
RIVM Toolbox for Microbiome data analyses

In the last years at the RIVM much research has been done on data management and on the development of statistical methods for “data wrangling” (such as cleaning, transforming, merging data…), as well as for visualization of complex multivariable associations. The toolbox will implement these already available developments in combination with the new requirements in a user-friendly format, using the R language, and making them available to the scientific community within the RIVM as well as (inter)nationally.


biomeUtils focus is towards utility tools for microbiota data formatting, handling, and exploration. The formatting and subsetting of microbiota data will be achieved with tools such as dplyr, tidyr, readr, tibble, stringr and forcats. Data visualization will be done mostly using the ggplot2 and related family of R packages, e.g. ggforce, patchwork and ggfortify.

Related tools

RIVM-IIV-Microbiome/biomeUtils documentation built on July 20, 2023, 10:29 a.m.