
#' Uses output from filter_regions() to build the predictor
#' This function takes the output from filter_regions() and builds the
#' phenotype predictor to be used for phenotype prediction in a new
#' data set. This function outputs the fits (coefficient estimates, `coefEsts`)
#' from the model for the selectied regions as well as the rows selected
#' (`trainingProbes`) from the input data.
#' @param inputdata output from filter_regions() \code{inputdata}
#' @param phenodata data set with phenotype information; samples in rows,
#' variables in columns \code{phenodata}
#' @param phenotype phenotype of interest \code{phenotype}
#' @param type The class of the phenotype of interest (numeric, factor)
#' @param covariates Which covariates to include in model \code{covariates}
#' @param numRegions The number of regions per class of variable of interest
#' to pull out from each chromosome (default: 10) \code{numRegions}
#' @return An n x m data.frame of coefficient estimates and region indices
#' for each of the regions included from filter_regions()
#' along with regiondata and indices for trainingProbes
#' @keywords phenotype, prediction, coefficient estimates
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix as.formula lm quantile
#' @importFrom gdata drop.levels
#' @importFrom splines ns
#' @importFrom limma lmFit topTable eBayes
#' @importFrom broom tidy
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library('GenomicRanges')
#' library('dplyr')
#' ## Make up some some region data
#' regions <- GRanges(seqnames = 'chr2', IRanges(
#'      start = c(28971710:28971712, 29555081:29555083, 29754982:29754984),
#'      end = c(29462417:29462419, 29923338:29923340, 29917714:29917716)))
#' ## make up some expression data for 9 rows and 30 people
#' data(sysdata, package='phenopredict')
#' ## includes R object 'cm'
#' exp= cm[1:length(regions),1:30]
#' ## generate some phenotype information
#' sex = as.data.frame(rep(c("male","female"),each=15))
#' age = as.data.frame(sample(1:100,30))
#' pheno = dplyr::bind_cols(sex,age)
#' colnames(pheno) <- c("sex","age")
#' ## filter regions to be used to build the predictor
#' inputdata <- filter_regions(expression=exp, regiondata=regions,
#' phenodata=pheno, phenotype="sex", covariates=NULL,type="factor",
#' numRegions=2)
#' ## build phenotype predictor
#' predictor<-build_predictor(inputdata=inputdata ,phenodata=pheno,
#' 	phenotype="sex", covariates=NULL,type="factor", numRegions=2)

build_predictor <- function(inputdata = NULL ,
                            phenodata = NULL,
                            phenotype = NULL,
                            covariates = NULL,
                            type = NULL,
                            numRegions = NULL) {
  ## first, some checks
  type <- match.arg(type, c("factor", "numeric"))

  if (is.null(inputdata)) {
    stop('Must specify inputdata to use.
         This is the output from filter_regions()')
  if (is.null(phenodata)) {
    stop('Must include phenotype file.')
  if (!(type %in% c('factor', 'binary', 'numeric'))) {
    stop('Phenotype you are predicting must be either "factor" or "numeric"')
  if (phenotype %in% covariates) {
    stop('Your phenotype of interest is also in your covariates.
         Fix that first, please!')
  if (is.numeric(numRegions) == FALSE) {
    stop('Specify how many regions per category type you want
         to select with numRegions')
  if (ncol(inputdata$covmat) != nrow(phenodata)) {
    stop('The number of samples in your inputdata must be the
         same as in your phenotype file')

  yGene = inputdata$covmat
  pd = phenodata

  if (!is.null(covariates)) {
    if (!all(covariates %in% names(pd))) {
        'Covariate included that is not in the prediction set.
        Please double check "covariates" argument.'

    ## pull out covariates to be included in the model
    covar_data = pd[, covariates, drop = FALSE]
    ##drop unused levels for any factor covariates
    covar_data = gdata::drop.levels(covar_data)

    ## instead of using rowttests, use LmFit
    ## to compute differences & to include covariates
    covars <-
      stats::as.formula(paste("~ ", paste(covariates, collapse = "+")))
    mm = stats::model.matrix(covars, data = covar_data)

  ## instead of using rowttests, use LmFit
  ## to compute differences & to include covariates
  # message("Preparing Model")

  if (type == "factor") {
    ## get list indeces for each group in the factor
    tIndexes <-
      split(seq_len(nrow(pd)), droplevels(pd[, phenotype, drop = FALSE]))

    tstatList <- lapply(tIndexes, function(i) {
      x <- rep(0, ncol(yGene))
      x[i] <- 1

      if (!is.null(covariates)) {
        design = as.data.frame(cbind(x, mm))
      } else{
        design = as.data.frame(cbind(x = x))

      fit = limma::lmFit(yGene, design)			##### this is the SLOWWWW part
      eb = limma::eBayes(fit)

        limma::topTable(eb, 1, n = numRegions)
    ## Note that in lmFit,
    # g1mean <- rowMeans(normalized data in grp1)
    # g2mean <- rowMeans(normalized data in grp2)
    # fc <- g1mean - g2mean

    # in case not all have the number of probes
    cellSpecificList = lapply(tstatList, function(x)
    trainingProbes <- unique(unlist(cellSpecificList))

  if (type == "numeric") {
    x = pd[, phenotype, drop = FALSE]

    if (!is.null(covariates)) {
      design = cbind(model.matrix( ~ splines::ns(get(phenotype),
                                                 df = 5) - 1, data =
                                     pd), mm)
    } else{
      design = model.matrix( ~ splines::ns(get(phenotype), df = 5) - 1,
                             data = pd)

    fit = limma::lmFit(yGene, design)
    eb = limma::eBayes(fit)

    cellSpecificList = as.numeric(rownames(limma::topTable(eb, 1:5,
                                                           n = numRegions)))
    trainingProbes = unique(cellSpecificList[!is.na(cellSpecificList)])

  regiondata = inputdata$regiondata[trainingProbes]

  ## Step2
  # step 2: use the `minfi::validationCellType` function
  # to get the coefficients for prediction
  # you have to make the formula to pass, but we have some code
  # in the `minfi:::pickCompProbes` function
  # it looks something like this, where `probeList` is really
  # `cellSpecificInd` from above
  # message("Calculating Coefficients")
  p = yGene

  ## okay, now go ahead...
  p <- p[trainingProbes,]
  # pMeans <- colMeans(p)
  if (type == "factor") {
    pd[, phenotype] <- droplevels(as.factor(pd[, phenotype]))
    pd[, phenotype] <- gsub(" ", "", pd[, phenotype])
    pd[, phenotype] <- factor(pd[, phenotype])
    # names(pMeans) <- pd[,phenotype]
    form <- stats::as.formula(sprintf("y ~ %s - 1",
                                        droplevels(as.factor(pd[, phenotype]))
                                      collapse = "+")))
    phenoDF <-
      as.data.frame(stats::model.matrix( ~ pd[, phenotype] - 1))
    colnames(phenoDF) <- sub("^pd\\[, phenotype]", "",

    if (ncol(phenoDF) == 2) {
      X <- as.matrix(phenoDF)
      coefEsts <- t(solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% t(p))
    } else{
      # tmp <- minfi:::validationCellType(Y = as.matrix(p),
      tmp <- validationCellType(Y = as.matrix(p),
                                pheno = phenoDF,
                                modelFix = form)
      coefEsts <- tmp$coefEsts

    res <- list(
      coefEsts = coefEsts,
      trainingProbes = trainingProbes,
      regiondata = regiondata

  if (type == "numeric") {
    # in build predictor do this
    ## check to make sure that 5*ER !> N throw an error,
    ## you have more expressed region terms w/ spline than sample size
    exp_data = as.data.frame(t(p[trainingProbes,]))
    colnames(exp_data) <- paste0("exp_", 1:ncol(exp_data))

    # Prepare model
    # Fit ns(expression, 5) for each expressed region
    l = 5

    ## set knots to values that are nonzero
    knot_pick <- function(x) {
      ## determine quantile values for expression

      vals <- seq(0, 1, 0.1)
      quants <- quantile(x, probs = vals)
      #figure out where to put first knot
      minval <- min(which(quants > 0))
      # space evenly from there
      if (minval == 1) {
        knot_val <- c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8)
        #Then the basis will include two boundary knots and 4 internal knots,
        # placed at the 20th, 40th, 60th, and 80th quantiles of x, respectively.
        # The boundary knots, by default, are placed at the min and max of x.

      } else{
        spacing <- (1 - vals[minval]) / 4
        knot_val <- seq(vals[minval], 1, spacing)[1:4]
      # define knots
      knots_x <- quantile(x, probs = knot_val)
    knots_picked <- apply(exp_data, 2, knot_pick)

    X = model.matrix(as.formula(paste0("~",
                                           " splines::ns(",
                                         collapse = "+"
                                       ))), data = exp_data)

    ## Model data
    lm1 = lm(pd[, phenotype] ~ X, data = exp_data)

    ## get coefEsts
    coefEsts = broom::tidy(lm1)[, 2]

    #get coefficient estimates for regions included in topTable
    res <- list(
      coefEsts = coefEsts,
      trainingProbes = trainingProbes,
      regiondata = regiondata,
      knots_picked = knots_picked


ShanEllis/phenopredict documentation built on May 9, 2019, 1:24 p.m.