
Defines functions calc_Huntley2006

Documented in calc_Huntley2006

#' @title Apply the Huntley (2006) model
#' @description
#' A function to calculate the expected sample specific fraction of saturation
#' based on the model of Huntley (2006) using the approach as implemented
#' in Kars et al. (2008) or Guralnik et al. (2015).
#' @details
#' This function applies the approach described in Kars et al. (2008) or Guralnik et al. (2015),
#' which are both developed from the model of Huntley (2006) to calculate the expected sample
#' specific fraction of saturation of a feldspar and also to calculate fading
#' corrected age using this model. \eqn{\rho}' (`rhop`), the density of recombination
#' centres, is a crucial parameter of this model and must be determined
#' separately from a fading measurement. The function [analyse_FadingMeasurement]
#' can be used to calculate the sample specific \eqn{\rho}' value.
#' **Kars et al. (2008) - Single saturating exponential**
#' To apply the approach after Kars et al. (2008) use `fit.method = "EXP"`.
#' Firstly, the unfaded \eqn{D_0} value is determined through applying equation 5 of
#' Kars et al. (2008) to the measured \eqn{\frac{L_x}{T_x}} data as a function of irradiation
#' time, and fitting the data with a single saturating exponential of the form:
#' \deqn{\frac{L_x}{T_x}(t^*) = A  \phi(t^*) \{1 - exp(-\frac{t^*}{D_0}))\}}
#' where
#' \deqn{\phi(t^*) = exp(-\rho' ln(1.8  \tilde{s} t^*)^3)}
#' after King et al. (2016) where \eqn{A} is a pre-exponential factor,
#' \eqn{t^*} (s) is the irradiation time, starting at the mid-point of
#' irradiation (Auclair et al. 2003) and \eqn{\tilde{s}} (\eqn{3\times10^{15}} s\eqn{^{-1}}) is the athermal frequency factor after Huntley (2006). \cr
#' Using fit parameters \eqn{A} and \eqn{D_0}, the function then computes a natural dose
#' response curve using the environmental dose rate, \eqn{\dot{D}} (Gy/s) and equations
#' `[1]` and `[2]`. Computed \eqn{\frac{L_x}{T_x}} values are then fitted using the
#' [fit_DoseResponseCurve] function and the laboratory measured LnTn can then
#' be interpolated onto this curve to determine the fading corrected
#' \eqn{D_e} value, from which the fading corrected age is calculated.
#' **Guralnik et al. (2015) - General-order kinetics**
#' To apply the approach after Guralnik et al. (2015) use `fit.method = "GOK"`.
#' The approach of Guralnik et al. (2015) is very similar to that of
#' Kars et al. (2008), but instead of using a single saturating exponential
#' the model fits a general-order kinetics function of the form:
#' \deqn{\frac{L_x}{T_x}(t^*) = A \phi (t^*)(1 - (1 + (\frac{1}{D_0}) t^* c)^{-1/c})}
#' where \eqn{A}, \eqn{\phi}, \eqn{t^*} and \eqn{D_0} are the same as above and \eqn{c} is a
#' dimensionless kinetic order modifier (cf. equation 10 in
#' Guralnik et al., 2015).
#' **Level of saturation**
#' The [calc_Huntley2006] function also calculates the level of saturation (\eqn{\frac{n}{N}})
#' and the field saturation (i.e. athermal steady state, (n/N)_SS) value for
#' the sample under investigation using the sample specific \eqn{\rho}',
#' unfaded \eqn{D_0} and \eqn{\dot{D}} values, following the approach of Kars et al. (2008).
#' **Uncertainties**
#' Uncertainties are reported at \eqn{1\sigma} and are assumed to be normally
#' distributed and are estimated using Monte-Carlo re-sampling (`n.MC = 1000`)
#' of \eqn{\rho}' and \eqn{\frac{L_x}{T_x}} during dose response curve fitting, and of \eqn{\rho}'
#' in the derivation of (\eqn{n/N}) and (n/N)_SS.
#' **Age calculated from 2D0 of the simulated natural DRC**
#' In addition to the age calculated from the equivalent dose derived from
#' \eqn{\frac{L_n}{T_n}} projected on the simulated natural dose response curve (DRC), this function
#' also calculates an age from twice the characteristic saturation dose (`D0`)
#' of the simulated natural DRC. This can be a useful information for
#' (over)saturated samples (i.e., no intersect of \eqn{\frac{L_n}{T_n}} on the natural DRC)
#' to obtain at least a "minimum age" estimate of the sample. In the console
#' output this value is denoted by *"Age @2D0 (ka):"*.
#' @param data [data.frame] (**required**):
#' A `data.frame` with one of the following structures:
#' - A **three column** data frame with numeric values on a) dose (s), b) `LxTx` and
#' c) `LxTx` error.
#' - If a **two column** data frame is provided it is automatically
#' assumed that errors on `LxTx` are missing. A third column will be attached
#' with an arbitrary 5 \% error on the provided `LxTx` values.
#' - Can also be a **wide table**, i.e. a [data.frame] with a number of columns divisible by 3
#' and where each triplet has the aforementioned column structure.
#' ```
#'                         (optional)
#'      | dose (s)| LxTx | LxTx error |
#'      |  [ ,1]  | [ ,2]|    [ ,3]   |
#'      |---------|------|------------|
#' [1, ]|  0      | LnTn | LnTn error | (optional, see arg 'LnTn')
#' [2, ]|  R1     | L1T1 | L1T1 error |
#'  ... |    ...  |  ... |     ...    |
#' [x, ]|  Rx     | LxTx | LxTx error |
#' ```
#' **NOTE:** The function assumes the first row of the function to be the
#' `Ln/Tn`-value. If you want to provide more than one `Ln/Tn`-value consider
#' using the argument `LnTn`.
#' @param LnTn [data.frame] (**optional**):
#' This argument should **only** be used to provide more than one `Ln/Tn`-value.
#' It assumes a two column data frame with the following structure:
#' ```
#'      |  LnTn  |  LnTn error  |
#'      |  [ ,1] |      [ ,2]   |
#'      |--------|--------------|
#' [1, ]| LnTn_1 | LnTn_1 error |
#' [2, ]| LnTn_2 | LnTn_2 error |
#'  ... |   ...  |      ...     |
#' [x, ]| LnTn_x | LnTn_x error |
#' ```
#' The function will calculate a **mean** `Ln/Tn`-value and uses either the
#' standard deviation or the highest individual error, whichever is larger. If
#' another mean value (e.g. a weighted mean or median) or error is preferred,
#' this value must be calculated beforehand and used in the first row in the
#' data frame for argument `data`.
#' **NOTE:** If you provide `LnTn`-values with this argument the data frame
#' for the `data`-argument **must not** contain any `LnTn`-values!
#' @param rhop [numeric] (**required**):
#' The density of recombination centres (\eqn{\rho}') and its error (see Huntley 2006),
#' given as numeric vector of length two. Note that \eqn{\rho}' must **not** be
#' provided as the common logarithm. Example: `rhop = c(2.92e-06, 4.93e-07)`.
#' @param ddot [numeric] (**required**):
#' Environmental dose rate and its error, given as a numeric vector of length two.
#' Expected unit: Gy/ka. Example: `ddot = c(3.7, 0.4)`.
#' @param readerDdot [numeric] (**required**):
#' Dose rate of the irradiation source of the OSL reader and its error,
#' given as a numeric vector of length two.
#' Expected unit: Gy/s. Example: `readerDdot = c(0.08, 0.01)`.
#' @param fit.method [character] (*with default*):
#' Fit function of the dose response curve. Can either be `EXP` (the default)
#' or `GOK`. Note that `EXP` (single saturating exponential) is the original
#' function the model after Huntley (2006) and Kars et al. (2008) was
#' designed to use. The use of a general-order kinetics function (`GOK`)
#' is an experimental adaptation of the model and should be used
#' with great care.
#' @param lower.bounds [numeric] (*with default*):
#' Only applicable for `fit.method = 'GOK'`. A vector of length 3 that
#' contains the lower bound values for fitting the general-order kinetics
#' function using [minpack.lm::nlsLM]. In most cases, the default values
#' (c(`-Inf, -Inf, -Inf`)) are appropriate for finding a best fit, but
#' sometimes it may be useful to restrict the lower bounds to e.g.
#' c(`0, 0, 0`). The values of the vector are for parameters
#' `a`, `D0` and `c` in that particular order (see details in
#' [Luminescence::fit_DoseResponseCurve]).
#' @param normalise [logical] (*with default*): If `TRUE` (the default) all measured and computed \eqn{\frac{L_x}{T_x}} values are normalised by the pre-exponential factor `A` (see details).
#' @param summary [logical] (*with default*):
#' If `TRUE` (the default) various parameters provided by the user
#' and calculated by the model are added as text on the right-hand side of the
#' plot.
#' @param plot [logical] (*with default*):
#' enables/disables plot output.
#' @param ...
#' Further parameters:
#' - `verbose` [logical]: Show or hide console output
#' - `n.MC` [numeric]: Number of Monte Carlo iterations (default = `10000`).
#' **Note** that it is generally advised to have a large number of Monte Carlo
#' iterations for the results to converge. Decreasing the number of iterations
#' will often result in unstable estimates.
#' All other arguments are passed to [plot] and [fit_DoseResponseCurve] (in particular
#' `mode` for the fit mode and `fit.force_through_origin`)
#' @return An [RLum.Results-class] object is returned:
#' Slot: **@data**\cr
#' \tabular{lll}{
#' **OBJECT** \tab **TYPE** \tab **COMMENT**\cr
#' `results` \tab [data.frame] \tab results of the of Kars et al. 2008 model \cr
#' `data` \tab [data.frame] \tab original input data \cr
#' `Ln` \tab [numeric] \tab Ln and its error \cr
#' `LxTx_tables` \tab `list` \tab A `list` of `data.frames` containing data on dose,
#'  LxTx and LxTx error for each of the dose response curves.
#'  Note that these **do not** contain the natural Ln signal, which is provided separately. \cr
#' `fits` \tab `list` \tab A `list` of `nls` objects produced by [minpack.lm::nlsLM] when fitting the dose response curves \cr
#' }
#' Slot: **@info**\cr
#' \tabular{lll}{
#' **OBJECT** \tab **TYPE** \tab **COMMENT** \cr
#' `call` \tab `call` \tab the original function call \cr
#' `args` \tab `list` \tab arguments of the original function call \cr
#' }
#' @section Function version: 0.4.5
#' @author
#' Georgina E. King, University of Lausanne (Switzerland) \cr
#' Christoph Burow, University of Cologne (Germany) \cr
#' Sebastian Kreutzer, Ruprecht-Karl University of Heidelberg (Germany)
#' @keywords datagen
#' @note This function has BETA status, in particular for the GOK implementation. Please verify
#' your results carefully
#' @references
#' Kars, R.H., Wallinga, J., Cohen, K.M., 2008. A new approach towards anomalous fading correction for feldspar
#' IRSL dating-tests on samples in field saturation. Radiation Measurements 43, 786-790. doi:10.1016/j.radmeas.2008.01.021
#' Guralnik, B., Li, B., Jain, M., Chen, R., Paris, R.B., Murray, A.S., Li, S.-H., Pagonis, P.,
#' Herman, F., 2015. Radiation-induced growth and isothermal decay of infrared-stimulated luminescence
#' from feldspar. Radiation Measurements 81, 224-231.
#' Huntley, D.J., 2006. An explanation of the power-law decay of luminescence.
#' Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 18, 1359-1365. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/18/4/020
#' King, G.E., Herman, F., Lambert, R., Valla, P.G., Guralnik, B., 2016.
#' Multi-OSL-thermochronometry of feldspar. Quaternary Geochronology 33, 76-87. doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2016.01.004
#' **Further reading**
#' Morthekai, P., Jain, M., Cunha, P.P., Azevedo, J.M., Singhvi, A.K., 2011. An attempt to correct
#' for the fading in million year old basaltic rocks. Geochronometria 38(3), 223-230.
#' @examples
#' ## Load example data (sample UNIL/NB123, see ?ExampleData.Fading)
#' data("ExampleData.Fading", envir = environment())
#' ## (1) Set all relevant parameters
#' # a. fading measurement data (IR50)
#' fading_data <- ExampleData.Fading$fading.data$IR50
#' # b. Dose response curve data
#' data <- ExampleData.Fading$equivalentDose.data$IR50
#' ## (2) Define required function parameters
#' ddot <- c(7.00, 0.004)
#' readerDdot <- c(0.134, 0.0067)
#' # Analyse fading measurement and get an estimate of rho'.
#' # Note that the RLum.Results object can be directly used for further processing.
#' # The number of MC runs is reduced for this example
#' rhop <- analyse_FadingMeasurement(fading_data, plot = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, n.MC = 10)
#' ## (3) Apply the Kars et al. (2008) model to the data
#' kars <- calc_Huntley2006(
#'  data = data,
#'  rhop = rhop,
#'  ddot = ddot,
#'  readerDdot = readerDdot,
#'  n.MC = 25)
#' \dontrun{
#' # You can also provide LnTn values separately via the 'LnTn' argument.
#' # Note, however, that the data frame for 'data' must then NOT contain
#' # a LnTn value. See argument descriptions!
#' LnTn <- data.frame(
#'  LnTn = c(1.84833, 2.24833),
#'  nTn.error = c(0.17, 0.22))
#' LxTx <- data[2:nrow(data), ]
#' kars <- calc_Huntley2006(
#'  data = LxTx,
#'  LnTn = LnTn,
#'  rhop = rhop,
#'  ddot = ddot,
#'  readerDdot = readerDdot,
#'  n.MC = 25)
#' }
#' @md
#' @export
calc_Huntley2006 <- function(
    LnTn = NULL,
    normalise = TRUE,
    fit.method = c("EXP", "GOK"),
    lower.bounds = c(-Inf, -Inf, -Inf, -Inf),
    summary = TRUE,
    plot = TRUE,
) {
  on.exit(.unset_function_name(), add = TRUE)

  ## Validate Input ---------------------------------------------------------

  .validate_class(data, "data.frame")

  ## Check fit method
  fit.method <- .validate_args(fit.method, c("EXP", "GOK"))

  ## Check length of lower.bounds
  if (fit.method[1] == "GOK" && length(lower.bounds) != 4)
    .throw_error("Argument 'lower.bounds' must be of length 4.")

  ## Check 'data'
  # must be a data frame
  if (is.data.frame(data)) {

    if (ncol(data) == 2) {
      .throw_warning("'data' only had two columns. We assumed that the ",
                     "errors on LxTx were missing and automatically added ",
                     "a 5% error.\n",
                     "Please provide a data frame with three columns ",
                     "if you wish to use actually measured LxTx errors.")
      data[ ,3] <- data[ ,2] * 0.05

    # Check if 'LnTn' is used and overwrite 'data'
    if (!is.null(LnTn)) {
      if (!is.data.frame(LnTn) || ncol(LnTn) != 2)
        .throw_error("'LnTn' must be a data frame with 2 columns")
      if (ncol(data) > 3)
        .throw_error("When 'LnTn' is specified, the 'data' data frame ",
                     "must have only 2 or 3 columns")

      # case 1: only one LnTn value
      if (nrow(LnTn) == 1) {
        LnTn <- setNames(cbind(0, LnTn), names(data))
        data <- rbind(LnTn, data)

        # case 2: >1 LnTn value
      } else {
        LnTn_mean <- mean(LnTn[ ,1])
        LnTn_sd <- sd(LnTn[ ,1])
        LnTn_error <- max(LnTn_sd, LnTn[ ,2])
        LnTn <- setNames(data.frame(0, LnTn_mean, LnTn_error), names(data))
        data <- rbind(LnTn, data)


    # check number of columns
    if (ncol(data) %% 3 != 0) {
      .throw_error("The number of columns in 'data' must be a multiple of 3.")
    } else {
      # extract all LxTx values
      data_tmp <- do.call(rbind,
                          lapply(seq(1, ncol(data), 3), function(col) {
                            setNames(data[2:nrow(data), col:c(col+2)], c("dose", "LxTx", "LxTxError"))

      # extract the LnTn values (assumed to be the first row) and calculate the column mean
      LnTn_tmp <- do.call(rbind,
                          lapply(seq(1, ncol(data), 3), function(col) {
                            setNames(data[1, col:c(col+2)], c("dose", "LxTx", "LxTxError"))

      # check whether the standard deviation of LnTn estimates or the largest
      # individual error is highest, and take the larger one
      LnTn_error_tmp <- max(c(sd(LnTn_tmp[ ,2]), mean(LnTn_tmp[ ,3])), na.rm = TRUE)
      LnTn_tmp <- colMeans(LnTn_tmp)

      # re-bind the data frame
      data <- rbind(LnTn_tmp, data_tmp)
      data[1, 3] <- LnTn_error_tmp
      data <- data[complete.cases(data), ]

  ## Check 'rhop'
  .validate_class(rhop, c("numeric", "RLum.Results"))

  # check if numeric
  if (is.numeric(rhop)) {

    ### TODO: can be of length 2 if error
    if (length(rhop) != 2)
      .throw_error("'rhop' must be a vector of length 2.")

    # alternatively, and RLum.Results object produced by analyse_FadingMeasurement()
    # can be provided
  } else if (inherits(rhop, "RLum.Results")) {

    if (rhop@originator == "analyse_FadingMeasurement")
      rhop <- c(rhop@data$rho_prime$MEAN,
      .throw_error("'rhop' accepts RLum.Results objects only if produced ",
                   "by 'analyse_FadingMeasurement()'")

  # check if 'rhop' is actually a positive value
  if (any(is.na(rhop)) || !rhop[1] > 0 || any(is.infinite(rhop))) {
    .throw_error("'rhop' must be a positive number. Provided value ",
                 "was: ", signif(rhop[1], 3), " \u2213 ", signif(rhop[2], 3))

  ## Check ddot & readerDdot
  # check if numeric
  if (any(sapply(list(ddot, readerDdot), is.numeric) == FALSE))
    .throw_error("'ddot' and 'readerDdot' must be numeric vectors.")
  # check if length == 2
  if (any(sapply(list(ddot, readerDdot), function(x) length(x) == 2) == FALSE))
    .throw_error("'ddot' and 'readerDdot' must be of length 2.")

  ## Settings ------------------------------------------------------------------
  settings <- modifyList(
      verbose = TRUE,
      n.MC = 10000),

  ## Define Constants ----------------------------------------------------------
  kb <- 8.617343 * 1e-5
  alpha <- 1
  Hs <- 3e15 # s value after Huntley (2006)
  Ma <- 1e6 * 365.25 * 24 * 3600 #in seconds
  ka <- Ma / 1000 #in seconds

  ## Define Functions ----------------------------------------------------------
  # fit data using using Eq 5. from Kars et al (2008) employing
  # theta after King et al. (2016)
  theta <- function(t, r) {
    res <- exp(-r * log(1.8 * Hs * (0.5 * t))^3)
    res[!is.finite(res)] <- 0

  ## Preprocessing -------------------------------------------------------------
  readerDdot.error <- readerDdot[2]
  readerDdot <- readerDdot[1]
  ddot.error <- ddot[2]
  ddot <- ddot[1]

  colnames(data) <- c("dose", "LxTx", "LxTx.Error")
  dosetime <- data[["dose"]][2:nrow(data)]
  LxTx.measured <- data[["LxTx"]][2:nrow(data)]
  LxTx.measured.error <- data[["LxTx.Error"]][2:nrow(data)]

  #Keep LnTn separate for derivation of measured fraction of saturation
  Ln <- data[["LxTx"]][1]
  Ln.error <- data[["LxTx.Error"]][1]

  ## (1) MEASURED ----------------------------------------------------
  if (settings$verbose) cat("\n")

  data.tmp <- data
  data.tmp[ ,1] <- data.tmp[ ,1] * readerDdot

  GC.settings <- list(
    sample = data.tmp,
    mode = "interpolation",
    fit.method = fit.method[1],
    fit.bounds = TRUE,
    output.plot = plot,
    main = "Measured dose response curve",
    xlab = "Dose (Gy)",
    fit.force_through_origin = FALSE,
    verbose = FALSE)

  GC.settings <- modifyList(GC.settings, list(...))
  GC.settings$verbose <- FALSE

  ## take of force_through origin settings
  force_through_origin <- GC.settings$fit.force_through_origin

  ## call the fitting
  GC.measured <- try(do.call(fit_DoseResponseCurve, GC.settings))

  if (inherits(GC.measured$Fit, "try-error"))
    .throw_error("Unable to fit growth curve to measured data, try setting ",
                 "'fit.bounds = FALSE'")

  # extract results and calculate age
  GC.results <- get_RLum(GC.measured)
  fit_measured <- GC.measured@data$Fit
  De.measured <- GC.results$De
  De.measured.error <- GC.results$De.Error
  D0.measured <- GC.results$D01
  D0.measured.error <- GC.results$D01.ERROR
  Age.measured <- De.measured/ ddot
  Age.measured.error <- Age.measured * sqrt( (De.measured.error / De.measured)^2 +
                                               (readerDdot.error / readerDdot)^2 +
                                               (ddot.error / ddot)^2)

  ## (2) SIMULATED -----------------------------------------------------
  # create MC samples
  rhop_MC <- rnorm(n = settings$n.MC, mean = rhop[1], sd = rhop[2])

  ## do the fitting
  fitcoef <- do.call(rbind, sapply(rhop_MC, function(rhop_i) {
    if (fit.method[1] == "EXP") {
      fit_sim <- try({
          LxTx.measured ~ a * theta(dosetime, rhop_i) * (1 - exp(-(dosetime + c)/ D0)),
          start = list(
            a = coef(fit_measured)[["a"]],
            c = coef(fit_measured)[["c"]],
            D0 = D0.measured / readerDdot),
          lower = lower.bounds[1:3],
          upper = if(force_through_origin) c(a = Inf, c = 0, D0 = Inf) else rep(Inf,3),
          control = list(maxiter = settings$maxiter))
        }, silent = TRUE)

    } else if (fit.method[1] == "GOK") {
      fit_sim <- try({
          LxTx.measured ~ a * theta(dosetime, rhop_i) * (d-(1+(1/D0)*dosetime*c)^(-1/c)),
          start = list(
            a = coef(fit_measured)[["a"]],
            D0 = D0.measured / readerDdot,
            c = coef(fit_measured)[["c"]] * ddot,
            d = coef(fit_measured)[["d"]]),
          upper = if(force_through_origin) {
             c(a = Inf, D0 = Inf, c = Inf, d = 1)
            } else {
            rep(Inf, 4)},
          lower = lower.bounds,
          control = list(maxiter = settings$maxiter))},
        silent = TRUE)

    if (!inherits(fit_sim, "try-error"))
      coefs <- coef(fit_sim)
      coefs <- c(a = NA, D0 = NA, c = NA, d = NA)
  }, simplify = FALSE))

  # final fit for export
  # fit_simulated <- minpack.lm::nlsLM(LxTx.measured ~ a * theta(dosetime, rhop[1]) * (1 - exp(-dosetime / D0)),
  #                      start = list(a = max(LxTx.measured), D0 = D0.measured / readerDdot))

  # scaling factor
  A <- mean(fitcoef[, "a"], na.rm = TRUE)
  A.error <- sd(fitcoef[ ,"a"], na.rm = TRUE)

  # calculate measured fraction of saturation
  nN <- Ln / A
  nN.error <- nN * sqrt( (Ln.error / Ln)^2 + (A.error / A)^2)

  # compute a natural dose response curve following the assumptions of
  # Morthekai et al. 2011, Geochronometria
  # natdosetime <- seq(0, 1e14, length.out = settings$n.MC)
  # natdosetimeGray <- natdosetime * ddot / ka

  # calculate D0 dose in seconds
  computedD0 <- (fitcoef[ ,"D0"] * readerDdot) / (ddot / ka)

  # Legacy code:
  # This is an older approximation to calculate the natural dose response curve,
  # which sometimes tended to slightly underestimate nN_ss. This is now replaced
  # with the newer approach below.
  # compute natural dose response curve
  # LxTx.sim <- A * theta(natdosetime, rhop[1]) * (1 - exp(-natdosetime / mean(computedD0, na.rm = TRUE) ))
  # warning("LxTx Curve: ", round(max(LxTx.sim) / A, 3), call. = FALSE)

  # compute natural dose response curve
  ddots <- ddot / ka
  natdosetimeGray <- c(0, exp(seq(1, log(max(data[ ,1]) * 2), length.out = 999)))
  natdosetime <- natdosetimeGray
  rprime <- seq(0.01, 5, length.out = 500)
  pr <- 3 * rprime^2 * exp(-rprime^3) # Huntley 2006, eq. 3
  K <- Hs * exp(-rhop[1]^-(1/3) * rprime)
  TermA <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(rprime), ncol = length(natdosetime))
  UFD0 <- mean(fitcoef[ ,"D0"], na.rm = TRUE) * readerDdot

  if(fit.method[1] == "EXP")
    c_exp <- mean(fitcoef[ ,"c"], na.rm = TRUE)

  if (fit.method[1] == "GOK") {
    c_gok <- mean(fitcoef[ ,"c"], na.rm = TRUE)

    ## prevent negative c_gok values, which will cause NaN values
    if(c_gok < 0) c_gok <- 1

    d_gok <- mean(fitcoef[ ,"d"], na.rm = TRUE)

  for (j in 1:length(natdosetime)) {
    for (k in 1:length(rprime)) {
      if (fit.method[1] == "EXP") {
        TermA[k,j] <- A * pr[k] *
          ((ddots / UFD0) / (ddots / UFD0 + K[k]) *
             (1 - exp(-(natdosetime[j] + c_exp) * (1 / UFD0 + K[k]/ddots))))
      } else if (fit.method[1] == "GOK") {
        TermA[k,j] <- A * pr[k] * (ddots / UFD0) / (ddots / UFD0 + K[k]) *
          (d_gok-(1+(1/UFD0 + K[k]/ddots) * natdosetime[j] * c_gok)^(-1/c_gok))

  LxTx.sim <- colSums(TermA) / sum(pr)
  # warning("LxTx Curve (new): ", round(max(LxTx.sim) / A, 3), call. = FALSE)

  # calculate Age
  positive <- which(diff(LxTx.sim) > 0)

  data.unfaded <- data.frame(
    dose = c(0, natdosetimeGray[positive]),
    LxTx = c(Ln, LxTx.sim[positive]),
    LxTx.error = c(Ln.error, LxTx.sim[positive] * A.error/A))

  data.unfaded$LxTx.error[2] <- 0.0001

  GC.settings <- list(
    sample = data.unfaded,
    mode = "interpolation",
    fit.method = fit.method[1],
    fit.bounds = TRUE,
    output.plot = plot,
    fit.force_through_origin = FALSE,
    verbose = FALSE,
    main = "Simulated dose response curve",
    xlab = "Dose (Gy)"

  GC.settings <- modifyList(GC.settings, list(...))

  GC.settings$verbose <- FALSE

  ## calculate simulated DE
    GC.simulated <- try(do.call(fit_DoseResponseCurve, GC.settings))

  if (!inherits(GC.simulated, "try-error")) {
    GC.simulated.results <- get_RLum(GC.simulated)
    fit_simulated <- get_RLum(GC.simulated, "Fit")
    De.sim <- GC.simulated.results$De

    De.error.sim <- GC.simulated.results$De.Error

    # derive simulated D0
    D0.sim.Gy <- GC.simulated.results$D01
    D0.sim.Gy.error <- GC.simulated.results$D01.ERROR

    Age.sim <- De.sim / ddot
    Age.sim.error <- Age.sim * sqrt( ( De.error.sim/ De.sim)^2 +
                                       (readerDdot.error / readerDdot)^2 +
                                       (ddot.error / ddot)^2)

    Age.sim.2D0 <- 2 * D0.sim.Gy / ddot
    Age.sim.2D0.error <- Age.sim.2D0 * sqrt( ( D0.sim.Gy.error / D0.sim.Gy)^2 +
                                               (readerDdot.error / readerDdot)^2 +
                                               (ddot.error / ddot)^2)

  } else {
    De.sim <- De.error.sim <- Age.sim <- Age.sim.error <- fit_simulated <- D0.sim.Gy <- D0.sim.Gy.error <-  NA
    Age.sim.2D0 <- Age.sim.2D0.error <- NA


  if (Ln > max(LxTx.sim) * 1.1)
    .throw_warning("Ln is >10 % larger than the maximum computed LxTx value.",
                   " The De and age should be regarded as infinite estimates.")

  if (Ln < min(LxTx.sim) * 0.95)
    .throw_warning("Ln/Tn is smaller than the minimum computed LxTx value.",
                   "If, in consequence, your age result is NA, either your ",
                   "input values are unsuitable, or you should consider using ",
                   "a different model for your dataset")

  # Estimate nN_(steady state) by Monte Carlo Simulation
  ddot_MC <- rnorm(n = settings$n.MC, mean = ddot, sd = ddot.error)
  UFD0_MC <- rnorm(n = settings$n.MC, mean = D0.sim.Gy, sd = D0.sim.Gy.error)

  nN_SS_MC <- mapply(function(rhop_i, ddot_i, UFD0_i) {
    rprime <- seq(0.01, 5, length.out = settings$n.MC)
    rho <- 3 * alpha^3 * rhop_i / (4 * pi)
    r <- rprime / (4 * pi * rho / 3)^(1 / 3)
    pr <- 3 * rprime^2 * exp(-rprime^3)
    tau <- ((1 / Hs) * exp(1)^(alpha * r)) / ka
    Ls <- 1 / (1 + UFD0_i / (ddot_i * tau))
    Lstrap <- (pr * Ls) / sum(pr)

    # field saturation
    nN_SS_i <- sum(Lstrap)

  }, rhop_MC, ddot_MC, UFD0_MC, SIMPLIFY = TRUE)

  nN_SS <- suppressWarnings(exp(mean(log(nN_SS_MC), na.rm = TRUE)))
  nN_SS.error <- suppressWarnings(nN_SS * abs(sd(log(nN_SS_MC), na.rm = TRUE) / mean(log(nN_SS_MC), na.rm = TRUE)))

  ## legacy code for debugging purposes
  ## nN_SS is often lognormally distributed, so we now take the mean and sd
  ## of the log values.
  # warning(mean(nN_SS_MC, na.rm = TRUE))
  # warning(sd(nN_SS_MC, na.rm = TRUE))

  ## (3) UNFADED ---------------------------------------------------------------
  LxTx.unfaded <- LxTx.measured / theta(dosetime, rhop[1])
  LxTx.unfaded[is.nan((LxTx.unfaded))] <- 0
  LxTx.unfaded[is.infinite(LxTx.unfaded)] <- 0
  dosetimeGray <- dosetime * readerDdot
  if (fit.method[1] == "EXP" || fit.method[1] == "GOK") {
    ## we let it run regardless of the selection
    fit_unfaded <- minpack.lm::nlsLM(
      LxTx.unfaded ~ a * (1 - exp(-(dosetimeGray + c) / D0)),
      start = list(
        a = coef(fit_simulated)[["a"]],
        c = coef(fit_simulated)[["c"]],
        D0 = D0.measured / readerDdot),
        upper = if(force_through_origin) {
           c(a = Inf, c = 0, D0 = max(dosetimeGray))
          } else {
           c(Inf, Inf, max(dosetimeGray))
        lower = lower.bounds[1:3],
      control = list(maxiter = settings$maxiter)) }

  if (fit.method[1] == "GOK") {
    fit_unfaded <- try(minpack.lm::nlsLM(
      LxTx.unfaded ~ a * (d-(1+(1/D0)*dosetimeGray*c)^(-1/c)),
      start = list(
        a = coef(fit_unfaded)[["a"]],
        D0 = coef(fit_unfaded)[["D0"]],
        c = coef(fit_unfaded)[["c"]],
        d = coef(fit_simulated)[["d"]]),
      upper = if(force_through_origin) {
        c(a = Inf, D0 = max(dosetimeGray), c = Inf, d = 1)
       } else {
        c(Inf, max(dosetimeGray), Inf, Inf)},
      lower = lower.bounds[1:4],
      control = list(maxiter = settings$maxiter)), silent = TRUE)

    if(inherits(fit_unfaded, "try-error"))
      .throw_error("Could not fit simulated curve, check suitability of ",
                   "model and parameters")

  D0.unfaded <- coef(fit_unfaded)[["D0"]]
  D0.error.unfaded <- summary(fit_unfaded)$coefficients["D0", "Std. Error"]

  ## Create LxTx tables --------------------------------------------------------
  # normalise by A (saturation point of the un-faded curve)
  if (normalise) {
    LxTx.measured.relErr <- (LxTx.measured.error / LxTx.measured)
    LxTx.measured <- LxTx.measured / A
    LxTx.measured.error <- LxTx.measured * LxTx.measured.relErr

    LxTx.sim <- LxTx.sim / A
    LxTx.unfaded <- LxTx.unfaded / A

    Ln.relErr <- Ln.error / Ln
    Ln <- Ln / A
    Ln.error <- Ln * Ln.relErr

  # combine all computed LxTx values
  LxTx_measured <- data.frame(
    dose = dosetimeGray,
    LxTx = LxTx.measured,
    LxTx.Error = LxTx.measured.error)

  LxTx_simulated <- data.frame(
    dose = natdosetimeGray,
    LxTx = LxTx.sim,
    LxTx.Error = LxTx.sim * A.error / A)

  LxTx_unfaded <- data.frame(
    dose = dosetimeGray,
    LxTx = LxTx.unfaded,
    LxTx.Error = LxTx.unfaded * A.error / A)

  ## Plot settings -------------------------------------------------------------
  plot.settings <- modifyList(list(
    main = "Dose response curves",
    xlab = "Dose (Gy)",
    ylab = ifelse(normalise, "normalised LxTx (a.u.)", "LxTx (a.u.)")
  ), list(...))

  ## Plotting ------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (plot) {
    ### par settings ---------
    # set plot parameters
    par.old.full <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

    # set graphical parameters
    par(mfrow = c(1,1), mar = c(4.5, 4, 4, 4), cex = 0.8)
    if (summary)
      par(oma = c(0, 3, 0, 9))
      par(oma = c(0, 9, 0, 9))

    # Find a good estimate of the x-axis limits
    if(GC.settings$mode == "extrapolation" & !force_through_origin) {
      dosetimeGray <- c(-De.measured - De.measured.error, dosetimeGray)
      De.measured <- -De.measured

    xlim <- range(pretty(dosetimeGray))
    if (!is.na(De.sim) & De.sim > xlim[2])
      xlim <- range(pretty(c(min(dosetimeGray), De.sim)))

    # Create figure after Kars et al. (2008) contrasting the dose response curves
    ## open plot window ------------
      x = dosetimeGray[dosetimeGray >= 0],
      y = LxTx_measured$LxTx,
      main = plot.settings$main,
      xlab = plot.settings$xlab,
      ylab = plot.settings$ylab,
      pch = 16,
      ylim = c(0, max(do.call(rbind, list(LxTx_measured, LxTx_unfaded))[["LxTx"]])),
      xlim = xlim

    ##add ablines for extrapolation
    if(GC.settings$mode == "extrapolation")
      abline(v = 0, h = 0, col = "gray")

    # LxTx error bars
    segments(x0 = dosetimeGray[dosetimeGray >= 0],
             y0 = LxTx_measured$LxTx + LxTx_measured$LxTx.Error,
             x1 = dosetimeGray[dosetimeGray >= 0],
             y1 = LxTx_measured$LxTx - LxTx_measured$LxTx.Error,
             col = "black")

    # re-calculate the measured dose response curve in Gray
    xNew <- seq(par()$usr[1],par()$usr[2], length.out = 200)
    yNew <- predict(GC.measured@data$Fit, list(x = xNew))
    if (normalise)
      yNew <- yNew / A

    ## add measured curve -------
    lines(xNew, yNew, col  = "black")

    # add error polygon
    polygon(x = c(natdosetimeGray, rev(natdosetimeGray)),
            y = c(LxTx_simulated$LxTx + LxTx_simulated$LxTx.Error,
                  rev(LxTx_simulated$LxTx - LxTx_simulated$LxTx.Error)),
            col = adjustcolor("grey", alpha.f = 0.5), border = NA)

    ## add simulated curve -------
      x = natdosetimeGray,
      y = LxTx_simulated$LxTx,
      type = "l",
      lty = 3)

    # Ln and DE as points
    points(x = if(GC.settings$mode == "extrapolation")
                rep(De.measured, 2)
                 c(0, De.measured),
           y = if(GC.settings$mode == "extrapolation")
                c(Ln, Ln),
           col = "red",
           pch = c(2, 16))

    # Ln error bar
    segments(x0 = 0, y0 = Ln - Ln.error,
             x1 = 0, y1 = Ln + Ln.error,
             col = "red")

    # Ln as a horizontal line
    lines(x = if(GC.settings$mode == "extrapolation")
                c(0, min(c(De.measured, De.sim), na.rm = TRUE))
                c(par()$usr[1], max(c(De.measured, De.sim), na.rm = TRUE)),
          y = c(Ln, Ln),
          col = "red ", lty = 3)

    #vertical line of measured DE
    lines(x = c(De.measured, De.measured),
          y = c(par()$usr[3], Ln),
          col = "red",
          lty = 3)

    # add legends
           legend = c(
             "Unfaded DRC",
             "Measured DRC",
             "Simulated natural DRC"),
           lty = c(5, 1, 3),
           bty = "n",
           cex = 0.8)

    # add vertical line of simulated De
    if (!is.na(De.sim)) {
      lines(x = if(GC.settings$mode == "extrapolation")
                  c(-De.sim, -De.sim)
                  c(De.sim, De.sim),
            y = c(par()$usr[3], Ln),
            col = "red", lty = 3)

      points(x = if(GC.settings$mode == "extrapolation") -De.sim else De.sim,
             y = if(GC.settings$mode == "extrapolation") 0 else Ln,
             col = "red" , pch = 16)
    } else {
      lines(x = c(De.measured, xlim[2]),
            y = c(Ln, Ln),
            col = "black", lty = 3)

    # add unfaded DRC --------
    yNew <- predict(fit_unfaded, list(dosetimeGray = xNew))
    if (normalise)
      yNew <- yNew / A

    lines(xNew, yNew, col  = "black", lty = 5)

    points(x = dosetimeGray[dosetimeGray >= 0],
           y = LxTx_unfaded$LxTx,
           col = "black")

    # LxTx error bars
      x0 = dosetimeGray[dosetimeGray >= 0],
      y0 = LxTx_unfaded$LxTx + LxTx_unfaded$LxTx.Error,
      x1 = dosetimeGray[dosetimeGray >= 0],
      y1 = LxTx_unfaded$LxTx - LxTx_unfaded$LxTx.Error,
      col = "black")

    # add text
    if (summary) {
      # define labels as expressions
      labels.text <- list(
        bquote(dot(D) == .(format(ddot, digits = 2, nsmall = 2)) %+-% .(round(as.numeric(format(ddot.error, digits = 3, nsmall = 3)), 3)) ~ frac(Gy, ka)),
        bquote(dot(D)["Reader"] == .(format(readerDdot, digits = 2, nsmall = 2)) %+-% .(round(as.numeric(format(readerDdot.error, digits = 3, nsmall = 3)), 3)) ~ frac(Gy, s)),
        bquote(log[10]~(rho~"'") == .(format(log10(rhop[1]), digits = 2, nsmall = 2)) %+-% .(round(as.numeric(format(rhop[2] / (rhop[1] * log(10, base = exp(1))), digits = 2, nsmall = 2)), 2)) ),
        bquote(bgroup("(", frac(n, N), ")") == .(format(nN, digits = 2, nsmall = 2)) %+-% .(round(as.numeric(format(nN.error, digits = 2, nsmall = 2)), 2)) ),
        bquote(bgroup("(", frac(n, N), ")")[SS] == .(format(nN_SS, digits = 2, nsmall = 2)) %+-% .(round(as.numeric(format(nN_SS.error, digits = 2, nsmall = 2)), 2)) ),
        bquote(D["E,sim"] == .(format(De.sim, digits = 1, nsmall = 0)) %+-% .(format(De.error.sim, digits = 1, nsmall = 0)) ~ Gy),
        bquote(D["0,sim"] == .(format(D0.sim.Gy, digits = 1, nsmall = 0)) %+-% .(format(D0.sim.Gy.error, digits = 1, nsmall = 0)) ~ Gy),
        bquote(Age["sim"] == .(format(Age.sim, digits = 1, nsmall = 0)) %+-% .(format(Age.sim.error, digits = 1, nsmall = 0)) ~ ka)

      # each of the labels is positioned at 1/10 of the available y-axis space
      ypos <- seq(range(axTicks(2))[2], range(axTicks(2))[1], length.out = 10)[1:length(labels.text)]

      # allow overprinting
      par(xpd = NA)

      # add labels iteratively
      mapply(function(label, pos) {
        text(x = max(axTicks(1)) * 1.05,
             y = pos,
             labels = label,
             pos = 4)
      }, labels.text, ypos)

    # recover plot parameters
    on.exit(par(par.old.full), add = TRUE)


  ## Results -------------------------------------------------------------------
  results <- set_RLum(
    class = "RLum.Results",
    data = list(
      results = data.frame(
        "nN" = nN,
        "nN.error" = nN.error,
        "nN_SS" = nN_SS,
        "nN_SS.error" = nN_SS.error,
        "Meas_De" = abs(De.measured),
        "Meas_De.error" = De.measured.error,
        "Meas_D0" =  D0.measured,
        "Meas_D0.error" = D0.measured.error,
        "Meas_Age" = Age.measured,
        "Meas_Age.error" = Age.measured.error,
        "Sim_De" = De.sim,
        "Sim_De.error" = De.error.sim,
        "Sim_D0" = D0.sim.Gy,
        "Sim_D0.error" = D0.sim.Gy.error,
        "Sim_Age" = Age.sim,
        "Sim_Age.error" = Age.sim.error,
        "Sim_Age_2D0" = Age.sim.2D0,
        "Sim_Age_2D0.error" = Age.sim.2D0.error,
        "Unfaded_D0" = D0.unfaded,
        "Unfaded_D0.error" = D0.error.unfaded,
        row.names = NULL),
      data = data,
      Ln = c(Ln, Ln.error),
      LxTx_tables = list(
        simulated = LxTx_simulated,
        measured = LxTx_measured,
        unfaded = LxTx_unfaded),
      fits = list(
        simulated = fit_simulated,
        measured = fit_measured,
        unfaded = fit_unfaded
    info = list(
      call = sys.call(),
      args = as.list(sys.call())[-1])

  ## Console output ------------------------------------------------------------
  if (settings$verbose) {
    cat("\n -------------------------------")
    cat("\n (n/N) [-]:\t",
        round(results@data$results$nN, 2), "\u00b1",
        round(results@data$results$nN.error, 2))
    cat("\n (n/N)_SS [-]:\t",
        round(results@data$results$nN_SS, 2),"\u00b1",
        round(results@data$results$nN_SS.error, 2))
    cat("\n\n ---------- Measured -----------")
    cat("\n DE [Gy]:\t",
        round(results@data$results$Meas_De, 2), "\u00b1",
        round(results@data$results$Meas_De.error, 2))
    cat("\n D0 [Gy]:\t",
        round(results@data$results$Meas_D0, 2), "\u00b1",
        round(results@data$results$Meas_D0.error, 2))
    if (fit.method[1] == "GOK") {
      cat("\n c [-]:\t\t",
          round(summary(fit_measured)$coefficients["c", "Estimate"], 2), "\u00b1",
          round(summary(fit_measured)$coefficients["c", "Std. Error"], 2))
    cat("\n Age [ka]:\t",
        round(results@data$results$Meas_Age, 2), "\u00b1",
        round(results@data$results$Meas_Age.error, 2))
    cat("\n\n ---------- Un-faded -----------")
    cat("\n D0 [Gy]:\t",
        round(results@data$results$Unfaded_D0, 2), "\u00b1",
        round(results@data$results$Unfaded_D0.error, 2))
    if (fit.method[1] == "GOK") {
      cat("\n c [-]:\t\t",
          round(summary(fit_unfaded)$coefficients["c", "Estimate"], 2), "\u00b1",
          round(summary(fit_unfaded)$coefficients["c", "Std. Error"], 2))
    cat("\n\n ---------- Simulated ----------")
    cat("\n DE [Gy]:\t",
        round(results@data$results$Sim_De, 2), "\u00b1",
        round(results@data$results$Sim_De.error, 2))
    cat("\n D0 [Gy]:\t",
        round(results@data$results$Sim_D0, 2), "\u00b1",
        round(results@data$results$Sim_D0.error, 2))
    if (fit.method[1] == "GOK") {
      cat("\n c [-]:\t\t",
          round(summary(fit_simulated)$coefficients["c", "Estimate"], 2), "\u00b1",
          round(summary(fit_simulated)$coefficients["c", "Std. Error"], 2))
    cat("\n Age [ka]:\t",
        round(results@data$results$Sim_Age, 2), "\u00b1",
        round(results@data$results$Sim_Age.error, 2))
    cat("\n Age @2D0 [ka]:\t",
        round(results@data$results$Sim_Age_2D0, 2), "\u00b1",
        round(results@data$results$Sim_Age_2D0.error, 2))
    cat("\n -------------------------------\n\n")


  ## Return value --------------------------------------------------------------
R-Lum/Luminescence documentation built on Oct. 16, 2024, 5:49 a.m.