
Defines functions plot_KDE

Documented in plot_KDE

#' Plot kernel density estimate with statistics
#' Plot a kernel density estimate of measurement values in combination with the
#' actual values and associated error bars in ascending order. If enabled, the
#' boxplot will show the usual distribution parameters (median as
#' bold line, box delimited by the first and third quartile, whiskers defined
#' by the extremes and outliers shown as points) and also the mean and
#' standard deviation as pale bold line and pale polygon, respectively.
#' The function allows passing several plot arguments, such as `main`,
#' `xlab`, `cex`. However, as the figure is an overlay of two
#' separate plots, `ylim` must be specified in the order: c(ymin_axis1,
#' ymax_axis1, ymin_axis2, ymax_axis2) when using the cumulative values plot
#' option. See examples for some further explanations. For details on the
#' calculation of the bin-width (parameter `bw`) see
#' [density].
#' A statistic summary, i.e. a collection of statistic measures of
#' centrality and dispersion (and further measures) can be added by specifying
#' one or more of the following keywords:
#' - `"n"` (number of samples)
#' - `"mean"` (mean De value)
#' - `"median"` (median of the De values)
#' - `"sd.rel"` (relative standard deviation in percent)
#' - `"sd.abs"` (absolute standard deviation)
#' - `"se.rel"` (relative standard error)
#' - `"se.abs"` (absolute standard error)
#' - `"in.2s"` (percent of samples in 2-sigma range)
#' - `"kurtosis"` (kurtosis)
#' - `"skewness"` (skewness)
#' **Note** that the input data for the statistic summary is sent to the function
#' `calc_Statistics()` depending on the log-option for the z-scale. If
#' `"log.z = TRUE"`, the summary is based on the logarithms of the input
#' data. If `"log.z = FALSE"` the linearly scaled data is used.
#' **Note** as well, that `"calc_Statistics()"` calculates these statistic
#' measures in three different ways: `unweighted`, `weighted` and
#' `MCM-based` (i.e., based on Monte Carlo Methods). By default, the
#' MCM-based version is used. If you wish to use another method, indicate this
#' with the appropriate keyword using the argument `summary.method`.
#' @param data [data.frame], [vector] or [RLum.Results-class] object (**required**):
#' for `data.frame`: either two columns: De (`values[,1]`) and De error
#' (`values[,2]`), or one: De (`values[,1]`). If a numeric vector or a
#' single-column data frame is provided, De error is assumed to be 10^-9
#' for all measurements and error bars are not drawn.
#' For plotting multiple data sets, these must be provided as
#' `list` (e.g. `list(dataset1, dataset2)`).
#' @param na.rm [logical] (*with default*):
#' exclude NA values from the data set prior to any further operation.
#' @param values.cumulative [logical] (*with default*):
#' show cumulative individual data.
#' @param order [logical]:
#' Order data in ascending order.
#' @param boxplot [logical] (*with default*):
#' optionally show a boxplot (depicting median as thick central line,
#' first and third quartile as box limits, whiskers denoting +/- 1.5
#' interquartile ranges and dots further outliers).
#' @param rug [logical] (*with default*):
#' optionally add rug.
#' @param summary [character] (*optional*):
#' add statistic measures of centrality and dispersion to the plot. Can be one
#' or more of several keywords. See details for available keywords.
#' @param summary.pos [numeric] or [character] (*with default*):
#' optional position coordinates or keyword (e.g. `"topright"`)
#' for the statistical summary. Alternatively, the keyword `"sub"` may be
#' specified to place the summary below the plot header. However, this latter
#' option in only possible if `mtext` is not used. In case of coordinate
#' specification, y-coordinate refers to the right y-axis.
#' @param summary.method [character] (*with default*):
#' keyword indicating the method used to calculate the statistic summary.
#' One out of `"unweighted"`, `"weighted"` and `"MCM"`.
#' See [calc_Statistics] for details.
#' @param bw [character] (*with default*):
#' bin-width, chose a numeric value for manual setting.
#' @param output [logical]:
#' Optional output of numerical plot parameters. These can be useful to
#' reproduce similar plots. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param ... further arguments and graphical parameters passed to [plot].
#' @note
#' The plot output is no 'probability density' plot (cf. the discussion
#' of Berger and Galbraith in Ancient TL; see references)!
#' @section Function version: 3.6.0
#' @author
#' Michael Dietze, GFZ Potsdam (Germany)\cr
#' Geography & Earth Sciences, Aberystwyth University (United Kingdom)
#' @seealso [density], [plot]
#' @examples
#' ## read example data set
#' data(ExampleData.DeValues, envir = environment())
#' ExampleData.DeValues <-
#'   Second2Gray(ExampleData.DeValues$BT998, c(0.0438,0.0019))
#' ## create plot straightforward
#' plot_KDE(data = ExampleData.DeValues)
#' ## create plot with logarithmic x-axis
#' plot_KDE(data = ExampleData.DeValues,
#'          log = "x")
#' ## create plot with user-defined labels and axes limits
#' plot_KDE(data = ExampleData.DeValues,
#'          main = "Dose distribution",
#'          xlab = "Dose (s)",
#'          ylab = c("KDE estimate", "Cumulative dose value"),
#'          xlim = c(100, 250),
#'          ylim = c(0, 0.08, 0, 30))
#' ## create plot with boxplot option
#' plot_KDE(data = ExampleData.DeValues,
#'          boxplot = TRUE)
#' ## create plot with statistical summary below header
#' plot_KDE(data = ExampleData.DeValues,
#'          summary = c("n", "median", "skewness", "in.2s"))
#' ## create plot with statistical summary as legend
#' plot_KDE(data = ExampleData.DeValues,
#'          summary = c("n", "mean", "sd.rel", "se.abs"),
#'          summary.pos = "topleft")
#' ## split data set into sub-groups, one is manipulated, and merge again
#' data.1 <- ExampleData.DeValues[1:15,]
#' data.2 <- ExampleData.DeValues[16:25,] * 1.3
#' data.3 <- list(data.1, data.2)
#' ## create plot with two subsets straightforward
#' plot_KDE(data = data.3)
#' ## create plot with two subsets and summary legend at user coordinates
#' plot_KDE(data = data.3,
#'          summary = c("n", "median", "skewness"),
#'          summary.pos = c(110, 0.07),
#'          col = c("blue", "orange"))
#' ## example of how to use the numerical output of the function
#' ## return plot output to draw a thicker KDE line
#' KDE_out <- plot_KDE(data = ExampleData.DeValues,
#' output = TRUE)
#' @md
#' @export
plot_KDE <- function(
  na.rm = TRUE,
  values.cumulative = TRUE,
  order = TRUE,
  boxplot = TRUE,
  rug = TRUE,
  summary.method = "MCM",
  bw = "nrd0",
  output = TRUE,
) {
  on.exit(.unset_function_name(), add = TRUE)

  ## check data and parameter consistency -------------------------------------

  if (is(data, "list") && length(data) == 0) {
    .throw_error("'data' is an empty list")

  ## Homogenise input data format
  if(is(data, "list") == FALSE) {
    data <- list(data)

  ## check/adjust input data structure
  for(i in 1:length(data)) {
    .validate_class(data[[i]], c("RLum.Results", "data.frame", "numeric"),
                    name = "'data'")

    ## extract RLum.Results
    if (inherits(data[[i]], "RLum.Results")) {
      data[[i]] <- get_RLum(data[[i]], "data")[,1:2]

      ## ensure that the dataset it not degenerate
      if (NROW(data[[i]]) == 0) {
       .throw_error("Input data ", i, " has 0 rows")

      ## if `data[[i]]` is a numeric vector or a single-column data frame,
      ## append a second column with a small non-zero value (10^-9 for
      ## consistency with what `calc_Statistics() does)
      if (NCOL(data[[i]]) < 2) {
        data[[i]] <- data.frame(data[[i]], 10^-9)
        attr(data[[i]], "De.errors.available") <- FALSE
      } else {
        ## keep only the first two columns
        data[[i]] <- data[[i]][, 1:2]
        attr(data[[i]], "De.errors.available") <- TRUE

    ## find the index Inf values in each of the two columns and remove the
    ## corresponding rows if needed
    inf.idx <- unlist(lapply(data[[i]], function(x) which(is.infinite(x))))
    if (length(inf.idx) > 0) {
      inf.row <- sort(unique(inf.idx))
      .throw_warning("Inf values removed in rows: ",
                     .collapse(inf.row, quote = FALSE), " in data.frame ", i)
      data[[i]] <- data[[i]][-inf.row, ]
      rm(inf.idx, inf.row)

      ##check if empty
      if(nrow(data[[i]]) == 0){
        data[i] <- NULL

  ##check if list is empty
  if(length(data) == 0)
    .throw_error("Your input is empty due to Inf removal")

  ## check/set function parameters
  if(missing(summary) == TRUE) {
    summary <- ""

  if(missing(summary.pos) == TRUE) {
    summary.pos <- "sub"

  ## set mtext output
  if("mtext" %in% names(list(...))) {
    mtext <- list(...)$mtext
  } else {
    mtext <- ""

  ## check/set layout definitions
  if("layout" %in% names(list(...))) {
    layout <- get_Layout(layout = list(...)$layout)
  } else {
    layout <- get_Layout(layout = "default")

  ## data preparation steps ---------------------------------------------------

  ## optionally, count and exclude NA values and print result
  if(na.rm == TRUE) {
    for(i in 1:length(data)) {
      na.idx <- which(is.na(data[[i]][, 1]))
      n.NA <- length(na.idx)
      if(n.NA == 1) {
        message(paste("1 NA value excluded from data set", i, "."))
      } else if(n.NA > 1) {
        message(paste(n.NA, "NA values excluded from data set", i, "."))
      if (n.NA > 0) {
        data[[i]] <- data[[i]][-na.idx, ]

  ## optionally, order data set
  if(order == TRUE) {
    for(i in 1:length(data)) {
      data[[i]] <- data[[i]][order(data[[i]][,1]),]

  ## calculate and paste statistical summary
  De.stats <- matrix(nrow = length(data), ncol = 12)
  colnames(De.stats) <- c("n",
  De.density <- list(NA)

  ## loop through all data sets
  for(i in 1:length(data)) {
    statistics <- calc_Statistics(data[[i]], na.rm = na.rm)[[summary.method]]

    De.stats[i,1] <- statistics$n
    De.stats[i,2] <- statistics$mean
    De.stats[i,3] <- statistics$median
    De.stats[i,5] <- statistics$sd.abs
    De.stats[i,6] <- statistics$sd.rel
    De.stats[i,7] <- statistics$se.abs
    De.stats[i,8] <- statistics$se.rel
    De.stats[i,9] <- quantile(data[[i]][,1], 0.25)
    De.stats[i,10] <- quantile(data[[i]][,1], 0.75)
    De.stats[i,11] <- statistics$skewness
    De.stats[i,12] <- statistics$kurtosis

    if(nrow(data[[i]]) >= 2){
      De.density[[length(De.density) + 1]] <- density(data[[i]][,1],
                                                      kernel = "gaussian",
                                                      bw = bw)

      De.density[[length(De.density) + 1]] <- NA
      .throw_warning("Single data point found, no density calculated")

  ## remove dummy list element
  De.density[[1]] <- NULL

  ## create global data set
  De.global <- data[[1]][,1]
  De.error.global <- data[[1]][,2]
  De.density.range <- matrix(nrow = length(data),
                             ncol = 4)

  for(i in 1:length(data)) {
    ##global De and De.error vector
    De.global <- c(De.global, data[[i]][,1])
    De.error.global <- c(De.error.global, data[[i]][,2])

    ## density range
      De.density.range[i,1] <- min(De.density[[i]]$x)
      De.density.range[i,2] <- max(De.density[[i]]$x)
      De.density.range[i,3] <- min(De.density[[i]]$y)
      De.density.range[i,4] <- max(De.density[[i]]$y)

      ## position of maximum KDE value
      De.stats[i,4] <- De.density[[i]]$x[which.max(De.density[[i]]$y)]

      De.density.range[i,1:4] <- NA
      De.stats[i,4] <- NA

  ## Get global range of densities
  De.density.range <- c(min(De.density.range[,1]),

  label.text = list(NA)

  if(summary.pos[1] != "sub") {
    n.rows <- length(summary)

    for(i in 1:length(data)) {
      stops <- paste(rep("\n", (i - 1) * n.rows), collapse = "")

      summary.text <- character(0)

      for(j in 1:length(summary)) {
        summary.text <- c(summary.text,
                            ifelse("n" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("n = ",
                                         sep = ""),
                            ifelse("mean" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("mean = ",
                                         round(De.stats[i,2], 2),
                                         sep = ""),
                            ifelse("median" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("median = ",
                                         round(De.stats[i,3], 2),
                                         sep = ""),
                            ifelse("kde.max" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("kdemax = ",
                                         round(De.stats[i,4], 2),
                                         " \n ",
                                         sep = ""),
                            ifelse("sd.abs" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("sd = ",
                                         round(De.stats[i,5], 2),
                                         sep = ""),
                            ifelse("sd.rel" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("rel. sd = ",
                                         round(De.stats[i,6], 2), " %",
                                         sep = ""),
                            ifelse("se.abs" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("se = ",
                                         round(De.stats[i,7], 2),
                                         sep = ""),
                            ifelse("se.rel" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("rel. se = ",
                                         round(De.stats[i,8], 2), " %",
                                         sep = ""),
                            ifelse("skewness" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("skewness = ",
                                         round(De.stats[i,11], 2),
                                         sep = ""),
                            ifelse("kurtosis" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("kurtosis = ",
                                         round(De.stats[i,12], 2),
                                         sep = ""),
                            ifelse("in.2s" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("in 2 sigma = ",
                                         round(sum(data[[i]][,1] >
                                                     (De.stats[i,2] - 2 *
                                                        De.stats[i,5]) &
                                                     data[[i]][,1] <
                                                     (De.stats[i,2] + 2 *
                                                        De.stats[i,5])) /
                                                 nrow(data[[i]]) * 100 , 1),
                                         " %",
                                         sep = ""),
                            sep = ""))

      summary.text <- paste(summary.text, collapse = "")

      label.text[[length(label.text) + 1]] <- paste(stops,
                                                    sep = "")
  } else {
    for(i in 1:length(data)) {

      summary.text <- character(0)

      for(j in 1:length(summary)) {
        summary.text <- c(summary.text,
                          ifelse("n" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("n = ",
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),
                          ifelse("mean" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("mean = ",
                                       round(De.stats[i,2], 2),
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),
                          ifelse("median" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("median = ",
                                       round(De.stats[i,3], 2),
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),
                          ifelse("kde.max" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("kdemax = ",
                                       round(De.stats[i,4], 2),
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),
                          ifelse("sd.rel" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("rel. sd = ",
                                       round(De.stats[i,6], 2), " %",
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),
                          ifelse("sd.abs" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("abs. sd = ",
                                       round(De.stats[i,5], 2),
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),
                          ifelse("se.rel" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("rel. se = ",
                                       round(De.stats[i,8], 2), " %",
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),
                          ifelse("se.abs" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("abs. se = ",
                                       round(De.stats[i,7], 2),
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),
                          ifelse("skewness" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("skewness = ",
                                       round(De.stats[i,11], 2),
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),
                          ifelse("kurtosis" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("kurtosis = ",
                                       round(De.stats[i,12], 2),
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),
                          ifelse("in.2s" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("in 2 sigma = ",
                                       round(sum(data[[i]][,1] >
                                                   (De.stats[i,2] - 2 *
                                                      De.stats[i,5]) &
                                                   data[[i]][,1] <
                                                   (De.stats[i,2] + 2 *
                                                      De.stats[i,5])) /
                                               nrow(data[[i]]) * 100 , 1),
                                       " %   ",
                                       sep = ""),

      summary.text <- paste(summary.text, collapse = "")

      label.text[[length(label.text) + 1]]  <- paste(
        "  ",
        sep = "")

    ## remove outer vertical lines from string
    for(i in 2:length(label.text)) {
      label.text[[i]] <- substr(x = label.text[[i]],
                                start = 3,
                                stop = nchar(label.text[[i]]) - 3)

  ## remove dummy list element
  label.text[[1]] <- NULL

  ## read out additional parameters -------------------------------------------
  if("main" %in% names(list(...))) {
    main <- list(...)$main
  } else {
    main <- expression(bold(paste(D[e], " distribution")))

  if("sub" %in% names(list(...))) {
    sub <- list(...)$sub
  } else {
    sub <- NULL

  if("xlab" %in% names(list(...))) {
    xlab <- list(...)$xlab
  } else {
    xlab <- expression(paste(D[e], " [Gy]"))

  if("ylab" %in% names(list(...))) {
    ylab <- list(...)$ylab
  } else {
    ylab <- c("Density", "Cumulative frequency")

  if("xlim" %in% names(list(...))) {
    xlim.plot <- list(...)$xlim
  } else {
    xlim.plot <- c(min(c(De.global - De.error.global),
                       na.rm = TRUE),
                   max(c(De.global + De.error.global),
                       na.rm = TRUE))

  if("ylim" %in% names(list(...))) {
    ylim.plot <- list(...)$ylim
    if (length(ylim.plot) < 4) {
      .throw_error("'ylim' must be a vector of length 4")
  } else {
      ylim.plot <- c(De.density.range[3],

      ylim.plot <- c(0,



  if("log" %in% names(list(...))) {
    log.option <- list(...)$log
  } else {
    log.option <- ""

  if("col" %in% names(list(...))) {

    col.main <- list(...)$col
    col.xlab <- 1
    col.ylab1 <- 1
    col.ylab2 <- 1
    col.xtck <- 1
    col.ytck1 <- 1
    col.ytck2 <- 1
    col.box <- 1
    col.mtext <- 1
    col.stats <- list(...)$col
    col.kde.line <- list(...)$col
    col.kde.fill <- NA
    col.value.dot <- list(...)$col
    col.value.bar <- list(...)$col
    col.value.rug <- list(...)$col
    col.boxplot <- list(...)$col
    col.boxplot.line <- list(...)$col
    col.boxplot.fill <- NA
    col.mean.line <- adjustcolor(col = list(...)$col,
                                 alpha.f = 0.4)
    col.sd.bar <- adjustcolor(col = list(...)$col,
                              alpha.f = 0.4)
    col.background <- NA
  } else {

    if(length(layout$kde$colour$main) == 1) {
      col.main <- c(layout$kde$colour$main, 2:length(data))
    } else {
      col.main <- layout$kde$colour$main

    if(length(layout$kde$colour$xlab) == 1) {
      col.xlab <- c(layout$kde$colour$xlab, 2:length(data))
    } else {
      col.xlab <- layout$kde$colour$xlab

    if(length(layout$kde$colour$ylab1) == 1) {
      col.ylab1 <- c(layout$kde$colour$ylab1, 2:length(data))
    } else {
      col.ylab1 <- layout$kde$colour$ylab1

    if(length(layout$kde$colour$ylab2) == 1) {
      col.ylab2 <- c(layout$kde$colour$ylab2, 2:length(data))
    } else {
      col.ylab2 <- layout$kde$colour$ylab2

    if(length(layout$kde$colour$xtck) == 1) {
      col.xtck <- c(layout$kde$colour$xtck, 2:length(data))
    } else {
      col.xtck <- layout$kde$colour$xtck

    if(length(layout$kde$colour$ytck1) == 1) {
      col.ytck1 <- c(layout$kde$colour$ytck1, 2:length(data))
    } else {
      col.ytck1 <- layout$kde$colour$ytck1

    if(length(layout$kde$colour$ytck2) == 1) {
      col.ytck2 <- c(layout$kde$colour$ytck2, 2:length(data))
    } else {
      col.ytck2 <- layout$kde$colour$ytck2

    if(length(layout$kde$colour$box) == 1) {
      col.box <- c(layout$kde$colour$box, 2:length(data))
    } else {
      col.box <- layout$kde$colour$box

    if(length(layout$kde$colour$mtext) == 1) {
      col.mtext <- c(layout$kde$colour$mtext, 2:length(data))
    } else {
      col.mtext <- layout$kde$colour$mtext

    if(length(layout$kde$colour$stats) == 1) {
      col.stats <- c(layout$kde$colour$stats, 2:length(data))
    } else {
      col.stats <- layout$kde$colour$stats

    if(length(layout$kde$colour$kde.line) == 1) {
      col.kde.line <- c(layout$kde$colour$kde.line, 2:length(data))
    } else {
      col.kde.line <- layout$kde$colour$kde.line

    if(length(layout$kde$colour$kde.fill) == 1) {
      col.kde.fill <- c(layout$kde$colour$kde.fill, 2:length(data))
    } else {
      col.kde.fill <- layout$kde$colour$kde.fill

    if(length(layout$kde$colour$value.dot) == 1) {
      col.value.dot <- c(layout$kde$colour$value.dot, 2:length(data))
    } else {
      col.value.dot <- layout$kde$colour$value.dot

    if(length(layout$kde$colour$value.bar) == 1) {
      col.value.bar <- c(layout$kde$colour$value.bar, 2:length(data))
    } else {
      col.value.bar <- layout$kde$colour$value.bar

    if(length(layout$kde$colour$value.rug) == 1) {
      col.value.rug <- c(layout$kde$colour$value.rug, 2:length(data))
    } else {
      col.value.rug <- layout$kde$colour$value.rug

    if(length(layout$kde$colour$boxplot.line) == 1) {
      col.boxplot.line <- c(layout$kde$colour$boxplot.line, 2:length(data))
    } else {
      col.boxplot.line <- layout$kde$colour$boxplot.line

    if(length(layout$kde$colour$boxplot.fill) == 1) {
      col.boxplot.fill <- c(layout$kde$colour$boxplot.fill, 2:length(data))
    } else {
      col.boxplot.fill <- layout$kde$colour$boxplot.fill

    if(length(layout$kde$colour$mean.line) == 1) {
      col.mean.line <- adjustcolor(col = 1:length(data),
                                   alpha.f = 0.4)
    } else {
      col.mean.line <- layout$kde$colour$mean.point

    if(length(layout$kde$colour$sd.bar) == 1) {
      col.sd.bar <- c(layout$kde$colour$sd.bar, 2:length(data))
    } else {
      col.sd.bar <- layout$kde$colour$sd.line

    if(length(layout$kde$colour$background) == 1) {
      col.background <- c(layout$kde$colour$background, 2:length(data))
    } else {
      col.background <- layout$kde$colour$background


  if("lty" %in% names(list(...))) {
    lty <- list(...)$lty
  } else {
    lty <- rep(1, length(data))

  if("lwd" %in% names(list(...))) {
    lwd <- list(...)$lwd
  } else {
    lwd <- rep(1, length(data))

  if("cex" %in% names(list(...))) {
    cex <- list(...)$cex
  } else {
    cex <- 1

  if("fun" %in% names(list(...))) {
    fun <- list(...)$fun # nocov
  } else {
    fun <- FALSE

  ## convert keywords into summary placement coordinates
  coords <- .get_keyword_coordinates(summary.pos, xlim.plot, ylim.plot)
  summary.pos <- coords$pos
  summary.adj <- coords$adj

  ## plot data sets -----------------------------------------------------------

  ## setup plot area
  if(length(summary) >= 1 & summary.pos[1] == "sub") {

    toplines <- length(data)
  } else {

    toplines <- 1

  ## extract original plot parameters
  par(bg = layout$kde$colour$background)
  bg.original <- par()$bg

  par(mar = c(5, 5.5, 2.5 + toplines, 4.5),
      xpd = FALSE,
      cex = cex)

  if(layout$kde$dimension$figure.width != "auto" |
     layout$kde$dimension$figure.height != "auto") {
    par(mai = layout$kde$dimension$margin / 25.4,
        pin = c(layout$kde$dimension$figure.width / 25.4 -
                  layout$kde$dimension$margin[2] / 25.4 -
                  layout$kde$dimension$margin[4] / 25.4,
                layout$kde$dimension$figure.height / 25.4 -
                  layout$kde$dimension$margin[1] / 25.4 -

  ## create empty plot to get plot dimensions
       xlim = xlim.plot,
       ylim = ylim.plot[1:2],
       sub = sub,
       log = log.option,
       axes = FALSE,
       ann = FALSE)

  ## get line height in xy coordinates
  l_height <- par()$cxy[2]

  ## optionally update ylim
  if(boxplot == TRUE) {

    ylim.plot[1] <- ylim.plot[1] - 1.4 * l_height

  ## create empty plot to set adjusted plot dimensions
  par(new = TRUE)
       xlim     = xlim.plot,
       ylim     = ylim.plot[1:2],
       log      = log.option,
       cex      = cex,
       axes = FALSE,
       ann = FALSE)

  ## add box
  box(which = "plot",
      col = layout$kde$colour$box)

  ## add x-axis
  axis(side = 1,
       col = layout$kde$colour$xtck,
       col.axis = layout$kde$colour$xtck,
       labels = NA,
       tcl = -layout$kde$dimension$xtcl / 200,
       cex = cex)

  axis(side = 1,
       line = 2 * layout$kde$dimension$xtck.line / 100 - 2,
       lwd = 0,
       col = layout$kde$colour$xtck,
       family = layout$kde$font.type$xtck,
       font = (1:4)[c("plain", "bold", "italic", "bold italic") ==
       col.axis = layout$kde$colour$xtck,
       cex.axis = layout$kde$font.size$xlab/12)

  mtext(text = xlab,
        side = 1,
        line = 3 * layout$kde$dimension$xlab.line / 100,
        col = layout$kde$colour$xlab,
        family = layout$kde$font.type$xlab,
        font = (1:4)[c("plain", "bold", "italic", "bold italic") ==
        cex = cex * layout$kde$font.size$xlab/12)

  ## add left y-axis
  axis(side = 2,
       at = pretty(x = range(De.density.range[3:4])),
       col = layout$kde$colour$ytck1,
       col.axis = layout$kde$colour$ytck1,
       labels = NA,
       tcl = -layout$kde$dimension$ytck1 / 200,
       cex = cex)

  axis(side = 2,
       at = pretty(x = range(De.density.range[3:4])),
       line = 2 * layout$kde$dimension$ytck1.line / 100 - 2,
       lwd = 0,
       col = layout$kde$colour$ytck1,
       family = layout$kde$font.type$ytck1,
       font = (1:4)[c("plain", "bold", "italic", "bold italic") ==
       col.axis = layout$kde$colour$ytck1,
       cex.axis = layout$kde$font.size$ylab1/12)

  mtext(text = ylab[1],
        side = 2,
        line = 3 * layout$kde$dimension$ylab1.line / 100,
        col = layout$kde$colour$ylab1,
        family = layout$kde$font.type$ylab1,
        font = (1:4)[c("plain", "bold", "italic", "bold italic") ==
        cex = cex * layout$kde$font.size$ylab1/12)

  for(i in 1:length(data)) {
      polygon(x = c(par()$usr[1], De.density[[i]]$x, par()$usr[2]),
              y = c(min(De.density[[i]]$y),De.density[[i]]$y, min(De.density[[i]]$y)),
              border = col.kde.line[i],
              col = col.kde.fill[i],
              lty = lty[i],
              lwd = lwd[i])



  ## add plot title
  cex.old <- par()$cex
  par(cex = layout$kde$font.size$main / 12)
  title(main = main,
        family = layout$kde$font.type$main,
        font = (1:4)[c("plain", "bold", "italic", "bold italic") ==
        col.main = layout$kde$colour$main,
        line = (toplines + 1.2) * layout$kde$dimension$main / 100)
  par(cex = cex.old)

  ## optionally add mtext line
  if(mtext != "") {

    mtext(text = mtext,
          side = 3,
          line = 0.5,
          family = layout$kde$font.type$mtext,
          font = (1:4)[c("plain", "bold", "italic", "bold italic") ==
          col.main = layout$kde$colour$mtext,
          cex = layout$kde$font.size$mtext / 12)

  ## add summary content
  for(i in 1:length(data)) {

    if(summary.pos[1] != "sub") {

      text(x = summary.pos[1],
           y = summary.pos[2],
           adj = summary.adj,
           labels = label.text[[i]],
           col = col.stats[i],
           cex = layout$kde$font.size$stats / 12)
    } else {

      if(mtext == "") {

        mtext(side = 3,
              line = (toplines + 0.3 - i) * layout$kde$dimension$stats.line / 100,
              text = label.text[[i]],
              col = col.stats[i],
              cex = layout$kde$font.size$stats / 12)

  if(values.cumulative == TRUE) {

    ## create empty overlay plot
    par(new = TRUE) # adjust plot options

    ## add empty plot, scaled to preliminary secondary plot content
    plot(x = NA,
         xlim = xlim.plot,
         ylim = ylim.plot[3:4],
         log  = log.option,
         ann = FALSE,
         axes = FALSE

    ## get line height in xy coordinates
    l_height <- par()$cxy[2]

    ## optionally update ylim
    if(boxplot == TRUE) {

      ylim.plot[3] <- ylim.plot[3] - 1.4 * l_height

    ## create correctly scaled empty overlay plot
    par(new = TRUE) # adjust plot options

    ## add empty plot, scaled to secondary plot content
         xlim = xlim.plot,
         ylim = ylim.plot[3:4],
         log  = log.option,
         ann = FALSE,
         axes = FALSE)

    ## optionally add boxplot
    if(boxplot == TRUE) {

      ## add zero line
      abline(h = 0)

      ## get extended boxplot data
      boxplot.data <- list(NA)

      for(i in 1:length(data)) {
        boxplot.i <- boxplot(x = data[[i]][,1],
                             plot = FALSE)
        boxplot.i$group <- mean(x = data[[i]][,1],
                                                   na.rm = TRUE)
        boxplot.i$names <- sd(x = data[[i]][,1],
                                                   na.rm = TRUE)
        boxplot.data[[length(boxplot.data) + 1]] <- boxplot.i

      ## remove dummy list object
      boxplot.data[[1]] <- NULL

      ## get new line hights
      l_height <- par()$cxy[2]

      for(i in 1:length(data)) {

        # ## draw sd line
        # lines(x = c(boxplot.data[[i]]$group[1] - boxplot.data[[i]]$names[1],
        #             boxplot.data[[i]]$group[1] + boxplot.data[[i]]$names[1]),
        #       y = c(-5/8 * l_height,
        #             -5/8 * l_height),
        #       col = col.mean.line[i])
        # ## draw mean line
        # points(x = boxplot.data[[i]]$group[1],
        #       y = -5/8 * l_height,
        #       pch = 18,
        #       col = col.mean.line[i])

        ## draw median line
        lines(x = c(boxplot.data[[i]]$stats[3,1],
              y = c(-11/8 * l_height,
                    -7/8 * l_height),
              lwd = 2,
              col = col.boxplot.line[i])

        ## draw q25-q75-polygon
        polygon(x = c(boxplot.data[[i]]$stats[2,1],
                y = c(-11/8 * l_height,
                      -7/8 * l_height,
                      -7/8 * l_height,
                      -11/8 * l_height),
                col = col.boxplot.fill[i],
                border = col.boxplot.line[i])

        ## draw whiskers
        lines(x = c(boxplot.data[[i]]$stats[2,1],
              y = c(-9/8 * l_height,
                    -9/8 * l_height),
              col = col.boxplot.line[i])

        lines(x = c(boxplot.data[[i]]$stats[1,1],
              y = c(-10/8 * l_height,
                    -8/8 * l_height),
              col = col.boxplot.line[i])

        lines(x = c(boxplot.data[[i]]$stats[4,1],
              y = c(-9/8 * l_height,
                    -9/8 * l_height),
              col = col.boxplot.line[i])

        lines(x = c(boxplot.data[[i]]$stats[5,1],
              y = c(-10/8 * l_height,
                    -8/8 * l_height),
              col = col.boxplot.line[i])

        ## draw outliers
        points(x = boxplot.data[[i]]$out,
               y = rep(-9/8 * l_height,
               col = col.boxplot.line[i],
               cex = cex * 0.8)


    ## optionally add rug
    if(rug == TRUE) {

      for(i in 1:length(data)) {

        for(j in 1:nrow(data[[i]])) {

          lines(x = c(data[[i]][j,1],
                y = c(0,
                      -2/8 * l_height),
                col = col.value.rug[i])

    ## add secondary y-axis
    ticks_axis <- pretty(x = c(1, ylim.plot[4]))
    ticks_axis <- ifelse(test = ticks_axis == 0,
                         yes = NA,
                         no = ticks_axis)

    ## add right y-axis
    axis(side = 4,
         at = ticks_axis,
         col = layout$kde$colour$ytck2,
         col.axis = layout$kde$colour$ytck2,
         labels = NA,
         tcl = -layout$kde$dimension$ytck2 / 200,
         cex = cex)

    axis(side = 4,
         at = ticks_axis,
         line = 2 * layout$kde$dimension$ytck2.line / 100 - 2,
         lwd = 0,
         col = layout$kde$colour$ytck2,
         family = layout$kde$font.type$ytck2,
         font = (1:4)[c("plain", "bold", "italic", "bold italic") ==
         col.axis = layout$kde$colour$ytck2,
         cex.axis = layout$kde$font.size$ylab2/12)

    mtext(text = ylab[2],
          side = 4,
          line = 3 * layout$kde$dimension$ylab2.line / 100,
          col = layout$kde$colour$ylab2,
          family = layout$kde$font.type$ylab2,
          font = (1:4)[c("plain", "bold", "italic", "bold italic") ==
          cex = cex * layout$kde$font.size$ylab2/12)

    ## add De error bars
    for(i in 1:length(data)) {
      if (attr(data[[i]], "De.errors.available")) {
        arrows(data[[i]][, 1] - data[[i]][, 2],
               data[[i]][, 1] + data[[i]][, 2],
               1:length(data[[i]][, 1]),
               code = 3,
               angle = 90,
               length = 0.05,
               col = col.value.bar[i])
      ## add De measurements
      points(data[[i]][,1], 1:De.stats[i,1],
             col = col.value.dot[i],
             pch = 20)

  ## add empty plot
  par(new = TRUE)
       ann = FALSE,
       axes = FALSE,
       xlim     = xlim.plot,
       ylim     = ylim.plot[1:2],
       log      = log.option,
       cex      = cex,
       cex.lab  = cex,
       cex.main = cex,
       cex.axis = cex)

  ## FUN by R Luminescence Team
  if (fun == TRUE) sTeve() # nocov

  if(output == TRUE) {
    return(invisible(list(De.stats = De.stats,
                          summary.pos = summary.pos,
                          De.density = De.density)))

R-Lum/Luminescence documentation built on Oct. 16, 2024, 5:49 a.m.