
Defines functions getSpecialThreeUTRs getCageTx getAll getFasta leaderCage getLeaders getThreeUTRs getCDSTraining getCDSFiltered getCDS getTx getGTF

Documented in getAll getCageTx getCDS getCDSFiltered getCDSTraining getFasta getGTF getLeaders getSpecialThreeUTRs getThreeUTRs getTx leaderCage

# These functions are used the speed up loading of annotation in parallel loops

#' Get the Genomic transcript format, currently using GRch38 data
#' @param assignIt TRUE (assign to .GlobalEnv)
getGTF <- function(assignIt = TRUE) {
  if(exists("Gtf", mode = "S4") == FALSE) {
    Gtf = loadTxdb(gtfdb)
      assign("Gtf",Gtf,envir = .GlobalEnv)
  } else if(!dbIsValid(Gtf$conn)) {
    Gtf = loadTxdb(Gtf$conn@dbname)
    assign("Gtf", Gtf, envir = .GlobalEnv)

#' Get transcripts from gtf
#' @inheritParams getGTF
#' @param dataFolder default: get("dataFolder", envir = .GlobalEnv)
getTx <- function(assignIt = TRUE,
                  dataFolder = get("dataFolder", envir = .GlobalEnv)){
  if (exists("tx", mode = "S4") == FALSE) {
    if (file.exists(p(dataFolder, "/tx.rds"))) {
      tx <- readRDS(p(dataFolder, "/tx.rds"))
    } else {
      tx <- loadRegion(Gtf)
    if (assignIt) {
      assign("tx",tx, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    } else {

#' Get the coding sequences from the gtf file
#' @inheritParams getTx
getCDS <- function(assignIt = TRUE,
                   dataFolder = get("dataFolder", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
  if (exists("cds", mode = "S4") == FALSE) {
    if (file.exists(p(dataFolder, "/cds.rds"))) {
      cds <- readRDS(p(dataFolder, "/cds.rds"))
    } else {
      cds <- loadRegion(Gtf, "cds")
    if (assignIt) {
      assign("cds", cds, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    } else {

#' Get CDS that were filtered
#' With valid width modulus length, start and stop codons used
#' @inheritParams getTx
#' @return GRangesList of all CDS used
getCDSFiltered <- function(dataFolder = get("dataFolder", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
  return(readRDS(p(dataFolder, "/cds_filtered.rds")))

#' Get CDS used for positive training set
#' @param mode "uORF", or "aCDS"
#' @inheritParams getTx
#' @return GRangesList of CDS used for training
getCDSTraining <- function(mode = "uORF",
                           dataFolder = get("dataFolder", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
  if (mode == "uORF") {
  } else if (mode %in% c("aCDS", "CDS")) {
    if (file.exists(p(dataFolder, "/cds_training.rds"))) {
      return(readRDS(p(dataFolder, "/cds_training.rds")))
    } else stop("Could not find training data for CDS")

  } else stop("mode must be uORF, CDS or aCDS")

#' Get the 3' sequences from the gtf file
#' @inheritParams getTx
getThreeUTRs <- function(dataFolder = get("dataFolder", envir = .GlobalEnv)){
  if (!exists("threeUTRs", mode = "S4")) {
    if (!file.exists(p(dataFolder, "/threeUTRs.rds"))) {
      threeUTRs = threeUTRsByTranscript(Gtf, use.names = TRUE)
    } else {
      threeUTRs <- readRDS(p(dataFolder, "/threeUTRs.rds"))
    assign("threeUTRs", threeUTRs, envir = .GlobalEnv)

#' Get the 5' leaders
#' @inheritParams getTx
getLeaders <- function(assignIt = TRUE,
                       dataFolder = get("dataFolder", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
  if(exists("fiveUTRs", mode = "S4") == FALSE) {
    if (file.exists(p(dataFolder,"/fiveUTRs.rds"))) {
      fiveUTRs <- readRDS(p(dataFolder,"/fiveUTRs.rds"))
    } else stop("Could not find pre saved leaders")
    assign("fiveUTRs", fiveUTRs, envir = .GlobalEnv)

#' Get maximum spanning CAGE leaders
#' Ensures to span all candidate uORFs found
#' @param with.cds logical, default TRUE (add cds upstream)
leaderCage <- function(with.cds = TRUE){

#' Get the fasta indexed file
#' if assignIt is TRUE, the object is not return to local scope
#' Only assigned to globalenvir
getFasta = function(filePath = NULL, assignIt = TRUE){
  if(exists("fa", mode = "S4") == FALSE){ #index files
    if (is.null(filePath)){
      fa = FaFile(faiName)
    } else {
      fa = FaFile(filePath)
    if (assignIt){
      assign("fa",fa,envir = .GlobalEnv)
    } else {

#' Get all annotation parts
#' leader, cds, threeUTRs and tx
#' @param include.cage logical TRUE
#' @param cdsOnFiveEnd logical FALSE
#' @export
getAll <- function(include.cage = TRUE, cdsOnFiveEnd = FALSE){
  getLeaders(); getCDS(); getThreeUTRs()
  #or with extension
  if (include.cage) {
    cageFiveUTRs <- leaderCage(cdsOnFiveEnd)
    assign("cageFiveUTRs", cageFiveUTRs,  envir = .GlobalEnv)
  } else getTx(T)


#' New leaders defined as maximum upstream for each original leader
#' With these leader all found uORFs are guaranteed to overlap within
getCageTx <- function() {
  if (file.exists(p(dataFolder, "/cageTx.rdata"))) {
    load(p(dataFolder, "/cageTx.rdata"), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  } else {
    tx <- getTx()
    cageFiveUTRs <- leaderCage(FALSE)
    tx[names(cageFiveUTRs)] <- ORFik:::extendLeaders(tx, cageFiveUTRs)
    assign("tx", tx,  envir = .GlobalEnv)
    save(tx, file = p(dataFolder, "/cageTx.rdata"))

#' Used as negative set for training
#' Defined as stop site of 3' UTRs that has width >= 6,
#' and extend in direction of downstream direction the median
#' distance of 3' UTRs.
getSpecialThreeUTRs <- function() {
  threeUTRs <- threeUTRs[widthPerGroup(threeUTRs) > 5]
  threeWidth <- median(widthPerGroup(threeUTRs))
  # TODO: think harder on if there is a better region
  downstreamThree <- GRanges(seqnamesPerGroup(threeUTRs, F),
                       IRanges(stopSites(threeUTRs, is.sorted = T) + 1, width = threeWidth),
                       strand = strandPerGroup(threeUTRs, F))
  names(downstreamThree) <- names(threeUTRs)
Roleren/uORFomePipe documentation built on Jan. 14, 2024, 5:11 a.m.