#' Prepare input files for \code{FINEMAP}
#' Creates and saves 1) the summary stats file, and 2) the LD matrix.
#' "Columns beta and se are required for fine-mapping.
#' Column maf is needed to output posterior effect size estimates on the
#' allelic scale. All other columns are not required for computations and
#' can be specified arbitrarily."
#' @family FINEMAP
#' @keywords internal
#' @source
#' \url{http://www.christianbenner.com}
#' @source
#' \code{
#' locus_dir <- echodata::locus_dir;
#' dat <- echodata::BST1;
#' LD_matrix <- echodata::BST1_LD_matrix
#' dir.create(file.path(locus_dir,"FINEMAP"),
#' showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
#' out <- echoLD::subset_common_snps(LD_matrix=LD_matrix, dat=dat)
#' LD_matrix <- out$LD
#' dat <- out$DT
#' dat_paths <- echofinemap:::FINEMAP_construct_data(dat=dat,
#' locus_dir=locus_dir,
#' LD_matrix=LD_matrix)
#' }
FINEMAP_construct_data <- function(dat,
SNP <- CHR <- POS <- A1 <- A2 <- MAF <- Effect <- StdErr <- NULL;
####### data.z #######
if(!"A1" %in% colnames(dat)) {
dat$A1 <- "A";
messager("Optional A1 col missing.",
"Replacing with all 'A's.",v=verbose)
if(!"A2" %in% colnames(dat)) {
dat$A2 <- "T";
messager("Optional A2 col missing.",
"Replacing with all 'T's.",v=verbose)
if(!"MAF" %in% colnames(dat)) {
dat$MAF <- .1;
messager("Optional MAF col missing.",
"Replacing with all '.1's",v=verbose)
#### Construct files #####
messager("Constructing data.z file.",v=verbose)
data.z <- dat |> dplyr::select(rsid=SNP,
beta=Effect, # *required
se=StdErr # *required
data.z$flip <- 0 # [optional] - flip==1, don't flip==0
#### !!! IMPORTANT !!! ####
## Trim whitespaces
## Extra whitespace causes problems when you try
## to make space-delimited files
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20760547/removing-whitespace-\
## from-a-whole-data-frame-in-r
cols_to_be_rectified <- names(data.z)[
vapply(data.z, is.character, logical(1))
data.z <- data.z |>
dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = dplyr::all_of(cols_to_be_rectified),
.funs = trimws )
####### data.ld #######
messager("Constructing data.ld file.",v=verbose)
## The order of the SNPs in the dataset.ld must correspond to
## the order of variants in dataset.z.
# Filter
keep_i <- data.z$rsid %in% rownames(LD_matrix)
data.z <- data.z[keep_i,]
## This filters AND sorts LD_matrix by the order of rsids in data.z
LD_filt <- LD_matrix[data.z$rsid, data.z$rsid]
# Write files
## MUST be space-delimited
# messager("Writing z and ld files...",v=verbose)
if( dim(data.z)[1]==dim(LD_filt)[1] ){
# data.z
data.z_path <- file.path(locus_dir,"FINEMAP","data.z")
data.table::fwrite(data.z, data.z_path, sep = " ",
nThread = nThread)
# Sys.chmod(data.z_path, "777", use_umask = FALSE)
# data.ld
data.ld_path <- file.path(locus_dir,"FINEMAP","data.ld")
data.ld_path, sep=" ",
quote = FALSE, col.names = FALSE,
nThread = nThread)
# Sys.chmod(data.ld_path, "777", use_umask = FALSE)
} else {
"WARNING: + FINEMAP:: Summary statistics file (data.z)",
"and LD matrix (data.ld) must contain the same number of SNPs.",
#### Return ####
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