdname maps
sf.map <- function(map) {
  maps(map, "sf")

#' @export
#' @rdname maps
spatialPolygons <- function(map) {
  maps(map, "SpatialPolygons")

#' @export
#' @rdname maps
spatialPoints <- function(map) {
  maps(map, "SpatialPoints")

#' Extract leaflet tile paths from a `map` obj
#' @param map A `map` class obj
#' @export
#' @return
#' A vector of paths indicating the relative paths. Any layers
#' that don't have leaflet tiles will return NA.
leafletTiles <- function(map) {
  x <- map@metadata[["layerName"]]
  tiles <- map@metadata[["leafletTiles"]]
  names(tiles) <- x

#' Extract maps from a `map` object
#' This will extract all objects in or pointed to within the `map`.
#' @param map A `map` class obj
#' @param class If supplied, this will be the class of objects returned. Default
#'              is `NULL` which is "all", meaning all objects in the `map`
#'              object.
#' @param layerName TODO: description needed
#' @return A list of maps (i.e., sp, raster, or sf objects) of class `class`
#' @export
maps <- function(map, class = NULL, layerName = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(layerName)) {
    layers <- layerName
    meta <- map@metadata[layerName %in% layers]
  } else {
    meta <- map@metadata
  x <- meta$layerName
  names(x) <- x
  envirs <- meta$envir
  names(envirs) <- x
  out <- Map(envir = envirs, x = x,
             function(envir, x)
               get(x, envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(class)) {
    classOnly <- unlist(lapply(out, is, class2 = class))
    out <- out[classOnly]


#' @keywords internal
.singleMetadataNAEntry <- data.table::data.table(
  layerName = NA_character_, layerType = NA_character_, #url = NA_character_,
  columnNameForLabels = NA_character_, envir = list(), leaflet = FALSE, studyArea = 0

if (!isGeneric("area")) {
  setGeneric("area", function(x, ...) {

#' Calculate area of (named) objects the `map` obj
#' @inheritParams raster::area
#' @export
#' @family mapMethods
#' @importMethodsFrom raster area
#' @importFrom raster area
#' @rdname area
          signature = "map",
          function(x) {
            lsObjs <- ls(x@.xData)
            logicalRasters <- unlist(lapply(mget(lsObjs, x@.xData), is, "RasterLayer"))
            if (any(logicalRasters)) {
              mget(names(logicalRasters)[logicalRasters], x@.xData)
            } else {

#' Show method for map class objects
#' @param object TODO: describe this
#' @export
#' @rdname show
  signature = "map",
  definition = function(object) {

.formalsReproducible <- unique(c(formalArgs(reproducible::preProcess),

#' Extract the metadata obj
#' Methods for specific classes exist.
#' @param x TODO: description needed
#' @export
#' @rdname metadata
metadata <- function(x) UseMethod("metadata")

#' @importFrom raster metadata
#' @export
#' @rdname metadata
metadata.Raster <- function(x) {

#' @export
#' @rdname metadata
metadata.map <- function(x) {

addColumnNameForLabels <- function(x, columnNameForLabels) {
  if (is(x, "list")) {
    lapply(x, addColumnNameForLabels, columnNameForLabels = columnNameForLabels)
  } else if (is(x, "sf")) {
    x[["shinyLabel"]] <- x[[columnNameForLabels]]
  } else if (is(x, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")) {
    x[["shinyLabel"]] <- x[[columnNameForLabels]]

PredictiveEcology/map documentation built on Nov. 11, 2023, 11:44 a.m.