
Defines functions .DefaultDesignOrdinal DesignOrdinal .DefaultRuleDesignOrdinal RuleDesignOrdinal DesignGrouped .DefaultDADesign DADesign .DefaultDualResponsesDesign DualResponsesDesign .DefaultDualResponsesSamplesDesign DualResponsesSamplesDesign .DefaultTDDesign TDDesign .DefaultTDsamplesDesign TDsamplesDesign .DefaultDualDesign DualDesign .DefaultDesign Design ThreePlusThreeDesign .DefaultRuleDesign RuleDesign

Documented in DADesign .DefaultDADesign .DefaultDesign .DefaultDesignOrdinal .DefaultDualDesign .DefaultDualResponsesDesign .DefaultDualResponsesSamplesDesign .DefaultRuleDesign .DefaultRuleDesignOrdinal .DefaultTDDesign .DefaultTDsamplesDesign Design DesignGrouped DesignOrdinal DualDesign DualResponsesDesign DualResponsesSamplesDesign RuleDesign RuleDesignOrdinal TDDesign TDsamplesDesign ThreePlusThreeDesign

#' @include Design-validity.R
#' @include Model-class.R
#' @include Rules-class.R
#' @include Data-class.R
#' @include helpers.R
#' @include CrmPackClass-class.R

# RuleDesign ----

## class ----

#' `RuleDesign`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`RuleDesign`] is the class for rule-based designs. The difference between
#' this class and the [`Design`] class is that [`RuleDesign`] does not contain
#' `model`, `stopping` and `increments` slots.
#' @slot nextBest (`NextBest`)\cr how to find the next best dose.
#' @slot cohort_size (`CohortSize`)\cr rules for the cohort sizes.
#' @slot data (`Data`)\cr specifies dose grid, any previous data, etc.
#' @slot startingDose (`number`)\cr the starting dose, it must lie on the dose
#'   grid in `data`.
#' @aliases RuleDesign
#' @export
.RuleDesign <- setClass(
  Class = "RuleDesign",
  slots = c(
    nextBest = "NextBest",
    cohort_size = "CohortSize",
    data = "Data",
    startingDose = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    nextBest = .NextBestThreePlusThree(),
    cohort_size = CohortSizeConst(3),
    data = Data(doseGrid = 1:3),
    startingDose = 1
  contains = "CrmPackClass",
  validity = v_rule_design

## constructor ----

#' @rdname RuleDesign-class
#' @param nextBest (`NextBest`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param cohort_size (`CohortSize`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param data (`Data`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param startingDose (`number`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Design-class-RuleDesign.R
RuleDesign <- function(nextBest,
                       startingDose) {
    nextBest = nextBest,
    cohort_size = cohort_size,
    data = data,
    startingDose = as.numeric(startingDose)

#' @rdname RuleDesign-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultRuleDesign()` function.
#' @export

.DefaultRuleDesign <- function() {
    nextBest = NextBestThreePlusThree(),
    cohort_size = CohortSizeConst(size = 3L),
    data = Data(doseGrid = c(5, 10, 15, 25, 35, 50, 80)),
    startingDose = 5

## ThreePlusThreeDesign ----

#' @describeIn RuleDesign-class creates a new 3+3 design object from a dose grid.
#' @param doseGrid (`numeric`)\cr the dose grid to be used (sorted).
#' @export
#' @example examples/Design-class-ThreePlusThreeDesign.R
ThreePlusThreeDesign <- function(doseGrid) {
  empty_data <- Data(doseGrid = doseGrid)

  # Using a constant cohort size of 3 we obtain exactly the 3+3 design.
    nextBest = NextBestThreePlusThree(),
    data = empty_data,
    cohort_size = CohortSizeConst(size = 3L),
    startingDose = doseGrid[1]

# Design ----

## class ----

#' `Design`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`Design`] is the class for rule-based designs. The difference between
#' this class and its parent [`RuleDesign`] class is that [`Design`] class
#' contains additional `model`, `stopping` and `increments` slots.
#' @slot model (`GeneralModel`)\cr the model to be used.
#' @slot stopping (`Stopping`)\cr stopping rule(s) for the trial.
#' @slot increments (`Increments`)\cr how to control increments between dose levels.
#' @slot pl_cohort_size (`CohortSize`)\cr rules for the cohort sizes for placebo,
#'   if any planned (defaults to constant 0 placebo patients).
#' @aliases Design
#' @export
.Design <- setClass(
  Class = "Design",
  slots = c(
    model = "GeneralModel",
    stopping = "Stopping",
    increments = "Increments",
    pl_cohort_size = "CohortSize"
  prototype = prototype(
    model = .LogisticNormal(),
    nextBest = .NextBestNCRM(),
    stopping = .StoppingMinPatients(),
    increments = .IncrementsRelative(),
    pl_cohort_size = CohortSizeConst(0L)
  contains = "RuleDesign"

## constructor ----

#' @rdname Design-class
#' @param model (`GeneralModel`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param stopping (`Stopping`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param increments (`Increments`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param pl_cohort_size (`CohortSize`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @inheritDotParams RuleDesign
#' @export
#' @example examples/Design-class-Design.R
Design <- function(model,
                   pl_cohort_size = CohortSizeConst(0L),
                   ...) {
  start <- RuleDesign(...)
    model = model,
    stopping = stopping,
    increments = increments,
    pl_cohort_size = pl_cohort_size

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname Design-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultDesign()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultDesign <- function() {
  my_size1 <- CohortSizeRange(
    intervals = c(0, 30),
    cohort_size = c(1, 3)
  my_size2 <- CohortSizeDLT(
    intervals = c(0, 1),
    cohort_size = c(1, 3)
  my_size <- maxSize(my_size1, my_size2)

  my_stopping1 <- StoppingMinCohorts(nCohorts = 3)
  my_stopping2 <- StoppingTargetProb(
    target = c(0.2, 0.35),
    prob = 0.5
  my_stopping3 <- StoppingMinPatients(nPatients = 20)
  my_stopping <- (my_stopping1 & my_stopping2) | my_stopping3

  # Initialize the design.
  design <- Design(
    model = LogisticLogNormal(
      mean = c(-0.85, 1),
      cov = matrix(c(1, -0.5, -0.5, 1), nrow = 2),
      ref_dose = 56
    nextBest = NextBestNCRM(
      target = c(0.2, 0.35),
      overdose = c(0.35, 1),
      max_overdose_prob = 0.25
    stopping = my_stopping,
    increments = IncrementsRelative(
      intervals = c(0, 20),
      increments = c(1, 0.33)
    cohort_size = my_size,
    data = Data(doseGrid = c(1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 40, 50, 80, 100)),
    startingDose = 3

# DualDesign ----

## class ----

#' `DualDesign`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`DualDesign`] is the class for the dual-endpoint CRM design. This class has
#' special requirements for the `model` and `data` slots in comparison to the
#' parent class [`Design`].
#' @note the `nextBest` slot can be of any class, this allows for easy comparison
#'   with recommendation methods that don't use the biomarker information.
#' @slot model (`DualEndpoint`)\cr the model to be used.
#' @slot data (`DataDual`)\cr specifies dose grid, any previous data, etc.
#' @aliases DualDesign
#' @export
.DualDesign <- setClass(
  Class = "DualDesign",
  slots = c(
    model = "DualEndpoint",
    data = "DataDual"
  prototype = prototype(
    model = .DualEndpoint(),
    nextBest = .NextBestDualEndpoint(),
    data = DataDual(doseGrid = 1:2),
    startingDose = 1
  contains = "Design"

## constructor ----

#' @rdname DualDesign-class
#' @param model (`DualEndpoint`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param data (`DataDual`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @inheritDotParams Design
#' @export
#' @example examples/Design-class-DualDesign.R
DualDesign <- function(model,
                       ...) {
  start <- Design(model = model, data = data, ...)
    model = model,
    data = data

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname DualDesign-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultDualDesign()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultDualDesign <- function() {
  my_model <- DualEndpointRW(
    mean = c(0, 1),
    cov = matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1), nrow = 2),
    sigma2betaW = 0.01,
    sigma2W = c(a = 0.1, b = 0.1),
    rho = c(a = 1, b = 1),
    rw1 = TRUE

  # Choose the rule for selecting the next dose.
  my_next_best <- NextBestDualEndpoint(
    target = c(0.9, 1),
    overdose = c(0.35, 1),
    max_overdose_prob = 0.25

  # Choose the rule for the cohort-size.
  my_size1 <- CohortSizeRange(
    intervals = c(0, 30),
    cohort_size = c(1, 3)
  my_size2 <- CohortSizeDLT(
    intervals = c(0, 1),
    cohort_size = c(1, 3)
  my_size <- maxSize(my_size1, my_size2)

  # Choose the rule for stopping.
  my_stopping1 <- StoppingTargetBiomarker(
    target = c(0.9, 1),
    prob = 0.5
  my_stopping <- my_stopping1 | StoppingMinPatients(40)

  # Choose the rule for dose increments.
  my_increments <- IncrementsRelative(
    intervals = c(0, 20),
    increments = c(1, 0.33)

  # Initialize the design.
    model = my_model,
    data = DataDual(doseGrid = c(1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 40, 50, 80, 100)),
    nextBest = my_next_best,
    stopping = my_stopping,
    increments = my_increments,
    cohort_size = my_size,
    startingDose = 3

# TDsamplesDesign ----

## class ----

#' `TDsamplesDesign`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`TDsamplesDesign`] is the class of design based only on DLT responses using
#' [`ModelTox`] class model (i.e. [`LogisticIndepBeta`]) as well as MCMC samples
#' obtained for this model.
#' @slot model (`ModelTox`)\cr the pseudo DLT model to be used.
#' @slot stopping (`Stopping`)\cr stopping rule(s) for the trial.
#' @slot increments (`Increments`)\cr how to control increments between dose levels.
#' @slot pl_cohort_size (`CohortSize`)\cr rules for the cohort sizes for placebo,
#'   if any planned (defaults to constant 0 placebo patients).
#' @aliases TDsamplesDesign
#' @export
.TDsamplesDesign <- setClass(
  Class = "TDsamplesDesign",
  slots = c(
    model = "ModelTox",
    stopping = "Stopping",
    increments = "Increments",
    pl_cohort_size = "CohortSize"
  prototype = prototype(
    model = .LogisticIndepBeta(),
    nextBest = .NextBestTDsamples(),
    stopping = .StoppingMinPatients(),
    increments = .IncrementsRelative(),
    pl_cohort_size = CohortSizeConst(0L)
  contains = "RuleDesign"

## constructor ----

#' @rdname TDsamplesDesign-class
#' @param model (`ModelTox`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param stopping (`Stopping`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param increments (`Increments`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param pl_cohort_size (`CohortSize`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @inheritDotParams RuleDesign
#' @export
#' @example examples/Design-class-TDsamplesDesign.R
TDsamplesDesign <- function(model,
                            pl_cohort_size = CohortSizeConst(0L),
                            ...) {
  start <- RuleDesign(...)
    model = model,
    stopping = stopping,
    increments = increments,
    pl_cohort_size = pl_cohort_size

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname TDsamplesDesign-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultTDsamplesDesign()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultTDsamplesDesign <- function() {
  empty_data <- Data(doseGrid = seq(25, 300, 25))

  my_model <- LogisticIndepBeta(
    binDLE = c(1.05, 1.8),
    DLEweights = c(3, 3),
    DLEdose = c(25, 300),
    data = empty_data

    model = my_model,
    stopping = StoppingMinPatients(nPatients = 36),
    increments = IncrementsRelative(
      intervals = range(empty_data@doseGrid),
      increments = c(2, 2)
    nextBest = NextBestTDsamples(
      prob_target_drt = 0.35,
      prob_target_eot = 0.3,
      derive = function(samples) {
        as.numeric(quantile(samples, probs = 0.3))
    cohort_size = CohortSizeConst(size = 3),
    data = empty_data,
    startingDose = 25

# TDDesign ----

## class ----

#' `TDDesign`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`TDDesign`] is the class of design based only on DLT responses using
#' [`ModelTox`] class model (i.e. [`LogisticIndepBeta`]) without MCMC samples.
#' @slot model (`ModelTox`)\cr the pseudo DLT model to be used.
#' @slot stopping (`Stopping`)\cr stopping rule(s) for the trial.
#' @slot increments (`Increments`)\cr how to control increments between dose levels.
#' @slot pl_cohort_size (`CohortSize`)\cr rules for the cohort sizes for placebo,
#'   if any planned (defaults to constant 0 placebo patients).
#' @aliases TDDesign
#' @export
.TDDesign <- setClass(
  Class = "TDDesign",
  slots = c(
    model = "ModelTox",
    stopping = "Stopping",
    increments = "Increments",
    pl_cohort_size = "CohortSize"
  prototype = prototype(
    model = .LogisticIndepBeta(),
    nextBest = .NextBestTD(),
    stopping = .StoppingMinPatients(),
    increments = .IncrementsRelative(),
    pl_cohort_size = CohortSizeConst(0L)
  contains = "RuleDesign"

## constructor ----

#' @rdname TDDesign-class
#' @param model (`ModelTox`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param stopping (`Stopping`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param increments (`Increments`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param pl_cohort_size (`CohortSize`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @inheritDotParams RuleDesign
#' @export
#' @example examples/Design-class-TDDesign.R
TDDesign <- function(model,
                     pl_cohort_size = CohortSizeConst(0L),
                     ...) {
  start <- RuleDesign(...)
    model = model,
    stopping = stopping,
    increments = increments,
    pl_cohort_size = pl_cohort_size

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname TDDesign-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultTDDesign()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultTDDesign <- function() {
  empty_data <- Data(doseGrid = seq(25, 300, 25))

  my_model <- LogisticIndepBeta(
    binDLE = c(1.05, 1.8),
    DLEweights = c(3, 3),
    DLEdose = c(25, 300),
    data = empty_data

    model = my_model,
    stopping = StoppingMinPatients(nPatients = 36),
    increments = IncrementsRelative(
      intervals = range(empty_data@doseGrid),
      increments = c(2, 2)
    nextBest = NextBestTD(
      prob_target_drt = 0.35,
      prob_target_eot = 0.3
    cohort_size = CohortSizeConst(size = 3),
    data = empty_data,
    startingDose = 25

# DualResponsesSamplesDesign ----

## class ----

#' `DualResponsesSamplesDesign`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This is a class of design based on DLE responses using the [`LogisticIndepBeta`] model
#  and efficacy responses using [`ModelEff`]  model class
#' with DLE and efficacy samples. It contain all slots in
#' [`RuleDesign`] and [`TDsamplesDesign`] class objects.
#' @slot data (`DataDual`)\cr the data set.
#' @slot eff_model (`ModelEff`)\cr the pseudo efficacy model to be used.
#' @aliases DualResponsesSamplesDesign
#' @export
.DualResponsesSamplesDesign <-
    Class = "DualResponsesSamplesDesign",
    slots = c(
      eff_model = "ModelEff",
      data = "DataDual"
    prototype = prototype(
      nextBest = .NextBestMaxGainSamples(),
      data = DataDual(doseGrid = 1:2),
      startingDose = 1,
      model = .LogisticIndepBeta()
    contains = "TDsamplesDesign"

## constructor ----

#' @rdname DualResponsesSamplesDesign-class
#' @param data (`DataDual`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param eff_model (`ModelEff`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @inheritDotParams TDsamplesDesign
#' @example examples/Design-class-DualResponsesSamplesDesign.R
#' @export
DualResponsesSamplesDesign <- function(eff_model,
                                       ...) {
  start <- TDsamplesDesign(data = data, ...)
    eff_model = eff_model,
    data = data

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname DualResponsesSamplesDesign-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultDualResponsesSamplesDesign()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultDualResponsesSamplesDesign <- function() {
  empty_data <- DataDual(doseGrid = seq(25, 300, 25))

  tox_model <- LogisticIndepBeta(
    binDLE = c(1.05, 1.8),
    DLEweights = c(3, 3),
    DLEdose = c(25, 300),
    data = empty_data
  options <- McmcOptions(burnin = 100, step = 2, samples = 200)
  tox_samples <- mcmc(empty_data, tox_model, options)

  eff_model <- Effloglog(
    eff = c(1.223, 2.513),
    eff_dose = c(25, 300),
    nu = c(a = 1, b = 0.025),
    data = empty_data
  eff_samples <- mcmc(empty_data, eff_model, options)

  my_next_best <- NextBestMaxGainSamples(
    prob_target_drt = 0.35,
    prob_target_eot = 0.3,
    derive = function(samples) {
      as.numeric(quantile(samples, prob = 0.3))
    mg_derive = function(mg_samples) {
      as.numeric(quantile(mg_samples, prob = 0.5))

    nextBest = my_next_best,
    cohort_size = CohortSizeConst(size = 3),
    startingDose = 25,
    model = tox_model,
    eff_model = eff_model,
    data = empty_data,
    stopping = StoppingMinPatients(nPatients = 36),
    increments = IncrementsRelative(
      intervals = c(25, 300),
      increments = c(2, 2)

# DualResponsesDesign.R ----

## class ----

#' `DualResponsesDesign.R`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This is a class of design based on DLE responses using the [`LogisticIndepBeta`] model
#  and efficacy responses using the [`ModelEff`]  model class
#' without DLE and efficacy samples. It contains all slots from the
#' [`RuleDesign`] and [`TDsamplesDesign`] classes.
#' @slot data (`DataDual`)\cr the data set.
#' @slot eff_model (`ModelEff`)\cr the pseudo efficacy model to be used.
#' @aliases DualResponsesDesign
#' @export
.DualResponsesDesign <-
    Class = "DualResponsesDesign",
    slots = c(
      eff_model = "ModelEff",
      data = "DataDual"
    prototype = prototype(
      nextBest = .NextBestMaxGain(),
      data = DataDual(doseGrid = 1:2),
      startingDose = 1,
      model = .LogisticIndepBeta()
    contains = "TDDesign"

## constructor ----

#' @rdname DualResponsesDesign-class
#' @param data (`DataDual`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param eff_model (`ModelEff`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @inheritDotParams TDDesign
#' @example examples/Design-class-DualResponsesDesign.R
#' @export
DualResponsesDesign <- function(eff_model,
                                ...) {
  start <- TDDesign(data = data, ...)
    eff_model = eff_model,
    data = data

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname DualResponsesDesign-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultDualResponsesDesign()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultDualResponsesDesign <- function() {
  empty_data <- DataDual(doseGrid = seq(25, 300, 25))

    nextBest = NextBestMaxGain(
      prob_target_drt = 0.35,
      prob_target_eot = 0.3
    cohort_size = CohortSizeConst(size = 3),
    startingDose = 25,
    model = LogisticIndepBeta(
      binDLE = c(1.05, 1.8),
      DLEweights = c(3, 3),
      DLEdose = c(25, 300),
      data = empty_data
    eff_model = Effloglog(
      eff = c(1.223, 2.513),
      eff_dose = c(25, 300),
      nu = c(a = 1, b = 0.025),
      data = empty_data
    data = empty_data,
    stopping = StoppingMinPatients(nPatients = 36),
    increments = IncrementsRelative(
      intervals = c(25, 300),
      increments = c(2, 2)

# DADesign ----

## class ----

#' `DADesign`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This class has special requirements for the `model` and `data`
#' slots in comparison to the parent class [`Design`]:
#' @slot model (`GeneralModel`)\cr the model to use, see in particular [`DALogisticLogNormal`] and
#' [`TITELogisticLogNormal`] which make use of the time-to-DLT data.
#' @slot data (`DataDA`)\cr what is the dose grid, any previous data, etc.
#' @slot safetyWindow (`SafetyWindow`)\cr the safety window to apply between cohorts.
#' @details
#' The `safetyWindow` slot should be an instance of the `SafetyWindow` class.
#' It can be customized to specify the duration of the safety window for your trial.
#' The safety window represents the time period required to observe toxicity data
#' from the ongoing cohort before opening the next cohort.
#' Note that even after opening the next cohort,
#' further toxicity data will be collected and analyzed to make dose escalation decisions.
#' To specify a constant safety window, use the `SafetyWindowConst` constructor. For example:
#' \code{mysafetywindow <- SafetyWindowConst(c(6, 2), 10, 20)}
#' @seealso [`SafetyWindowConst`] for creating a constant safety window.
#' @aliases DADesign
#' @export
.DADesign <-
    Class = "DADesign",
    slots = c(
      model = "GeneralModel",
      data = "DataDA",
      safetyWindow = "SafetyWindow"
    prototype = prototype(
      model = .DALogisticLogNormal(),
      nextBest = .NextBestNCRM(),
      data = DataDA(doseGrid = 1:2),
      safetyWindow = .SafetyWindowConst()
    contains = "Design"

## constructor ----

#' @rdname DADesign-class
#' @param model (`GeneralModel`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param data (`DataDA`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param safetyWindow (`SafetyWindow`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @inheritDotParams Design
#' @example examples/Design-class-DADesign.R
#' @export
DADesign <- function(model, data,
                     ...) {
  start <- Design(
    data = data,
    model = model,
    safetyWindow = safetyWindow

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname DADesign-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultDADesign()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultDADesign <- function() {
  emptydata <- DataDA(
    doseGrid = c(0.1, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 3, 6, seq(from = 10, to = 80, by = 2)),
    Tmax = 60

  npiece_ <- 10
  t_max_ <- 60

  lambda_prior <- function(k) {
    npiece_ / (t_max_ * (npiece_ - k + 0.5))

  model <- DALogisticLogNormal(
    mean = c(-0.85, 1),
    cov = matrix(c(1, -0.5, -0.5, 1), nrow = 2),
    ref_dose = 56,
    npiece = npiece_,
    l = as.numeric(t(apply(as.matrix(c(1:npiece_), 1, npiece_), 2, lambda_prior))),
    c_par = 2

  mySize1 <- CohortSizeRange(
    intervals = c(0, 30),
    cohort_size = c(1, 3)
  mySize2 <- CohortSizeDLT(
    intervals = c(0, 1),
    cohort_size = c(1, 3)
  mySize <- maxSize(mySize1, mySize2)

  myStopping1 <- StoppingTargetProb(
    target = c(0.2, 0.35),
    prob = 0.5
  myStopping2 <- StoppingMinPatients(nPatients = 50)
  myStopping <- (myStopping1 | myStopping2)

    model = model,
    increments = IncrementsRelative(
      intervals = c(0, 20),
      increments = c(1, 0.33)
    nextBest = NextBestNCRM(
      target = c(0.2, 0.35),
      overdose = c(0.35, 1),
      max_overdose_prob = 0.25
    stopping = myStopping,
    cohort_size = mySize,
    data = emptydata,
    safetyWindow = SafetyWindowConst(c(6, 2), 7, 7),
    startingDose = 3
# DesignGrouped ----

## class ----

#' `DesignGrouped`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`DesignGrouped`] combines two [`Design`] objects: one for the mono and one
#' for the combo arm of a joint dose escalation design.
#' @slot model (`LogisticLogNormalGrouped`)\cr the model to be used, currently only one
#'   class is allowed.
#' @slot mono (`Design`)\cr defines the dose escalation rules for the mono arm, see
#'   details.
#' @slot combo (`Design`)\cr defines the dose escalation rules for the combo arm, see
#'   details.
#' @slot first_cohort_mono_only (`flag`)\cr whether first test one mono agent cohort, and then
#'   once its DLT data has been collected, we proceed from the second cohort onwards with
#'   concurrent mono and combo cohorts.
#' @slot same_dose_for_all (`flag`)\cr whether the lower dose of the separately determined mono and combo
#'   doses should be used as the next dose for both mono and combo in all cohorts.
#' @slot same_dose_for_start (`flag`)\cr indicates whether, when mono and combo are
#'   used in the same cohort for the first time, the same dose should be used for both.
#'   Note that this is different from `same_dose_for_all` which will always force
#'   them to be the same. If `same_dose_for_all = TRUE`, this is therefore ignored. See Details.
#' @details
#'   - Note that the model slots inside the `mono` and `combo` parameters
#'     are ignored (because we don't fit separate regression models for the mono and
#'     combo arms). Instead, the `model` parameter is used to fit a joint regression
#'     model for the mono and combo arms together.
#'   - `same_dose_for_start = TRUE` is useful as an option when we want to use `same_dose_for_all = FALSE`
#'     combined with `first_cohort_mono_only = TRUE`.
#'     This will allow to randomize patients to the mono and combo arms at the same dose
#'     as long as the selected dose for the cohorts stay the same. This can therefore
#'     further mitigate bias as long as possible between the mono and combo arms.
#' @aliases DesignGrouped
#' @export
.DesignGrouped <- setClass(
  Class = "DesignGrouped",
  slots = c(
    model = "LogisticLogNormalGrouped",
    mono = "Design",
    combo = "Design",
    first_cohort_mono_only = "logical",
    same_dose_for_all = "logical",
    same_dose_for_start = "logical"
  prototype = prototype(
    model = .DefaultLogisticLogNormalGrouped(),
    mono = .Design(),
    combo = .Design(),
    first_cohort_mono_only = TRUE,
    same_dose_for_all = TRUE,
    same_dose_for_start = FALSE
  validity = v_design_grouped,
  contains = "CrmPackClass"

## constructor ----

#' @rdname DesignGrouped-class
#' @param model (`LogisticLogNormalGrouped`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param mono (`Design`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param combo (`Design`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param first_cohort_mono_only (`flag`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param same_dose_for_all (`flag`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param same_dose_for_start (`flag`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param stop_mono_with_combo (`flag`)\cr whether the mono arm should be stopped when the combo
#'   arm is stopped (this makes sense when the only real trial objective is the recommended combo dose).
#' @param ... not used.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Design-class-DesignGrouped.R
DesignGrouped <- function(model,
                          combo = mono,
                          first_cohort_mono_only = TRUE,
                          same_dose_for_all = !same_dose_for_start,
                          same_dose_for_start = FALSE,
                          stop_mono_with_combo = FALSE,
                          ...) {
  assert_class(mono, "Design")
  if (stop_mono_with_combo) {
    mono@stopping <- mono@stopping |
      StoppingExternal(report_label = "Stop Mono with Combo")

    model = model,
    mono = mono,
    combo = combo,
    first_cohort_mono_only = first_cohort_mono_only,
    same_dose_for_all = same_dose_for_all,
    same_dose_for_start = same_dose_for_start

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname DesignGrouped-class
#' @note Typically, end-users will not use the `.DefaultDesignGrouped()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultDesignGrouped <- .DesignGrouped

# RuleDesignOrdinal ----

## class ----

#' `RuleDesignOrdinal`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`RuleDesignOrdinal`] is the class for rule-based designs. The difference between
#' this class and the [`DesignOrdinal`] class is that [`RuleDesignOrdinal`]
#' does not contain `model`, `stopping` and `increments` slots.
#' @slot next_best (`NextBestOrdinal`)\cr how to find the next best dose.
#' @slot cohort_size (`CohortSizeOrdinal`)\cr rules for the cohort sizes.
#' @slot data (`DataOrdinal`)\cr specifies dose grid, any previous data, etc.
#' @slot starting_dose (`number`)\cr the starting dose, it must lie on the dose
#'   grid in `data`.
#' @aliases RuleDesignOrdinal
#' @export
.RuleDesignOrdinal <- setClass(
  Class = "RuleDesignOrdinal",
  slots = c(
    next_best = "NextBestOrdinal",
    cohort_size = "CohortSizeOrdinal",
    data = "DataOrdinal",
    starting_dose = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    next_best = .NextBestOrdinal(),
    cohort_size = CohortSizeOrdinal(1L, CohortSizeConst(3L)),
    data = DataOrdinal(doseGrid = 1:3),
    starting_dose = 1
  contains = "CrmPackClass",
  validity = v_rule_design_ordinal

## constructor ----

#' @rdname RuleDesignOrdinal-class
#' @param next_best (`NextBestOrdinal`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param cohort_size (`CohortSizeOrdinal`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param data (`DataOrdinal`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param starting_dose (`number`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Design-class-RuleDesignOrdinal.R
RuleDesignOrdinal <- function(
    starting_dose) {
    next_best = next_best,
    cohort_size = cohort_size,
    data = data,
    starting_dose = as.numeric(starting_dose)

#' @rdname RuleDesignOrdinal-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultRuleDesignOrdinal()` function.
#' @export

.DefaultRuleDesignOrdinal <- function() {
    next_best = NextBestOrdinal(
      NextBestMTD(target = 0.25, derive = function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))
    cohort_size = CohortSizeOrdinal(1L, CohortSizeConst(size = 3L)),
    data = DataOrdinal(doseGrid = c(5, 10, 15, 25, 35, 50, 80)),
    starting_dose = 5

# DesignOrdinal ----

## class ----

#' `DesignOrdinal`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`DesignOrdinal`] is the class for rule-based ordinal designs. The difference
#' between this class and its parent [`RuleDesignOrdinal`] class is that the
#'  [`DesignOrdinal`] class contains additional `model`, `stopping`,
#'  `increments` and `pl_cohort_size` slots.
#' @slot model (`LogisticLogNormalOrdinal`)\cr the model to be used.
#' @slot stopping (`StoppingOrdinal`)\cr stopping rule(s) for the trial.
#' @slot increments (`IncrementsOrdinal`)\cr how to control increments between dose levels.
#' @slot pl_cohort_size (`CohortSizeOrdinal`)\cr rules for the cohort sizes for placebo,
#'   if any planned (defaults to constant 0 placebo patients).
#' @aliases DesignOrdinal
#' @export
.DesignOrdinal <- setClass(
  Class = "DesignOrdinal",
  slots = c(
    model = "LogisticLogNormalOrdinal",
    stopping = "StoppingOrdinal",
    increments = "IncrementsOrdinal",
    pl_cohort_size = "CohortSizeOrdinal"
  prototype = prototype(
    model = .LogisticLogNormalOrdinal(),
    next_best = .NextBestOrdinal(),
    stopping = .StoppingOrdinal(),
    increments = .IncrementsOrdinal(),
    pl_cohort_size = CohortSizeOrdinal(1L, CohortSizeConst(3L))
  contains = "RuleDesignOrdinal"

## constructor ----

#' @rdname DesignOrdinal-class
#' @param model (`LogisticLogNormalOrdinal`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param stopping (`StoppingOrdinal`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param increments (`IncrementsOrdinal`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param pl_cohort_size (`CohortSizeOrdinal`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @inheritDotParams RuleDesignOrdinal
#' @export
#' @example examples/Design-class-DesignOrdinal.R
DesignOrdinal <- function(
    pl_cohort_size = CohortSizeOrdinal(1L, CohortSizeConst(0L)),
    ...) {
  start <- RuleDesignOrdinal(...)
    model = model,
    stopping = stopping,
    increments = increments,
    pl_cohort_size = pl_cohort_size

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname DesignOrdinal-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultDesignOrdinal()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultDesignOrdinal <- function() {
  my_size1 <- CohortSizeRange(
    intervals = c(0, 30),
    cohort_size = c(1, 3)
  my_size2 <- CohortSizeDLT(
    intervals = c(0, 1),
    cohort_size = c(1, 3)
  my_size <- CohortSizeOrdinal(1L, maxSize(my_size1, my_size2))

  my_stopping1 <- StoppingMinCohorts(nCohorts = 3)
  my_stopping2 <- StoppingTargetProb(
    target = c(0.2, 0.35),
    prob = 0.5
  my_stopping3 <- StoppingMinPatients(nPatients = 20)
  my_stopping <- StoppingOrdinal(1L, (my_stopping1 & my_stopping2) | my_stopping3)

  # Initialize the design.
  design <- DesignOrdinal(
    model = LogisticLogNormalOrdinal(
      mean = c(-3, -4, 1),
      cov = diag(c(3, 4, 1)),
      ref_dose = 50
    next_best = NextBestOrdinal(
        target = c(0.2, 0.35),
        overdose = c(0.35, 1),
        max_overdose_prob = 0.25
    stopping = my_stopping,
    increments = IncrementsOrdinal(
        intervals = c(0, 20),
        increments = c(1, 0.33)
    cohort_size = my_size,
    data = DataOrdinal(
      doseGrid = c(1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 40, 50, 80, 100),
      yCategories = c("No tox" = 0L, "Sub-tox AE" = 1L, "DLT" = 2L)
    starting_dose = 3
Roche/crmPack documentation built on July 16, 2024, 2:15 a.m.