

##' This module aggregates total trade flow by reporting country for partners
##' countries to a single total trade for each unique CPC commodity code. The
##' module saves the output into the dataset `total\_trade\_cpc\_m49`,
##' within the `trade` domain.

##+ setup, include=FALSE
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, eval = FALSE)

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

##+ init

# If this is set to TRUE, the module will download the whole dataset
# saved on SWS (year specific) and will do a setdiff by comparing this
# set and the dataset generated by the module: all values saved on SWS
# that are not generated by the current run should be considered "wrong"
# (e.g., generated by a previous run of the module that had a bug) and
# will then be set to NA. See issue #164
remove_nonexistent_transactions <- TRUE

  min_versions <- data.frame(package = c("faoswsFlag", "faoswsTrade"),
                             version = c('0.2.4', '0.1.1'),
                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  for (i in nrow(min_versions)){
    # installed version
    p <- packageVersion(min_versions[i,"package"])
    # required version
    v <- package_version(min_versions[i,"version"])
    if(p < v){

      stop(sprintf("%s >= %s required", min_versions[i,"package"], v))


if (CheckDebug()) {
  SETTINGS = ReadSettings("modules/Creating_Tables_Total_Trade/sws.yml")
  ## Define where your certificates are stored
  ## Get session information from SWS. Token must be obtained from web interface
  GetTestEnvironment(baseUrl = SETTINGS[["server"]],
                     token = SETTINGS[["token"]])

##' # Parameters

##' - `year`: year for processing.
year <- as.integer(2010:2017)

allm49 <-
  GetCodeList("trade", "total_trade_cpc_m49", "geographicAreaM49")[type == "country", code] %>%
  Dimension(name = "geographicAreaM49", keys = .)

allElementsDim <-
  c( "5610", "5910","5622","5922","5630","5930") %>% #,
  ## UV elements:
  #"5638", "5639", "5630", "5938", "5939", "5930") %>%
  Dimension(name = "measuredElementTrade", keys = .)

#CPC without livestock

cpc_codes <- data.table(read_excel("modules/Creating_Tables_Total_Trade/commodities_Commodity tables.xlsx", sheet= "List of commodities"))
cpc_codes <- unique(cpc_codes$Commodity_Code)

#cpc livestock

# cpc_codes <- c("02111","02112","02122","02123","02140","02151")

allItemsDim <-
  GetCodeList("trade", "total_trade_cpc_m49", "measuredItemCPC")[code %in%  cpc_codes][,code] %>%
  Dimension(name = "measuredItemCPC", keys = .)

allYearsDim <- Dimension(name = "timePointYears", keys = as.character(year))

totaltradekey <-
    domain = "trade",
    dataset = "total_trade_cpc_m49",
    dimensions =

tradeData <- GetData(totaltradekey)

# tradeData[, c("flagObservationStatus","flagMethod") := NULL]

# 5608 and 5908 livestock elements

#pull continent codes

continentCodes <- read_excel("modules/Creating_Tables_Total_Trade/continent_codes.xls")

continentCodes <- data.table(continentCodes)

continentCodes <- select(continentCodes, c("Country Group", "M49 Code"))

#Codes provided by Dominique for continets (01/08/2019)
# 1.	World (953)
# 2.	Africa (950)
# 3.	Asia (951)
# 4.	Europe (952)
# 5.	Northern and Central America (931)
# 6.	Southern America (915)
# 7.	Oceania (934)
# 8.	European Union (1216)

#select only the continenets we are interested in
continentCodes <- subset(continentCodes, `Country Group` %in% c("Africa", "world", "Asia", "Europe", "Northern America",
                                                                "Central America", "South America",
                                                                "Oceania", "European Union"))

continentCodes[`Country Group` %in% c("Northern America",
                                      "Central America"), `Country Group` := "Northern and Central America"]

continentCodes[, `M49 Code` := as.character(`M49 Code`)]

codes_missing <- c("136" , "192" , "212" , "214",  "28",   "308",  "312",  "332" , "388" , "44" ,  "474",  "500" , "52", "530" , "531" , "533",  "534" , "659",  "660",  "662",  "670",
                 "720"  ,"780" , "796" , "850" , "886" , "92" )

codes_to_add <-'Country Group' = NA,'M49 Code' = codes_missing ))

codes_to_add[, `Country Group`:= ifelse(`M49 Code` %in% codes_missing[!codes_missing %in% c("720","886")],
                                        "Northern and Central America", `Country Group` )]

codes_to_add[, `Country Group`:= ifelse(`M49 Code` %in% codes_missing[codes_missing %in% c("720","886")],
                                        "Asia", `Country Group` )]

continentCodes <- rbind(continentCodes, codes_to_add)

write.xlsx(continentCodes, "modules/Creating_Tables_Total_Trade/comple_continent_table.xlsx", row.names = FALSE)

# [1] "1249" "136"  "192"  "212"  "214"  "28"   "308"  "312"  "332"  "388"  "44"   "474"  "500"  "52"   "530"  "531"  "533"  "534"  "659"  "660"  "662"  "670"
# [23] "720"  "780"  "796"  "850"  "886"  "92"

timeseriesData <- = as.character(2010:2017),
                                             geographicAreaM49 = unique(tradeData$geographicAreaM49),
                                             measuredElementTrade = c(unique(tradeData$measuredElementTrade),"Import - Export", "(Import/Export) - 1"
                                                                      , "Status"),
                                             measuredItemCPC = unique(as.character(tradeData$measuredItemCPC))))

timeseriesData <- merge(timeseriesData, tradeData, by=c("geographicAreaM49","measuredElementTrade","measuredItemCPC", "timePointYears"),all.x = TRUE)

timeseriesData[, Value := 0]

# Europea Union Excluded
timeseriesData_without_EU <- merge(timeseriesData, continentCodes[`Country Group` != "European Union"], by.x=c("geographicAreaM49"),by.y = c("M49 Code"), all.x = TRUE)

timeseriesData_without_EU <- timeseriesData_without_EU[!`Country Group`)]

# timeseriesData_without_EU[, geographicAreaM49 := NULL]


timeseriesData_with_EU <- merge(timeseriesData, continentCodes[`Country Group` == "European Union"], by.x=c("geographicAreaM49"),by.y = c("M49 Code"), all.x = TRUE)

timeseriesData_with_EU <- timeseriesData_with_EU[!`Country Group`)]

# timeseriesData_with_EU[, geographicAreaM49 := NULL]

timeseriesData <- rbind(timeseriesData_with_EU,timeseriesData_without_EU)

#####################################Country Wise#####################################################################

timeseriesData[, Value := ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("Import - Export"),
                                 round(Value[measuredElementTrade == "5610"]-Value[measuredElementTrade == "5910"],0), Value), by=c("geographicAreaM49","Country Group","measuredItemCPC"

timeseriesData[, Value := ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("(Import/Export) - 1"),
                                 round(((Value[measuredElementTrade == "5610"]/Value[measuredElementTrade == "5910"])-1)*100,0), Value),
               by=c("geographicAreaM49","Country Group","measuredItemCPC","timePointYears")]

timeseriesData[Value == "Inf", Value := NA]

timeseriesData[is.nan(Value), Value := NA]
# timeseriesData[, Status := ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("(Import/Export) - 1") &
#                                     (Value[measuredElementTrade %in% c("(Import/Export) - 1")] < 5 &
#                                     Value[measuredElementTrade %in% c("(Import/Export) - 1")] > -5), "Balanced","Unbalanced"),
#                by=c("geographicAreaM49","Country Group","measuredItemCPC","timePointYears")]

timeseriesData <- timeseriesData[order(measuredItemCPC, `Country Group`, timePointYears)]

growthData <- timeseriesData[measuredElementTrade %in% c("5610","5910")]

growthData <-, measuredItemCPC+timePointYears+geographicAreaM49+`Country Group` ~ measuredElementTrade, value.var = c("Value"))

growthData[,Import_growth := round((`5610` - lag(`5610`))/lag(`5610`),0) , by = c("geographicAreaM49","measuredItemCPC", "Country Group")]

growthData[,Export_growth := round((`5910` - lag(`5910`))/lag(`5910`),0) , by = c("geographicAreaM49","measuredItemCPC", "Country Group")]

growthData[, c("5610","5910") := NULL]

growthData<-, id.vars = c("measuredItemCPC","timePointYears","geographicAreaM49","Country Group"),

setnames(growthData, "variable","measuredElementTrade")

growthData[is.nan(Value), Value := NA]

growthData[, c("flagObservationStatus", "flagMethod"):= NA]

timeseriesData <- rbind(timeseriesData,growthData)

timeseriesData[Value == "Inf", Value := NA]

timeseriesData[measuredElementTrade == "Status", Value := NA]

timeseriesData <-
    measuredElementTrade == "(Import/Export) - 1",
    .(geographicAreaM49,`Country Group`, measuredItemCPC, timePointYears, s = between(Value, -5, 5))
      on = c("geographicAreaM49", "Country Group","measuredItemCPC","timePointYears")
        measuredElementTrade == "Status", Value := s * 1
          s := NULL

timeseriesData[, Value := round(Value,0)]


timeseriesDataRegion <- copy(timeseriesData)
timeseriesDataRegion<- subset(timeseriesDataRegion , measuredElementTrade %in% c("5610","5910","5622","5922","5630","5930", "Import - Export",
                                                                                 "(Import/Export) - 1","Status") )

timeseriesDataRegion[, geographicAreaM49 :=NULL]

timeseriesDataRegion[,c("flagObservationStatus","flagMethod") := NULL]

timeseriesDataRegion[, Value := ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("Import - Export","(Import/Export) - 1","5630","5930","Status"), NA,Value), by=c("Country Group","measuredItemCPC"

#aggregate sum

timeseriesDataRegion[, Agg_Sum := ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("5610","5910","5622","5922"),
                                         sum(Value), Value), by = list(measuredItemCPC,`Country Group`, measuredElementTrade,timePointYears)]

timeseriesDataRegion[,c("Value") := NULL]

timeseriesDataRegion <- unique(timeseriesDataRegion)

setnames(timeseriesDataRegion, c("Agg_Sum"),c("Value"))

#5610 Imports
timeseriesDataRegion[, Value := ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("Import - Export"),
                                 round(Value[measuredElementTrade == "5610"]-Value[measuredElementTrade == "5910"],0), Value), by=c("Country Group","measuredItemCPC"

timeseriesDataRegion[, Value := ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("5630"),
                                       round((Value[measuredElementTrade == "5622"]*1000)/Value[measuredElementTrade == "5610"],0), Value),
                     by=c("Country Group","measuredItemCPC" ,"timePointYears")]

timeseriesDataRegion[, Value := ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("5930"),
                                       round((Value[measuredElementTrade == "5922"]*1000)/Value[measuredElementTrade == "5910"],0), Value),
                     by=c("Country Group","measuredItemCPC" ,"timePointYears")]

timeseriesDataRegion[, Value := ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("(Import/Export) - 1"),
                                 round(((Value[measuredElementTrade == "5610"]/Value[measuredElementTrade == "5910"])-1)*100,0), Value),
                                      by=c("Country Group","measuredItemCPC","timePointYears")]

timeseriesDataRegion <- timeseriesDataRegion[order(measuredItemCPC, `Country Group`, timePointYears)]

growthDataRe <- timeseriesDataRegion[measuredElementTrade %in% c("5610","5910")]

growthDataRe <-, measuredItemCPC+timePointYears+`Country Group` ~ measuredElementTrade, value.var = c("Value"))

growthDataRe[,Import_growth := round(((`5610` - lag(`5610`))/lag(`5610`))*100,0) , by = c("measuredItemCPC", "Country Group")]

growthDataRe[,Export_growth := round(((`5910` - lag(`5910`))/lag(`5910`))*100,0) , by = c("measuredItemCPC", "Country Group")]

growthDataRe[, c("5610","5910") := NULL]

growthDataRe<-, id.vars = c("measuredItemCPC","timePointYears","Country Group"),measure.vars=c("Import_growth","Export_growth"),

setnames(growthDataRe, "variable","measuredElementTrade")

timeseriesDataRegion <- rbind(timeseriesDataRegion,growthDataRe)

timeseriesDataRegion[Value == "Inf", Value := NA]
timeseriesDataRegion[is.nan(Value), Value := NA]

timeseriesDataRegion <-
    measuredElementTrade == "(Import/Export) - 1",
    .(`Country Group`, measuredItemCPC, timePointYears, s = between(Value, -5, 5))
    on = c("Country Group","measuredItemCPC","timePointYears")
    measuredElementTrade == "Status", Value := s * 1
    s := NULL

# timeseriesDataRegion[, Value := round(Value,0)]

timeseriesDataRegion[measuredElementTrade == "5610", measuredElementTrade := "Import_Quantity (t)"]
timeseriesDataRegion[measuredElementTrade == "5910", measuredElementTrade := "Export_Quantity (t)"]
timeseriesDataRegion[measuredElementTrade == "5622", measuredElementTrade := "Import Value [1000 $]"]
timeseriesDataRegion[measuredElementTrade == "5922", measuredElementTrade := "Export Value [1000 $]"]
timeseriesDataRegion[measuredElementTrade == "5630", measuredElementTrade := "Import UV [$/t]"]
timeseriesDataRegion[measuredElementTrade == "5930", measuredElementTrade := "Export UV [$/t]"]


timeseriesDataRegion <- nameData("sua-fbs", "sua_unbalanced",timeseriesDataRegion)
timeseriesDataRegion[, c("timePointYears_description") := NULL]
timeseriesDataRegion[, Value := round(Value,0)]
setnames(timeseriesDataRegion, c("measuredItemFbsSua","measuredItemFbsSua_description"),c("Commodity CPC Code", "Commodity name"))

# timeseriesDataRegion[, Value := ifelse(measuredElementTrade == "Status", NA,Value), by=c("Country Group","Commodity CPC Code","timePointYears")]

timeseriesDataRegion <-, `Country Group`+`Commodity CPC Code`+`Commodity name`
                                   +measuredElementTrade ~ timePointYears, value.var = c("Value"))

# yearcols <- grep("^Value", names(timeseriesDataRegion), value = TRUE)
# yearcols_new=gsub("^.*?_","",yearcols)
# flagcols <- grep("^flagObservationStatus", names(timeseriesDataRegion), value = TRUE)
# flagcols_new=gsub("_", " ", flagcols, fixed=TRUE)
# methodcols <- grep("^flagMethod", names(timeseriesDataRegion), value = TRUE)
# methodcols_new=gsub("_", " ", methodcols, fixed=TRUE)
# addorder <- as.vector(rbind(yearcols_new, flagcols_new,methodcols_new))
# setnames(timeseriesDataRegion,yearcols, yearcols_new)
# setnames(timeseriesDataRegion,flagcols, flagcols_new)
# setnames(timeseriesDataRegion,methodcols, methodcols_new)

setnames(timeseriesDataRegion, c( "measuredElementTrade"),c("Trade Dimension"))

timeseriesDataRegion[, Country := NA]

setcolorder(timeseriesDataRegion, c("Country Group","Country","Commodity name","Commodity CPC Code","Trade Dimension"

timeseriesDataRegion[, `Trade Dimension` := as.character(`Trade Dimension`)]

# flagcols_new <- grep("^flagObservationStatus", names(timeseriesDataRegion), value = TRUE)
# methodcols_new <- grep("^flagMethod", names(timeseriesDataRegion), value = TRUE)
# setnames(timeseriesDataRegion,flagcols_new, rep("Status",8))
# setnames(timeseriesDataRegion,methodcols_new, rep("Method",8))


world<- subset(timeseriesData , measuredElementTrade %in% c("5610","5910","5622","5922","5630","5930","Import - Export",
                                                            "(Import/Export) - 1","Status") )


world <- world[!duplicated(world[, c("geographicAreaM49","measuredItemCPC","timePointYears","measuredElementTrade"),with=F])]

world[, Value := ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("Import - Export","(Import/Export) - 1","5630","5930","Status"), NA,Value), by=c("Country Group","measuredItemCPC"

world[, geographicAreaM49 :=NULL]

world[, `Country Group` := c("World")]

#aggregate sum

world[, Agg_Sum := ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("5610","5910","5622","5922"),
                                         sum(Value), Value), by = list(measuredItemCPC,`Country Group`, measuredElementTrade,timePointYears)]

world[,c("Value") := NULL]

world <- unique(world)

setnames(world, c("Agg_Sum"),c("Value"))

#5610 Imports
world[, Value := ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("Import - Export"),
                                       round(Value[measuredElementTrade == "5610"]-Value[measuredElementTrade == "5910"],0), Value), by=c("Country Group","measuredItemCPC"

world[, Value := ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("5630"),
                                       round((Value[measuredElementTrade == "5622"]*1000)/Value[measuredElementTrade == "5610"],0), Value),
                     by=c("Country Group","measuredItemCPC" ,"timePointYears")]

world[, Value := ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("5930"),
                                       round((Value[measuredElementTrade == "5922"]*1000)/Value[measuredElementTrade == "5910"],0), Value),
                     by=c("Country Group","measuredItemCPC" ,"timePointYears")]

world[, Value := ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("(Import/Export) - 1"),
                                       round(((Value[measuredElementTrade == "5610"]/Value[measuredElementTrade == "5910"])-1)*100), Value),
                     by=c("Country Group","measuredItemCPC","timePointYears")]

world <- world[order(measuredItemCPC, `Country Group`, timePointYears)]

growthWorld <- world[measuredElementTrade %in% c("5610","5910")]

growthWorld <-, measuredItemCPC+timePointYears+`Country Group` ~ measuredElementTrade, value.var = c("Value"))

growthWorld[,Import_growth := round(((`5610` - lag(`5610`))/lag(`5610`))*100,0) , by = c("measuredItemCPC", "Country Group")]

growthWorld[,Export_growth := round(((`5910` - lag(`5910`))/lag(`5910`))*100,0) , by = c("measuredItemCPC", "Country Group")]

growthWorld[, c("5610","5910") := NULL]

growthWorld<-, id.vars = c("measuredItemCPC","timePointYears","Country Group"),measure.vars=c("Import_growth","Export_growth"),

setnames(growthWorld, "variable","measuredElementTrade")

world <- rbind(world,growthWorld)

world[ is.nan(Value), Value := NA]
world[ Value == "Inf" , Value := NA]

world <-
    measuredElementTrade == "(Import/Export) - 1",
    .(`Country Group`, measuredItemCPC, timePointYears, s = between(Value, -5, 5))
      on = c("Country Group","measuredItemCPC","timePointYears")
        measuredElementTrade == "Status", Value := s * 1
          s := NULL

world[measuredElementTrade == "5610", measuredElementTrade := "Import_Quantity (t)"]
world[measuredElementTrade == "5910", measuredElementTrade := "Export_Quantity (t)"]
world[measuredElementTrade == "5622", measuredElementTrade := "Import Value [1000 $]"]
world[measuredElementTrade == "5922", measuredElementTrade := "Export Value [1000 $]"]
world[measuredElementTrade == "5630", measuredElementTrade := "Import UV [$/t]"]
world[measuredElementTrade == "5930", measuredElementTrade := "Export UV [$/t]"]


world <- nameData("sua-fbs", "sua_unbalanced",world)
world[, c("timePointYears_description") := NULL]
world[, Value := round(Value,0)]
setnames(world, c("measuredItemFbsSua","measuredItemFbsSua_description"),c("Commodity CPC Code", "Commodity name"))

# timeseriesDataRegion[, Value := ifelse(measuredElementTrade == "Status", NA,Value), by=c("Country Group","Commodity CPC Code","timePointYears")]

world <-, `Country Group`+`Commodity CPC Code`+`Commodity name`
                                         +measuredElementTrade ~ timePointYears, value.var = c("Value"))

setnames(world, c( "measuredElementTrade"),c("Trade Dimension"))

world[,Country:= NA]

setcolorder(world, c("Country Group","Country","Commodity name","Commodity CPC Code","Trade Dimension","2010","2011","2012","2013","2014","2015","2016","2017"))

world[, `Trade Dimension` := as.character(`Trade Dimension`)]


country <- copy(timeseriesData)

country[measuredElementTrade == "5610", measuredElementTrade := "Import_Quantity (t)"]
country[measuredElementTrade == "5910", measuredElementTrade := "Export_Quantity (t)"]
country[measuredElementTrade == "5622", measuredElementTrade := "Import Value [1000 $]"]
country[measuredElementTrade == "5922", measuredElementTrade := "Export Value [1000 $]"]
country[measuredElementTrade == "5630", measuredElementTrade := "Import UV [$/t]"]
country[measuredElementTrade == "5930", measuredElementTrade := "Export UV [$/t]"]


country <- nameData("sua-fbs", "sua_unbalanced",country)
country[, c("timePointYears_description") := NULL]
country[, Value := round(Value,0)]
setnames(country, c("measuredItemFbsSua","measuredItemFbsSua_description"),c("Commodity CPC Code", "Commodity name"))

# timeseriesDataRegion[, Value := ifelse(measuredElementTrade == "Status", NA,Value), by=c("Country Group","Commodity CPC Code","timePointYears")]

country[, c("geographicAreaM49") := NULL]

# setnames(country,"geographicAreaM49_description","Country Group")

country <-, geographicAreaM49_description +`Country Group`+`Commodity CPC Code`+`Commodity name`
                          +measuredElementTrade ~ timePointYears, value.var = c("Value","flagObservationStatus","flagMethod"))

setnames(country, c( "measuredElementTrade", "geographicAreaM49_description"),c("Trade Dimension","Country"))

yearcols <- grep("^Value", names(country), value = TRUE)

flagcols <- grep("^flagObservationStatus", names(country), value = TRUE)
flagcols_new=gsub("_", " ", flagcols, fixed=TRUE)

methodcols <- grep("^flagMethod", names(country), value = TRUE)
methodcols_new=gsub("_", " ", methodcols, fixed=TRUE)

addorder <- as.vector(rbind(yearcols_new, flagcols_new,methodcols_new))

setnames(country,yearcols, yearcols_new)
setnames(country,flagcols, flagcols_new)
setnames(country,methodcols, methodcols_new)

setcolorder(country, c("Country Group","Country","Commodity name","Commodity CPC Code","Trade Dimension",addorder))

flagcols_new <- grep("^flagObservationStatus", names(country), value = TRUE)

methodcols_new <- grep("^flagMethod", names(country), value = TRUE)

setnames(country,flagcols_new, rep("Status",8))
setnames(country,methodcols_new, rep("Method",8))

# flagcols_new <- grep("^flagObservationStatus", names(timeseriesDataRegion), value = TRUE)
# methodcols_new <- grep("^flagMethod", names(timeseriesDataRegion), value = TRUE)
# setnames(timeseriesDataRegion,flagcols_new, rep("Status",8))
# setnames(timeseriesDataRegion,methodcols_new, rep("Method",8))

country[, `Trade Dimension` := as.character(`Trade Dimension`)]

country <- subset(country, `Trade Dimension` %in% c("Import_Quantity (t)", "Export_Quantity (t)",
                                                    "Import Value [1000 $]", "Export Value [1000 $]", "Import UV [$/t]","Export UV [$/t]" ))


#timeseriesDataRegion -----> regional Data
#country -----------> country data
#world ------------> world data

world[`Trade Dimension` == "(Import/Export) - 1", `Trade Dimension` := "[(Import/Export) - 1] in %"]
world[`Trade Dimension` == "Import_growth", `Trade Dimension` := "[Import_growth] in %"]
world[`Trade Dimension` == "Export_growth", `Trade Dimension` := "[Export_growth] in % "]

timeseriesDataRegion[`Trade Dimension` == "(Import/Export) - 1", `Trade Dimension` := "[(Import/Export) - 1] in %"]
timeseriesDataRegion[`Trade Dimension` == "Import_growth", `Trade Dimension` := "[Import_growth] in %"]
timeseriesDataRegion[`Trade Dimension` == "Export_growth", `Trade Dimension` := "[Export_growth] in % "]

country[`Trade Dimension` == "(Import/Export) - 1", `Trade Dimension` := "[(Import/Export) - 1] in %"]
country[`Trade Dimension` == "Import_growth", `Trade Dimension` := "[Import_growth] in %"]
country[`Trade Dimension` == "Export_growth", `Trade Dimension` := "[Export_growth] in % "]

for (i in unique(world$`Commodity CPC Code`)){

item_name <-unique( country[,c("Commodity name","Commodity CPC Code"),with=F])

item_name <- unique(item_name[`Commodity CPC Code` == i]$`Commodity name`)

x1 <- subset(world, `Commodity CPC Code` == i)

z <- c("Import_Quantity (t)","Import Value [1000 $]", "Import UV [$/t]", "Export_Quantity (t)", "Export Value [1000 $]","Export UV [$/t]","Import - Export",
       "[(Import/Export) - 1] in %", "[Import_growth] in %", "[Export_growth] in % ", "Status" )

x1 <- x1[order(match(`Trade Dimension`, z)),]

x1_1<-rbind(x1[1:3,],x1[1:3,][nrow(x1[1:3,]) + 1L])
x1_2 <-rbind(x1[4:6,],x1[4:6,][nrow(x1[4:6,]) + 1L])
x1_3 <-rbind(x1[7:11,],x1[7:11,][nrow(x1[7:11,]) + 1L])

x1 <- rbind(x1_1,x1_2,x1_3)

x1[] <- ""

numeric_columns  <- grep("^[[:digit:]]{4}$", names(x1), value = TRUE)
x1[, (numeric_columns) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = numeric_columns]

write.xlsx(x1,paste0("T:/Team_working_folder/B_C/2. TRADE/commodity_tables/nonLivestock/", "item_", item_name,".xlsx"),row.names = F, sheet = "World summary")

z2 <- c("Import_Quantity (t)","Import Value [1000 $]", "Import UV [$/t]", "Export_Quantity (t)", "Export Value [1000 $]","Export UV [$/t]")

x2 <- subset(country, `Commodity CPC Code` == i & `Trade Dimension` %in% z2)

x2 <- x2[order(match(`Trade Dimension`, z2)),]
x2 <- x2[order(Country),]

write.xlsx(x2,paste0("T:/Team_working_folder/B_C/2. TRADE/commodity_tables/nonLivestock/", "item_", item_name,".xlsx"),row.names = F,append = TRUE, sheet = "Country details")

x3 <- subset(timeseriesDataRegion, `Commodity CPC Code` == i )

x3 <- x3[order(match(`Trade Dimension`, z)),]

xxx <- list()

for (j in unique(x3$`Country Group`)){

xx <- subset(x3, `Country Group` == j)
xx <- xx[order(match(`Trade Dimension`, z)),]

xx_1<-rbind(xx[1:3,],xx[1:3,][nrow(xx[1:3,]) + 1L])
xx_2 <-rbind(xx[4:6,],xx[4:6,][nrow(xx[4:6,]) + 1L])
xx_3 <-rbind(xx[7:11,],xx[7:11,][nrow(xx[7:11,]) + 1L])

xx <- rbind(xx_1,xx_2,xx_3)

xx[] <- ""

numeric_columns  <- grep("^[[:digit:]]{4}$", names(xx), value = TRUE)
xx[, (numeric_columns) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = numeric_columns]

xxx[[j]] <- xx


x3 <- rbindlist(xxx)

write.xlsx(x3,paste0("T:/Team_working_folder/B_C/2. TRADE/commodity_tables/nonLivestock/", "item_", item_name,".xlsx"),row.names = F,append = TRUE, sheet = "Regions")


# z <- c("Import_Quantity","Export_Quantity","Import - Export","(Import/Export) - 1","Import_growth","Export_growth","Status"
#        ,"Import Value [1000 $]","Export Value [1000 $]")
# world <- world[order(match(`Trade Dimension`, z)),]
# world  <-  world[order(`Commodity CPC Code`)]
# timeseriesDataRegion <- timeseriesDataRegion[order(match(`Trade Dimension`, z)),]
# timeseriesDataRegion  <-  timeseriesDataRegion[order(`Country Group`,`Commodity CPC Code`)]
# country <- country[order(match(`Trade Dimension`, z)),]
# country  <-  country[order(`Country`,`Commodity CPC Code`)]
# list_global <- list()
# list_global$Wold<- subset(world, `Country Group` %in% c("World"))[, `Country Group` := NULL]
# list_global$Asia <- subset(timeseriesDataRegion, `Country Group` %in% c("Asia"))[, `Country Group` := NULL]
# list_global$Asia_Country <- subset(country, `Country Group` %in% c("Asia"))[, `Country Group` := NULL]
# list_global$Africa<- subset(timeseriesDataRegion, `Country Group` %in% c("Africa"))[, `Country Group` := NULL]
# list_global$Africa_Country <- subset(country, `Country Group` %in% c("Africa"))[, `Country Group` := NULL]
# list_global$Europe<- subset(timeseriesDataRegion, `Country Group` %in% c("Europe"))[, `Country Group` := NULL]
# list_global$Europe_Country <- subset(country, `Country Group` %in% c("Europe"))[, `Country Group` := NULL]
# list_global$`European Union` <- subset(timeseriesDataRegion, `Country Group` %in% c("European Union"))[, `Country Group` := NULL]
# list_global$Europe_Union_Country <- subset(country, `Country Group` %in% c("European Union"))[, `Country Group` := NULL]
# list_global$`Northern and Central America` <- subset(timeseriesDataRegion, `Country Group` %in% c("Northern and Central America"))[, `Country Group` := NULL]
# list_global$Northern_Central_America_Country <- subset(country, `Country Group` %in% c("Northern and Central America"))[, `Country Group` := NULL]
# list_global$Oceania <- subset(timeseriesDataRegion, `Country Group` %in% c("Oceania"))[, `Country Group` := NULL]
# list_global$Oceania_Country <- subset(country, `Country Group` %in% c("Oceania"))[, `Country Group` := NULL]
# list_global$`South America` <- subset(timeseriesDataRegion, `Country Group` %in% c("South America"))[, `Country Group` := NULL]
# list_global$South_America_Country <- subset(country, `Country Group` %in% c("South America"))[, `Country Group` := NULL]
# ##########################################################################
# # wb <- createWorkbook()
# # sheet <- createSheet(wb,"Trade Tables")
# #
# # currRow <- 1
# #
# #
# # for(i in 1:length(list_global)){
# #
# #   cs <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, isBold=TRUE) + Border(position=c("BOTTOM", "LEFT", "TOP", "RIGHT"))
# #
# #   addDataFrame(rbind(data.table(names(list_global)[i]),list_global[[i]],fill= TRUE),
# #                sheet=sheet,
# #                startRow=currRow,
# #                row.names=FALSE,
# #                colnamesStyle=cs)
# #
# #   currRow <- currRow +  1 + nrow(list_global[[i]]) + 2
# # }
# #
# #
# #
# #
# #
# #
# # saveWorkbook(wb,file = "modules/Creating Tables Total Trade/new.xlsx")
# #####world
# wb <- createWorkbook()
# sheet <- createSheet(wb,"World Trade Tables")
# currRow <- 1
# for(i in 1){
#   cs <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, isBold=TRUE) + Border(position=c("BOTTOM", "LEFT", "TOP", "RIGHT"))
#   addDataFrame(rbind(data.table(names(list_global)[i]),list_global[[i]],fill= TRUE),
#                sheet=sheet,
#                startRow=currRow,
#                row.names=FALSE,
#                colnamesStyle=cs)
#   currRow <- currRow +  1 + nrow(list_global[[i]]) + 2
# }
# saveWorkbook(wb,file = "modules/Creating Tables Total Trade/world.xlsx")
# #ASia
# wb <- createWorkbook()
# sheet <- createSheet(wb,"Asia Trade Tables")
# currRow <- 1
# for(i in 2:3){
#   cs <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, isBold=TRUE) + Border(position=c("BOTTOM", "LEFT", "TOP", "RIGHT"))
#   addDataFrame(rbind(data.table(names(list_global)[i]),list_global[[i]],fill= TRUE),
#                sheet=sheet,
#                startRow=currRow,
#                row.names=FALSE,
#                colnamesStyle=cs)
#   currRow <- currRow +  1 + nrow(list_global[[i]]) + 2
# }
# saveWorkbook(wb,file = "modules/Creating Tables Total Trade/Asia.xlsx")
# ##Africa
# wb <- createWorkbook()
# sheet <- createSheet(wb,"Africa Trade Tables")
# currRow <- 1
# for(i in 4:5){
#   cs <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, isBold=TRUE) + Border(position=c("BOTTOM", "LEFT", "TOP", "RIGHT"))
#   addDataFrame(rbind(data.table(names(list_global)[i]),list_global[[i]],fill= TRUE),
#                sheet=sheet,
#                startRow=currRow,
#                row.names=FALSE,
#                colnamesStyle=cs)
#   currRow <- currRow +  1 + nrow(list_global[[i]]) + 2
# }
# saveWorkbook(wb,file = "modules/Creating Tables Total Trade/Africa.xlsx")
# #####Europe
# wb <- createWorkbook()
# sheet <- createSheet(wb,"Europe Trade Tables")
# currRow <- 1
# for(i in 6:7){
#   cs <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, isBold=TRUE) + Border(position=c("BOTTOM", "LEFT", "TOP", "RIGHT"))
#   addDataFrame(rbind(data.table(names(list_global)[i]),list_global[[i]],fill= TRUE),
#                sheet=sheet,
#                startRow=currRow,
#                row.names=FALSE,
#                colnamesStyle=cs)
#   currRow <- currRow +  1 + nrow(list_global[[i]]) + 2
# }
# saveWorkbook(wb,file = "modules/Creating Tables Total Trade/Europe.xlsx")
# #####Europe Union
# wb <- createWorkbook()
# sheet <- createSheet(wb,"Europe Union Trade Tables")
# currRow <- 1
# for(i in 8:9){
#   cs <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, isBold=TRUE) + Border(position=c("BOTTOM", "LEFT", "TOP", "RIGHT"))
#   addDataFrame(rbind(data.table(names(list_global)[i]),list_global[[i]],fill= TRUE),
#                sheet=sheet,
#                startRow=currRow,
#                row.names=FALSE,
#                colnamesStyle=cs)
#   currRow <- currRow +  1 + nrow(list_global[[i]]) + 2
# }
# saveWorkbook(wb,file = "modules/Creating Tables Total Trade/EuropeUnion.xlsx")
# ## North and Central America
# wb <- createWorkbook()
# sheet <- createSheet(wb,"Northern and Central Trade Tables")
# currRow <- 1
# for(i in 10:11){
#   cs <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, isBold=TRUE) + Border(position=c("BOTTOM", "LEFT", "TOP", "RIGHT"))
#   addDataFrame(rbind(data.table(names(list_global)[i]),list_global[[i]],fill= TRUE),
#                sheet=sheet,
#                startRow=currRow,
#                row.names=FALSE,
#                colnamesStyle=cs)
#   currRow <- currRow +  1 + nrow(list_global[[i]]) + 2
# }
# saveWorkbook(wb,file = "modules/Creating Tables Total Trade/North_Central_America.xlsx")
# #Oceana
# wb <- createWorkbook()
# sheet <- createSheet(wb,"Oceania Trade Tables")
# currRow <- 1
# for(i in 12:13){
#   cs <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, isBold=TRUE) + Border(position=c("BOTTOM", "LEFT", "TOP", "RIGHT"))
#   addDataFrame(rbind(data.table(names(list_global)[i]),list_global[[i]],fill= TRUE),
#                sheet=sheet,
#                startRow=currRow,
#                row.names=FALSE,
#                colnamesStyle=cs)
#   currRow <- currRow +  1 + nrow(list_global[[i]]) + 2
# }
# saveWorkbook(wb,file = "modules/Creating Tables Total Trade/Oceania.xlsx")
# #South America
# wb <- createWorkbook()
# sheet <- createSheet(wb,"Sounth America Trade Tables")
# currRow <- 1
# for(i in 14:15){
#   cs <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, isBold=TRUE) + Border(position=c("BOTTOM", "LEFT", "TOP", "RIGHT"))
#   addDataFrame(rbind(data.table(names(list_global)[i]),list_global[[i]],fill= TRUE),
#                sheet=sheet,
#                startRow=currRow,
#                row.names=FALSE,
#                colnamesStyle=cs)
#   currRow <- currRow +  1 + nrow(list_global[[i]]) + 2
# }
# saveWorkbook(wb,file = "modules/Creating Tables Total Trade/South_America.xlsx")
SWS-Methodology/faoswsTrade documentation built on Feb. 13, 2023, 1:04 a.m.